Big 1+ from me as well.
Every time (not many, thankfully) I’ve contacted support, they’ve always done right by me. Very much appreciated.
I’m keeping an open mind about this, but there is a good chance that I will.
For the past almost 5 years, I played Thief/Daredevil, Guardian/DH, and Warrior/Berserker fairly equally (PvE player only here). Still like the Thief builds, but am tired of the current Guardian and Warrior builds. Don’t like the direction that PoF is taking for Thief and Guardian. Not sure how the Warrior PoF elite will work for PvE, since it seems focused on WvW and PvP.
Because of this, I recently leveled up an Ele (Tempest is a blast!) and am leveling up an Engie to try in PoF. The Ele Weaver spec needs some cool down numbers adjustment to make it less clunky for me to consider it as main. I really dug the Holosmith during the recent trial (enough to make me level up an Engie – a class that I didn’t care for previously).
So far from what I’ve seen, the Holosmith is the melee spec that I’ve been looking for in this game for a while and has a very good chance of being my new main. Otherwise, my old condi DD evade daredevil or maybe my new power DX Tempest will take that spot.
One more thing about the Holosmith – please update the offhands and rifle to work with the heat mechanic (underwater weapons would be nice as well!).
I’m a PvE player, so this is based on my time on the golem in the mysts and the rare NPC that I could get access to when the crowds died down. It would have been nice to get a PvE instance to try these out in.
I found that the Firebrand seemed slow and clunky, but had nice animations. I didn’t like the tomes mechanic and the cool downs were way too long. Axe main hand seemed to be underpowered. Unless there are some significant buffs/changes, I don’t foresee switching to it.
Spellbreaker had interesting mechanics, but I don’t know how useful it will be when actually using it. Mainhand dagger stacks a lot of might, but seemed a tad underpowered. I hope it outperforms the Berserker condi meta build because I’d love to switch, and will just have to wait and see on it.
I didn’t like the Deadeye at all, but I am not a fan of sniper style gameplay so this is no surprise. I typically play an evasion thief, so the kneel/root felt very out of place. I will not be changing my DD condi Daredevil for this.
The Weaver has potential, but the cool down on attunement switching has to change. It feels very clunky with no flow to it. Also, the sword is underpowered. I actually had better luck switching out the main hand sword to dagger, running DD. Finally, the barrier mechanic decays too quickly and needs to be much larger to have any effect. Great animations, beautiful actually! I am hopeful that a Weaver build will be viable, because I’d love to play it.
Tried the Soulbeast briefly, but it didn’t grab me. Also, the animation of the aura was not appealing to me at all. I will not be playing one.
The Holosmith was a big surprise! Great animations and design theme. I really want to commend the team that worked on this spec! This is the Asura-themed melee profession that I always hoped we’d get. Very much looking forward to playing it and I may have found my new main character. I was on the fence about the expansion before, but this spec sold me on it!
I didn’t try Necro, Revenant, or Mesmer.
One final comment, please get rid of the unidentified loot. I find the whole concept extremely off putting!
I’m on the fence about the expansion after playing the demo. My comments -
Beautiful (as always) looking map.
Music was great.
New enemies with interesting attacks and animations.
Mount looks good (but could do with another dye chanel).
Mount feel clunky and sluggish, can’t strafe R and L, gets stuck on small elevations of terrain. Can’t transition directly from mounted to gliding.
The story was uninspiring. The whole Rytlock conversation was poorly done.
The map feels empty and upsized only to give mounts a reason to exist.
Lack of WPs and other means of travel (mushrooms, etc,) that I spent time mastering previously, probably again to give mounts a reason to exist.
Repeating hearts. Very much not a fan of this. Even worse that it was part of the personal story.
Really Bad:
Unidentified loot. This really has no place in a game made today and the way it was implemented in the demo has me questioning purchasing the expansion.
Wow, didn’t notice this at first and had to log back in to check it out. Really not a fan of this new expac “feature.” Adding unidentified loot that requires either another tool (or worse yet, a repeating heart quest/vendor) to identify and costing silvers (likely more that the value of the loot) is not an appealing feature to me. If you separated out the loot by quality, decreased the cost, and didn’t tie it to the repeating heart quests, then I think you’d be on to something helpful and useful.
I realize that it is a demo and that the final product may change. Unfortunately, I was not wowed by it so far.
I liked the non-verticality of the map. To this day Dry Top is one of my least favorite places to go.
I liked the artwork. GW2 has always been a beautiful visual experience and this holds up in the new map.
I didn’t like the story dialog at all. It feels now that my character is just another NPC reading scripted lines that my character wouldn’t say if I had any control over it. The whole handling of Rytlock being in the Mists (i.e. we aren’t going to tell you because reasons) and how we address him was just unsatisfying and off putting.
I didn’t like the mounts. The raptor feels slow and clunky. It gets stuck on terrain in places where I can’t see why it would. You can’t strafe R or L. Map was made larger with few wps, but not much content/activity in the extra map real estate. It really seems to me the maps were designed like this only to justify the addition of mounts and I find this to be uninspiring.
I’ll wait until I get a chance to demo the new elites next weekend before I make the final call on the expansion.
(edited by stone cold.8609)
To the OP, if you open one of the gear crates in your starting inventory you get a full set of armor and weapons where you can select the stats and you can also change the traits. Set your character up to something that you are comfortable with and then run the instance. Also, I’ve found that not all fractal builds are optimal for solo PvE and that some need to be tweaked for solo play.
I’ve run through it twice on a guardian. I agree that the starting configuration of the character isn’t ideal for my play style, so I just mirrored what I usually run outside of the beta for general solo PvE – typical melee hammer/scepter+torch. I stayed on hammer the entire time. I have to say, I didn’t find the instance to be over tuned, or actually very difficult – more tedious than anything else. While there are a number of adds, they seemed to be in groups of 3-4 that dropped in a few hammer swings + spirit sword/PoB swings. I don’t remember having 20 on me at once, not even 10. Most of the adds seemed to be more interested in attacking the NPC than they were me actually. The dogs seemed to be slightly more like HP sponges than anything really dangerous as long as you didn’t stand in their AOE and dodge the projectile attack. The herald was definitely a HP sponge with a very slow telegraphed big attack that seemed fairly easy to walk out of in melee range. Again just stay out of the attack and avoid the burning AOE.
I might run through it again with an FA ele or a condi DD thief to see if it more difficult with them.
What follows with the fire extinguisher/heart quest was a bigger problem, in my opinion and not very inspiring design for making me want to play the new content.
Good luck and keep trying!
(edited by stone cold.8609)
Thanks all. I just checked – my hotkey doesn’t work, but if I click the map icon in the lower left corner of the map, it works. Does anyone else’s hot key for map work while mounted?
Deleted my OP by accident.
(edited by stone cold.8609)
Hammer DPS may be better than GS now. Of course, someone with better math skills should verify…
I was at 100% map completion before the patch. Now I’m at 99% and missing one POI. Didn’t see anything in the patch notes about adding a new one. Anyone know where the new POI is?
EDIT: I just found it. It is in Lion’s arch, just south of Commodore’s Quarters. Not sure why it was added though.
(edited by stone cold.8609)
There are a couple approaches that I found worked for me.
A couple of things to keep in mind. Blinds, stuns, and evades help tremendously with survival. Bringing the damage is important for survival as a thief, so use the gear stats that have as much offense as you are comfortable with. Always try to keep attacking! Even after taking a big hit and low on health. Signet of malice passive (try to never activate it) is our one of our most sustainable heals as long as you do damage. It never leaves my bar in PvE, no matter condi or power build. Daredevil line is crucial to survival as well. Also I don’t rely on stealth for survival in PvE. It has it place for skips in group content, but that’s it for me. If you are getting shot from range, try leading with steal to negate the distance.
Power builds.
CS/Trick (or DA)/Daredevil: Staff/PP – Take dash. Take Invigorating precision for more heals on crits. Staff 4 gives you a long acting blind. So staff auto plus 4 liberally makes you almost invincible (as long as target not immune to blinds). PP unloads are almost a full heal and easily can give you 15+ stacks of might – great damage, heals. Try something like engage with steal, staff auto + 4, if things get too hot disengage with dash, switch to PP, couple of unloads to top of health and reposition, switch back to staff, steal to re-engage. I ran something like this with typical zerker stats in HoT for a long time with good success.
S/P is also worth looking at for skill 3 pistol whip’s stun. There is a root involved and a pause between skill that you have to manage. Skill 5 gives you a blind field, but at the cost of 6 ini I rarely use it since is starves my damage, and if you aren’t attacking, you aren’t healing!
Condi build
DA/Trick/Daredevil: DD/(DD, SB or PP) Take lotus training. Typical meta condi thief traits – caltrops on dodge, venom traits. This is my current favorite thief build. Very active play style, like nothing else I’ve tried in the game. Survival is based on evades (3 dodges, and dagger 3 lotus blossom spam) and condi damage (caltrops, venoms, bleeds, blinds). Feels crazy and out of control at first, but once you get the timing down, amazing damage and sustainability. Try something like this. Engage with steal, dodge, lotus blossom x 2, auto attack a few times, repeat. Always keep moving. If things get too hot, dodge away to lay down some caltrops and activate impaling lotus and give condis a chance to heal you a bit, switch to PP unload for some health and might (or SB 4), switch back to DD, re-engage with steal. I’m currently running this with Vipers stats everywhere with good success.
Good luck and I hope some of this is helpful!
(edited by stone cold.8609)
Something Asura themed please. Maybe golems or something holographic from SAB. I’d love to match my SAB weapons and glider skins…
Great job on this! Fits the Asura theme perfectly and finally gives me an alternative to Cultural T3 armor on my Asura.
If you make Dynamics themed weapon skins, I’ll be big trouble…
Hellos Gw2 Forum,
This is my first time commenting on gw2 forums but I finally felt the incredible urge to express my discontent for the past 3 days while attempting to play the game. At this point, Anet should first somehow stop the DDOS attacks on their end, and then rollback everyone’s progress in the game to the state it was before the DDOS attacks happened because I think that’s the fairest way for people who complained about pvp/wvw pip loss along with not being able to obtain any raid loot in pve. I think this is the fairest way to solve all the discontent currently brewing in the Gw2 community by reverting back the game to it’s original state 3 days ago. This way everyone is back to where they were 3 days ago with no losses and no gains. I hope you guys will consider this seriously as an alternative peaceful solution after the DDOS attacks stop.-Best wishes,
Congrats on the first post! While I understand that this has been frustrating, I don’t agree with the roll back suggestion. Despite the numerous lag spikes and D/Cs, I managed to get about 35% map completion with a new character additionally gaining numerous mats, keys, and transmutation crystals in the process while this has been going on. If the last 3 days progress is rolled back, I would loose all of this. Not to mention the daily bonuses and time gated crafting that I did as well.
Likewise, massive lag, many D/Cs. Can’t really play the game as it is right now.
I had a POI that didn’t show on the map until I happened to travel near it. I initially thought it was in the JP, but it was under it.
Sorry for any confusion. I deleted my OP instead of hitting the edit button…
(edited by stone cold.8609)
Thanks for the info Astralporing! I didn’t know that.
I get the OP’s frustration and agree that the current system isn’t the best.
That being said, I think Anet may have given us the escort event as a way to work around this gate. The escort really is about the same difficulty level as the average dungeon path, can easily be finished with a group of pugs without voice in less time that it takes to do an Arah path. Just join a silent escort run, figure out who is running the turrets and who is protecting Glenna, and watch for the back wargs. That’s it. No complicated mechanics or team co-ordination necessary. Do it once, and the reward track is open and problem solved.
I just wanted to send a quick thank you to Anet for bringing back the SAB glider for those of us that missed it last time.
I just wanted to give a public thank you to the GM2 Support team. I sent them a ticket on Saturday evening EST and had a response from GM Tywrath by the time I logged back on today Sunday morning. Great job!
Please bring back the electromagnetic descender glider.
Just a request for the electromagnetic descender glider skin to be brought back to the gem store. I missed it the last time it was available and I’d like to buy it. Any chance it will make a reappearance soon?
From my experience, the final boss fight may have been reset to pre-nerf status. I just ran 3 well geared characters through this episode:
I ran one character on Sunday morning, no Jade aspect and good telegraphs from boss.
I ran another character Sunday afternoon, Jade aspect was back, didn’t notice the telegraphs from boss.
I ran another character Monday morning, Jade aspect was back, and essentially no telegraphs from boss on his big hit skill.
Without the Jade aspect and with good boss telegraphs, this is a fair fight. I actually kind of enjoyed it.
With the Jade aspect and no boss telegraphs, I can see where the complaints are coming from. It really becomes a tedious and frustrating event.
Is this a bug? Has anyone else noticed this? Can someone from Anet check on this please?
(edited by stone cold.8609)
Thanks for the information all! I think it is time for me to stop checking in and move on.
Again, I wish all of you that are still playing Good Game!
I stopped playing about 6 months ago (yes, largely due to the ascended gear grind), but have been checking in from time to time in the hope that there would be some changes to the game that would entice me back. About 3 months ago, there was an encouraging CDI thread about Vertical progression. Now that all that time has passed, has anyone noticed any substantive in game changes that have been or can be attributed to it?
I stopped playing the game about 3 months ago. I haven’t posted to the forums since, but wanted to log in to contribute to this remarkable thread. My comments are only meant to reflect my observations/opinions.
I really think the game has great potential and gets many things very right (especially all things Asuran), which is why I haven’t completely given up on it yet. I was probably considered a “serious casual” player. I had 1300+ hours spread over 3 fully geared BIS level 80 characters, map completion, dungeon master title, and around 4400 AP. I didn’t have a main and was content to hang out in Rata Sum or Metrica helping guildies or newbies with quests, running dungeons, or soloing champs in Orr. As a former long time Diablo 2 player, I was planning on spending many years doing this and never felt that I needed vertical progression to keep me with the game. In short, I was very satisfied with the state of the game then.
I only started to play GW2 because of the initial marketing messages of no grind, no vertical progression, BIS exotics should be easy to get (and let’s be honest, that is how the game was marketed). I didn’t want the typical MMO experience. When the game changed focus abruptly and added the unnecessary, overly grindy and expensive ascended tier (in my opinion) and the overabundance of time gates, it went from the best gaming experience I had to one of the worst (again, in my opinion). I now no longer had BIS. I had an evergrowing list of tasks that I had to do each day or fall behind with no chance to catch up. And to top it all off, I had to craft (which is something I don’t care for in any game) to get ascended. I really tried to get with the new game direction because I really liked the Asuran immersion, but it was really no fun anymore for me so I just stopped playing.
The point of my post is to say that there have been a lot of great suggestions brought up in this thread (and I’ve read all 39 pages) which has lead to the proposal that Chris said he will discuss internally. If some of these ideas are actually implemented in game in a way that will lessen the impact of ascended gear and time gating, I’ll happily get my Asura out of storage and come back to Tyria.
I’ll be checking back every now and then to see if something substantive comes out of these efforts. I do commend the Chris and the ANET team for reaching out to us like this and am hopeful for the best.
To everyone still playing, I wish you all good game!
(edited by stone cold.8609)
I agree, the game has changed. And unfortunately, I found this past week that the direction it has gone is no longer something that I am interested in and so I will be taking a very long break from it.
I have never agreed with the concept of ascended gear and really don’t think it belongs in the game. But since many parts of the game were enjoyable, I was willing to give it a try. I resigned myself to having only one main character and not playing my alts any more because with the time gating there would be no realistic way I could gear up them all. I don’t enjoy crafting, but leveled up to 400 the huntsman, weaponsmith, and artificer professions in preparation for the new crafting to 500 for ascended weapons. I don’t really find zerging champions fun, but it’s not too hard at least. I even started running jumping puzzles and found that while I don’t really like them, they aren’t as bad as I remembered.
Now that I’ve had a chance to see the actual implementation of the ascended weapons and the huge time and money sink that it really is, I have lost all desire to play a game that has chosen this direction. Just thinking of the things I was willing to change about the way I play the game to get ascended gear makes me wonder what I was thinking.
For all of you that that will continue with the game, I wish you good luck! I’ll probably check back now and then for a while to see if by chance the game direction changes to something that is more favorable to what I am interested in a game (something more similar to the horizontal only progression focus that the game had originally).
(edited by stone cold.8609)
Grenth just opened on Anvil Rock NA.
Thank you for the response! I’ll wait until Tuesday then.
I’ve read the update on ascended weapon crafting and am still confused. Can someone tell me what components are time gated and where they will be available in game? Are any of these time gated components account bound? Also, could someone tell me which components are account bound?
I’m relatively new to crafting and am finding these new recipes confusing…
From what I’ve been able to read, ascended gear will be mostly be available through crafting (and rare loot drops). Does anyone know if the crafted weapons will be account bound and available to all my characters or only able to be used by the character that crafted them? Also, will crafted ascended weapons be able to be sold on the TP? Trying to decide if I have to level up my crafting professions…
I’ve been trying out a 0/30/20/0/20 LB + S/x build in PvE and am wondering what armor would a good match for it. I’m currently running it with my full Zerker set up and it is working fine, FWIW. Would Rampagers, Rabid, or Apothecary be a better match? Also, what would be a good set for WvW?
Don’t forget to try the Sword/Focus combo if you are building for DPS.
Rawr – that is great to know! I’ll just keep at it then.
I came late to the game and am only now trying for map completion. I’ve been watching my server WvW for the last couple of weeks and have come to find out that I am on one of the bottom tier servers for WvW. Therefore, we always come in last and the maps never change. I’ve managed to get most of the EB, all of my homeland borderland map, and a bit of the other borderland maps.
Anyone have any suggestions as to how I get map completion? Do the maps ever change so that I will have a chance to complete the map?
There are 2 DPS builds commonly being used: the 30/0/0/10/30 and the 30/25/0/0/15 (see above links). As for weapons, AM/AX, AM/GS, GS only are good choices. Some weapon combos work better with one build than the other. I personally find AM/Ax to feel a little less mobile than I’d like, and find the GS only to be too dependent on landing your rooted 100B attack. You can build to suit your personal preferences.
I am also going through a similar exercise with my DPS Dungeon Thief, Guardian, and Warrior. They all play and feel differently, but for me the Warrior brings a level of single target and multiple target DPS, with mobility and sustainability (with the new changes to Healing Signet) that I don’t have with either my Thief (who has better single target DPS and mobility, but less multiple target DPS and sustainability) or my Guardian (who has slightly better sustainability, but less DPS and mobility).
It’s definitely worth leveling one up to see for yourself.
I agree with the OP.
Very nice! Thank you for making this resource.
From what I’ve seen, there are 2 DPS PvE Warrior specs that are commonly used, the 30/15/0/0/15 (as Grok Krog outlined above) and the 30/0/0/10/30 that takes Heightened Focus in Discipline. I’ve used both since the patch and find them to be very comparable for soloing and PUGing dungeons (but I usually run A/M + GS). The second build should give slightly more DPS in an organized group I’ve been told. Since you are not using axes, I think the first build will work better for you.
For a ranged weapon for PvE, I like LB better. The F1 skill works very well since the mobs will sit in the fire field the entire time and take full damage. As a warrior you have a naturally high health pool, so I’d take as much Bezerker stat items as you feel comfortable with. Either full zerk, or maybe Knights stats armor with zerk trinkets/weapons. Ruby orbs/jewels are a cheap way to get good DPS. I tend to like the flat stat bonus weapon sigils like force or accuracy.
Same character, different paths should give you 60 for each path per day. Repeating a path with that character will give you 20, or 10 depending on the speed of the run (think COF path 1 runners). Different character, same path will give 60 or 30, depending on the speed of your runs. I’m not sure about the exact time, but it seems to happen if I run it within about 30 min or so.
As far as I know, we have never given the exact times or rules for this diminishing returns.
Run a lot of exp dungeons as well maybe?
You could try a 30/0/10/0/30 build and take Dogged March to reduce the condition duration and still keep your DPS up. If that isn’t enough, then you could go 20 into Defense to get Cleansing Ire and change up the build to use burst to help clean conditions. The new PvP LB/melee (Sw/x) builds like 0/30/20/0/20 work well in PvE also, FWIW. These builds don’t have as much DPS as your current build, but are made to use burst on cool down so will clear 3 conditions every 10 sec or so, as long as you can land your burst (which shouldn’t be too hard in PvE).
Most of the trash mobs also telegraph their CC moves if you know what to look for and can be dodged, just like the big hits. In Orr the mobs will agro from a much greater distance than most of the rest of the game, so you are probably being hit from behind by mobs that you though you ran by unnoticed only to get hit by a CC move after you’ve gone by them.
If you can run dungeons with your build, then open world PvE should be no problem for you. Dungeons are a huge step up in difficulty and damage from open world and quite frankly almost any build will work there. I’d suggest that you just try it as is, then make some changes if necessary. FWIW, I use a similar dungeon built warrior to farm all of open world, but spend most of my time in Orr with absolutely no problems.
Personally, I’d like to see the video and build guide. It is possible that there may be better ways to run than what is currently being done and unless I am open to new possibilities, I won’t ever progress.
Been trying this build out in PvE, and it works fine there as well. It has a different play style then the typical melee GS + A/x build, but once you get used to mixing range and melee and using your burst LB AOE on cool down (LB bursting at your feet, standing in the fire field, switching to S/x to melee/stack bleeds, repeat), it is quite engaging to play. It also works with pretty much any off hand you like. You might get some comments about why is your Warrior using a bow and not a GS, so be prepared!
It been fine in the few dungeons I’ve run with it so far, but it does do less DPS than the standard DPS 30/0/0/10/10 GS + A/M build. I’m not very good with numbers, so could someone give me an estimate of how much less DPS this build would do over the standard DPS one?
I’ve been running the typical 30/0/0/10/30 Berserker Warrior PvE DPS dungeon build, but I’d like to use Cleansing Ire and F1 Burst (probably axe) off cooldown with it and was wondering what would be the best way to do it. Maybe 20/0/20/0/30 or 30/0/20/0/20 or 0/30/20/0/20 or something else? Anyone have any idea roughly how much DPS I’d loose over the standard set-up?
I’ve run lots of dungeons on my Thief and find the class to perform very well there. You’ve been given some good advice from the previous posters and I’d like to add my perspective about dungeon running with one. The Thief is a very mobile class that can bring a lot of DPS, along with blinds and stealth. However, it is a low toughness/vitality class. Also the way the dungeons are set up currently, it tends to be a DPS race, since you can’t tank the big hits that you’d want to anyway so you want to burn down the mobs before they can 1-2 shot you or you make a mistake and miss a dodge. This is why DPS and dodges/evades are so important in dungeons and why most builds focus on them.
I think some of the problems you are having is because your build, gear, and traits aren’t really optimized for dungeon running. Your damage, crit chance, and crit rate are just too low to do enough DPS to burn down the mobs before they burn you down. Also, you don’t have a lot of dodges/evades in your build, which contributes to your survival.
First, I’d suggest changing up your gear to be more DPS focused, with Berserker stats on the weapons and trinkets, gloves, boots, and shoulders. The rest of the armor can be Soldiers, Knights, or Valkyries (depending on what defensive stats you value most). Depending on how well you know the encounters and dodge, you can add in more Berserker armor. I’ve never found condition damage or healing power to be that helpful on a dungeon Thief build. I’d also suggest going with ruby orbs and jewels in every slot.
Next, your traits are heavily weighted for DPS which would be find if you weren’t having survival trouble, but may not be the best set up for you currently. Keeping 30 in CS line gives you a good base for damage, getting at least 20 into Acro gives you more dodging for survival and initiative regeneration, and getting at least 10 into SA will give you access to the great adept traits that will give you more survivability (blind on stealth, condition removal on stealth, initiative in stealth are especially good). There are a lot of ways to build, but you could try the old standby dungeon build of 0/30/20/20/0. When you can run that with full Berserker gear and good surviviablity, then consider going back to the 25/30/x/x/x spec.
For utilities, SR almost never leaves my bar in dungeons since my group expects me to have it. After that, smoke screen is very useful against projectiles, Infiltrators signet for the passive initiative regen and active stun break (Thieves are especially vulnerable when stunned I’ve found and have poor access to stability), Signet of Agility for the passive precision boost and active condition removal. For heals, all are situationally useful, but I tend to have Withdraw up most of the time.
All of the weapon sets are situationally useful (except P/D since this is not a condition build). I usually run with D/D for single target DPS and on switch either S/D (the new skill 3 can be amazing against some bosses) or S/P for multiple targets. I’m usually in melee range 99% of the time (dodges/evades/blinds/stealth and knowing the dungeon mechanics will allow you to do this) unless the boss has mechanics that force me to range. When ranging, I find that neither of our options are especially great (compared to our melee options), so pick which ever one you are more comfortable with.
Berserker gear can be crafted, bought from the TP, or from dungeon tokens (COF is easiest). Knights can be crafted, bought from TP, or from dungeon tokens (SE is easiest). Soldiers can be obtained from the Karma Vendors in the Temples of Orr. Valks can be bought from the TP, and there may be other ways to get it.
I hope this helps and good luck!
(edited by stone cold.8609)
Just got it on AR. I started in overflow, then was transferred to the regular server.