Geforce 1600
Oh geez, Rick. Did we travel to the year 2023?
I’m kidding, but seriously. What? Did you mean a gtx 1060?
We also have been getting ques.. with almost no one on the BL. There are almost no people standing in spawn.. very few roamers and we get ques with 1 tag on the map with maybe 30 people on him or less.
I can’t really comment on the lag. Kinda comes as a feature of every every game with 200+ people on a map.
But, I would suspect that there’s a group running tagless on your server before I assumed the queue’ing system is screwed up.
I know my server had a 20+ guild raiding during the beta weekend running tagless as a group of deadeyes.
Also, one thing to note is that queue counts do not change in real time. They change on set intervals.
yeah sorry gtx 1060…
and yes.. the lag was okay during the beta weekend.. which was surprising.. we had tons of people on then. It was okay during beta.. but went back to the same FPS jump rubberband lag as soon as the beta finished. Im guessing its a server issue? Since the beta may have been on a different physical server?
The thing is.. there were definetly more than 200 on the map.. Green and Blue both had 2 full 50 man blobs each.. so thats 200 there alone… but we couldnt get many into the map because of the que and it was no contest.. they would just roll us over. As soon as they hit us.. people on TS were like.. "Okay.. locked up again.. cant move.. skills just flashing.. My toon isnt even moving.. Boom.. dead.. okay all port back. Ping back at the spawn was a little high .. most people were saying 90-200 but in a fight everyone was saying they were getting 600-4000 ping instantly. It wasnt just me.. it was all of the people in our squad as we were all talking on TS.
To Clarify again…
the que was 126… we had a small squad on map.. never did see more than 5-10 roamers yet the other servers were 2 squads deep plus pugs. We were getting rolled left and right simply because we couldnt get anyone into the map.. they were all stuck in que..
The lag was horrid.. almost unplayable… TONS of people lagged out all at once
We never got the outnumbered buff… even though we were clearly outnumbered.
We were the only group on our server… we had 2 squads with 10-15 in them each by the end of the night.. but that was it.
I excpected to see another squad somewhere on the map or a ton of roamers running around.. we saw a few roamers.. maybe 10 max.. no other squads etc.
Oh and btw.. i did tracert while on full load from the game and TS and the hops die at the anet server.. Otherwise i have 20ms ping and no obstructions to the route.
I also did a speed test while under full load and my ISP is not at fault.. the break down seems to happen as soon as it gets to the ncsoft server and anet.
I know a few weeks ago one anet dev posted that the servers were getting ddos’ed but is this still happening?
As it stands now on YB we are always outnumbered on all maps in NA prime time.. while in T1 i mean.
On reset night this past week.. we had one 47 man squad waiting to zone in when the server reset happend.
32 of us made it in.. and instantly we started to lag. 12 people disconnected right from the start before we made it to the stairs.
We ended up with 23 people and about 10 pugs facing 2 servers with at least 2 50 man squads all night.
We had 126 man ques… and almost no one on EB yet we never had the outmanned buff.
Not only is the outmanned buff broken but this server lag has to be fixed.
The stop and go lag on zone in at reset has only been happening about the last month or so.. since the patch before last.
I do not know what changed in wvw that would effect the fps on zone in… but its reduced the game to an almost unplayable state for most.
Myself.. i just bought an I7 7700 rig with 16g ram and a Geforce 1600 with a 128g SSD and secondary 2TB HD just to play this game.. and my ping goes from 40ms to 4000+ when encountering zergs in prime time NA in the last few weeks…
Had the rig about 3 months.. checked it every way possible and it is not my rig as we had entire zergs lagging out from the server lag in EB at the exact same instant.
Now i know.. lag in eb is usual… skill lag etc.. but this is new.
Lots of rubber banding, lots of FPS lag and disconnects but the fps lag doesnt register as a loss of FPS ( i have mine throttled to 60 to reduce heat although i can get 190fps with everything except shadows turned on)
This lag is more like packet loss or skip lag. You see everyone jumping around and your ping jumps through the roof.
We also have been getting ques.. with almost no one on the BL. There are almost no people standing in spawn.. very few roamers and we get ques with 1 tag on the map with maybe 30 people on him or less.
We are losing people because we end up with one squad of maybe 40 people or less.. facing two servers who can get two squads of 50 plus pugs in to their EB.
Are any of the other servers facing this kind of fps skip lag?
Are the ques broken for anyone else?
speaking of glitches.. when getting pulled near a wall now in wvw, you get pulled INTO the wall.
Has happened 3x to me since last patch
discord isnt good..
first off app has to be installed as the web site doesnt allow you to talk unless its focused.
second the HUD is confusing
third the quality and lag is not very good
Pips are the points you get that move your progress bar for the chests you get on the right side of the screen. The more pips you get, the faster you get chest rewards from the reward track = the faster you get the chests and tickets.
You can only go up to diamond once a week and get tickets… after that it just repeats with no ticket rewards… but you still get the chests from the pips you get per skirmish tick. Approx every 5 mins.
The biggest problem with wvw now is the que system and lag.
The que system is broken for many servers. As it stands right now on YBBL, we can get one 50 man squad in and we have a que… Other servers (JQ and BG This week) can have 2 50 man squad on the same map before they que.
The lag is also gotten so bad that on reset night, the one 50 man squad we were able to get into EB all lagged out after the first 5 mins.. so we had entire guild squads waiting in que for hours.
Everything else is moot unless you can get in and actually play the game fluidly. The lag on all BLs especially EB, has gotten to the point where it is impossible to even play in NA primetime.
Right now yes. With the memory leak and lag bugs… Whoever has the most players and gets their bombs off first wins.
You can reload launcher and run game in administrator. It is a memory leak.. Even in 64 bit client. 4 years in and it gets worse with each patch.
yeah.. ever since the introduction of heroic armor.. i get frame dragging and lag with ping in the 300 to 4000 range when we engage another zerg.. never used to be like this until the introduction of heroic armor.
hey guys.. is there any way to do a tracert like in the old days to see whats happening between my pc and server?
Im getting a TON of lag when in game.. my ping is around 300-3000 in game.. but every other game is fine.. no delay and ping as low as 20 ms.
When i get in WVW the lag makes the game unplayable.
Characters jumping around etc.. but meanwhile TSpeak doesnt lag or anything and when i check my speed ( my ping is less than 20ms and at least 19mb a sec download and 6mb upload… so its not my connection to server.)
I am running a brand new i7 7700 cpu 16g ram and i have the game installed on a 120 gb SD drive. Video card is a GeForce 1060 3gb video card.
I’m in the same boat as you, been months frankly with very rare periods that it goes back to normal. I just tried a few games in pvp, 300-3k ping is making me want to spoon my eyes out. Have to hop on vpns just to get a sane ping.
yeah this weekend during beta test.. i was at 40-60 ping all weekend.. with full BL’s and ques in the 120 range for EB on YBBL server… today.. 5 in que.. EB isnt even seeing many big fights (nothing like this weekened) and im lagging hard.
I ran a speedtest while i was on EB and in TS.. with everything running maxed and min… and my ping of 20 to my ISP never faltered even once.
I’m not sure about the rest of the game, but turning nameplates/graphics down etc in wvw does seem to help many players
Nope.. this does nothing for me.. i can run on max settings… or i can run on bare bones settings and it doesnt make any difference.
From the looks of it.. it seems that the lag is coming from the anet server rack.. like they have slots on the rack that arent resetting like they should.. i only say this because i used to know a guy that ran an ISP and he had the same problem.
example.. Someone will log in, they get disconnected or log out but the server doesnt register it. Someone else logs in.. they get the same slot on the server and they now have the slot.. but meanwhile the server is pinging the other address also trying to re-establish a connection that doesnt exist.
I know that this causes a lot of packet loss and also bottlenecking of the server… or used to.
I also know that the game servers have been getting DDoS attacked the last few weeks from the posts by the devs.. but they really need to change the IP of the servers or something so that this can be fixed.. with the upcoming expansion its just going to get worse.
BTW.. never usually have any problems and i know the lag in EB is usually bad.. but tonight the game is just totally unplayable.
I have noticed that it has gotten almost unbearable since the intoduction of heroic armor… im wondering if the animations it has is messing with the game itself.
hey guys.. is there any way to do a tracert like in the old days to see whats happening between my pc and server?
Im getting a TON of lag when in game.. my ping is around 300-3000 in game.. but every other game is fine.. no delay and ping as low as 20 ms.
When i get in WVW the lag makes the game unplayable.
Characters jumping around etc.. but meanwhile TSpeak doesnt lag or anything and when i check my speed ( my ping is less than 20ms and at least 19mb a sec download and 6mb upload… so its not my connection to server.)
I am running a brand new i7 7700 cpu 16g ram and i have the game installed on a 120 gb SD drive. Video card is a GeForce 1060 3gb video card.
How do you request a refund if you have already purchased the new expansion?
I bought the new expansion for the wife and myself and i want a refund for both. Who do i contact or where do i fill out a request form?
please dont add another useless map…
underwater map anyone?
In a way the updates to wvw we have are sort of like an expansion. The changes have helped and are a major step in the right direction.
We now have a legendary backpack and ascended armor you can get from wvw.
The new specializations for the next expansion will help in wvw possibly or make it feel a bit more new.
Anet has been working on balance, server population, match selection changes, improved rewards and etc.
Anet has been making changes to wvw since the 1st expansion and at least they were nice enough to correct the issues from the expansion and work in extra stuff early.
Anet is working on it and I believe there is another big change coming to wvw that will be added before the expansion.
We just have to be patient and constructive in feedback for wvw solutions and ideas.
I wish they’d slightly resize the desert bl so towers would be in support of keeps like they are sized on the alpine maps. It takes twice as long to get anywhere and the towers are placed in an odd spot in comparison to alpine maps.
I also hope that there’d be a new obsidian sanctum that guilds can queue up with to face other guilds from different tiers and guild halls that would support gvgs without having to worry about the map of the guild hall updating so often and making you change maps.
Or maybe they can add another map selection called a battle royale where you queue in with 5,10, 15, or 20 people and you fight in a HUGE maze with monsters and traps and in the center face off and whatever guild is left standing wins wvw pips.
They could use the maze from the halloween holiday.
Right now the biggest thing they need to fix is the memory leak that is killing people in wvw. Nothing like being in a 50 man squad only to lag and dc as soon as other players come on map. 10-20 second lag on skills on engage means that you lag at 1 fps for that time.. then you are dead and reapawning.. as long as you dont have the memory leak and get stuck on load screen.
Over the past month or so.. with all the DDOS attacks on the server.. the wvw aspect of the game has almost become unplayable.
As it stands now.. whoever gets thier skills off first in a big fight wins. It has nothing to do with skill or even player numbers… just whoever gets the bomb off first and lags the server wins instantly because the rest of the players cant even respond.
From what I understood there’s nothing in the expansion for wvw players, which would be in keeping with the past
yup.. no word on anything for wvw execpt the addition of new theoy crafting because of new specs.
Just when they get the specs balanced they add new ones to the mix.
Keeps the game fresh i guess.. but i would expect huge imbalances for at least a month or two as new nerf/buff cycles start.
theres more aoe, more condi spam, and a ton of visual effects, overall more lag for sure
what else is needed???
Unbalanced AoE, overpowered condi spam, broken visual effects and WvW disconnects?
They can always go the extra step.
dont really have to worry about condi after the expansion im guessing.. just the unkillable thief at 1800 range sniping you down with condi and the unkillable burn guardians.
So as always no real WvW updates or fixes, as usual.
But again, just before a DLC release, sorry expansion, they will release some QoL improvements to make it seem they are again going to work on WvW, to get us to buy the DLC, I mean expansion.QoL improvements before a DLC release, TICK
We cant talk about it TICK
Soon™ TICK!we release on our own cadence
As before, you cant release something you dont have!
WvW will be destroyed when they remove the stats that so many worked so hard to get…
New content? We haven’t seen any good new content for WvW in over three years.
Removing some would help. Starting with links.
Have to say that yes.. we have seen some.
New reward tracks were ok.. until you get the items you needed and then they are just kind of a nuisance because of all the bouncy chest pop ups….
We also got.. well.. it was added anyway… an unobtainable legendary backpack…
But hey.. we did get aoe loot and new tag colors.
No mounts in wvw doesn’t surprise me any. Like most content in the game, it isnt usuable in the only real game mode GW2 has left.
Although, loving the new 200-3000 ping they added on engage with any enemy zergs. Makes it fun to see who in the squad is going to log for the night because they cant play.
(edited by trueanimus.4085)
This is my necro. Level 80.
My character name is Truely Frightening.
One is with my outfit on and one is in my regular clothing
shroud will remain the best for frontline necro.. midline and backline wells might want to run sourge since they will be out of the real damage. have to wait and see
This week or ?? someone was saying the preview stream last week was saying that this week would be the beta for the new classes/skills .
can anyone confirm?
beware of lag that anet cannot fix.. the server isp is bottlenecked so you will get horrid lag in wvw and most of the new maps. Relogging helps sometimes.. but the game also has a major memory leak as well. After a while (even with the 64 bit client) the game will run out of memory and you will begin to see effects/players/weapons etc disappear. Eventually the game will crash or blue screen you. After 4 years.. we are still waiting on a fix for this.
how is this topic not banned yet? every time i make a post with screen shots of people blatantly hacking.. its taken down in less than 24 h.
doesnt really matter what you run to be honest.. i run a i7700 and the wife runs a amd quad.. both do really great but the lag in the zones in wvw is being caused by a fault on thier end. The game was designed to run on VERY old cpus now. Anything new will be vastly over powered compared to what the game was deigned to run on. Graphics cards make a difference but once again, anything new will work well.. as long as you have a current cpu and a video graphics card with more than 3g of ram your golden.
The lag in wvw comes from the servers bottlenecking when 2 zergs collide and from random ddos attacks happening the past few weeks. Also there are rumors of top tier servers using some kind of lag hack/movment hack (which i have seen people flying through the air like before season 1) but anet says no one is using these hacks so it has to just be their servers.
no real updates in wvw and the lag on most of the maps is killing the game.. period
This morning, there is also bad lag in the new siren zone as well. 5-10 second skill lag and no one on map in that zone.
I just wanted to drop a few lines here and let some of the devs know what was happening last night at reset as we loaded into EB on YBBL server.
As usual, my guild was standing at the portal waiting for reset in LA and when the numbers zeroed we all spammed F and entered EB borderlands.
Upon entering wvw, everyone was getting horrible frame lag and most people couldn’t even move for about two full minutes.
This wasn’t the usual lag… this was FPS load lag. We have never seen this happen.
At first, i thought it was just me, then 15-20 people all at once were saying " OMG what the heck is happening." 10-12 got disconnected right at the start on load in.
As we finally loaded in, we found that we could run maybe five or six feet and then the game would just lock up. It would stay frame locked for about 10 seconds. Some people were trying to check ping and some were normal (maybe 10 out of the 40 we had zone in with us) and most people were getting 300-1000 ping instantly.
EVERYone in the squad was getting it, so it is NOT a single PC system problem… This is obviously a problem with the game software itself.
This wasn’t regular EB lag, load lag or anything like that. This was complete stop and go FPS lag like the game engine itself was locking up.
After about 5 mins… we also noticed that some people in the squad had the outnumbered buff, while the rest of the squad didn’t. How can only have of the people in the same BL have the buff when it is a zone wide buff?
The outnumbered buff lasted all night for a few people and others never even got it.
I have played WvW since it was first opened and i have never seen anything like this. I am accustomed to the lag in EB and that is nothing new in large fights, but to have lag like this on zone in and for it to last so long just makes the game unplayable.
I am on YBBL and for the first hour and a half, people in YBBL EB were lagging so bad that anytime we came within drawing distance of the MAG or JQ zerg the game would freeze up, they would lag completely out of game or the screen would freeze and then they would just be dead while the MAG and JQ zergs were able to get skills off and move around and wipe us.
Most of us could see them running, dropping skills, red marks on ground etc… but we could not react in any shape or form. Skill bars would light up (for those of us who didnt freeze instantly) but nothing would fire while it seemed that the other servers had no problems at all.
As i said before… i have played WvW for a long time. I know of the usual lag in EB and this was nothing like that.
Usual fights in eb, you get skill lag in large mega fights in SMC and sometimes slight skill lag near spawn.. but this was totally different.
After all the lag outs, we had less than 25 people in our squad and when we would encounter any enemy squad, more than 15-20 people or so, we would lock up instantly.
Can we please have someone look into the YBBL server and make sure there isn’t something internally wrong with it because this is just not normal.
I know that there was a post also when i logged on today about the forums being slow… could this be linked to the problems we were having last night?
As i said before..
1. This is NOT a single setup or PC build issue. It has nothing to do with anyones video card, make model or OS. It also has nothing to do with ping or trace route to the server.
2. This has never happened before. In all my time in wvw i have never seen lag this bad instantly on load in.. compounded by the fact that the other 2 servers we are fighting against were able to get skills off, move around and kill us with such ease because we could not even move or fight.
3 This is completely game breaking.
I have noticed that in the past few weeks.. in WvW i seem to be getting random spurts of choppy FPS lag. It doesnt seem to have anything to do with the horrible ping we have been having from the DDoS attacks, but just happens randomly when running across the map etc.
The game seems to stutter for a few seconds.. If i stop and wait for it to clear.. its fine but if keep running it just gets worse.
Some people have said that this is because of the new legendary armor (opening and closing when people go in and out of combat which i personally dont have) and some have said its just frame lag from loading a zerg in the distance.
The thing is.. im running a brand new i7 with a geforce gx 1600 and shouldnt be having frame lag issues like this.. the game is even installed on a 2 TB SSD drive.
Any thoughts..
yes my drivers are up to date
yes everything is installed correctly
yes i have latest .net framework and direct x
going to be lag again tonight for reset? if so they just need to close servers down .. the game is unplayable with this lag
DDoS attacks again?
wvw lagging like crazy.. everyone dc’ing
Happening in WVW bad.. tons of people getting kicked by massive lag. 30+ seconds to use a skill, enter portal etc
ANET fix your kitten pls..
Ok so.. i get on finally today and as soon as i log in, people are complaining left and right because the servers have been glitching.
More people are complaining that it is NOT the servers but peoples connections.
I log into WvW and im in no more than 3 minutes.. when our entire squad gets kicked all at once… No skills work for about 30 seconds and then just boom.. everyone is kicked out..
We all log back in.. after a 5 min wait (because we couldnt even get the launcher to load the text) and then boom.. all kicked right back out.
Come on Anet… please fix this…
BTW.. it is NOT our connection.. it is your server..
when we logged back in, all the maps had reset like WvW had crashed.. all the sentries were white again.
It is also effecting PVE… 1400 ping in bitterfrost for example.
CAN WE AT LEAST GET AN ETA for a fix to make the game playable again? This has been happening for at least 2 days.
zoned into wvw.. seems ok now
PVE and WVW are lagging bad.. im getting 600-3000 ms ping.. is the server dying or getting ddos?
I have noticed also that the map doesnt change when you take a tower… Blue takes a red tower for example.. it stays red and says it is still ticking for the red team. Dont know how to tell if this is actually just a visual bug or if it is effecting the score.
Also i have noticed a few tower caps (like klovan) that after the tower flips, enemy guards spawn outside which would seem to indicate that the entire cap system is messed up atm.
This seems to be only happening since reset on friday.. or so that i have noticed anyway.
Just so you know also.. the people that pull the tacts also burn supply. We had a guy last week from BG on YB in EB and he was not only pulling the tacts, but stayed on at least 18 hours a day burning supply from the keep building trebs under the huts but his guild name was blatantly daring ANET to ban him… It was [YB] No Supply No Siege. Anet will not do anything about these trolls as they are playing on a second account, they are following the rules of the game on that account etc… the only thing you can do is report them and HOPE that anet changes its mind and actually cares about wvw for once.
They are just trying to get people to run different foods.. and buy their own.. i mean 90% of the people that come in wvw dont run personal food that is best for their builds.. they eat the free stuff people throw down because they are idiots.
if you are power crit build.. eat power crit food for example… not seaweed.. that 5% damage while moving isnt going to help unless you never ever stop… and how many times to people stop and cast, shoot etc on engage? all the time.
Yeah it’s rather obscene what Anet are doing. They are continuing to ruin combat in WvW. I just don’t get it.
They dont play the game mode.. and the very few that do (maybe 5 total that i have ever seen) dont understand the dynamics of blob v blob and wvw.
If you watch, they balance wvw by what happens in spvp because this is the game mode they are still trying to turn into an esport .
I admit that some changes to wvw were needed.. such as the nerf to ghost thief and they did well with that.. but in turn, they simply made them more single target roamers now with choking gas BUT the fact that it hits more than one target makes them OP as hell as aoe cc on engage.
They lost all the devs for wvw and none of the current ones (or one) plays the game mode so… dont expect much in the way of fixes until they new xpac hits and they at least get some money flowing in. Right now they are scraping in the money from server transfers and just using that for pve story development.. which has really fallen off too.
Yeah, and warri (this poor class made no dmg, kappa) get +7% dmg on axe AGAIN. in the last 30000 patches this class EVER get +10%, or +15% dmg on axe.
but its okay, because they nerfed something…. yeah…. okay… they didnt nerfed the warri itself …. but the nekromancers OP perma stability….
what? necromancers stability wasnt OP?! hmm…. never mind. they nerfed something! thats the important point!
Actually.. if you want to get technical, necro shroud 3 stabo pulse was nerfed weeks ago… they dropped the pulse and added 2 stacks on entering shroud. This was actually done before the past 2 patches were even in as a stealth nerf, and no one but me seemed to notice it.. and the ONLY reason i noticed i guess is i just started necro about 2 weeks before that and i WvW mostly so i saw the change hit hard when trying to go through the middle of an enemy group on a push.
Oh and btw… the only thing wrong right now with wvw is there there is no reward really.. even with the new tracks.
Back when most of us played WvW it was for chances at loot you couldnt get anywhere else.. OR for the server bonuses if your team was winning.
These days most people dont play WvW because of the server stacking issue they let get out of hand with MAG JQ and DB… we all know what happened to i wont go into detail.
The fact remains however that glicko is broken, there will never be another wvw season, sadly, and there is no reward to wvw now really other than the occasional ascdended armor/wep chest drop (which is still higher than anywhere else in game except for fractals) and the pride factor..
The reward track lines were a nice addition, but not really worth it since the loot they give kind of sucks once you have what you need from them.
They really need to bring back wvw seasons.. BUT before then.. they need to either break up some of the larger servers or just invent a new system for wvw scoring and matchups.
The worst part overall is that if you hack in wvw (which mag players are well known for) Anet will NOT ban you.. so expect to see tons of people walking through keep walls, exploiting up unclimbable hills or just being completely unattackable.
In my opinion, I think the game is just 4 years in now and aged. Just your typical mmo trend.
All gw2 modes seem a little boring and not what they use to be, pve/wvw/pvp/dungeons. Next mmo will come out and people will flock to it, say its the best thing ever and gw2 killer, then the cycle will continue.
Well yes and no… You have to admit, this game is 4 years old and still has people that play (some very religiously as a matter of fact) just for WvW.
The game hasnt died like most mmo’s and honestly its still drawing people in with the new content and expansions.. so i see it going for at least a few more years.
Eventually something will come along and kill it.. or WoW will go actually free and people will flock back over there.. maybe… who knows.. at least they havent killed it by nerfing all game modes for one game mode like some did (SWG) for example.
this was a problem about a year ago with nvidia cards.
1. update your drivers… that is most likely the cause since i dont see mass reports of it here.
2. run the game in windowed full screen mode… this solved a LOT of lighting and crash problems for me
3 lower shadows and lighting effects.. the game is getting a stack overflow when entering water because of the reflection code they added about a year ago… the above full screen mode trick basically bypasses that effect code for me.
hope this helps
I have done vinewrath a few times in the last few days (*just to be sure this was happening) and when i have auto loot turned on, i dont get any loot from the vinewrath chest after the event.
Today, i stayed on the outside line (south) and checked my bag before the event finished to make sure i had no loot in it… when the event finished (yes i was fighting the entire time) i didnt get anything..
I walked into the boss room.. and i saw Vinewrath chest in letters above the chest, so i was sure it hadnt looted anything yet for me.
Walking closer.. checked my pack again.. no loot.. and when i got at about 900 range, the words over the chest disappeared like auto loot kicked in. Checked pack.. nothing in it.
I looted the bandit chests on the left beside the main chest… then waited for the scrolling loot to stop… walked over and tried to click on the vinewrath chest.. and it wouldnt let me open it.
This has also happened to me during the teq event. I see the name over the chest and when i walk to it.. i get nothing and the words disappear and i cant loot the chest.
Is this a known bug.. is there anyway to fix it without disabling auto loot?
i worked really hard over the past 2 weeks to get the mastery points for auto loot and i do NOT want to have to turn it off for every single chest event that i do.. that would make no sense at all.
1. Is this a known bug?