Showing Posts For verskore.4312:

EVERY class needs a solid escape move

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


dude necro wurm is my favorite skill by FAR on necro. I cannot count the amount of times it saved me from being focused and because of that winning the teamfight.

D/F ele

True MMR Hell

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


lol, I started in sapphire (2 times legendary) and got to mid ruby without 1 loss, sorry to tell you but aside from having rubbish teammembers (which is very understandable), maybe you’re not as good as you think? Besides, you switched to warrior because forum members say so but it’s not like you’ll facestomp everybody just because you play warrior. Play the class you’re the best at and the wins will come if you’re good enough.

D/F ele

Ban ,,search and rescue" in Pvp

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


As others said before, this skill is fine.
It’s strong against pug teams cus they just aren’t organized enough but with an organized team it’s pretty easy to cc the druid and prevent the rezz.

HOWEVER, the skill is indeed too strong on kyhlo, the ability to teleport the downed player down the clocktower when he got downed on top of it is just too strong and that should be adjusted.

Why? Because it’s 99% guaranteed to work? The flip side is 2 players aren’t on point and you escaped death but probably lost the point.

I disagree with you, alot of times when I play druid on kyhlo I won a fight on close/far (1v1, 2v1, doesnt quite matter) and a member on our team gets downed at mid. I just rush under the tower, use SnR and that’s free rezz + we get an entire new situation at mid that is much more in our favor. You gotta admit in that situation SnR is a bit too strong allthough I rlly love the skill itself.

Besides you can’t quite compare SnR with the skills you mentioned before llike battle standard…

D/F ele

PPL leaving GW2 cause pvp is dead

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


Imho I think it’s the basic idea of gw2 that is the biggest problem here, with this I mean that Anet didn’t want a holy trinity and by this they tried to give each class sustain and damage and this results in imbalance because it’s just very hard to try to balance every class when they don’t have a ‘fixed’ role.

Unfortunately, the only real solution is to strip everything back down to basics. Reducing the availability of everything (boons, damage, dodges, healing etc.) is the only way to give individual mechanics back the value they used to hold.

I agree 100%

D/F ele

Ban ,,search and rescue" in Pvp

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


As others said before, this skill is fine.
It’s strong against pug teams cus they just aren’t organized enough but with an organized team it’s pretty easy to cc the druid and prevent the rezz.

HOWEVER, the skill is indeed too strong on kyhlo, the ability to teleport the downed player down the clocktower when he got downed on top of it is just too strong and that should be adjusted.

D/F ele

PPL leaving GW2 cause pvp is dead

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


I mostly play pvp, got to legendary every season, problem with first season was the incredibly annoying bunkermeta, this season matchmaking is the biggest problem imo and there are also classes with some sick sustain (like scrapper/tempest).

Imho I think it’s the basic idea of gw2 that is the biggest problem here, with this I mean that Anet didn’t want a holy trinity and by this they tried to give each class sustain and damage and this results in imbalance because it’s just very hard to try to balance every class when they don’t have a ‘fixed’ role.

Personally I just loved the pvp in gw1 (yes I know it’s a completely different game but I think it can’t hurt to compare both) with random arenas and Heroes ascent but the most important thing was that pretty much every class had its fixed role (damage/support) and that’s why gw1 in comparison to gw2 was much more balanced, this is because the fixed roles made it much easier to.

Anyway, im aware that Anet can not and will not change back (I dont think they should) but I do think they have to make some serious adjustments to support and damage that comes from all the classes. Personally I think the biggest problem supportwise is boons, boons are just too strong and so easily given (just look at tempest and rev) that they have too big of an impact, damagewise condition damage is too strong, it’s way too easy to do lots of condition damage and to sustain it (reaper, mesmer).

Anyway to finish my ridiculously long text, Anet has alot of work to do and I suggest they start by taking a look at support (boons distribution) and damage (conditions). But again, this is just my opinion

D/F ele

Lege's playing bad classes for achievements

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


Dropping divisions is a terrible terrible idea, you would actually like to get thrown out of diamond only to have to deal with ruby hell?

Yes dropping divisions alone is terrible idea. Because we have one measure of skill: MMR, and one completely different metric used for achievements: Divisions.

The whole idea of making Divisions a requirement to get your achievements and the legendary backpiece is a failure. The divisions could’ve been a true ladder that represents skill, there are no “save points” in a competitive ladder.

And if the ladder was to be taken more seriously there wouldn’t be a way to go either up, or down, until the current season is over. Teams in sports don’t go up or down a division when they win or lose, they wait until the end of a season to determine that.

Yes I agree that the achievements system needs a rework but it aint all that simple though…

D/F ele

Lege's playing bad classes for achievements

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


The problem with not allowing you to drop divisions is matchmaking. For example, when you are at the lower tier of Diamond and have an average MMR you will get average team mates and your chances of moving up are also average. If your MMR is high, you will get high “quality” team mates and your chances of moving up are also high. If your MMR is low, you will get low “quality” team mates and your chances of moving up are also low.

Now if you start losing you will enter the so called MMR Hell. Every defeat will lower your MMR, which means with every defeat you will get worse and worse team mates, but your average opponent won’t change at all. That’s because your opponents are selected from similarly placed players in Division/tier but since you can’t lose Divisions there will be a huge amount of players at the lower tiers, tier 1 Diamond for example.

If you could lose divisions, at some point you would get suitable opponents for your now low MMR, and you would be able to start climbing again. But without losing divisions you will never reach that point, and will lose and lose and lose and lose with zero chance of going up.

Not true, I got in this so called ‘MMR hell’ when I was in diamond and yes it sucked hard, I got 8 winstreaks and suddenly I lose 8 in a row, all you have to do is take a break so you don’t let yourself get the same players in your team, calm down, you’ll start to think straight again and play better. Also duoQing with a friend who’s also good will help ALOT and that’s how you can get out of MMR hell. Dropping divisions is a terrible terrible idea, you would actually like to get thrown out of diamond only to have to deal with ruby hell?

After winning 8 and then losing 8 is not a MMRhell.

And just because one guy who will kitten up whole team’s game, why is it only those who are close to next division who have to suffer? Same kitten for everyone so the salt would be real and Anet would finally do something. Now it’s just that for example in my last games, enemies are always full legend, and in my team there’s 1-2 diamonds with me. Enemies have nothing to lose, still they go hard and meta classes and switch at end to get other classes achievements, while my team’s legends go for those class achies right away and kitten the team’s game.

Stop selfpittying yourself man! Saying it’s always the people in your team that screw up and never the enemyteam is rubbish (allthough matchmaking is pretty kitten up). I went from 3 pips from legendary to t1 again and yes I thought it was like that aswell at first but then I took a small break (about 2 days) and I got to legendary in the next 2 days!

D/F ele

Necros, the story of Lord Aeroxe

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


Beating necros actually isn’t hard at all, you just gotta have a team who focusses very well. When 4 men focus 1 necro at a time they will melt like snow to the sun and as a main necro I can confirm how annoying it is to have 2 power revs on your back, with the right combo they can down you in 2 seconds.

But offcourse when each of your team targets another necro then you’re just asking for trouble…

D/F ele

Lege's playing bad classes for achievements

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


The problem with not allowing you to drop divisions is matchmaking. For example, when you are at the lower tier of Diamond and have an average MMR you will get average team mates and your chances of moving up are also average. If your MMR is high, you will get high “quality” team mates and your chances of moving up are also high. If your MMR is low, you will get low “quality” team mates and your chances of moving up are also low.

Now if you start losing you will enter the so called MMR Hell. Every defeat will lower your MMR, which means with every defeat you will get worse and worse team mates, but your average opponent won’t change at all. That’s because your opponents are selected from similarly placed players in Division/tier but since you can’t lose Divisions there will be a huge amount of players at the lower tiers, tier 1 Diamond for example.

If you could lose divisions, at some point you would get suitable opponents for your now low MMR, and you would be able to start climbing again. But without losing divisions you will never reach that point, and will lose and lose and lose and lose with zero chance of going up.

Not true, I got in this so called ‘MMR hell’ when I was in diamond and yes it sucked hard, I got 8 winstreaks and suddenly I lose 8 in a row, all you have to do is take a break so you don’t let yourself get the same players in your team, calm down, you’ll start to think straight again and play better. Also duoQing with a friend who’s also good will help ALOT and that’s how you can get out of MMR hell. Dropping divisions is a terrible terrible idea, you would actually like to get thrown out of diamond only to have to deal with ruby hell?

D/F ele

Remove Trapper runes in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


lol everytime I see DH on enemy team with trapper runes I have a good laugh cus I know my chances of winning the game are elevated by 20%. Ow and DH lots of hp? cmon man are you still amber or something?

D/F ele

Lege's playing bad classes for achievements

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


That is absolute nonsense and you being salty for not getting to legendary. You do know it only takes 1 person in a team to screw up the entire fight right? Does that mean the others in the team didn’t deserve to stay? RUBBISH

D/F ele

What is ArenaNet doing?

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


they tempted to adjust league in season 1? Season 1 gameplay was incredibly boring and 100% bunkergameply, they didn’t do anything about it during the season (maybe for the best). Matchmaking however actually was pretty good last season. Last season I made it to legendary 99% soloQ because of the decent matchmaking but it was boring as hell cus of the ridiculous meta (yes I look at mesmers, eles, scrappers).
Now meta (imo) is MUCH better and less bunker (yes some classes need to get small nerfs tho, yes I look at you moamorph, scrapper sustain, rev damage/sustain,…). The thing that is very bad this season is the matchmaking, it’s just pure horror. I am legendary now but I was forced to duoQ the last 15ish pips in diamond to get there.

So basically, the problems this season are the other way around from the problems of last season. Nothing els

D/F ele

Lege's playing bad classes for achievements

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


Let me turn that around, why would people who actually played well and deserved getting to a new division suddenly have to get punished and dropped division again just because they get people in their team who don’t give a crap?

D/F ele

Lege's playing bad classes for achievements

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


Being able to drop divisions would actually be an very, very bad idea! People need to have some sort of safety and being able to reach a new division gives them a certain amount of ‘satisfaction’. I can’t even imagine the hate that would pop up when you can drop from divisions.

HOWEVER, I do think that the achievement where you have to get a certain amount of wins on 3 classes is a bit too much (2 would be better). Still only being able to play 1 class good enough just doesn’t cut it, especially in soloQ where swapping classes is very important.

D/F ele

dueling vs Mesmer? HOW????

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


the answer is simple, you do not stand a single chance in a 1v1 against a condi mesmer, not a SINGLE chance. No matter what class you play (unless you play condi mesmer yourself), you will lose to one that is decent. the amount of survivability and constant conditions that they can apply is ridiculous and soon enough your condicleanse will be on cooldown and then you’ll melt. This isn’t even taking into account the ridiculous OP skill moamorph which is basically a 8 second daze (which he can cast twice in a row if he’d want to).

In other words, if you see a condi mesmer on a point, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

This is ignorance at its finest, do not listen to this person.

nono, it’s not ignorance, it’s having a sense of reality. Condi mesmer is by far best 1v1 out there right now and if you enter a 1v1 with an equally skilled mesmer (or even a little worse) then you will most likely lose and you’ll get your team outnumbered. Best to do is go back to the teamfight, wipe them and 2v1 the mesmer or get the other point and simply ignore him should he be so stupid to bunker a point. You’re the ignorant one for not seeing that.

D/F ele

dueling vs Mesmer? HOW????

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


the answer is simple, you do not stand a single chance in a 1v1 against a condi mesmer, not a SINGLE chance. No matter what class you play (unless you play condi mesmer yourself), you will lose to one that is decent. the amount of survivability and constant conditions that they can apply is ridiculous and soon enough your condicleanse will be on cooldown and then you’ll melt. This isn’t even taking into account the ridiculous OP skill moamorph which is basically a 8 second daze (which he can cast twice in a row if he’d want to).

In other words, if you see a condi mesmer on a point, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

D/F ele

Matchmaking is GG this Season

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


ye matchmaking is rlly great,
im 3 pips from legendary and suddenly I get people in my team who suicide far while our team has close/mid… no matter what I say in chat, no matter what I ping on map or other teammates ping on map, those players are determined to get themselves killed by going far over and over and over again and if the team decides to play sides (just giving an example) then those guys who suicide at far then go suicide at mid…
or other fun examples like going lord when we have about 200 points (and are winning) and so making us lose the caps and offcourse the lord rusher dies aswell.

ye matchmaking is rlly great… dream on
atleast last season most of the time I got people in my team who didnt do those stupid things, who actually had a brain they used so soloQ then was actually fun but now it’s just horrible and the only thing it takes to make it horrible is 1 stupid guy in your team.

D/F ele

As a solo player i find this season the worst

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


yup matchmaking this season is just absolutely terrible, last league I got to legendary without much trouble with 99% soloQ, atleast I got people in my team who knew what they were doing and people on the enemy team also (mostly) knew what they were doing so the matches were close but fair and you were able to progress fairly easily if you were good.

Now however….well I got to t5 ruby without even trying, then last tier of ruby was kinda annoying with some more losses but I got to diamond quite fast. But then hell just started… the matchmaking for me in diamond tier is absolute crap or 90% of the players in diamond div are just complete kitten… The amount of games that my team has close/mid capped and a necro or whatever class (decap thief is fine) goes far to die outnumbering and distabelling the team is just through the roof. People in my team dont know how to rotate, dont read chat, dont watch map, say they played better cus they had 50 points and you ‘only’ had 40…. it’s really frustrating now and I am amazed everyday by how little people even know about conquest tactics and how arrogant they behave even after failing constantly in a game.

Yes ill eventually get to legendary (probably within few days) but I RLLY hope that Anet will do something about the matchmaking cus if this is going to be the same next league then I probably won’t participate in it (eventhough I love pvp) just cus the majority of the games aren’t fun anymore…

D/F ele

PVP Lose Streak

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


matchmaking is absolutely incredibly terrible this league.
Im in diamond and was on a 8 winning streak, 8 pips from legendary and suddenly out of nowhere I start to get people in my team with the IQ of a walnut who go far (and die) everytime when our team has close/mid and enemy team wiped. So after my 8 winning streak I get a 6 losing streak mostly because of 1 dude who sabotages the game with his stupidity….
No matter how much times I warn them or tell them, they are too braindead to read the chat or have a look at the map and that’s rlly frustrating….

D/F ele

DC, back in short time, lose pip

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


same happened to me, I was away for 1 minute, we still won and I lose a kitteng pip + it counts as a desertion!!!! bullkitten system it is

D/F ele


in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


matchmaking > experience > class > build

First: matchmaking is completely kittened this league and it mostly puts you in a good team vs complete noobs or you’re in the team with complete noobs vs premade (my experience)

Second: when you’re in the team with complete noobs they don’t even understand the word ‘rotate’ so that’s another 10 minutes of your life lost

3: if you have 3 experienced warriors vs 2 mediocre necros and lets say a bunker tempest then warriors will lose

D/F ele

STOP queuing us with the same people

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


again had to play against the same 3-man premade guild + a guy from oRNG while my team is full soloQ……… Im seriously losing my mind here….

D/F ele

STOP queuing us with the same people

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


I have to agree with you on that, yesterday I was queuing with 3 other friends of mine and we got the same necro in our team 5 games in a row so that’s just not right.

Our necro wasn’t bad and we won most of the games though but still it shouldn’ve happened imo

D/F ele

Lost pip + dishonor

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


So it was about 40 seconds till the start of game and I decide to switch character and for some reason my computer decides to be an annoying and lets me load for about 1.30 minutes so I arrive late in the game. My team is losing (obviously in 4v5) but the game has only been started for about a minute. We still win but I still lose a pip and I get dishonor, this is just completely ridiculous and I didn’t deserve this AT ALL, I mean what kind of system punishes you for you loading a bit later in the game????

Just wanted to say this because it’s rlly, rlly lame and I hope that maybe there is something to do about this next league…

D/F ele

when will you fix moa?

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


all the nerf you got and still metabuild, you know there is a reason for mesmer to get nerfed right?

D/F ele

when will you fix moa?

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


You just didnt read my comment thoroughly did you? In a team fight it’s impossible to see a mesmer cast moamorph, even if it is a second cast time. Besides, do you actually think it would be normal for a condi class to beat a full support tempest?? The fact that moa can completely neutralize an ele or any other class is just completely ridiculous. It just blows my mind how people just can’t see that, guess you’re afraid that you won’t be able to faceroll your keyboard anymore should Anet nerf it slightly…

btw I hardly ever play ele anymore, just too lazy to change my signature

I just can’t believe that people actually defend it…

D/F ele

when will you fix moa?

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


I agree, moa is OP, the duration is just way too long. People who say you can just block it or that it’s a l2p issue are either incredibly ignorant or just plain naive. In a team fight it’s practically impossible to see the mesmer dropping a moabomb on you + with alacrity they can practically cast it twice in a row, I mean cmon…

the condishatter chronobuild in spvp is overall very strong, especially in 1v1 or smaller skirmishes so reducing the moa duration would be very justified.

D/F ele

A picture of the new meta

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


3 necros on team is far from meta, last game my team had 0 necros and the other team had 3, I rerolled tempest bunker and we completely smashed them 500-79. Every time I see 2 or more necros on enemy team, I smile cus when I play my bunker tempest it’s almost a certain win.

You just gotta know how to fight them and obviously bunker tempest is their weak spot.

D/F ele

HOT ruined balance + no fix

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


Again somebody who asks to get his money back cus it’s not ‘balanced’ enough…
If you feel so bad about it, simply don’t play the game then.

D/F ele

Diamond SKILL

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


All these condibuild QQers here…….

seriously as people said before, the ONLY thing you have to do is get the ele below 90% health and if you run the cheesiest of cheesy condi builds then it’s your own fault that you cant get the ele below the 90%…
Btw, since when do condi builds require skill?

D/F ele

Reaper worst sPvP specializzation?

in Necromancer

Posted by: verskore.4312


Imo reaper is just the best spec in spvp atm, sure it’s not the best in 1v1 but that’s not the most important thing in spvp.

As a zerker reaper (strenght runes + marauder) I can cleave an entire team down on a node in just a few seconds easily (RS 3 → 5 → 4)! you probably dont have the right build or you just dont know how to play it yet, I suggest you make more time playing it and learning how it works cus reaper rlly rlly is very strong.

Btw zerker reaper> condi

D/F ele

sw/d thieves

in Elementalist

Posted by: verskore.4312


ok, thnx for the tips guys

D/F ele

sw/d thieves

in Elementalist

Posted by: verskore.4312


Hello all,

I roam WvW quite alot just cus I like it and I do pretty well. I can handle most of the enemies I encounter, whatever build they may have but there’s just 1 build (or weapon setup) that I just hate and can’t defeat (if they are good) and that’s sword/dagger thieves.
They jump around like it’s nothing and I like to ressemble them with a piece of soap that is waay too slippy to hold on to. I normally run d/f but I change weapons quite alot but no matter what weapons or build I pick, I can’t win of those dam sword/thieves…
Any tips or tricks on how to beat them or should I just spawn my GS and take a run for it?

D/F ele

Questions about Pricing and Payment [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: verskore.4312


omg rlly so many ppl crying about the fact that they have to pay a small amount for an expantion… Are you all that cheap??

D/F ele

WvW / PvE Legendary Guardian Build

in Guardian

Posted by: verskore.4312


such negative comments wtf, the build is rlly good. looks like the guys giving negative comments are super pro…

I’m actually super pro. The build is a bad modification of the same meta build created around beta, and isn’t fitting for roaming nor pve dungeons. There’s better builds in every game mode minus zerg, where boonway is still superior and save yourselves is a dead sentence.

I’d say take a look at his video that he made of the build, doesnt look bad at all to me

D/F ele

WvW / PvE Legendary Guardian Build

in Guardian

Posted by: verskore.4312


such negative comments wtf, the build is rlly good. looks like the guys giving negative comments are super pro…

D/F ele

Does anyone actually want a Season 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: verskore.4312


Man I just want a new class or if that’s too much to ask, new skills or more available weapons per profession and some new pvp content offcourse (getting sick of conquest!). I don’t care if Anet implements this through a new season or an expansion pack…

D/F ele

Bring SoloQ Back

in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


lol when SoloQ existed people kept QQing until they got rid of it and now that it’s finally gone you want it back? pff If I were Anet I’d stop listening to the forums at all….

D/F ele

Any viable dagger focus ele in PVP?

in Elementalist

Posted by: verskore.4312


personally I find D/F waaay better than D/D (played both for quite some time). my traits are 2/0/0/6/6 with the spell slinger trait. focus is just so good for survival and with the very good might stacking you can still do tons of damage. You’ll also laugh at the power rangers cus they can’t do anything against you (love focus earth skill 4) and thieves will just fall like flies to you. But this is just my opinion

D/F ele

Torch hand it over anet.

in Elementalist

Posted by: verskore.4312


I would also like torch for ele, dont know why but I see lots of opportunities for it
Or maybe Anet could make all weapons available for all classes but I think that would be a lil unrealistic or maybe for 2020 :p

D/F ele


in PvP

Posted by: verskore.4312


Don’t remove courtyard, it’s nice to have another game mode for a change and with the map choices the chance you get courtyard is rather small… Besides, should your team wipe in the beginning then just reorganise your group, stay inside spawning till you get kicked out (you mostly get kicked out to the other side of the map so simply just wait there) and by then the other team will probably spread out so simply finish them 1 by 1. Courtyard is soo easy to win, just gotta use some brains

D/F ele

Dueling Option - Forgotten?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: verskore.4312


I rlly don’t understand the people who say ‘no’ to this… If you don’t want to duel or dont want to be challenged to one then tick off the dueling option (Im sure Anet could implement such an option). Dueling is possible in WoW and it works just fine there so why couldn’t it work in gw2?

D/F ele

condi is sooooooo OP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: verskore.4312


ele using diamond skin: “what conditions?”

D/F ele

how to beat a thief

in Necromancer

Posted by: verskore.4312


I used to have lots of trouble wth thieves and I kept searching for builds on how to kick their kitten and I finally found one, go Fear nuke. The traits are 0/20/20/0/30 if im not mistaken. Full condition/vit/toughness + nightmare runes (possibility to fear) and you will be able to almost constantly fear anyone + your fear deals damage. this way thieves or any other class will have the hardest time killing you.

D/F ele