Art of Skills Desolation EU
Warrior shapper.6502
Since we have food, sigils, runes that give us healing effectiveness now.Could we maybe get a percentage under healing power stat on the hero panel to show how much total healing effectiveness we are giving out along with healing power?
and this healing effectiveness does this effect the skill tool tips for healing skills or is the extra heal applied after that?
The trouble with this is that healing power isn’t built as a fixed percentage (although it arguably should be, along with condition damage). It affects different skills in different ways. Some skills have relatively high base healing but poor scaling with healing power, while other skills have the opposite. So, displaying a % for healing power just wouldn’t be useful in determining anything with the current system.
Healing effectiveness is a separate stat from healing power, its like ferocity, expertise and concentration and boost the HPS of healing by a percentage.
In other words, its basically the real healing stat.
Basically what Hannelore said, just be nice to see the total since the new healing food , you can work it out yourself but it be nice to show healing power and then under the percentage of extra healing from the “healing effectiveness” you give, doesn’t matter for what skill.
Just so then you can test with magi/ minstrel, since the new food goes off 100 healing power and 100 concentration to gain extra healing effectiveness to see which stat possibly better or have parts of each to get extra healing if needed.
Since we have food, sigils, runes that give us healing effectiveness now.
Could we maybe get a percentage under healing power stat on the hero panel to show how much total healing effectiveness we are giving out along with healing power?
and this healing effectiveness does this effect the skill tool tips for healing skills or is the extra heal applied after that?
Seems to be that sometimes when he spawns he spawns with the anomaly stacks already on him before most the time around 10-15 some have said, not sure if this is an issue? From doing it 3-4 times today only seen 1 person who said they have done it on EU
Can we get anything from the Tech team or anyone from Anet to comment on this? since it seems to be affecting quite a few people and still no new
It’s worth noting that the companies involved in the problem as shown in the trace just above are Amazon and Telia, neither of which are ANet, and only one of which ANet has any direct business relationship with.
Other than asking those two companies what is going on, ANet very likely have zero influence over the issue. (Though, with luck, Amazon are already yelling at Tellia to get it together, since it’s gonna hit any Amazon customer following that path…)
this is true but since it seems to be only affecting guild wars 2 for me not sure about the rest since every other online game/software works fine guild wars 2 would kinda want to ask so they know them selves but for me i was getting packet loss on the above aswell as some of the guild wars 2 servers
Can we get anything from the Tech team or anyone from Anet to comment on this? since it seems to be affecting quite a few people and still no new
I had this a few hours after wintersday patch went live and the ping for me has gone from normal (37-40ms) to 300+ highest was 3k ping , but my speedtest and connection is fine for all other games and devices except gw2 and this is on 2 PCs.
I submitted a ticket jsut before to see if they are aware,is seems to be ncsofts end with the packet loss of anywhere between 50-90% loss according to pingplotter
The packet loss is @ Telia, this has nothing to with the Anet servers.
If you look at the image i posted for me the only packet loss is the last IP at the bottom with the red mark but Telia could be a cause to this
I had this a few hours after wintersday patch went live and the ping for me has gone from normal (37-40ms) to 300+ highest was 3k ping , but my speedtest and connection is fine for all other games and devices except gw2 and this is on 2 PCs.
I submitted a ticket jsut before to see if they are aware,is seems to be ncsofts end with the packet loss of anywhere between 50-90% loss according to pingplotter
Eu means only players on the EU servers but don’t forget GW2 has Megaservers now so you can be in guilds across servers as long as they are on EU, you only need to be on the same server for WvW
Art of Skills is a Desolation based guild that is looking for Active members to be part of our small community that likes a Casual to Hardcore approach on guild wars 2. To make us more active and increase our guild roster we would like to extend out to those looking for a guild for the following :
We welcome all levels for fractals and Raids from beginner – intermediate – advanced skill levels. We are also looking for Teachers for Raids who have the patients, knowledge and time to teach people of different experience levels of raids.
In having teachers in the guild and people who join being willing, knowledgeable of their class , interested in wanting to progress in raids, It will make it easier to find raid groups and fractal groups within the guild and no more need to PUG.
Since I hope this will receive a lot of attention for those wanting a guild to learn/to do raids and fractals, we will only be taking on a certain amount of players at a time depending on how many teachers for those learning and those of having experience and want a guild just to do raids/fractals.
From what you read and would be interested in joining for the above reason , please message in game :
Dream Rider – Warrior shapper.6502
Or leave a comment below with your experience with raids, classes and what you have killed in the current raids. Don’t worry if your new and have no experience if you show you have a keen interest and willingness to raid you will have a good chance to be part of the guild.
Please state if you have knowledge and can teach and are willing to teach if you like to maybe have a teaching raids role and what level you be happy to teach, whether it is new players to raids so starting vale guardian or take players who have killed a few but there are still some bosses that are harder.
+1 agony Infusions
Blade shards
Lesser/vision crystals
Petrified wood
Blood rubies
Chak eggs
Tenebrous/Shimmering crystals
Reclaimed metal plates
Mystic forge stones
Mystic Crystals
Philosopher’s stones
Amalgamated gemstones
Scribing materials -that are account bound such as book covers, paper etc
Milling Basins
Wintersday presents (since these can be gathered from the home instance and are crafting materials also)
Golden Fractal relics
Tributes to Endeavor
Legendary Insights
WvW siege Books
Badges of tribute
Runestones icy/mystic
Elonian wine
Last time if you are adding more to the storage can we get an Endless tonic storage/wardrobe? or some feature we can buy that does this
thanks , had not seen this thread
Has anyone else seen the smaller VG/Legline Anomaly spawn in guild halls, first by a lightning sound then it appears for 2-3 seconds then disappears?
is this a bug or is it linked to the Living story with the bloodstone?
And no this isn’t someone in my guild with the fractal tonic.
i will try and get a screenshot next time
anyone else looking i had to the bottom of the waterfall in driftglass springs, had to try a few times
it should be working now , mine is
Same only a max of 4 people out of 30 got rewards from two puzzles we did, it only seems to be puzzles its affecting this week.
The client didn’t matter for my guild, since the people who got rewards were using 64 bit and the rest who didn’t were on both 32 or 64.
Also it shows your location as unknown if your in the instance and we were showng up on the mini map as in wayfarer foothills when doing “Proxemics Lab”
Please Anet fix and give us our missing rewards.
Buried Insight – story mission
Hey , I have done this mission a few times up to the bit were you have o kill the Chak Blitzer and then the NPCs just stand still and it says “find the elder Dragon research”
either i am blind and cant see it but not sure there is no indication what to do and i cant find much info about what to do.
someone said there is meant to be a cutscene and it bugs out?
any ideas on fixes or do i keep trying till it works?
Update – for some reason fighting the chak blitzer the game doesnt like condi builds when i switched to zerker after someone saying to try it worked it when invul and wonder off and cutscene appeared. i guess condi ticks over and bugs
(edited by warrior shapper.6502)
Well i think Dilligat wyt confirmed what i was after, when i say stack i dont mean duration or in my bank/inventory/bags etc, i mean when activated i can have them activated both at the same time so i can get 100% exp ( 50% from) both boosters since i have 100+ of the old boosters just make experience gain in HoT a bit easier to get masteries
You might want to convert your old xp boosters into the 20 minute versions of the new xp boosters instead of stacking them with other boosters that you have. If I am not mistaken the new ones affect xp from everything you do. This means that they should affect xp from crafting, exploring, events and even competing personal story steps.
If you aren’t intending to only grind mobs, it would probably be better to have +50% xp from everything + the killstreak bonus of the new boosters for 20 mins rather than +50% monster xp for an hour.
Keep in mind there is more than just xp boosters. Gathering boosters stacked to 66% is really nice, even better with heroes banner on top of that, along with guild buff. I was gathering twice the materials (plants would let me gather from them twice 90% of the time).
Thanks well i kind of guessed if one stacked with the other , all the others would plus no point in converting them all to new ones since that will only stack duration where having the new with the old for exp,killstreak, mf, gathering etc i will get double and i have a ton of crafting and speed if can convert to get new ones, but thanks
Well i think Dilligat wyt confirmed what i was after, when i say stack i dont mean duration or in my bank/inventory/bags etc, i mean when activated i can have them activated both at the same time so i can get 100% exp ( 50% from) both boosters since i have 100+ of the old boosters just make experience gain in HoT a bit easier to get masteries
When i say stacking i don’t mean duration. i mean they can be both used at the same time.
Hey, wondering since HoT is coming soon. Does the old (fine tier) Experience Booster stack with the new (rare tier) Experience Booster?
I guess this will be the same with the magic find also?
Hello everyone!
Our guild is called Art of Skills [ART]. We started as a more WvW/PvP focused guild but we are now PvX, so we do a little bit of everything. We are a 60-100 person guild, who everyday have one or more groups that run fractals and dungeons. We are currently waiting for Heart of Thorns and are aiming to raid once the expansion is released.
We formed this guild in the Desolation EU server in march 2013. English is our preferred language but do not worry if you can’t speak it perfectly, it is fine as long as you can understand what we say on teamspeak. We Prefer 18+ due to some of the discussions on Teamspeak.
We are more active around 5 pm to 2 am(European Standard Time). We do Guild missions on Sunday at 9 pm (EST).
Our website is you can apply through the website and/or send a personal message in game to one of the leaders.
Leaders are: Elfiest.4031 / warrior shapper.6502 / Shtra Quo.1932 / Kokocat.6045
We have a friendly community, our players are active, play together and come on teamspeak regularly which helps keeping a friendly and fun environment. Therefore we require our future members to be able to use Teamspeak.
We also have a multigaming community so if you enjoy playing other games as well you can hop on teamspeak or organize an event on the website at any time to find members that you can play with.
Apart from doing in game content together we also have a monthly guild lottery and occasionally we do guild wars 2 quizzes and screenshot contests with prizes such as gold or weapon skins. Everyone can participate in these guild events regardless of their rank in the guild.
If you have any questions regarding our guild, feel free to contact any of the leaders.
(edited by warrior shapper.6502)
well they could at least look in to now after seeing pictures and videos, since im sure there will be a bug next were you can kill others in their home spawn
Anyone know if this is possible through a bug or is this guy hacking? can you look in to this please Anet?
Thank you.
all this means like a friend said is that they have never been able to log who had commander tags and does that even show they gave any refunds?
if so how have they know the people who got refunds had 4 or more tags while a lot of people didn’t get a refund.
i said this to them and got a reply to next time i get a bug to report it view the support menu LOL anet such trolls.
So yeah it seems basically they cant / are not ever going to give anyone a refund now because they have a broke system and have drawn a line that they aren’t even with the emails we are waiting on they really need a dev or a lead involved with this to make an announcement so its cleared up which i also told them. sad really play the game since beta over 6k hours and you don’t get the rewards/refunds you should be getting.
just keep trying
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: warrior shapper.6502
tickets : 885754 and or 904389 , these both about the same due to first ticket got ignored for about 5 days then i got a reply yetserday
after the second ticket i put and said about a few people not just myself have not had a refund after the 12th yet , i got a reply of
“The issue you’re reporting will require a bit of additional investigation.
I am escalating your ticket for further assistance. A member of the team will be in contact with you as soon as the issue has been fully reviewed."
so maybe there is a chance they will look at the email this time not some BS answer.
yep, i think they messed up and dont want to be reliable for it due to Gm’s ignoring or just basically saying we are lying , even though they should have a log for all commander tag purchases before patch. I never changed any my characters name or deleted any that had a tag.
Just sent another ticket to see if i can get a Gm who will actually listen
i am emailed them again today to keep nudging them if the support aren’t being cooperative and listening , have to see if i can speak to a dev who can make investigate
same i contacted them and they said this
“We have reviewed your ticket about a refund related to the consumption of multiple Commander’s Compendiums. As of September 12, all refunds for Commander Tags have been processed. Most players received their refund in a single in-game mail, but some players received their refunds in two separate distributions, meaning that some players received two in-game mails with their refunds.
A few things to know:
At this time, all accounts have received the full refund to which they were entitled.
Only those accounts with characters that actively consumed Commander Compendiums were eligible for a refund. This means if you consumed a Compendium with a character that you later deleted, we could not process a refund for that particular Commander’s tag.
Only accounts that consumed more than three (that is, 4 or more) Commander’s Compendiums are eligible for a refund.
The refund total is 100 gold for each eligible consumed compendium above 3."
i replied but haven’t had a response and this was 6 hours ago were they replied instantly or with in an hour before.
They should have a log and to see if the characters are still made to check i even gave the names of my characters i made with tags that i still have before patch and still have now. They cant say everyone has had there refund otherwise this post wouldn’t be here and am sure this always happens when they give out stuff to people they give most and miss a few, like i didn’t get my first birthday present for like a month or rewards for one the wvw season for a while until i contacted support.
Hey, since the mini mystical dragon has been in the bank mini tabs for awhile and no sign of getting it as of yet, will this be the mini for birthday present number 2? or will we be able to get this soon from the gem store?
also with only being able to get the mini llama from the tournament of legends, will there be another way for people who didn’t enter to get this miniature?such as buying for gems or buying so many gems like the mr sparkles mini?
since these 2 are the only 2 i am missing from my collection.
To this guy from [ART](or his guild):
I hope you managed to reach the end of the JP without problems. We were in that JP with 2 Zergs and the other commander and I kinda told our players to not attack you. It seems like it worked for the most part from what I can tell but I couldn’t see if you managed to get to the end. Still most avoided attacking you which kinda makes me happyXD(dat discipline).
Yes i did make it lol except i think the guardian in the chest room got kitten ed of when he went full out on me and only took off 7k
This is ridiculous 5 my guild members have came on 2 hours after reset while i been in queue for 2 hours and they get in within 15 mins and then i restart client and more guild members get in within 15 mins again and am still in queue, wtf is going on?
Playing wvw just now , myself and a guild member came to attack an riverside player who was on a necro from the VM guild ( something like virtuae masters, sorry if not correctly spelt) who was attacking a sentry. we rushed him and then he tried to run, he used spectral walk and then jumped behind us as we turned around he “stealthed” no purple glow or smoke from theif or mesmer, we thought he had alt-f4 or disconnected but no loot or xp.( btw i know the you can jump back to orginal location wth spectral walk but this was disappearing and then moving further away from were spectral was triggered).
We ran back up to sentry and he reappeared on the other side of the ruins from where we where, he ran back to us then dodged back and disappeared again.
Was wondering if anyone else had seen this or there is something that can let any profession that can stealth, since i would thought it was lag but since two people seen it i doubt it.
let me know if anyone has any answers to this
are you going to fix it so the gauntlets don’t bug out and you end up fighting 2 opponents without gambits or have ooze always in there after the previous person failed because i keep loosing tickets from it
well its not pando media since it still happens when its not there
If you have a game account for the original Guild Wars, can you play it?
yes, i have an account and i can play if fine and dont get the error code or any lag
Where are you playing Guild Wars 2 from?
UK havnt had any problem playing the game from my Pc since launch or any where i have connected to since july 1st patch
At what time and in which time zone do you play Guild Wars 2?
All the time from anytime between 10 a.m till 3 .am Gmt +1 Uk time
not sure just virgin since other people around the world are suffering with same issue
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: warrior shapper.6502
some reason i think it is a Anet issues since i had no trouble with anything with NCsoft o Anet before and today i couldn’t log into the fourms for ages or took like 15 mins to actually log in and the game saying i cant connect when someone else logged into my pc has not problem playing gw2 on there account?
and on the network diag, it seems to time out when trying to reach the servers on your side from what i can see
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: warrior shapper.6502
i am now , i think its still something to do with the login servers due to the patch that was brought out to fix something after the new jumping puzzle was added since i havnt had any problems but it seems okay other i cant actually play at all
well according to the support and a few the admins and Mods on here its everyones ISP’s thats causing us not to login , so how come eveything else that uses the internt works fine?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: warrior shapper.6502
Country : UK
ISP : Virgin Media
Server : Desolation EU
i guess so and now i tried again and my map , wvw and pvp has all be reset back to zero and i only have the order of whispers, vigil and priory flags :/
and its still being so slow and not even loading
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: warrior shapper.6502
logged in today to come on to laggy game play then slow logining in and loading screens and then i left the game seeing that the rest of my pc and internet was working fine.
I come back to my account to have all my characters but no PVP or WVW rank badges on main screen or my 100% map completion medal?
Is this all to do with the same issue with the servers or is this differnet?
now am getting code=7:11:3:191:101
First time this ahs happened where i log in and the place i load , loads in straight away if i try to go to another area, my loading screen takes 5 minutes to load ( i am using an SSD too). Then when it does load my character cant move and acts like its lagging out
anyone else getting this?
Server: Desolation
Guild: Art of Skills [ART]
Guild Info: PvX
Population: 40
Current Upgrades: Politics II, Art of War II(soon III), Economy I, Architecture II.
Mission Goals/Interests: ART is a guild of daily active members that do daily dungeons,fractals,PVP,PvE and WvW events and we all try and help out each other, our main aim is to build an active guild with member who enjoy to play together and to build our own community and make a name for our selves on the server
Features: Teamspeak, coming soon Guild forum
Contact:Warrior shapper.6502 , Shadz.9571 , Elfiest.4031 and Reason.9738
Art Of Skills[ART] welcomes fellow players to join our family. We offer numerous amounts of runs such as Dungeons, Fractals, WvW events, PvP, PvE events, and Guild Missions.
Currently 40 members and heading towards the unlocking of guild missions.
We are also looking for any small guild that wish to merge with us so we can become a bigger guild and do guild missions.
Any information whisper or send me a mail
Thanks for reading
Dream Rider
We are always looking for various time zones and all WvW guilds from any tiers are welcome
We keep on improving out co-ordination with various WvW guilds on the server, with meetings , Forum and our WvW team speak.
Desolation will keep fighting whatever Tier, Join us before its too late
Contact Whykt.9578 for further details
Whats going to happen to LIONGUARD LYN?
is Chinese new year going to be Celebrated in GW2?
Is there going to be more SKINS from GW1 coming to GW2?
I have had the same issue it only seems to be happening on the lost shores and lions arch, even when there is no one online at 4am GMT.
this has only just started after the lost shores was introduced into the game,since i was playing before the event then i went away for weekend came back to this.
I run auto detect on my rig and I get high on everything and am only getting between 14-19 fps.if i run best performance it goes up to 30-33 fps.
I used to be getting 56-60 fps everywhere, other than wvw and then the drop makes me sad
i wouldnt say my rig is bad and cant play because i been able to ahve all the settings on max before and the fps was still around 60
i5 2500k 4.2ghz CPU
16gb DDR£31600mhz RAM
ATI 7950 3gb OC GPU
Game is ran off an SSD
and the power options is high from a 1kw psu
i thought it was to do with power was on energy saving but still the same i can get an extra 10 fps in those 2 places if i O.C my gpu to its limit
I even spent the time making sure my computers hardware was all up to date
Is there going to be a fix for this soon?
Not affiliated with ArenaNet or NCSOFT. No support is provided.
All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.