Warrior Nuuk (80 War)
[ALS], Anvil Rock
I find 3 things interesting on “Mordy’s” Twitter:
Other than it being an obvious fan parody account?
From what I heard was that the Scarlet Briar account was actually backed by a dev (something I heard from forums so take it with a grain of salt). This would sorta lean towards Mordy also being backed by a dev.
The Scarlet account was Anets. It was just clarified in the main forums that Mordy is NOT Anet’s account, so disregard what I said. It became more apparent once Jormag came on to the scene on twitter.
I find 3 things interesting on “Mordy’s” Twitter:
“Confusing… Why is there a gap between my minions drill and Kessex Hills?”
Then later, 2 more tweets right after each other:
“Any other use for Asura other than toothpicks? I’m yet to find a better one.”
“I never asked for neighbors, especially not dwarf wannabes” (in response to someone saying it wasn’t neighborly of Mordy using Asura as toothpicks)
For the first tweet, this sounds like a hint that area will open up soon? I’m not of the Tengu will be playable soon camp, but maybe the leyline feedback messed up near the Dominion of Winds and we go in to help the Tengu?
As for the next 2, we already knew Mordy was in the ‘jungle’ bc of Colin Jo, so it seems like Mordy might be pretty close to the Asura. Of course, close is relative. I would consider Jormag ‘close’ to the Norn, but when you look on the map, Jormag looks like he could be further away from Hoelbrak than Zhaitan was from LA.
We as players can’t use it, but It’s what the Black Lion Dolyaks use to escape.
Also, one of the houses is using an Asura-looking forcefield to protect itself. Its on the west side of LA near the water. I don’t know who’s house it is/was and I can’t find a way in.
(edited by wookalar.8952)
I found some giant footstep’s IF they are footsteps.
Edit: They areprobably not from marrionette, cause she has high heels if i remember. These look more like barefoot.
Also the Marionette’s “corpse” is in Lornar’s pass now. But, we don’t know if that was the only one.
Why couldn’t that be referencing their interactions in the Aetherpath of Twilight Arbor?
From what I understood (I’ve only cleared the path a few times), Scarlet wasn’t actually there when we went in. All that was left were her holo recordings.
From the first boss:
“Let the boss talk, Spark. She spent a lot of time setting up these messages.”
Also in the very beginning of the Aetherpath Caithe says:
“I met Scarlet in the Grove, before she went on her academic pilgrimage. I was not overly impressed. Now she’s sent me a direct challenge. She claims to know things…things I wouldn’t want the world to know.”
This sounds to me like Caithe is leaving something out about when they met.
Kind of interesting hint that maybe Scarlet and Caithe have had more previous interaction than we know about:
On the topic of ‘when’ the dairy was written, I haven’t seen anyone mention this:
She spells out a key for her console in the diary: OMADD. In my opinion, the diary had to at least been written after she met him. This kind of leans towards her writing the diary after the experiment.
I originally though the diary was before the experiment, but after thinking about the OMADD key, I’ve switched to the ‘after experiment’ group of thought.
It happened to me a lot. I found what normally triggers it is when you’re hitting ‘pickup loot’ and you accidentally try to pick up a banner or conjure weapon. It bugs out once you cancel the pickup by moving. Then you essentially have to be ‘reset’ by knockdown, downed state, fall damage or death.
I started paying more attention to if its loot or pickup weapon and no troubles since.
I’m looking for a guild for sPvP (WvW is good too). I currently play every part of GW2, i would just like a guild that is helpful in sPvP and that gets into team arenas.
As far as sPvP goes, I’m only rank 16. I’ve messed around with all classes, but haven’t found a good niche yet. I only have about 200 total matches played, with 100 being solo arena, about 50% win rate.
I mainly play Guardian in WvW and PvE, although I have 80’s of all classes except ranger. I have almost 1800 hrs in game, ~600 belonging to Guardian. Warrior and Mesmer are probably my next played classes.
I’m on Tarnished Coast, but that doesn’t matter much as far as sPvP goes.
I typically play around 10pm to 5am EST time, weekdays mostly because of work. I’m 25 and married, so I also have other obligations. I log on and play about everyday still.
Anyways, as I said: I’m looking for an sPvP guild that is willing to show me the ropes and do some arenas.
For those of you having issues with the first part of dredge, this works well with no thief:
Once main chamber is open, have the party go left (or right, just choose 1) and kill that half of the mobs (approximately). Once around half of the mobs in the room are left, 2 ppl get on switches and 1 use the gear thingy. The other person(s) kite the mobs. You can use the middle drill to LoS them and do a ring around the rosy type of thing. No more mobs respawn if you don’t kill them all.
I don’t know how well it works with all party types, but I just did it post-patch on scale 38 with a necro, guard, engi, warrior and ele. I (the guard) was the one kiting.
I hope this helps and brings this thread to a more constructive mindset.
As with most other people, my slayer achieves have dropped by 1. Also my overkill achieve
He’s a forum troll, read his posts.
If you want the game to be more like WoW, I think you know what game you should be playing.
Hint: it’s WoW
GW2 isn’t WoW and I shouldn’t adopt its gear grinds. GW2 is its own game.
GW2 ~100.000 players at its daily peak after 5 months (I am guessing)
WoW ~ 2.000.000 players at its daily peak after 8 years (guessing)Even though I am guessing, I think it’s pretty accurate. So someone is doing it wrong…right?
You’re guessing. I’m going to guess Gw2 has 2billion a day and WoW has 10k a day. I think that’s pretty accurate.
Looks like GW2 is doing it right to me.
If you want the game to be more like WoW, I think you know what game you should be playing.
Hint: it’s WoW
GW2 isn’t WoW and it shouldn’t adopt its gear grinds. GW2 is its own game.
Devs had said they will eventually reward us for our old achievement points. They’re probably still figuring out good numbers and eliminating the repeatables (entropy one, maybe hobby dungeon)
That is true rez rushing does make it seem like it’s the players doing something bad…
Not gearing properly, not bringing and using the right weapons/utilities, not learning the boss tells and not dodging properly are things players are doing badly.
I’m not debating how good the mechanics are, but all bosses are doable w/o ‘res-rushing’
I think you mean “respawning.”
Also your point is taken, and has been made already elsewhere several times. It holds true when you know what you’re doing in dungeons, but I can’t imagine how new players would feel playing this game and this stuff happening to them. It also makes dungeon running far more tedious and difficult than need be for parties that aren’t all level 80 warriors and guardians as per the dungeon meta-game at the moment.
You make the case that “not dying solves the problem.” It does to an extent. But never dying doesn’t remove the awful feature that is “no respawns if party is in combat.” That whole situation is like having a split in the foundation of your house and saying “Well, my house hasn’t collapsed yet so it isn’t a bad feature.” You are defending that bad foundation.
Devs have already said in blogs they’re working on boss mechanics.
So, 1) currently dungeons are still doable and 2) they’re working to make the foundation better. I don’t see a problem as long as they stick to continued improvements that they’ve stated.
Until then experienced people need to teach the new guys or stick to their group if they don’t have the patience. I just led at least 2 completely new people through CoE 2&3. I had a third that rage quit but he was unwilling to listen and adapt. His subsequent deaths led him to jut leave the party.
That is true rez rushing does make it seem like it’s the players doing something bad…
Not gearing properly, not bringing and using the right weapons/utilities, not learning the boss tells and not dodging properly are things players are doing badly.
I’m not debating how good the mechanics are, but all bosses are doable w/o ‘res-rushing’
I’ve been running CoE with zerker War and Mes 2-4 times a day since patch, it’s much faster now. I now Prefer path 2 and 3 since patch because of the golem stage and destroyer nerf.
I had one pug rage quit after dying twice on p2. He was a warrior using greatsword with 900 Anet point (kinda worried me). I explained the boss to him and he said he didn’t have enough endurance. I then told him to make it easier to go axe war horn and/or shield. The shield is a free block and war horn for vigor. He flat out refused and proceeded to insta die again.
His exact words after that:
“This is too hard, I’m going to go play WoW”
Anyways, 12 charged cores this week for me.
(edited by wookalar.8952)
Map Picture too.
Found this coffin here in Malchor’s Leap. Anyone know if there’s a DE related to it? I’ve never seen on, maybe it’s rare. Maybe its the Final Rest of a certain staff?
There’s an Arah bug thread, post it there (if it hasn’t been already)
What they did isn’t necessarily wrong. As penguins said, we don’t have enough context. If you were graveyard zerging the whole time dragging the group down or not listening, I could see a justified kick so they could get someone else and move on.
You might not know this, Lupi isn’t the last boss, so they weren’t doing the ‘lets grief him and kick him before the last boss’.
It sounds to me like they were possibly impatient and/or they didn’t feel like you were pulling your weight, so they looked for someone else.
Sounds like they used the guardian bug and spawned a bunch of crystals early so thy didn’t have to kill colossus. Given the fact that you killed the maw before the mini event was done, it’s a very good chance it messed up the trigger for chest and daily. Good news is you could probably run it again and get daily.
TL:DR – If you don’t bug it, you probably won’t have this problem.
The problem is the ease of the dungeon they are farming which allows the groups to run full zerker groups. They have discovered that warrior/Mesmer group is most efficient for farming THAT specific path. This isn’t for all dungeons. For the most part, this isn’t a class issue, it’s a dungeon issue.
Also before making threads check if there is already one up. There are like 4 in the dungeon forum.
I did it a few times. It’s horrible.
As a measure of the general consensus on this dungeon, check out the price of Charged Lodestones.
Have you seen how many cool and very expensive exotics need gift of lightning or gift of light plus even more charged lodes? Mjolnir (Ele’s lightning hammer) needs 350 Charged. Foefire weapons, the phantasm lookin weapons, guardian spirit weapons, etc all need charged lodes and at least 100. Compare this to destroyer weapons, they only need 20 lodes. The demand for charged is very high, thus the price is as well.
If you read the forum the last few days, you’d think that the only way you can get a dungeon group is to be a warrior in full berserker gear. Here is an easy solution to solve that problem if you feel you are being discriminated against for not being a warrior:
Go do something other than AC or CoF.
The other dungeons are not that bad if you give them a try! Most people have played long enough to be able to tell from your rants that you were doing CoF or AC. Because while warriors do a lot of damage, the mechanics of other dungeons will typically make people think twice before facerolling through it with 100-blades.
The reason you run into so many unpleasant people in these dungeons is because they are easy, the lowest common denominator. Nothing good ever comes out of that. Go do some other dungeons, experience helpful players and dungeons with better mechanics.
I generally agree. The issue isn’t with Warrior/Mesmer zerker groups, the issue is how easy it is to roll right through CoF 1 and AC. People then figured out, hey we can go full glasscannon and go through this in a few mins.
People are trying to say Warriors are OP because that’s all they see needed on CoF1 for example, but its just that they are arguably most efficient at farming THAT dungeon path.
If you want to get away from it, run FotM and other dungeons. If you want to farm CoF or AC, roll a warrior and Mesmer and level him up or make your own group w/o class requirements.
Alpha has different attacks depending on the path. I enjoy P2 and P3 because you actually have to pay attention. It’s also interesting to find out different ways of surviving rather than dodging. Mesmers #2 w/ sword is nice since you negate the super aoe and still damage boss.
All they’ve said about dungeons is that you will no longer be able to WP when your party members are in combat (so no WP zerging). Also hrouda said that he changed CoF2’s magg placing bomb event to compensate.
However, I wouldn’t be surprised if they gated the bridge part in p1 to force you to do the bridge event and slow down the run by maybe 2-3 mins.
Also, CoE runs are near as lucrative and sometimes more so with a knowledgable group. The difference is its tougher. Just 1 charged core can make your run with the current prices. I wouldn’t be surprised if we start seeing CoE p1 speed farms start going up since Alpha is kinda easy on that path.
(edited by wookalar.8952)
@kid, you’re not taking into effect drops. Running 7min groups, I’ve made around 7g/hr after selling greens/blues. That’s not taking into effect cores that dropped a swell since I keep them. Also not taking into effect Rares since I salvage them for ecto.
If you fall onto ground, you die. I you fall into the abyss you get tele’d. However in some spots you die anyways and group needs to reset. The last ones a bug and has been that way since FotM was released.
so whats the score. just asking did AC path 1 and 2 yesterday would have join you guy’s but my pc suck’s for big battle’s and been sick at the same time.
^ Same. Get some bug where I just roll in place. Really love it since it means you don’t evade some attacks. Seems to happen if terrain changes where you are, rock or some other type of crap that “blocks” your movement. And I’m talking bout little rocks, not boulders you need to jump over, or climb.
It’s a bug that happens when you dodge with auto attack on. If you dodge with bad timing on auto attack, it messes up your dodge like that. If you turn off auto attack, no more bug, although you have to spam 1. I turn off auto attack on bosses that it really matters on, mainly Alpha and Lupi.
Whats scary is some players are 60+.
You meant: what’s scary is people hit the cap (80) and are wondering when Anet is adding more or if its a bug it stops there.
The main way to get condi dmg out of a Mesmer is sharper images trait under the dueling tree and the trait that gives fury to illusions. Then, you basically want to summon phantasms that hit a lot thus able to stack more bleeds. If your phantasms are on CD, then cast illusions, as they will also cause bleeding. The duelist, warden and berserker phantasms seem to be the best to stack bleeds with. Although, warden requires a stationary target.
I’m mostly glass cannon with no spec into condi, but when I get 3 duelists set up, I can keep10-15 bleeds on a target, more if they’re timewarped.
I don’t necessarily agree on punishing DC’ers but they definitely need to be more mindful of others. When I’m having connection issues or hardware issues, I don’t play fractals for this reason. It wastes my time and more importantly, 4 others’ time. My ISP decided to provide bad service and I was dc’n a lot, so I stopped fractals until I dropped them and got another ISP. Similarly, I had an issue with my gfx card an was crashing the game. Until that was fixed, I didn’t run fractals.
Use common courtesy and avoid wasting people’s time. Hopefully this will be fixed on the 28th and it won’t matter much anymore.
Also Crucible of eternity dungeon’s armor has berserker stats.
If a player is kicked right before the final chest/boss via griefing on the kickers end, (and its reported) the kickers will get a 3 day ban. Anet has answered a similar thread on this a few months ago, and I’ve seen a qq thread from a kicker.
My re-install seemed to have worked for now. 3ish hours of play off and on and no crash.
I’ve been having this problem starting this week. I keep getting the crash in game and send report to ANet. The first line of the report says something similar to run -repair. I tried running repair and it would get stuck on file 215,454 or something around there. Then the program would stop responding. I then closed it. However when I tried to relaunch, no avail. I checked processes and GW2 had 2 up that I would end, but they wouldn’t go away. I restarted computer, same problem after trying to repair. Stuck on same file. I then uninstalled and am currently downloading the client again. I hope I don’t have the same issue again like you Zilent. My SSD is only 6 months old, I doubt its that, but you never know. I have the latest BIOS for my comp as well. Currently, I have downloaded past the corrupted file, but still 90% to go.
i7-3280 3.6Ghz
Asus P9X79Pro Mobo
Nvidia GTX 670
Corsair HX1050 PSU (1050W)
EDIT: If this still fails, I can install on my secondary hard drive. Judging by what happens on my second, might give insight to whether or not I have faulty hardware. However, I’m hoping it just works once installed on the SSD.
(edited by wookalar.8952)
All you have to do is have 3 ppl synced on lasers to bring down shield and 2 below waiting outside shield. 2 outside shield just walks out of aoe’s while waiting for shield to go down, then dps. Get out and wait when shield up, rinse and repeat. 5min fight, Mr Robert from dungeon team has stated this boss has significantly less hp than other legendary bosses, so this is why it’s not that time consuming with only 2 dps.
Talk to the training manual Npc, there is a second option with a green icon to reset trait points. Costs around 3s at level 80.
If you look in the stickies, this has been stickied a long time ago. (In dungeons subforum)
I would recommend a last name, yes. The last name is also nice for people to recognize you on your alts. If you keep the same last name for all your chars, that is.
If that’s an npc, you might not be able to get them. I’ve never seen them before on a player. There are some armors only npcs have (but not many).
At rhe very least, You gotta keep 1 side’s mobs aggro’d and in hallway so they don’t heal. Eventually that seal will go down, then you can work on the other.
A better method is killing 1 side at the start and leaving 1 mob alive on the other side. This means that side won’t heal much. You gain charges from the side with a lot of mobs and you can use the hallway tactic again to prevent them from healin on that side.
You can kill or kite. If you kill the smokelord that spawns in the first wave, you can partytank/kite with no deaths even if you don’t get to kill everything.
You weren’t DRd on tokens, you get a 40 token bonus daily per path. So fist run of p2, you get 60, next you get 20, next you get 20 more, etc til DR. Alternatively, you can just run p1,2 and 3 and get 60 each. Then repeat them if needed for 20 tokens.
Try Arah p1.
Fortunately Experimental boss doesn’t reset and is easy with a group that knows what it’s doing. An extra WP in some explorables would be nice, but I think Anet is trying to stop WP zerging.
The rewards aren’t as bad as people tend to lead on. I ran HotW story for kicks the other day, popped omnomberry bar and ended up with 3 rares + random loot + xp/silver reward. No MF armor.
It only glows at night.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.