(edited by xoz.2481)
Showing Posts For xoz.2481:
Winni: Me too. But unfortunately, this is the real world. Not some fantasy land.
Just to throw this in there, the bone dragons of Tyria were not at all related to the Elder Dragons, and the Saltspray Dragons of Cantha were not either.
Did Anet ever Confirm this?
Pretty sure they were killed by the White Mantle to protect you or something.
As the title says this achievement is not showing for me. At first I Thought I had to open a bag for it to show so I collected and opened Nightmare Court champion bag but it still didn’t show. Is there a way to fix this?
The’re for showing crafting progress and skins.
so about unicorns?..
we havnt seen unicorns so far…
With this note, I’m looking forward to the Mordrem Charr/Human/Asura/Norn that are corrupted Pact members after they’ve been killed and affected by a parasitic flower. And it makes me wonder if Mordremoth can make a flower that would dig into the flesh of living beings to control their body like a marionette. That’d make for a very creepy encounter, where someone you’ve been working with for a long time is suddenly having a flower on his/her shoulder, its roots digging into the flesh down the limbs to control them, enforcing the victim to be aware of all the actions they perform while being unable to do anything, perhaps while also enwrapping the heart to present the ultimatum: “fight against my control and you will die and I’ll use your corpse anyways.”
Well this guy has been just hanging here for over a month without the slightest sign of Mordremoth’s corruption.
Just saying Grechen is dead
I doubt it will happen cause it would change the game way too much. plus if the only way to get ghost buster achievement is to do AC story that would make a lot of players really upset.
Hmmm if I were a player, would I care more about a pointless achievement? or driving the story forward in absolutely unexpected ways that breathe life into an otherwise static world? Decisions, decisions….
You’d be surprised how little some people care about the story.
Those beautiful faces…
Since when did they have faces?
this could even serve as an appetizer that might make players more likely to buy the episode.
What do you mean by that?
ANet’s idea is that the game was able to evolve with time, and have significant changes in its environment. what you’re asking is for them to go back on one of the founding pillars of GW2, and instead stick to a static world, where the only visible changes are instanced. i really don’t see it happening.
for better or for worse, it’s kind of implied in the story journal that the game takes place in the “present” (which is as of writing 1327 AE), and the personal story takes place in the past (1325 AE). if anything, it gives players an idea of what has been, and how much has changed since.
I think he means keep the personal story the same despite the open world changes.
- It seems silly to have a polar bear race in the same game as polar bear animals (and on the same map even).
There are plant people in the same game as plants, rat people in the same game as rats, cat people in the same game as cats, and frog people in the same game as frogs. Why are Kodan an exception?
Man, totally wish I could have Niamh’s hair style.
Right here.
Taimi mentions something about getting “curious readings from the crates” and also said “the Zephyrites were taking on more cargo.” Wonder if that has anything to do with it.
Maybe a ‘scarlet’ like outfit for the players would be better, so after each season they could hand out a new outfit/skin. So that players can look like their favorite villain. :p
The prime holo is supposed to go invulnerable at 25% health and split into 3 lesser colored holograms.
It is a bug that the boss never splits and remains invulnerable.
Several servers and overflows are experiencing this bug.
I’m sure a fix is coming soon.
Ok thanks.
Someone probably already mentioned this, but, The Prime Hologram in the breachmaker gets determined somewhere in the fight. Can someone tell me if this is on purpose or if its a bug?
aurora = short for aurora borealis, which is also known as the northern (or southern?) lights and has nothing to do with auras.
Aura, a color or light around people, which some people believe in, and is conveniently invisible to the majority of people. Aura being a supernatural kinda thing is used in many ways and forms, including the legendary weapon aura in this game. Non of the concepts of aura has anything to do with the aurora.
Sorry, but I had to, I know it is annoying, but I really mean well.
And I agree with your charr should glow as much as the other races.
aurora australis is the southern lights.