Just wanted to get some feedback about the guild upgrades. I have a level 10 guild so far and its only 2 of us building it. now my question is, I have the scribe upgrade and one of the upgrades within the scribe is to get a ore node you can mine at your guild scribe stand or whatever it is called. says it will yield either copper or iron right? well what i’d like to know is does it give you 1-10 stacks of iron or copper when mined because what is the point in putting in about 200g worth of mats for the upgrade to be able to claim 3 copper once daily when its worth nothing on the trader? I havnt got the upgrade yet because I think someone at Anet is due to be fired so was just curious if everyone in their right mind thought the same?
Guild hall costs are insane for small guilds
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: yakuza snowdragon.4639
small guilds will ofcourse have a harder tme to get guild hall up and running and it should be that way mate.
See it as a long term goal to get said guild hall up and running.
My issue is, If I want to build a house I first obtain the meterials then procede to build the house, with the current setup I need favor which is like, having some kitten at the building supply shop say he doesn’t like you and you can kiss his A then maybe you can have the timber you need, see my point t all? I’m happy to grind and all that to get the mats to build but as for the favor wtf!!!
Guild halls are a HoT feature, not part of a free update. The maps are located in HoT zones, and HoT is required to claim them. Make sure to explain this to your members that don’t own HoT yet before they contribute to the treasury.
It might also be a good idea to explain to those members that further content patches, with the exception of festivals, are also HoT content.
Guild halls are nothing to do with HoT, the game is GUILD WARS, the only reason they came with HoT is because Anet didn’t have them ready at launch.
Guild hall costs are insane for small guilds
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: yakuza snowdragon.4639
yeah way too expensive but the biggest issue is the favor!!!! need to earn favor for all sorts of things not a cupple of missions, solo stuff, group stuff etc, its just kitten right now, small guilds trying to a group to complete something is a pain in the kitten when its a small international guild working on different time zones grrrrr!!! And don’t start on me about the complaining, not everyone has a huge group of Warhammer buddys they played with out the back of model shops since the 1980’s to do the content with!
Maximum of 5 people in Guild Hall?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: yakuza snowdragon.4639
Hey Frost,
This is indeed not intended behavior. I’m talking to my team and we’ll be investigating.
why not have a max of 5 in the guild at once? if your going to put limits on solo or duo guild owners why not limit the larger guilds and see how they like it?
This guy…
You want content that was made for groups of 10-500 people, to be changed and accommodated to fit your player housing prospect?
Hey man, I hate to break it to you, your in the wrong line of game. Your asking to remove the MMO out of MMORPG and that just isn’t gonna happen.
And before the obligatory “well I’ll just go find another game then and see how you like the loss of money!”, business-wise, even if there was an even number of guilds that were 3 players+ and under 3 player, you wouldn’t even make a dent in profit. So go ahead, honestly I encourage you to find an single player RPG and if you feel it lacks community, then join a forum of said RPG. Enjoy.
Dude learn to read, I didn’t ask for solo content, I said it needs restrictions lifted, I don’t give a rats kitten if I fail trying to earn my own guild hall I just want the option to try to be mine and not come down to a minimum 3 people bull kitten
Sorry guys but you cannot expect a MMO to account for and adjust to 1-2 person guilds. Those are glorified parties indeed or, at best, a Guild Team. Making content with such groups in mind is impractical in every conceivable way.
Wrong, Its not about creating solo content so read before you post your opinion, Its about adding restrictions that serve no purpose. I don’t play as a guild style player because I work, ride moto cross with along with my son and girlfriend so creating an active guild is near impossible with the time limitations I have. I’ve been a GW1 supporter for 7 years and GW2 since launch so why when i’m one of the most loyal Anet supporters would my opinion not be valid? I don’t want solo content I just don’t want restrictions, If its too hard I’ll find a way but as for the cant do it without 3 people wtf
I’ve been a solo player for years, I’ve made and paid for my own guild to reach level 5 via buying commendations with in game gold and now with the release of HOT I just found out I need to find some players to grind favor so I can try obtain my own guild hall? I don’t enjoy trying to coordinate playing the game with friends to achieve something. I don’t want to join another guild. Why the F do I need a minimal of 3 people to gain favor? I was planning on trying to solo clear out my own hall but now I find out I need Favor just to freaken attempt to obtain a guild? WTF? What happened to big and small guilds can obtain their own Hall? Can you please sort this Anet because a fair percentage of your player base prefer to solo regularly.
I wouldn’t wont to see the trinity in gw2 because it has no place here but in saying that the current setup is not working correctly. most skills in this game are copy pasted to the next class with a new thumb nail pic.
Hopefully gear inspect and dps meter with HOT
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: yakuza snowdragon.4639
Especially given the new Raids. i want to be able to make sure I’m bringing decently geared and specced people. If I don’t like the build, I want them out of the group. Same deal if your dps is not cutting it. With raids and legendary rewards, group leaders need to be able to cut the dead wood or weak links.
I hope Anet updates the UI and gives us these much desired and demanded features.
People wont want your kitten in the raid because you think its all about gear spec and dps, Anet have stated many times that the new content will need more balanced groups not just glass canons, you’ll be leading the wipe guild to zero glory.
Same as everyday for the last 6 months, Log in get login rewards log out and surf forums for any info on the expac that was announced 6 months before it should’ve been.
Guild Wars 2 HoT Release Date? [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: yakuza snowdragon.4639
As expressed in the FAQ:
Q: When will Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns launch?
A: We’ll announce the official launch date when we can. Check back at http://heartofthorns.guildwars2.com for the latest updates.
We’re as thrilled about HoT as you are — thanks for sharing your excitement!
This was posted 6 MONTHS ago, that’s insane. Just a tip for the future Arenanet but you might want to have a product before you start advertising it next time. 6 months and still not even close to a release date for your community paying your bills. That’s terrible and I’m a huge supporter of gw1 and 2. sigh……….
Ok just wanted to touch on a few things, People said following the HoT teaser that the mounted mordrem would’ve been a single component and not actually a mounted mordrem, seems after playing the beta the mounted modrem can and did dismount during combat. Does this mean the mechanic is in game for mounts? Also the hylics had mounts to which leads me to ask, Why the hell cant we have mounts? Why do I have to waypoint for map travel and cant just use a mount with a slight speed buff so I can stay in game not looking at loading screens? I’ve paid for the HoT but am actually at the point of quitting GW all togeather after 7-8 years supporting Anet because of the choices they keep making.
P’s 90% of my friends list has left mostly at launch but that’s a lot of accounts without players.
My plans hmmmm, doing berm buster trail ride in Taupo New Zealand on the Saturday then my son has Moto cross on the sunday so its going to be very limited to what I can do but I will squeeze in a look hopefully
Thanks for the feedback it was very helpful, I do have 1 last question with what has been pointed out. I can currently equip any weapon at the moment and it doesn’t matter at all what traits I have selected so that being said it sounds like choosing to use elite spec will ultimately disadvantage your traits because one line is auto locked to opening a new weapon option? Example I could use say sceptre shield and hammer but full trait for hammer and utility skills but if I use say bow elite spec with hammer I must use bow trait line and only have the last 2 trait lines to select hammer and utility effectively stopping me using the third trait line of my choosing? this make sense?
It seems like the elite specialization is more like adding new levels to a class without actually adding new levels. What reason would anyone have to not use the elite spec? Will the elite spec close other base class traits or skills and replace them or just add more? Can you use the bow (guardian) without using the elite spec? Will any class be less useful or powerful without unlocking the said elite class? If you don’t have multiple elite specs to choose from its not an elite spec its just an advanced class level? Example , if Guardian could choose from say Vanguard (polearm style defence elite) Dragon hunter (ranger style trapper wtf right lol) then it would be sort of a elite spec but as it is its just adding a new weapon option with the new weapon skills? Umm is it just me that is thinking this?
I dont know why they have white,blue,green,yellow and orange bags because they all only drop blue, green and yellow gear sigh….
Thanks for all the great feedback, To be honest if I knew a launch date for HoT it would spark some more interest and a bit of excitement for me to get right back into it but I’m slowly losing interest in even the forums now. sigh…… Still love gw1 and 2 but sigh….
Just tested it; “Disable Area of Effect Rings” gets rid of the puzzle pieces ring effect around my AoEs, I’m pretty sure it’s the option you want.
Close but not really, its the annoying effects on guardian and rev skills, probably on other class’s to but for me its the guard mainly.
I’m kiwi to, wish we had better ping
Thanks but I ment the effect outlining AoE skills not the rings themselves. It looks like puzzle pieces rising made of smoke around the edges. looks terrible.
When casting a lot of AoE skills in game especially the new skills like the road the Rev lays down or the horn skill on the new Ele elite they have the outline with the smoke like jigsaw puzzle pieces raising off them. Can this super crap looking effect be turned off in settings? I mean who likes to see a frame on AoE skills? If I set the ground on fire I want to see it on fire where I set it on fire, not a kids play area looking sandbox type thing. Each to their own but as long as I can turn it off HELL YES PLEASE!
I found myself at the point where I’m literally logging in doing dailys and logging out spending more time just browsing waiting for HoT info or any little update at all. Now I’m so over dailys I find myself just logging in for log in rewards. What I would like is to hear how many others are reduced to this presuming its not just me. And I don’t need the blah blah do this and that etc, I’ve done plenty and and interested in what I am not what others tell me to be.
Time to not let people play anyway they want
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: yakuza snowdragon.4639
Anet isnt stopping you playing as you like, They will never stop you going back to playing WoW but when you have been cleansed of your need for the trinity you’ll start to enjoy the future in mmo’s.
I like it and if all the fixes implemented in some of the threads are used before release it’d be close to becoming my new main alt. its beta and has very little on show o I think people need to stop treating it like a 50% finished class should stack up against a finished active class, looking forward to its release anyway.
I got colossus kitten
Can you keep anything Revenants finds?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: yakuza snowdragon.4639
I got a colossus on my rev, seems like a massive kick in the guts from Anet to finally get a precursor on a beta toon that’s going to be wiped.
Can you keep anything Revenants finds?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: yakuza snowdragon.4639
I’m remembering the funny post I saw yesterday, where someone pondered if the Hand of Irony would give him his first precursor… in the test.
But as shared, items and wealth won’t transfer to your real account. That just wouldn’t be a good idea at all.
I enjoy playing around with armour looks etc. I have used 6 or more transmutes on my Rev, so will they be reimbursed after beta? If we cant make money while using a Rev then we’re paying to test it because we’re still paying to use WP’s? This is pretty important and needs to be addressed because it’s fun to play a new class or in the future beta’s explore a new map but if it’s going to cost me and I cant recoup cost while playing this will be my first and last beta event for HoT. For now I’m not too impressed about this (love the Rev though) but will soon be angry if its not rectified.
I just cant fathom not having a ranged weapon option if I decide to go melee. Makes some situations really kittenty/dangerous.
Hammer is ranged and has a good range at that, have a 1 hit ate range and see what you think
What restrictions will rev have? in a previous beta I watched it had limited weapons and skills?
Tome of knowledge=Ruining the experience?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: yakuza snowdragon.4639
I have 8 level 80’s all different class’s, tomes are the best thing to happen for gamers like myself who don’t wish to repeat everything is game countless times, If you don’t like them don’t use them!!!
What Anet should have done is added keep your character progression to the Ultimate Edition to give it added value.
Because that wouldn’t have caused a fan base uproar. Nothing that gives someone an advantage in game should be included in packages like that. I know you want an advantage, but that doesn’t mean Anet should provide one.
Exactly, that is the essence of p2w, and poor form that very few, even among those who pre-ordered the ultimate addition would want. You got your gems, goodies and ability to try out the game before those who didn’t pre-order, that was your prize for buying it.
Quick Question? How is there any advantage in keeping your character? Its all cosmetic? no real end game gear? all same starts on gear for anyone who wants it? instant level 80 for any players with xp scrolls? every level prepurchase gets beta access so its not like ultimate buyers got any more game time with the Rev? anyone can make an alt to save a name right now the delete and make a rev of release? what advantage are you guys saying will kitten everyone off?
Anyone know of any Beta countdown timers? I live in NZ and I’m always unsure of times because we’re on the start of the timeline.
Not a timer, no. But they did say Friday (tomorrow) at UTC-7 till Monday UTC-7. I guess you can use a site that converts your time to UTC-7.
“We’re inviting all pre-purchasers to join us for a special revenant test weekend starting Friday, July 10, at noon Pacific Time (UTC-7) and running until noon Pacific Time (UTC-7) on Monday, July 13.”
Thanks but unfortunately for us in New Zealand it is 11;50am Friday 10th July right now lol so I always have to work out how far behind Anet is on the timeline.
Anyone know of any Beta countdown timers? I live in NZ and I’m always unsure of times because we’re on the start of the timeline.
will new weapons influence your main?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: yakuza snowdragon.4639
It will influence my main in the fact that Guardians have rubbish ranged weapons at the moment and I will definitely be rolling a long bow, plus my personal guild is the dragon slayers legion so makes sense to roll a dragon hunter. suppose it works for me. All I hope is that specialization isn’t a trade off for something our class already had.
If you think scrolls are bad, just wait until HoT. Guild missions only. Let’s hope they actually scale now. Considering ArenaNet basically told smaller guilds to PuG for guild halls however, I’ll assume small guilds are dead.
And yes, I know in lore, Destiny’s Edge was five people, but in reality, the Guild Wars, for which the series of named, was about large guilds, who went to war.
The guilds banded together and went to war. Every guild doesn’t have to be large, nor do they even have to be combat guilds. Traders, banks and cooks for example were some of them.
A guild can be anything, from a few elites to a mass of casuals. Sure, you can say one isn’t a valid guild, but it’s not right. A guild is nothing more than a house. It doesn’t matter how many people live in it, it’s still a home.
Terrible example. First of all, the guild of traders probably didn’t go to war. The guilds that went to war were probably adventurers. And in fact, guilds in Guild Wars 1 seemed to imply guilds of adventurers. Keep in mind there were no crafting professions in Guild Wars 1, where this lore comes from. At all.
Players couldn’t learn crafting professions, but they were there.
Sure they were there but then there was this:
“Because the guilds fostered communication as well as economic prosperity, they transcended borders. For instance, a guild that held sway in Kryta might also have chapters in Orr and Ascalon. They also began to dominate the political arena. A king or council might make a law, but it was the military guilds that were responsible for enforcing the proclamation. In essence, guilds began to hold the real power of human society.”
The military guilds were the ones with the power. They were enforcing the proclamations of various royalty. Not the baker’s guild. The big guilds were responsible for the guild wars. Aside from that, I doubt the baker’s guild only had five members anyway. That would be a pretty small guild of bakers. lol
Your arguments are often filled with probability and assumptions and you try to put them across as fact which is wrong. Guilds wars 1 was based around guilds and alliances. 1 guild of 10-30 people didn’t start a war no but 12 guilds based around 10-30 each may have. Sure you may have 25k AP and been glued to the game since launch but unlike some of us who got bored after 12 months due to lack of real content updates but nomatter what your opinion, it is nothing more then that, an opinion. if you have facts quote them otherwise please restrain from assuming facts on every post someone puts up. thanks
Ok so I’m really glad there is a guild promoter NPC I can buy scrolls off to gain rep points to upgrade my guild but WTF is with having the price 20g for 10,000 rep? The only guilds that have any use for these Scrolls are small guilds that do not have large amounts of members gaining Rep points daily for guild. This being said these scrolls are more likely used by guilds with fewer to no member base which will likely play mostly solo style game play in which generating less overall income. I like my guild and want the options and bonuses I receive from owning and upgrading my guild. So my point is GUILD REPPING is killing smaller guilds with the multi guilding option because members are not acquiring any points for guild and charging top price to small guilds for scrolls to build their guild a kittenen bullkitten. No I don’t want to join a big guild, I’ve had this one since launch and it died after all my friends went back to GW1 and recruiting is hard when you don’t offer an extremely active guild straight away.
There is no reason to leave content out! mounts could be cosmetic and have no impact on game play at all and make the large amount of us that want them happy. I don’t understand the people that are anti because its not like the have to use them and as long as they offer no bonus whats the issue? Better the WP’s any day of the week.
I don’t even see Exotics anymore so the thought of a precursor is just a joke. RNG is crap in gw2.
Its time to give us info about HoT
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: yakuza snowdragon.4639
yeah give us some info, this is BS, get the omg preorder info and guild vid then back to weekly silence. BS
Thief needs rifle, not melee staff
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: yakuza snowdragon.4639
So, some people are now believing that thief will get melee staff as their elite spec, not rifle.
I personally think this would be a mistake
First off, Revenant already has melee staff, and it would be more than a bummer to get what is basically the same thing on thief.
Second, and more importantly, thief has plenty of melee options, some of the best melee options in game (if not the best), so they really do not need yet another melee weapon. The area where thief is severely lacking is ranged options. They are the only class in game that has no means of attacking a target beyond 900 range, and giving them rifle with 1200 range would perfectly fill that gap in thief’s abilities.
Lastly: rifle can only be used by two classes in game currently, Warrior and Engineer. Engineer rarely actually uses the rifle, other than as a ’stat-stick" and for two attacks in melee range. And warrior rifle is severely under-powered (yeah, it has a place in PvP for some burst damage, but is still mostly outmatched by longbow) so it would be very nice to see a class make use of the rifle as a primary weapon.
Learn other class’s before you claim things like Thief being the only class with limited ranged weapons, Go play Guardian and tell me how playing at range works for you then come back and amend your claims.
So I’m guessing that OP is basically wanting something like GW2 to play while waiting for HoT to launch which is what most of us are doing, I’m doing dailys and looking for any updates about Beta’s or release date on a daily bases. Its getting old and boring. I almost bought another mmo yesterday but changed my mind because I don’t want to purchase anything short term. What would honestly make me stop looking at leaving until HoT launch would be was if we actually got Beta’s or a ball park time frame for HoT because No news is kitten and makes people kittened off as well as bored.
Funny in Guild Wars 1, I’d spec my heroes and for most content I wouldn’t even have to be there to win. I could just AFK and my heroes would finish the battle for me. In fact, my build became so efficient I could afk most vanquishes. I mean I’d have to move but I wouldn’t have to fight.
I would like to see you solo 60+ mobs in HM without knowing the gear weapons skills and timing combination and I mean solo not with hunches or heros.
Also you guys all need to go fight Shatterer and tell me you cant just auto attack and hit any attack that isn’t on CD the whole fight. hmmm what a challenge. GW1 and 2 are my number 1 games of all time so I don’t need fanboys telling me its ok or a challenge as it is right now.
Guild Wars 2 HoT Release Date? [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: yakuza snowdragon.4639
Everybody prepurchase so they can hire more people to get HoT out, or atleast hire someone that knows how kittened off cliants are getting being kept in the dark without even a rough idea of launch kitten
Is there any content in game that cant be done by just Auto attacking? I know there’s ways to make stuff easier but is there much you couldn’t just group auto attack to complete? I Haven’t played many mmo’s over the years, maybe only gw1, Lotro and Aion I suppose but I don’t remember boss’s or raids being 1 skill jobs done possible. I’ve played gw1 for 7 years and gw2 since first beta but in gw1 build, stat points armour and timing done to he split second meant win or lose? I’ve found I do world events like shatter, maw SB etc. All I do is range auto attack text my Mrs and hit other attacks as they c/d. no moving, timing, skill or even attention needed? love the game but wtf man?
Personally I always go PVT for anything that I want to be tanky. You are right that toughness does lower the damage you take but the extra Vit can help that by also making this true for any cond damage or environment effects that make be taking it’s toll. So having both just makes them both better and they both support each other is what I guess I am saying I guess.
You want to be a better healer tho so I can see your dilemma you want to have that extra healing power so you have to choose between Toughness and Vit. That’s not for me to answer so I hope I helped somewhat lol…
But I could go Healing Power / Toughness / Vitality no? Because I know there is a gear set out that supports those stats? Or do you that wouldn’t be a good idea then because I do no damage? I mean for groups it would be great, which is what I intend on using my Guardian for.
I’ve done this full spec from gear weapons traits and skills, you can keep the worst pug group alive its amazing but you cant kill anything and groups always complain about your low dps even though the whole teams HP doesn’t drop below 70% the entire battle, fun and helpful but looked down apon by anyone remotely elitest.
So much great feedback so thanks all but back to the point, its not that I don’t want outfits exactly, its that I want outfits I can choose which pieces I use at any given time and have the option to colour. If I wanted to have balthazars helm with the new monk shoulders and assassin’s greaves I could. That’s what gets me. Have a copy past look like everyone else that spent a few gems isn’t good enough. Just create outfits as sets with individual parts not here you go put on a sheet!
Why have costumes like outfits in game, its just a lazy way to pump out gem store items . We need more armour in game so stop wasting time and styles on outfits instead of making awesome new armours. Example, The Balthazar outfit could have been 6 completely awesome armour pieces able to be mix and matched with other in game sets to make something personalised and amazing but instead its a costume with every player with 20 achievement points on their account is running around in. costumes serve no purpose! OR at the very least make an armour option of each because I personally would buy them all if they had use other than hiding actual other armour.