Showing Posts For Aeon.6397:

Support not responding

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeon.6397


Ive never not had a response from your support til this time.. i submitted a ticket, and the activity did say you guys saw it..
accidentally purchased an oakheart’s essence and left it unused because id rather have my unbound magic refunded.. please just let me know if you can or not.. i just need a yes or no.

My predictions for LS3E4

in Living World

Posted by: Aeon.6397


Possibly spoilers!? I feel like this is very likely, to the point where i may be upset if this isnt what happens!

The attack on DR is a front, Caudecus sees what happens when you try and pull magic from a blood stone with out the keystone. ie. bloodstone fen explosion so heres what i think.
Most of us THINK the stone in the throne room is the keystone, but it isnt (i think)! The blood stones were SEALED with DORICS BLOOD and his BLOOD LINE was put in charge to guard them. Now it would make sense if Jennah was guarding a keystone right? But how could she possibly guard that stone while putting down ogre rebellions and other activities outside of DR? Also why is the other decendent of doric not helping?
thats right! there are 2 remaining decedents, queen jenna, BUT more importantly, wade samuelsson, the commander of the ebon hawke, which have recently got a bit more attention with current events?
Unless its a completely different scenario, what if the keystone is their literal blood.
SO the attack on divinities reach is just for show, they are attacking from the east to use the ebon hawke portal to capture/kill wade for his blood.

5 man Tempest Team vs Ensolyss

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


uhh what are you talking about

5 man Tempest Team vs Ensolyss

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


woooh! thanks for all the views so far guys!

5 man Tempest Team vs Ensolyss

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


Nightmare Challenge Mote, boss kill with purely tempest

We all have the ability to reroll mesmer for the boonstrip

buttt us Elementalist’s are just too darn stubborn


Post a picture of your Elementalist [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


The MVP of human male light armored players
The King of Tempests
The Angel of Elementalists (note the halo)
The one
The only
Miroku Sangi !!!!!!!!!
crowd cheers wildly


[Ele] Official Ele Forum Guild

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


Miroku Sangi
Jade Quarry
All modes

Same elementalist since gw1 beta
Same name and hair even down to the halo
Ive been religiously playing as ele for 15 years now.
Ive played gw2 since release have mutliples of every class all raid ready
Specifically i have 7 elementalists 50 in total
Always ready to help train and teach new players
Most times ill just make a new char and tome/scroll up to their level and help side by side.
My main Miroku Sangi is currently full zerker with all +5 pwr +7/9 AR. Literally at max power cap ???? People that know me well kikda call him a God xD
I need to be in this guild!

Optional monthly fee?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeon.6397


some type of membership deal
like gold member or something idk
small permanent discount on gem store
free item every now and then
doesnt really matter to me

This game needs more teams working on it
having the same Halloween year after year cant be acceptable for a game thats been out this short, your cutting content that was already in place.

What do you guys think? I’d totally opt in for kitten a month fee or whatever if it helps the game grow.

Make Dungeons Great Again

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aeon.6397


Okay so before I get into it, I am a veteran player, since the gw1 beta. I remember logging over 10k hours on that game over the 10+ years i played it, and never left it running while afk unless at lucky rings occasionally. Also have logged almost half that in a third of the time on guild wars 2.
At first like every other veteran i didnt like what became of guild wars 2, it was an entirely different game, but I gave it time and fell in love with it.
Logging on and having a goal in mind, whether it be making a legendary or making a 100k gold. It didnt matter
Being able to dungeon crawl like the old days, with even more paths available was awesome! tripled the content in my head after hearing there was only 8 dungeons.

Fast forward to now
Players log in once a day to do dailies, once a week for raid, then go home.
there no reason to grind a dungeon, theres no unique drop that looks awesome, there no reason to farm gold because you can buy it.
(this isnt all players but a high majority)
Im pretty much a loner. I do a lot of my own running around.
But now im worried, finding raid teams for me is tough, i dont really have any big guilds, nor do i like them. and finding a group of raiders that are good and not elitist is the biggest pain ive had to suffer. (yes there are some awesome groups out there but they are all already in a cliche and its hard to get into their runs)

Morale of the story
Can we add some new dungeons, with their own drops, a cool skin that you dont buy from the gem shop or with black lion tickets?
i miss being able to LFG and have fun with random players
yeah i know the gem sales fuel your company, but the people who buy gems wont stop buying them because theres another way to get weapons.

Max Power Level?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


post here because im curious about ele specifically… because well master class.

Max Power Level?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


How high do you guys get your power w/o buffs?
im using +5 power agony infusions along with full zerker and scholar runes
i just wanna see how high i can get it

Veteran Player Searching for Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aeon.6397


Main- Miroku Sangi (NA)
Okay so Ive been playing since the guild wars 1 beta, and guild wars 2 beta, this is my game. However i cant seem to find a home. With many of my friends leaving the game ive become a very lonely/solo player.
Honestly at this point im a mercenary for hire. I get random messages for doing things and thats how it works for me.
I am sick of it.
I need a home. I dont need a cozy loving guild of friendship
i need a few dope players that are at an elitist level but mentally friendly, for example i dont mind taking a few minutes to explain a part to someone so long as they speak up before hand.
Personally ive been in and even lead a few elitist guilds and got sick of some things
Theres a time to teach and a time to just get things done. If you dont know what your doing speak up, theres a difference between teaching runs and real runs.
With that said I specifically need a raiding team. I dont mind try outs or whatever test you need to do.
mail me in game or on here ill check both.

Pro player needs pro raid team

possible bug: glyph of storms

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


the glyph is a different name in each attunement other glyphs are the same name
its literally a different spell

New Channel!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aeon.6397


Im going to be making a ton of youtube videos! first batch is out today!
Ranked PvP! Ele Reaper Rev!
Please feel free to ask me to run a profession or build!
I’ll do a full gameplay video in ranked and add commentary if my channel gets popular.

Fissure of Woe

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeon.6397


I want this more than a raid wing

give us elite farming areas
i dont even care if its instanced or solo or party or squad
i miss this area most about gw1

Tweaks and others - ideas

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


wash the pain away.. a push back skill

Elemental Glass

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


full zerker is super easy on an ele in HoT, just need to get better at kiting, using frost fields/auras and stuns to help slow enemies kite inside of a meteor shower etc.
you are going to go down sometimes and thats unavoidable
try running tempest and water then the third being a damage
the extra bit of support goes a long way
also D/W is pretty tanky (perma protection)
or staff for the utility

PvP Tempests

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


why does this game suffer from tunnel vision so much?

PvP Tempests

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


3 of them were diamonds from ranked regardless the point is eles are still viable
and with no season what are you gunna play? hot joins?

PvP Tempests

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


Ele has been my main since the guild wars 1 beta so idk what your talking ab out Naurgalen
Ive literally always been an ele..
Second the aura duration nerf wasnt even that bad, w/ overloads and shouts you can have an aura up permanently
Third i dont use the burn build vs teams with a necro, that would just be a bad.. i use d/w or d/f vs teams with a necro/thief
thiefs are good spike classes and as a power ele its going to be tough, but not impossible between reflects blocks and overloads to protect you, plus stoneheart if you use earth thief is low on my priority list.

PvP Tempests

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


so why is everyone complaining that ele in pvp is a HANDICAP? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
So story time
i queued for unranked w/ 3 guildies for a mission, and we got spirit watch
OFF THE BAT 1 of my teammates and 2 others laughed at us for having an ele calling it a handicap
final result? 24 kills, 4 spirits ascended, and a 504 to 185 win.
at least 3 of the other team where diamonds
and 2 had dragon finishers so they werent a bad team? (i guess?)

I was running a TESTING build had never used it. Balthazar Runes w/ a merc ammy and a staff w/ smoldering and fire sigils. It worked PRETTY WELL no?

also did 3 straight conquest wins afterwards 2 on forest 1 on temple

So back to the hate. I am an alt-a-holic i have 6 eles alone, and at least 2 of every other class

I have yet to see a situation where i said to myself If only i was on my (other class)

Burn staff zerker staff marauder s/f paladins d/w crusaders d/d etc. has ALWAYS done the job for me

While were at it, diamond skin? really? that broke us? i never even used diamond skin.
maybe we arent as invincible as we used to be but kitten do we still do work.
Please get off my class if you cant ADAPT as an ELE
We change our attunement based on what we need water for healing, earth for protection etc.
Try doing that with your weapons and builds based on your team comp and the map
We can be selfish anymore to win everything, its time to remember how to be a team player.

Current state of the Elementalist in PvP

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


honestly i never used cele ammy
and i never used diamond skin

i still have yet to run into a scenario i cant handle on any of my eles
im an altaholic w/ 36 chars and i have 7 eles

i swap based on map and team comp
one with burn staff (balth/merc ammy) just tried this out today, worked awesomely melted everyone w/ good survival
marauder s/f
pladians? (drawing a blank) d/w
etc. i have a ton of variations

sorry you cant run d/f or d/d and be invincible. we are ELEMENTALISTS
we adapt elements in every situation based on what we need
learn how do that with builds

Staff ele pvp amulet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


I just tested out a staff burn build and i melted people

Post a picture of your Elementalist [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


The God King Ele<3
Miroku Sangi


DPS Tempest Almighty [S/H] -Are you Nuts?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


…or just use dragons tooth, overload fire, dragons tooth again, + 2 shouts w/ might trait and then heat sync for max might in like 4 seconds.

Lightning Overload Question

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


shock aura or the lighting field it leaves

Heart and Mind Help(Spoiler)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aeon.6397


theres a safe spot if you hide behind a rock.. just saying

To people complaining how hard HoT is.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aeon.6397


Guys i siad im 40+ in HoT NOT TYRIA
in total im nearly 90+
CoF was old content thats I’ve played on for 2 years, obviously i rushed that
im talking about the new content

Nice job man. You are asking for more challenging content and then choose the most easiest way to level up your masteries. Really good job.

|Did you even read this? I rushed the content thats old and simple so i can play the new challenging content…

Post a picture of your Elementalist [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


Updated look for my tempest ^


To people complaining how hard HoT is.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aeon.6397


make that rank 93

To people complaining how hard HoT is.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aeon.6397


this is what i mean by almost 90+
and it wasnt with any exploits, yes i did CoF
HoT i chained events with all my boosters active


So lets talk about halo's

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeon.6397


Can you PLEASE make the self-less potion act like food or a booster? As in it stays applied for the full duration. Every time you down or map or change your form (mistform) you need to reapply the halo. And if you cant can you explain why?

To people complaining how hard HoT is.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aeon.6397


my point is things dont need to be easier, just let the content stay difficult

To people complaining how hard HoT is.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aeon.6397


Guys i siad im 40+ in HoT NOT TYRIA
in total im nearly 90+
CoF was old content thats I’ve played on for 2 years, obviously i rushed that
im talking about the new content

To people complaining how hard HoT is.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aeon.6397


Can you PLEASE stop.
First, Because of all the nerfs already I’ve basically finished all the content in less than a week.
With the exception of a few more masteries. Don’t ask for easier mobs or easier events, learn your class, learn how to move, stop ruining the game for higher skilled players. Run in a group if you really need too. Join a guild, do ANYTHING just stop asking that this gets easier.
Second, stop running your mentor tag and your commander tags if you dont know what you are doing. I just did Dragons Stand with 5 other commanders that had no idea what to do and attacked the invincible spitfire for roughly 5 minutes. While the people onmy tag laughed and did the escort.
Third, Yes, i agree. HoT is difficult. But where is the fun in something you can solo? or rush through? In HoT (not including tyria) Im already 40+ just playing running around with guildies.

Post a picture of your Elementalist [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


my elementalist, my tempest, my baby.



in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


I maxed tempest and i am loving it.. but im having trouble deciding what runes i want to run
i almost want to run full zerker with trooper runes

Tempest Loop

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeon.6397


i used earth fire tempest
full zerker
wash the pain away, eye of storm, glyph of storm (sandstorm is amazing), and earth ele elite

64 level 80s and a guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeon.6397


I’m not sure how many people would follow that video series. Why? Because in this game there exist two levelling camps: The “lv80 zero-day” guys who use the tomes, writs, boosters, farming XP in EoTM, etc. and the “I’d rather never be lv80” guys who like to take the game slowly and enjoy every last bit of content to its fullest.

But don’t let that discourage you from making it. One should never rely on the opinions on others when deciding to do a creative work.

To be honest, I prefer to spend time revising and perfecting my existing 11 lv80s rather than making 64 characters. Its easy to feel like you are done, but the truth is some of my characters have been two or three complete redos and I find it more fun than just levelling a new character to level 80 as fast as possible.

My next alt will wear white gear all the way to the end of world completion. It will probably take me a year, but it will feel like a real accomplishment.

I have 1 of every class with full ascended excellent builds and armor/wep slots and 15 chars have map completion
Plus the money to buy legendaries… If I wanted any if them
They’re as close to perfect i can think of

64 level 80s and a guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeon.6397


I’ve played since pre-release, and currently sitting at 22 level 80s… The max amount of characters is 64. I’m having a hard time deciding if I want to max out my account with 64 characters, but at the same time I love this game. I have a ton of money put away and all the gear I want. So it’s either quit til HoT or make a video series of leveling a new character to 80 each week.

Would anyone follow a video series like that?

On a side note im looking for a talkative and friendly guild, size isn’t too important.

Convince me to play WvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aeon.6397


free karma free exp free gold
chuck norris wvws
dont want to pvp? start with edge of the mist, its a karma train
very few battles all you do is flip towers and camps etc.

Am i chossing the right profession ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aeon.6397


WvW guilds have tons of guards and ele and etc. they are uslaly hurting for a mesmer

New player starting out

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aeon.6397


At level 80 you want exotic zerker armor and trinkets and weapons
thats the meta for warriors

leveling just keep up with your personal story and do a ton of events, explore, the basic stuff.
join a guild thats active and friendly. your going to want some friends to help you out
at level 30 you get your first story mode dungeon. its tough for new players so be careful
for armor while leveling. just wear what drops you really level to fast to bother buying or craft anything

Why do you play your main?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aeon.6397


im a guy.. im not a fan of pine-cones on a stick that shoots rainbows. lmao

But a greatsword that shows a window into the endless void of space, oh yea sign me up for one of those.

Bet you don’t play a mesmer because of purple butterflies aren’t manly.

no i have a mesmer i wouldnt deny an entire class because of an effect. however i will deny a weapon that costs half my bank to get, that has an effect and skill i dont like.

Why do you play your main?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aeon.6397


im a guy.. im not a fan of pine-cones on a stick that shoots rainbows. lmao

Why do you play your main?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aeon.6397


my long term goals are done. i have 10k+ AP points, 1k + wvw rank, rank 39? in pvp, etc. i have all the weapons i want, never was too interested in the legendaries, not a fan of the way they look. but i think its just time.
i am just looking for something refreshing.
im debating i might use mesmer or warrior? and if that happens i would probably get bolt? but everything is still up in the air.
at the moment i can afford 2 legendaries i just wanna choose something refreshing

Why do you play your main?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aeon.6397


So, ive been using my guardian primarily as my main. Ele is more secondary although a bit more favored.
Ive got every class at level 80 and multiple of some. all fully geared out
However guardian is easy mode. its boring. i haven’t been challenged on a guardian since i was level 50 a fought my first dragon. (yeah.. in pre release).
My ele has the same name as my gw1 ele and was always my favorite.. but it can get boring..
Because of this ive never made a legendary even though i have everything i need for one. minus the pre-c.
ive finally decided i want one, but i have no idea which. SO i need your help. Tell me your main and why you picked that class. Im going to choose a legendary for whatever class i decide to use as my new main.

halo disappearing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeon.6397


Why does my halo from the “Selfless Potion” always dissapear!!
If I use mist form, if I get turned into a cocoon during the toxic spider event, etc. the Halo always seems to disappear. I have to reapply it constantly.
PLEASE fix this!