Showing Posts For Alhadin.4032:

[PvP] Necromancer Diversity Dilemma

in Necromancer

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Shhhhhhh be quiet, or anet nerf our only one usefull traitline :-))

Only 23 days left

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Working ok for me I guess….

From your screenshot: not evan one good close match.

Thats exactly why I stopped playing this “pvp” I want back my close win/loose 500-490 not this crap 500-23 :-((

[Video] Reaper Havoc Roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Macro user detected….

Scrims 20 vs 20

in WvW

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


RiP gw2 gvg/wvw. Before one year I have 25 pm ingame after 2 hours. Now 0 after 4 days :-(((((
Only braindeath EB blobs left.

Scrims 20 vs 20

in WvW

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


EU, dont want to use any names in this forum – thread deleted :-) If you are interested just pm ingame, no need to talking here.

Scrims 20 vs 20

in WvW

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Our guild is looking for even fights 20vs20 preferably, in OS/EOTM.

Most Common Mistakes Made by SoloQers

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


•Message Body length must at least be 15.

how much to carry into next tier ?

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


I think nobody care about pips. I just want back some fun when fights ended 500-490 not this crap what is now. I want loose milion times 498-500 then win ones 500-100. There is no fun in it.

To all the ftp folks.

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Maebye classic signet necro, nothing else on my mind :-(

Anet. You done f'd up.

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


And dont forget imob bug :-))))

Anet. You done f'd up.

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Ok so they fix it next year? Maebye next monhts?
Necro rally bug with transfers say HALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Coalescence of Ruin and WvW/GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Alhadin.4032



99% of my playtime in Gw2 is queues.

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


The true is alot players like myself stop playing pvp at all. Before HoT I used to play 5-10 games/day, after HoT ZERO. I have more fun dueling with friends in custom arena then this bullkitten.

Network Error Code: 1083:5:7:1609:101 [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Happend right now, cant even log back in game. Same eror code, no internet connection problem with my net.

Stuck in PvP match/queue [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Me too !!! Me too !!! Me too !!! Me too !!! Me too !!! Me too !!! Me too !!! Me too !!! Me too !!! Me too !!! Me too !!! Me too !!! Me too !!! Me too !!! Me too !!! Me too !!! Me too !!!

Diamond Skin could use a rework

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


No other aspect in this game is like……….. insert what you want.
I dont like this trait myself. And IF I take earth line, there is much better grandmaster trait then DS.

“Have 2 or 3 condi classes 2v1 or 3v1 a DS Ele in the same way”
Why on earth do you have 2-3 condi classes on one team? And 2vs1 you eat 1500 health anyway.

Rotations: A basic rule

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


goes far on their point and dies
goes far on their point again, dies again
and again
and again

“wtf are you doing far you freakin reterd?”

“i’m keeping one of them far and noone comes help”

pugs 2015

:-) This one is hilarios as well.

Diamond Skin could use a rework

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


No on my thief or mesmer I hard counter any other full glass cannon.

That doesn’t make it okay. It simply means some specs are not on the level they should be, either overpowered or underpowered. While it’s okay to have some counters in the game, it’s not okay to have specs that totally kittens on rest.

I dont like it myself but it is where this game is heading with anet on stear

Avergage Queue Time Doubled Recently

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Queue time is longer because they need to find a premade for your pug to play against. If they aren’t careful, the match might end up 500 to 450 and that would be a tragedy that goes against their current matchmaking program. They need to do a lengthy evaluation to make sure the match ends 500 to 125.

Soooo sarcastic.

And sooo true .-((((

Diamond Skin could use a rework

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


No on my thief or mesmer I hard counter any other full glass cannon.

Not saying I like this. :-(

Diamond Skin could use a rework

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


This whole pvp is about hard/soft counter. You want go full condi ok. But than dont fight 1vs1 with diamont skin ele.
I want go full glass canon on my ele/necro/war. But than I will not go to forum and cry for thief/mesmer nerf because they eat me for breakfast from stealth.

Rotations: A basic rule

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Bumb up.

I like when my pug teammates shout on chat: “You dont kill them, go back to help us on home you scrub”. When I contest far against two enemy half a matchup :-)

Do all d/d eles use Vampire runes?

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


I want it nerfed so bad so that players who let this and other overpowered cheesy meta builds carry their lack of real skill have to try and use their brain to come up something creative for once, instead of the same thing over and over again until you die a miserable death of boredom because GW2 is such a boring game that I find arguing and debating logic on these forums FAR more fun than playing the kitten game itself these days.

Feel the same.

People leaving matches

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


As long as there isnt a punishing/controlling system by Anet that prevents such action/behavior, players will keep doing this as theres no risk/downside other than bad morale (which for many mean squat).


People leaving matches

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Maybe if players that can hardly control their class and their game and all they care about is their personal points didn’t join ranked matches,people would have the
will to stay and fight.
But going ‘This is Sparta’ when you got a couple of players playing with their kitten
in your team,becomes pointless after a few matches.
I’m no pro,but I know the basics and I can’t play with players that have no clue about
the game in my team.
I wish there was another advanced ranked mode where you could only join if you had
at least 200 ranked wins with your class.


Effective "Alternate" strategies

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Yes, yes, of course. My favorite alternate strategy, when playing spvp, is to run straight to the point and cap it. I find that running to mid in the beginning and putting everything into winning that fight really throws the opponents off guard. This is especially effective when one player on the enemy team decides to avoid mid, for some odd reason.

Another excellent alternate strategy is to wait for an enemy player to get out of position and use that opportunity to create a +1 scenario against the other enemy players. I find the 4v3 battle to be the all time best way to win the game. You’ll usually end up wiping half the enemy team, then it will be 5v2 for a little while. The chances are they’ll never recover from this.

My all time favorite strategy is to decap the enemy home point when their players rotate out of position and hold it as long as possible, or simply decap it and run back to mid (to avoid a -1 fight there…

Loool so much.

Peak Performance and Rampage

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


when does a suggestion from an opinion count….i mean if it’s just an opinion, why should that suggestion be any more valuable..


I gave a suggestion based on my game experience AND based on community feedbacks.

Rampage is too strong right now, most of all for this trait (lower cd and better damage).

Maybe you don’t agree. it’s ok, is a free world, but u aren’t the the judge, Anet is.

I dont want to see it nerfed because alot of average players dont know what to do with it. I have a handful of people on my friends list and guild who see rampage warriors on a regular and they beat them all the time.

I myself main in warrior and have used rampage before the cele meta and i have no problem facing other rampage warriors. I have gotten into literal fights where i didnt hit the mesmer once even when i did the condi immune stance.

Lets run threw the list of counter players moa engy and mesmer can immediately remove your rampage.(a elite skill) The plague on necro constant blinds, any ele traited for burns to blind, guardians who play blinds or blocks, (so offensive and defensive) elite level thieves arent trying to fight on the point any ways just win the fight.

Lets add that 4/5 attacks are melee so if you stand outside the circle they have to come after you. So they cant cap and you get the L2P which i said earlier. If we are to nerf classes because 1 person( you named him) then every class would be nerfed.

There is literally a forum topic saying i watch this certain player and hes too good nerf engys. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Ive seen that exact same forum post about thieves cause the abjured thief is better then other thiefs. Seriously that is all your saying in your post, “bad players suck against ramapge so its needs nerfed” “burns need nerf since i dont like running condi removal”

I personally think mesmers need a slight change and burns need the smallest of dmg reduction and i rampage is fine. You named 3 things and to me only 1 is a real problem. When the most average of mesmers making me ask mick to cut me thats the only problem i see atm.

No he has not go to you, he caps thekitten..g point if you stand outside the circle so he WIN. Rampage is ok as it is, but not with the trait.

hahaha wait timeout are you telling me that a warrior in rampage is standing in the circle letting you drop what ever you want on him so he can cap for what 3 sec? If im on my necro,ele,mesmer,ranger im laughing at this guy because the 2nd his rampage wears off hes dead.

You do realize you can stack condi on him when hes in rampage? if he used this utility skill and rampage and hes just sitting in the cap point while you get to auto attack and prepare a burst you still cant win? This guy has used his best utility skill and elite skill to cap a point instead of winning a fight in your comment and you seriously cant kill him when he pops out of ramapge?

You need to L2P

Do you even play this game? Do you know what is decap and cap point? How long it takes to decap and cap?

Peak Performance and Rampage

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


when does a suggestion from an opinion count….i mean if it’s just an opinion, why should that suggestion be any more valuable..


I gave a suggestion based on my game experience AND based on community feedbacks.

Rampage is too strong right now, most of all for this trait (lower cd and better damage).

Maybe you don’t agree. it’s ok, is a free world, but u aren’t the the judge, Anet is.

I dont want to see it nerfed because alot of average players dont know what to do with it. I have a handful of people on my friends list and guild who see rampage warriors on a regular and they beat them all the time.

I myself main in warrior and have used rampage before the cele meta and i have no problem facing other rampage warriors. I have gotten into literal fights where i didnt hit the mesmer once even when i did the condi immune stance.

Lets run threw the list of counter players moa engy and mesmer can immediately remove your rampage.(a elite skill) The plague on necro constant blinds, any ele traited for burns to blind, guardians who play blinds or blocks, (so offensive and defensive) elite level thieves arent trying to fight on the point any ways just win the fight.

Lets add that 4/5 attacks are melee so if you stand outside the circle they have to come after you. So they cant cap and you get the L2P which i said earlier. If we are to nerf classes because 1 person( you named him) then every class would be nerfed.

There is literally a forum topic saying i watch this certain player and hes too good nerf engys. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Ive seen that exact same forum post about thieves cause the abjured thief is better then other thiefs. Seriously that is all your saying in your post, “bad players suck against ramapge so its needs nerfed” “burns need nerf since i dont like running condi removal”

I personally think mesmers need a slight change and burns need the smallest of dmg reduction and i rampage is fine. You named 3 things and to me only 1 is a real problem. When the most average of mesmers making me ask mick to cut me thats the only problem i see atm.

No he has not go to you, he caps thekitten#8230;g point if you stand outside the circle so he WIN. Rampage is ok as it is, but not with the trait.

in WvW

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Except Shino :-)))
I have to write it :-)

Guild Wars

in In-game Events

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Kick up. Nobody interested?

Guild Wars

in In-game Events

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Do you like blob/lag fest in WvW? Don´t read more.
If you don´t like blobgamemode, let’s play GvG in Obsidian with us (DOOM guild on Aurora EU).
This week special offer for Drakkar Lake and Abaddon’s Mouth.
20v20 from 20:00 CET everyday.

Sorry for my bad english :-)))

Random disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


It’s the same with me, but in WvW. It is really anoing!
Edit: Starts after last patch.

Who is complaining about queues?

in WvW

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


I play on Aurora from beginning. About half year i play only pvp/www. Pvp right now is crap and www is gueed for 3 hours! I am so sorry to leave friends on aurora but i decided to QUIT the game.
Good bye all.

Will you still play if patch sucks?

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


For OP:

NO and NO, NO, NO

Thieves in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Lol in 1v1 invi stomp is good but in teamfight its the most stupid thing which thief can do – every no noob players just make the circle killing zone :-)
If I play thief i stomp you far safer by shadowstep :-)))
So l2p

Maybe i am getting old for this game...

in WvW

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Kindergarden is there —-————>

Ranger pets vs WvW zergs.

in WvW

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Ranger pets vs WvW zergs.

in WvW

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Thieves not viable? Party of thieves instakill any staf ele suporter!

Stealth abilities pros&cons in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Lol :-)
One thief = no problém
Two thiefs = nice dancing :-)
Three and more thiefs in one party = instant death for anybody :-)

Ranger pets vs WvW zergs.

in WvW

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


What? Melee ranger? :-)) Lol, rerol another character :-)

Solo queue population: 17,000

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


No its really not so complicated. Its the stupid system team creating in soloque. Its like:


Solo queue population: 17,000

in PvP

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


17 000 It is enough for the crap named soloquee :-)))

19/7 RoF/Aurora/Drakkar

in Match-ups

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


On the other hand we had an big Viz Zerg against us offtime but no one complained about it we just play the game and yed this is the difference between us.

Greets Myrmi

lol, from one of the forum warior

05/07 Aurora glade - GH - Miller [Merged]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Oh god sake, stop complaining this server and those server. GH is the same as Aurora and Miler. Aurora is the same as GH and Miler atc.

05/07 Aurora glade - GH - Miller [Merged]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Alhadin.4032


Thanks to SOE for GvG. It was sooo fun for us. It was our 1st experience in GvG and we really enjoy the fights. Congratulate you and salute.