Did you ever heard of Megaserver ? If not google and you will see why there are always ppl around .
I see nothing wrong with this matchup….is your issue 2 of a couple classes on each team? Since when is 2 of a class a bad thing (besides 2 thieves). What do you want? 5 separate classes every match?
Keep in mind this is pug group vs pre kittening made so what is my issue here? is i apply for solo why i have to get this trash game after game?
Are you sure it was a premade? Were they all in the same guild? One particularly horrendous match I had my team didn’t even get 50 points and the other team were also all solos. Our team was just that bad against the other team.
I had the same ppl against 2 games one after another all lost.
Here another awesome matching https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Class-stacking/first#post4694453
So is working as intended?
(edited by Allanon.9072)
I see nothing wrong with this matchup….is your issue 2 of a couple classes on each team? Since when is 2 of a class a bad thing (besides 2 thieves). What do you want? 5 separate classes every match?
Keep in mind this is pug group vs pre kittening made so what is my issue here? is i apply for solo why i have to get this trash game after game?
In short if you iq is to low why pugs vs pre made so is still my issue here?
The only solution here is i guess to stop pvping
(edited by Allanon.9072)
I dont see any problem here.
Are a lot of problems there let’s be honest not all classes can bunker like top 3 classes matching is broken as kitten.
This really has to stop.
With a pokemon comic i thought was adorable
And did you win?
Game after game same trash matching pls fix your kitten is not even fun anymore you can not win against this or 4 kittening bunker elementals with pugs why not mixing ppl is this matching coded by 5 years old kids or i don’t get wtf is so hard to fix it or is like this or 5vs4/4vs3.
(edited by Allanon.9072)
Idk how you rank up when with pugs 90% are lost games.
The pvp in this game is broken as kitten no wonder everyone left .
(edited by Allanon.9072)
This is for all you whiners see you all back in game soon!!!
Gw1 is on auto they don’t make any updates anymore.
This game have to little maps for mounts is already loading screen after loading screens will be nice to have but i think are useless like minis.
So when is arenanet announcing their first expansion? This living world stuff is clearly a blunder, not because it’s bad because the story is really interesting but because it prevents content to be released. Let me explain, Anet anounced living story to be a replacement for an expansion and they’ll release dungeons/pvp/wvw updates inbetween, right? But in the latest interview they explained how their focusing on the Living story instead of the other aspects of the game, because they don’t have enough time/resource ( w/e u wanna call it ).
If you still don’t understand what’s going on just look at the progression of Guild wars 2 launch, compared to World of warcraft launch.
WoW: -released updates which included new dungeons/tweaks to game/story (quests )
– Expansions every 2 years which included new huge zones/ story/ dungeons/ PvP stuff.
– Fees
WoW’s released updates continued forever with everything for each new expansion until a newer one came out. This repeated and has done so for 10 years straight with plenty of players still interested in the game.Guild wars 2: – releases updates which include new dungeons/tweaks to game/features/gem store stuff
– Living world every 2 weeks which gradually release zones/dungeons/ Living story / pvp stuff.
– No Fees.
Guild wars 2’s concept was great because we got best of all worlds and we don’t have to pay, the problem now is that for some reason we’re not getting what we were promised? Dungeons/Wvw/Pvp aren’t being looked into because anet are focusing on Living story, why when they said Living Story won’t affect the attention other parts of the game will get (wvw/dungeon/pvp) ?It is very clear that guild wars 2 doesn’t seem to be getting enough funds (moniez) to produce enough content to keep everyone happy, and the only way they could get more is by releasing an expansion. I’m not a complainer but i am a realist that loves anet for what they’ve created and just like a lot of people i want this game to succeed . But with how things are going now, it’s hard to see it succeed to it’s fullest potential if it continues being lead the way it currently is. If anet is creating an expansion in the dark they should tell us so we can turn stop wondering and start waiting, and if not then i really hope anet does something because guild wars 2 has so much potential and people are more than willing NOT to PAY for expansions to help them create what we want.
( Im writing this late at night, oops for any typos )
There you go corrected for you , you just answered your own questions.
(edited by Allanon.9072)
Ahhh the freshman feeling you know i was once like you when i first played gw2 i was dang what an awesome game but with time you know everything gets odd when you wake up at the end and see there are not really many things to do and then you start thinking again.
You don’t just love when everyone melee something and you have a ranger that knock back the mob you just want to …
Anet thinks you think wrong LOSING is now the new trend 5vs4, 5vs3 is how this game is meant to be played everything work as intended kitten you get on top leaderboard by LOSING not winning.
If gw2 had a increase in population like many talk we should see new servers open but we got megaserver (servers merge) so you got the idea also servers status is how many acc are on xx server not how many ppl are online ..
Second Part for guardian Just try all builds and see what fit with your playstyle.
PS: I hate to pvp with guard.
(edited by Allanon.9072)
I wouldn’t mind seeing more ability to customise the Home Instance. More harvestable nodes, for example. Somebody once raised the idea of creating your own “garden plots” where you can purchase 3 – 9 spots and plant a cooking ingredient of your choice in each one, harvestable once per day.
I’d also like to see those little mementos you get for completing the Personal Story get displayed in the Home Instance, and maybe more NPCs show up whom you can talk to once a week/month to receive little bonuses. “Hey <X>! How’s the Vigil working out for you? While you’re here, take this. It’s a little extra cloth that I made for you. Hope it keeps you warm on those cold nights in the wilderness!”
One thing to remember is that unlike many games, we don’t have one home instance, we actually have five, and they’re very different from each other. While humans essentially have their own district that’s bigger than some towns out in the world, sylvari essentially have one large building, norn the upper floors of a very large building.
So with that in mind, there’s a few ways of going about this. So far, when they added the nodes, they added them to all the instances. I think this is the wrong way. If they want to add something significant, they have to match four different areas. It’s quad the work.
On the other hand, what they should do is keep the four separate. Each improvement you get is applied to a specific location.
Say you join an order and in your human district you get a museum of history. This museum later is improved with lore objects you get for completing certain achievements in the world relating to ancient races and lore.
When you get your first achievement point out in the world, the hoelbrak instance gets a shrine of honor, that gets improvements for completing certain out of the way honor challenges in the world.
Your char instance receives a shrine of conquest, which displays certain pvp and wvw rewards.
When you join an order, you get only one building, incentivizing people play through more than one character to unlock the other buildings. An archive for the priory which stores tomes you read in the world, a forensic lab for the order of whispers that gives little-known facts and backstory, and an armory for the vigil which displays certain hard to get skins on mannequins.
This method makes a whole slew of opportunities to add content to the game. Content that would have a lot of variety because of the different types of instances, and wouldn’t be hard to make the assets for.
Home instance is a joke don’t even compare that thing called home instance that is 100% un useful ppl want something to customize how they want and like see wildstar housing system.
Hard to tell what the population is like. The big complain seems to be too many people, rather than too few. This is due to the mega server.
The new content is pretty cool. I like the new living story and the new zone, so far anyway.
Of Course are to many ppl when you combine all 24 servers or how many are together.
RIP we wont miss the drama queen hope the others end up 2 somewhere in a black hole ..
I’ve crafted 8 legendaries and received only 25AP, and now people who made duplicate legendaries receive the same AP and a tittle.
What the hell? I mean 6 legendaries of difference and they receive more?
At least if you guys want to use this logic, make Eternity count for this achiev too … and yes i know eternity is not duplicate but you need 2 legendaries to make it.
Be happy at least you got something you greedy ppl don’t forget NO ONE forced you to craft double legendaries or ANY legendary
You left the game 1 year ago and still you come back cya soon again.
Or you can just kill Kholer and wp after the phase with chains and everything will work as intended i never had her bugged like this
Wvw ranks don’t lie i think you got the idea
The image used for dice on the new black lion menu are wrong. Six sided die are arranged in such a way that the opposing sides add up to seven. So the six and one sides being adjacent is not correct. Or is it a different tradition in Tyria? Please feel free to pull resources from game balancing, alternate SPvP gamemode development, and precursor crafting development as needed to fix this issue as soon as possible. I’m sure I speak for the community when I say that this die controversy is a far greater issue.
I lol’ed so bad sorry the image for dices is the highest priority right now nothing else matters just to make the dice’s like irl get over it really..
You can ask on wildstar forum for key that will give discount 20% or something like that.
This again :| you ppl have to learn how permissions work, sorry op but here all fault is yours i hope in the future you will learn to not trust every person from internet.
So.. for $10, you get 4 episodes, theoretically 2 months of content (or 2 days, depending on your pace). 200 gems is about.. 13 gold? Not that hard to scrounge up.
It might be a task for newer players to catch up, but the content is there. For players to stay current, it takes all of two minutes to log in, get credit, then come back when you want. That’s fantastic.
Idk in what year you live but atm 200 gems is 22 golds and sometimes is more than 22 golds and trading golds to gems is slowly going down with all nerfs over and over ..
But i like the idea of Story Journal
(edited by Allanon.9072)
New trend now is you have to pay golds to join in a gold pavilion trash ppl have no limits…
You can rant, pout and insult all you like. But most dungeons do take less time and skill than about any other aspect in the game , yet pay out considerably more. That hardly seems a good thing.
But I am sorry if that upsets your tinfoil hats, or “I hate this game/company yet continue to play!” sensibilities.
What is your point here? If you think you have to much golds than pls send to everyone ..
(edited by Allanon.9072)
I seen im my ecto globe another nerf is coming …..
I have played this game since pre launch and enjoyed it very much. I have spent more than an average of 20$/month in the shop. This “taxi” trend of late concerns me. It seems as if:
Taxi to good server: more loot chest, more bags, enemies die faster, more fun
No taxi: stuck on crap server: barely any bags, weak loot, event takes an hour to complete, no fun, etc….
Is this what this game has become? Fun and engaging if you can “taxi” to a decent server, no fun and suffering if you get stuck on a “bad” server.
Is that what the devs want the difference between a player that gets decent rewards and a player that gets basically no rewards to be? Luck on whether they get on a decent server or not? Seems like really bad gameplay….. Why not make the events scale to gear correctly so that every server has a chance to do well? (Just a thought). Why punish players that play your game (just because they had the misfortune of logging into a “bad” server). Seems like a really poor design decision.
Why ppl can’t just listen to the Commanders?Why is so hard to just use a ts3?
Sind’s when killing mobs in a mmo is exploiting?
Sind’s when killing a mob over and over is exploiting? Killing something over and over is grinding/farming for loot .
The Pavilion is already empty I’m waiting for 2h and no one is there the bosses are up but no one try to kill any so if you finish the achievements already lucky you :|
I hope they add a new champ train to another zone.
Edge of the Mists waves hello.
Nerf inc to eotm…
Haha now qq again on forums to make them back in champions.
Oh, that’s unfortunate :P So is it fair to say this game is very PvP focused? Not that I have complete issue with that I love PvP in WoW until you need 3 and a half keyboards to fit all spells and macros and I’m having a lot of fun with it now but worried how long the fun will last.
Ok to make you understand is a little from everything don’t compare with any other game because that will not work.
Gw2 is Gw2 there is no other game the same once you’re 80 you have to find something that will keep you playing some farm for legendaries,ascended gear,skins… some pvp for ranks or wvw i hope you will find something that will keep you busy what i do is a little from everything and wait with patience for future updates
(edited by Allanon.9072)
What Endgame?
Once you’re 80 is just that daily and same dungeons over and over nothing really much to do.
please nerf this loot in eotm when nobody play normal wvw i want go to eotm but there is no one play pvp there is only stupid train where people farming level and champions
I think you don’t know what is the purpose of eotm why to force ppl to play something that they don’t want, if you want to pvp have fun in arenas.
Ps. i seen yesterday a dev was karma train like crazy stop making stupid threads really.
Wow i think they had a blast there
Ok first up..in GW2 it ain’t gonna happen..secondly..why should it???? Why should Devs spend their time creating stuff that hardly anyone will use or port too except a few Rp’ers. I just don’t understand..This ISN’’T the Sims…
Need more zones/classes/weapons/races before trivial fluff like housing.
Let’s take it like you took it why should devs add new races why waste time making new ones only because they have different texture? only cause you want? Is the same thing with housing maybe YOU don’t like and want but other xxxx ppl want so is not you to decide what devs should add to the game..
You still get the win bonus.
I didn’t know you still get the win bonus even if you are moved and the team lose thank you for info
You must be trolling now the only thing with caps was the title and few words and try to learn first yourself when to stop with caps and you have a lot of mistakes .
You cannot send it as gift but you can purchase the game and give him the code and he can make an account and register with that code if you purchase you will get in your email the code
(edited by Allanon.9072)
Do you really think a finisher will make old pvp players come back you are mistaken.
Mesmer is so broken that….. no words…
I’m a firm believer of letting private groups do as they please within the game rules. But when I start up a public run anywhere I personally refuse to use corner stacking tactics, I think it drains the enjoyment out of almost every fight. But I understand why some people do it, so what’s the harm right?
Well in the past few days i’ve been dabbling in dungeons again, I haven’t personally touched them in a while. Getting dungeon master was enough to tap out my interest in them for a few months.
So I start public groups with the expectation that we won’t be stacking in corners. And the overwhelming results of this is that no one can fight the bosses on these terms.
A great example is Kholer who requires very little outside of one dodge every time he does his aoe wire. And of the people who insist on corner stacking, I didn’t find a single one who didn’t take every single scorpion wire.
Only to get snarky comments like… “See this is why you corner stack.” and “Do you have experience here?” while i’m wearing a DM title and dodging every wire.No this is why you don’t corner stack, because it trains you how not to play the game. So now I feel stuck that if I want to use the LFG to dungeon run I’m gonna have to sit in corners and spam a rotation. Unwillingly, players have turned GW2’s dynamic combat into WoW fights… stand in corners and hit a rotation. So now I don’t feel I can force a party to fight the boss on normal terms. Because dragging 3 people through a dungeon who don’t know how to fight the bosses on the old terms just isn’t happening. None of them seem to have the patience or interest to learn content they already think they are above.
I think you never played wow i don’t remember there to stack in a corner and in 5sec kill a boss pls don’t compare apple with pear and for stacking you can blame the lack of trinity you have no other option take it or leave it ppl wanted dynamic fight 1,1,1,1,1 so here you go
(edited by Allanon.9072)
I got http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dishonorable everytime when i wanted to join a arena i got disconnected every 2 games.
With this build 1v1 you have no chance you will get wiped by everyone if you will try to kill someone he will go afk drink a coffee and come back and you still didn’t kill it.
If you want to try builds here is a link for some: http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/23vbkh/tpvp_build_list_up_to_date_builds_as_of_the_april/
(edited by Allanon.9072)