I’m not sure I understand… Your complaint is that certain traits work really well together? I don’t think I want to “fix” that… I mean it’s pretty much how builds work right? You focus on one way of playing and pick the traits that benefit you in that.
Specializing is not the same as pigeonholing. In my mind pigeonholing is when there is only one acceptable build because others are just subpar. As far as I can tell there is still very little pressure to force your profession into one specific build. Maybe it has that luxury because it’s still a relatively new game.
You want to experiment? Reset your trait points and try something completely different.
Vau, Gaile. Thanks for everything you and the team has done. I can’t believe how heated this thread has gotten. I applaud you for sticking to your intentions and not just caving and sending everyone anything they want.
Found this on a website, guess it answers your question
Severs pop status is calculated based on accounts per server, not people playing.
A game dev already confirmed this isn’t true. It shows us how many people are currently online. The idea that it only displayed accounts per server was simply made up and spread around as a rumor which just goes to show that it’s not so much dying game as there are people who despreately want to see it fail or at least make it seem like it’s failing. The same goes for all the conspiracy theories about the devs lying about the population and don’t even get me started on the Nexon cash shop theories. I mean seriously, of all the things Anet has done wrong, does anyone really think that the gem store items are some big offender here?
why cant i have fun too? and why did you kill the dreams of all the gw1 fans by taking away the game we loved so much!?
They didn’t take it away. The servers are still on I believe. They just decided to make another game on top of that.
As much as you love the original GW1 I don’t think Anet would have been very succesful in releasing it’s carbon copy save for those 2 things that you disliked.
Also if you don’t have the time because of your responsibilities then just take it easy. You don’t have to get to max level or gain full exotic set in two days. Just take however long you need, the game’s not going anywhere.
You have to think about what brings people to the forums. If it were random then yes forum goers would be a legitimate sample size. But I don’t think it is. I think people are more likely to go on the forums to complain rather than praise the game.
The thing is, people don’t usually pay attention when something is working great.
Here’s an example. When the game still had a large number of bots running around it was the topic of every other thread on these forums. People just wouldn’t shut up about it. And now that the bots are gone? There were a couple of thank yous but definitely not every other topic was about how nice it was to play and not encounter bots.
When something is working we have silence, when something is broken every single person feels the need to point it out with their own thread.
Conclusion: Whether you are the minority or the true sample of the whole community it doesn’t matter. The forums will by default always have more complaints than any other topic.
(There’s nothing wrong with theorycrafting itself, IMHO, as long as it doesn’t become a tool for elitism and absolute “effective build” dictatorships.)
Of course, I have nothing against it. In fact I’m usually happy to take advice from theorycrafters or just experienced players. I’m just glad there is very little limitation to what build I can use and still be effective.
It may not seem so at first sight but there is definitely strategy in group play. Just because the roles aren’t pre-defined like they are in other game it doesn’t mean they don’t exist, it just means that you as the player need to define your own role. Though perhaps I shouldn’t call at a role as much a “style of play”.
It didn’t feel like so at first but as an Elementalist I have seen my character grow to the point where I now feel like that there is actual purpuse to my actions that aren’t limited to spamming. My choice of stats, weapon and utility skills all came after lots of experimentation. Just about every buff I apply and CC I throw out is thought out.
The fact that GW2 has not yet developed a specific meta game is in my mind the game’s biggest victory. THINK ABOUT IT. We’re not forced into specific builds to run dungeons, no one expects us to do some specific thing because of the class we play, people don’t look for a specific class for hours just to play one dungeon.
Isn’t this what we always wanted? Actual choice as opposed to being forced into specific roles dictated by top guilds and theorycrafters?
My mother always warns me about putting things off until the last day…
Thank you Anet!
2. No open world PvP and it’s very gear dependent. I hate getting steamrolled just cause x players got better gear.
I don’t understand the second part of that statement… You’re saying PvP in GW2 is too gear dependant? Obviously that’s not sPvP because the gear there is normalized.
So I guess you must be talking about WvW but I don’t see how that qualifies as one of the biggest blunders in mmo history since practically every AAA mmo I can think of includes gear dependancy in their PvP. How does GW2 stand out in this? If anything it’s done great things to mitigate it by creating sPvP separate.
We are currently looking at the entire structure of the reward system.
I don’t suppose you’re also looking into the structure of the FotM difficulty levels? Luckily I can still find a lvl 1 group at this point but with my alts I might not. It’s creating a bit of a pressure to keep up with the community in terms of levels otherwise we get left behind on lower levels that no one plays anymore.
So, before the patch came out I was under the impression that FotM difficulties would reset once a week bringing everyone back to lvl 1. It seemed to make most sense because otherwise it would be really difficult for anyone to get a lvl 1 group after the first few days, not to mention that players would become more and more segregated as time went by (and they already have it seems). But now it’s been over a week and I haven’t seen this reset happening.
Is there a specific day I should be looking out for? I took a week off from GW2 to try out some SWTOR. Did I make a huge mistake by not getting into the action early on? Do I have to beg/pay a group to take pity on me now and carry me through the first few levels of FotM that aren’t being played anymore? Is there a weeky reset still coming?
Among other things, Chris Whiteside also mentioned that they weren’t really happy with the current ascended gear distribution and that they WILL give us more options to obtain them. So I guess that answers your question.
And if you’re asking why they made it like this in the first place… Well consider this:
Balancing is not always a simple matter. Very often players consume content/obtain items much faster than intended and sometimes it turns out to be way too difficult. But it’s always easier to increase drop rates or make content more accessible than to go the other way, so it’s better if you start out with making things very difficult.
This is why there is so much drama with ascended items. Anet made the judgement that exotic gear would take a certain amount of time to obtain but it seems that it was too fast from what they had intended. That’s why they decided to introduce a new tier that would increase the amount of time you needed to get max gear and of course people panicked. Like Chris said, they should have introduced ascended gear from the start and if necessary they would have nerfed it accordingly.
TLDR: It’s always more problematic when you have to make things more difficult rather than easier, that’s why it’s always good start out with making it very difficult and then make it easier as necessary.
I would only use the vocal minority argument if someone was acting like they’re the voice of the entire community. Which happens more often then it should.
I guess that’s why they call it FotM, as in flavour of the month. Anet already said that ascended gear would become available in other parts of the game later on, even in old PvE content. They also mentioned revamping all the pld dungeons which makes me think they will also make them rewarding enough to actually play.
Still, the fact that FotM became so popular speaks volumes to Anet. I doubt they will perceive it or ascended gear as a bad idea. If they can implement a small but engaging gear progression while minimizing the negative side effects then that will be a much much greater acomplishment then simply mot having any progression at all.
I agree with the OP. But it’s not something that can change. People always have and will whine on the forums. Not just on these forums. It doesn’t even matter how successful the game is. I still remember the whining I saw on WoW and LoL forums about how those games would inveitably fail because they didn’t deliver on whatever the whining was about. Obviously it made about as much sense as it does here.
At first the majority of the whining was about dungeon rewards and difficulties and when Anet fixed that, without so much as a thank you the QQers went on to whine about the bots acting like they would never go away and that everything was ruined forever. But obviously that wasn’t the case. OBVIOUSLY Anet did ban the majority of the bots. What did you think would happen? According to the posts you’d think Anet wanted them there or they just didn’t care about it. Again, if there was a thank you post about the bots I must have missed it because it was drowned out in the next big thing that players decided to QQ about which is the Lost Shores patch.
Sure there’s a lot to complain about but the method certain posters are using is disgusting imo. Some people are acting like they’re Anet’s boss, demanding apologies and their future plans on the table by monday. Some people use scare tactics trying to find “evidence” about how this game is already failing.
Honestly I think it’s all about attention. There’s people that are legitimately criticising the game, but then there’s also the drama queens using unnecessary rhethoric trying to realize some kind of self importance by trying to incite a witch hunt against Anet.
Couldn’t you joke around, chat and have a good time in LA while running FotM just like you did in Cursed Shore?
I understand it’s frustrating that we’re limited to only running FotM for ascended gear but is it really worse than running Plinx for the best gold income? If nothing else FotM does seem to be quite rewarding in terms of gold and I couldn’t possibly fathom how running Plinx could be more fun.
That said, we definitely need new options in terms of endgame PvE content which I’m hoping will happen sooner rather than later. But somehow I doubt that bringing Plinx back would be a good step forward for the game…
It doesn’t have to be super easy or instant like it was in GW1. I’d say obtaining exotics was a pretty good balance. I can even handle the difficulty of obtaining ascended items, the only thing that currently bothers me about it is that you can’t gain all of them through individual effort like you could exotics. The rings are apparently only obtainable through the dungeon and many materials for the infusions seem to originate from there as well.
They did mention that ascended items would eventually become available through other means so I guess that will make it better.
Please stop acting as though it’s pointless asking for acknowledgement of the problems faced, and drop the hyperbolic “OH GOD YOU WANT AN EXPLANATION OF EVERYTHING.” angle. That’s not what’s being requested here.
There’s a huge difference between the affected player base listing their issues with the event, and ArenaNet openly saying that those concerns are valid, and explaining how they’ll be working to ensure future Live Events wont run into similar issues.I know that, for me at least, ArenaNet’s response (or lack thereof) will determine whether I ever bother blocking out time in my life to participate in future Live Events. I’d love to experience them, but I’d also like assurance that the problems raised are being considered before I plan another weekend around a Guild Wars 2 event.
You know there are certain things you can actually take for granted. For example: Does Anet consider breaking bugs, lag, dc’s and other issues a valid concern? Yes they do. Now, they haven’t actually told me this but since there is absolutely no logical reason for them to ignore these issues (after all it is in their best interest to have their game working as smoothly as possible) we can safely assume that this would be the right answer.
As for the HOW, I don’t think a response about that would be coming this soon. A good time in my mind would be during the promotion of their next world event. It’s like before BWE2 when they announced that they doubled the servers a few days before it started. Info like this is great to promote new stuff I think. If you’re upset now, you’d be better off not playing for a while and before the next world event you can look into what they’re planning on doing with it. It’s much better than sitting here on the forums and trying to find out what they’re working on since those solutions wouldn’t be implemented immediately anyway.
If they say nothing about new solutions even as they roll out their next event, then I would understand the concern.
If Anet were to issue a statement/apology for every single thing a players didn’t like, they wouldn’t have time to work on this game.
What exactly do you hope that more responses from them would accomplish? You want lists about everything that went wrong from them? What’s the point? People on this forum have already done so in extreme detail. Anet aren’t children and you’re not their teachers. They’re not going to write down “I will not cause the following bugs in the game:” a hundred times just so you can feel better about yourselves.
I mean what exactly do you think is happening at Anet right now? Do you think that everyone just stopped working on the game? IT’S THEIR JOB! It’s what they’re paid to do for 8 hours a day and probably more. They’re not just going to stop and they’re not going to ignore issues that happen. The only real response we needed was whether there will be loot compensation. Whether they will be fixing bugs and trying to make their system better is a given.
I mean are you really so insecure that you need Anet to explain every single thing they’re working on every single day. Bugs happen, bugs get fixed. This is a given and it doesn’t need exhausting statements from the devs every single time.
So please stop it with this the overly attached community act that has been going on lately. Write on the forums, make your criticisims but please for crying out loud, stop acting so insulted just because you’re not getting a reply from a dev.
This was the response! They responded! And it wasn’t just a maybe. Martin clearly stated that they WILL implement a solution for people that didn’t get the loot. Is there some other definition of the word “response” that I’m not aware of? Does “response” mean “solving everything immediately”???
What exactly do you people want? If you just didn’t like the event in terms of how fun it was than that’s more of a review than a complaint and there’s no point in responding to a review other than doing things better the next time.
So there. The response will come in the form of the next world event and that’s when you get to review again and see if it’s better. So please for crying out loud stop obsessing.
Anet has stated that the precursors were becoming too unreachable and that they were making changes to that.
This one time chest was only a part of these changes. The drop rate from the MF has also been increased and further changes can be expected to happen.
Obviously if people expect that this chest was a one time thing and that getting precursors would be getting back to normal after that than obviously people would be upset. But that isn’t going to be the case so no worries.
People used to say this game will tank like SWTOR because the devs aren’t listening and weren’t willing to make changes despite the forums’ outcry.
Now people are saying this game will tank because the devs are listening to the forum complainers too much and actually making daring changes.
Poor poor GW2. It never stood a chance against the neverending whine of the internet.
You know your game is doing well when people start looking for it’s “killer”
Will F2P WoW be the GW2 killer? Or will TESO be the one that finally sinks it? :P
It’s very possible they just didn’t want to overdo any changes on their first attempt. The GW2 market is a fickle thing as you all know. I wouldn’t be surprised if they increase the chance yet a little bit more in two weeks or so.
Small ripples…
It does seem kind of weird that the stat combinations should be so limited…
But this is all data mining I assume? I’m hoping something was missed or is to be added shortly.
At this point I’m basically excited that ascended items are coming just so I can worry about obtaining for something other than the precursor for a while
Anet was right, we DID need a new step inbetween exotics and legendaries :P
Hopefuly this new island and dungeon will introduce a better way to make money/resources as well. New content! Woo!
I think the scavenger hunt was mentioned in context of new upcoming legendaries or at least as something they would implement later. For this patch they only said we would BEGIN to see changes.
I just hope this isn’t the last change… Although right now we have no idea how big this change is and I’m certainly not going to use the MF to find out.
If for example I’m farming Fractal Relics, wouldn’t it be easier to farm “1” difficulty over and over again than progressing? They should make it so the higher the difficulty the more relics you get per chest.
That probably is what they’re doing. They certainly said “better rewards” If we keep getting 5 relics per chest regardless of difficulty than that’s going to be a painful amount of dungeon runs to get all the stuff we want.
I remain cautiously optimistic.
It states here that the dungeon’s difficulty level will reset every week.
That’s the piece I was missing then.
Thank you
My thoughts on what will really happen.
Due to the perma save of difficulty, it’s going to be harder to “grind” the dungeon properly. For those that want to grind the gear they will be left with 2 options once they reach the OMG AGONY point.
1. Redo that difficulty over and over and over and over failing continuously until you get the gear you need or….
2. Invite 1 low difficulty person to the party, farm till at OMG AGONY, kick a person, and repeat.
I am seeing way more people doing option 2 than I am option 1 seeing as the levels themselves will actually be less difficult in option 2 and you’ll get end boss loot chests….
Right… But according to the article “You will be able to set the difficulty for your group based on the party member with the least progress”
So you can always set your difficulty lower, you just can’t set it higher unless you all have them unlocked. This means people with higher levels won’t have problems, but people with low levels might.
Ok so if I understood this article correctly then the difficulty level you reach in the Fractals is forever saved on your character. Obviously this seems like a great idea since people will probably hate the idea of doing level 1 with it’s small rewards over and over again. But this system comes with one very concerning drawback.
What happens to a player who decides to start running fractals later on in the game? What happens if you only reach level 80 a month later? You go to Lion’s Arch and you want to start a group. But nobody’s interested in doing level 1 anymore. Everybody’s just looking for players with level 5 or above. People might even start requesting players with really high levels like 10 even just to make sure they can handle the level 7 they’re actually planning on doing. The saved difficulty system could possibly be twisted by elitists into a player measuring system, kind of like gearscore or achievement linking works in WoW.
When you think about it, this difficulty level that players are saved to could be a worse gating system than obtaining better gear.
Granted, I may be a bit paranoid or I didn’t understand the system correctly, but when you look at the story mode in current dungeons and how it’s no longer being played because there’s no incentive to, then you have to think about what’s going to be the incentive of playing level 1 Fractals if you’ve already done it and level 2 is still pretty easy and gives better rewards.
I couldn’t care less. I have all the materials I need
And this is why GW2 is going to hurt itself. Apathy
Annoy a small fraction or previously contented players with each patch so they end up leaving, in order to please a whiny minority who are unappeasable anyway (At first it was dungeons were too hard, now legends are too rare, next the is porridge too hot and the bed too soft), but since the majority doesn’t get crapped on with each patch that’s ok right?
Well… no.
Because the players who were on-board with the GW2 manifesto aren’t the ones whining, they’re also the core you want to keep, because appeasing whining just leads to more whining as it proves to the player base they can manipulate the devs into doing things they want that may not be good for the game’s integrity overall (ie. making the best armour only available in dungeons)
Wait what? You’re equating people who want different ways to get a precursor with the people who wanted gear progression? And then you’re saying that both these groups were NOT on board with the GW2 manifesto???
How the hell did you get to that conclusion? Why would people who want DIFFERENT ways to get legendaries also want only ONE way to get best gear? It’s like two completely different types of complaints.
Personally I was very much on board with the manifesto and I seem to recall a lot of anti grind mentality within it. So… “scavenger hunt” sounds way less grindy than excessive RNG or farming up 400 gold to me..
If anything, this change is happening because ANET is on board with the GW2 manifesto. As for the new ascended gear, that’s a different topic but personally I certainly wasn’t whining for it and I do have strong concerns about it.
Don’t like the sound of “ascended gear” it just sounds like a gear treadmill to me even if it turns out it isn’t. When I start hearing people shouting “LFM Full Ascended only” then I know it’s gone too far.
Can’t say I am all for these changes, it goes against a lot of what Anet said they wouldn’t do.
Well, I remember hearing “LFG Full exotics only!” for the current dungeons early in the game, but lately as more casual players reached 80 those types of LFG gradualy stopped.
To me the biggest difference is possibly the idea that you can only get ascended items from the dungeon where you need ascended items. If that’s the case, then I can see how later on people will get gated from entering certain content because future groups will only look for full infused players to do these “infinite difficulty” dungeon runs.
The ability to craft these items (or at least sell them on the TP) could solve this problem though. I wonder how rare they will be or how many difficulty levels you will have to in order to obtain them.
It’s still a good way to get gear if you’re starting out. I imagine that a month or two from now everyone doing the Lost Shores dungeon will want to rise up as high as possible on the difficulty scale for higher rewards. This means that everybody will LFG only for people with ascended infused items. So how does a brand new player get these items? By doing the dungeon into which he can’t get invited because he doesn’t have the items.
This is the Catch 22 that made me give up on games like WoW with their gear levels that prevented me moving forward in the game. This is a problem that could possibly happen to GW2, but can easily be circumvented if a player can get this gear on his own via crafting.
This is something I’m also interested in. It shouldn’t be a big deal after this update since the way I understand it we’ll only be getting ascended rings and a back slot. But in the future when we get more and more ascended items, it’ll cause crafting to slip into irrelevance.
I don’t mind if the gear progression increases slightly as long as it doesn’t reduce accessibility for players, but one thing I like about it was that you could get best gear in a number of ways. It would be a shame if these ascended items caused everyone to just do the same content for best gear and start ignoring crafting and older dungeons.
I complain about what’s unfair. Not about what actually in reality is fair, but you are too thoughtless to understand the system. I’m glad you guys get the legendaries, i don’t mind if you do, just have more truthful reasons. I don’t care if it’s “I just want a legendary
” Just don’t be making stupid “justified” reasons. Just tell the truth, “I’m lazy and I don’t want to work for the legendary so I want it to be handed to me.” or “I just want to have something more adventurous in the creation of the legendary.” not “This system is brokenn qq RNG qq I can’t ever get one because there’s no way for me to make money qq i need it in the next day or im gonna quit qq but im gonna quit anyways when i get one qq.” The integrity of people who want the legendaries disappoint me.
Ye, you just keep on judging, cause you really know everything there is to know about me. We gave feedbak and Anet listened. That’s all there is to it. If you want to call that QQ to make yourself feel better (or whatever bizzare reason you have to insult people’s integrity on this forum) then go ahead.
I’m not one of those people who threw crazy amounts of gold into the MF because I did know what the system is and while technically working properly that doesn’t make it a good kittening idea. Hence the feedback. Personally I don’t mind working really hard or really long. When the entire recipes for legendaries were first revealed I didn’t so much as flinch. If Anet felt this was the amount of work that had to be done than that was fine with that. But then the precursor fixes arrived and I started realizing that there is no real basis for how much work I have to do for a legendary. The RNG factor was completely off the charts. And the TP? Well, unsurprisingly the market for the more desired precursors just became a lot more exclusive. Usually a high demand would result in a higher supply because people would realize it’s a great way to make money and this would create at least some sort of balance. But since the supply is so completely random, most people will not want to make money this way.
The RNG for making precursors may technically fair but it IS BAD. RNG is not the kind of fair we want. I want a visible and stable progress on my work and neither the MF neither the changing TP prices offered this. How is this ridiculus reasoning? If the ONLY thing you could read from my post is that “I want things easy” and “I’m not willing to do the work” than I’d say you ARE living in a bubble. Can you give me one good reason why we can’t have a fixed recipe as long as it’s around 350 gold? That’s about the same pricing as the most expensive precursor. Or at least it was untill it rose again and would probably rise even more in time.
You want my truthful reason? This is it, exactly this: “I don’t know if I will always be able to play this game as much as I am right now. GW2 was ideally designed on a principle that you could stop playing it for a month or so then come back without feeling like you’re falling behind. So what I want is for precursor prices to be at least somewhat secure from rising uncontrollably, so that if I stopped playing for a while I can still pick up from where I left off without significant losses from my absence.”
That’s all there is to it. You can believe me or not but that was the only real fear I ever had with legendaries. I just wanted to take my time kitten
Supply = Low
Demand = HighPrice = High
Deal with it, kids.
Changes = coming
Game = hopefully better
Some people deal with it by solving it.
So much speculation going on. “OMG, they’re giving them for free”. Seriously? They will most likely ( i do not claim that this is what they will do ) increase the chance by a small number (ex: from 0.01 to 0.02). Stop being drama queens.
I’m afraid they might do this as well but I really really hope not. It’s the worst possible change. It doesn’t remove the RNG (which is what we wanted) it just makes it easier (which is what we didn’t want).
I can make around 30g in 2 hours, the pricing on precursors are very reasonable.
I will not give out any secrets
Surprise surprise, when called on it you fold and make excuses. I call bull.
It’s possible he can do it but the mere fact that he won’t reveal it means it’s a method that can’t be used by a larger population or it won’t work. The question now is why the hell would Arena Net adjust legendaries to his standard?
These “I can make THIS much money” anecdotes are pointless because they’re not representative of a larger population. The real average of a dedicated player is 1 or 2 gold per hour on Plinx. The question is, does Anet want the general population to be farming that mind numbing event chain for such a long time or do they want to start making some changes to improve their “legendary” endgame?
I guess they already gave us the answer to that.
It’s been 3 months now, or at least close enough there. If there are at least 10 players who’s gotten a legendary in a legit way then Anet is going to keep the system as is.
.Anet has already stated that they will be changing the system in the next build. GG I guess you were wrong.
They said anything about changing the system. You cant just read
And apparently you can’t write. They are making changes. That’s for sure. And I sincerely hope they’ll actually change the system a bit rather than just tweak it.
Doing nothing else except increasing the drop rate would be the worst kind of change imo.
You should’ve picked up a different game if you didn’t think grinding was anywhere present in this game. Fighters maybe? Starcraft 2? League? Seriously, people who want an end-game in an MMO to be a challenge just wants it their way and buy the game before actually reading it beforehand. Like, I’m going to play Halo 4 and QQ because it’s not like Call of Duty and spend all my time complaining so they’ll release a new game like CoD 4. I really wish now gw2 didn’t update content because people abuse their generosity thus far. MMOs are supposed to have a grind. I also wouldn’t be too surprised to see the dungeon forums skyrocket in complaints if precursors required the dungeon master achievement now or tokens in general. QQ everywhere.
And let’s face it, for you guys there that want a “challenge” for the legendary, you don’t really care about the challenge part, you just want to skin; because by all means you CAN STILL CHALLENGE YOURSELF without getting a legendary. It shouldn’t be a byproduct of it. I doubt 90% of the people who get the precursor or legendary now are gonna be like “I conquered balh blah blah! Hear me roar!” Nah. You are just gonna wear it all the time and complain about how hard other parts of the game are and that they NEED more content asap cause its getting boring fast.
Please tell me more about how this game is supposed to be played. I’m sure you know best despite the dev post on the top of this thread telling us that changes are already on their way. Clearly something was broken. Obviously something about the legendaries can be made better. The popular legendaries were made too unreachable because of the precursors and now this is being adressed. Not everything in an mmo is perfect from day one. We gave feedback and they listened. That’s how it works, that’s how progress is made and a better game is developed.
But you can live in your bubble if you want. You can think our collective whining twisted their arm, because they just can’t take criticism or they’re afraid they’ll lose too many players over a feature that the majority of players probably doesn’t even care about. God forbid the idea that the popular legendaries like Twilight actually became far more problematic to obtain than their original intention.
Never complain about anything and you’ll walk through your entire life being treated unfairly, no one will appreciate you more for it and you’ll never make progress of any kind.
Indeed anyone should be able to get one, and anyone can get one. You’re one that left-wingers side that spits upon those that did get one. In your eyes they either exploited, played the TP or were extremely lucky. What you fail to see is that there are plenty of people (had their says in this topic) that got one by hard work. And (newsflash) we’re only 2 months in the game. Yet you are here crying you are unable to (ever) get one because its all too kitten expensive.
So instead of working your kitten of like they did you’re the one leading this scream front with your rage and your meaningless arguments. I sincerely hope you never get one, even after any changes. You sir, simply don’t deserve one.
P.S where did I state in my posts that I’m part of that 1%? Just because I strongly disagree with you I must have one, makes sense /endsarcasm. Shows your way of thinking though.
I don’t spit on anyone who got their legendaries and I don’t give a kitten if you have one either because I’m arguing your point not your personal situation. I’m not sure what to argue now since you just made up random stuff about me that aren’t even true. I don’t care if I don’t have one after two months. This isn’t about momentary situations, I’m looking at the big picture.
Maybe if you stopped being an idiot for a second you could realize what we’re even arguing about. But I guess it’s just easier to call us lazy and say we’re not willing to work for anything.
Anyone should have a chance at becoming a
Legend and gold should not be the main standard as to who is legendary and who isn’t.I’m anyone. I have a legendary.
I didnt exploit, play the tp (im really bad at it), excessivly grind (I’ve never seen diminishing returns) I’m just dedicated and patient. Played the game as intended and found after 700 hours of play I already had 75% of the materials for one.“Anyone” already has a chance at legendary, though I agree the hit and miss of the forge is probably not the best way precursors should work, it does at least ensure “anyone” can get one, random is random and favors no one in particular.
I do however absolutely agree with your statement that Gold should not be the deciding factor.
With “prestige” tier3 armor set at 119g and the base gold costs for the legendary weapon (120g recipe+runestones) we have an idea of what constitutes anets thoughts on “a lot of money”
The problems we have is:
Gold sellers offering precursors for real life cash. I dearly hope this is something the change addresses.
Early godskull exploiters cornering the market with their personal stash of tens of precursors. I personally feel if the Godskulls had their precursors deleted at the time, we’d have a more stable, more realistic picture of what a precursor is worth on the tp.
My main personal issue with changing the way precursors drop, isnt that they will be too easy for people to obtain, its that certain precursors will be.
I bet no one’s complaining that the Bard is too hard to get rng, or rage is too hard to get rng.
Everyone wants a [Dusk]. Everyone wants a Dawn. or a Lover
If people were happy going for any legendary, they wouldnt be shouting down the door trying to change things, but the fact is theres only 3 or 4 people are going for, and this is reflected in the tp prices.Legendarys are not in any way unreachable in the precursor markets current state.
The popular Legendarys are.I bought Rage for 20g off the tp and decided that was what I was going to go for, and if a “better” precursor dropped in the time it took me to gather all the other materials, then I’d craft that instead.
I’ll admit I was lucky, I got dawn and Kudzu drop with 400 rares thrown into the forge and I had to sell dawn to fund kudzu (sunrise would have been cool, but no way could I have got the charged lodestones without tp playing).So I wasn’t fussy, or particular and my patience paid off.
It seems our thoughts on this are quite similar. The hit and miss of the MF is a TERRIBLE way to make precursors work. I do believe that precursors (the popular ones, yes) are the only thing that prevent anyone from obtaining legendaries. While technically randomness doesn’t favor anyone, it yields higher results for some people. If you got Kudzu AND Dawn than you were way luckier than most. And when I say “anyone” I mean anyone who commits himself to do it, not anyone who gets lucky on the MF.
Every other part of the grind can stay for all I care, even the lodestones if necessary. It’s just that kitten precursor… Yes the popular one. Even if it’s a matter of only a few popular precursor, it’s still an issue that I hope gets resolved.
Gratz on your legendary though.
No average joe should ever be able to get one of these, if you don’t like that either work for it or go cry in a corner and be sad. Lets make it a challenge they say, which I might add will never happen for many reasons (cant be bothered to explain, too many screamers fail to see any argument other then their own in here).
Though I would like to add I bet I see the same faces crying the dungeon is way too hard and that it is IMPOSSIBLE, even though some “legendary” people would probably have made it to the end of this dungeon (makes you wonder if these screamers know the meaning of the word impossible).
I got a simple solution. Stop caring. Its just a legendary. If you really want it to make you feel special go work for it. If you’re an average Joe and the TP is too sophisticated for you and you dont have enough time then give up and give in. Its not for you. Nor are porsches and ferrari’s for blue collar workers. Get my point? Probably not.
Porsches and ferrari’s are expensive but they’re not legendaries. Weapons like Twilight are legendary but that doesn’t mean they have to be expensive in order to keep their status. You catch my drift? This ain’t capitalist America bro. It’s Tyria, you don’t get to be more priviliged just because you’re the 1%. Anyone should have a chance at becoming a
Legend and gold should not be the main standard as to who is legendary and who isn’t.
Sometimes I wish legendaries would become extremely common just to piss off elitist jerks like you.
It’s been 3 months now, or at least close enough there. If there are at least 10 players who’s gotten a legendary in a legit way then Anet is going to keep the system as is.
Anet has already stated that they will be changing the system in the next build. GG I guess you were wrong.
I will not give out any secrets as you know, it WILL affect my profit margins directly if I was to blurt something out about how I make money. It is not flipping, I can tell you that.
The way Anet ‘fixed’ the godskull ‘exploit’ was to nerf the overall drop rate of ALL methods of getting a precursor. They only reacted to the out cry of the masses. Most got their info from ‘word of mouth’ which is basically like a rumor mill and things get mixed up and misunderstood.
From the information I gathered, people used to get 8 precursors per 1000 rare weapons into the mystic forge. After the godskull ‘fix’ it went to 2 precursors per 1200 rare weapons into the mystic forge. These were tests before/after this fix withOUT the use of godskull rares. This was pointed out in various threads thru out this forum yet people still misunderstand the information in front of their faces.
Also, just because they say level 80 exotics gives the highest chance for precursors, does not mean that it has a more higher chance than using 4 level 78 exotics or 2 level 65 exotics + 2 level 80 exotics. They only say it has a higher chance because the outcome is always level 80 exotics. The percentage is always the same with any combination of exotics, as long as it produces a level 80 exotic.
According to Linsey on this very thread they did NOT make any across the board changes and there WERE recipes that granted a higher chance of obtaining a precursor. No offense but I think I preffer to believe an Anet dev.
Now, you say you’re making 30g per 2 hours. That’s quite an accomplishment, but of course you can’t reveal your secret or it wouldn’t work anymore. This makes me think it’s still somehow TP related and you don’t want to increase supply. It’s all well and good but I don’t see why you’re using this fact as some kind of anecdote as to why gold is easy to make.
You are NOT the standard and legendaries should NOT be adjusted to you. Any dev with good sense will look at how much a normal dedicated person can earn instead of someone using a gimmick. Anet will always look at standard play to base their decisions off and nobody imo can make 30g every hour through standard play.
Even if you say legendaries need to remain exclusive this is a dumb way to promote it. Money making gimmicks are a stupid way to judge who’s worthy of being legendary.
Where do you get the idea that Legendary should mean “skillful”?
Well where do you get the idea that legendaries should be rare? Where do you get any ideas about what legendaries should involve? If you say it’s from other games then I suggest you go and play those.
I think legendaries should be more reflective of the rest of the game and the rest of the game doesn’t put this much emphasis on making huge amounts of gold or insane RNG chances. In fact, dungeons were made with the token system specifically because Anet didn’t want to make a game where your effort wasn’t rewarded due to RNG. It’s their own design philosophy. So how does that excuse the way precursors are obtained?
I wasn’t necessarily talking about you Delolith.