Showing Posts For Avalanzhe.5761:

WvW build & PoV videos like Yishi's?

in Thief

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


I just started to play my thief, and I saw Yishi’s videos which really inspired me to play a thief.

What I want is a thief that can burst down those backline fighters and those that got separated from the enemy melee train in a Tier 1 NA Blob fights and still has a lot of survivability, prolly with stealth and blinds. I saw an old video of Yishi doing this “zerg slaying” and I’m still wondering if that is still possible after the recent major patches.

Thank you in advance.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

My Power Necro GvG PoV

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Just wanna share my Power Necro GvG PoV to my fellow necros, it’s heavily influenced with Ascii’s wellomancer build and concept but I tweaked mine a little to pursue a much better survivability and utility, so I maxed out the SR traitline. There are a couple of mistakes I made but feel free to tell me your feedbacks.

Here’s the vid

Hope you enjoy it.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Vampiric Precision Question

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Thanks, I also did some test and yes, life siphon works on multiple crit from a single AoE.


Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Vampiric Precision Question

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Do you crit? If yes, you siphon health from what you crit.

So if I crit on 5 target, I life siphon on all of them?

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Vampiric Precision Question

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


“Siphon health whenever you critical hit.”

Is this AoE when it trigger? Or it’s the same with Sigil of Blood?

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Connection Error(s) Detected. Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Ascii Livestreaming WvW

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Nice little bit of footage i snagged from my livestream earlier today.

I never knew that you can plague-stomp, how do you do that?

BTW really great clip you got there! Good thing I still kept my condition trinkets. Also can you enlighten me why carrion armor and not rabid set?

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Ascii's WvW Wellomancer Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Thanks Ascii, I really do enjoy this build concept and I can really see now my presence during GvG/WvW.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Which legendary should i make for a necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


I’m just gonna wait for the new legendaries to be released. And hopefully there is a staff that is good for necro.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Power burst necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


try checking on Ascii’s Wellomancer Build

it’s both damage and survivability

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Power vs Cond my view

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


I was a condi necro for 11 months then suddenly changed to power necro for WvW/GvG reason.

Against organized guilds/zerg, conditions are easily being cleansed and it rarely last more than 5 seconds and the -condition duration from lemon grass soup and rune of melandru. If Necros can stack more condition and can stack fast like engineers, then they might be viable against organized guilds/zerg.

In PvE though, I got mixed feelings about power necro and condition necro, there are instances that one can do better than the other and vice versa.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Ascii's WvW Wellomancer Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Hi I’m currently a conditionmancer with full rabid and thinking about on changing to a much team-oriented wvw build and I was reading the whole thread and I really find your build and playstyle very convincing.

I got a couple of questions though:

1. Against an organized/gvg zerg running melandru and lemon grass, will the 1 sec blind and chill be still effective enough even with the -condition duration?

2. Does Sigil of Blood procs on multiple target when using AoE skill or it only affects the main target?

3. If Sigil of Blood only procs on a single target even using an AoE skill, would you consider Sigil of Fire for more AoE damage or Sigil of Restoration for more survivability on ZvZ?

4. What stacking on-kill sigil are you using?

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Help, WvW Condi Necro on a crossroad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


I’ve been a condition necro since beta, I like this kind of playstyle since it really lives to the name of the class but recently I’m really having strong doubts about the condition build when fighting organized guilds/zerg in WvW since they can easily cleanse conditions. Before you can secure your precious conditions ticks by using fears or even before you can stack more conditions, it’s already been cleansed. Also I feel that there are skills that has a ridiculous casting time/effect, making it even harder to stack fast and securing those conditions with fears, these skills are mainly scepter 2, dagger 5, Epidemic.

I’m thinking about that it’s time to leave my condi build. So any suggestion what path should I take? Although I would still love a strong team game presence. All suggestions aee highly appreciated.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Terror Build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Since the sigil of paralyzation is not working anymore, with 30 spite with 30% condition duration + 40% condition duration from food + 20% fear duration, and with a total of +90% fear duration, will I still get the 2nd terror tick?

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Wishing for a New Legendary Staff

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


As a Charr Necromancer, I despised the Bifrost. So colorful and shinny, and the concept of a Charr wielding it makes me think of a Nyan Cat. And I’m only interested on having a staff legendary.

So I’m hoping for a Legendary bloody staff, probably a fleshy type of staff with a hand or anything to hold a beating heart as it’s the head piece of the staff, and then blood drips downward the staff and leaves blood trails as you move.

or just a twilight type of staff..

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Gift of Fortune/Mastery Question to Anet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


So here’s my question to ArenaNet, will the gift of mastery and gift of fortune still be the required items to create the upcoming new legendary weapons? If yes, then I guess I can start building my gift of mastery and gift of battle while waiting for a neat Legendary Staff that would be best for my Charr Necromancer.

P.S. Please please ArenaNet, create a legendary staff that would match the necromancer class. For example a Bloody staff, might be a fleshy long arms with a hand holding a beating heart with bloods sprinkling lightly as the hands squeezes it lightly and blood dripping. Or a Staff with the twilight effect.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Gift of Fortune/Mastery Question to Anet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


So here’s my question to ArenaNet, will the gift of mastery and gift of battle still be the required items to create the upcoming new legendary weapons? If yes, then I guess I can start building my gift of mastery and gift of battle while waiting for a neat Legendary Staff that would be best for my Charr Necromancer.

P.S. Please please ArenaNet, create a legendary staff that would match the necromancer class. For example a Bloody staff, might be a fleshy long arms with a hand holding a beating heart with bloods sprinkling lightly as the hands squeezes it lightly and blood dripping. Or a Staff with the twilight effect.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Imbalances among Healing Skills

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


If CC outshines the other heals, I feel that Blood Fiend and Well of Blood should be buffed rather than nerfing Consume Condition.

Just a wild idea:
WoB – buff its healing per pulse and should give 3% Life Force per pulse only to the necro that casted it.

BF – Blood Fiend should also be able to life steal and regenerate its health per attack; also slightly increase the health transfer; and when casting Taste of Death, Necro will gain Aegis and Regeneration.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Necro Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


that greatsword loooks devilishly necrotic… I wish that there is a staff with that kind of design…

I’m still waiting for a bloody staff.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Q: Well's AoE Limit?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


I can’t seem to find an answer about the Well’s AoE limit?

When you cast a well on a zerg, will it limit to the first 5 target hit by the well and the other player entering the well will not be affected?


or is it per pulse? It can hit more than 5 targets in the whole well duration but each pulse still follows the 5-player AoE limit?

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Best non-human necro pics

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Heres a massive thread with every race.

Anyway, heres a charr in the HotW light armor set.

I kinda miss my old HotW light armor set after seeing yours.

Anyway, here is my Charr Necromancer, Vaahlenaz Bloodlich


Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Remove Corruption Skills Casting Time

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Imagine if these corruption skills doesn’t have this 1 sec casting animation, you can utilized those skills specially with your Reaper’s mark. The problem is that these corruption skills eats up a second before it is casted wasting precious seconds/ticks from your inflicted condition.

Blood is Power + Corrupt Boon + Epidemic + Reaper Mark is really a powerful combo yet it is easily countered since it takes you 3 seconds on casting BiP,CB,Epi before you can secure those conditions by interrupting your target with Reaper’s Mark; also if you can make your fear last 2 seconds or more would really make this combo more powerful.

It is really disappointing to have tons of ways to remove conditions in zerg fights and the lack of ways to secure your condition stacks is really frustrating at times. and I just hope Anet could read this.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Tails clipping through armors: chance of fix

in Charr

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Charr T3 Light Armor Leggings need some fixed as well

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Necro epidemic or wells for wvw build.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


I think the bigger issue is considering wells with a condition build…. the condition damage from wells is not notable, even with corruption flipping boons, the effects are short duration. WOS is complete and total garbage in a condition build. If you do run wells, WOP/WOC and WOD are all okay…. but they are more utility at that point than anything, which would work in a power or condition build.

If you run full conditions, run epidemic. Yes its countered hard, yes its hard to land, yes its downright painful to use in ZvZ, but pets don’t always get cleansed, and not every zerg is as coordinated as the next, and in a condition build it is still your best option.

However, in ZvZ or WvW large scale fights, Power/zerker gear, then the use of WOC/WOS is going to get far more mileage as was mentioned. It cannot really be countered other than getting out of the wells, which if use in conjunction with guardian walls, works great…. 2-2.5k per tick…. aoe….

Wells – Zerker – Good
Wells – Rabid – Bad/Situational (Utility wells)

I really have to agree with this post, to fully maximize wells, you must lean on the power stats, but if you are a conditionmancer then corruption skills are your best utilities.

With regards to epidemic, I just hope they remove the 1 sec casting animation time.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

The Necroiest Necromancer >:D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Vaahlenaz Bloodlich


Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

New Legendaries / Rework

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Like I said, I want a legendary staff with a decent skin that will match a necro… if I just go for those you post, then I guess it would be stupid of me to post here… lol…

New Legendary staff for necro’s or with dark themed… nuff said.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

New Legendaries / Rework

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


We still plan to do both new legendary weapons, as well as a clear path (on top of the current random chance) to gain precursors which players can see their progress and understand how much work they have left to do to gain it.

It’s highly likely the precursor concept will involve playing varied different content all over the game to gather numerous content specific materials that are combined together to make a precursor.

We do also want to maintain that chance you could get lucky and earn one earlier through random drops, so when we add the new system we will not remove the current one to ensure players have multiple ways to gain the items. Also with the upcoming update to WvW, there will be a chance players can earn precursors from the WvW rank reward chests as well.

First thanks for replying and giving out some hints that you guys are really planning to release new skins.

But I would like to know if you guys are planning to release a legendary staff that could match the dark-themed nature of Necromancers. I really want a 2-handed weapon for my Necromancer and Bifrost is no where fits a necro. I was hoping like a twilight-like staff or a bloody staff better for a legendary.

Cheers Anet!

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Any open Baltazar Temple (NA)?

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

(edited by Avalanzhe.5761)

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Any server with open Baltazar on NA server?

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Show me your Charr Necromancer please.

in Charr

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


My goal was to find the ‘heaviest’ looking armor for my Charr Necro.

Now, I often get mistaken for a warrior…

I like the gloves a lot, and also the shoulders as well, what armor are those? Charrs really look best with big shoulder armors, makes them look more kitten!

Here’s mine:


Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Charr Hood Armor - Close Enough

in Charr

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


I was looking for a Hood head armor for my Charr for a long time, and I’m looking for a hood that doesn’t clip the horns. And now I found it!

Devout helm, can be bought at Merchant Tailor Jibb in Rata Sum

but what I don’t like about this hood is that the ears are showing too, protruding through the hood. A little disappointing.

When will they make decent charr gears? I really hate the idea of horns not showing in most of the head armors.


Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Rate the Charr Name Above You

in Charr

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761



Vaahlenaz Ashkarkas, Necromancer of the Ash Legion and Order of Whispers

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Dont use Reanimator on Lupi? lol

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Did encounter this issue with the jagged horror, so after we reset my solution was simply change to sceptre and just used skill 1 and 3 on lupi, and no AoE skills till that phase ends.

didn’t have to respec my necro.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761



Tier 3 Charr Cultural Light Gloves
Magus Gloves

The texture and graphics are changed to a white and red graphics, this is also similar to the Svanir Gloves the HotW light armor, and this quite frustrating since I changed from the Svanir to the T3 Cultural Light gloves.


Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

(edited by Avalanzhe.5761)

January updates - Any sources?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


HotW Svanir Light gloves graphic fix pls!

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Suggestion: Rework Plague Form

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Yeah blind is the only thing I spam as well.

The plague form should be something that is fearless to any conditions, really hate getting immobilized on this form.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Necromancer community survey - Post Patch

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


3.5 Still hoping for Anet to give some love with our necro, and the necro is the only class I love playing

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Suggestion: Rework Plague Form

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


I really love Plague yet really not satisfied the way it is now, specially that you transform to a virulent cloud that gives condition but still vulnerable to conditions. And I don’t get how someone can be immobilized when they are in gaseous form. Just like an elementalist capable of manipulating the elements, a necro in plague form should also have some kind of advantage over conditions while under that transformation.

My Suggestion
1. Combine the 3 current skills with its passive; plague now passively gives poison, bleed, blindness, weakness and cripple in an area around it.
2. Add this skills that manipulates condition received while in Plague Form:
a. 1st Skill: Convert all condition to stacks Might and Regen (stacks depends on number of conditions taken)
b. 2nd Skill: Spread and Transfer all conditions received in an AoE around you
c. 3rd Skill: Consuming conditions creates an explosion in an AoE around you; dealing bonus damage per each condition on you.

So feel free to give in your feedback.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

(edited by Avalanzhe.5761)

Good looking Charr armor for a necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


I’m partial to the Shadow Armor myself.

That was one of my choice before but when I noticed that the helmet piece of that set would clip the “natural” horns of your Charr, I said no.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Good looking Charr armor for a necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761

Wraith Mask (Necromancer mask – transmuted), the rest is Honor of the Wave’s Svanir Set…

You could also try the Berserker’s Acolyte Set

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Skull Masque

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Wraith Mask transmuted to my HotW head armor on my Charr Necro.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Signet of the Locust runspeed buff

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Locust with a buff? This would be great!

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Just a question, is that all that they have for the necro for this 11/15 patch?

Coz I can’t see the patch note atm.


Then it is a sad sad day for necros, I know they still had fixed some yet I was really hoping for a major fix/update for necro. Quite disappointing for Anet team, especially for those red posts in this necro community.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Just a question, is that all that they have for the necro for this 11/15 patch?

Coz I can’t see the patch note atm.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Plague and conditions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Just had a wild idea and thinking out loud, why does a necro in plague form still takes conditions from enemies? It should be immune or somehow makes it more powerful as it receives more conditions as it is a walking condition during on plague form. I wonder how could someone in a gaseous form be immobilized lol!

Lets say,

Passive: Every 3 secs converts all conditions to Regen, Stack of Might, vigor, retaliation

Any thoughts or other ideas?

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

"Cure one condition every 10 secs" Utility

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Before I suggested a signet that passively converts 1 condition to 2 stack might (10s) every 15 secs then when activated grants 5 stack of might (20s) and cools down for 60 minutes.

imo we need more might giving skills as it goes well with either power build or condition build.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Best way to get Cond/Prec/Tough Exotics?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


HotW set seems ok with me, just started days ago and I already got 4/6 parts of the set.

and for a Charr, HotW looks better than CM’s or TA’s imo, but probably I’ll be transmuting the HotW helm to my berserker’s acolyte.

Then gonna get more HotW token and start to go for CM and TA as I need to have 4 weapon that has that stat combination.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

(edited by Avalanzhe.5761)

The Mr Freeze Build. SPvP Video. Fun CC & Damage Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Did anyone notice that the Major Sigil of Chilling gives +20% frozen duration while the Superior Sigil of Chilling gives +10% frozen duration instead.

is this some tool tip bug?

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

Better for Leveling? Condition or Power

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


pump more condition damage + lots of AoE Bleed Stacks to a group of mob + Epidemic = PvE ownage

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

WvW Tips and Suggestions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avalanzhe.5761


Thanks for the advice, yeah that chill can really add more CC to my build.

Vaahlenaz Bloodlich – Charr Necromancer

(edited by Avalanzhe.5761)