Showing Posts For Azure Fang.8605:

Episode 4 release time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

They’re 50 mins late.

Considering traditional patch time starts at 1000 PST (GMT-8), server time, you’jumping the gun a bit.

1000 degree knife weapon skin!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

Next thread: Bottle Flipping needs to be an activity.

GW2 Navi potential banning?

in API Development

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

Read further in the Navi thread. The user that was banned for using Navi was reinstated. There was apparently a misunderstanding somewhere. As long as an app does not access GW2 in memory and does not breach the “one key – one action” rule (excluding macro programs used exclusively to drive musical instruments), you should be fine. Navi has been well accepted by both Dev and Support and is perfectly safe.

Here’s a resolution thread from reddit about the banned player:

QoL improvement: give my mini 125% move speed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

Agreed. It’’s unsettling having them teleport next to or in front of me every 20 seconds. If nothing else, have the mini’s speed a mirror of your own rather than receiving a buff.

2017-Hopes and Speculations [Long Post]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

I want more story on the other races. Primordus and Jormag is a great opportunity to get more detail and depth on Asuran and Norn lore and political systems. As much as I love my cabbages, the story as a whole right now seems to have far, far too much focus on Human and Sylvari and not enough focus on others.

I agree with this point. GW1, while Human-playable only, had a strong amount of Norn and Asura story with the expansions. GW2 has 5 playable races, yet Asura and Sylvari have taken the story forefront. Norn seem to be getting their turn with the recent direction of LS3, but I’m afraid with standing plot Asura and Sylvari are going to get more attention. Humans got a bit with Zephyr Sanctum and the associated festivals plus story, but short of Rytlock’s “Final Fantasy IV – Cecil becomes a Paladin” class change Charr have really gotten the short end of the stick. Charr seriously need their due, Humans need a little more, and Norn seem to be getting their time (and I’m hope I’m right). Let Asura and Sylvari sit on the sidelines for a bit.

2017-Hopes and Speculations [Long Post]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

This will have spoilers across multiple LS episodes and the xpac. Be warned, all ye who enter here.

Story and mini-arc speculation and questions that I hope are answered in 2017:

Rifts, though to where? -
Dialogue with Auris Weirdbringer leads me to believe the rifts have actually shunted the player character into different versions of the Guild Wars parallel multiverse (discounting server representations, obviously) How will this come into play in the days to come? In game terms, when will Stabilizer II become useful, and will the rift destinations remain within the world(s) as we know it? Perhaps our meddling will lead is into sections of The Mists (micro-fractals, if you will), or possibly finally give us a taste of what happened to Rytlock during his stay there?

Ley-Line Anomalies -
The ley-lines are going crazy, and I think everyone knows that the blame can be placed squarely on the shoulders of The Pact, Destiny’s Edge, and the player character for killing the Elder Dragons that may or may not be an integral part of the world ecosystem. Will stability continue to degrade as the heroes hunt two more dragons? Will they come to realize what they are doing to the world? Will the release of so much energy stabilize over time and usher in a new high-magic era as hinted during the time of the Human Gods presence on the mortal realm?

The Pale Tree -
Everything we have heard of The Pale Tree’s condition has been negative. I would not be shocked in the slightest if she dies this year. Story stability counts on The Grove remaining alive, however. Perhaps, after her death, a Sylvari will need to sacrifice their life as they know it to revive the tree and replace the previous Avatar? To that end, will Caithe be said sacrifice, finding new purpose, while also following the deeming trend of removing Destiny’s Edge from the current events of Tyria?

Magic Poisoning -
“Sad Anomalies”, random screaming, and The Consortium and Durmand Priory at odds with each other (again): The Priory suggests a cure to the player character’s condition through the creation of a Shadowstone, while The Consortium wants said stone before the player character can use it. Between their cold war over ley-line energy, Crystallized Magic, and now this, what are both factions up to?

Kralkathanmoth, better known as Aurene -
That sweet little dragon with a penchant for apparently watching your every move and sending mesmer illusions to applaud your successes and mourn you lying face down in the mud, with features and magic of three Elder Dragons (no, Big Purple isn’t dead, but she comes from his stock). Will she be affected by the death of the next (two) dragons? Are we rearing a Dragon God or mothering our own demise? She’s a playful child now, but when will she hit that angsty teen phase?

Norn pride, or, The downfall of Braham -
So Braham took a precursor bow from his mother and finished crafting his legendary, then successfully stuck a toothpick into Jormag’s tooth. His personality is starting to seem very 200-years-ago Norn. Is he going to take the old “One Norn Army” mentality to Jormag’s doorstep and possibly to his own grave? Or is he going to lead more lambs to the slaughter?

Why can’t I hold all of these cats? -
Are some of us turning into crazy old cat ladies? Is this penchant for herding hungry felines another symptom of magic overload? What is that rather dubious soup, where did they find what appears to be an Asuran levitating pot, and how are they cooking without opposable thumbs? /sarcasm

(edited by Azure Fang.8605)

Worst fractal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

I agree with the (growing) crowd in disliking Aquatic. Both secondary paths, darkness/dolphin, while interesting in theory simply aren’t fun to play. Most groups I end up with wait dead until one of us (usually me) finishes the path so that we can all checkpoint straight to the boring boss.

And while I enjoy most of Solid Ocean, the lack of incentive to do anything along the way (unless farming essence/clear achievement) and the fact that the boss can and usually does target downed players both severely detract from an otherwise great map.

And as a sidenote, I enjoyed the Swamp alternate bosses. I like the current Bloomhunger, but Mossman being demoted to a miniboss saddens me. It feels kinda like Mossman got turned into a loot pinata to make up for the fact that Bloomhunger is no longer a loot pinata.

628 Magic Find means nothing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

indeed rng ?. opened a black lion chest and got an item with something out of wadrobe. chance for weapon skin. outfit. glider. or something else and i got a bronze sword skin. i thought ? ? rng. finally a chest key then the rare item and then a trash drop. i am happy there is a battlefield 1 update so i can play that further.
this bronze sword is just a sickness out of a package pure rage item.

The wardrobe ticket clearly states “Equipment Skins (Rare or less)”. Knowing the scale of the item, the wise thing to have done would have been to save the ticket, spend, I dunno, 5 gold to buy every common, fine, and masterwork skin in existence, THEN use the ticket. The only one you have to blame for the ticket doing exactly what it’s supposed to do is yourself.

Haloween vs wintersday which is more fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

Halloween: Laugh at every player that doesn’t understand what a game of “Simon Says” is, tear open bags until mouse breaks, and run a loot train.

Wintersday: Play Choir Bell Hero, kill people with snowballs, kick skritt, and smash scale models of all of the major cities.

Hard to decide, so I’m gonna say Lunar New Year and get laughed out of the thread.

Beauty of The Grove

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

You should have seen the High Elf and Wood Elf cities in EverQuest, or most of the Hibernia cities in Dark Age of Camelot, though I agree The Grove is beautiful (if a navigational nightmare).

Ah…good old Kelethin, home of the Fier’dal where lag whilst riding the lift or running between platforms can necessitate a blind cr =)

Lag was a way of life (and death) in that city. So were games of Gnome Darts, Barbarians blocking the door to the bank, drunken sprinting across the bridges, and languages tutoring circles near the cultural forge. I miss pre-Luclin EQ. Though I don’t miss getting quad’d by the Bard trainer who happens to be a Monk and hates Dark Elves and anybody using a Mask of Deception :P

Seperate Raid Masteries

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

I see “do the escort” parroted everywhere. What about the concept of “raiding isn’t my thing”? I fully agree that raid masteries should be moved so that those not interested in that subset of content will not be blocked from taking full advantage of the rest of the game’s content (referencing HoT SS lockout).

Further, and in a similar case, I believe Fractal masteries should be separated to their own category, so that those who don’t fractal are not forced to spend time (EXP) and resources (points) on content they may never utilize so that they may take full advantage of other content (core SS progression). And yes, I fractal.

Leaked next Expansion details!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

all just hear say at best with fake leaked stuff that leads to noting at all!! not only that

but if that was real and not something leaked or fake . i will not spend one penny on

that at all .and i will unstall the game fully . that would be something i would not

want in this game at all. and if i want to play mario i will play mario on my wii and so

forth but not in this game at all ever !!

Just for clarity, this is in the game already. It’s the Super Adventure Box festival that occurs in April. The OP was being tongue-in-cheek about an expac based on it.

oh that i never do that junky Super Adventure Box festival do not like it think it should

not be in the game at all

Good thing about SAB is that it’s an instance that has no effect on the playerbase who has no interest in SAB.

Yea, i dont know why, i always try it but i never get into SAB. Its probably the event i mostly hate, i avoid it completely mostly. Good thing is it doesnt affect on anything the game, well maybe i lose the chance of earning those cool skins but thats about it.

I’m exactly the same, I hate it but it has no effect on my gameplay what so ever so I don’t care, if only dueling could be implemented the same way…….

Except that devs already complained how much effort it is to make a single sab map.
As a result, it does affect us. It takes several devs a month or longer to make on map. All that effort couldve gone to ls3, current events, or expansion.. I dunno.. actual content

It is content, just not appealing content to us. Not all content appeals to all players but with instances it doesn’t really bother anyone who doesn’t care about it, just provides more options to have fun to those that are interested.

Okay, what if the devs started focussing on a different instance, once where everyone is turnt into a quaggan or skritt, and then you have to fight a pink elder dragon who breathes rainbow, while all music is replaced wth trap music. Oh, and you have to walk and act on a beat otherwise you get knocked down.

Do you think “hey anet, thanks for the content that took you a lot of effort to make and took away on production of the main game” or do you think “what the skritt, anet??”

I have NOTHING against minigames, but they need to make sense.. they need to fit in the game. Crab Toss fits in the game, Southsun Survival fits in the game, Zephyrite Sprint fits in the game.
Seasonal events; Wintersday and Halloween fit in the game.
SAB does not fit in the game. Using crowbars b hole was torn in the game and SAB was painfully jabbed in

Actually, if you read into the lore and history behind SAB, it fits the game perfectly. Just because you do not enjoy a piece of content does not mean it does not fit and should not be developed.

As to your hyperbolic hypothetical: I’d play that content in a heartbeat.

I enjoyed it, though the first time. It was new, it was a joke, it was fun. But it’s no longer a joke, people think it’s part of the core game now, and demand more effort put into it. People really need to get over the fact it was just an april fools joke all those years ago. (Have the memberberries gotten to this game?)

For a while, it was billed as a core component to the game after the intial release. During the “Back to School” release, the same year as the original April launch, the backstory to the content advanced in the form of an “unlockable cutscene”, so to speak, which foreshadowed further expansion. This further expansion, however, was canceled when SAB was converted into a yearly festival, starting this year; it should be noted that the festival return was after a three year gap since the previous release, after multiple promises of return.

If you’re going to disparage content, at least research it first.

Beauty of The Grove

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

You should have seen the High Elf and Wood Elf cities in EverQuest, or most of the Hibernia cities in Dark Age of Camelot, though I agree The Grove is beautiful (if a navigational nightmare).

Charged Quartz Crystals - change limit 1/day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

+1 for lifting the Charged Quartz embargo.

I’ve already crafted one full cele set, two weapons included, mostly before ascended mats became tradable. Now I’m working on upgrading two guilds. I’d be willing to pay outrageous amounts of gold to other players to avoid that additional time gate.

Leaked next Expansion details!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

all just hear say at best with fake leaked stuff that leads to noting at all!! not only that

but if that was real and not something leaked or fake . i will not spend one penny on

that at all .and i will unstall the game fully . that would be something i would not

want in this game at all. and if i want to play mario i will play mario on my wii and so

forth but not in this game at all ever !!

Just for clarity, this is in the game already. It’s the Super Adventure Box festival that occurs in April. The OP was being tongue-in-cheek about an expac based on it.

oh that i never do that junky Super Adventure Box festival do not like it think it should

not be in the game at all

Good thing about SAB is that it’s an instance that has no effect on the playerbase who has no interest in SAB.

Yea, i dont know why, i always try it but i never get into SAB. Its probably the event i mostly hate, i avoid it completely mostly. Good thing is it doesnt affect on anything the game, well maybe i lose the chance of earning those cool skins but thats about it.

I’m exactly the same, I hate it but it has no effect on my gameplay what so ever so I don’t care, if only dueling could be implemented the same way…….

Except that devs already complained how much effort it is to make a single sab map.
As a result, it does affect us. It takes several devs a month or longer to make on map. All that effort couldve gone to ls3, current events, or expansion.. I dunno.. actual content

It is content, just not appealing content to us. Not all content appeals to all players but with instances it doesn’t really bother anyone who doesn’t care about it, just provides more options to have fun to those that are interested.

Okay, what if the devs started focussing on a different instance, once where everyone is turnt into a quaggan or skritt, and then you have to fight a pink elder dragon who breathes rainbow, while all music is replaced wth trap music. Oh, and you have to walk and act on a beat otherwise you get knocked down.

Do you think “hey anet, thanks for the content that took you a lot of effort to make and took away on production of the main game” or do you think “what the skritt, anet??”

I have NOTHING against minigames, but they need to make sense.. they need to fit in the game. Crab Toss fits in the game, Southsun Survival fits in the game, Zephyrite Sprint fits in the game.
Seasonal events; Wintersday and Halloween fit in the game.
SAB does not fit in the game. Using crowbars b hole was torn in the game and SAB was painfully jabbed in

Actually, if you read into the lore and history behind SAB, it fits the game perfectly. Just because you do not enjoy a piece of content does not mean it does not fit and should not be developed.

As to your hyperbolic hypothetical: I’d play that content in a heartbeat.

Can you tone down the content of loot bags?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

If you don’t want the blues/greens, I’ll happily take them off your hands. I have 9 lv.80s but haven’t hit 300% luck MF, plus the mats are always nice.

Who to take to 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

I always suggest having an 80 Mesmer for one reason, if nothing else: World, JP, and minidungeon exploration is orders of magnitude easier due to Portal.

Potential lead on the feline familiar mini?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

We’ve known about the scavenger hunt version of the cat since Halloween day one.

It’s unlikely it has anything to do with the mini.

[Suggestion] New Halloween Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

I’m not complaining about the upgraded Candy Corn node – I hope it gets new graphics next year and becomes a “rich” node – but with us getting the Wintersday tree that grants gifts, I was hoping that we would eventually see a home instance upgrade that gives trick-or-treat bags. Perhaps something like as follows:

  • Item: Candy Corn Key
  • Item Description: When used (your Mad King says… EAT THE KEY!), a door is placed in your home instance, allowing trick-or-treating year round!
  • Effect: Account-based home instance upgrade that places a scaled down (About the size of a normal door) trick-or-treat door (daily graphic randomly cycles between King and Prince doors) in all account home instances. Door spawns among different, predetermined locations each day like the Found Bandit Chest and may be interacted with to award one Trick or Treat bag per day per account.

About the Labyrinthine Horror

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

I played my little heart out this weekend, even took a day of PTO to get in more Labyrinth time. And given the confusion with the undersea creature, I’m hoping we can all agree to call the Labyrinthine Horror by the name of… ~drum roll~ … Cecil. It… just seems fitting, and players seemed to agree.

I dunno. I’d vote for… Colin. Here’s why:

  • People want to blame him for ruining their loot run and dying too often.
  • Other people love breaking his defiance and forcing him to stand still for 2 seconds.
  • He swings a sword; he swings it again.
  • Big grin.

Colin, the Labyrinthine Horror

I wholeheartedly agree.

[SUGG] Split Raid/Fractal Mastery from Core

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

Original title due to 45 character limit:
[SUGGESTION] Split Raid/Fractal Masteries from HoT/Central Tyria

I’m not a raider, let me get that out to start. I have never liked the overtly competitive mindset that comes with “modern” (post-EverQuest “pre-Luclin”) raids. I’m perfectly content with core PvE, dungeons, and fractals.

That said, I take issue with the fact that my disinterest in raiding is preventing a form of core account progression in PvE open world expansion content. I have every HoT mastery unlocked, except the raid-based ones. Because they are not unlocked, I receive no credit toward spirit shards while in HoT content – all experience is wasted. If the raids were considered more accessible to a broader userbase I could understand their inclusion as is, but right now I feel the implementation to be a breach of the “play your way” mantra that has been touted for so long, as players are forced to raid if they want to continue to have unrestricted on the rest of the HoT content.

Would it at all be possible to see Forsaken Thicket masteries split in to their own category and consume their own mastery points (or still consume HoT to allow segue progression from one content into another)?

In a similar argument, even though this would not affect me as fractals are “my kind” of content, could Fractal masteries also be split into their own category and be provided with their own pool of mastery points (or, again, use Central Tyria mastery points for progression as mentioned above)?

Again, please do not take this as a slight towards raiding; I do not blame or look down upon anyone for enjoying the content that they choose to enjoy. I just don’t think any player should be forced into a content type that they do not enjoy just to retain progress potential in the content that they do enjoy.

[Suggestion] Black Lion Delivery

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

I would see the opening of the NPC as a potential threat to income from convenience purchases – a reduction of people purchasing the temp items. Sure, it’s irritating running to a random post and not being able to use it, but it makes sense from ANet’s end, as it could cause cascade purchase – can’t use NPC>ask map why>find out about permanent>look at BLTC and see ad for current gold prices>buy gems>convert to gold>buy a permanent. The permanent shop/repair/BLTC/styliist/bank are some of the height of convenience items, so it only makes sense that may spawn “bound” NPCs to tease other players. Honestly, just writing this post has tempted me (slightly) to convert gems for similar purpose.

How about: Salvage instead of BluesAndGreens

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

I couldn’t disagree more. Just because you do not use them does not mean there are not others that do. First-time 80s, even fresh 80 alts have use for them in lieu of dropping the cost / spending the grind to go full rare/exo; as it stands it took me forever to outfit my 8 80 alts in minimum rare, as there’s no way I was going to spend on them. “Either they salvage or sell them”; nobody would sell them if there was not a market for them, and blues/green move on the market constantly, meaning they are being used, one way or another.

Add on the loss of “material” for MF players. Some would rather gamble up from magic/MW, or break down for runes/sigils and do the same with them. I’ll be honest, I’ve made a tidy sum tossing a day’s worth of runes/sigils into the forge and popping Superior Blood/Corruption etc.

And then there’s the recent advancement of “right-click salvage all”. With the addition of this, inventory filling becomes a moot point as you can, quite literally, salvage 160 items in 3 clicks, assuming you have the salvage kits to support.

And on the comment of “still getting luck if you still care about it”: a vast majority of accounts are not at the 300% cap for luck. Beyond that, essence of luck has slowly been worked into additional recipes and guild hall upgrades. Cutting out 80 greens/blues reduces luck drop potential, replacing it with, I assume by the candor of your post, a much lower drop rate. No thanks.

There is no viable reason to remove Lv.80 trash gear other than to convenience the few people that don’t care at the cost of those that still do. The system is fine as it is.

(edited by Azure Fang.8605)

I use a Razer Orbweaver keypad, any thoughts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605


  • M570 – yes, a trackball – for my mouse. Mumble PTT key is mapped to M4, full GW2 map to M5. Left click is starting to break down – a common issue with the M570 – but I just need to open the case and coat the contact pad with crazy glue to fix it. In the meantime, I’ve been practicing with mouse emulation mode on the G13 – not ideal, but serviceable.

That’s funny, I thought I was the only one that used the M570 Trackball in this game! I have a legitimate reason thought, the machine I play on also doubles as an AutoCAD machine, and that mouse is perfect for long AutoCAD sessions.

I have moderate to severe Essential Tremors, so my accuracy on a “traditional” mouse is… let’s just say “lacking”. Between the inherent accuracy of the trackball, plus a couple decades of training, I’m to the point that I’m more accurate on a trackball in twitch reflex scenarios than most “hardcore” gamers are using traditionals. But of course, since it’s a trackball, it’s immediately “lol nope”, as the previous poster so eloquently put it, in the eyes of most gamers. If more people would actually TRY a trackball and get used to it, they’d see it has its own merits over a “crap I just overran my mousepad / the laser just hit a flaw and rocketed my cursor across the screen” traditional. But meh, to each their own

PLease? Terrace scroll before I scream?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

Just say “You are not worthy, kthxbye”.

Nah, use something a little more unique.

I work as a private security dispatcher. One night, one of my site guards called in that he had someone loitering on his site. When he approached the subject and asked him to leave, the subject stated “You are not in the Book of Life” then entered the business as a paying patron. Since then, whenever I want to confuse a to-be-blocked, I tell them that they are not in the Book of Life and see if they respond before I block them

I use a Razer Orbweaver keypad, any thoughts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

Razer products are terrible, second only to Saitek.

I run a full Logitech setup, partly due to brand loyalty, but mostly due to overall product quality. They tend to be expensive, but they also tend to be worth it (except when you learn how heavy a G510s is by having it fall off of your tower and catch the nail bed of one of your toes with its chisel edge – keyboard survived, toe is still growing out the shattered nail fragments).

  • G13 used under most circumstances. Three different control palettes configured depending on situation (PvE, PvP and WvW) for GW2, and even have general control palettes for everyday PC use.
  • G510s when a full keyboard is necessary or more comfortable (usually sits on my lap anyway while my G13 and mouse are on the arms of my chair). Instrument macros and emotes are configured on the G Keys here, as well as map reminders for Teq, Breach and VW strategies.
  • M570 – yes, a trackball – for my mouse. Mumble PTT key is mapped to M4, full GW2 map to M5. Left click is starting to break down – a common issue with the M570 – but I just need to open the case and coat the contact pad with crazy glue to fix it. In the meantime, I’ve been practicing with mouse emulation mode on the G13 – not ideal, but serviceable.


PLease? Terrace scroll before I scream?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

I don’t want them to reintroduce the scroll… I want NEW city “scrolls”:

Technomagical Bauble – Teleports you to the Arcane Council’s private commerce lab outfitted with the finest multipurpose golems.

Smodur’s Edict – By order of Smodur the Unflinching, the bearer of this writ may access the Imperator’s Armory within the Imperator’s Core and access the finest stock and craftsmen in the Black Citadel.

Avatar’s Blessing – Those blessed with this charm pouch may access The Avatar’s Garden, a private sanctum for those deemed worthy by the Pale Tree.

Knut’s Stein Handle – While the blow to the head hurt, your tavern brawl with Knut Whitebear earned you his respect, access to his exclusive annex of the Great Hall, and the handle of the stein with which he clubbed you.

We, the Alts, protest!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

You know, I used to think like you. I’m the youngest of my Master’s troupe. He just HAD to recruit every profession (I always hear him discussing with our leader, his Engineer, about recruiting a Revenant). I was pretty upset when I first came around… I mean, sure, he spent hours helping me style my hair, pick my accessory (I LOVE my hair belt)… he even helped me get my ears just right (He says he loves how my ears point up when I’m fighting). But you wanna know how I trained? Books and scrolls.

I read 79 BOOKS and countless SCROLLS. I’m not the nerd here, that’s that jerk (though admittedly handsome in an “I’m so terrified I’m turned on” way) Mesmer and (only slightly) justifiably arrogant Engineer. I’m a Thief! I should have been training breaking off dagger blades in people’s backs, unloading pistols on someone’s face, and being a generally irritating stealthy troll! The Engineer got the glory of fighting Zhaitan, the Mesmer dominated the Mad King’s Labyrinth, the Ranger has seen more battles in the Edge of the Mists than she or her menagerie care to remember… I got books. IT’S NOT FAIR!

But I heard Him having a conversation with the Engineer and Mesmer the other day…

Five different characters a day to boost guild growth…
Daily, class-based, PvP rewards…
World exploration with each of us for Gifts of Exploration and skill points, in preparation for the masteries and “hero point” systems…
World boss tour cycling…

He just finished outfitting all of us, all 8 of us, with exotic equipment and ascended accessories (except the engineer, she’s got her ascended pistols and is working on ascended armor… lucky) with funds left over while the Engineer and Guardian are working on crafting the gifts for that incredibly gaudy pistol (He “affectionately” refers to it as “Pinkie Pie’s Party Pistol”; I don’t get it, but I REFUSE to use the thing), and he gave me, ME, a stack of those little one-use waypoint thingies to follow a friend around on a world boss train. He’s been taking the warrior on a tour of the world, the Ranger is STILL in the Mists (she secretly enjoys it), the Necromancer and Elementalist are working on joining the orders to get some free Order weapons (you’d think I’d be the greedy one as the Thief), and the Mesmer has parked himself next to those diving goggles in Dry Top; you can hear him laughing halfway across The Silverwastes every time he portals someone up there for a jump. And we all see action in the Heart of the Mists on a regular rotation.

Maybe you just need to remind your Master that there is room for her to enjoy something with everyone!


(edited by Azure Fang.8605)

To those who got portal (beta key)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

I would like to point out that not everyone who posts the portal on map chat has acquired one. All one needs to do is go to the wiki and get the code to post on map chat. In case anyone is wondering the code is [&AgEMEAEA].

To my knowledge, pasting links is still broken.

And I got mine in a few hours, on the start of my third SW foothold, from the Red Rock defense bonus chest.

[Suggestion] SAB Minis as Forge Fodder

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

On my current count from casual Black Lion Chest openings, I have 3 extra yetis, 2 extra spiders, and one extra banana, all account bound, sitting in my bank. II can’t bring myself to throw them away as they came from the chests, but they’re account bound and serve no other purpose than to sit in my bank and mock me.

Can we please get the Super Adventure Box minis added to the pool of minis that can be thrown in to the forge to generate random minis? I’m not asking to have them added to the possible outcome table, just given a use other than to be destroyed or waste space.

Anyone guess how many online players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

The data in that article is from nearly two years ago, was posted directly in a blog post on the GW2 main page… and it’s shady as hell that the linked site is placing their watermark on the data pics when they were generated by ANet.

if I buy LS Season 2...

in Living World

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

As Katreyn stated, you must complete the achievements for some of the episodes – 4 of them, to be exact. The other two accessories can be found as chest/VW drop, or purchased with crests and gold.

LFG system abuse clarity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

…for me personaly i sell certain services via lfg …

What services are you selling in SW with the LFG tool?

i dont realy wana say on the forums incasae anet decide its an atempt to sell said services and remove the thread

If you’re being evasive because you’re afraid of thread closure, there’s a pretty good chance what you’re going is against the rules and you shouldn’t be complaining that you’re getting walked on.

"I found it!" Achievment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

They spawn right before Teq takes off when the first defense phase starts. An NPC even yells something to the effect of “Watch out for the whirlpools. Don’t get sucked under!” when they spawn.

Just watch for the swirling orange circles of death.

Not always. It’s an AI attack, not scripted, so there’s always a (large) chance that it will not happen with a good run. Right before first takeoff, and during later phases is common on a moderate ze4g, but fast zergs almost never have whirlpools.

NPE Feedback [Merged] - Please read 1st post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

Placing certain content behind level walls, like the wardrobe, daily achievements, and downed state, is terrible.

Placing certain content behind avoidable level walls, like PvP and WvW, and lumping personal story into “divisible by 10” level groups, is silly.

The trait unlock system will soon change and be a moot point.

The rest is fine: weapon skill insta-unlock and announce on equip, level popup explaining changes that level plus hints, level appropriate minor rewards or bonus items (tasty, tasty Unidentified Dye), account level based gold transfer restriction… I feel like I’m missing some of the changes.

"I found it!" Achievment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

The whirlpool is an actual attack that Teq starts dropping around 75%. In good megaservers, he simply never gets a chance to use the attack. Keep trying. Took a friend of mine 2 months to be lucky enough to get one.

Gw2 is destroying my right mouse button..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

I’m actually on my second mouse thanks to GW2, but all it did was expose a flaw in my mouse (and many others). I use the Logitech M570 Wireless Trackball, partly because I grew up using trackballs, and partly because I have moderate Essential Tremors and I can’t produce accurate fine movement with a traditional mouse due to wrist tremoring. It turns out a production choice on this mouse causes it to wear quickly – the contact pad, the piece of plastic connected to the buttons that actually contacts the actual switch that causes the mouse clicks, is made of a softer plastic than the switch, causing each click to dig in to the pad, creating a gap. When the gap gets wide enough, the pad eventually cannot make contact with the switch and thus cannot click. This is likely what’s happening with your mouse.

Turns out the plastic stock used for the contact pad is common, even in “high quality” mice, and the damage is actually easily fixed. If you’ve never done this before, only attempt this if you’ve already bought a replacement and can play with the “dead” mouse:
1) Open up the mouse. If you’ve never opened a mouse, be aware that there is usually an anchor screw hidden under the brand/model/serial number sticker often found on the underside of the mouse.
2) Pull the top shell off and examine the underside of the button giving an issue. You should see that the arched button has a “floating” pad of plastic, and that pad will likely have a vissible groove in it where contact with the switch has dug away at the plastic.
3) Grab some crazy glue / super glue. Rubber cement works better and will last longer, but is much harder to apply properly for this use.
4) Paint the pad with crazy glue so that it fills in the groove, then let it sit to dry. This fills in the contact area, and provides a slightly larger, non-abrasive surface that will last longer under wear. Rubber cement lasts longer and will wear down the switch less, but is much harder to get to leave a thin coat. Too thick of a coat can cause the switch to be constantly clicked, making it worthless.
5) Reassemble the mouse and try it out!

Hall of Monuments Update?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

I hope they fix this soon as i was there yesterday trying to get my black moa for my Ranger, which was my prized possession from gw1 named Shadow. Ugh sad day, had to settle for the pink moa for now

You’re not alone. I just gained another 2 reward points. Now I’m waiting oon all of the rewards from 16-24. And I think the achievement points will give me a chest (haven’t logged in to GW2 more than too buy some of the new store exclusives since the “patch”).

Hall of Monuments Update?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

Wish we could get an estimated return date. Since the breaking patch, I’ve gone from 15>22 reward points, bashing my head against GW1.

GW1 worth buying?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

I’m currently replaying some content for HoM rewards. Protip: Never tell the native players that you like GW2 better – surefire way to be excluded from any group content.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

  • I main Turret Bunker Engi in sPvP, not for a lack of skill, but to actively elicit rage from players that cannot understand the simple mantras of “not everything can be zerged/zerked” and “adapt or die”.
    ^ I track players through a map, wait until they are vulnerable/low life/being hunted, then drop a Supply Drop on their head and walk away, just to stun/aggravate them, even to the point of walking in to a trap to do so.
    ^ I only carry a rifle during Skyhammer. When that fails, I will let myself get downed, just for a chance to DS#3 someone off of a ledge or broken panel, or DS#2 someone into a broken panel.
    ^ When I receive chat threats I report the players for “Verbal Abuse” and leave them unblocked so they can continue amassing evidence against themselves.
    ^ I regret nothing.
  • When I see mortar leeches at Silverwastes north mortars that are not contributing to defense (I consider tagging and champ bombing fine, as long as the lane is fine already), I actively pull wolves and trolls/bees or champs/elites in general to the leecher, then stealth and run.
    ^ I refuse to rez anyone dead near a mortar, and also ignore or ridicule anybody lining up or saying “share” or “# shots max” near the mortars.
    ^ I also regret nothing.
  • I have purchased the Digital Deluxe upgrade twice on my account without thinking.
  • I am still actively grinding GW1, not for a love of GW1, but for the GW2 rewards only.
  • I have the [250 Silverwastes Shovels] chat link saved in one of my G510s keys and use it when I join particularly toxic chest trains, then sit there silent when people demand digs and have not dug once during the train themselves.
    ^ I keep a stack of 50 shovels in my bank and at least one bank express on me at all times.
  • I undercut on the auction house by 1c, even when there is only one unit at current price.

Revert the patch for Kormir's sake!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

Every 3 seconds Im coming out with a phrase, usually from another species and race, even sometimes phrases from Mad King Thorn. Its absolutely crazy.

Along with passive pets attacking and active ones not doing so, enormous raise in ping and drop in FPS as well as all the other problems, the camera patch has obviously affected some core code and no mistake.

Yeah, no. Especially since they’re already, rather quickly, rectified many issues brought on by the patch, and they’re going to have to work out the remaining issues anyway, there’s no viable reason to roll back the patch. The only thing such a move would accomplish would be to risk database corruption and cause mass player confusion, as well as eat additional player time and bandwidth.

Just chalk this up to The Mad King breaking free a little early and cursing the world with a minor case of dissociative identity disorder, painting our tongues green, and paying our pets to be rebellious for a few days.

pls stop syncing act daily with southsun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

I don’t know what you’re talking about. In the past 4 days I’ve played all 4 activities (keg, sprint, crab, and survive). Seems even to me.

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

If SAB returns then yes.

Not if, when. SAB has already been confirmed to be returning, but with no set date yet given.

Inb4 merged with superthread.

Mortar abuse in Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

Now, that’s a worthy way to do it.

But I don’t think they even get an extra champ bag, right? If I’m at North and South beats up the Beekeeper, I get a reward popup. I don’t have to tag the Beekeeper myself. So the only “personal” extra would seem to be the mordrem part, which as I said above seems of such minimal value as to give no incentive at all to wanting to tag the boss rather than help the lane one’s in.

You do get an extra champ bag and event credit. Shows up as a second bonus chest, then standard XP/Karma pop. Additionally, you get extractor credit. You effectively get full credit as if you participated in the battle.

If done properly, it can be an asset to the entire run. My method, for example, is that I’m a south lane runner. Once beekeeper is melted, I make my way to mid, assist on defense/ammo until wall is breached, then hit north and begin incendiary shelling the thrasher, switching to shelling ammo dump, lane, or arrow carts as needed. Once thrasher goes down, I switch to full lane defense until wall breaches, then keep the heat on dark wing until win. Since I was already tracked from bee, it effectively adds one more body to the battle that couldn’t normally be there, without the worry of said body going down. If I die, which clears tracked, and I can get in to another champ, WOOHOO CHAMP BATTLE and I Leroy straight in so I’m not bashing my brains out holding 2 every 5 seconds.

The problem with the taggers is that they tend to congregate around the mortar, get their tags, become tracked, then AFK the rest of the event. They upscale north, and then complain when north wipes to the very champions they generated, while only ever contributing 2K-6K damage individually. Additionally, they tend to auto-pilot, shelling the EMPTY champ room during defense wave, to ensure they don’t get booted from the mortar for inactivity. All this, for two extra champ bags, tops.

Last night, during a fail run, was the worst I’ve seen. 8-10 people, multiple commanders tagged up, and one of them even shouting line orders “3 shots max, keep the line moving, hug wall when done or report”, while I got regular hate whispers shelling from the back mortar and “refusing to play fair and give them credit”.

New to gw2, tips for class ? :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

My suggestion is, if you like the game enough, buy 4 more character slots and make one of each, with one left open for Revenant when HoT releases. If not that, try them all out. Asking for “what’s fun to play” will generally get very biased opinions that cannot account for your personal playstyle.

Mortar abuse in Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

I’ve been lucky enough not to see this. That is, I’ve seen the mortar user aiming it at the Vinewrath, but not seen a queue to do so or people being nasty about it on one side or the other.

I almost always go to North since it usually needs people and I don’t have reflects for mid and south is full up with people. I try to grab the southern mortar there because it is the most fun I can have, with coverage of the lane and the ammo dump, as well as the ability to support the arrow carts and knock off vines menacing the northern mortar.

Sometimes I dodge off it to avoid getting wrecked by hurled rocks or by poison pools, and sometimes someone else leaps on it when I do, but generally I can keep it pointed at north lane mordrem and burn them to slaggy bits. Fun!

I don’t see how the mortar can be that helpful firing at the boss fight, though. It’s not like you can see where your shots land, and the boss moves around so much you can’t even repeat a lucky hit if you see the damage numbers floating (those floater numbers are how I zero in on the mordrem menacing the ammo dump, plus I can track the movement of burning mordrem as they charge up the alley and more accurately bring the mortar to bear). So it really is to get a tag, and I don’t see the point. Don’t folks interested in parts just get the guaranteed extractor and tag a fort boss? If it’s for crests, jeeze. I’ve bought all the stuff the vendors offer, got plenty of keys, and started funding the Camp Resolve event guy just to clear crests out of inventory and I only do a Silverwastes round once or twice a day, if that. Everyone at VW gets rewards when a lane beats a boss, no tagging needed.

Again, it seems pointless to use the mortar as the OP describes.

Actually, I regularly use both mortars at north to hit the bosses. That’s not to say I don’t use them as intended; I still hammer the ammo dump and pepper the lane as needed. But when I see that the lane is well covered (players stealthing/healing the siege, proper use of crowd control, optimal population keeping spawns down), I turn my sights on the boss room. It may not seem like much, but on troll and thrasher, where the bosses tend to stay around mid, 2.5K+ per second, plus burn duration, definitely helps when I can’t be present for the boss battle itself.

Note, that I did not start this with loot credit in mind. My entire thought process was “mid says they’re suffering… I wonder if I can reach with this mortar?”. I’ve seen the lines form and get really nasty. I’ve received rude, nasty, and downright report-worthy whispers when I refuse to “let next in line get a turn” in favor of keeping the heat on the boss from someone that’s not going to change proven aim. And all over one champ bag. It’s insane. I’m not “denying someone loot”; I’m ensuring the boss is taking extra damage.

Braham Eirsson - a wrong name

in Living World

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

You really hate the iconic characters, Fext…

Let me put this in a real world context. I was adopted at birth, under the name of an abusive, drug-addicted man, who never once even picked me up and held me. I’m now 31 and on my 3rd “father”. I should, by your logic, carry my adoptive mother’s name, right? Or perhaps my biological mother’s, as she decided to give me up to protect me from her life of a 15 year old unwed living an impoverished life?

Wrong. To this day I carry that original surname, as the legal fees and court battle do not justify the need for change.

Norn are different. Their names, in lore, are malleable. They have the option to change their names based on noteworthy accomplishments, or have names assigned to them by the community by legacy or act. Braham is named Eirsson because of his famous mother. Period. Were she not famous, he might not even have a surname. By now, I’d say he has earned a name by his exploits, but Vinebane sounds silly.

Furthermore, your argument about his father being a hero as a protector holds no merit to norn. Lore-wise, norn care little for protection, familial or otherwise; play 5 seconds of GW1 EotN and you’ll learn this kitten quick. Norn would relegate an eternal legend to a child that died rearing itself, and ignore one raised by its parents yet did nothing of note.

You’re placing personal, skewed views on a fantasy world, without the consideration that they hold absolutely no bearing. Learn to live in the fantasy instead of turning it in to reality.

… When Braham and Rox finally consummate… Will his name be Braham Katzelieber?

Guild Wars 2 on Steam...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

I would personally love to see GW2 with full Steamworks integration. Achievement display for Steam profile, trading cards + drop increase due to gem purchase… Heck, from what I hear, the revenue from trading card sales on the Steam Marketplace would more than make up for the cut Steam would take on sales. And the increased market exposure would bring a lot of new players to the game, which is never a bad thing. Heck, I re-bought GW1 when it popped on Steam, meaning ANet got double revenue from me

Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

  • I’m 31 years old.
  • I have moderate to severe tremors, which often cause me to double tap keys without noticing, causing a lot of doubled letters or long proofing of posts.
  • My username came about during an internet persona reformat, and I saw my PC bluetooth adapter blinking out of the corner of my eye.
  • I’ve been playing MMOs since pre-Luclin EverQuest.
  • Mainstream MMO experience: EQ, AO, DAoC, AoC, LotRO, WO, GW1, DDO, Vanguard, SW:tOR, GW2, possibly more that I’ve forgotten.
  • I have been an invited, closed beta tester in most MMOs I have played (not counting pre-order “betas”), most companies citing my community involvement during EQ.
  • Gamer since before most children could form coherent sentences, my first console was an NES when I was 3. Beat Super Mario Bros. by the time I was 4.
  • I love gaming, trading card games, and animation (regional variants, 3D, and more, based on artistic merit). I consider building, maintaining, and repairing PCs and networks a passion rather than a job or hobby.
  • I love science fiction, science fantasy, and high fantasy, as well as Cyberpunk and Steampunk subcultures.
  • I love an eclectic music range, from classical to modern rock and metal, with a special place for electronica, especially chiptune.
  • I love to argue and debate, to the point of coming off arguing for the sake of arguing, as long as the point remains the exchange of opinion. I’m told German blood tempered by German, Irish, and Texan upbringing will do that to you
  • I come across as very opinionated and stubborn, to the point of sounding “holier than thou”, but never mean to be so. And I leave any argument with a clean opinion: I have mine, you have yours, and as long as all sides are considered by all involved parties, no animosity is ever held, regardless of how “violent” the argument may have been.
  • Outside of arguments, debates, and internet interaction, I’m pathologically shy.
  • On the GW2 forums, I go through stints of regular posting, then vanish for long stretches of time, to the point that I come back and nobody remembers me.