Re booze title yes but will it carry into the next Wintersday or get cut off right before Wintersday 2016?
What about doing PvP track via those dailies arena where you basically tag and suicide? Using PvP 10% boost from the GH? Would that be faster than doing the Bells?
We have two consumable titles – one for sweets and one for booze. I was wondering will those carry over to next year’s Wintersday?
If Anet need money, just make BLTC keys way cheaper and sit back and watch money rolling in.
Talk to the workshop NPC and look at which are unlocked.
Thanks, will try this.
Also would appreciate a response from the support confirming or whatever that this is the intended behavior or not.
Dec 6:
LvL 21 – All five nodes there, could harvest
Lvl 28 – Couldn’t harvest anything even although there are nodes present
Lvl 31 – There are five nodes present but only four offer resources for me to harvest
Dec 7 & 8:
Guild 31 – all nodes there
Guild 28 – all nodes except for lumber there
Guild 21 – nothing although node bases are present
Dec 9:
Guild 28: All nodes there
Guild 22: Node bases there but 0 harvest
Guild 31: All nodes harvested except for lumber which was empty
Dec 10:
Guild 28: all
Guild 33: all except for lumber
Guild 23: nothing
Yesterday I changed the order of harvesting so its currently:
Dec 6:
LvL 21 – All five nodes there, could harvest
Lvl 28 – Couldn’t harvest anything even although there are nodes present
Lvl 31 – There are five nodes present but only four offer resources for me to harvest
Dec 7 & 8:
Guild 31 – all nodes there
Guild 28 – all nodes except for lumber there
Guild 21 – nothing although node bases are present
Dec 9:
Guild 28: All nodes there
Guild 22: Node bases there but 0 harvest
Guild 31: All nodes harvested except for lumber which was empty
Grind Wars, definitely
Farm Wars sometimes.
Oh how many times I wish when we port to the GH it’s right next to the tavern!
Sure, locations could be a bit more convenient, I agree.
But as for the new LA, while I do prefer the old LA appearance, you have to admit the new LA is more convenient re: WP placements and such. There’s even jumping pads from banks to BLTP – you don’t have to run there at all!
You need to identify the level of each node for each guild. If I understand correctly, you’re only supposed to be able to harvest one of each type per day. However, it’s currently bugged so you can harvest different level nodes, if present in the different guild halls.
I’ve been able to do this consistently and it ends whenever the nodes are upgraded to be the same level. So, for example, let’s say it’s
- Guild A: Ore level 1, Wood level 1
- Guild B: Ore level 2, Wood level 2
I’d be able to get four harvests/day visiting both guilds. When ‘A’ upgrades Ore to L2, then I get 3/day, until B upgrades Ore to L3, at which point I get 4/day again.
In other words, the current mechanic (intended or bugged) is: harvest one node of each type of each level per day, regardless of how many guild halls include the node.
Interesting – how do I identify level of nodes?
2kb per sec here and no thanks to the update I missed the Karka Queen event. Likely will not be able to do it until after reset.
These nodes are once per account per day. No matter how many guilds.
Does guild of level 28 have the lumber node unlocked? If not, that’s why.However, these nodes are bugged, we’ve upgraded ours to give more, yet only the mining node does by 1. And they still only ouput copper/green wood, when we should be getting other mats too.
Thanks for the response. From what I understood, GH nodes are once per account per day per each guild hall (provided that they have necessary upgrades in the place, of course).
Perhaps you are correct, it’s once per day regardless of how many guild halls. I just would like to get a clarification from Anet on what is the expected behavior so I can determine what is appropriate and what is bugged.
Furthermore, keep in the mind, in the OP thread it was:
LvL 21 – All five nodes there, could harvest
Lvl 28 – Couldn’t harvest anything even although there are nodes present
Lvl 31 – There are five nodes present but only four offer resources for me to harvest
Yet on next two days I decided to change the order of harvest:
Guild 31 – all nodes there
Guild 28 – all nodes except for lumber there
Guild 21 – nothing although node bases are present
So on the first day I recorded this, I couldn’t harvest anything from Guild 28 but I was able to harvest four out of five nodes on second and third days. Also, guildmates from that guild confirmed they were able to harvest lumber while I wasn’t able to do so even if I was repping that guild in their guild hall.
(edited by Barinthus.8347)
Same, I just ignore and continue on killing mobs
December 7:
Guild 31 – all nodes there
Guild 28 – all nodes except for lumber there
Guild 21 – nothing although node bases are present
December 8
Guild 31 – all nodes there
Guild 28 – all nodes except for lumber there
Guild 21 – nothing although node bases are present
Anybody else experiencing this as well? Or am I just cursed?
I could use a gold eater.
I have so much of that stuff because its so easy to come by and i have very little to spend it on.
It would be great to be able to feed it a couple of gold every day and get account bound mats and currencies in return.I’ll be your gold eater SRS. In return, I would be your slave.
Players as gold eaters arent good for me because i can only send 500g per week, thats only ~25k gold per year i can get rid of that way. And everybody who offered me this, couldnt keep up their end of the bargain because when i told them to send me account bound mats and tokens in return, they didnt.
Slaves defeat their purpose of existance, if they can simply refuse to do what they are told.
Yeah, I won’t be your slave. But I WOULD spend your gold.
I’m totally fine if you send me only 500 gold per week.
O_o 500g a week!?!? It took me like 2 or 3 years to just get 500g. I feel so depressed.
Also, the search feature for these forums appears broken; I’ve tried Chrome, Firefox and IE to no avail. So I cannot tell if this issue has been reported previously.
Thank you.
a bit off track here – we supposed to google our searches :-p
You are carrying weapons you don’t intend to use? O_o
Bound weapons can’t be sold on the TP …
As you know, professions can use more than one type of weapon. I don’t soulbound everything in case I happen to find something better before I decide to use that weapon.
For example, on my warrior, I have a rifle and a greatsword. I’m using greatsword at the moment and later if I’m bored I might switch to the rifle.
But, look! A better rifle dropped, yay I can TP the weaker rifle since I haven’t soulbound it yet.
Obviously this is less of an issue when my character is lvl 80 and using exotic stuff, heading into ascended territory. But I also have 8 other characters, not all are at lvl 80s yet.
I’d prefer a “reserved spot” for certain items that I equip/un-equip.
For example, I’ll occasionally equip dagger vs sword vs pistol and it would be great if they always went to a specific location in my inventory when I un-equip them.
This will be helpful as well.
Will look into invisible bags – thanks!
I would love to be able to lock items in my inventory so I don’t accidentally sell those especially weapons I am currently reserving for my character to use. If the order of items in the TP doesn’t change everytime I submit a sell order, I could keep track of my weapons but they do and sometimes I have drops which are same copy of a weapon I am holding and boom they all get sold. Very aggravating.
uh oh i think i messed up somehow
EDIT: oh well here are screencaps of each GH I attempted to gather from.
I am in five guilds which are level 0, level 11, level 21, level 28, and level 31.
Lvl 0 and 11 obviously do not have resource nodes yet. Lvl 21, 28, and 31 should.
However for last one and half weeks, maybe a bit more, whenever I attempt to gather resources from those three guilds the following usually happen:
LvL 21 – No problem, could gather from all five nodes.
Lvl 28 – There are five nodes present but they do not have anything for me to harvest although other guildmates confirmed they were able to harvest from this guild’s nodes
Lvl 31 – There are five nodes present but only four offer resources for me to harvest
I made sure I was representing each respective guild before entering and visiting its resource nodes. Some people suggested it’s a bugged instance and I have to wait a while then try again in order to get into a new instance. This hasn’t worked for me. I even switched characters and rechecked – again, nothing.
Am I missing anything? I checked whether if a guild could deny access to nodes to certain members (similar to guild permissions to withdraw and deposit items into guild bank tabs, etc) and from what I understood, there’s no such thing.
So what is going on?
Not a bug but yeah like ^^^ said, it’s a pain.
Just wait a bit before trying again.
I have been hearing in-game that if you’re in a squad while doing a world boss event, your drops get screwed up.
I just would like to get a confirmation on whether if this is true or not.
Many thanks!
How do you know the player in the question was griefing? It’s plausible he decided to fight a mob and it’s too much for him and he happen to see this other toon nearby; decided to run over hoping to get some help?
Whoa, you guys must really like the game! Nice stuff although I’d get the thief one as well, since it’s my main.
I’m not so sure about HOT events since not everybody have HoT exp but again there are so many dailies and we only need three to get the completionist so perhaps it’s no big deal.
I am definitely down for specific dungeon dailies, just thought of that last night. It’d help to attract more players to dungeons making it easier to LFG for a dungeon that day. Alas, it seems Anet don’t want people to play dungeons so…
I have a tag and I recently started to dabble in WvW. There are so many times when I’m online and there’s no tag up. I am not comfortable “commanding” since I’m still very new and not that familiar with WvW-ing yet I do want to tag up just to attract people so we can try to do stuff together.
I’m afraid that if I tag up and people find out that I don’t know much about commanding, they’d be upset and be angry. I definitely would like some kind of tag that says “yo I’m no commander but there’s nothing so if anybody’s bored, feel free to come and join me.”
Just got the exact same in-game mail as the person above. Anet definitely need to implement a way of reporting those mail in-game. There’s a way to report sellers etc in chat channel by right clicking their name but there’s nothing for mail.
Anyway like I said, exactly same message as above only the name is GM Jofak Svanir. I’ll go to customer support after this to see if there’s a way of reporting there.
They need to reduce the cost of BLC keys in the gem store. ’Nuff said.
While not a high priority, it’d be sweet to have ability to send a message across all guild chat channels. For instance when I log off, I like to say bye and as of now I have to do it individually. I’m super lazy so if I could just do it at once saying bye to five guilds that’d be awesome ha.
Also if possible it’d be nice if I could link an item to the current guild chat channel. For instance if I’m repping Guild Alpha and I wanted to link an item to Guild Beta channel, I can’t do so unless I change my rep to Guild Beta. I’d like it if I was repping Guild Alpha but was chatting on Guild Beta channel, linking an item will automatically go to the most recent channel I was on which would be Guild Beta’s channel in this case.
Anyway just a thought
Now that megaserver has been around for a while, it’s not unusual to find guilds full of people from various servers.
While I can understand why in WvW it’s all about servers and too bad if your guildmate happens to be on a different server, I do feel that for guild missions there needs to be an exception.
I propose that for guild wvw missions, players should be allowed to be on same server at least for the duration of that mission only. There are several approaches to this such as having the guild deciding on which server would be the guild wvw server and/or players will have to be in same squad or party.
Otherwise, what’s the point?
Thanks for what is obviously a copy and paste response. Since you failed to address my specific concerns, I’ll pass.
I was wondering about that myself few days ago, I vaguelly recall there was a sewer entrance in that old pirates hideout in west part of LA (now taken over by skritts) and couldn’t find it. It led me to Whispers secret HQ.
Attaching it to Lyssa failing is like asking people not to kill Tequatl. Won’t happen if there is any sort of decent population on the map.
Same goes to asking people to stop blinding Shatterers.
I once asked people to stop blinding on Shatterer so I can get hit by x attack, and those childish kids start saying: “Everyone keeps blinding!” while laughing at me and mocking me for asking.
Why Anet design their quest that way is beyond me. They never play their own game, and only play in their perfect world of their own server.
Not everybody know about those stuff. Few days ago while doing the Shatterer, someone asked us not to blind. I was like uh? Why not? That person never explained.
It wasn’t until yesterday I caught some forum post related to why some people don’t want Shatterer blinded I finally understood why.
I’m sure as time goes on, more of the playerbase will become familiar with this situation. However, I do agree it’s strange of Anet to do this because yes there are trolls who will deliberately do what you don’t want them to do; there’s always someone who don’t know why; and I’m sure some people have traits set up so they’d blind occasionally.
If it was for a controlled environment such as a dungeon where you can form up a party with people who will cooperate with you, I’d understand those requirements but in an open instance filled with random people and strangers? No.
Have seen much better (i.e. no crashes) performance since switching to this client 5 days ago.
However, the news page @ login never comes up…
Same for me word for word
There are guilds, mostly small ones, who look for people to join to just do guild events so guilds can get events done and temp “members” get commendations.
I definitely feel there should be a LFG for “commendation mercenaries” to easily find guilds seeking more participants.
Click on “Skip”
Problem solved.
I wonder why it’s “inappropriate.” Only reason I could think of is that hash is also a type of marijuana form.
Anet’s a bit odd about words and names not allowed. In GW1 there was a mob or several mobs with part of their name blocked out.
I got all crafting professions to 400 on one character, thinking it’d be account wide.
Oops I learned too late they weren’t.
Just doesn’t make sense to make crafting character bound but whatever.
While ability to transfer, even if it’s one time thing, would be great, crafting should be account wide, period.
Server preference: NA. Jade Quarry if possible for WvW reasons but it’s not a high priority. So if you are not JQ but you feel you are a good fit, give me a hollar!
Play Type Preference: Primarily PvE, dabble in PvP, want to do some more WvW
Player Style: Casual
Active Time: I play odd hours but the most consistent time would be late at night (after 10pm, -8 GMT / PST) so a guild with a lot of West Coast USA and/or Oceania & Aussie players would be ideal
Voice preference: I do not use any voice programs, read “About Me” for why.
Social preference: I strongly prefer guilds which are active during my play times (see above) and have players who like to chat on the guild channel. If there are tumbleweeds rolling in your guild and eternal silence rule your channel (regardless of your voice program status), it’s not for me.
About Me: I am a grizzled veteran of GW universe, I’ve been playing the game ever since after few months GW1 first came out. I’ve been a guild leader in both GW1 and GW2 as well an alliance leader in GW1.
As the wheel of time turns, my life has changed. I am now married with a sweet toddler so I have real life obligations preventing me from playing all day which probably is a good thing. I do log on nearly daily but there will be occasional periods of absence due to family events such as visiting in-laws and stuff like that.
Due to my limited playing time I have to be selfish so I can focus on meeting my in-game goals. But if possible I do enjoy doing guild events and from time to time I am more than happy to jump in to lend someone a hand. However my social needs are met by having an active chat channel. When I log on, I like to say hi and actually get some responses as well as when I leave, I like to say bye. I also enjoy talking about random things, both in-game and out of the game.
Ok ok ok enough already, why you are refusing to use voice programs, you insane bunny!?! The answer is simple – I’m Deaf. There is simply no point in me using Teamspeak or whatever else is out there. While I certainly have no problems with anybody else using those programs, people often forget to let me know crucial information via guild chat, whisper, whatever for guild events so there are times where I missed out on this or that simply because someone forgot to let me know they’re going there or they are going to do that. This is not a good feeling on my part and sometimes it aggravates my anxiety disorder. Recently one of my guilds’ leader insisted on everybody using TS for raids or they couldn’t participate which really upset me. I have made valuable contributions to that guild including recruiting more than a dozen new people ever since I joined a little more than a month ago and suddenly I’m worthless.
Mmmm ok but… There’s no buts. If you’re not willing to take a risk and allow me to participate in a raid, do not bother inviting me. You will only upset me and I’ll be looking to leave eventually for hopefully a greener pasture. If you are not willing to work with me and value me as a member, go on along, nothing to see here.
Fine fine, what about repp-ing? If your guild have a 100% rep policy, forget it. Your guild has to earn my representing time and points. Basically if your guild is active, there are people using chat channel, and your officers are willing to put in a bit of effort to work with me as a player, I will definitely represent your guild.
Final Thoughts: I am a good person to have in your guild. I appreciate a good community and am very loyal to those who earn it. This translates into me working hard for your guild such as recruiting people and making contributions to the guild community. I will be there to cheer on individuals’ successes and rally them to try again if there is a failure or something.
Yeah I had my commander tag up and was linking POIs and WPs in Orr for events and such and boom I got hit by message suppression. I couldn’t use map chat until the next day. :-p
Anet could win a lot of business by implementing more inclusive design principles. 1 in 5 computer users has some form of impairment. Every single human WILL, at some point in their life, require these features. Accessibility benefits every single one of us.
Color-blindness options in GW2 would be a good start.
Usually game designers do not exlude folks intentionally, so here are my suggestions.
In addition to color-blind options-
-better keyboard navigation within the UI
-text to speech (triggered by the keyboard focus or mouse focus)
-customization in the font face and size
-captioning for anything that is uttered by NPC’s
-options to toggle the zoom animations (the world map, when it zooms rapidly-this can be a problem for people with vestibular disorders, causing dizziness)Thanks for reading!
Tell me about it, I’m Deaf and I’m frustrated by the fact large majority of GW vidoes are not captioned or subtitled English although some of those are in other languages.
And now that raids are out, I am even more marginalized due to the insistence on most people’s part for teamspeak.
Re: raids and teamspeak, I certainly understand the logic behind why people would want teamspeak and I certainly don’t want to take that away. I don’t have a solution other than for people to be willing to give TS non-users a chance. Which is nearly impossible.
Yeah I have on an occasion accidentally sold a weapon I was using because of this.
Hi Anet
I’d love to be able to toggle on an icon or something like to help me to immediately differentiate between items with unlocked and locked skins so I don’t have to mouse over them individually.
It could be a padlock icon in a corner of an item icon or a bar across a corner or something.
Many thanks
We had one. They removed it because underwater PvP is broken and unbalanced in a huge way, and they don’t intend to fix it any time soon.
I wouldn’t expect to see another underwater map until a full revamp of underwater combat with some sort of underwater expansion.
Doh that must be before when I started to do pvping.
Perhaps I wasn’t clear in my first post on this topic. I didn’t mean 8 bag slots across the entire account. I meant all bag slots per character would be accessible via an universal inventory.
So if I happen to have 9 characters and each have 8 bag slots, that’d be… 72 bag slots in all. And no I don’t think this is unreasonable.
Take the hypothetical scenario above, since I have 9 characters and each have 8 bag slots unlocked, I already have access to those slots. I just have to use a middleman (aka bank and mail system) to get to my items scattered across my entire account.
I’m saying remove the middleman and leave everything else be.
Good point. I still want this feature although
In Divinity’s Reach you have bookcarts which you could interact with.
While not a high priority, I’d love to see a small achievement for reading all of those bookcarts.
Similiar to what they have in Ebonhawke re those books.