The new legendary armors concept is great but the implementation seems off if you ask me. Guild wars 2 is about fighting Dragons so why does the Legendary armor transform you into a stag? Wouldn’t it make more sense if you would transform into a Dragon? I would love to draw my ideas but I’m no were close to a artist but I have a few googled images that are similar to my ideas. First 3 images are of the armor stowed and last one is the set in combat.
Currently in Gw2 if you want something you grind the gold for it then you buy it. These range from outfits, gliders, weapon skins and so on. I would love to see rewards gated behind the in-game content. For example, with the release of Ember bay, we could have had specific armor, weapons, and glider gated behind the hearts by making it so you have to complete the 5 hearts for 30 days in a row then you unlock a vendor who sells those specific items. The specialisation collections is another example of a great way to reward players but it seems like it stopped with the specialisation weapons. If gliders and weapon/armor skins were gated behind collections it would encourage players to do more than just the next best farm for gold, they will actually go out and play the games content. It makes old content relevant which is like adding new content to the game and it also gives players a reason to explore the world once more.
If half the outfits,weapon skins, and gliders that come out on the gem shop were put in-game there would be MUCH MUCH more content to look forward to do. Rewards are what make people go back to areas that they out lvled or are no longer relevant. Rewards are what give content longevity.
You guys think we need a overhaul on the reward system or are you guys happy the way it is?
Except you overlook the fact that the gem shop is the primary means of cash flow for game development, remember no monthly subscription. This means there has to be a constant flow of new skins and items into the gem shop to give long time players yet another item that they may buy gems, with real money, to get. Without a stream of new stuff, long time players will eventually buy everything that ever interested them and they will no longer be a source of cash flow for the company.
Also remember that the gems you bought with gold were once bought with cash and sold for gold. And the exchange rate goes up if more players buy gems with gold than sell gems for gold and goes down when the reverse is true. So at the end of the day, somebody paid cash for gems even if it wasn’t you.
That said I agree that it would be nice to earn an skins or items from events in game rather than just the gem shop.
I understand that but they way I look at it is that so many potential gem buyers are not playing the game because the fact that there is no substance after you hit lvl 80. There could be so many awesome rewards with the collection system in place but Anet is just butchering it right now. If collections were done right they could be the best thing that happened to Gw2. Collections would add a lot more substance to the game since it actually incentives you to go and do content you wouldn’t do other-wise. Gw2 has a ton of content but because the fact 90% of that content isn’t worth visiting it makes the game feel like there is no substantial content there.
So, making more grind for this no grind game would be your suggestion? Doing the same 5 hearts for 30 days?
And how would putting exclusive gem shop items in game affect Anets’ bottom line? As Khisanth pointed out—they would prefer players to buy gem with real money. At least Anet allows you to exchange in game gold for gems.Where did you get the idea this is a no grind game?! Gw2 is one of the most grindy MMOs out there its just not forced on you like others. It takes longer to get raid gear (ascended gear) in Gw2 than it does in games like WoW. I played the WoW xpac and it took me a week and a half to be raid ready and I wasn’t playing as much as one would think.
The more skins and things to get/do in the game more people will play the game resulting in more gem sales. No one is asking them to stop making gem store specific skins. All I am asking for is also skins in-game I can work towards without having to just spam farm gold..
The problem with your “solution” is it makes the whole process very linear and appear MORE grindy. Simply because you HAVE to do xxx content/tasks to earn whatever it is you want.
With the current system you say instead you have to farm gold right? Yet look at all the ways you can do this. You have OPTIONS for “farming” that gold. It is only yourself to blame if you choose the most boring/efficient ways of earning that coin instead of breaking it up some and changing your play mode from time to time.
I gather you are just asking for a “forced” way to play differently than what you are? Because really, that’s all it really is if you think about it…
Actually with my solution it will cause people to do content they never knew existed and will cause people to explore the world like never before. The collection system is probably the best thing Anet added to the game but the problem is they added no substance too it. Either the collection is easy with horrible rewards or gold/time consuming and still pretty kitten rewards. By adding armor/weapon/glider skins to the rewards it makes old content more relevant and also gives people goals to work towards other than farm X amount of gold to buy what I want.
The way the game is now is that if you are a tp flipper you are more rewarded than ANYONE else in the game. You can get 90% of the skins in-game without having to leave L.A. I want to play Guild wars 2 not Gold wars 2.
I am not asking to be forced to do anything I am asking for options. I want reasons to go back to Lonar Pass or Mount Maelstrom and do a event chain and be reward for it or at least have the count towards progression of something. As it is right now I’ll go do a event chain in any of those areas and end up with 50s and 4k karma after over a hour of game play…
So, making more grind for this no grind game would be your suggestion? Doing the same 5 hearts for 30 days?
And how would putting exclusive gem shop items in game affect Anets’ bottom line? As Khisanth pointed out—they would prefer players to buy gem with real money. At least Anet allows you to exchange in game gold for gems.
Where did you get the idea this is a no grind game?! Gw2 is one of the most grindy MMOs out there its just not forced on you like others. It takes longer to get raid gear (ascended gear) in Gw2 than it does in games like WoW. I played the WoW xpac and it took me a week and a half to be raid ready and I wasn’t playing as much as one would think.
The more skins and things to get/do in the game more people will play the game resulting in more gem sales. No one is asking them to stop making gem store specific skins. All I am asking for is also skins in-game I can work towards without having to just spam farm gold..
Currently in Gw2 if you want something you grind the gold for it then you buy it. These range from outfits, gliders, weapon skins and so on. I would love to see rewards gated behind the in-game content. For example, with the release of Ember bay, we could have had specific armor, weapons, and glider gated behind the hearts by making it so you have to complete the 5 hearts for 30 days in a row then you unlock a vendor who sells those specific items. The specialisation collections is another example of a great way to reward players but it seems like it stopped with the specialisation weapons. If gliders and weapon/armor skins were gated behind collections it would encourage players to do more than just the next best farm for gold, they will actually go out and play the games content. It makes old content relevant which is like adding new content to the game and it also gives players a reason to explore the world once more.
If half the outfits,weapon skins, and gliders that come out on the gem shop were put in-game there would be MUCH MUCH more content to look forward to do. Rewards are what make people go back to areas that they out lvled or are no longer relevant. Rewards are what give content longevity.
You guys think we need a overhaul on the reward system or are you guys happy the way it is?
Yes, because you get 100% uptime of all of those boons and class buffs in raids.
The goal to have a standardized setup so we can single out variable and compare orange to orange. It’s a comparison tools, which have it’s used even if it can’t do everything.
The goal here is not to see what is your actual dps in fight, but to compare your efficiency in your rotation and to compare the dps of different build. If you can’t fix the amount of buff so that they don’t vary then you can’t isolate the 2 variables I talked about (build and rotation). You wouldn’t know if you had a better dps because you are better at your rotation or because you were lucky and had better buff that time.
That said, it would be nice to give realistic buff, for exemple give a like 50% updtime to alacrity. But I think it would be just too difficult to set up and it would give more variable, making it hard again to compare build and rotation.
Then why add other class buffs at all? Sure use all of the standard boons for “conformity” but why add unrealistic conditions with adding every single possible other class buff to inflate your dps ego?
A more standard & realistic DPS check would be to add 25 stacks of might + fury and then whatever your own build brings to the table.
Hate all you want buddy. Everyone can go in there and do the same thing and see if my dps is bad or not so this has nothing to do with “ego”. If your ego gets fed off of a video game then you have issues….
would be interested to see your actual dps without all those buffs (not being sarcastic, I really would be interested)
I’ll do it right now for you.
Was testing for raids.
that would be awesome, thanks!
Pics are up. 7.5k on single target and 11.3k on large target.
With those ranger buffs, mesmer buffs, warrior buffs on an elementalist, then sorry, in my eyes that’s not a “your” DPS but a shared DPS.
Of course, I’m testing my dps for raids.
Aye, of course that’s fair enough, but one can’t expect a scientifically accurate comparison from this then, if it’s not you on your own, since it’s hardly likely for people to gather a team together and ask them to each create a special build to match whatever builds gave you those buffs, in order to make a fair comparison.
It’s a fair comparison because anyone can go in there and put on all those buffs.
With those ranger buffs, mesmer buffs, warrior buffs on an elementalist, then sorry, in my eyes that’s not a “your” DPS but a shared DPS.
Of course, I’m testing my dps for raids.
Yes, because you get 100% uptime of all of those boons and class buffs in raids.
Okay thats not the point. Who ever does this will have the same advantage so we still see if the general dps of players are relatively similar.
Also, what gear? I used the same buffs, with mostly vipers gear on a reaper and got well under half what you posted.
Full zerk. Asc trinkets and weapon and exo armor.
would be interested to see your actual dps without all those buffs (not being sarcastic, I really would be interested)
I’ll do it right now for you.
Was testing for raids.
With those ranger buffs, mesmer buffs, warrior buffs on an elementalist, then sorry, in my eyes that’s not a “your” DPS but a shared DPS.
Of course, I’m testing my dps for raids.
Now that we have the special force training area I was wondering what kind of dps are people seeing? So far on my ele that only has asc trinkets and a staff, on the big target golem I do around 32k dps and around 25k for the single target. Still haven’t tried my engi or war yet.
So whats your dps?!
Edit: Just tested my engi and war on the regular golems, I’ll post pics of the results. I’ll be adding a pic of my ele with no buffs and food to show raw dps. 2nd last pic is on single target and last is on large target.
(edited by Beast Sos.1457)
Why HoT was less than half a expansion...
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Beast Sos.1457
Take out the mastery system and HP, you got yourself 15 hours of content..MAX.
Take out everything and you’ll have no hours of content.
Silly analogies are silly.
Yes, removing core parts of an expansion decreases the playable time of that expansion. That doesn’t mean that the expansion was only half of an expansion.
They said when they sold it to us that it was content light because they spent most of their work developing new systems. If you didn’t like that part and the pricing of it you shouldn’t have bought it.
Edit: this did not need its own thread. There a perfectly good thread on the same idea in the first page of this sub forum. It could have been posted as a rebuttal to the other thread.
MP and HP are not content though. They are gates.
Why HoT was less than half a expansion...
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Beast Sos.1457
Take out the mastery system and HP, you got yourself 15 hours of content..MAX.
I seriously doubt there’s an actual “pvp team” of devs.
If anything, they’re the same developers working on everything else, and they’re most likely getting forced to prioritize everything else. Probably because pvp balance is to big of a cookie and i’m guessing the money comes from all other avenues within the game.We get tossed a bisque from time to time that switches up the meta into some other overpowered class, simply because there’s not enough time and money to work on a real balance.
This is probably the big reason for the insane p2w meta we have at the moment.. because they’ve finally got a way to get money from pvp players.
Quote from Josh Davis-
“RE: Balance → Contrary to popular belief, the PvP team (or wvw, fractals, raids, etc) doesn’t actually handle profession balance. There’s an entirely separate team dedicated to handling balance for all core areas of the game (appropriately named the Balance team). The PvP team (and the other aforementioned teams and more) gives regular feedback on balance issues, but the balance team is ultimately in charge of maintaining the design vision across the game.
For reference, the PvP team is focused on infrastructure → PvP Leagues and maps, for example.”
This isn’t limited to PvP, you could ask the same question about just about every kitten area of GW2, and it has come up (sometimes in violent explosions) repeatedly over the past few years.
People are constantly asking what the hell anet is working on. I feel like we see 1% of it and the rest gets cut…
Thats very true. Its sad to see when the game has such great potential.
Reworking skyhammer, probably. Maybe spirit watch as well.
lmao :P
Leagues I guess
If Leagues can stop the production of everything else PvP, they really need to find a new team. If I worked at the pace they work at Anet, I would have been homeless a long time ago…
We know the PvP team isn’t in charge of balance so what are they doing? We literally got 1 new map in 2 years and thats about it….Can someone clarify this for me?
I never got what made those clips so controversial. Mo basically just said a lot of people who play WvW also play PvE. I don’t doubt that. Yes there are a lot of people who only want to WvW, but outside of a bunch of roamers and gvg/zerg-busting havoc squads I’d be willing to bet most of the pugs making up the zergs that make the majority of the WvW population are indeed multigame-mode.
He said people don’t go into Gw2 and play one thing and when he found out otherwise he was surprised….He has the delusion that who ever plays Gw2 loves every aspect of the game which is far from the truth.
When the founder of Anet doesn’t know what the player base wants you know you’re screwed….
GW2 already has a way of presenting this — challenge modes for Living Story.
However, I will note that there is a limit to how challenging they are willing to let this be. Most people will just invite their friends to help them.
The LS has the worst re playability. All the cut scenes you can’t skip. No rewards after the fist time doing it and there was only 1 fight that was some what difficult which was the centaur when you fight as Caithe, and thats if you’re going for the achievement.
Btw, have you tried playing the endgame content in green equipment? It would be a way to test if what I’m suggesting is worthwhile, or if you’re correct that it isn’t.
I haven’t tried that but when HoT came out I made a rev put him in rare gear no runes no sigils and beat the HoT story pretty easily.
IMO, I dont think that would make things more difficult.
Your hits are weaker and you have a ton more glancing blows, you have less health and less stats, the mobs hit harder, and it takes longer to kill them… all requiring more maneuvering and better timing than normal. I think that qualifies as making things more difficult.
They need to fix the mechanics of the mobs if they want it to be more difficult.
That is then a disservice to new players. Any change of this nature needs to be even-handed across the relative experience levels of the players in order not to inadvertently create a barrier to new players. That’s bad for business.
I can go on a lvl 10 and fight a lvl 50 mob and kill it. It won’t be difficult just time consuming.
I call shenanigans. :P
It makes it more difficult than it is but in general its not difficult. Of course there are some mobs that will be much harder than other just because you can’t avoid all there attacks. But most mobs you can just blind and/or reflect there attacks.
I’m not saying they should change it I’m just saying that that will be the best way to make the content more difficult.
Give me a lvl 10 thief with a sword and pistol and ill take out 90% of lvl 50 mobs. Sure there are some that are impossible unless I have reflects but most mobs are easy mode.
A suggestion I’d made in another thread was for the players to get a modicum of control over the game’s dynamic level adjustment feature.
If you want something more difficult, you can reduce your effective level in relation to the area. For dungeons/raids, the level could then be adjusted for everyone.
It’d be a game-wide addition that piggy-backs and expands on a system already in place.
IMO, I dont think that would make things more difficult. They need to fix the mechanics of the mobs if they want it to be more difficult. I can go on a lvl 10 and fight a lvl 50 mob and kill it. It won’t be difficult just time consuming.
Am I the only one craving some difficult solo content. Raids are a good start to adding difficult content in the game but not everyone can have a set schedule for raids and not everyone can spend 2 hours + per play session. My suggestion would be adding content similar to expeditions in Wildstar. If you don’t know what a expedition is, it was a mini solo dungeon you could buy and place on your housing plot which you can do for rewards or fun. Here is a video to one of the ones I really enjoyed.
How amazing would it be if Anet reworked the dungeons to make them somewhat difficult like they planned for launch of the game? After seeing the raid team at work I know they can make some fun encounters and would love to see them implemented in dungeons. Of course I don’t want them at the difficulty of raids but mechanic similar to those in the raid would make the dungeons much more fun. Plus with greater difficulties should come greater rewards.
You guys think Anet should go this route with dungeons or are you guys happy with the way they are now?
It’s not a bad idea at all and is essentially similar to the way precursor crafting works, but a bit more focussed.
The issue is one of resources. One of the reasons the legendaries are taking this long, is that tying them all to events and collections and items, is time consuming, especially when they now need to ensure everythign works.
In short, it’s a decent idea and thematically in keeping with the game, but it would probably slow down production of new weapons if too many were added in this way.
I think Anet is taking so long to release pres not because of collections but because they are trying to make them somewhat time consuming. It doesn’t necessarily have to be that why with other weapon skins. Hell, I can buy a BL weapon 10 seconds after it comes out.
WS didn’t fail because of raids it was the attuning process and the fact that if you didn’t rank up in pvp the first couple weeks you were kittened because the people that climbed got the best gear then tanked there rating so they would only be put with people that had low gear score. Which made it so you couldn’t rank in pvp unless you were there the first 2 weeks. That plus the “hard” attuning process ruined the game.
Collections can really bring this game back to life. Imagine instead of Anet only adding outfits and weapon skins to the gem store they added them in-game and gated them behind collections. I never really thought out a good example of how to create a collection for weapons but I’m about to try so don’t make fun of me! <3 hehe
Risen weapon set acquisition:
The collection quest first sends you to Teq to receive the hilt of your weapon, once you get the hilt you have to work on the essence of the weapon. For the risen weapon set you would have to kill and collect 100 essence from the risen anywhere in game. After you collect the essence you go for the blade. To get the blade you have to defeat certain boss/es in the Arah dungeon. Once all that is finished you wait for night time in Orr then once night hits you lung your weapon into the heart of a risen Giant.
Of course this would need a lot more work to make it so it does take one hour to complete the collection but I hope you guys get my point. If Anet were to add weapon and outfit collections to the game it would add a massive amount of re playability to Gw2 which we are missing. The content is there but there is no reason to go back.
Let me know what you guys think. Good or bad idea? If you think its a bad idea then why?
(edited by Beast Sos.1457)
If RNG with the lottery worked the way RNG does in Gw2 then there would be at least a couple people in the world who win the lottery every week. Which doesn’t happen. If it does show me a link then I’ll kitten.
If you buy every possible lottery ticket then you can win it every week
It is similar in GW2, you can buy thousands of exotic weapons and get dozens of precursors.
You’re just assuming that. Even if you buy every lottery ticket in your store doesn’t mean you’ll be a winner. Not every store has a winning ticket. Or the lottery companies would be losing money.
Stores don’t have a fixed number of tickets. If someone bought every combination of numbers at every store then every store would win. Also, the number of winners doesn’t matter when it comes to whether the lottery companies make money.
Yeah I was talking out of my kitten there lol. Idk how this kitten works. But I do know that if the lottery worked like gw2 RNG then there would at least be one person out there that wins every week but its not and thats how you know the “RNG” in gw2 is fixed in a way.
Not really. It comes down to the number of possible combinations, number of people playing, and how many choose the same numbers.
The chance of getting a precursor from the forge is fixed. If you throw in four exotic greatswords, they have a certain chance of getting a precursor. This doesn’t change with each successive attempt. If the percentage is 1% then it will always be 1% for each attempt. It also doesn’t change from player to player.
I understand some people will always get more because thats how RNG works but when someone gets something almost every time thats when it becomes fishy.
You can always try a billion dollar per year income game like WoW. They add new content almost every year.
So because one company does something kittenty, it justifies Anets following suit?
It’s only been 4 months since the expansion. Don’t be so impatient. They’re working on more content and they’ll release it when they’ve finished.
If you really think HoT came out with enough content to call it a expansion you’re blinded by all the gates. We got 2 armor sets I think? The content that keeps 99% of the people in HoT are the achievements. Without those the maps would have been dead long ago. This game turned into a achievement hunt there is no beefy content. One pvp map in years?! WTF is that? We haven’t got a new fractal in ages. They DESTROYED dungeons, 3+ year old content and tried to replace them with fractal, which failed because people only do the easy ones for the dailies. The new WvW “map” would have done much better as a PvE map.
You think Warlords of Draenor came with enough content to call it an expansion?
All the old content in that game was invalidated or heavily nerfed for max level players. People finished leveling in one or two days, and all that’s left was dailies, sitting in your Garrison pressing buttons, some treasure or rare hunting, and raids. And it cost as much as this expansion. People on that forum are counting the months till the next expansion, which might be at the end of the year. And that was from a company that makes billions from that game, not millions like this one.
We got more than they did, if ours isn’t an expansion neither is theirs.
Stop being so impatient.
WoW has been out for 12 years. They had there days. The amount of content we got in the past 3 and a half years with Gw2 was about a expansions worth of content with a few QoL changes here and there. If you disagree please explain why I am wrong. Them fixing their kitten ups doesn’t count.
It hardly matters how long a game has been out. WoW has more players, gets more money and is pushing out less content each year than this game. Since launch we’ve gotten a lot of content with people putting in hours of play time with each new patch. ANet changed to an expansion model when people complained about all that content being temporary and now there’s the usual content drought that every expansion based game has. Even Guild Wars 1 went 6 months or more between new content and it was a simpler game. To demand new content barely 4 months after an expansion comparable in size other mmmo’s expansions is being unrealistic.
You keep comparing Gw2 to WoW but thats not a fair comparison. Its like comparing my corner store with the Mac’s convenience down the street. There game has much more content so they don’t need to expand on it like Anet has to with Gw2. Idk about now they could have killed the game but its been 12 years, once Anet gets to that point then they can justify a lack of content.
Gw1 campaigns had way more content than HoT…You’re telling me without the achievement grinds the content Anet released would have lasted as long as it did? You have to run each story mission AT LEAST twice to get most of the achievements. The content was all about bringing your loot stick guardian and tagging everything. Everything Anet released turn into a farm not because it was fun but because it was required to get anything worth while.
Guild Wars 1 had more content? Not really. They had more maps, but less content per map. Just the story line missions to do normal mode then hard mode, some quests, a dungeon of two and the unholiest grind ever to get your reputation levels up by running the same content over and over and over.
At any rate, it’s still the same. Expansion based games have months to a year between expansions and it’s only been four months. You’re being too impatient.
They released more content they didn’t have more content on release. Gw2 has a kitten ton of content for the core game. But after a few months it gets really boring because of the difficulty.
Like I said, there is not enough content in the expansion to justify the fact that we are on a content drought.
Remember Gw1 had way less people working on it at launch plus the PvP modes were 50 times better with variety.
1) There was a ton of content upon release because they had worked on it for several years, literally, it was around 5 years iirc. Unless you’re asking them to take the same amount of time don’t expect the same amount of content.
2) Guild Wars 1 has less people because it was a new game for the company and it was simpler lobby/instance game, not a full fledged mmo with more people on each map than maybe 8. It didn’t need that many people to run it and design content.
3) every expansion based game has content droughts. It doesn’t matter how big the expansion is, people can play through it in days what it took months to make. So the fact that there’s a drought is not relevant to the size of the expansion.
1. It took 5 years to make gw2 because they kittened up the first 2 years and had to scrap a bunch of their ideas. The games core has been built now so no I do not expect them to spend 5 years on a expansion I am also not asking for the same amount of content we had at launch, that would be ridiculous. All I’m asking for is real content not filler Masteries and achievements, the only real reason to go back.
2. Doesn’t change the fact that such a small team released more content after launch than what we are seeing with gw2.
3. Its not the content drought, its the fact that there is literally nothing to do other than raiding unless you want to grind out skins. There are no dungeon or some difficult solo content. I would love to see a tower similar to the tower of nightmares added but making it a solo instance with difficulty scales. But I guess we are stuck with achievement grinds and loot stick classes, well exp stick classes for those grinding mastery exp.
You can always try a billion dollar per year income game like WoW. They add new content almost every year.
So because one company does something kittenty, it justifies Anets following suit?
It’s only been 4 months since the expansion. Don’t be so impatient. They’re working on more content and they’ll release it when they’ve finished.
If you really think HoT came out with enough content to call it a expansion you’re blinded by all the gates. We got 2 armor sets I think? The content that keeps 99% of the people in HoT are the achievements. Without those the maps would have been dead long ago. This game turned into a achievement hunt there is no beefy content. One pvp map in years?! WTF is that? We haven’t got a new fractal in ages. They DESTROYED dungeons, 3+ year old content and tried to replace them with fractal, which failed because people only do the easy ones for the dailies. The new WvW “map” would have done much better as a PvE map.
You think Warlords of Draenor came with enough content to call it an expansion?
All the old content in that game was invalidated or heavily nerfed for max level players. People finished leveling in one or two days, and all that’s left was dailies, sitting in your Garrison pressing buttons, some treasure or rare hunting, and raids. And it cost as much as this expansion. People on that forum are counting the months till the next expansion, which might be at the end of the year. And that was from a company that makes billions from that game, not millions like this one.
We got more than they did, if ours isn’t an expansion neither is theirs.
Stop being so impatient.
WoW has been out for 12 years. They had there days. The amount of content we got in the past 3 and a half years with Gw2 was about a expansions worth of content with a few QoL changes here and there. If you disagree please explain why I am wrong. Them fixing their kitten ups doesn’t count.
It hardly matters how long a game has been out. WoW has more players, gets more money and is pushing out less content each year than this game. Since launch we’ve gotten a lot of content with people putting in hours of play time with each new patch. ANet changed to an expansion model when people complained about all that content being temporary and now there’s the usual content drought that every expansion based game has. Even Guild Wars 1 went 6 months or more between new content and it was a simpler game. To demand new content barely 4 months after an expansion comparable in size other mmmo’s expansions is being unrealistic.
You keep comparing Gw2 to WoW but thats not a fair comparison. Its like comparing my corner store with the Mac’s convenience down the street. There game has much more content so they don’t need to expand on it like Anet has to with Gw2. Idk about now they could have killed the game but its been 12 years, once Anet gets to that point then they can justify a lack of content.
Gw1 campaigns had way more content than HoT…You’re telling me without the achievement grinds the content Anet released would have lasted as long as it did? You have to run each story mission AT LEAST twice to get most of the achievements. The content was all about bringing your loot stick guardian and tagging everything. Everything Anet released turn into a farm not because it was fun but because it was required to get anything worth while.
Guild Wars 1 had more content? Not really. They had more maps, but less content per map. Just the story line missions to do normal mode then hard mode, some quests, a dungeon of two and the unholiest grind ever to get your reputation levels up by running the same content over and over and over.
At any rate, it’s still the same. Expansion based games have months to a year between expansions and it’s only been four months. You’re being too impatient.
They released more content they didn’t have more content on release. Gw2 has a kitten ton of content for the core game. But after a few months it gets really boring because of the difficulty.
Like I said, there is not enough content in the expansion to justify the fact that we are on a content drought.
Remember Gw1 had way less people working on it at launch plus the PvP modes were 50 times better with variety.
(edited by Beast Sos.1457)
If RNG with the lottery worked the way RNG does in Gw2 then there would be at least a couple people in the world who win the lottery every week. Which doesn’t happen. If it does show me a link then I’ll kitten.
If you buy every possible lottery ticket then you can win it every week
It is similar in GW2, you can buy thousands of exotic weapons and get dozens of precursors.
You’re just assuming that. Even if you buy every lottery ticket in your store doesn’t mean you’ll be a winner. Not every store has a winning ticket. Or the lottery companies would be losing money.
Technically yes but I phrased it that way to make a point. Something is only considered conjecture if the evidence in question exists at all, is available, and permissible as evidence. Therefore financial statistics which aren’t released to the public (and may not even exist) don’t count.
you phrased it in a silly way. he does not have the evidence, therefore anything he says based on evidence he does not have is conjecture. he can be corrected or affirmed by someone who has the evidence, but his lack of knowledge makes his opinion conjecture.
The evidence is the fact that we barley got any content for at least a year before HoT and HoT itself is all a achievement/master grind. Without that the content wouldn’t have lasted a month for most players.
All the content we got in general since LS s1 was a achievement grind to fill in the content. Fillers on fillers on fillers.
You can always try a billion dollar per year income game like WoW. They add new content almost every year.
So because one company does something kittenty, it justifies Anets following suit?
It’s only been 4 months since the expansion. Don’t be so impatient. They’re working on more content and they’ll release it when they’ve finished.
If you really think HoT came out with enough content to call it a expansion you’re blinded by all the gates. We got 2 armor sets I think? The content that keeps 99% of the people in HoT are the achievements. Without those the maps would have been dead long ago. This game turned into a achievement hunt there is no beefy content. One pvp map in years?! WTF is that? We haven’t got a new fractal in ages. They DESTROYED dungeons, 3+ year old content and tried to replace them with fractal, which failed because people only do the easy ones for the dailies. The new WvW “map” would have done much better as a PvE map.
You think Warlords of Draenor came with enough content to call it an expansion?
All the old content in that game was invalidated or heavily nerfed for max level players. People finished leveling in one or two days, and all that’s left was dailies, sitting in your Garrison pressing buttons, some treasure or rare hunting, and raids. And it cost as much as this expansion. People on that forum are counting the months till the next expansion, which might be at the end of the year. And that was from a company that makes billions from that game, not millions like this one.
We got more than they did, if ours isn’t an expansion neither is theirs.
Stop being so impatient.
WoW has been out for 12 years. They had there days. The amount of content we got in the past 3 and a half years with Gw2 was about a expansions worth of content with a few QoL changes here and there. If you disagree please explain why I am wrong. Them fixing their kitten ups doesn’t count.
It hardly matters how long a game has been out. WoW has more players, gets more money and is pushing out less content each year than this game. Since launch we’ve gotten a lot of content with people putting in hours of play time with each new patch. ANet changed to an expansion model when people complained about all that content being temporary and now there’s the usual content drought that every expansion based game has. Even Guild Wars 1 went 6 months or more between new content and it was a simpler game. To demand new content barely 4 months after an expansion comparable in size other mmmo’s expansions is being unrealistic.
You keep comparing Gw2 to WoW but thats not a fair comparison. Its like comparing my corner store with the Mac’s convenience down the street. There game has much more content so they don’t need to expand on it like Anet has to with Gw2. Idk about now they could have killed the game but its been 12 years, once Anet gets to that point then they can justify a lack of content.
Gw1 campaigns had way more content than HoT…You’re telling me without the achievement grinds the content Anet released would have lasted as long as it did? You have to run each story mission AT LEAST twice to get most of the achievements. The content was all about bringing your loot stick guardian and tagging everything. Everything Anet released turn into a farm not because it was fun but because it was required to get anything worth while.
Every account has the exact same chance on RNG.
Then how do you explain a person getting 5 precursors in 20 forges? Luck? Hell no because that same guy will get a precursor drop off a mob in WvW then the next day will get 3 ascended chests and the next day will get another pre off a random mob…. While a person like me can play for 4k hours and not get a single pre.
Time played in the game does not influence whether you will get a precursor drop. Just like someone playing the lottery for 60 years is no more likely to win than someone who has played for one year. You need to take a closer look at probability.
If RNG with the lottery worked the way RNG does in Gw2 then there would be at least a couple people in the world who win the lottery every week. Which doesn’t happen. If it does show me a link then I’ll kitten.
You can always try a billion dollar per year income game like WoW. They add new content almost every year.
So because one company does something kittenty, it justifies Anets following suit?
It’s only been 4 months since the expansion. Don’t be so impatient. They’re working on more content and they’ll release it when they’ve finished.
If you really think HoT came out with enough content to call it a expansion you’re blinded by all the gates. We got 2 armor sets I think? The content that keeps 99% of the people in HoT are the achievements. Without those the maps would have been dead long ago. This game turned into a achievement hunt there is no beefy content. One pvp map in years?! WTF is that? We haven’t got a new fractal in ages. They DESTROYED dungeons, 3+ year old content and tried to replace them with fractal, which failed because people only do the easy ones for the dailies. The new WvW “map” would have done much better as a PvE map.
You think Warlords of Draenor came with enough content to call it an expansion?
All the old content in that game was invalidated or heavily nerfed for max level players. People finished leveling in one or two days, and all that’s left was dailies, sitting in your Garrison pressing buttons, some treasure or rare hunting, and raids. And it cost as much as this expansion. People on that forum are counting the months till the next expansion, which might be at the end of the year. And that was from a company that makes billions from that game, not millions like this one.
We got more than they did, if ours isn’t an expansion neither is theirs.
Stop being so impatient.
WoW has been out for 12 years. They had there days. The amount of content we got in the past 3 and a half years with Gw2 was about a expansions worth of content with a few QoL changes here and there. If you disagree please explain why I am wrong. Them fixing their kitten ups doesn’t count.
Can you invest in your own game Anet? Gw2 is a huge game with so many players yet the amount of content we get is less than a F2P MMO like Tera. Gw2 has both a box value and a cash to gem conversion. They are banking and to say other wise is being delusional.
This game sold almost 3mil copies, if not more, within the first few months of release. I personally put hundreds into gems and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Most of the people I know in-game at least bought gems once with real life cash. Lets say HoT sold 2mil copies which is fair imo, that means off HoT alone Anet made 120 mil thats not including the $79.99 version or the $100 version that I bought. Where did that money go?! Clearly not into the game since its been months without any new content.
The death of Gw2 will be the lack of content added by Anet. Since HoT release we haven’t got kitten. Most of development goes into the gem store not into real content. Personally I log on to Raid and thats about it, and even those are getting boring since thats all there is to do in the game. WvW is dead dungeons are dead Open World PvE is fun once in a long WHILE but not every kitten day. The one thing I do do other than raiding now is the new PvP season, only reason is for the legendary back piece though, which is time gated like a mother kittener.
So where is all the money going?!
Apparently you have not been around long. Up until HoT we got an amazing amount of new content all for FREE, particularly during season 1 when we were getting new stuff every few weeks. Yes, much of that content was transitory as Anet was trying something novel by creating a dynamic “Living World” that was constantly changing and evolving. Personally I loved it. It was creative and new. Unfortunately, many players are stuck in the past with the old framework of periodic, permanent expansions that just tag-on more dungeons, maps, or whatever. But regardless, GW2 has had a considerable amount of new content released since it was launched. All Your post says to me is that you are new to this game have not been around at all. Also, wtf… you are complaining that no new content has been released since HoT? HoT has ONLY been out for 4 months! Clearly you have no idea what is involved with game design and development at this level.
HoT was less content than most DLC. All HoT is is a achievement grind. LS s1 was all filler content Anet had no idea wtf they were doing. The only good part was the destruction of LA and when we killed Scarlet. I guess the watch knight event was okay too. The rest was them experimenting, which failed. LS s2 was okay but be honest with yourself. If you go back and play LS s2 right now how long would it take to complete it from start to finish? It took me about 4-5 hours.
You can always try a billion dollar per year income game like WoW. They add new content almost every year.
So because one company does something kittenty, it justifies Anets following suit?
It’s only been 4 months since the expansion. Don’t be so impatient. They’re working on more content and they’ll release it when they’ve finished.
If you really think HoT came out with enough content to call it a expansion you’re blinded by all the gates. We got 2 armor sets I think? The content that keeps 99% of the people in HoT are the achievements. Without those the maps would have been dead long ago. This game turned into a achievement hunt there is no beefy content. One pvp map in years?! WTF is that? We haven’t got a new fractal in ages. They DESTROYED dungeons, 3+ year old content and tried to replace them with fractal, which failed because people only do the easy ones for the dailies. The new WvW “map” would have done much better as a PvE map.
Your post is predicated on conjecture, straw-man arguments, anecdotal evidence, and other logical fallacies.
W.e you say man…lmao
he pretty much right bro lmao
You can always try a billion dollar per year income game like WoW. They add new content almost every year.
So because one company does something kittenty, it justifies Anets following suit?
Your post is predicated on conjecture, straw-man arguments, anecdotal evidence, and other logical fallacies.
W.e you say man…lmao
Every account has the exact same chance on RNG.
Then how do you explain a person getting 5 precursors in 20 forges? Luck? Hell no because that same guy will get a precursor drop off a mob in WvW then the next day will get 3 ascended chests and the next day will get another pre off a random mob…. While a person like me can play for 4k hours and not get a single pre.
Can you invest in your own game Anet? Gw2 is a huge game with so many players yet the amount of content we get is less than a F2P MMO like Tera. Gw2 has both a box value and a cash to gem conversion. They are banking and to say other wise is being delusional.
This game sold almost 3mil copies, if not more, within the first few months of release. I personally put hundreds into gems and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Most of the people I know in-game at least bought gems once with real life cash. Lets say HoT sold 2mil copies which is fair imo, that means off HoT alone Anet made 120 mil thats not including the $79.99 version or the $100 version that I bought. Where did that money go?! Clearly not into the game since its been months without any new content.
The death of Gw2 will be the lack of content added by Anet. Since HoT release we haven’t got kitten. Most of development goes into the gem store not into real content. Personally I log on to Raid and thats about it, and even those are getting boring since thats all there is to do in the game. WvW is dead dungeons are dead Open World PvE is fun once in a long WHILE but not every kitten day. The one thing I do do other than raiding now is the new PvP season, only reason is for the legendary back piece though, which is time gated like a mother kittener.
So where is all the money going?!
To all those people saying that developing content takes time. OF COURSE IT DOES! No one is saying it doesn’t but the amount of content we got in HoT was that of a DLC. Tell me this. If the achievements and MP weren’t there how much time would you really spend in HoT. How long do you think that content holds. For a company who is making the amount they do we should get much more content with these “expansions” and because we didn’t there should have been much more content released by now. The evidence is in the PURE F2P MMOs like Tera which adds much more content. Hell even WIldstar the MMO on the verge of death almost releases as much as Anet.
(edited by Beast Sos.1457)
Hello all! I am a vet Gw2 player looking for a solid raiding guild/group I am experienced with all bosses though I only ran Sab around 3 times so I can still use some experience there. I did mange getting The Eternal title but I was on a PS war so my job was easy. I have a fully ascended PS war and Viper engi, I’m also willing to gear up other toons in ascended gear. My main is my war but it only takes me a couple hours to learn and be able to play any other class/build at a high lvl. For example I made a condi engi when the raids were released and cleared VG with a pug group after only having the engi for 3 hours. I’m not a big fan of filling apps for a guild since I’m playing a game but trying to get a job but am willing to do so if necessary but I’d rather go through a in-game trial. I look forward to hearing from you.
Edit: Found a awesome Guild. Thanks to all those who msged me in-game.
(edited by Beast Sos.1457)
Oh wow… I think I got one of those exotic amulets with the unique upgrade in them. And foolishly threw it in the Mystic Forge with 3 other account bound exotics for a chance at something sellable >< x_x ;_;
Ask for a roll back. Send in a ticket explaining what happened and see if Anet can roll your account back to the day you got it. If they do it, which they might, make sure to use a black lion salvage kit to get the egg sac. Good luck I really hope you get it back.
@Roxanne 6/10. Just because I hate you salads! <3
Heres a few pics of my Human Guardian Asura Mesmer and Charr Warrior.
i’m racism n i find this offensive
If you ask Trump its called freedom of speech. :P
I still love you though. <3