Showing Posts For BlooDyliCious.5824:
Ah didn’t see that thread yet. Because broken search bar.
Not sure if people have already seen the new “projectiles” of Bolt, but they are not legendary worthy. Basicly, all the original skill effects are removed and you simply throw multiple Bolts(the sword, not any lightning).
It looks stupid on revenants precision strike, it looks even worse on guardians Zealots Defense and it looks hilariously bad on warriors flaming flurry. Any skill that uses projectiles is now a joke, and Bolt has become a joke legendary.
Not sure how other Bolt owners feel, but I feel cheated, mostly because the new legendary sword does have custom projectiles for these skills. I want this change reverted and I want it fast.
Despite all the flaws and the amount of QoL the rev needs, I like mine more then any other class. I used to main my guard but it’s too slow compared to rev for simple PvE. The permanent fury + swiftness in glint makes getting around easier and popping the heal so you don’t get in combat even while getting hit is great.
For fractals I still play my second favorite, my necro. But that’s mainly because of the complete melee hate all those t4 fractals have.
I’d raid with my rev if I people would give me the chance, as I’m almost always top DPS on rev. But gotta have underperforming meta classes instead? right?
I had another idea. Return epi to it’s previous usuable form. When you use it on a target they get a timer, say 1.5 or 2 seconds. Once the timer runs out, or the target gets killed/downed, all the conditions that are on them are spread to the 5 closest/random enemies within the targets range.
Reduce the cast time by half, and make it not work on downed people so the non necro WvW crowd will be happier.
Basicly, in PvE it now has it’s old function again, but a mob dying before your epi can trigger should no longer be a big problem as it will still apply all the conditions. Kind of like a risen plague carrier, a rotten corpse that explodes and applies conditions. Fits a necro right?
It’s almost never used in PvP as far as I know and in WvW you now have some time to get out the epi aoe or if you are the target you can try to run away from your zerg so you don’t take others with you. It also allows necro’s to have a skill that can seperate a single player from his group. Just like the current garbage epi you still have the ability to get away before you get tons of condis on you. Except when the target gets epi’ed and get’s downed right after.
The current version is so bad you don’t even have to dodge it. A mesmer clone, ranger pet or necro minion can block the entire skill.
Im getting tired of Taimi because shes the commander, Im just some soldier doing errands. Remember the joke about Trahearne and changing a lightbulb? “Commander, a word…”. Pretty sure if the PC wouldn’t do kitten the story would continue anyway, because Taimi.
No clue what to do? Taimi.
In trouble? Taimi.
Stop world from getting destroyed? Taimi.
Searching for something? Taimi.
Hotel? Taimi.
Everytime there is a question Taimi will be the one to answer it. If she doesn’t have an answer she has it in the next story step or episode. Canach doesn’t know everything, and you help him search for an answer. I like following Canach, it’s always a surprise what you encounter and he actually has some humor. Unlike Taimi which knows how the future looks like in detail and has an annoying sense of humor.
My friend started playing recently again, and he couldn’t unlock the oakheart essence because that mastery line requires you to go to either Ember Bay or Bloodstone Fen. He was able to TP to friend to me both of the times, which actually also unlocked the masteries. You can TP to friend to the other maps as well, but they don’t unlock the masteries, which is stupid as hell.
I often use Bitterfrost as a cheap and more fun alternative to AB. It drops everything I need to make those daily gated asc materials and as a bonus I farm karma + UB. Atm have more asc gear then I have resonating slivers so I can just spend it on the warped bundles, which gives me mats for another legendary.
Ember bay is.. nice. But I don’t go there alot. Bloodstone Fen looks good, but I rather not be there for a long time either. Draconis is a bit too big, but I like that there is always something to do. Lake doric has the most White Mantle clerics and mesmers, so kitten that map. Hearts take years to complete as well.
Also Lolled at Botterfrost Frontier. I don’t mind them. They get rid of the annoying mobs near the winterberries.
Better scaling would mean they actually scale. The legendaries don’t scale. If you would not attack one and wait for 60 people and then attack it at once, you would kill it within a few seconds. Before HoT, players did way less damage, so you had more time to get there. Now a single player can kill it in a reasonable time.
Same goes for the bloodstoned crazed beasts and their HP. Especially the moa that has less HP then a rabbit.
I can’t wait for seperate balance as well. Best example being reaper’s deathly chill 1 stack in PvP but 3 in WvW and PvE. PvP and WvW should share balance if Anet can’t balance for 3 modes. WvW and PvE having the same balancing is stupid, and that comes from a PvE only player that only goes to WvW for easy daillies or Gift of Battle.
Also, PvE balancing doesn’t only destroy stuff in WvW . It goes both ways. I still am a Rev main and they got gutted because of WvW (and chronos) while I was happy running around with mine in PvE. So thanks for that WvW’ers… Also PvE got your ghost thief problem fixed, so feel free to thank us.
PvE balancing every 6 months sucks, but PvE doesn’t really evolve or change all that much, so you can wait for changes. Both PvP and WvW are competitive gamemodes, if something is broken it has to be fixed quickly. Look at all other games that are competitive. All of them have 1 or more balance changes EACH month. This sometimes makes something horribly OP, but that’s okay. Because it can get fixed within 2 weeks instead of 4 years, or ever. Anet seems to be afraid to touch anything balance related. Which once again, sucks for you WvW’ers.
I’m just waiting when till I can drop my “Told you I was right”.
Or grab the strongboxes, there are multiple of them on every map and they give some loot. Sure it’s an achievement but the points have to be tied to something.
The level 80 sign is the location of the 4th raid wing. The name you see there is just the name of that general area, you can find more of those on the map.
Why the hell do you care. I don’t play ranger and I couldn’t care less. I’m actually happy for them. Why do you care in what way another player reaches his high numbers? You can freely play whatever class you want and find fun. Why do you have issues with other players dealing damage?
You don’t raid do you? Rangers having good damage is not the problem. The problem is they are far above the rest, while also being far easier to play. This skill contributes so much to the damage that tuning it down a bit doesn’t hurt. At the moment they are pushing other condi classes away, and that is a problem.
You say you can freely play what you want, well you can’t in raids, unless ofcourse the other 9 people don’t mind having kitteneless guy around.
I’d like to see this skill nerfed, but what I rather see is other condi builds being brought to the same point.
Defense seems to be bugged, it was at least for me today. I akitten at the defense spot for nearly 5 hours straight, without leaving the map, and didn’t get a single event.
We need a way to force events to start, or at least a shorter timer. lets say an event every 5 minutes, instead of waiting for patch day.
The reasons people still play necro is because many like the class. Necro’s are not bad, but they are on the bottom tier. Biggest problem is really that necro’s aren’t special. They just work, regardless of skill level. That’s why you still see 4 necro, 1 druid parties in LFG. It’s simple, reliable and some like casual playstyle.
Necro’s are very good in dealing with huge groups of enemies and can take more hits then other classes. I’d be nice if they got a huge single target buff too, so they can used more in Raids. And power necro could use some buffs too, mostly in PvE and WvW. They still somewhat work in PvP
Guard needs overhaul of their skills and traits, especially some weapons.
Welp, get in line behind the revenant….
Only problem with that is that most of the utility skills are not worth using, even if they didn’t have an energy cost or CD, or even both. The jalis roadbuilding could have no CD and no cost and it would still be utter garbage. Before the cost or CD’s get removed, we have to pretty much rework the entire class first.
The main problem for the central tyria points is that more then half off them are behind collections or the season 2 story. The collection ones can be very annoying to get for newer players. But I have been playing for over 4 years. I have around 30 central points lying around with everything unlocked because of all collections and whatnot I have done. This obviously took time and a ton of gold and I rather not have some guy be able to afk at a farm stop for hours to get the same thing.
I don’t mind them becoming easier to get, especially if other central tyria masteries get released, but not through just grinding 5 million XP. People can do that in less then a day. I rather have them do something that requires skill or something like that.
You had the queen’s gauntlet for example. Which was fighting mini-bosses 1v1. You could easily put 5 mastery points there for the people that beat them all. There is a lot of content that people want back, and some of the achievements they had would be great for giving mastery points.
And HoT points are pretty easy to get. Some of the adventures are very easy and there are alot of points just lying around. Not to mention every new map gives more points then the new mastery requires.
I do agree with the first part, but like Inculpatus said, being able to choose something other then a spirit point would be good. I rather get a glob of ecto, or some asc mats which I can dump into those eaters.
Went to PvP, to get the other legendary back. I stopped doing PvP as it took away the fun I had in Gw2. Rewards are garbage, population is garbage, everything is garbage.
Remove PvP and allow people to duel each other in the open world. Make it so that those people can play for gold if they want to. Winner takes all. There are games that have this that are over 10-15 years old and still have more players then Gw2 PvP ever will.
Also, matchmaking is fine. It’s just that there is a pool of 15 players to choose from at any given time.
The things that got added were not needed. WvW in the beginning was great. It actually able to pull players from PvP and PvE. Maybe because of the easy XP, crafting bonusses and whatnot. All that got removed for no reason at all. I am a PvE player, and have always been. But a few years ago I often went for the XP/crafting XP bonus to WvW and ended up staying quite a while because I enjoyed it. Even getting stomped by another zerg was just a minor annoyance.
WvW was attractive to players, even if they didn’t want to go there in the first place. Quite a few people probably enjoyed their time in WvW and went from PvP/PvE players to full WvW players instead.
The only reason you go to WvW as PvE’er now is because you need the Gift of Battle, or you want to complete all your dailies so you go for that daily vet creature/big spender. It sure is the only reason I ever go to WvW.
Look at another game, RuneScape. Same story really. They kept updating and updating and players got fed up with all those bad updates and left. After some time they said: “we have still have our old files of the old Runescape. Do you want us to bring this back?”. With enough votes, they would bring it back but not update or spend time on it. However, the more votes it got, the more development time they were going to invest in it. It ended up with so many votes that the old Runescape got brought back, and ended up with a larger population then the new version.
I really hope for the actual WvW’ers Anet just accepts its mistakes and just brings back the old WvW. All I care about is the Gift of Battle anyway….
I don’t mind it really. As long as it’s nowhere near Ventari. I’d like to see a more chaotic like legend. Not Scarlett, but something close.
But the best one to get would be the Legend of the released-Revenant. Just to remind you about the legend of how great the rev once was.
I never really bothered me having no utilities in shroud/reaper. But now you mention it, I want this badly. Just about every animation is already aviable in shroud, so all they gotta do is enable to utilities. I would love to have spectral armor active while in shroud, to regain lifeforce while not having to get out of it.
Then again, it would probably buff necro into meta, cant have that….
Somebody said an out of combat speed boost. Seriously though, an out of combat, PvE only speed boost while wielding a legendary would be great. It wouldn’t be game breaking because some classes have perma swiftness anyway. It’s just to help some classes that don’t have a 25% speed trait/sigil, like a guard to get around a bit faster.
Depends what you want to do really. The PvP and WvW area’s are becoming more desolate every week. Lots of people that only played for PvP and WvW have left. PvE however, is still populated, even the newbie zones. Some of the older content like dungeons is no longer updated, but still played from time to time.
For most fun profession, depends what you like to play. For leveling i would go for power over condition damage, as raw direct damage is just much more effective. Warrior and double axes is not used alot, but I personally found it more fun then the overused GS.
Wait, they voted no for profession mmr? kitten PvP community, your destroying yourself.
I am pretty good on some classes, while garbage at others. Having profession mmr would actually let me play on a lower level with classes i don’t know yet without getting dumpstered every game.
Im just spamming skills getting kills here and then, still ended up in gold last season, probably will again at the end of this season too. I always fight the same people, over and over and over again(have i told you the definition of insanity?)
half the games are kinda close, with a 20-40 point difference. The rest are nearly 50-500 games. MM is terrible due to the low population. I play against people that are far above me or my team. Sometimes I play against people that are playing GW2 for the first day in their life. MM is deciding a huge amount of games from the start, which sucks. MM was better last season, probably because there were at least more people playing.
Im pretty sure MM would work pretty well, but you need enough players for it to work. Which at the moment, there aren’t. I do my 3 matches a day for the achiev, don’t care if i win or lose. I just do 3, and no more then 3.
Meanwhile I had Twilight, but I was never using the stat change option. Ascended has the same stats anyway so I made sunrise, made eternity and sold it. I now have 5k+ gold and 2 legendary skins. I wished I could do this for other legendaries as well. Free skins and a ton of gold, what’s not to like?
sure for the expensive version. I use Sigil of earth and sigil of geomancy. And for food it’s koicake, and toxic focusing crystal. And the cheap version is using super veggie pizza. and master tuning crystal.
I think you messed up a little.
The entire window is redundant and we are still waiting for a “forge x10” or “forge all” option. After 3+ years. You don’t have to click accept, since you already get the item anyway. That never changed. Also, it shows on your right what you got, if you have that turned on at least.
Don’t forget that some weapons leave a nice trail whenever you swing it. Some warhorns even make a fart sound when you use them… Bows unfortunately don’t really follow that. But swords, axes and greatswords all have amazing weapons and are all fun to use.
Also, in action camera you can see your own character. You can even go into first person view with action camera if you want to, but some skills that make you spin around will make you very, very dizzy.
Got some tips as well:
Try finding a guild. People in a guild help you much more often with killing a boss or answering a few questions. Casual guilds are great places to get help or to just have fun. Some guilds even take newer players into dungeons/fractals to teach them.
Stay away from meta builds and what not. You are better of running some weird mix you enjoy then some predefined build that you don’t know how to use.
You cannot reuse them. They turn into those collection items that are worth a mighty 2s 64c. I found it a waste too but I guess they have to come with something to make it have a value.
For the balls of dark energy. I actually salvaged 2 ascended weapons from my specialisaton collections that I wasn’t planning on using. I already had enough GS and why would somebody want an asc warhorn?!
I tried a bit with wells on my power necro in pvp. I only use 2 but with the chronomancer runes I am having a blast. A gravedigger with quickness on a power necro has caught many off guard. People usually wait a bit before they dodge, but my gravedigger hits faster than usual, and hits like a truck. With “rise” and the protect on wells, I’m very hard to kill, even going full zerk. Throwing down a well, going into reaper shroud and spamming 1 with quickness is pretty fun too.
In PvE wells are still garbage though. Maybe remove the cast time and cooldown al together?
I don’t mind thieves that much. Usually I can either ignore them, or just press f1 on warr, throw down a trap on DH or use a gravedigger on my power necro. They get oneshot either way.
Until I’m up against a good thief. A very good thief can’t be hit, chased or killed. They (de)cap whatever they can, kill whoever they see and always manage to get away. Good thieves do exist, and thieves are by far the worst class to play against when they are played well.
But good thieves are a rare sight. And I wouldn’t want it otherwise.
Problem in regular PvE is that enemies barely have any health. Before you have many condition on an enemy he is already dead. It’s fun for a while, but after that it just takes far too long to kill something.
Most of the time I rather just swing once and kill a group in a single hit.
There is only 1 class that holds all the weaknesses of other classes, and that is the rev.
Also, thiefs are the fastest at gathering. They also got quickness and Shortbow 5 allows you to jump right on top of walls or other stuff at times.
I personally bought Dawn from the TP, because I noticed crafting it was only 10g cheaper. That isn’t worth all the hassle of getting geodes/bandit crests and everything. Dusk and Zap were both worth crafting, as their price was, and still is much cheaper.
What I think should change however, are the bow/rifle and some other pres. The 2 bow pres are so expensive to craft that you can get 2, almost 3, straight from the TP. A 600g difference between buying and crafting is pretty stupid.
Making Combo Finishers prioritize your own Combo Fields first would solve the issue with depending on certain Combo Fields for many classes, including the Necromancer.
It would make it a lot easier to use Combo Fields as you intend, instead of the often random effect you get now when you often don’t know what your Finisher will produce.
The priority would be: “Your own Field”>“Oldest existing Field (like now)”
What do you think of that?
I want this so much. This new rotation relies too much on your own selfish fields and putting an ice field before a Condi PS can place his fire field kittens up his dps. A fire field can still be used by a necro, but a condi PS cannot use an ice field at all.
This would not only benefit the necro, but also Condi PS and druids with blasting their water fields reliably. Everybody would benefit from this. Let’s hope Anet changes this the next balance patch in 8-10 months.
The only reason I am still selling them to vendors is because listing them on the TP simply doesn’t work and their is a yes/no dialogue when you want to destroy them. Some stuff is hard to code in, some stuff is extremely easy. This can be done in a day. And i’m sure anet can finish it fast without introducing thousands of bugs. Their is already code to find all junk item in ones inventory and sell them, just re use that stuff and change the junk for minor/major runes and sigils.
Then again, they need half a year for balance changes that could be done in a month or less.
The fractal vendor has different tabs. One tab has all the core stats, the other tab only has the HoT stats. Probably to separate the people with HoT from those who don’t. This is kinda stupid and I expect at least some people to buy the wrong item and demand this changed.
Doesn’t bother me, because I won’t need to buy any ascended anyway.
What’s wrong with 100% alacrity uptime on a ventari rev? You lose tons of damage using it, so instead you will turn in a healer like a druid, but instead of GotL you have alacrity. I can’t see any problem with it really, instead of 2 chrono and 2 druids, you can remove 1 chrono and 1 druid and instead take a ventari rev. Opens up a spot for another class.
I have to agree, this was really fun to do. took me back to places Id not been to in a while, Like Arora Remains. Not been there since I mapped it, almost forgot it was there.
Or that underwater tunnel in the Grove. In my 4+ years of playing I didn’t even know it was there.
There is also this
It’s kinda expensive though,but doesn’t look bad.
I soloed migraine myself, so I won’t complain about difficulty, but I can understand some people have trouble with it. The gliding part is clunky and bugs at times, which makes it annoying. Big troll doesn’t hurt that much, but all these tiny hits and other stuff going on drain your health faster then you think. Some classes, like ele, will have more trouble then a necro or thief, which can regen quite alot during combat.
Might start carrying some people through it that just want the story part or for that current event. Do realise though, that the enemies you fight in that current even hurt quite a bit with some attacks. I didn’t expect the damage and got down pretty much right away. At least they don’t have much HP.
Maybe the alacrity isn’t for the rev himself but for his teamsupport. Others can actually benefit from it, even if it is short.
I’m not talking about the ventari alacrity, but alacrity in general. I don’t use ventari and never will, until it actually becomes worth taking.
If you want to give rev team support, remove the alacrity from ventari heal and replace the boon duration from F2 with alacrity. F2 isn’t worth using at the moment because double chrono. This also allows you to pick any legend.
^ This is very true. I have rarely seen elem/tempests go over 50% of their realistic benchmark DPS. While bad revs/thiefs or necros usually get much closer to this amount. The amount of times I was outdps’ing the entire raid squad is pretty high. Sometimes I even did more damage then 2 temps combined, can you imagine how bad they were?
A very good temp will still deal way more damage then you ever will, but this doesn’t happen often. I don’t get close to a temps theoretical DPS either, and get way more DPS with thief or rev. But people still insist on temps for some reason.
Also, a necro can stay alive on his own extremely well, while a temp gets oneshot by nearly anything. And you gotta be alive to deal damage.
How about removing energy costs from weps?
Altough that would work I don’t mind the energy costs. There just has to be a reason for them to exist, which there isn’t. If you could just get 50 health or something for every energy spent, then I could understand it.
uhh why doesn’tq it? It’s a potential 33% more energy. same as the potential 33% faster skill spamming
When only using skills this is true. But with F2, jalis hammers and sword 2 spam, you will run out of energy if you use alacrity. You will not run out of energy if you have no alacrity. Granted you will barely have any energy left before you can switch.
I’m kinda confused, what’s this “free” weapon? o.o
The new patch also released some current events, which give you at least 1 asc weapon. You can choose from a GS, sword, scepter, dagger and shield. As necro you can use 3 of them and you can also chose any stat combination on them. At least, I’m guessing thats what he means.
It doesn’t really cost anything to complete it, and the weapon you choose can be changed to any of the other ones for only 1k unbound magic. So if you had a berserker’s sword you can actually turn into a vipers scepter, for only 1k unbound magic.
Last patch gave revs alacrity, which is pointless to have on a rev, because almost nothing is affected by it. It actually can work against you, because you can use your skills more often, you also run out of energy faster. Sure, you can switch legends faster, but this doesn’t make up for it. Especially if you want to use multiple skills.
How about we increase the energy regen rate when under the effects of alacrity so we can keep doing the same stuff, but faster. The fact revs have both energy and CD’s already gives them less options then other classes, so why limit it even more with a particular buff?
Or even better, reduce all energy costs by something like 40% while under effects of alacrity. Getting alacrity now actually means something, rather then something you rather not get at times.
Not to mention that a single week of fractals gives you far better rewards then raids will.