Showing Posts For BojacDR.2104:
Gotta agree that armor on male mesmers leave a lot to be desired but luckily came across something that suited my style nicely.
One single white-faced psychotic looking for a Batman to duel. Enjoys walks down dark alleys, robbing banks, exploding things at sunset and making people “smile” with his knife. Then again, we can’t use knives so a greatsword will have to do.
Hey Anet,
Any thoughts about offering your loyal customers a way to obtain a 3D printed version of our characters? I think the geek in us would be willing to spend a few gems to have one sitting on our desks as we do battle. How feasible would this be?
Man, a lot of you mesmers look good. Maybe the best looking class in the game but that’s just my opinion. Here’s mine. Just boring white gear but he doesn’t seem to care. He’s got some obsession going on with bats. Do you want to know how he got those scars?
I was trying to take my thief’s picture but as you can see in the first shot, he did not want me to. I asked him for just one and the second pic was all that he would give me. I took the third one when he wasn’t looking. He caught me and pulled out his guns. I thought it was a good idea to stop. Anyway, here they are…
Hey folks,
I am having trouble connecting to the log-in server after the patch installed. Anyone else having this problem? Thanks…
I use Air and Fire but first, I use Bloodlust/Fire. Once I hit 25 stacks, I swap to Air/Fire. As long as your water weapon has bloodlust as one of its sigils, you won’t lose the stacks. Maybe they will fix this in an upcoming patch I don’t know nor care but until then, that’s what I use.
I use to have trouble against engineers until I accidentally discovered that I can use PP against them. I don’t avoid them anymore.
Just post it already and we will go from there. Sheesh.
Nunchucks get my vote. A very mobile weapon. You can even throw them. After your opponent is down, pressing 1 continuously will put a choke hold on him until dead.
Take a look at this post for a good starting point on D/P gear and things…
Instead of Runes of Scholar, I use Beryl orbs sacrificing some Crit % for more Vitality.
Someone basically just asked the same question shortly before you did…
Here’s a good one to help you get started:
Hmm? I wonder – if I wield two Bloodlust weapons, will I get to 25 stacks in half the time?
Yes, 13 kills instead of 25 for full stacks.
Nice. I guess I will be buying another Bloodlust weapon. Thanks!
1) Keybind ‘Free Camera’ and hold it
2) Keybind ‘About face’ and press it (no need to hold it down)
3) [Withdraw]
4) Release ‘Free Camera’There might be a simpler way, but I know at least that this combination works, doesn’t make you look behind (which is annoying and can be laggy), and works 100% of the time.
+1 Yes. This is what you want. I neglected to see that you wanted to About Face without turning.
Get yourself at least 3 daggers – Bloodlust, Force and Fire. Start out with Bloodlust as one of your daggers and once you have built up 25 stacks, swap it out with the remaining dagger. If you want to take it even further, get a Night dagger too to use, well, at night. For variety, get an Air one as well but note that you cannot combine it with Fire as only one of the two will proc, usually the main hand one.
Hmm? I wonder – if I wield two Bloodlust weapons, will I get to 25 stacks in half the time?
(edited by BojacDR.2104)
You have to bind “About Face” to a key. There is no default already set.
(edited by BojacDR.2104)
Forgive if I am being a little slow here but this was just a joke right?
Found one of them change your appearance kits as loot and after some tinkering, came up with this. This is an old pic as I have new shoulders now and changed the color to Abyss but it is basically the same look…
Any idea what those boots are?
Don’t worry JQ, if DB ever gets to tier 1 and replaces you (they won’t but lets speak in hypotheticals), we in SoR will make sure to slap them around and show them their places.
Thanks SoR. I’m starting to feel guilty for killing my fair share of you all. Guilt all gone! That was quick. Anyway, I am still going to try to kill you but remember me fondly as you pick up the loot bag from my dead body because of guilds like this who run when the going gets a little bit tough.
Mother of God…
Hi again everyone,
I will say we want there to be play with the traps, but placing the traps while in stealth has very little counter to it, so we will be evaluating whether we would like to change this implementation. Thanks to everyone for you feedback and concerns.
Their solution to traps; make them unusable in Stealth.
MORE Thief WvW nerfs likely underway.
I desperately hope they actually plan to do something like upping the placement to 20 seconds.
Wow. Just wow. So they want to take away the one silver lining we thieves had with these traps? I think the team in charge of Thief design must not be very well liked or a meek group of people. To allow us to get trampled on like this is unbelievable. I went with the punches from every nerf so far but I really can’t take much more.
That’s actually a very good suggestion. Last Refuge has not been all that kind to me and needed some kind of tweak. If anti-stealth traps are here to stay, then any thief who invests points into Shadow Arts should have some sort of counter to it.
I think the current one is pretty fine as it is.
1/2 bar = x1 C&D, x1 Infiltrator’s Arrow
3/5 bar = BP + HSx3
etc.Nothing more to it, no numbers to read, no halved diamonds to get confused about.
I think though, they should add more options to customization of the UI,
like increasing the size or moving things, like these diamonds, conditions, boons etc.
I think the OP was looking for a way to know when your next batch of initiative points will regenerate but I could be wrong. I’ve had times when I did not have enough initiative to perform an urgent move and it would seem like an eternity before I finally did. Knowing when I would won’t speed things up any but at least I would know.
This would work fine for the most part but what about thieves who are spec’d to regenerate more than one point of initiative at a time? Atherakhia’s idea about a timer would work better in that case.
You’re a Thief who plays D/P to be able to slip away easily when roaming in WvW asking for even more over the top nerfs to Thieves because you’re sick and tired of them easily slipping away in WvW when roaming…
WHAT?! \o.O/
I have to agree with what Incurafy said. This post is not one offering advice on how to fix the stealth mechanic for all thieves in general but a selfish plea to help you kill other thieves because they won’t stop using stealth to survive. It’ s okay for you to use stealth to suit your needs but not others. I get it now, Princess.
Divinity/Scholar/Lyssa/Beryl Orb/Ruby Orb/Pack
All depends on what you want from your thief and if you do WvW what your guild wants.
I play a thief as main in a guild that focuses on WvW mostly.
Stats : 19,5k Life,2800 Armor,3250 attack,55% chance,88 CD
A full Zerker thief cant provide that much and will not last in a sustained fight.
And being a free rally for the enemy is never a good thing.
No freakin’ way these stats are for real but please prove me wrong.
I do this all of the time.
Hrmm? I really hate to go against a fellow thief but I don’t use Shadow Step and do just fine.
This would basically give us 3 more skills to use than other professions. Don’t you think we have enough of their complaints as it is? It would increase exponentially if your suggestion were to actually come to fruition which it turn would lead to more nerfs. I don’t know about you but I am all nerfed out.
Some decent ideas here, apparently we are getting buffed in next patch so keep em coming and keep this visible!
I hope you are right, Starbird because dual pistols, man, just the image of it gives me chills. Unfortunately, that spec for me is underwhelming at best right now.
Dude – This is the 3rd time that I know of you asking for the same thing…
I’m all for helping out folks but you really need to start taking the advice you were already given and learn by experience. Don’t be so timid and afraid because that is what you are starting to sound like. Get out there and kill and be killed. After a while, you will figure out how to be the thief that you want to be.
I know that this thread is going to be closed as soon as a moderator sees it but to hell with that. I came here as a diversion to take a break from the goings on in my hometown Boston. I just gotta say that like the thief class, the bad guys picked the wrong people to mess with! That punk is going to realize that once he is caught. I just hope he doesn’t decide to take the coward’s way out!
Why so emotional? My wife and I were thisclose to the bomb site and if it were not for our empty stomachs telling us to go get something to eat, my 4 year old might be an orphan right now.
Okay. Again, I apologize as I know that this is not the right place for this but some times, you just gotta say what you want to say.
I have seen your other posts and you were given some good advice already so I am not sure what more you need. Here’s a link to many builds. Take a look and go from there.
Edit: kitten Rissou beat me to it!
I never run away from a fight no matter how bad it looks. It’s just coincidence that I get the urge sometimes to turn the other way, make with the feet and try to set a new land speed record. Yeah, that’s it. But on the rare occassions when I do disengage, it is usually for the same reasons already stated.
There are a lot of people (including me) that complain that in WvW thief’s are to ‘strong’. With strong I mainly mean that the combination of very fast and invisible makes them very hard to kill, besides that they can do a lot of damage however there are things you can do against that.
But in addition there is also a bug that makes them even harder to kill for a lot of professions / builds.
The problem is that invisibility also makes thief’s invulnerable for multiple attacks.
An example is all ranges attacks that bow’s have, like Point Blank Shot and Rapid Fire. The AoE work but the normal range attack wont work. Another example is the downed skill Thunderclap.
In my example I pick Point Blank Shot and Thunderclap because I use them to interrupt people who try to finish somebody off.
There are some skills that other professions have that have similar behavior like the skill that prevents you from getting dazed or crippled and a skill that protects you from range attacks. But this is something different. The problems / bug seems to be in the fact that there is no target and the system/game can’t handle this.
The whole idea behind invisibility is that it is harder to damage them or do something against there attacks because they are invisible, but this problem now even makes them invulnerable (for some attacks) even if you use the correct skill on the correct moment or you do shoot correct at the invisible thief.
If you do know of this bug you might want to switch to melee but still it should not be the case. Most thief’s are also abuse this bug for example when they finish somebody. (not saying they are all aware of it. They will just notice that they almost never get interrupted when they finish somebody in stealth)
I did find out this bug because when a thief is finishing somebody you pretty much know where he is however the Point Blank Shot never ever works and Thunderclap also never works when a thief tried to finish me.
Personally I also think that the combination speed and invisibility makes them to good at getting away. It makes it to easy for a thief to try and back-stab and if they see it does not work (they lose the fight) they can use a combination of speed and invisibility to get out of the fight. Something that does not really seems fair as you should have the possibility to attack the person that attacks you. However adding the partially invulnerability to it really makes it to much. (for some builds / professions)
Some professions / builds will not have this problems others do. See for example rangers, they usually use ranged what becomes unusable, they have the thunderclap that becomes unusable and there pet is also unusable (that the pet is not useful for attacking a invisible thief is not a bug, but it adds up to the total). I think professions like engineer will have similar problems but a warrior will most likely do not have any extra problems because of this bug but only haves to deal with the invisibility and speed like what he is supposed to have to deal with when fighting a thief.
My 4 year old whines like this when he doesn’t get his way. At least he has a good excuse – he’s only 4 years old.
I’m glad that you are happy with this build but it is really a terrible way to use the D/P spec. It lacks imagination and knowledge of what that build is all about. Do youself a favor. Listen to Frenk and watch the link he/she suggests.
This is a tournament build not a WvW ganking build.
25 / 30 / 0 / 0 / 15 is the only viable tournament build for the thief at the moment, Frenks build is terrible for high lvl tournament play.
I did not say nor care what type of build this is for. It is the OP’s use, or lack of, that I was responding to. And if you are saying that constant spamming of HS is the only viable way for tournament play, then I will stick with WvW thank you very much.
I’m glad that you are happy with this build but it is really a terrible way to use the D/P spec. It lacks imagination and knowledge of what that build is all about. Do youself a favor. Listen to Frenk and watch the link he/she suggests.
Mine is still a work in progress but here it is so far. It is a mix of Rascal, Invader’s and Duelist. All I need is for Anet to add motorcycle mounts and I will be all set.
Hmm. I wish the OP would not have deleted his/her post. It had good info for new thieves despite the somewhat “holier than thou” tone.
As has been said before, this is nothing new. It is a very good build but “Been there, done that.”
Also, you might want to tone down the arrogance a little bit. Your advice may have started out with good intentions but in the end, came out more like a gloat. Just sayin’.
(edited by BojacDR.2104)
That’s why most games don’t allow stealth to lose aggro. The change made great sense, and thieves are still very powerful.
GW2 isn’t most games, and most games aren’t as good as GW2 or you’d be playing them instead of GW2. Please stop trying to compare apples to oranges… It’s getting old.
I think the change was fine but aggro should be aggro. If the thief has done enough damage to still maintain aggro after he pops out of stealth than sure, the mob should pick him back up. But if someone pulls ahead in aggro then the thief shouldn’t be instantly targeted when he comes out of stealth.
Agreed. This “fix” needs some tweaking. Also, I was still being attacked with ranged spells while in stealth. Even I know that is wrong.
(edited by BojacDR.2104)
It doesn’t seem to affect my D/P thief much. I purposely aggro’d a few mobs on me and then stealthed and ran. Came out of stealth and they aggro’d on me again so popped another stealth and kept on running. Lost aggro this time. They regained health but so didn’t I. That seems fair. I promptly went back and killed them.
I love thieves but I don’t understand the “Hey! You’re not suppose to hit me anymore! I stealthed! I stealthed!” mentality. Stealth is a great tool but not meant to be a one-button “Get Out of Jail Free” card.
I still have not received my items and my ticket is well over 5 days old now.
Incident: 120914-000156
I assumed the same thing as well when I deleted my character and I also submitted a ticket but that was over two weeks ago and so far, nothing. I too want what I paid for. Hopefully, they will figure out a way.