[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Daily cap has to stay and even decreased to ~5.000 all together. Every thing else is bad!
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
It does not include a new shared slot. My price would be 1655 gems if I bought the bundle.
My price would be 1655 too, but I already own “raiment of the lich”.
If I now buy the pack for 1655 gems, do I have to contact support because of the double bought outfit? Do I get gems back because of that?
Or is the package only for people that don’t already own the outfit?
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Build the Leaf of Kudzu and sell it on the TP?
That way you get your garden and you get some hundret gold for ~5h doing the hunt
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
As happy as I am about the patch, I can’t help but feel after so much hard work and labor we’ve gone through, it’s now just being handed out to everyone on a silver platter. So much gold, gems, time spent and now it’s being given out for free. Thanks though?
I don’t understand what you think is so unfair. We got a free shared slot and we got a free level 80 booster along with some minor goodies. It’s not like they’ve given all HoT purchasers a free precursor or something. The freebies are nice, but they’re hardly game-breaking.
Completely agree. But there will always be players that whine about others not having to do what they did.
This is the nature of the beast. Older mmorpgs have to do this to stay relevant.
Totally agree! Usually I criticize the game or patches a lot, but this time it’s just awesome! I don’t understand how anyone could see anything bad with this patch.
Looking around the threads since patch there is really not a single thread with shows any issue with this patch. (Well there are some elitists crying for no reason, but thats all^^)
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
No. Pay full price for these Accountwide important Items! If you don’t want to support anet or don’t have the $$ then it’s your problem only
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
It’s great if SAB is available every year for 2.5 weeks. There’s no need for it to be here all year around.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Y, this patch is by far the best thing that happend to gw2 since end of LS2 (and yes HoT release was —-- against this patch).
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
no. Anet never gave and never will give any data about this stuff.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
I don’t need to know what the change will be, just will there be a tweak to the recipe in the April patch or not? If not, I’ll start the tedious and expensive process of creating those gemstones and making my ingots, because dang but I want my pretty pistol. Same way MO gave a heads up on the fractal and wvw changes, this is a possibly imminent change that affects game play. I know there have been some Reddit and ANet forum threads asking this but I do not know if there has been a dev comment since the original “we’re looking into it” a while back.
Actually the gemstone price problem has already been solved by anet! There will be no more new legendary’s after the next and last legendary weapon (short bow). So we actually have only a limited use for the gemstones (→ They are only used for 4 legendary weapons), so after the last new weapon (introduction spike) the price for the gemstones will for sure fall.
So overall the market for the gemstones will fall or stabilize (but for sure not rise that extrem as we all expected before) and same goes for the mystic coins, they might not fall (because of legy backpack and other reasons) but at least they will stabilize and not rise much further.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Is OP kittening? The 2012 halloween skins are awfully dropping in price since ~3 month!
Ghastly grinning shield went from 3k gold to ~500g, still falling!
Chainsaw greatsword went from 5k gold to 700g, still falling!
Scythe staff went from 7k gold to only 3000g, still falling!These once rare and special items went from a great state to some cheap useless stuff for anyone.
Last thing anet should do is a rerelease! Lets hope the market stabilizes and the prices change their direction back to the old glory!
What’s so “glorious” about a skin costing 3k gold?
Well, its glorious because I have it and you shouldn’t!?
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Join karmatrain on saturday and you will have your spoon pretty fast.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Is OP kittening? The 2012 halloween skins are awfully dropping in price since ~3 month!
Ghastly grinning shield went from 3k gold to ~500g, still falling!
Chainsaw greatsword went from 5k gold to 700g, still falling!
Scythe staff went from 7k gold to only 3000g, still falling!
These once rare and special items went from a great state to some cheap useless stuff for anyone.
Last thing anet should do is a rerelease! Lets hope the market stabilizes and the prices change their direction back to the old glory!
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
I know you can gift directly from the gemstore and have a personalized message on the gift, such as the <3 on the email sent to you.
Thats exactly what happened here. Nothing special.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
The account is real – the account value can also have many sellable things such as NxEternity in storage.
We tried to tell ANET the legendary market was sown up by a few very rich individuals – you have just met one
Y… So this guy has around 1037 eternaty’s laying around on his chars. Sure…. I believe you…
Probably an API bug. From time to time the API/gw2efficieny can’t calculate the prices right. So maybe this acc just has some items the API thinks are extremly expensive?
Is the API currently, counting gemstore items? If yes maybe someone just has some more of the free gemstore items we got during 2012 gw2 release?
Maybe another arabic sheik just spent his daily allowance on gw2? (You remember? The 10.000$ gems buying sheik in early 2013?)
Or a crazy idea: Some anet dev used a dev account api key at gw2efficiency. Forgetting that he had some created expensive stuff
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
(edited by Bomber.3872)
Well I have 20 char at itzel wp for daily flax. It takes ~15 min!
So if you use TD flax farm too, it should take you all together ~45 min! (I only do the itzel farm on each char because seriously even the porting away to TD and walking to the other farm takes in my opinion way to much time for that little value)
So basically why does it take for you 4-5h??? Are you walking the whole way from itzel to TD? If yes, stop that Because that is in no way usefull (even if you grab everything on the way it is more a waste of time economically).
I guess you like gathering as an income? (So fractals, sw farming, etc. are no alternative?) If the gathering part is here the main (fun) motivation, then I would suggest the following daily rotation:
1. take one lvl80 char and put it at the wood spot in Straits of devastation (I can’t look the name up right now. I mean the first wp on the map before the last Orr map.) Login on this char and cut the 5-7 trees there, redo this every hour! Takes ~2 min every hour and gives a lot of gold.
2. put ~15 of your char at the itzel flax farm and just stay there. Takes ~10 min. each day for your 15 char.
3. Join with one of your char 10 min. early at karka queen in southsun. Walk from the bottom left wp to the bottom right wp(ori+wood). After karka queen is killed go up to the daily ori node. This gives you 10-15 orichalcum ore + ~10 antique wood + 2goldi+stuff from karka in ~15 min. each day. Just let one of your char stay on the map so you safe the porting costs.
4. Use one of your lvl80+100%map chars and port to all farms/rich nodes. I can give you all the wp later if you want them. Basically it works like: wp to the potato farm in metrica, then gendarran fields spinach farm, then brisban rich iron node, …
Important is to only visit farms and rich nodes that NEVER change their position. Doing only these will take ~1h and you gain 10-20g (depending on all the different mat values).
5. If you are bored, redo point 4 on other 100% map completion chars.
6. If you are extremely bored, you can run pretty efficient ways in some maps to get the most possible dynamic placed nodes. I can give you these runways if you want them, they are still better than your itzel -> TD run, but they are worse than just using another 100% map char on point 4. So this is only usefull for people that are to cheap to buy more character slots.
That is probably a more efficient and seriously more fun way for gathering than going itzel -> TD each day.
PS: Generally remember that you can loot every none dynamical node at least 3 times each spot by using the guesting system (needs some experience to guest one the right server to get different megaserver maps). Example: The one not dynamical ori node on southsun (in the middle where the champ karka is). Best time is shortly after karka because of all the megaserver instances. As EU english server player go up there and gather the node, relog and quest on a french full server (higher chance for different megaserver map) and gather it again. Relog a second time and guest on a full german server (again higher chance for a different map) and gather for the third time. This takes only 30seconds and you get ~10 instead of 3 ori from that node. Same works on all other none dynamical nodes. Another example are the 5-7 meantioned trees in orr, so this way you actually can do 15-21 trees each hour in just ~5min.
Edit: I forgot about the boosters. Use them on chars that don’t move much (example if you just let them stay at itzel farm). I used 2h boosters in mine. With only counting ~30seconds each day, the booster will be on for 240 days. On your gathering chars use birthday etc boosters. And whatever you do, use the guild 20% gathering boost!!!
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
(edited by Bomber.3872)
No mounts in gw2! Go play WoW if you want mounts!
NO raids in gw2! Go play wow if you want raids! Oh wait…
I agree! Thats why raids are a total fail and need to be removed as soon as possible!
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
No mounts in gw2! Go play WoW if you want mounts!
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Magic find changes which encounter table is used to roll rewards. It does not increase the chance of getting a particular item on that encounter table.
In other words, if there are two tables, one with one exotic per 1000, and one with two per 1000, magic find increase the chance that your loot roll will come from table two instead of one. This increases your overall chance of an exotic, but doesn’t actually change your roll on that table.
Champ bags aren’t included in MF because they already use a higher table than mob drops by default (in essence, they already have MF baked-in).
THANK you! It’s really unbelievable how the other people in this thread after over 3.5 years still have NO idea how magic find works….
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Exactly 2!
Me and my 2t account, at least that are all player that I can see in my homeinstance!
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Raids need a normal mode! [
Why? They’re MEANT to be difficult. You want a “normal mode raid”? Go do fractals or a dungeon.
PvP needs to count only personal mmr (so you get enemys that are as good as yourself and not only teammates)
Actually, no, if anything it should take the AVERAGE of your team’s MMR and use it. It wont ever use an individual’s rating because the fights arent 1vs1, they’re 5vs5.
and wvw needs an overhaul or at least a wvw season.
You realize they ARE working on an overhaul for wvw as well, right?
That would resolve ALL hardcore-casual problems.
No it wouldnt. The only way to resolve those problems would be to ban those who complain about the problem. No matter what anet does, there’s going to be SOMEONE who complains about it.
- You clearly don’t know how the broken matchmaking system this season works.
- I know about wvw, release expected early 2017, yay.
- raid is implemented for hardcore, no life freaks, but because gw2 hasn’t much of these kind of players anet added all endcontet there (HoT mastery points, legy armor, special items, only reliable way to get asc without spending $ or hours of gold farming, achievements, gw1 lore story, etc.). This is why anet has to add a normal mode there, it’s just insane to create all endcontent for only 0.1% of the playerbase (and that aren’t even the whales… oO)!
Currently raids are only for the 0.1% special snowflakes, that has to change!
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
PvP is totally broken this season. Real noobs can stomp up to legendary divison because they had some luck at the beginnig and so they got high mmr (meaning top player teammates and noob enemys) and on the other side top PvP player can’t get out if sapphir/Ruby because they got bad mmr early on (meaning they had some bad luck getting noobs early on and now with bad mmr they only get bad teammates but enemy’s with high mmr).
And on top of this total design flaw the matchmaking system seems to be totally broken in regards of balance.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Map difficulty is no problem at all.
Problems are a broken raid design, broken mmr pvp system and a dead wvw gamemode.
Raids need a normal mode! PvP needs to count only personal mmr (so you get enemys that are as good as yourself and not only teammates) and wvw needs an overhaul or at least a wvw season.
That would resolve ALL hardcore-casual problems.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Raids should be removed from gw2. The 0.1% that like such kitten should go back to WoW instead of destroying gw2!
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
The HoT Legendary set has 16 legy weapons. 3 of these 16 have already been released ingame. The others are expected to be released between now and around january 2099.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
I have no idea at all what you are trying to say.
Edit: ah, if op means what Blood Red Arachnid.2493 wrote: yeah that would be a nice QoL.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
(edited by Bomber.3872)
With the next quarterly update anet will “reduce” (whatever that means….) the grind for HoT and add ad infinitum legy. Maybe scribe will be changed with that update too. On the other side anet spoke about scribe somewhere in the same sentence as LS3, so maybe we get lucky and it will be introduced in early 2017 with LS3.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Can you clean up my block list while you’re at it and remove all permabanned accounts from it? I’d rather not have a million gold seller accounts just sitting in there.
You can do that by yourself. Just unblock everyone! I’m pretty sure it won’t take long after that and you will be whispered from a lot of new friends.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Yes it is a big mistake from anet to not show us an ingame text that you can’t usw two times the same ring!
Another stupid not anywhere explained issue with these: You can’t attune the former ‘magic find’ rings.
Thats total —-—- and the only reason why you can’t attune these is because anet forgot them and doesn’t read bugreports…
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
I complain since anet told us that legendary armor is bound to raids only. It still seems 99% of players still don’t even know/understand this.
It’s the worst HoT decision anet made. Anet should just remove this totally failed s——- they call raids. The whole idea is wrong and totally missplaced in gw2! Anet should go back to their gw 2 release roots and let all little raiding kids stay in WoW or some of the other kitten —-- mmos.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Now it’s working fine. No idea what the cause was.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Usually I find these kind of threads stupid, so I just want to ask if others have the same issue since yesterday or not.
I’m playing since release (+8 years gw1) and I never had any lag / ping issues. (ping usually is ~40 in gw2)
So since yesterday evening and this morning I had 1.800 ping (average) only in gw2 and ofc it is unplayable. A lot of people in my guild have the same problem since yesterday.
I’m from germany so currently it is exactly noon here and the issue startet around 5pm CET. Yesterday evening I did some traceroutes to anets servers (~9pm CET) and it seemed that there is no issue until the DE-CIX node in frankfurt. So I think it might not be my providers fault.
Basically my question is: Are here more germans / european player that have an high ping average since yesterday?
(Ofc I will still keep annoying my provider a little bit, because ofc it could be only his fault.)
Edit: my ISP is NOT german telekom. (It’s kabel Deutschland/Vodafone)
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
(edited by Bomber.3872)
Thats just wrong!
Tequatl is now easier for only ONE reason: anet nerfed tequatl massively! Same reason why TT is now eaiser, anet nerfed it!
On your stand to hard elite content: Yes it gets easier as soon as anet makes it easier so its no hardcore content anymore!
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
AH/TP – same difference to me, the mechanics may be different but the end result is the same, there is a cartel and it is wealthy enough to buy everything as it has been playing the economic mini-game whilst everyone else was playing the actual game.
I am being devils advocate here, I myself don’t believe the market is a separatable mini-game or that you are hurting any other part of the game with trading activity.
Sry, but again: the tp IS gw2. It has exactly the same importance, same value, same fun factor, same reasons to exist in gw2 as any other mode.
I find these differences really strange. It’s like saying pvp stronghold is no pvp or wvw borderlands are no wvw or HoT maps are no pve. It is totally legitimate to use the trading post with all possibilitys it gives to us to any extend each player whises.
If someone doesn’t like the tp, don’t use it! But don’t cry that you have to grind extremely much in that case, it’s your choice!
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
I support this partly! Yes chill is totally broken!
Chill should be buffed to at least a 100% skill recharge increase and a 99% reduced movement speed!
Especially on necros it should at least have 500-1000 dmg increase too! That way chill would be at least for some cases a little helpful support!
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Play SW for 100h to 1000h! I bet 10g that after 1.000h SW you will have seen every legy at least once!
I have ~600h played sw only and I saw each legy boss more than a hundert times.
(And the greatest part is, after such a time, you will have some hundret gold and at least 100.000 bandit crests!)
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
I’ve done map completion right through the masses of the meta players. I’ve even used them to my advantage, activating the chak HP in the ogre lane of TD while there was a mob there for the gerent. Would do it again, it was wonderfully efficient.
Thats one of the reasons why people should join squads For example what do you gain if you join a TD Squad?
- the squad always organizes the HP close to the lane (chak)
- only in squad people know and are willing to wait with the chak kill until the third event for YOUR achievement.
- fact is without squad the event would fail to 99%
- only squads organize map events or HP runs
Basically, everyone going on a HoT map and not joining/supporting the commanders/squads is a totally wasted and useless playerslot.
Anet wants us to organize content by ourself, but they need to start to give us tools so everyone willing can organize and succeed! (There are a lot of good ways: guild instances, player maps, kick feature, map votes, userbans, high AP requirement to join these maps, …)
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
I’m sorry i personally don’t consider playing the trading post as part of the game.
If you honestly find fun in the trading post and manipulating it, no one can stop you but honestly you may want to find another hobby.
I’m sorry i personally don’t consider playing vs player, killing some pixelmobs or wasting my life grinding raids as part of the game.
If you honestly find fun wasting hours watching a pixel move and die, no one can stop you but honestly you may want to find another hobby.
;) Gw2 and especially the trading post is an awesome economy simulation! Every other simulator out there has serious issues, mostly based on a bad AI or not really much choices for the player.
Gw2 is way better in every aspect! In gw2 you can have real fun:
- find new interesting market manipulations and try to beat your competitors
- your economy class has been boring? Here you can try everything you learned on a closely real market!
- ever wanted to be an awesome monopolist? Gw2 offers thousands of items with wich you can realize your wishes. Rise your prices and watch your loseing competitors cry!
- you want to be the biggest capitalist? Don’t care about the envoirement! Don’t care about social interactions! Create your army of slaves today which will be happy to sell you goods for buy orders that low you can’t even imagine!
- Still not sure you wanna play the greatest economy game out there called gw2? Well it’s your time now, geht your friends addicted by buying expensive markets and sell it as the only source to your friends today! (Of course with a 1000% margin)
That said, playing gw2 = playing TP = way more fun than anything else!!!
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Easy solution!
You wanna do a organized meta event? Yes? → Join Squad!
You don’t want a successfull organized meta? → gtfo of the map or join at least any other megaserver instance!
Everything else shows just arrogant and childish behavior. Best solution would be if anet would let guilds create ‘owned’ map instances where you could kick anyone not supporting the map goal.!
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Only thing is you need to pay 40s for each switch.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Sry, but that’s nothing special. Check the ecto history, between december and now there have been at least 5 (20k – 50k ectos insta sold) of this spikes (usually after weekends).
There are hundrets if possible reasons how/why this happens to ectos and no the price never took a long change (lasting longer than some minutes).
This post is not about trends. It was a one time opportunity to sell some ectos before price went back to normal.
When I saw it I bought hundreds of rare chest armors (https://www.gw2bltc.com/en/item/1829-Shamans-Rogue-Coat-of-the-Grove I hope you can see it) and salvaged them as fast as I could. I managed to sell a few hundred ectos before the price started to decrease. I still have some on the tp that I couldn’t sell in time, but it is no problem, someone will buy them when the next spike comes
I see, np with that^^ Well you should have written some more text in your initial post
Something like ‘ecto price is currently on a high spike, sell some now to get good gold’, because like you see in this thread me and some others thought you tried pointing out a trend or something ‘strange on tp’.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Sry, but that’s nothing special. Check the ecto history, between december and now there have been at least 5 (20k – 50k ectos insta sold) of this spikes (usually after weekends).
There are hundrets if possible reasons how/why this happens to ectos and no the price never took a long change (lasting longer than some minutes).
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Commander Tags, LFG, How to improve. [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Bomber.3872
There are currently more than 15 different lfg tabs. Usually even during primetime not more than 4 are used (open world, fractals usually). We have so much different tabs and still a lot pvp, wvw, story, fractal searches are in the open world tab.
I can unterstand why you might think more tabs could be helpful, but they won’t help anybody! That said, the temporary lfg search function from anet is extremely awesome and probably the best solution. Anet could and should remove all lfg tabs and remove the 5 min lfg restriction now! Because everyone can know just use the search and get exactly what he wants! Search for ‘sw event’ and you get only sw enetmaps, search ‘raid’ and you get only raids, search ‘tarir’ and you get only tarir meta maps, …
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
How the heck is this troll thread still open?
@mods, please delete or close this thread. Here is no discussion at all, only one person throwing insults against support, anet and everyone else.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Who you gonna call ?
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Yalora Istairiea.6287 – No its not market manipulation in both scenarios.
Milkshake.4038 – No its not market manipulation (mystic coins)Both scenarios are speculation.
Yep and thick leather is no problem because it’s farmable. Mystic coins on the other hand is just totally broken now.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Is a pvp sasion always 2 month + 1 month break or is it 1.5 month and 1 month break?
(Yes I know anet said it somewhere, but believe it or not, I couldn’t find that blogpost right now.)
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Berserker need asc for better dps. Play berserker and all problems you seem to see are solved.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Why don’t you benefit from guild buffs?
Really confused..
Until HoT guild buffs like bonus XP (and other buffs), reduced WP costs and wvw items (like guild ram) worked for everyone representing the guild.
Since HoT, old gw2 accounts can spend materials and money for the guildhall, but they don’t get these former common things back. (You only get a window: buy HoT for this feature.)
The core problem there is that anet removed a feature from bought gw2 (60€ accounts) 3 years later and sold it as a HoT feature again. That behavior is just wrong!
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!