Showing Posts For Carbonize.1530:

It's coming...

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


Warriors, Guards and Thieves have NEVER been meta. Ever. Never ever. Less than 0 times. It’s about time Anet realizes that some classes have been on top for far too long. Speaks volumes.

Didn’t the WTS Boston winner have a Burn Guard, D/P thief and Shoutbow warrior?

I could be mistaken

Crash in PvP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


I’ve been crashing non stop. Sometimes while just playing, sometimes when I alt+tab.

Food for thought for ArenaNet

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


I understand the desire to have your play-style supported. However, as a spectator without any vested interest in the guilds participating, it is not watchable. I’m sure for the people playing it’s fun to have a zerg vs zerg, but promoting it as watchable is ridiculous.

Do you think 5v5 arena is more watchable? Or even football? Actually both footballs or any other game/sport? If you are not invested in that particular game or game type you just don’t care and you will not watch it. It is not only gvg issue but all games share it. That’s why there is commentator and tools to give you sense of it. And this gvg doesn’t have and still have similar numbers of viewers as supported mode. And that brings a question: why?

Yes I do, the objectives make it so there is a chance for a turn around multiple times in a match through strategy. Almost all one off death matches come down to who gets the first kills, then it’s just stupid to watch further. Occasionally something magical happens, but very rarely. I’ve played all forms of pvp for roughly 20 years, large scale battle like GvG has always seemed to be more a social event than true pvp. It’s fun as a participant but the action based combat gets watered down to a lot of 1. GW2 combat is much more active than most mmos and large scale battle makes it less active with the illusion a lot is going on through copious amounts of particle effects.

Still think you should have the options to better support your preferred pvp style.

Food for thought for ArenaNet

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


I understand the desire to have your play-style supported. However, as a spectator without any vested interest in the guilds participating, it is not watchable. I’m sure for the people playing it’s fun to have a zerg vs zerg, but promoting it as watchable is ridiculous.

If the only point here is to have A-net create a tool for larger size groups to queue against each other in some way, then I definitely support that idea.

A possible solution is a custom arena with a limit of ten meet in the middle on foefire and have at it.

The amulet system/easy access to sigils and runes makes it easier to try different comps/builds out quickly without having to go use the TP for sigils, runes and gear.

Stop putting me back into the same match!

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


If you’re going into the practice game mode for anything other than mechanical practice on a class/build that is new to you, I don’t see the point. I say that because you will not get conquest practice as it is designed, due to team switching and outnumbered.

That being said, you just join what team has room and start engaging in fights you need the practice in. Why does the game score matter at all since a true 5v5 from start to finish with the same five is basically non-existent in that pvp mode.

matchmaking complaint

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


Got this 3 thief team then a 2 thief mes team afterwards. Some classes are ok to double up and others are not.


Please advertise the tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


I agree with in-game messages needing to be utilized. Forums are rarely visited by a lot of people and I know I’m guilty of skipping through the log in messages.

bring back 8vs8 hotjoins

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


I would never play it but I’m sure someone has a 8v8 custom arena going. If there really is that much of a demand for it, it should be full.

I don’t like 8v8 as a default setting though.

Congrats to the top 3 in the Dubhe's cup!!

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


Can someone linked the banned traits/skills?

“In order to ensure fairness and good competition across the board, Dubhe and Mistpeda have banned the following builds, utilities, etc:

Celestial, Clerics, Magi, Settler’s, and Soldier’s Amulets
PU Mesmers
Shadow Arts Thieves (More Than 10 Points)
Lich Form, Crate, Thieve’s Guild, and Moa"
^These were the rules on the signup site. HOWEVER, once we got in the server and ready to go, more limitations were placed on us including the no more than 2 points relocated, amulet changes, and all that other crap. So basically, it was pick a build and deal with it no matter what you fight. Very unfair considering the rules at signup mentioned none of those limitations we were told on game day. Unless I severely overlooked that part on the signup page:

Oh, I see why everyone is not impressed.

So many limitations only hurts the validity of the OP’s comments.

Fossilized Weapon Recipe

in Crafting

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


Guess I’ll just get another 425 geodes. ewww can’t say I like this.

Fossilized Weapon Recipe

in Crafting

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


So if it’s an account unlock does that mean it should unlock the recipe for weaponsmiths on my account?

Fossilized Weapon Recipe

in Crafting

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


If it’s an account unlock how come it doesn’t appear on my 500 weaponsmithing character?

Fossilized Weapon Recipe

in Crafting

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


Ok, so I think I made a mistake but just wanted to check here with the crafters. I had roughly 900 geodes and bought the recipes for the fossilized dagger and shortbow and placed them in the bank. Accidentally pulled both recipes out with my huntsman character.

I used the shortbow recipe like normal and though I had the bank tab open and double clicked the dagger recipe to put it back in the bank however I clicked it from my inventory. It was consumed… on a character without weaponsmithing.

Is this suppose to happen?

Ladders & Seasons?

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


Thanks for the feedback. This definitely hits on the rising themes we’ve seen coming from the community.

Creating a sense of progression through the different PvP types is definitely something we want. Hotjoin is not structured enough for new players, while team and solo arena are too daunting.

Open spectating of rated matches requires a lot of back-end work to make it scale to any number of viewers and support delays to prevent abuse. It is also less of a priority than leagues and seasons. Especially since we still have authorized shoutcasters and streamers.

Why the hate against WvW roamers in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


the sPvP players that say such things are obviously clueless, if they try and play wvwvw for a few hours they would be surprised with the amount of rank 80 (Dragon Stomps) that are displayed in wvwvw.

But you do recognize the wvw PU mes, SA D/P thief, GS Sword warrior play-style is easy to spot when it makes it’s way into spvp.

It’s like the guy who shows up to the party in his Griffindore quidditch outfit to what is clearly a Storm Trooper party. People just can’t allow that.

Why the hate against WvW roamers in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


The lack of experience is evident in wvw, people don’t count dodges correctly, hardly anyone fake casts abilities. It’s usually either free kills or imbalance builds where most of the damage comes from passive condis that take little effort to apply. It’s really rare to see someone that knows what they’re doing.

Most successful builds in wvw can just reset the fight which becomes a crutch as it doesn’t force you to learn to fight in someones face from start to finish and learn the details of pvp.

I’m not saying this play-style isn’t credible or fun it’s just tough sometimes for some people to transition to conquest after logging many hours playing this way.

There is also a lot less variety in roamer builds as to what you come across in spvp. In spvp you can jump from one class to the next without the need for leveling so you also get to learn all the other classes much faster on an equal ground. I think this is probably one of the biggest reasons spvpers have an advantage. When you only take 15 seconds between fights against a larger variety of builds, while playing all the different classes, you learn at an accelerated rate. You can spend minutes in wvw finding a target that is either a support class, up-leveled or a forever runner. Picking off stragglers running support builds doesn’t make you better, even if you kill 100 a day.

I pvp mainly but sometimes roam because it’s just nice to change things up. I have never met an experienced pvper that struggled in wvw roaming. I don’t even bother with food or stacks most of the time because it really isn’t needed.

Why the hate against WvW roamers in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


It can be annoying seeing people run PU (pointless), or GS warriors that use it just to run around the map for 10 minutes and not accomplish anything.

They just have this mentality that “to not die” means “winning”. Their non team oriented builds that offer no utility and zero point control are just too selfish to be respected.

I use “they” loosely because not all people that come from wvw are bad, but the bad ones are easy to spot and it’s easy to tell where their play-style came from.

It’s the scrub mentality, where people want to come into a game mode that has a preset rule-set and play their own mini-game. Then when the match is lost they act like it had nothing to do with them because they “did not die”.

Fractal weapon skins

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


Let them stay in PvE. They are nice looking but should stay where they are (as a pvper).

I would prefer more exclusives that showcase the two (or 3 if you count wvw) different areas of the game.

Why no GvG ANet?

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


I agree that people that want GvG should have it available to them. Maybe custom arena servers can serve a purpose for this if tweaked.

I disagree with it being viable as an e-sport. It is a casual play style and although people that put thought into will do better than people who don’t (obviously), it doesn’t change the fact that more people just dilutes the importance of each player( You can be hardcore about a casual thing).

Arguing about viewers is not apples to apples. GvG has viewers because everyone in their tier sees these large guilds running around and knows which to fight and which to avoid. You get your “guild” exposure to a much larger, but casual player base. It’s only natural for the casuals to hear there is a clash of two guilds they respect happening on twitch (or whatever) and come on over for a peak. However I can’t see that viewership growing much more than what it is. There isn’t a big upside because even compared to tpvp it is much harder to watch the blobiness of it all (I’ve watch a few). There are no individual plays or highlights, it’s as it is with most Group vs Group death matches. The first to land the first couple kills just keeps the snowball rolling.

Tpvp allows for individual plays, team comps, and synergistic opportunities. I know conquest isn’t for everyone and it isn’t without it’s flaws, however you need to consider more than just a “team fight at mid,” which makes it more nuanced and competitive. People always say that you just spam condi aoe on point with a couple bunkers and you win, but that’s not the case. The best team out there plays a movement based comp with 2 zerker classes for spike damage, they just out rotate the clunkier comps and do it well.

I agree both game modes should exist but believe A-net has chosen the more competitive of the two to back as an e-sport.

What went wrong with gw2 pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


I don’t agree that anything over 5 players would be a better “e-sports” solution. It’s a busy game to look at now with just 5. Another issue with it, is that the more people you add the less it is about the individual coordination and more about staying in tight blobs where the “1” key is more influential in the fight.

I wouldn’t mind a game mode that would support that size team, kind of like wow BGs so that guilds could have a game mode that better fits the size of most guilds. Definitely not an e-sport though.

Give us a prestigeous PVE armor too

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


Prestige in a videogame… LMFAO

I suggest a set that requires 100 Tequatl AND Wurm kills to craft ( ?° ?? ?°)

I don’t agree that repeating a scripted fight that isn’t hard would be something people would aspire to do for an armor set. I think it would have to be hard for the individual, not just splitting up large groups into monkey like tasks. I get the teamwork aspect, but manning turrets, or tentacle duty etc.. doesn’t come close to qualifying. Some of the SAB challenges are ten times harder for an individual player than these large encounters where people are compartmentalized into separate boring tasks.

Implementing doing the same unchanging event X amount of times would just be lazy.

Give us a prestigeous PVE armor too

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


I’m happy that pvp got something exclusive, I also wish they had more of this in the game. There is a lot of “participate and receive rewards” content out there and though there should be some of that, it seems most rewards fall into that category (Or RNG).

I do think with some of the problems that plague pvp such as 4v5s and AFKs there should be something more like “season” rewards that would include armor sets for winning X amount of games that season. It would require you to not just afk and actually play to get that reward. The good players would obviously be able to get this done in less games played but it encourages the game-play most players desire.

Regarding PvE and exclusive skins; I believe it would be great to find a way to get this done as well. Although I know they get their money from GEM purchases, there needs to be rewards that are targeted at certain types of game-play. Fractals would be my best guess but it would seem this would have to be kept to small group PvE, if we’re talking about prestige. When groups get too big it’s more about your ability to herd cats than accomplish something that requires individual skill. In large groups people get carried.

The problem with PvE is that it seems to be an accomplishment for the first few groups to accomplish, then a guide is posted on dulfy etc… and once the gimmick is exposed it tends to lose merit as an accomplishment. Where as in pvp it is and always is based on your teams overall skill in that game mode.

Even an armor for a JP meta achievement would be nice, maybe something Kid Icarus themed.

China vs. Europe, All-stars Tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


5 gold says NA wins.

Yea, NA won in man mode fashion a couple of hours ago. 3- 0.

Spirit Watch tactics

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


Nobody likes going raven, so take a traited ranger with longbow, stand on the overlook platform and just Auto Attack people trying to channel the orb.

Not exactly a team strat but it’s a funny tactic.

PvP rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


Yea, linen and other mats are harder to get than the Dragonite/Empyreal frags. I took a character to level 55 with tomes of knowledge and spvp with him just to get linen.

I’m sure not going to “farm” mats in pve.

I like the reward system now but it could be tweaked.

(edited by Carbonize.1530)

Coming back after a year to pvp what class

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


If you’re not playing in the top tier of spvp/tpvp you can play any class. There seems to be a mostly viable spec for all classes. Recently I have been playing S/D zerker ele just because it’s the class I knew the least about. You can get eaten by thieves but it’s still fun.

I love watching people go in for a res and cleave a whole team down.

ToL2 Qualifier 2 EU Live Coverage

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


These are also qualifiers. Wasn’t the last finals around 4k?

International All-Stars Vote Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


Well there would be little to no community without Blu doing what he has done as far (TOL, weekly tourneys, 2v2s, 3v3s etc…).

Is there some long line of people behind Blu ready to jump in and do what he does? So if not him, then who?

He has been the platform so far for teams to show what they can do when there wasn’t another.

International All-Stars Vote Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


I viewed the whole thing as more of an exposure opportunity than anything else. That being said, everyone on that list is helpful to the community by either streaming or making themselves available to other players.

All are good representatives of the game.

I don’t know all the players, but this was done by votes and I’m sure the people that have written “class guides” and have done more than just queue up a lot would be more likely to get voted in.

Side note: A-net, please send Blu regardless.

International All-Stars Vote Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


I gotta be honest. I have no idea who Phantaram is.

Great ele who was on Team Paradigm when they beat Car Crash at pax (although I believe he played necro). He also has a great stream that is helpful to anyone interested in playing ele.

I believe he is currently on Team Mist (TCG) but may have to be on NA all stars due to living in the US.

Great player who maintains a calm attitude and communicates well.

Fossilized bugs too rare of a drop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


Well I don’t know how rare they are, but I’ve opened maybe 10-12 locked chests and got 2 of them along with some goggles. I could just be lucky, which would be unusual for me.

Stuck at 0 KB/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


Running as administrator still does not let me save the edited file.

Carbonize, right click on the hosts file, go to properties and uncheck the box that says read only. Edit the file as listed in the guide, then save, then go back into file properties and set as read only agaain.

Read only box was already unchecked.

Stuck at 0 KB/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


Running as administrator still does not let me save the edited file.

Stuck at 0 KB/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


Tried Kalim’s solution but will not let me save the file.

The process cannot access the file because it’s being used by another process.

Right click on the notepad icon and select run as administrator.

I ran the program as administrator and used the file option in notepad to open the file.

Stuck at 0 KB/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


Tried Kalim’s solution but will not let me save the file.

The process cannot access the file because it’s being used by another process.

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


I can understand the frustration when scissors run into rock but the complaining about it doesn’t help.

To say any team, but the team that won was the “best team” is simply not true. You could argue that mechanically some teams are better than others but that is only considering one aspect of the game. Just having some of the best Solo queue players doesn’t mean the team will be great.

I agree with Hman on this, which takes a page straight from David Sirlin’s “Playing to Win.” (Any young gamer who hasn’t read this should take the time to do so)

NA Tournament of Legends - Discussion Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


I watched both EU and NA TOL and enjoyed both. I think the differences were evident to most everyone that watched. I also liked that they weren’t mirror images of each other and a very different type of team came out on top between the two tournaments.

Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to all that put forth the time and effort to make it happen.

Game lag and disconnections

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


So I think I speak for everyone and not just me that the game has had some really bad lag and connection issues these past couple of days. I know it’s not my computer because I can play every other game and browse the internet with ease. Only GW2 has had issues. What’s going on with the servers? Why has the game been so bad with connections lately?

I’ve experienced the same issue for about 2 weeks now and sent some trace route screens to anet via spvp forums. No reply or reasoning but my son and I have both been having the same skill lag and rubber banding issue going on.

I got a PvP Legendary!

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


What’s the precursor for that one? I want!

Twig and Berries

Ballerina Tutu please.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


This needs to be offered on the Gem Store.

For no other reason than I would get hours of enjoyment by putting it on my dagger thief and 2 spamming everyone like a rabid Ace Ventura (win or lose).

First, you need to have someone edit a video of a thief doing that to have a Tutu on, and Ventura’s face plastered onto the character’s face. Then share it. Then we’ll see if the hilarity of it lives up to what we’re imagining

If I were good at that sort of thing I would, I’d love to see that.

Lagging in sPvP? Report it here.

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


Here is another game. Temple.


Lagging in sPvP? Report it here.

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


Attached tracert.

I’ve been lagging pretty bad for a week now.


Ballerina Tutu please.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


This needs to be offered on the Gem Store.

For no other reason than I would get hours of enjoyment by putting it on my dagger thief and 2 spamming everyone like a rabid Ace Ventura (win or lose).

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


yeah even if op was using a ‘cheesy’ build, if someone is dumb enough to still 1v1 them and lose…

You must be new to PvP in general. If insulting your attacker was a little simpler in WvW you hear it all the time.

Still get it sometimes with party invites

If you are a bunker it doesn’t mean you’re dumb to stay. As the point holder you know while you just “die slowly” the points are ticking. You could also just be bunking and buying enough time for someone to rotate to you.

Party invites in wvw are always interesting though. However that just comes with the trolling aspect of being a “wvw roamer.” Roamers are typically people with 1v1 specs picking off up-levels or people with large group specs on their way to a tower or zerg etc… nothing really challenging in it so it is kind of troll.

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


Not enough information to tell if the term “noob” applies. Winning a 1v1 doesn’t mean a whole lot without the circumstances being explained.

When on my guardian and holding a node, if a PU Mes constantly pushes where I’m at in a 1v1 situation and eventually kills me , it doesn’t mean he was effective. If the Mesmer took 1-2 minutes to get the kill while I held the point and I’m able to run back and de-cap the node in less than 20 seconds (by virtue of the mesmer or thief utilizing invis/stealth), that could be considered noobish.

If you are trying out wvw “roaming type builds” which rely heavily on invis mechanics and mobility (to run away and reset a fight) it could be viewed as you not knowing what you’re doing in a sPvP environment.

However if you go into a match to see if your build does what you need it to and it does fulfills your needs, why would you care? Knowing you may be exhibiting “noob like” behavior as related to a sPvP match really shouldn’t bother you.

Thief Vs Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


The fact that a lot of the best mesmers in the game have to switch to other classes in tournament play says a lot.

Anet will have to make Tequatl easier

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


I’ve been lucky enough to be part of killing Tequatl a total of 4 times. I did like the challenge although I’m not a PvE player by nature. The dilemma for me is now that it is difficult to kill him I felt kind of robbed when I killed him twice between resets and received no chest.

I know when you could afk away and get rares and endless globs there was a need to make the reward once per day. Now that the difficulty has been increased I think the boss chest should appear on every kill. It’s mostly salvage for luck gear anyway but the chance for something good would keep people trying and helping others.

The content is now not new to me, but you still need to keep the people interested that know the fight.

I know there are other issues with this event such as overflow but I feel to keep this event sustainable throughout most play times there needs to be incentive for people who have the Title/Achievements etc..

The situation I find myself in now is that I will only attempt this event if I’m in an organized TS channel with a capable group of proven players. This is due to the failure rate being so high and respawn being so long.

I don’t have that much spare time to dedicate 3 hours or so a day to 1 event if I happen to fail a couple times. Not to mention you feel you need to stay logged in and in Sparkfly Fen if you are in the main group or you might not get back in if you leave to go do something else in the game.

freezes every 10min

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


I also experienced 3-4 freezes today in WvWvW. The picture freezes and the game does not respond.

The three that I remember were:

1) Killing a sentry with no other players around.
2) During a defense of anz pass with about 20-25 players on screen.
3) Running into Durios gulch with no players on screen.

I had to use task manager to close the client and restart each time.

I’m currently running 2 Geforce GTX680s (SLI), 8MB ram with my graphics set to auto-detect in game.

I’d give more detail regarding specs but am currently not at my desktop.

Hope this helps.

(edited by Carbonize.1530)