Showing Posts For Ceres.4569:

Dragonbrand leaving Tier 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


And lol, if a 2v1, aka a normal bit of wvw, and coming in 2nd for a few weeks can destroy a server then there wasn’t much to speak of. What about those t4 servers that never stood a chance when they got tossed into t3 constantly?

Right? NSP, for one, is still alive.

IoJ didn’t quite fair as well unfortunately. But DB lost quite a bit transferring back to T2 the very first week they hit T3 where as IoJ/NSP were stuck for months in T3 before IoJ’s pop started getting pilfered by FA.

Clear glicko score - allow free transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


I am not talking about a tournament, at all. I hope they dont do those again, at least not until well after the xpac. It was a terrible idea, and stacking of servers ruined wvw. It has become much more stagnant since then.

Stagnant is not a good word to use to support something. It’s the correct word but the game(gamemode) is losing players because people are bored with how stagnant WvW has become.

Ranger best class for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


Ele and Necro are far better at ranged bombing AOE with different field types that can be blasted. So not only do they provide direct damage, they can also provide lots of conditions, boon striping, and boon support. Rangers don’t provide this much party support.
There are also better single focus DPS professions but they don’t have the 1500 easymode distance the ranger provides. A decent group can retal/reflect rangers to near death as it is. Anyone claiming they are killing anyone with just rapid fire are fighting bad/uplevel players.

Dragonbrand leaving Tier 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


Now is our chance to strike! Everyone transfer to HoD and start PVEing! That will teach them!

I have an alt there. I’m already helping!

Dragonbrand leaving Tier 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


SBI/Mag never planned 2v1ing DB initially. SBI was scrambling to maintain glicko while it worked on moving some guilds. DB had the most glicko to shed. Yes, the full status sucked but DB had enough NA guilds still to enjoy fights and a SEA to keep them in T3 but someone has an ego so his dream of another push to the top was fading on a full server.

And lets be honest. Loosing LUN made your NA better.

Small man roaming looking for a new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ceres.4569


SBI has never really been known for roamers but we have quite a few smaller guilds now running regular havocs and we can always use more small man groups.
IoJ and NSP are probably two of the servers with the better roamers so if you want competition going to any server likely to face them a bunch will probably be a good place to look.
You’re always going to encounter blobs up in T1-4 just as an fyi, especially during NA. Anyone claiming their server doesn’t blob has blinders on.

(edited by Ceres.4569)

WvW Tournament Rewards Distribution Delay

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


Now I’m one to criticize when its deserved – like lack of attention to WvW in general. But this is not a reason for losing one’s mind.

1. The rewards are not being allocated properly.
2. They are investigating – meaning they are looking through the system to see where the problem lies.
3. They haven’t found it yet.
4. If they were to put out the reward vendor it will make the situation worse. You can’t put out the vendor and give out the rewards when they system is not working properly.

I work with computers. And honestly, the more I do, the more I am amazed anything relating to computer systems works as well as it does.

It’s a good thing we know how fast they were in resolving issues with those who didn’t get the crappy rewards from the first tournament. Maybe by the next one, everyone will finally have gotten the first tourney rewards and we’ll be that much closer to getting the second tourney rewards.

Please, no more Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


We’ll see a 3rd season whether people want it or not.

They should get rid of the divided up leagues so servers like HoD can actually face competition. Rewards should be based on the player’s contribution and not the server’s placement. Allow the free transfers again only up to a certain # and give a few weeks for glicko to adjust once the free week is over.

Make it so that there’s an overall meta that guarantees 200 tickets (lowest possible # you can gain currently). Then each matchup make a sub-meta where you need to complete 4/10 achievements to gain 50 tickets. 6 week tournament. Total of 500 tickets if you finish everything. To extend out the time between LS2/3, they should use 3 weeks to adjust glicko scores beforehand.

Stuck at 0 KB/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ceres.4569


I went to the vpnbook site but didn’t see where to download it, just the pdf reader. The video shows how to set up the vpn connection in Win 7 but I’m still on Vista.

Oh well, maybe the download will be done by the weekend.

Maybe I’ll be calling my cable company and pricing their service by the weekend too.

Nothing to download. Go to – make sure the port forwarding it setup on the Verizon router then add the VPN connection to your computer
Username: vpnbook
Password: qe6resTe

I personally don’t have a way to connect this computer by LAN so can’t see if that would have worked.

Stuck at 0 KB/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ceres.4569


Also using Verizon Fios in NY and couldn’t get the launcher to finish. Used the steps from Masterdarkjedi to setup a VPN and its now downloading the actual patch files.

well you can try

use PPTP (find clip on youtube about it rather using 3rd software)

Server #1:
Server #2:
Server #3: (UK VPN – optimized for fast web surfing; no p2p downloading)
Server #4: (US VPN – optimized for fast web surfing; no p2p downloading)
Username: vpnbook
Password: yaKuqad6

VPNBOOK — Free VPN — How to set up a VPN on Windows 7

if you still have problems I can help on skype: masterdarkjedi

after that you can join my guild :P

Gold Sellers Increasing Private Messages

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


Between the PvP lobby and jumping into WvW I got about 8 whispers from different names within 2 minutes all with the exact same message yesterday afternoon.

New mastery's to spend more rank points

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


Reduced structure upgrade costs

WvW and Megaservers Don't Mix

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


Keep megaservers for the open world maps, use home servers for cities.


I think the race cities are fine as is, but would be nice to have LA not be a megaserver when it gets rebuilt.

Guild Wars 2 Is Dieing

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


I thought it was already dead. that’s what the internet tells me.

Banned from inviting other servers to group?

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


If you click their name while not downed, you should see [Server Name] Invader or whatever rank they are appear in the party join/invite window. Only way to invite that I know of.

I only get block and report when I do that. I’ll experiment with it some more though, maybe it’s glitchy.

Don’t right click on the actual name in the UI. Go to your Party/Social window and their enemy name should appear where you can type in a player name. Select join (invite might error if they’re already in a party)

Banned from inviting other servers to group?

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


If you click their name while not downed, you should see [Server Name] Invader or whatever rank they are appear in the party join/invite window. Only way to invite that I know of.

Future of the WvW Meta

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


There’s a difference between natural and organic 2 v 1 that happens in a match than systematically Trading Weeks that is happening this season in Tier 1 matches between JQ, BG, and TC. If two servers decide to “allow” the other to win as well as organizing 2 v 1, then there is nothing you can do about that. 2 v 1 will always happen and should happen against the stronger server as a strategy. However, Match Manipulation should not be allowed and Anet now has a problem it needs to solve.

Match manipulation is basically happening at every tier. Because everyone knows week 5 doesn’t mean jack in any other league and that 2nd-5th place is truly decided the final week of the tournament when everyone but first is just trading off the same 6 pts every 2 weeks. No point in burning out now.

New patch killed 25 golems we just built.

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


lol. Are you still on CD? We might be able to consider ourselves lucky depending what BL that was. But we also lost some defensive golems to that patch. Not 25 but still sucked.

Tourney achiev too steep 4 hardcore casuals

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


You have to consider that if you scout, refresh siege and escort dolly you don’t get anything from this meta achiev.
So if you actually do something different from following the zerg you get no reward

If you change it up on occasion, still shouldn’t be much of an issue. Player, Guard, Sentry, Camps, and Yaks were all achievements I could add to while I was scouting Bay last night. Plus there’s that defense one but I got that finished the first night of the tourney while defending Hills on another BL. I was happy to finish my sentry achievement last night since it means I can stop being one of those players.

I’m just glad the mercenary camp achievements are gone. I don’t think I was past 5% done the little time I was in EB during s1.

Megaserver and rallying troops for wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


You guys are a bit behind. We had a dev confirm some maps last night but official forum post with about 6 more maps added since midnight last night:

We want to give you an update on our rollout of the megaserver technology. It is progressing nicely, and we have turned it on on the following maps:
- The Grove
- Heart of the Mist
- Black Citadel
- Timberline Falls
- Southsun Cove
- Rata Sum
- Straits of Devastation
- Fields of Ruin
- Brisban Wildlands
- Hoelbrak
- Iron Marches
- Blazeridge Steppes
- Dredgehaunt Cliffs

As a reminder – once we turn megaserver on for a specific map, you will not be automatically placed in the new map. You have to leave the map and enter it again. You will also not be able to join your friends until they do the same.
We are continuously monitoring the process and will continue rolling the tech out to more maps based on that. Have fun playing!

The only good thing is that Gendarren is still not turned on which is the psuedo LA hub right now.

(edited by Ceres.4569)

Transfers a few weeks before tournament?

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


It pigeonholes all ppl who care about winning in to a select group of servers, while destroying the wvw community on other servers.

Its purely meant as a cash grab. It doesnt do anything good for the community and competetion in general.

I thought people were asking for free transfers before this season?

azizul is right though, they needed a cooling off period so things like the HoD situation would have become clear.

As it is HoD has destroyed my will to fight…

Unless you’re stuck in off hour coverage that they have in spades, they’re a bag farm which should be motivation to fight.
Well, besides the fact that it seems they die so often the actual loot is rarely good.

WXP not adding up?

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


Looks right to me. I’m not even sure how only “spent” skill points being added could happen from a data standpoint.

Especially considering I have a ranger that hasn’t been in WvW in months but had around 60 ranks from being my original main. I never redistributed the wxp ranks when they reset for the season and I know I didn’t lose those 60 levels.

WXP-Let's see if I've got this right

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


What Mal said.
You spend 172 points however you want on each character.

Crossed Swords Icon in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


I think the OP might be mixing up Orange Swords (which can appear anywhere) with regular white swords (that only appear over an objective when it is contested).

There is a belief that an objective won’t appear as contested (white swords, not orange), at least for a brief period, if you just attack the gate with rams. This is why you will see a commander leading a small group of 10 or 12 people scream “RAMS ONLY! DONT ATTACK GATE!”

I’d like clarification on this too.

There is a delay for the white contested swords of somewhere around 30 sec upon first hitting a gate or wall. That’s why its important to scout since a group of omegas will be on inner before you even notice its contested.

(edited by Ceres.4569)

WvW Tourney Matchups--how does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


Expect the JQ and SoS constantly swap places as long as TC finishes 2nd. TC/JQ can at best finish 3rd or 5th in the 7 week tournament. Due to TC/JQ having 4 tier 1 match-ups and SoS winning 4 tier 2 match-ups. A 6 server league is not the best format for a swiss tournament, but the 9 server leagues will be more interesting.

Yeah, that’s what I was afraid of….. so there is a high chance that SoS will be 2nd overall despite them not actually being better than TC/JQ.

Very unfair tournament…..and I don’t like it one bit. Coming in 3rd to BG & JQ, that’s fine, but coming in 5th behind other servers who get placed higher because they have easier matches….just not right.

Gold league is hardly only one affected by this. There’s a good chance that IoJ will beat out SBI for 3rd place because they finished last the first week rather than 2nd. System actually benefits that match’s last place team more than 2nd place team simply due to it being a 10 week tournament.
Sadly looks like I need to actually root for YB against IoJ.

(edited by Ceres.4569)

How to make EoTM matches competitive

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


I go to EotM for some quick leveling in the karma trains so I’m not running an uplevel in WvW. Otherwise, it’s an awful place.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


without our celebrity EU commander that left the game recently

Oh no who left?! The only one that springs to mind as “celebrity” is mouse click boom.

I’m NA, but due to a weird schedule I’ve been playing EU/SEA times lately, and [GLOB] has been absolutely rockin’ out non-primetime coverage.

You mean fighting close to 0 people? Those doors must be hard for glob.

No, IoJ and SBI have been putting up really impressive zergs during those times. It’s not GLOB itself, there is a particular commander that is organzing the PvErs and WvW PUGs into a fighting force. The action has been very hot during early morning NA times.

Like I’ve said many time, IoJ and SBI are really brining it arond the clock, and I think any other servers are going to have a wakeup call when they face these guys. Are you on HoD?

Heavens no lol.
Why would I wanna be on that server?
I’m on tc the best server in na
I just like reading forums

lol. Decided to bandwagon after BP’s fall?


in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


Sorry, you appear to be missing 1 stack of bloodlust. Accomplishment invalidated.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


Yes sorry, after week 2 total scores I think will take affect not placement each week. Issue being that swiss style is meant for head to head games where there is a true winner and loser. In this case, after week 2 its going to be the same 2 matches for each tier for 6 weeks. And outside of major upsets/double teaming, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be determined by wk 3 matchups.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


Unless I’m really misunderstanding it, your matchups will be as follows (based on current scoring)

Week 2:
Week 1 Tier 3/4/5 winners: FA, YB, HoD
2nd place: SBI, BP, NSP
3rd place: IoJ, SoR, CD

(and guessing those outcomes of Wk 2 matches)
Week 3:
Winners: FA, SBI, IoJ
2nd place: HoD, NSP, CD
3rd place: YB, BP, SoR

So matchups won’t really change much beside tier mainly because of my guesstimates of the fallout of SoR and BP losing a lot.

Lock a server THEN announce Season 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


They should have at least locked down transfers immediately after announcing server price increases for certain ranks until the price change. Basically it was just giving anyone who planned to stack advance notice to do it before it became 2400 gems. I also think rather than change the prices the last week before s2 they should have done it 3-4 weeks in advance so servers that got the influx at least had a little time to work together/recruit. But that’s cutting out a lot of gem sales for a long period of time. People say SBI was the bandwagon for season 2 but a ton of the guilds that transferred were well before the tournament rules were set in place and HoD’s fallout will likely be far worse if they don’t do well against FA next week.

how to report cheaters properly ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569

Ceres.4569 – good luck in anything actually being done about it.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


It’s unfortunate that a T2 server has to drop down to silver league because of silly glicko but there is a silver lining to this.

The last season, there was no EotM and the matchups were predetermined. This time we have EotM and the swiss style means that the strong servers will fight each other regularly. So FA will probably be fighting HoD quite a bit, which should provide more than enough fights for your guilds (HoD queuing 4 maps now apparently).

Silly glicko? There’s 4 T2 servers so yes, one of them gets stuck being the oddman out. Doesn’t matter what ranking or matchmaking system they had in place.

Lower Tiers, how are the transfers?

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


96 player queue on HoD? T2 will eagerly wait to make their acquaintance in the post-season. you have almost 3 months to make sure you bring clean underwear LOL

Its misleading as there appears to be no more than 10 people on their BL while the queue is that high. Or that many people on whatever the other BL was that I went to. But that was my very limited experience so maybe just an issue with 9pm EST on a Sunday.

Instant Trait Resets

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


“Instant Trait Resets can no longer be found in Black Lion Chests.”

That’s the grand total of the patch notes, and this obviously, absolutely had to be done at 2300GMT on WvW reset night.

Imagine if you bought a key this weekend and got what amounts to be a useless item from a chest…

raises hand Not to mention all the wasted glory boosters I have.

No Talks of SoS.....

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


You guys seem so sure FA is gonna be in gold. I am on DB and don’t really want to be in gold so it will probably happen. It all depends on the next match. If we get matched up with sbi and sor for a 4th week in a row im gonna claw my eyes out with a rusty fork.

Because it would cause you to be in gold or because its a boring matchup?

world transfer sale question!

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


Might correlate with the BLTC releases which are midnight server time.

Which FREE server has good oceanic coverage?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ceres.4569


Free Bronze league server with Oceanic coverage?!?!?!?! Are we seriously not gonna put Eredon Terrace on the list?

Looks like a perfect fit for anyone looking to karma train and not much else.
But lets not worry about balancing.

Please make NA 4 leagues for WvW tournament !

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


T3 is not what you need to worry about except the server that sits atop it. A T5 server that gets a few active guild transfers is likely guaranteed 2nd place behind FA or DB.

Pricing good step, but not perfect because..

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


Really? What doesn’t FA and other servers that recieved transfer have it coming?

And, just think, BP is about to get hit with the transfer bug, just like the rest of us. It must be great to be in t5.

Basically servers that do well because of transfers, implode when the grass gets greener elsewhere… in other words… Live by the sword and die by the sword. I don’t have any malice to tranfering players, servers that get transfers, etc. Just stating an observation.

FA was already strong prior to the league announcement. SBI’s strong finish was a product of transfers looking for better rewards. BP players didn’t get any help last league and probably won’t this league either. The server does well despite the lack of transient players. Keep in mind I have no server allegiance as I have bounced around on a half dozen servers since GW2 Beta.

Most of SBI’s initial transfers were before the gold/silver/bronze leagues were officially announced and they were going to look forward to being a low man on the totem pole in the 12 server gold league.

And now they’re pretty much in the exact same spot with fewer players overall in silver league. Maybe someone in the 13-15 ranks can get some silver league stacking to combat FA when they tank into silver league again.

Pricing good step, but not perfect because..

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


This is seriously messed up. Are the transfer costs going to be back to normal after the tournament?

Anet throwing a kink into BG’s plan?

What happened to SoR?

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


SoR might be far from dead, but they are gonna struggle so stay in t3, like SBI will. We lost a lot too.

Eh. DB is the odd man out in t3 more so than SoR or SBI. Until another of the top 7 server implodes, there’s always going to be a t3 lopsided match regardless if SBI, SoR, IoJ, BP, or YB end up in t3 since the server in that 7 spot is always going to have better coverage.

Week 7 - FA/SBI/DB [Wagon burning 2.0]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ceres.4569


SBI won’t be able to overcome with FA’s nighttime coverage. Their guild Dragbonbrand just loves our keeps.

Fee Required to Claim Forts!

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


Why not just make it so that you can only claim if your guild has an active Art of War WvW buff running? Claim auto removes once all buffs are gone.
Doesn’t add another money sink to WvW and prevents those without buffs from claiming.

The NA Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ceres.4569


T1 is kind of odd. It seems like whenever they face each other, its a really close matchup. But take 1 of them out of the mix, suddenly there’s a large disparity in the score between the two T1s left. Its almost like they all have coverage somewhere that prevents any single server from dominating that is lost the moment another server comes in.
Although with that said, last week was a huge loss compared to previous times I’ve noticed this.

10/25 SBI-EB-NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ceres.4569


The teabaggers generally disappear the moment the fighting gets tough. Its honestly a horrible week for us to have coming off a matchup against FA since our borderlands defense goes right down the tube and all the fairweathers show up in force to karma train. I used this week to do my wvw Jump Puzzles personally and otherwise have been running dungeons.

But you guys can really look forward to the emote spamming when you face FA and their Poo Poo Time guild. Just turn off emotes or make a second chat tab for WvW without emotes.

The NA Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ceres.4569


And SBI would have beaten FA last week if they hadn’t of lost all those guilds during free transfers a year ago. Its a pointless point of view.

18/10 SBI - FA - DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ceres.4569


Ah good ol’ FA, roflstomping yet another bandwagon server.

Didn’t CORE join you guys to join a top tier silver league server?

Bandwagon indeed.

You’re right, one medium sized guild joining a server makes it a bandwagon…
Whatever floats your boat, mate.

Good match all around, guys. My fav moment so far would have to be holding Briar at sbi bl last night. So many bagsssss

One medium sized guild doesn’t make up the numbers you guys have this week. So everyone else no showed against Mag and us two weeks ago and you claim you didn’t tank? Riiiiight.

18/10 SBI - FA - DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ceres.4569


Stay classy FA, nice to see this is how you react when you kill one person

there was a FA group spamming sit on SBI BL too. I don’t even think they killed anything.

er.. wait. just noticed that is SBI BL. yeah, that group was just running around emote spamming

18/10 SBI - FA - DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ceres.4569


So I said I was going to not post here for a while but this made me.

To the Dragonbrand Scout [WAR] guardian I fought outside/inside DB hills for around 5 minutes, I was going to try to add you to my party to say good fight. But then you went and laughed and threw siege on top of my body. So here goes.

Congratukitteninglations! You killed a glass cannon thief with a Healway guardian running GS and Sword/focus! It only took you the entire 5 minutes and I wasn’t even using D/P to escape into stealth. Frankly, I am embarrassed. My main is a guardian. The fact that it took you that long considering I was being painfully obvious I was going for the Backstab is ridiculous. Like seriously. I’ve killed thieves with that build in under a minute if they don’t go into stealth. I was so fricken glassy that one spin to win would have killed me if you had used your pull, which was on me for half the fight! Here’s a tip! If the 5 skill isn’t in cooldown, it means it hit, even when I am in stealth! So that’s your sign to drop Symbol of Wrath, hit 5, and then hit 2 to grind me to dust. Finish me off with a 3 on the Gs and a 3 on the Sword and the laugh and siege drop would have been acceptable.

This has been your friendly PSA on how to fight glass cannon thieves with a healway guardian! Thank you for your time.

So to sum this all up, you’re telling us you got beat by a terrible player. Got it.

Meh. Yeah. The siege got to me. I mean, it wasn’t even a good one. I try to use a flame ram finisher or better. Not some ballista.

Obviously a cheapskate.