Showing Posts For Cosine.7841:

Appropriate Pairing

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


What if you scaled the matchmaking/deviation rating by a % based on the # of games played?

e.g., % scaling = 100-100/(1+x/10), where x is number of games played.

With this example, your scaled MMR would start at 0 and be at 23% after 3 games, 50% after 10, 75% after 30, 90% after 90. This formula is just an example, and anything with a similar curve would suffice.

This way someone with 5 games played and 1500 MMR would likely not be matched against someone with 500 games played and 1500 MMR.

The unlocks are a BAD idea

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


I don’t mind unlocks as long as those only exist for the sake of tutorial purposes. That means that, an experienced player should very easily be able to unlock everything and very early in the game.

About new players, their lack of skills means that the playfield will never be even. So unlock works better for them, because it allows them to slowly experiment or memorize each effect as they unlock it.

To emphasis my point, I’ve even present it in different words:

Yes to guide new players.
(Absolutely) No as a main form of pvp progression.

This is the best response imo. I’m fine with it if it’s used as tutorial (we desperately need better tutorial for new players), but it should be short enough to finish in a few hours at most.

2400 ex WoW player - come talk Gw2 PvP!

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


Realm doesn’t matter that much for SPvP because of guesting, but I believe most of the serious PvP’rs are on Jade Quarry now (for NA).

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Cosine.7841


1. Game modes
2. Rewards/Progression
3. Depth of play (risk/reward ratios)

New Reward System...when...?

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


Our goal is to get the base core reward updates out by the end of this year, but it’s going to come right down to the wire for testing, engineering and localization so we can’t promise, that’s just our target..

Thanks for this. I appreciate you sharing a general timeframe with us, even if you end up falling short of your target.

Anet, Why is Leaderboard Decay Too SLOW?

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


Azshene played 1 game since Solo Q release and hes #1 and your telling us you increased decay LOL COME ON

Actually, the last time Azshene played was on the 3rd of October. You can view the last time a field changed on the leaderboard. Just hover over it and a tooltip will pop up.

It frustrates us as well when we see people that don’t play often at the top of the list. We’re definitely agree that needs to change, so now is a really good time to keep those ideas coming.

Just use bonus pool like SC2. It encourages people to play weekly to get that the bonus points on top of rating.

sPvP - how to increase player base

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


People have been asking for this since beta. It doesn’t seem that hard to implement, so I’m guessing they have some reason they just don’t want to implement them in this game (even the new modes that have been leaked to be in progress are not ranked arena).

Broken rotation

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


15 tpvp matches today – 14 ON SKYHAMMER, WHAT THE HELL? WHY? Worst map ever, all day.

Odds of this occurring randomly: 0.16 in 1 billion.

Skyhammer, Skyhammer and... Skyhammer?

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


You were a little unlucky (about 1 in 2500).

Chances of getting skhyammer in soloQ X # of times out of 8 games:
X P(X)
0 23.2568%
1 37.2109%
2 26.0476%
3 10.4190%
4 2.6048%
5 0.4168%
6 0.0417%
7 0.0024%
8 0.0001%

The Salvaging Patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


At this point I dont even care anymore as long as I can play something that doesn’t spam conditions or clutter up the screen

Warrior? Guardian? Power engi?

He forgot passive traits/abilities in his list.

Makes sense. In that case, I could suggest many unviable builds with which he could flounder around.

The Salvaging Patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


At this point I dont even care anymore as long as I can play something that doesn’t spam conditions or clutter up the screen

Warrior? Guardian? Power engi?

Is Joining "Glory Farm" Servers Bannable?

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


I’m wondering since everybody is saying they get 10k/hour and since nobody brought this up but did you know that in a single game you can only get a maximum of 300 RANK POINTS. .

Yes, but once you leave and rejoin a match, the 300 point max is reset.

Did ANet ever comment on cast bars?

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


Edit: Anything about asura body size being scaled?

They plan adding a minimum size to asuras.

Is Joining "Glory Farm" Servers Bannable?

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


I hope so (if not account ban, at least a Mists ban).

Well, not for just joining, but for extended participating, you have to no that it is not intentional and that you are abusing game mechanics.

PvE players farm r50 in 2 weeks, disgusting

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


Hindering it going forward is fine, but any gains from this method needs to be retroactively removed (and possibly punishment given out—obviously an exploit).

One you could do is check total rank points earned against number of games played (finished). If it is more than 300 or so per game (whatever the cap is), something is wrong. This would only work for exploiting after the /gameend was addressed.

Leaderboards and matchmaking review

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


Regarding #1, I still think SC2 has the best ladder system (with leagues and bonus pool). The bonus pool promotes playing the game, and the league system gives lower-ranked players something to achieve (e.g., from bronze to silver).

Should we expect a new feature in October?

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


We’ve had a bit of a lull (comparatively) in SPvP updates (new features highlighted in releases). Do you think we’ll get something new in mid/late October? What is your top wish for October content?

Past releases with respect to SPvP:
2013-10-29 ??
2013-10-15 Balance Patch; ?
2013-10-01 N/A
2013-09-17 N/A
2013-09-03 N/A
2013-08-20 N/A
2013-08-06 Solo Queue; Perm. Finishers
2013-07-23 N/A
2013-07-09 MAP:Skyhammer;
2013-06-25 Custom Arena Release; ‘Balance’ Patch
2013-06-11 Leaderboard Decay; Authorized shoutcasters
2013-05-28 Custom Arena Time Tokens
2013-05-14 N/A
2013-04-30 Custom Arena Beta/Spectator Mode
2013-04-01 N/A
2013-03-26 Leaderboards
2013-02-26 MAP:Spirit Watch; Rated Team Queue
2013-01-28 Laurels for daily (brought in some PVE players for easy laurel); drop from 8-team to 2-team ‘tournament’
2013-12-14 N/A
2013-11-15 MAP:Temple of the Silent storm
2013-10-22 Paid Tournaments

Pvp in a nutshell

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841



I think I heard it in one of the SotG’s.

(and I would assume it’s only because of the ease of the daily laurel)

What am I missing?

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


They really should rethink the rally system (range, # of players, dmg on target requirement) or scrap it all together. It’s not very intuitive, and leads to huge swings in team fights after the first stomp.

GW2PVPTV Introduces: State of the Mist

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


This was supposed to happen today.

They could’ve meant Saturday, September 21, 2019. Need more patience.

Gamemode: Asura Ball.

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


You could kinda do this in custom arenas (up to 5v5). But wvw has much better soccer fields than the spvp maps.

Where do I belong in SPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


Does it count as a tournament for achievement purposes? If not that’s fine, but if so then I’ll definitely be doing them from now on


You like the new content for WvWvW? Yes-No

in WvW

Posted by: Cosine.7841


I’m enjoying the new areas and the bloodlust mechanic (all aspects).

Some of my problems with Guild Wars

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


@Nevir, I would agree that the lag issue is indirectly exacerbating the matchmaking issue, but matchmaking has had an issue since day 1.

I would much prefer if they split up team members in solo Q so both teams had close to same average rating (rather than the top 5 against the next top 5, which might be 10-20% lower than you). People should be moving in rating because they have enough of an impact to help their team win an even match, not for playing just good enough to not blow it for your team that is heavily favored to win.

Also, in the case of 4v5’s, the 4-man team should not be penalized. The 1 leaver/afk should take the cumulative rating loss of the entire team, with the 4 people actually playing the game having no change in rating—unless they somehow manage to win.

Why more than 5v5 wont work

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


I agree with flamfloz. One for one!. One stomp rezzing 3-5 people makes no sense at all.

Really, I would almost prefer it if stomps gave no rally at all (except maybe if the downed player was the person to get last hit finishing another down player—for 1v1 situations).

Question about state of sPvP and class tiers

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841

Cosine.7841 should help you some


in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


I think the current method of control point capture is fine.

survey: assault and defend mode?

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


I think i’d rather them focus resources on KOTH and TDM (with objectives) first. Not that I would not enjoy the mode, but I would put it as lower priority.

pvp hot join is down

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


Probably for patch. Hopefully full of bugfixes.

Interviews with Top PvP Players

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


You could get CMC for elementalist. He’s been doing very well with elementalist in the meta.

Bunker-CC War. Possible or not

in Warrior

Posted by: Cosine.7841


I use this build to bunker:;9;6JTJ;408-48A59-Cw01U;1TsW6TsW63NZ

Stomp requires quite a bit of setup to land successfully on better players (with its very obvious telegraph). It will be hurt a little bit when they allow stunbreak to break launch/blowout.

diminishing returns for unbalanced builds

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


@OP, I would prefer pretty much the opposite. For each additional skill of same type used, you get -10% cooldown; but then get rid of traits that are -20% cooldown on certain types (eg, lung capacity). Then you could get more trait diversity on builds that specialize in a certain ability type.

Why people still playing PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


I like playing it because it’s like an MMO version of TF2.

Pick what class you feel like playing at the time time, jump into a few games and have fun killing people (would prefer it to be king of the hill instead of 3-node capture though). Good fun for an hour here or there.

sPvP Class Tier List: - Updated 6/30

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841



So, Asura Size

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


Sharp has already confirmed in state of game that asuras will have a minimum size in the near future (guessing one of the October patches).

Open Alpha, Dishonor Math, Leaderboard Rtngs

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


“Right direction” and “upcoming future” are about as vague and meaningless as one can imagine. The OP, and those of us suffering this pain and frustration, those who continue to endure the pain involved in playing PvP, deserve a bit better than that.

I agree with vague, but I wouldn’t say Powerr’s response is meaningless. I would infer from his response that what they are currently working on will address one or more of OP’s complaints.
I would also agree that it would’ve been more helpful if Powerr (assuming he was allowed to convey such information) could’ve outlined which of OP’s issues would be addressed from what Anet is working on (even if no better time frame could be given).

Open Alpha, Dishonor Math, Leaderboard Rtngs

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


And to me, above all else, this is what is the most frustrating thing about Anet.

Adding faster leaderboard decay and a higher games played requirement would fix so many issues with leaderboards

1- We know it would have a huge impact on adding to the value of leaderboards
2- it would be super duper easy, an intern could do it

Yet….it doesn’t get done…

Using a bonus pool system would give both leaderboard decay and higher games played requirement simultaneously. They could have started season with 10 win requirement a month ago and be up to 30 wins of bonus pool by now (so most ppl would high on leaderboards would have ~45-50 games played).

Leaderboard Suggestion: Use Bonus Pool

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


Quick overview for those not familiar:
With the SC2 system, you gain and lose points for each win based on your rating vs opponents’ rating (similar to ELO style), but you get bonus pool points every day that will double your points received from winning (until the bonus pool is depleted). I think in SC2, the bonus pool is setup such that you only need to win a game every couple of days or so to take full advantage of the pool.
So in SC2, you have your ladder points (affected by win/loss/rating & bonus pool) and your hidden rating (affected only by win/loss/rating).

This would fix a couple of glaring issues with current system:
1. This would take care of decay. Decay would not be required as players that quit playing will be left behind by the people actually playing the game.
2. Players would feel like they are making progress. Their points for the season would continue to go up (from the bonus pool), even if they are not getting any better (win/loss hovering about 50% vs evenly matched teams).

This would not fix the matchmaking system though. That would still need to be addressed separately.

returning player, how is solo q?

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


I’ve played both bunker engi and bunker warrior on soloQ with success.

20 recent soloq matches. 16 AFK/leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841



I know this is an issues outside of this weekend, but likely a lot worse this weekend.

Woot, finally got 100,000 glory.

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


Ostrich, your attachment had teamspeak connection info in chat box. FYI

Friendly Fire

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


Retaliation/confusion/reflection is supposed to deal with AoE
but I guess it doesn’t really work when the Aoe is

That’s an idea. Make retaliation/confusion work on conditions (maybe add internal cd of 1 second per player affected by your conditions though).

Required matches for leaderboard

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


Why not use bonus pool (a la SC2) instead of decay?

A serious post on the meta

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


Fix #1-3. #4 & 5 are fine. /signed by engi/warrior player

But seriously,
#4. I would look at the ‘unsuspecting foe’ trait. That’s what really boosts their dmg during the stun. I think the mace/shield stuns are fine in a defensive or utility build, but they shouldn’t be able to pair all that damage with that long of a stun on so short a cooldown.
#5. I would at least partially revert the previous elixir r nerf. Let the elixir R be instant cast again, but not break stuns (U & S already break stun). Let elixir R also cure immobilize, chill, and cripple (this would fit with the theme of endurance refill and trying to kite/evade attackers). Nerf Toss Elixir R to not be able to heal a downed player past ~95% hp. Then engineers would not be able to resurrect themselves solo, but could still assist in getting downed players up in team fights.

People just want a fair match in SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


Matchmaking seems to work okay if you are already rated high. I had 6 matches in a row where all the players on both teams were top 200 leaderboards.

5 dishonor is too much

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


No rating loss for a 4v5 is a novel idea but would however be too easy of a system to abuse.

What if the leaver incurred the entire rating loss of all 5 members of the team? The 4 that stayed and played would not lose any rating if they lose. If somehow the 4man team wins, they would split the leaver’s rating gain among themselves.

5 dishonor is too much

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


So let me get this straight. Its not enough soloque suffers from a long list of issues already, we gotta give in to afkers and leavers now?

No thanks.

Now is the moment to punish more those types of players so there is one less issue to deal with already.

I think OP is in agreement with you. Setting it to 3 instead of 5 would get you banned faster.

Loading screen time after death (respawn)

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


16 seconds for me (on Foefire). Kyhlo was < 1 second.

Maybe it has to do with distance from respawn (Foefire is a larger map). Kinda like how you can waypoint in Lion’s Arch to a close waypoint without load time, but if you waypoint further away you’ll have to wait for load time. I guess I could die in my base on Foefire to test.

What the *** is wrong with pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


/agree with Celebratty

Solo Queue: 4on5 Or Worse

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


Check patch notes. There is dishonorable debuff. Suspended from rated matches if you get 5 stacks (lasts up to 72 hrs).