Shield Offhand and Smoke Vent are excellent counters to Thief.
If they have the drop on you, Smoke vent their next few attacks while prepping Static Shield or Toolkit Shield.
If they don’t, wait a few seconds then Static Shield, and promptly start to destroy them.
If they drop a shadow refuge early enough, dive in there and Magnetic Shield them back out, then proceed to kitten on them till they run away.
Overall, try to tag them with confusion, poison and/or burning as an engineer to kill them, and Blinds/Immobilize to survive.
Sure you can.
If you also take the new Sitting duck, whenever you connect with Net shot, there’s 5 seconds of vulnerability, 8 seconds of immobilize and 5 seconds of cripple for EACH net shot.
If you add in Incendiary Powder to the mix, and continue firing with Hip shot or blunderbuss, you will add on bleeding and 40% uptime burning.
If you Go for the Eyes, add Blind to the mix, etc etc.
TL;DR: just shoot them.
Right, I actually forgot to type up the awesome benefits of both Napalm and Flame Jet, actually.
10 Seconds of fire field on an Engineer is excellent, too! If we stand on it and start activating our huge assortment of blast and projectile finishers, we can use the field both offensively and defensively, by stacking might and/or adding projectile burns to our target.
Depending on my build, I personally use it to supplement the might stacks, or to hit players that can’t move. (murder downed players in wvw, in conjunction with Acid bomb as well)
that said, I still hope that its width was increased a bit more, or pulsed even slightly more than 1 second of burning per tick.
Flame jet: with an attack rate of 4 hits a second, you’re likely to trigger any on-crit effects (we have lots) we have. Highly effective if we’re stacking those.
As it stands, you need quite a lot of trait points to make the Flame Jet viable, and Napalm’s area of effect is quite small. I’ve seen enemies in PvE and PvP walk through it without taking their second of burning.
Napalm’s area of effect is small, but it’s a 10-second long Fire field. AFAIK, that’s tied for the longest one in the game with an unbuffed Hallowed Ground. Master of Consecrations makes it last 12 seconds, but it also has more than double (if not triple) the cooldown. And a weapon skill? Versus a utility slot?
I feel sometimes Engineers don’t realize how good we have it. A 10 second Fire field on a reasonable cooldown … With a Hammer Guardian in your group, that’s a lot of Might.
I very rarely use it for its Burning damage.
I mostly like it for everything except Flame jet, but I agree that there’s definitely some problems with it.
Flame Blast/Detonate:
VERY nice burst damage on a ridiculously low cooldown. Granted, it’s slow-moving, and the burst part might not connect due to terrain shenanigans, but it’s still quite powerful.
Air Blast:
Underrated favorite. On a medium cooldown, you’ve got a nearly instant-cast AoE knockback and Projectile reflect.
Smoke Field:
Instant-cast AoE Blind. Great for stomping/covering other conditions.
I personally think that Flame Jet and Napalm still need some work.
As it stands, you need quite a lot of trait points to make the Flame Jet viable, and Napalm’s area of effect is quite small. I’ve seen enemies in PvE and PvP walk through it without taking their second of burning.
Builder’s League United
Reliable Excavation Demolition
Now, I’m with all of you. The new patch put a bunch of tiny random effects into our kit refinement, and the global cooldown made it much less appealing.
At the very least, we’re going to have to work around the current changes until the next patch hits, because we won’t get a hotfix for anything they break.
Again, I’ve been toying around with some ways to get around kit refinement, and there seems to be some new synergies among the kits, as well as some cross-class.;TkAgyCnoWyUkoI7SulkLNUA
I initially designed this one to be more of a skirmisher build, with plenty of engage/disengage/snares, but it does seem to do quite well in melee range, with many burst damage and DOT options.
Now, I miss the second Super Elixir too, but Glue trail makes the elixir gun a deadlier power weapon. Swapping to EG and doing a point-blank acid bomb will make your enemies eat nearly the full duration of the acid bomb, or you can attempt to control an area for about 3 seconds. Alternatively, if you combine it with Sitting duck instead of hair-trigger, then you’ve got an extra 5 stacks of vulnerability to add.
The healing turret is traited, as it gives a decently free knockback/launch, useful for knocking people into a mine, off a point, or into places they don’t want to go.
Has anyone else done any experiments with the other kits?
I would personally break up all the weapon skills from 2-5, then clear skills 2-5, and make them utility skills as well.
Skills placed on 6-9 will still have their toolbar skills, but anything placed from 2-5 will not.
This might be overpowered, but it enables a customization akin to GW1.
Actually… I just got to some testing and theorycrafting and…
New KR made Elixir gun super-offensive.
There’s .5 second delay, and another .5 if you want to swap to the kit you just left.
Not to mention the fact we’re kind of hosed during confusion (take two hits for trying to clean it via medkit or Elixir Gun), makes it even more annoying.
Very nice fight at Stonemist this morning.
IoJ: You helped DH with that flanking on us, defending the north inner gate with the arrow carts. DH had the north outer entrance, and had siege in the northwest tunnel, blocking us from flanking them on lord’s room. When you blocked our entry entirely, and split yourself to do it, is when they found their chance to kill you.
Good job on moving to DHBL in the last 30 minutes of the fight, though. We were pressuring their EB keep at the same time. That they stopped both was impressive.
AR had outmanned buff for the last hour of the fight.
Don’t take the North arrow cart attack personally, the fight was starting to turn into a stalemate, and I think we (IoJ) misunderstood the dynamics of that fight. It was a really long and fierce battle, and our commander was trying everything to break it in our favour. It really was quite unfortunate that both IoJ and AR ran out of steam at nearly the same time, ending the fight there.
Also sorry for that accidental AR wipe when we went for the north tunnel. Apparently our servers had the same idea at the same time, and you just happened to get caught in the middle when we committed to that attack. Because of the lag, culling and CPU issues, we only noticed a lot of dead AR when the dust settled.
No, these are the new numbers, the base healing has increased, as well as the coefficient on the impact heal. The numbers were 380 with .2 coefficient on impact, and 140 base + .1 coefficient for each pulse.
Impact heal is 40 health for every 100 healing power, pulse is 1:1 total, 1/10th per tick, according to some quick testing in HotM. PvE number could differ, but shouldn’t.
Impact: 700+(.4*healing power)
Pulse: 2040+(1*healing power)
Pulse tick: 204+(.1*healing power)Those numbers look like one before the Feb 26 patch.
Super Elixir: Increased impact base healing as well as scaling with healing power by 100%. Increased base heal multiplier by 50% and healing power scaling by 100%.
Well, after some extended tests in the Heart of the Mists, it stopped working normally (IE crushing bots)… and I didn’t quite get the buff on each combination of kit swap… both in combat and out, so.. hopefully it’s not just bugged.
Just wondering, but what’s the internal cooldown of this, and how does it interact with our kit swapping?
I can’t really get any reproducible results anywhere…
That… kind of bites a lot more then, but frees up options. They seriously have double internal cooldowns? (Triple, in the case of KR)
Here’s a build that is meant to sow chaos and reap destruction, and for all intents and purposes, has no sense of self-preservation, and is perfectly content with burning up upon re-entry.
this is mostly theorycraft, but..
The goal is to air-drop/ ambush the siege at the gates, as well as a decently large group of people under your walls in a tight area. Upon dropping, you will take a minimal amount of damage, and launch a grenade barrage from the falling damage. Do it again with your kitswap, and repeat with your toolbelt.
Your target(s) may not have liked that at all, and depending on the amount of force applied, you should be in your Elixir S form, or near it.
If you can, stomp any downed. If not, drop bombs/grenades while tiny. and cause more mayhem. If you haven’t gotten away yet, you’ll probably be in mist form due to the vampiric runes. Drop your second healing turret. Attempt to throw an Elixir R and/or run for it.
An alternative to your opening is to drop your Supply crate for knockback, damage, and bandages before jumping in.
Is there a trait spread that would work better than what I have provided? Thoughts?
I have tried 20/0/20/10/20, but both grenadier and auto-smoke dispenser seem too good to pass up.
Watch as you get Stability from Elixir S
Number 3 moving to number 2 would be nice. Number 3 then becomes a random Toss Elixir Skill like someone mentioned above.
You either get Toss Elixir R, Toss Elixir U (Smoke Screen), or Toss Elixir S (Stealth). Because, you know. ARENANET AND THEIR DARN RNG!!!
Super Elixir spam.
There’s a big difference between having 2 condition cleanses on demand, versus 3, especially when the next one is 10 seconds apart. If you’re set on fire, bleeding, and poisoned, and Elixir C is on cooldown, 10 seconds is an awfully long time. It’s also not practical to have them spaced out like that, either.
In extended fights, because of global cooldowns, we actually lose out on a KR proc every 20 seconds, due to the global cooldown, which is pretty big.
It used to be:
CF/EG, CF, CF/EG, CF, 6 cleanses over 40 seconds.
EG, CF, EG, CF. 4 cleanses over 40.
Retaliation is only dangerous if you use FT1, where if the target has it, you’re going to have a bad time.
The current firing rate of pistols, rifles and the tranquilizer dart are the same.
There is almost NO way that the Elixir gun deals only 10%-20% damage. Tranq dart is on par with pistols, and it has a longer bleed, as well as more stacks of it, with the same firing rate.
Tranq Dart is actually slower than pistol #1, and also doesn’t do AoE damage like pistol #1 does.
There is almost NO way that the Elixir gun deals only 10%-20% damage. Tranq dart is on par with pistols, and it has a longer bleed, as well as more stacks of it, with the same firing rate.
Of course, I’m not arguing TO use tranquilizer dart on something you can just blast away, but just showing the thought process.
In essence, we’re just agreeing with each other on the major points.
I went Carrion (minor in power, no precision or crit dmg), and each part still hits like a truck. That one skill provides a nice chunk of my damage output, that I’m actually convinced that it may be overpowered in this incarnation.
The changes don’t seem to be to big to make it OP. And I’d love to have such a good blast finisher. Would make our lifes even smoother
And sorry but right now FT2 does really good damage, esp. compared to our other weapons. To say it’s not worth the cast is … silly. With enough power, crit, cirt dmg it’s an amazing ability and also more skill dependent compared to a one button auto hit cast.
Why is the cushion random, and A safety net every so often isn’t a bad thing, is it?
An HP buffer isn’t unwelcome, especially for those that find themselves out of position and out of endurance. I find quite often that glancing blows mean the difference between a down and low health. Kitten happens, but that’s why Elixir gun is more of a support weapon in nature. As long as you’ve got single-target lockdown, you’re essentially buffing the entire team.
I’m just nitpicking now, but…
The examples you listed aren’t quite as good as the weakness on the tranquilizer dart for a few reasons, although they ARE better for others.
The warrior needs to be in melee range for 2.5 seconds to apply 5 seconds of weakness, while the ranger needs his pet to be alive to actually weaken it. The engineer’s disadvantage is that it needs to consistently weaken it, due to the fire rate and short base duration, but can do it at a safe distance of at least 900.
Also, I believe that the thief’s version is the best method of weakness, as the chances for that are not horrifically low, and that poison fields are quite class restricted in nature. (unless you take grenades.) Again, cooldown and melee-range problems.
just my 0.02c
A mob that’s alive half as long does deal only half its damage, over time. Agreed.
Elixir gun does deal subpar damage, but I’ll say that, for simplicity’s sake, it deals 50%, and it’s traited for extra duration.
You’re fighting the same creature, 1v1. You have your weakness uptime. It lives twice as long, dealing half its damage throughout the fight.
Deals the same amount of damage as the first scenario, right?
Lets scale up with 2v1, one of which is using an elixir gun, keeping up perma-weakness.
Your party’s DPS is about 75% of what it should be, right? Boss lives about 33% longer than it should have, BUT only deals 67% of its damage.
Now… scale for a full party: 5v1, with 1 elixir gun. Party’s DPS is 90% of what it should be. Boss lives for about 11% longer, but it deals 55% of its damage.
It’s a simple model, omitting quite a lot of variables, but with an application to a boss fight, you’ve essentially doubled everyone’s health pool, for a generally small increase in time taken.
And… at this point, I realized I started this rant for a PvE build. Great.
Uh… Acid bomb is a really really good power-scaling skill, mostly because a large number of mobs are either stationary by design, move very little, or hold still once they find a target. It basically rips things apart, given enough power. This is even before the unblockability and blast combo aspect of it even comes into play.
I still believe that E-gun is a solid weapon, and you shouldn’t write off its damage.
I’m sorry, but after playing with the new flamethrower for a little bit… I would like to make some rebuttals..
1. FT1 is weak, and I agree with your sentiments.
2. FT2: I disagree with it saying it’s not credible damage, wholeheartedly. When traited, you can shoot this attack once every 5 seconds. It deals nearly 4k in AoE damage, if you connect with both parts, making for excellent burst at range, due to the remote detonation change. If I’m not mistaken, it scales really well with power.
3. FT3: I disagree with how useless you take it for. In PvE OR PvP, you’ve got melee-range interrupts coming up on a 12/15 second cooldown. At range, you’ve got instant-speed projectile reflection. The extra burning duration is icing on the cake.
4. FT4: yeah, Napalm could use a bit of work. 1 second of burning isn’t enough of a deterrent, especially when you can just roll through the wall. I still only use it for might stacks or the fire shield (which is nearly equivalent to might stacks)
5. FT5: yes, increase range.
I agree with the suggestions made thus far on the FT. But as everyone knows, we all have our own thoughts.
*FT#1: Increasing Range – Now this is a touchy topic because of the possibility that this could and more than likely will make FT king for literally everything aside from TC. I STRONGLY believe that it should get a buff on range, but not quite bumped up to 600. Along the lines of 500 seems like it is a mid/neutral zone that could drastically change the turn of the fight, but yet not give FT Eng’s the massive advantage in SPVP or WvWvW.
*FT#2: I don’t really like how this ability use gives no credible damage and waists your time to cast it. The margin of this ability is situational at best and provides no serious damage unless enemy is at max range and it explodes. In which case, it is then useful. I suggest changing this abilities ability from explosion to inflicting a 5 second burn on every target it hits, as well as increasing the cooldown to compensate for its power. Cooldown increase of say… 5 seconds?
*FT#3: This obnoxious knockback… I hate it. I never use it. Literally… NEVER. I have a bar that allows me to dodge. If I ever get put in that situation, I will just dodge instead. Safer for me to dodge rather than get hit by 5 targets while only knocking 1 of them back. I suggest revamping this so it is an AoE Knockback of 200 yards, adding a knockdown element of one second, and a burn of 1 second onto this. FT is about Flames and Smoke… Not poofs of air.
*FT#4: I agree with everything said so far in this post. Make a burning circle on the ground at the players feet with a 300 radius. Nuff said there. This would stop the hassle of moving your mouse to cast when you already have to constantly keep right clicking the target to keep your #1 ability on the target. Less hassle, more gameplaying, better party support.
*FT#5: Clean cut and simple as someone before me said, increase range to 240.Now onto that little toolbelt skill that is a hog of a useful toolbelt slot. I say instead of making this a shorter cooldown, just make it an instant attack ability. Dealing damage equal to your normal weapon damage that a player would normally do, and add a 5 second burn to it. Simple, worthwhile, and most definitely not a “Meh… I wish this was better… Don’t want to really use it…” skill.
If you trait the kit, Flame blast deals an absurd amount of damage, on a decently low cooldown, provided you either have excellent timing on your explosion, or you’re at the right distance.
I honestly don’t see why the elixir gun is never used for its Tranquilizer dart. It’s not a bad attack. Sure, the DPS is low, but it’s one of the best single-target attrition moves in the game.
Everyone looks at its low damage, but it’s got a 4 second bleed AND a 1 second weakness, which is spammable. If you’ve got +100% condi duration, you can keep weakness up on ANYTHING, including champs, and build it up. What other skill can boast a base uncleansable perma weakness?
Dodge-in + Smokescreen → Air Blast → Napalm → Net Shot → Blunderbuss.
Follows into either:
Supply Crate → Acid Bomb → Jump Shot/Overcharged → Flame Blast
Acid bomb → Flame Blast
@ Mancaptain:
Going hybrid on all kits is easier with Might stacking. If they’re all 50/50, why not Might? You get all the benefits on all kits.
FT’s a better power kit now, with the changes to napalm. I respecced the other day to see if FT/EG is usable after the Kit refinement nerfs, and… if you connect with both parts, you deal a respectably high amount of burst damage. I’ve been getting about 4k crits, which occur nearly every 4 seconds, and I’m not even a rampager or berserker. I’m in mostly carrion gear with divinity accessories. 3 is nice to prevent channeling, but I’ve never been able to Airblast projectiles.
I like 4 for its long-duration Fire field. Even better when you’ve got an immobilize or disable. The damage isn’t anything to write home about, I’m afraid.
5 is a great pseudo-stunbreaker, and damage mitigation tool.
yeah… about the CC thing…
I once locked up a thief for (what felt like) 7 seconds. He then got up, dusted himself off, called me a kitten, and then walked away.
Which WAS the problem with the patch btw cough
0/30/0/30/10 is really quite versatile, and you can run and spec for a lot of different things.
But that is neither here nor there.
I like how you cut off kit refinement, Flamethrower and Elixir gun in your new build.
I like even better is that the build DDog described is exactly the build that I had way back in October when my main first hit 80.
Even more games played now, it has great survivability and i am amazed by the damage output. with 2+ people on a node u complete shred them with piercing bullets.
I think kit refinement wasn’t that usefull anymore as i cant time my condi removal properly anymore.
Thanks for the feedback btw
I’d be happy if Mine kit used an “ammo” system or something.
Remove mine field, and replace it with “detonate mine(s)”. Allow 2 or 3 mines to be placed (indefinitely? or 3 minutes…) with say, a 10 second cooldown between each placement, and possibly 20 seconds on recharging mines.
It’s because you can use the Medkit to add damage to the flamethrower channel, without breaking it, which was/is a smart idea…
I like how you cut off kit refinement, Flamethrower and Elixir gun in your new build.
I think he’s referring to the Medkit Discharge, which was indeed spammable.
I agree, it did feel the same, but then I tested it.
Impact: 700 base with .4x HP
Pulse: 204 Base with .1x HP
Impact: 380 base with .2x HP
Pulse: 140 Base with .1x HP
The values are:
Impact: 700 base with .4 Healing Power
Pulse: 204 base with .1 Healing Power.
Elixir gun Kit refinement is still 20 seconds. Yes, a 1k Healing power elixir gun will be 1100 impact heal, but that itself is not overpowered. Shout warriors can get traited shouts with 0 healing power for that much too. Full heal with 0 healing power is 2740 HP per 10 seconds. With healing power of 1000, it’s 4140 HP over 10 seconds. (Still not as good as just dropping/using a healing skill, (Elixir H: 5560 HP, Healing turret: 4920 for the drop, Medkit: 4920 for Bandage Self)
My testing shows similar results. From my testing using Elixir gun’s kit refinement procs a 20s ICD and Flamethrower procs a 10s ICD to the kit refinement trait for all kits. Every other kit was exactly the same as it used to be. I’ll have to double check on grenade’s ICD, I was sure it was 10s.The problem is that this is not what’s stated in the patch note.
\related note Elixir gun’s #5 is insanely powerful now when geared for healing. @1k healing power impact heal is 1k. If the patch note was what it’s suppose to be, (Elixir gun procs a 10s ICD) you can have a infinite super elixir field just by using the kit refinement super elixir (without using #5 on Elixir gun) talk about op-ness…
According to my calculations, Nyaa’s got at least 4100 healing power.
Seems legit.
And I’m sure that the likes of warriors and thieves haven’t been posting videos of their high-scores of literally oneshotting other classes -owait.
What about soloing dung -owait.
The thing is, if engineers have to play the flight of the bumblebees on keyboard in order to win a fight, they’ve EARNED it. There is NO way that’s roflstomping ANYBODY.
Except what it used to be:
1. Swap to Super Elixir (KR Proc) Remove 1 condition
2. Swap to Flamethrower. Remove another condition.
3. Wait 10 seconds. Super Elixir(EG5) Remove another.
4. Swap back to Flamethrower. Remove Another condition.
That’s 10 seconds to remove 4 conditions, with only the last one having any real cooldown.
The version you are describing removes 3, after 10 seconds.
what the f…? Sry i rather continue playing my alts.
I dont care why they overnerfed this class so much in every patch but this time theyve gone to far. They complete took away any reliable way to remove conditions.
I used FT/E-Gun in my build and this patch literally destroyed it. Tried it today, its unplayable now.Err, what? Super Elixir has a 10-second duration. It has an untraited 20-second cooldown, the same as the Kit Refinement version.
1. Swap to the Elixir Gun for Super Elixir (Kit Refinement Proc)—10 second duration
2. Swap back to the Flamethrower
3. Swap to the Elixir Gun for Super Elixir (#5 skill)—10 second duration
4. Swap back to the FlamethrowerRinse and repeat. 100% upkeep of Super Elixir’s Light field. If you time it properly it’s just as effective as it always was.
Let me reiterate: Super Elixirs viability in 100% upkeep has been left literally unaffected, and actually got buffed to be even stronger.
Try it yourself.
I am beginning to wonder if ANet have this unwritten rule somewhere that they are not allowed to buff the engineer.
Except the Flamethrower got a flat 10% damage increase to burning targets and can now detonate Flame Blast as a PBAoE?
I eat my previous words.
Redid all the calculations.
It was actually quite a nice buff to Super Elixir, tbh, and I eat my words.
I checked up my calculations before, grabbing the numbers I got before, and compared them to the numbers now.
Anyways, tests in the Mists:
With 0 Healing power, we’ve got 700 Impact heal and 2040 (total) pulse heals.
With 923 healing power, it goes up to 1069 Impact and 2960 pulse heal.
This comes out to a base of around
700 HP + .4 coefficient, with pulse healing of
204 HP + .1 coefficient.
What it USED to be before:
380 HP + .2 Coefficient
140 HP + .1 Coefficient.
Essentially doubling the impact heal, and increasing the base healing by .5.
Looks like I can shelve the old FT then.
The only reason I actually took it was cause I was using Kit refinement and Cleansing Flame, in addition to the elixir gun.
It was most certainly not for its Missthrower, napalm, or smoke screen.
It is if you use the FT (your own fault if you do) or the EG.
The old super elixir coefficients were .2 on landing and .1 on each tick. If they doubled it as said in the patch notes, it’ll now be .4 on landing and .2 per tick. Pretty crazy to be honest.
eating words, I take everything back
(edited by Daigle.8497)
Buffed, but not by much.
I’d say each tick is around .1 healing power, maybe less, and the initial burst heal is about +50% of what it used to be.
I do appreciate the bug fixes and general improvements to the rest of the kits, and the amount of time Anet has put into the Engineer this round.
From how we engineers used to play before, with the whole keyboard orchestra, it wasn’t that far off from our normal combo operation, as we could have done the same combo (minus the box of nails), without Kit refinement.
The point is, with the new kit refinement, there is now a whole disjoint, in where swapping the kit with kit refinement will now hinder the use of other procs you may want to use.
Also, my inductive reasoning may be flawed, but I’m getting the attitude that the devs are putting resources into relatively insignificant bugs which are in our favor, over larger things.
At the end of the day, I’ll still play my engineer, but I would still like to know why that “bug” was fixed in such a way.
im not speaking about other classes, im speaking about engineer, the question as it is put is this: do you honestly think it was intended to be able to use: box of nails, grenade barrage, heal kit (twice! a bug often bragged about), and a full condition cleanse all within less than 3 seconds?
op or not (a point which is irrelevant, like it or not), do you honestly think that is the intended use?
I don’t.
im often accused of playing the ignorance is bliss card, but the truth is that ignorance is the willing act of refusing to see a perspective other than the one you already have.
stop being ignorant, start being receptive and adaptive.
and for kitten sake, stop ignoring the notion that this is a game, and there are many ways to play it with enjoyment. they fixed a bug that reduced the efficacy of a single trait that had the potential to be exploited. I never once said that everyone who uses KR exploits.
your inductive reasoning is flawed.
What’s ridiculous to me is they invested in man-hours to nerf us.
Ride The Lightning was a digit change.
Kit Refinement was an overhaul.
Only an engineer would get nerfed during a buff patch
I’m not sure how exploity the kit refinement thing was even before the nerf, and it’s not like people play 4-kit to abuse the procs on the kit refinement, either. The most useful option was the 2x condition cleansing from FT/EG, but even those had their own cooldowns.
The other most powerful one is the melee-range Grenade barrage, and our box of nails, but even they have their cooldowns.
Even landing all 4 in one go: how exactly is that overpowered?
Mesmers don’t really have a GCD on their shatter skills that’s quite as steep(.25 seconds is a workaround so they can’t use all 4 shatters on the same 3 clones/phantasm)
Elementalists, although their Evasive arcana has global cooldown, their elemental attunement does not. They can theoretically do a full cycle for buffs.
Thieves can drop caltrops all the time whenever they want. No cooldowns (except for endurance regen etc)
I do appreciate the buffs from Anet, but.. did they really have to nerf the bugs that are in our favor first?
I see. (@work still, so haven’t had a chance to play yet) but my commentary stands, they fixed an exploit (4x insta-KD procs) and buffed three kits.
this is a good day for engies.
The patch notes state that the super elixir increases at 100% rate with healing power, but nor the impact or the pulse scale 100%, I wonder if it’s a bug or smtg.
Not a bug, unfortunately.
They’ve changed the math a little bit.
They’ve basically added up the full effects of the pulse heal, and that’s what it gives us. We add 100% of our healing power to that, and redivide it between pulses.
So… they DIDN’T nerf 100nade. They nerfed everything ELSE.