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Daredevil is feeling solid so far. The only thing that I would look at is the speed of Fist Flurry. Maybe give it a minor increase? It’s very hard to connect all five hits for the other combos. I love the idea of this skill very much.
This almost ruined most of the beta for me. I deleted my old beta characters thinking the bank would reset when I did. Nope. Just got rid of those useful items.
Did you play any of the betas?
I understand it was a stretch to use that picture in comparison, mainly because there isn’t anything recent, or because all of the datamined images have came to be true (in recent minings.) Still, I wouldn’t necessarily call my example to be completely irrelevant in the broader scheme of things. Sure the picture is old as dirt and has nothing to do with elite specializations , but it’s artwork of something that isn’t in game. Something someone spent time on that isn’t in game. There are datamined skins, voices-overs , maps and concepts that aren’t in game as well and there will be more of that in the future.
If anything, it’s just a reminder that Anet can and will scrap anything that they don’t particularly see a place for at the time, especially if it’s not officially confirmed . While I don’t see them doing this for the datamined artwork of HoT elite specializations, well..who knows. I don’t work at Anet, so I sure as hell don’t.
I think for now I’ll just ride the datamined hype train. Less controversial.
So this proves that two elite specs (of different professions) can very well get the same weapon.
Which we already knew about anyway. Glint datamine and shield art has been known for quite some time at this point and artwork is a greater indicator of reality than mere skill tooltips.
Very true, but datamines are speculation until we have something official like this pic. The only reason I point this out is to put those " NO? This profession is already getting this weapon, so this other profession won’t be getting it." claims to rest.
bull crap.. Datamine unfinished skills, is different from a Datamined art work which isnt something people can just code together. Artist take time to make those. Which is why they are more reliable than the skills.
Thief Staff has art work. Not just skills.
Ele sword had only skills.
Rev Shield had models made.
Sure. Here’s some early artwork for the thief.
Though it isn’t datamined, just let me know when that makes its way in game
So this proves that two elite specs (of different professions) can very well get the same weapon.
Which we already knew about anyway. Glint datamine and shield art has been known for quite some time at this point and artwork is a greater indicator of reality than mere skill tooltips.
Very true, but datamines are speculation until we have something official like this pic. The only reason I point this out is to put those " NO? This profession is already getting this weapon, so this other profession won’t be getting it." claims to rest.
So this proves that two elite specs (of different professions) can very well get the same weapon.
“She was as old as the Shiverpeaks, older than the gods. "
Because there has been no BWE yet. Remember before launch? BWE and feedback determines the release date, nothing else.
She did! Her answer to everything HoT related is “banana scythe.” She said so in Twitch chat. “Release date? … banana scythe.”
Oh.. Oh okay, good. Sorry. All of this speculation has been driving me…..bananas.
Hey Rubi. Thanks for replying out of your busy day. I wanted to ask about the “banana scythe” for thieves. You were joking, right? -nudge nudge-
Pretty sure it’ll be released this year
Money is on late October after BWE2
If we were getting an elite spec reveal on Friday, wouldn’t there be some kind of teaser image or announcement?
Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we didn’t get a teaser image.
Scythe was a Dervish weapon. However, I believe other classes could use it too. Don’t quote me.
Either way, doubt we’ll see reveal this Friday. No teaser pic.
The Thief Rifle Association will not stand for this! I WON’T believe it. It’s rifle you hear me?. Rifle Rifle Rifle rifleafuusaeubathi -foams at the mouth- /denial.
The added vigor is good. Means they saw that FG was lack luster. I do think successful dodges should give a little something extra, though. -cough-Superspeed-cough-
The rifle crowd sure is a salty bunch.
TRA. (Thief Rifle Association)
In a game that uses hammers and Greatswords as ranged weapons, it’s good to see we’re all thinking outside the box here….
There’s nothing to worry about. All that stuff looks great on paper but I don’t see it stepping on Thieves toes w/o stealth.
Watch your shiro get reckt by thieves and rage quit and back to your thief.
That’s really up to the skill of the player. You win some you lose some. You learn, adapt, try new builds and move on.
My main in GW1 was an Assassin/x. When GW2 came out, I was hoping to play my sin again but the closest thing at the time was Thief, so that became my main.
So now we have Shiro, the Assassin character I was looking for. Ty, Anet.
I know I’m going to miss out on stealth, blinds, bv , steal and the holy bp – hs combo. I’m ok with trying something else for now.
I’m re-rolling for personal reasons. Shiro is pretty much what I wanted my Thief to be since GW2 came out.
Guild mate and I duo’d Arah p3. I’m not the best at soloing Lupi on my Warrior so I had a little bit of help. Towards the end of the path (after the ritual), we decided to sell the path for 5g. 3 members jumped in and one sent me a pm stating “I’ll send you 2.5g and the rest after we beat it”.
Even though he didn’t need to, he helped kill the boss. Once everyone got their tokens and left the party, I tried to contact the member that paid me 2.5g for the rest of the gold promised. Surprise surprise I’m blocked. I got on my secondary account and sent him the message in my attachment. His reply is on the right.
Since when does Zerker gear with scholar runes on a warrior do equivalent damage as a condi necro (which is what he was)?
Maybe it’s about time selling dungeon paths comes to an end. Even though he didn’t participate in the majority of the dungeon (just the last boss), he still feels as though that I’m the one scamming players by making them “pay” for leeching. We didn’t even use any exploits.
I read the horror stories on the forums and I know reporting won’t make a difference. After all, he did give me 2.5g, so it’s better than nothing. Just hate it when people say “Oh yeah I’ll pay you back” then silence. That just urks me xD.
So what do you guys think? Should selling paths be allowed?
Wanted to drop in and give a big thanks to Anet. I’ll be pre purchasing the ultimate soon.
Hello everyone! This is my first post on the forums (usually I just lurk). After going through the crazy Player vs RNG event that’s currently being held, I’ve decided to brainstorm some alternate ways players might receive beta keys for perhaps the next closed beta if any.
I want to first thank Anet for stepping out of the box and giving us, the players, a chance to actually work for our beta keys instead of just hoping we get that holy invitation email.
Though, it does make me wonder why this event wasn’t taken a step further. Anet, you usually have some very interesting events that are both creative and rewarding. So to hear that you can only get this Portal through RNG really left me scratching my head. Even if I did get a portal (which I didn’t), I would want to feel like I’ve actually earned it rather than just feeling like I got lucky. I couldn’t help but feel that this event was probably just a last minute decision. There’s not much creativity in it. I also couldn’t help but feel that this was a missed opportunity to bring back some old events with a twist or two.
So here are some ideas I came up with while portal farming.
Maguuma themed Super Adventure Box
Or maybe a reskin of the old SAB. This could have been a nice way to reintroduce and host SAB for a week. Players will be able to get all the rewards from the past SAB, however, the only way to get the Portal key would be through completing all of the stages without dying. Maybe that’s too easy.. Perhaps you could get a portal through the achievement of defeating the final boss without taking damage, under a time limit or with no tools. I feel like there could be numerous ways to get a portal from SAB that would be very challenging but not impossible.
The only issue I see with this is that eventually we would find a way to obtain this achievement and then upload it on YouTube for the more players to follow the successful routine. That would lead to a major influx in beta testers, probably more than the intended amount needed for that beta. This issue leads me to my next idea.
Return of the Hunger Games event
Or perhaps host the old Hunger Games event in DT or SW. This would give Anet more control on the numbers of Beta participants. Let’s say that only one person can win this event that happens once every hour through all 51 servers( both NA and EU = 51. Could be wrong since I’m not counting mega servs). That would be 51 beta participants every hour for a whole week which makes the closed beta pool …8568… Wow ok nvm! That’s way too much for a closed beta. Either the amount of events would have to be lowered or the means of obtaining a portal would have to be changed.
Maybe the winners, or the last remaining party, would receive a portal claim ticket scrap. Turn in 5 scraps to the event vendor to get the beta portal. The numbers would have to be changed to alter the potential pool of beta players. In theory, this should give Anet some control on how many players they’d want in the closed beta while having those players feel like they’re making actual progression towards a beta key rather than just blind RNG luck. This will reward those with both skill and perseverance rather than just perseverance and Magic Find ( assuming mf helps with RNG).
Portal access through RNG should be changed to portal access through winning very challenging ,but not impossible, content (like defeating Liadri even though some didn’t find her hard at all).
Now it’s your turn. Let’s stop complaining and give Anet some ideas. How would you host a future beta key event? Remember, you can’t make it too easy. Make it challenging so that the closed beta remains at a reasonable size. Thanks for reading.
the game is ok to me. i got my first class to 80 about a week and half ago. there are still a ton of things that turn me off and/or annoy me to no end (CAN I PLEASE GET SOMETHING TO RESIST THINGS LIKE POISON AND BLEED!!)
Not sure if you’re aware but resistance well be making its debut with HoT
WoW lost 1.5 million ppl wis this Majic Asian style. Try and RIP GW2…..
Ok..And? Pretty sure the Asian style of MoP had little to do with 1.5 million subs being lost. If anything it would’ve been boredom, age, graphics etc. Look at how many players were gained through guild wars factions.
Arena Net could put endgame content in gw2 this very moment
and this forum will still be crying for “true endgame”.
Go ahead. Chances are you’ll get your daily done without even paying attention to it. Hell I get my daily done while taking a kitten, and not even being logged in.
I ended up collecting 112 laurels. Almost surprised to see no Valk ascended anything. Guess I’ll hold off of spending until it’s added.
“Troll up!” Pretty much the only reason I hang there.
I remember my first time doing CoE Path 2. I thought I could just dodge whenever I felt like while fighting Project Alpha. I was wrong.
Man. I would kill to have this as a permanent camera angle.
You mean to tell me that I can have my favorite mmo and SNES like game wrapped up in one!? Perma plz
I would love controller support for gw2. Sit my lazy kitten back on a couch for PvE.
Inb4 the controller being inferior to keyboard and mouse.
Too bad they overhauled this game a time or three before release. They tried to please the GW1 fans, tried to please the WoW hardcores, and failed at pleasing anyone. Somewhere in the middle, the Manifesto became rubbish.
kitten shame. Had they just made the game they announced right after Eye of the North, we might just be looking at the millions who wanted something other than World of Warcraft.Thanks to you artists at ArenaNet. kitten shame your management is what it is.
Like you could do any better. Gw1 player and wow player here. I’m pleased and still playing.
Hi Sonicwylde,
Temples do have the P/V/T (Solider attribute) gear.
Here you can see all the temple’s armor sets
For instance, this one has the combination you need.
How about Medium Karma Leg armor P/V/T
Can’t seem to find that one.
Not too sure about the 100% part. GW2 seems different when it comes to actually being in game vs forums (or websites), for me atleast. Outside of the game you would assume that GW2 is the worst mmo in history, but actually playing the game, I have a whole different feeling.
Lmao I need to make that one now.
I also had an idea for a Gigantacus Lupricus that’s surround in red circles that reads “Phase 2”
Yeah I remember those designs too. I was getting ready to buy some ;_;
Wanted to make a friendly thread about GW2 T-Shirt ideas.
Feel free to post your own ideas in a comment or picture.
Here’s mine in the attachment below. I came up with the idea for this just by watching the map chat in Queensdale.
You’re always welcome at Devona’s Rest
A few missions haven’t even been completed by our internal testers yet (but they came extremely close).
Yeah ! That’s the spirit ! Keep on this path please
fyi, the same thing was said about explorable dungeons.
Were they toned down that much ?
After playing the same ole exp dungeons six months in a row? Yeah, it seems easier now. Practice makes perfect?
I want dancing animations in the GS. More dances.
Left over exotics.
Remove the classes wanting to remove the Thief.
I enjoyed the game before the patch, so it really didn’t make any difference for me. The only thing that’s a “make or break” for me, is sPvP. But I’ll wait for the february and march patches before my final judgement on it. As it is, WvW and PvE are still a ton of fun.
^ This
I’m still kinda confused on the concept of leaving a game that you own permanently. It kinda seems irrational.
I think it’s just for the attention. Well, announcing it on the forums at least.
Many people have been describing this update as a “make or break time” for this game. I agree, as the general feelings of newness are dissipating, this update could either have revitalized love for this game, its lore and its world or sent more people packing. Which was it for you?
For me: packing. Tired of this group concentrating their efforts on non-issues that weren’t broke and then breaking them. Tired of the promises of transparency, followed by the same old corporate double-speak. Tired of what has become obvious for so many: they have taken the promise of an excellent game and squandered it because they would prefer to force the cash from our hands as opposed to inviting us to spend it. Many changes, that seem to make no sense, make great sense when looked through the lens of, “they want more money”.
Great game shell, horrible decisions ruining it. Customers you drive away don’t buy any gems. Customers you drive away don’t recommend this game to their friends.
whoa whoa whoa. Hold the phone. Anet is done with releasing the patches already!? I could have sworn there were more to come in Feb and March. Guess I was wrong.