Showing Posts For Dezert Stormz.7248:

World Linking Beta

in WvW

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

So, this happend today, must say im gladly surpriced


Everytime an announcement is made...

in WvW

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Here’s 3 years of WvW improvements in one screenshot..

Keep lord stuck outside the outer (south)… Yay free loot for them without having to get in.


Anyone else having a really slow download?

in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Much better cheers anet!
enjoying 25mb/s instead of 4kb/s


Anyone else having a really slow download?

in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

No comments of anet apperantly?

Closed beta PPT file questions

in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Should just be a .exe file just like the original game launcher?

Anyone else having a really slow download?

in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

i feel blessed with my 4kb/sec when reading this :P

Bought HoT not being invited for stress test

in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Some of my guildies got a invite aswell, think its distributed over Active WvW guilds/players (Which is amazing imo)

Why does the engineer not fit meta?

in WvW

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Mentality is what its all about, we recently switched in an engi , they work extremely well in our comp, even [Re] Rerolled used an engineer, don’t even bother with the meta.

More often then not the commander has a vision and thats how its gonna be, if he doesnt see an engi in that vision ,it may not happen.

Why the hate for open field siege?

in WvW

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Well, if a bigger group builds siege against a smaller group in open field , that’s just pathetic x)

but sieging up a tower or keep, why not, you defend it. Siege helps with that, easy life.

But to be fair you should not have added “open field” to the title.

WvW hacking - It MUST stop

in WvW

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

as long as you dont have screenshots that show him flying in the air with the hack its no proof…

that spot on your screenshot can be reached easily by everyone with a few jumps

Do you see the WP?

what does the WP have to do with anything?

You have to be inside the keep to do these few easy jumps, WP shows you that the keep wasn’t recently flipped, and that mesmer is not someone whos just hide inside after the fight its over, so there is no legal way to get up there.

Maybe not, but maybe 2mins b4 the screenshot they breached walls or gates to inner, and this mesmer sneaked himself upthere and was able to stay there till stuff calmed down.

WvW hacking - It MUST stop

in WvW

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

doesn’t looks like non legit to me, we usually place AC’s etc up there, show a pic of him mid air, and i’ll take this comment back.

He might have hidden with a push that breached the inner gates/walls, and after his group left he stayed hidden inside.

(edited by Dezert Stormz.7248)

outnumbered in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Hell, who doesnt love magic find? Right? Right?!

What's the point of doing WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

its the fault of the guy that ran to them to be honest…

Once you leave the pack, be ready to get picked off by enemies, that’s how it works, maybe the other guy in the party didn’t feel the need to break off the group and die with you. they obviously were geared to fight and looking for small scale fair fights.
Dont engage roamers if you dont have the ability to deal with them.

How would it be if a 40 man blob had to worry about 2 people on a hill all the time, and the one “hero” in the group that decides to run there even when he is outnumbered/ out geared.
Once away from the group, people apply different rules(roaming), the 2 guys were just watching you(maybe scouting), his choice was to engage, fine, suffer the consequence.
Cant handle yourself against other people? don’t leave the safety of the group, it ain’t rocket science.

Survival of the fittest and smartest.

(edited by Dezert Stormz.7248)

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

We want SAB Please cruel overlord! Have mercy on our souls and give us SAB, only if its just world 1-2 D;

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

It all had led to this


Finishers keep resetting

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Bump, Driving me NUTS. Spend 90 gold on 600 gems for a finisher and it disappears half the time and uses the standard one…

Plz at least a response?

WvW Guild Raids

in WvW

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Not much of an “GUILD” Raid, if there are tons of pugs around.. aye?

new wvw app

in WvW

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

This looks alot like one of the bannable offences in the ToS, since it gives you an advantage over people without it, you know where there siege etc is, and they do not know where yours is… Just saying , i think its unfair.

Ascended Dwayna Backpiece - Soulbound

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Hmmm Strange , indeed all Ascended stuff should be account bound? Right?

The moment you infuse your item it becomes soulbound
Says Account bound indeed.

The rare backpieces like Dwayna, Grenth, and Lyssa are soulbound.

Hence why he added Ascended.

Oh Anet will we see the Stalwart armor again?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Er. Afaik its in the game. Might wanna Wiki it up.

EDIT: Just checked, yeh only the chest piece is available, i got all pieces via PvP (old system).

(edited by Dezert Stormz.7248)

How long to get first precursor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Friend of mine got dusk out of a EotM champ bag, the first one he opened. 165 hours into the game

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

megaserver is good, but reduce the max cap by about quarter to half please. it’s a lagfest now

Baaaaaaaad idea , it will become ever harder to join friends on a "capped"Server..

Anyone else feeling nauseous/sick?

in Living World

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

I don’t have this problem with guildwars at all, maybe take some more distance from your monitor? Maybe zoom out a bit more?

Belinda's Greatsword

in Living World

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Maybe it becomes craftable with the new ore we got? Anyone?

The Content of New Zones in Maguuma

in Living World

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

If its as big as it shows on the map, we got alot of new zones coming, hope they will have something new for us to explore. I’m looking forward to the patch, whatever it may bring to us

[Suggestion] Bring back Skills from GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Allow Rangers to use Preparations instead of a Pet!

^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS, kitten pets, i want my exploding arrows back or poison arrows.

LS2 teaser! (Trailer Link Incl) [Merged]

in Living World

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

I’m already hyped for this. The sandstorm environmental effect looked incredible, can’t wait!

agreed, those long coats everyone has been complaining about may come in very handy there haha.

Good thing my ranger has Mist Walker Armor, with Hood, so she’s settled for any sand storm!

Bring Back the First Halloween Items!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

some one wants the 2K gold Worth shield.

How many of you have 100% map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

got 6 Characters and one slot for key farms
5 of them are lvl 80, and one lvl 36 thief
2of them have 100% Complete. so 4 gifts.

Trading Post behind the wall. o.0

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

I don’t see it, Not sure if removed or Photoshopped.

Howler - Legendary that doesn't seem like one

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Imo every legendary should have footfalls.

LFM Only ele war guard

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Just make your own Non “Elitist” LFG. Works fine for me

Guild Roster Information - Fractals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

+1, Great idea, Maybe PvP Rank/level aswell?

Suggestion: Guild Island

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Would like one of those yeah, just a place to be away from the map chat , and hang out with fellow guildies, maybe some Services (TP, Repairs, Merchants, Arena’s, 1v1 arena’s , Some NPC’s to fight a bit like CrownPavillion?) there, Placing some banners , just for your guild to use, god i’d love that!!!

Sounds great! Does not have to be massive, about the size of the Gw1 Halls.

(edited by Dezert Stormz.7248)

Best looking rifle to make/buy?

in Crafting

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

CharrZooka. BEASTY

Logging In invisible.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Why would you even want to? Give me some good reasons?

thinking of going for 100% completion

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

It just takes a while, its not really hard, as there is plenty stuff on the interwebz to help you when you ever get stuck somewhere.

Only thing that is hard/long to complete is WvW as you need all battlegrounds , just go in each week and do the most you can at that matchup or play alot of WvW so you cap points you need till completion.

The way i got 2 characters to 100%

Buying gems

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Mostly when just new stuff came out in the gem shop (Patches), The price will skyrocket or Plummet(Seen the plummet 2-3 times) , depending on the demand for the new items, best moment to buy is at a slow period. (Not many lately ,as there is alot of wanted stuff released in the gem shop)

What's the goal?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Dungeon’s , High stat gear, Legendary’s , FotM, Try to understand WvW (Its great imo.) , Get into PvP, practice, run though maps and explore, Just set a goal, kept me going for 1900 hours

Does Character size actually matter?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

To my knowing, No, But i always pick the tallest possible, i like to see my armor, as much as possible + Jumping up and down in a stacked zerg , you actually can see yourself :P
Silly i know

Suggestion: Full Megaservers need a Queue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Exactly this! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
And shorted Afk Kicks for people in a active event, AfkRewarding there!

Does the game still relly to much on zerkers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

90% of the LFG’s is still “LF ZERKERS ONLY!”
But if you find yourself a group of normal people , its way more fun to play, but hey takes longer.

A question about GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

My guild is a great example of that. People quitted right after the pavillion, Exams also played a role in this, but now, there exams are over, and i barely see them in guildwars anymore, “I got bored with it” Is one thing i head from them.
I’m not against harder content, it just needs to be rewarding.

Guide to 300% mf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

I’m at 105 MF atm, will see if i’m gonna give this a shot!


Price of gems

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Demand for gems goes up => Price goes up,
More gold in the game => People have more gold to spend (on gems , Demand gain here) => Price goes up.

Basic economics.

Risk Vs Reward; A thoughtful discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Thats quite the article you wrote there

Not sure if i understood you correctly. But here is my opinion on Rewards.

I got roughly 1900 Hours poured into Gw2, (More if you count the nights i pulled tho on the beta’s ) , The way it is now imo, kinda under the bar, Stuff is getting more expensive and ways to get gold etc become harder.

As someone who played since day one, i saw alot of changes, from Overly Rewarded stuff , to under rewarded stuff. The problem here is, Until recently , the loot was over the top at times and updates, there was always a place to mindless zerg around and get loot to fill the pockets. Today, Not so much anymore (Can see it as good/bad).
Personally i’m fine with less zergy content, and more for a bit of tactic in the game, Its good to get zerging out of GuildWars2 Or is it…? You can discuss about this for ages, But we gotta face it, Its one of the key points of GuildWars2, The massive fights between a zerg of players and a boss/Another Zerg.

Content should be rewarding , and the reward should make you come back, Something at this moment it does not for me , I do my daily’s , Run some fractals, Couple of dungeon’s, maybe run a Black Lion Key or 2 and i’m done for the day. It’s something as for now i enjoy doing, I don’t have alot of gold, as i’m a person who spends easily. But as we go forward i have seen great rewards for work done, (Easy/Fast rewards, Maybe a bit too fast/easy…?).

But as i said, gold is harder to come by as the Game moved on, (it feels to me), But stuff gets more expensive 30+ Silver for one T6 mat, Precursors of 1100G, and go on.

I’m torn between the people that say its fine, and people that say it needs (Alot of) work. Obviously it’s not perfect, but nothing is.. As for now, I’d advice anet to crank up the rewards together with difficulty.

Good Day to you all!

(edited by Dezert Stormz.7248)

WvW Tourney and Customer Support

in WvW

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Still waiting, Whats going on @Anet??
Never got mine… :/
Any reply from a Dev on what is going on??


WvW Tourney and Customer Support

in WvW

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Also did not get mine yet.. Gandara


Why are rangers unable to do liadri fight

in Living World

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

I ran though it on my ranger, Was tough , but doable.

Actually enjoyed it

Boss Blitz - The gathering of bad design

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Its a dead place already… No one there only a couple ppl…