Showing Posts For Drysdale.3826:

Karma --> Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Karma->Beaded weps

How do you get linen/beaded weapons?

Karma --> Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Hi All,

What would be the best way to turn my Karma into gold? Orrian boxes for the resources, Karma gear into the mystic toilet,…any other ideas?

LB & A/A Sigil question

in Ranger

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Longhorn? Someone is from Texas. I would go for energy myself. You can’t have two stacking sigils anyway.

Hah, Warhorn. My bad.

LB & A/A Sigil question

in Ranger

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


I’m a LB & A/A Ranger for zerg WvW.

I have Fire and Air in my longbow and Bloodlust in my main axe, but what should I put in my off-hand axe?

(I often manually swap longhorn for speed or just before a fight for Might/Fury, so I can’t do a stacking sigil in my o/h axe.)

Monitor/screen refreshes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Same problem. Screen goes black, although I can still see the GW2 cursor and move it.
(same specs)

Well, that’s reassuring at least one person has the same issue. Do you connect with HDMI? I think that might be problem.

PvP build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


You need to get out of PvE and lurk moar, little purple butterfly~*

I lurk outside this window of this girl in our guild, that plays Mez. Haven’t learned much.

PvP build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Hi All,

I’m looking for a Pvp build, I’m guessing condi is the way to go? Weapon/rune/sigil suggestions? Traits/Utilities? Thanks!

Monitor/screen refreshes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


I have an issue where, it seems, my screen input is refreshing/resetting. Occasionally, the my game will freeze for like 1 second, my monitor will go black for about 5 seconds, then it will display the image again.

The monitor never turns off, the signal light doesn’t go off, so it’s not losing the signal. It’s almost as if it’s refreshing like when you change the resolution settings on a computer.

Specs: i5 2500k Intel, 8.0GB Ram, Win7 64-bit, nVidia 770 GTX.

The problem only happens in Guild Wars 2, no other games or general use of the game.

Thanks for the help!

PvE/Dungeon build

in Warrior

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


I think I’m going to reserve my Warrior to dungeon runs, so I was kind of curious what armor/runes and weaps/sigils would be ideal for that? I can probably figure out traits and such, but would welcome advice on those as well. Thanks!

Question about world bosses...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Everything you want to know about World Bosses:

Welcome return, and good luck!

So Jormag has the same chance to drop the same type of loot as Maw?

Teq is the only boss that gives increased loot?

Question about world bosses...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Been gone over a year, so forgive my ignorance.

I know Teq gives a few chests, but do all the other world bosses give the same “wiggly” chest and big ground chest? Do certain ones have better odds and exotics/ascended/precursors?

(I can’t hit every boss every day, but want to make sure I hit the important ones).

Crafting Ascended Gear

in Ranger

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Even ignoring the above comments on Ascended, why dont you just go play in exotic till you know for yourself what it is you want?

Making Ascended gear before actually knowing for yourself it’s a setup that works for you if just asking for trouble.

Just to clarify, I played my Ranger a lot up until a year ago. Enough that I only WvW’d with him and he’s got every skill and 300+ skill points in reserve.

I played the glass cannon/zerker Ranger, it worked for me. I just wanted to make sure that nothing changed in the year I was gone where it’s to the point of “no one” runs around as full zerker Ranger because XYZ.

(I agree with the comment above though, I might wait until after the patch and see where everything is when the dust settles.)

What gear/runes do most Rangers run around with in WvW?

Crafting Ascended Gear

in Ranger

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


So I’m going to craft ascended gear for my Ranger, obviously a big financial/time investment and I want to get it right the firs time. I’ve been gone over a year, so I’m not sure what changes have been made and if my old style is still used.

I’m strictly a backline WvW zerg with my Ranger, I ran full zerker gear and template geared towards that. Is that still generally the best setup for my playstyle? Any new styles for zergs?

TL;DR Crafting ascended gear, want to choose correct insignia for WvW zerg

Support Staff Ele in WvW/Zerg

in Elementalist

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


I leveled a Ele mainly for support in WvW zergs. I want to focus on healing(I know not to stick in one attunement) so I’m looking for a direction on gear and a build. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

Longbow/Shortbow sigils

in Ranger

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


When I left a year or so ago, we could only have one, but looks like we get two now. So I’m curious which two(or 4) people are using.

Currently I have S. Sigil of Fire on my LB and Bloodlust on my Shortbow.

(I’m Berserker/WvW Ranger)


Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Is the vendor still around? I’ve been gone for a long time and would like to spend my remaining baubles.

Super Adventure Box

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


I’m freshly back from a long break, I was wondering if it was still possible to cash in the baubles I have left over.

WvW Frontline/Zerg/Tankish build

in Warrior

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


As the title says, I’m looking for a frontline, zerg/tankish build for warrior. I looked through all 3 of the “Build” sticky, but not much and a few were dead links.

Any MUST abilities and traits? Gear suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

Question regarding selling Jetpack

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


So, I’m back after a year or so away. I have a jetpack on Sea of Sorrows. I’m wanting to sell it, but a little hesitant.

Right now, the lowest available one is 930g(46g listing fee). I want to sell it, but my dilemma is if I match lowest price, pay the 46g fee, and then people slowly start undercutting me to the point where I become the highest priced one; mine will never sell and I’m out 46g.

Any one have advice on how to avoid this issue?

Healers in WvW...

in WvW

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


K thx, for the info. Much appreciated!

Healers in WvW...

in WvW

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


I left over a year ago and around the time I left there was increasing talk about healers getting some love in WvW with regards to loot bags and kills XP. I’m freshly back and wondering if that ever materialized? Thanks!

Freshly back, quick questions

in Engineer

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


I do not know what that build is. Got a link to it? Every other day there is some Johhny come lately here now a days claiming their name to a build. Generally they are listing a build that some one else posted 2 years ago, and flooding the forums with so called “named builds”. So it makes it a little difficult to put builds to names now a days.

A link would have been useful huh? lol, sorry. Here’s the link. Basically it’s a direct damage, CC build. Using Knight gear with Pack runes. I’m not so worried about traits and skills as I can switch those around, just want to make sure about the armor since it’s a one time, somewhat costly, investment.

(I’m looking for WvW btw, so direct damage > condition build?)

Freshly back, quick questions

in Engineer

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Leveled an Engy before I left, so only have limited experience. Wanting to jump into WvW with this guy.

Is Silinsar’s build/gear a good starting point? Knight gear w/of the pack Runes?


Ranger vs Canach

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Hey folks,

I main a ranger and I’ve done this fight a few times… so here’s a few little tips and such that I’ve found worked for me and my pets.

Bring devourer or spider. Position yourself nearby but in a safe spot free of traps, and either swap or f3 your pet to your position. Try to keep near NULL so that your pet doesn’t get pulled due to NULL running off after a fleeing player while your pet chases him/it. I found ranged pets were good in this instance since it meant they weren’t running off triggering things nearly as often as my drake/wolf was.
I tried it once with a Moa for the heals, but eventually gave up on Adrien Beaky as I found my devourer Citizen Snips to be more useful for DPS in the burst moments.

Bring Search and Rescue. It is especially useful if your group is struggling at the last 25% and you need help picking someone up quickly. Pet swap next to the body of the person before using it if there are multiple people going down and you need some focus.

The fact we need a separate guide for Rangers cause we can’t permanetly store our pets means two things; 1. It’s f’n stupid we can’t perma store our pet and 2. It’s f’n stupid you can’t code a dungeon to avoid an issue like this.

Way to fail.

People "hogging" the Crab Toss Champion

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Still a darn annoying game though. ‘Chieves acquired, movin’ on…

Pretty much what I did. I’m not fantastic, but I’m not horrible either. If I really tried, I could win maybe 4-6 out of 10 times. You don’t get anything more for winning, so I don’t bother hogging it. Let someone else get a crack at the achievement.

Once I finish off my grabs/steals achievement I’m done in there. Not a bad game, but not that great either.

People "hogging" the Crab Toss Champion

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Your solution is to grief people?

How is that griefing? I see that as taking a dominant player out of contention. No different than in sPvP or WvW taking out the most powerful player.

People "hogging" the Crab Toss Champion

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Get a fishing pole and plank, ctrl+T them, and make their rounds miserable. They’ll leave.

Farming crates?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Well for those of us that are emo/kitten and don’t mind working/playing the game. Where are popular farming locations?

Farming crates?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Where are people farming crates? The best most efficient place?

Question about Fractal rewards...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


When it says “personal reward level” what does that mean? If I have a guy at level 12 and he does a level 4, will I get pristine fractal relic and chance at ascended ring?

I’m just confused cause I did a level 10 and it said “My levels is 12, fractal level 10, and my personal reward level is 12” What does that personal reward level refer to?

Abolishment of Magic Find

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drysdale.3826



Say what? I doubt very much that MF gear will be removed from the game. If anything they may alter it or it’s use in some way but again I say I highly DOUBT it will be removed.

According to a Dev in another post he said MF on gear is not something they want in the game. They want to make it innate stat you build over time. It will be leaving GEAR at some point, but not the game completely.

Abolishment of Magic Find

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


I understand Magic Find will be leaving at some point.

I didn’t read any follow up, was there any talk about what would happen to existing magic find gear? I’m not concerned with my crafted gear, but the jewelry I spent laurels/guild comms/fractal relics on. Will there be an exchange or is it AN’s track record to do something of this sort?

Dungeons eject when someone leaves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Why not make it like EVERY OTHER MMO and give the leader sole kicking rights. Solves your problem and the eject dungeon problem.

Dungeons eject when someone leaves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


So if the person that first enters an instance decides to leave group, everyone is ejected from the instance….please tell me the point of this?

Half way through a dungeon a guy decides to go AFK and we were at his mercy and he knew it. Someone accidentally clicks leave party and the group is ejected.

I honestly don’t get the point of that. Why can’t the dungeon progress be pass to another person so people can continue.

Juggernaut trait a boon?

in Engineer

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Alright, just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something. Like Might was somehow exempt from boons

Juggernaut trait a boon?

in Engineer

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Does the Juggernaut trait(might stack with flamethrower equipped) count as a boon? I recently switched to boon dependent magic find food, from omnomberry bars, and it seems my results have gone way down even though it should be a 10% increase.

Anyone else seen similar results?

Molten Facility Jugs of Karma don't stack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Sounds kind of petty, but why don’t the Molten Facility jugs of karma not stack with the daily/monthly jugs of karma? Bank space is tight and it’s just one more slot that doesn’t need to be taken up.

No laurels for monthly?

in PvP

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


I got them last month and I’m getting laurels for sPvP dailies, but not for sPvP monthlies?

Pet renamed bug

in Ranger

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


ima link you to this thread:

The last comment:

it’s not a bug, this was intended. the reason behind this (and someone has mentioned it, possibly a dev, I’ll dig it up and link it later) is that each name you make for your own character utilizes a name database. now imagine for each individual pet you have you made unique names. That means new databases have to be created for each individual pet. Now I assume you have never programmed a database before, and I have only done non-professional maintenance on one, but they would have to make sections for each animal type, break it down to specific animals, then link individual names per animal to individual accounts, all the while making sure there is no redundancy of names and other redundant info…’s not really feasible, especially when it takes you all of 25 seconds to retype that name. If it takes you any longer, get typing lessons or choose a shorter name lol. now before you put the torches to me, I do think it would be prudent to make the actual pet slots name-bound, that way even if you swap, the same name is still there and saved in the same spot, only now you have a new pet (although this would still require new assignments, I think it would be much much less labor intensive). So there’s your answer. For now stop being lazy, they just don’t have the resources to do it. -Nay of the Ether.8913

A. What makes you think that player has intimate knowledge of how AN programs their game? How do other games accomplish this, but AN can’t? Who cares if there is overlap in pets name, not like toon names where multiple names would be a problem.

B. If that is true, just have it store on the client side in a file. Fixed.

TP "Error attempting to sell"

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


What is this bug? I get it no matter if I’m filling an order, matching lowest/setting my own price, or adding to existing ones I have listed.

It seems like after listing 10 resources it pops up. I then have to close my TP window, can list about 4-5 more, then I get the error again.

Gets mad frustrating when I’m listing a bunch of resources.

Pet renamed bug

in Ranger

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Hey ArenaNet, pay someone 20 minutes of over time to fix the pet name bug so I don’t have to rename pets each time I log in…or just take the feature away.

Ranger players already aren’t big fans of you, at least you can fix annoying bugs.

Bunker Build for sPvP

in Ranger

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Thanks man, I appreciate it!

Bunker Build for sPvP

in Ranger

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


I’m looking for a good bunker build in sPvP. I looked some threads, but they all seemed out dated.

What runes/sigils as well?

Thanks in advance!

Good sPvP build?

in Thief

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


I couldn’t find anything current. Looks like D/D and P/D is a good weapon setup. What would be a good build and runes/sigils? Thanks in advanced!

Transferring and the TP

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


I’m transferring servers, will I lose all my items I have currently listed on the TP?

"Magic Find" Gear....Opinions?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


I’ve had similar results with the same class and same gear makeup. Though I believe my math got my magic find gear even higher.

I farm Orr events on my engineer in magic find gear. I get more rares farming Orr mobs in my Zerker gear on my Ranger.

I don’t get it…

Server timezone population

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Why do you dislike that? I think it’s a good idea. What if someone just starts playing and picks a server. They’re now locked in to that server and have to pay money to transfer if it doesn’t align with their timezone.

Other MMO’s allow you to create toons on different servers, I get why they can’t do that in this game, but still not fair for new players who couldn’t have taken part in the free transfers.

…or like my situation. I was here a few weeks before the server transfers and suddenly (a day before transfers ended)Sea of Sorrows had a mass exodus and all that remained were Aussies. Prior to that there were enough NA people to be active. Sea of Sorrows dropped from 1st place T1 to T4 and maybe fall to T5.

Server timezone population

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Is there a thread or list of timezones of servers?

I know all servers are technically “central timezone,” but some servers tend to have higher populations of certain time zones. I’m transferring from Sea of Sorrows because they’re mostly Oceanic and I’m West coast.

As a side note, would it have killed AN to just slap a timezone label on these servers so similar timezone people would gravitate to them—even if the servers aren’t located in that timezone.

Looking for a trusting player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


People who hoard large stacks of cash generally don’t seem to be willing to part with any of it for any reason, so good luck. I’d do it without hesitation, if it wasn’t for having spent it all on lapdancing Asura chicks, cheap LA booze and shady and addictive substances near LA boondocks (know as “dyes” – be careful with that).

lol thanks. I’ve never been the gambling type. I fail at gambling in games and irl. I farm for gold whenever I need it, much safer bet for me!

Looking for a trusting player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Even if this isn’t an obvious scam..

Why should someone send you money so you can get an achievement for something you didn’t achieve?

Not a scam, but I realize it looks that way. That’s why I stated a few times I wasn’t overly optimistic someone would help me with this. That’s for the person to decide if they trust me, I’m certainly not going to hold it against anyone if they don’t.

As for not “earning” the achievement. I wasn’t aware there a was a moral stigma attached to the achievement. It’s just a game, and a silly title in a game at that. What does it matter how it’s earned? I doubt God will be judging me on this one.

This thread obviously isn’t for you, but thanks for stopping by.