Showing Posts For Flabber Babble.8720:

Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

Remote Desktop perhaps?

Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

Before any of you give up completely, try this guide out and see if it helps at all.

Good luck everyone

Clocktower: Extended guide

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

Cool, hope you guys get some good use out of it

Surprising bonus to the Endless Halloween Tonic

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

Until then, ride like the wind bullseye!

I support grinding over luck factor.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

And to repeat myself from earlier. There’s act 4 coming around soon, who knows what that will bring. Maybe everyone gets something special, stay tuned.

I support grinding over luck factor.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

Well that’s not accurate either, nobody is being given anything worth NEAR 300g. And how do you figure those who don’t have special skins are being punished? I don’t follow.

(edited by Flabber Babble.8720)

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720


No run buffs.

Enough times to farm about 3 stacks of ToT Bags

Can't do Jumping Puzzle, Try This

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

Yeah it gives a much more agreeable field of view. I second this for all widescreen users.

I support grinding over luck factor.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

Plus the event isn’t over. Maybe the mini dungeon and chest was the Mad Kings way of having fun (watching everyone squirm) and everyone gets choice of something at the end. /speculate

My point is, let’s not judge until the event is over

My ONLY issue with the Clocktower.... and it isn't horrible.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

Also I posted an in depth guide this morning. Let me know if it helps

My ONLY issue with the Clocktower.... and it isn't horrible.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

Believe me, once you’ve mastered the first 1/3 of the run. Other character models will almost be a non factor as most of them will have fallen by that point.

Clocktower: Extended guide

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

Hey anytime. Be sure to check back. I’d love to see everyone finish it.

Where are my Mad King Slippers?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

That’s weird because I sold mine (medium grade) at the auction house. Maybe a bug?

Clocktower: Extended guide

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

That’s the hard timer catching up to you. You’re probably needing to shave off about 1-2 seconds of your time. A good way to guage it: if the debris that makes the path AFTER the big leap is already down before you land, you’re probably too late. That debris should fall when or shortly before you faceplant.

Where are my Mad King Slippers?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

You could submit a ticket, but don’t hold your breath.

Mad King Dungeon Griefing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

This is unfortunate. I believe ANet is looking into a leader migration fix for the future. There’s no incentive for the leader to kick everyone as he doesn’t get a hand in their loot at all. Could’ve been a disconnect, or a real scumbag

Where are my Mad King Slippers?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

They aren’t soulbound. And I don’t think ANet will be able to place them in your inventory. Your other options could be:

1) beat the puzzle again on a different toon (of the same armor type)
2) farm the Ascent to Madness mini dungeon as the chest can drop them.
3) buy a pair off the trade house

At this point these may be your best options.

Clocktower: Extended guide

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

forgot the link =P

Clocktower: Extended guide

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

Hello everyone. I stayed up a bit too late – perhaps – putting this together. If you’re still having trouble with the Mad King’s Clocktower, please give this a look.

And good luck!

No more farmable holiday events, please.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

If there was nothing to farm, people wouldn’t run it over and over. From a business standpoint it would make sense to limit dungeon runs on a daily basis as the more DAYS people play, the more subscription money they pay.

Since we don’t have a sub fee, imposing that limit would only bully the players into going somewhere else, and for no reason other than the sake of it. ANet respects your time enough and gives you the freedom to choose what you do with your time, and when you want to do it.

Clocktower: The Psychological Angle

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

I’ve quite enjoyed reading this thread and would like to contribute a little to it. Unfortunately for me, all the points I wanted to make were already touched on.

So here is what I related me experience to:

A while back, I found a game on the Xbox LIVE arcade called “The Impossible Game”. Intrigued, I decided to give it a shot. The controls were simple, press A to jump. The little square you controlled scrolled to the right at a fixed pace and required you to time your jumps perfectly. Falling off or hitting spikes would force you to restart as there were no checkpoints.

If you enjoyed this jumping puzzle, I suggest you try this game for a strangely similar challenge.

As far as what motivated me to finish this jumping puzzle. I just wanted to be able to say that I finished it; to myself, not necessarily to others. I strongly agree with the idea of sunk costs in time and effort (I’ve come this far, I can’t stop now) the biggest payoff for me is that dopamine release that us gamers get when we accomplish something; that lies in stark contrast to the frustration and anger it takes to get there.

Unfortunately there’s no clear way to offer assistance to others, besides offering advice and encouragement.

Mad Kings Tower [HARD MODE]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

Probably opened a ton of Black Lion Chests

Considering the Rarity of the Endless Halloween Tonic...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

He’s talking about the endless tonic. It transforms you into a random Halloween form (glowing skeleton, mummy, plastic spider, and candy corn elemental) and has infinite uses. It’s also soulbound on a acquire.

Its sheer dumb luck getting one from a personalized trick or treat bag. Just be ready with a ton of candy corn, and start contributing to the Lions Arch childhood obesity epidemic.

Why the Norn and Charr hate on the Clock Tower?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

Yea. To answer your title question: poor behavior.

It’s far easier to blame someone else if you fail. Us gamers have fragile egos and frankly aren’t used to games that are challenging (much less ones that we CAN’T conquer)

Those that are spewing bile about the clock tower will probably feel silly once they complete it. (but will never admit they were wrong…)

As far as a workaround for real estate on your screen getting blocked; just know that your toon is always in the center of the screen. Once you can detach yourself from your character model (and you may only have to do this for a second or two) it gets much easier.

This tower is an exercise in spatial reasoning, learn to tune out the other moving objects and the puzzle becomes a cakewalk.

The only bad thing about the clock tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

I think a person’s hardware would put a pretty hard cap on their ability to do this. When you consider rendering 10 player models, a lot of floating (and rotating) debris, the movement of the tower itself, and a floor full of mist; this instance could be tough on a low end rig.

Not to mention if your mouse is jittery or has low dpi.

The upside is there’s no real advantage to those who complete it (unless you really need to have shoes)

I am curious, though, what the actual statistics are on the population that managed to beat it.

At the clock tower i make the last jump and... (funny)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

If you hate them, don’t do them.

I LOVE the Clocktower! Do you?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

Something I never see get mentioned is that your hardware can make a difference. If your mouse has low dpi or a jittery laser it can make these things 10x harder… couple that with slow internet/low performing graphical hardware, and this puzzle goes from hard, to horribly frustrating and for the wrong reasons.

The upside is that there is no DOWNside to not completing it.

At the clock tower i make the last jump and... (funny)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

It is that small dark shadow within our kingdom… you must never go there.

To people who complain about Norns and Charrs

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

What sucks is that people will blame big toons for messing up their jumps. Take that out, and it comes down to faulty cameras/poor reset detection/glitchy geography/etc…

No matter what, people won’t admit that they just simply haven’t mastered it yet.

To people who complain about Norns and Charrs

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

yea, there is a lot of movement going on. you have to go into a sort of tunnel vision mode to not get yourself confused when making the jumps.

I LOVE the Clocktower! Do you?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

Yea, I love it. Once i managed to complete it. it does get easier as it turns more into muscle memory (akin to the oldschool Sonic games)

Need help surviving dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

The first time I did AC Story, I died a ludicrous number of times. Don’t worry too much it comes it with the territory. In time, you’ll get better at reading enemy tells, know when it’s best to disengage and heal up or even know where to go to “down” yourself in an easy to get to location. In short, you’ll get better. And things will get easier.

I’m happy to hear that you and your team stuck with the instance and finished it instead of quitting and then coming to the forums shouting that it’s too hard. Keep it up dude

Share your dungeon disaster stories!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

Twilight Arbor – fwd/fwd

My wife and I were the ones to start the group, we pugged the rest. One of them, a warrior, rage quit about 2/3 the way through after getting himself killed over and over again.

After downing Leurent, we went to face the Nightmare Tree (this version spawns the oak hearts) of course, the other two pugs were downed at about 95%, not being able to res them, I told them to rally by hitting the binding roots at their feet… They did not. instead of raising a defeated player I told them to “just res and run back”

This shouldn’t have been a problem considering we cleared everything on the path… Meanwhile my wife (a mesmer) and myself (a ranger) continued to kite around the 3 veteran oak hearts and whittle away at the boss’s hp.

A minute passes… Two minutes… 5 minutes… Nearing 10 minutes… I manage to type up “WHERE ARE YOU?”

“the blossoms are killing us.”

I was livid. These people couldn’t hit a stationary object and simply run by them. My wife and I managed to finish the boss without them, facing down a massive downed penalty but still managing to hold onto it in time for her to get to work.

It was the most irritating experience ive ever had. They were blocked shortly after.

TA explorable - Is this dungeon really finished?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

TA is one of those easy to learn, difficult to master sort of dungeons. It will punish you if you make mistakes, but is pretty easy if you don’t.

Blossoms are targetable for a few seconds before they “bloom” or activate, so you just need to keep an eye out/spam AoE.

You can rally on the blossoms if they take you down.

Wurms are easier in melee. The wells they create are small enough to be stepped out of (opposed to dodging). dodging in this case might just put you into a patch of blossoms…

And lastly, kill Nightmare Court Knights, then Sorcerers. Everything else is not as big a threat. Those Knights are killer.

It sounds to me like you got your butt kicked by mechanics. That will happen, but it does help if at least one person is in your group that knows the instance well enough to give you a heads up. (It’s up to the rest of the group to listen)

Ranger traits ~ Concentration training bugged ~

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

Well, for one, your math is off a bit. If the boon is supposed to last 15 seconds on its own (without concentration training), then with a 50% increase, it should last for 22.5 seconds (15 seconds + (15 * .50))

I would test it again, if it’s still only lasting for 15 seconds, then it’s not working as intended.

I Keep hearing about lack of end game, and bots and stuff...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

Another big assumption is that the forums somehow represent the majority of the population playing the game.

I think it’s a mistake to project the % of yay/nay sayers on the forums across the entire player base; especially when you consider what was said above.

Ignore the negative reviews, this game rocks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

I agree, games great. There’s plenty to do and I have fun doing it. I also like that ANet respects my time enough to let me pull myself away and not leave me feeling I’ve fallen behind by doing so.

Welcome to the minority.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

In all seriousness, it’s sad to think that your enjoyment of something could be influenced so heavily by someone else’s opinion. Calm down, put away your “end is nigh” picket sign, and find some people to play with.

Even if your friends did leave the game, they still have their accounts and will be welcomed back if/whenever they decide to give it another go. Coming back to GW2 doesn’t require any sort of commitment, and. Being away WON’T put you at a disadvantage in terms of gear/progression. Most players know and realize that ANet is not holding them captive.

Basically, don’t panic if a few people you know move on to other things.

TA needs a bit of a nerf

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

Maybe I’ve had decent luck with PuG’s, I dunno. I’m always running TA though, so hit me up in game if you wanna go.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

How would it affect other parts of the game? You just request a duel from someone in town, fight it out for a minute. the first person to hit 0 hp loses, and they go back to normal. Nothing changes, there’s no reward. It would just be for funsies.

I don’t think the OP is asking for a different PvP mode, this would just be to pass time while LFG, or queuing for WvW.

Heritage Jerkin shrinks when weapon is sheathed:

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

This is new to me, and it sounds weird I know. But the coattails on the heritage jerkin are appearing smaller when the weapon is not drawn, and they visibly GROW when the weapon is taken into hand.
Was this intended?


Twilight Arbor - Nightmare Tree all paths

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

for the Fwd/Up path, if there weren’t silver adds standing behind the tree. people would venture into the room to fight it. Also, if he only sent adds out with his poison bombs that would require a constant clean up fight as well as DPS’ing the boss. It would make it more interesting.

The problem isn’t the design specifically… the PLAYERS are the ones who are going to find a back door and cheese the boss no matter what design they make up. It would be hilarious if one day the nightmare tree sprouted legs and started to move about… that would send some people through a loop.

I don't want to have to "unlock" CoF every 20 minutes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

I hear you there. Try coupling that with the MASSIVE lag issues that zone was facing yesterday.

Seems like this dungeon is contested more than the gates of Arah.

Explorer dungeons are way too hard!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

It’s interesting that you specify ONLY Arah in your post yet your title includes “Dungeons” implying ALL of them. I think you’ve drawn your conclusion from one path of one dungeon. And honestly it’s a shame that you would quit after one bad experience.

Arah isn’t the only dungeon in the game worth doing (it’s the highest level, but that in itself is kind of arbitrary), since you can get L80 exotic gear from any dungeon.

By the way, gear doesn’t weigh as heavily into the equation of success in this game… nowhere near as much as it does in some other MMOs.

Is TA story clearable?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

The spiders he sends out are themselves, poison bombs. They don’t attack you but instead run up to you and detonate… so hitting the adds is kind of pointless.

Best thing to do is bring speed buffs and fight at range, bring condition removal and keep moving, only dodge when spiders close in on you (this will prevent their explosions from hurting you) If you get poisoned and your cooldowns wont let you save yourself, be a dear, and die by the front door so you’re easier to get back up

Also it certainly doesn’t hurt to bring some CC. Frost/Spike Trap/Muddy Terrain for rangers. Temporal Curtain for mesmers, and anything else that cripples/chills that can be fired off without switching your target off the boss.

(edited by Flabber Babble.8720)

Massive zone lag, jade quarry - fireheart rise.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

It’s only getting worse. DE’s are unplayable, please help

Dungeons are broken becuase of the tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

For most groups that I form (I’m gonna use Twilight Arbor as an example). I always explain ahead of time which groups we’ll be skipping and which ones we won’t. I base that decision on the number of times a group member dies trying to make the run.

i.e. it’s super easy to skip the first two packs – the hounds and husks – on the way to the first wurm boss… but people often have trouble skipping the three packs of Nightmare Court toward the end of the F/F path. Hence, I insist on clearing the Nightmare Court on those paths. This isn’t for drops, it’s for logistics and consideration of members who can’t run effectively (and honestly, how much time do you save if you’re all standing around waiting for one to two members to run all the way back?

ArenaNet Staff

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

I feel the same way. Too many other developers/community coordinators tend to follow the cryptic “coming soon” or “we’re looking into it” mantra.

ANet actually goes into quite intimate detail about their patch notes, and the feelings that drove that update. I love this and hope to see it continue.

Dungeon Time, Difficulty and Reward.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

I think you are focusing too much on the gear cap (that being stats) on armor/weapons. And not spending enough time/effort worrying about the SKILL cap (which is set pretty high in this game)

The extra reward you get from completing the hardest dungeon (we’re going to say, Arah, for this example) is a set of unique SKINS to show off on your character. If nobody else is able to clear it, that armor can be worn as a symbol of prestige.

It won’t, however, give you an advantage over others. Personally, I’m fine with this. I would rather someone best me in pvp based on their own skill to my own, instead of only losing because they spent more time grinding the top gear.

Dungeon finder acros all severs pls

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

Well yes. I was agreeing with your post. I’m assuming English is not your first language (which is cool btw)

I’d love to see more functionality with the LFG/Dungeon Finder system as its currently unusable.