Showing Posts For Frost.2908:

Unable to connect to Log in Server

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Frost.2908


I kept trying and finally was able to log back in… its funny I get almost every bug but still cant get into a beta =p


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frost.2908


I don’t understand why ANet “should have been more selective” in who got picked for this stress test. As I understand it, the purpose is to tax the system. It doesn’t require that I have specialized knowledge of GW lore or am a dungeon runner or a PvPer. I think my job is simply to log in and play around and report any errors I happen to see, but I also expect lots of lag, DCs, etc. That doesn’t require any special skill does it? We are all special snowflakes…. meaning none of us are special. We don’t need to be.

Well in order to tax their system you’d think anet would select testers from their current pool of players, or people that actually log in.

I want to know if I need to have a free character slot to participate….I don’t have a free slot.

Anet will be providing you an additional character slot for the stress tests and many already have it visible on their account for tomorrows test.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frost.2908


I think the whole selection process was completely random judging by all my friends that got in. I just think that anet should of been a bit more selective of the people who they chose to test.

Sure I didn’t get an invite, and I’ve yet to receive an invite to any form of beta testing from Guild Wars in my 10 years of playing…. and yet alot of people who do not play the game currently or did not sign up for this newsletter still got in.

I’m pretty sure they auto invite previous testers first and then fill the rest of the slots with others regardless of whether they play they game or expressed any interest in it. So for those who are salty about not getting into these beta tests, try playing 10 years since GW1, logging in daily with no “play breaks” and still not getting in!

Some dialogs have no voice during cutscenes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Frost.2908


So that would explain why I could only hear some… and others really low lol I usually never have the music on but today turned in on low

I did too…till I realized they put the voices in cut scenes on the music track. I turned my music volume back up and then I could hear the character’s voices during cut scenes.

Pretty amateur that GW2 was done that way. I hate the game music.

[PC] PC errors out sends 2 boot menu

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Frost.2908


ok thank you I went ahead and sent in a ticket. Feel free to close/delete this thread.

Hey there,

For this particular issue I’d advise submitting a support ticket as we may need to collect some diagnostic information from you in order to troubleshoot this issue:

[PC] PC errors out sends 2 boot menu

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Frost.2908


I just returned home to try and play this new update on my desktop built for gw2 (built above specs on release/windows 7) and I’ve never had problems with the pc, but when I try and play the content from this last release 1/13/15 (specifically the 2nd instance where im at the start of silverwastes) I get right past the part of the story where I rescue 3 soldiers from pods and then my game and everything else on my system freezes, the screen goes black the system reboots, and it gives me the black screen stating for me to select correct disk or press a key to boot my os…

Ive tried this multiple times and the same thing has happened over and over, so I end up shutting down my PC for a few minutes, I restart it and its back to normal. Ive tried leaving my PC on, browsing the web, youtube, itunes ect and it works perfectly fine. I am even able to play other aspects of the game/ other story instances in orr and the game functions with no trouble at all. So I’m pretty sure the problem has to do with this current updated content.

But how is it able to error out my entire PC? And is anyone else having this trouble? Ive searched the forums and don’t see any similar posts and is this fixable? Please help as I wont be playing and risking damaging my PC further until this is addressed. I do keep my PC and video card up to date as well, and thanks in advance for your help.

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frost.2908


I personally do not like this new megaserver system at all.

I carefully selected my server because there weren’t too many people on it and not too few, it was a PvX server and if I wanted to be social and zerg I could goto a map and do that or have a relaxing solo farm as well. Now everywhere I go I can no longer enjoy myself, its become a DPS zerg fest, I cant play the character I want because of the fear I might not do enough damage to get kills, I might get trampled or have enemies thrown on me as randoms run by. These are all things I’ve always hated in games and could avoid on my server previously.

All of these choices were were supposedly given in GW2 to pave our own path, pick our own community…they seem long lost in this new muck of a world. I seriously feel like a refugee smushed into a containment camp, we can only play this char, this build, this way if you want a chance to succeed! This is really what the world has become and for the first time im really not excited or motivated to log in at all.

I offer a solution: You can keep your megaservers and funnel everyone in them when they log in. But also allow players who do not want to be in them to specifically select to play on their own server exclusive maps. (Because really why even divide us into servers in the first place if we are not allowed to have a choice of population/ play style/ community ect?)

Think GW1 district systems: It was amazing and worked, there was no problem with it and I’m sure it would solve all of these problems.

Mari dodge achieves

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Frost.2908


This whole living story phase is based on team work and a combined effort and that seems to be what anet is including in these achievements. Were so use to depending only on ourselves but when you communicate with the others in your map and plan ahead(a lot of people are still new to this) you have a greater chance of success.

I’ve already completed all of the living story achievements and yes with a few retries due to platform failures but that’s what will make it feel like that much more of an achievement later

Marionette dodge AP, why punish everyone?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Frost.2908


This is a different type of event based on group play and coordination, the title did seem daunting at first but once you get over the solo player mentality and work with your group of randoms its quite easy, I already have all the achievements from this living story completed.

You can get multiple tries per event simply go to the lane of the first you need and once you get out win or fail you can do another phase 2 tries later. There’s a timer before you can re-enter, this is why I say 2 chain attempts later it will expire.

If anything I do think anet should at least update the description of the achievement to notify people the phase needs to be completed as well

MF items NOT account bound but soulbound

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Frost.2908


I completely agree with everyone. What anet stated and what they implemented are 2 completely different things… the update notes to this day are still contradicting themselves.

But I found it odd that as I was complaining to my friend earlier, on my end the items are shown as soul bound and other characters cannot equip them, but when I ping them in chat it only shows an account bound item… so figure that one out.

I expected like what the notes said and what it shows on the pinged items that I could transfer these extra armors(because my mains already have other armors of the non farming stats I needed) to my newer characters that could actually use them. But as of right now I just have bunch of useless junk taking up space in my inventory.

World 3 Special Instruction

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Frost.2908


what should I do after leaving the lab? :/

is there any way to pass world 3 or it’s unplayable for now?

World 3 is open only as a preview currently, a much shorter one at that, so no full play thru until next time the SAB returns.

Yavvi, Ketto, Wortt, Nimb

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Frost.2908


Yeah, I might need to witness it again as I had just woken up when I discovered it lol

World 3 genie dialogue translation

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Frost.2908


I never have the NPC chatter on as it gets to be too much… so it took me a bit but I finally got it as well GJ indeed

World 3 Special Instruction

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Frost.2908


Finally I got it! touche anet

Super Hammer Skin not on TP?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Frost.2908


I got one from the SAB boss chest but it was green and account bound.

World 3 Special Instruction

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Frost.2908


Has anyone completed the achievement yet? I haven’t figured it out… but soon!

Also are we meant to have all our skills blocked off in world 3 or is this a bug?

Liadri 8 orb achievement bugged?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Frost.2908


Which arena did u do her on?

I completed it in the asuran arena which happens to be right next to the sylvari arena others are recommending

Liadri 8 orb achievement bugged?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Frost.2908


I just tried the achievement today and succeeded! It did register on my first completion of all 8 orbs so it seems to be working correctly.

And yes it is the initial 3 orbs to activate her in phase 1 and then an additional 5 in phase 2

30 minute cooldown on infinite tonic...

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Frost.2908


I used it once, thought it was cool, realized my transformation ran out and then noticed a cool down… well that will be the end of that for me. First and last use.

Personal Space: what needs to be done?

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Frost.2908


Ok a lot of people still seem to have trouble getting this achievement… so for your sakes I’ll try to give you all a super simple explanation of how to attain it

If you want to do it the normal way, its easiest as previously mentioned to split the group up into the 4 corners and 1 in center for the barrage phases. Decide whose going where before hand and you should be able to outrun/dodge all the cannon blasts.

If you get hit or want to do the character swap method, I suggest you stay until all the cannon barrages have completed and your group actually kills Mai, yes kills her! Then you can go as far as to lower Horrik’s HP to almost dead before you switch characters.

You will need to have a group understanding of what you are doing so they don’t kill him before you return, as in running all the way back into the boss fight. While you are running back, your group will only need to evade his little cannon blasts until you enter the arena again, and yes you do need to re-enter the boss fight for the achievement to register. (I’d suggest hitting him a few times just to be safe)

Either method should render your achievement as completed so go get em kiddies!

Contractually Obligated achievement

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Frost.2908


and at the end the guy said to guy buy a swim suit!! I neeeeds one >.<

Will reef riders price ever increase?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Frost.2908


Will the price ever increase? Absolutely, but soo many people have already played this investment and there are so many in circulation/being stored that it’s safe to say the price will not rise by much anytime soon. If anything this would be a long term investment, veeeery long term lol

100 Southsun Supply Crates Opened

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Frost.2908


1-2 hrs per night and I have never seen a crate drop.

I feel you there man, been doing the zerg thing on Southsun for a solid number of hours now and have yet to find a single chest.

It depends what your zerging I use to get crates and rares from the rioters but haven’t since the update so it might of been a bug
But from the regular event zerg you’re only getting a chance at a crate from the instigator and occasional crazed spawns.
Try changing it up a bit as dead anything = a chance for a crate …and the 200% MF boost never hurt either

100 Southsun Supply Crates Opened

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Frost.2908


I’ve never actually bought a box of RNG anything from the gem store but that’s just me.. partially because if I didn’t get what I wanted then id feel a little cranky lol

But now that they are drops ive had about 20 or so crates drop for me

I opened about half of them with nothing exciting inside besides the usual flowers n shells… so I decided to stop opening singles and save the majority of them to open all at once, probably when they stop dropping or near the end so ill list my results then

Today’s the day! I decided to open up 25 crates since I wont be available to farm anymore so here are the results:

214 karka shells
88 passion fruits
27 passion flowers
1 light & 1 heavy consortium breather
2 sharks tooth sword skins
1 consortium clipper focus skin
1 consortium mobile crafting station

No weapon tickets but meh I didn’t lose any money either so im content

(edited by Frost.2908)

Instigator chest not spawning?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Frost.2908


Ok I think I found the solution…

Although I was farming this event then farming other things you need to specifically farm a few other events in between and the chest will become lootable again.

Instigator chest not spawning?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Frost.2908


Yes the same thing has happened to me on the instigator chest, I participate in the event get a gold medal but cannot see or loot the chest… yet I can jump on top of it.

I’m not sure whats causing this but it has happened a lot of times over the past few days… please fix it so I can get my loot!

Ok now this is really off… 6 events in a row gold medals and still no chest spawns for me?! I relogged multiple times and still it wont spawn for me but everyone else is looting it! -.-

(edited by Frost.2908)

southsun supply crate drop

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Frost.2908


Ive seen 0 crates running the MF buff and I have completed all the achievable achievements this far.… but my drop rates are usually tainted lol so we shall see….

It might be server related? But the wait time to get into non overflow is ridiculous currently…. on my server anyways

New Backpiece is from your nightmares

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Frost.2908


I only wish they weren’t account bound or that if we wanted we could get multiple of the new back pieces…. being limited to only one is so cruel!

Crabtacular Achievement

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Frost.2908


I completed all the crab toss achievements with ease, including this one unknowingly lol
But if you are having trouble with it id recommend guesting to a lesser populated server… or one rated lower on the wvw chart

Also watch the boxes that drop there’s 1 conch shell that is nothing short of amazing! Grab it and the crab and you can fear everyone into the enemies and pretty much hold them off indefinitely…. or at lesat until you get the achieve lol

I hope these tips help

Today is still in April. Why does this shut?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Frost.2908


Awww I feel jipped a whole day! They did specify it would be open the whole month of April… I figured the update would be sometime in the wee morning hours but I guess not… oh well I was a fun run while it lasted * sniffle *

Till next time SAB!!

Where do you get the slingshot?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Frost.2908


yep right before the frog boss. As you are standing at the checkpoint platform for him turn to your right smack a gator and jump on his back to shop directly in front of you

Do you enjoy the cage fights?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Frost.2908


Well if you make it more complicated then it is it could be a slight grind, but usually I stand in one spot attacking and only jump to the side when he targets me, it only takes a few times… no running in circles and/or glitches needed!

Unfortunately the box isn’t perfect and as one stated there are certain spots you can stand and basically go afk on the cages. I personally feel like those “spots” were not intentional, and I choose not abuse them or character deletion farming as it’s simply not gratifying for me, and I have a sense of morals lol

With that said I do hope they change this bit of the instance to make it a bit more of the challenge it was meant to be

Do Super Weapons have special sounds etc?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Frost.2908


Yeah, they sound like light sabers.

Is this a serious answer?

Yes, I have the GS and when you wave it around it does have a digital swishing sound, it also makes a sound when sheathed… I suppose it could be similar to a light saber im not too familiar with that whole franchise lol

Also the staff seems to have no sound but the bird on the perch it actually animated which makes it cool

PRO Tips of the day

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Frost.2908


I personally never tried the dodge roll jumping technique but here’s something I do that might help:

You can literally run off the an edge or limb, and right before you start to fall you can jump up mid air, thus slightly extending your jumps reach.

I have every achievement so far and I assume it might gain the same result as the dodge jump? Not sure but it works just fine for me

Lets figure out some drop rates!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Frost.2908


Id like to know if people are getting their weapon skins running solo or with groups? Since the last patch I haven’t seen a skin drop, and pre-patch I received multiple skins both solo and grouped. Currently I speed run the instance, but I’m debating joining a party with my lack of drops lately…

Also what level character are you getting your skins on? I had received skins on both lvl 80’s and not, but my dry spell continues… lets work out the variables people!

Lets figure out some drop rates!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Frost.2908


Only the very end one (frog one/zone 3) or any of the zone ‘boss’ chest(s)?

I’ve gotten no skins, and I’ve done zone1 at least 10 times (most on the same character), zone 2 maybe 5 times, and haven’t completed zone 3 yet.

I know someone got a drop from Zone 1’s boss chest, so it’s definitely from any of the boss chests. Most of us are just not that lucky.

Yes, you can get a skin from all of the boss chests… I’ve personally gotten a skin from each chest, although I haven’t received a skin since the client update… I wonder if DR is a factor here or if its just pure luck?

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Frost.2908


I agree all of a sudden overflows for every event on my server… which is not even a high pop server… I missed 3 events today due to overflows so this is getting old really quick…

There needs to be some sort of prioritization of locals or something, granted before we were transferring to other servers for event ect and there was never a problem.. It just feels like something changed rather recently…

"Master Crafter" Achievement...

in Crafting

Posted by: Frost.2908


just make 40 mithril plated dowel(requires mithril and elder wood)

I agree with the above… it just so happened these were the 2 mats I had several extra stacks of… not that you need stacks but it came out free and the dowels sold quickly on the tp

Hydra Queen - Laughing Gull Island issues?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Frost.2908


if anyone has plans to do/ or sees this event active could you please pm me which server? id greatly appreciate it!!

Finally simin has been nerfed!!(Arah p4)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Frost.2908


I returned to Arah path 4 to see just how this change panned out… the fight is really easy now, our team ended up being 2 mesmers, an ele, engineer and 1 war who was playing for his bro mid way thru lol needless to say some were new to the fight and we completed this path as easily as any other in arah.

I think its very doable for any party now and the most trouble we had was when people would try to switch chars in between patches and couldn’t get back in…

So fear path 4 no more kiddies and happy hunting

A plea to nerf Dwayna (Arah p4/Seer path)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Frost.2908


I wouldn’t consider this path of Arah hard because of a fear of death. Its not difficult to stay alive in any portion of this dungeon really the problem comes from the imposed requirement of the Simin fight, which in turn is the basis for your eligibility to ever join a group.

Now I can understand the need for people to have the proper gear to do the right amount of DPS ect, but the only way to complete this path is to be typecast into a very specific role for this fight. And because of this one fight, about half the classes in game are getting turned away at the dungeon door. That in my eyes is the true problem.

These “other” classes can have all the maxed out ascended gear and shinies they want but they still have no real chance of getting into most random groups. And I say random because not everyone has a whole guild or friends list waiting to do a dungeon run, especially one that takes much longer then any other in game, and these players usually do end up pugging for completion. So I find this to be the biggest problem, more so in a game that is so focused on every class being perfectly balanced and interchangeable.

CoE Point of Interest - SS Cuttlefish

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Frost.2908


I was just wondering the same thing… Poi’s always annoy me if I don’t get them all

3 Mystery Box minis: 5200 gems/65$ (average)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Frost.2908


I will start by saying that I purchased the Halloween trio… and an additional one so that I could make the special Halloween mini. Which is more then I thought id do but at the time I had every intention of collecting every mini in the game as I did in GW1 previously.

But with this new system of gambling for minis with real cash, I’ve decided to not even bother, now its not even worth it for me to get the final 2 gem store miniatures (not from the wintersday mystery boxes) as my collection will always be incomplete. And this is a feeling that several friends and I are sharing stemming from this wintersday celebration.

It is one thing to gamble your time and effort in game to hopefully get a mini drop, or even if other people decide to gamble their cash in the cash shop but the minis were left tradable so that others could purchase them directly. But the extremes of account binding and no alternate ways of acquiring these minis have left many with a not so fond thought of the whole situation.

The Halloween event was quite a success in my eyes and if this is progress, I wouldn’t mind if anet reverted to a system that pleased everyone.

I've got a solid lead to follow.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Frost.2908


I’m stuck in Inspector Ellen Kiel’s quest progression… I did all the parts of the quest up until Canach before the update on several characters. Today she is not telling me where to go, or what portion of the quest line I am on all I get is “I’ve got a solid lead to follow”… and go follow it.
But on other characters I was bumped back in the quest line to Noll, as she directed me to him specifically. So does anyone know what portion of the quest line a solid lead to follow actually leads to? I could really use a solid lead to follow here… literally

Mad King Says, missing something from GW1

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Frost.2908


I wish we would of received a hat each time we completing the quest as in GW1, especially since I would of like it on multiple characters and there is no in game hat distributor * cough cough. * And yes I know I could of switched characters but by the time I switched, I was sent to a different overflow and the Mad King was no where to be found so I had to wait all over again

How much money did you spend on BL keys...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Frost.2908


I spent nothing on the black lion chest and lost nothing.

Instead I opted to farm my way thru Halloween, and received several of the Halloween exotic weapon skins, mad king’s armor pieces, and at least a stack of each event mat. So overall I’m quite pleased with the outcome.

I figured the drop rate on the BLC’s would be quite low and if I were to ever consider buying any keys I definitely would hold off until an actual drop rate was confirmed. After all I wouldn’t want to make the gamble bigger then it already is.

Aside from that the Halloween BL chest drops are still available until Nov. 15th so the availability will probably increase and prices decrease if people are still opening them… so happy gambling

Feedback on Mad King Memories

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Frost.2908


Honestly I never used my scanner once, every time I got to a ghost it was already popped so im not even sure how it might of worked. The quests seemed interesting enough, short and sweet I guess. And I do like the backpack rewards, the only thing I would of preferred is if they were account bound versus character bound as some of my characters were too low a level to attain them.

Mad King Says vs Mad King Says?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Frost.2908


In the dungeon: even if you were selected for the game there was no true consequence for not completing it, and most just ignored it. I think it should of been party wide, scattered randomly thru out the dungeon and if you didn’t complete the emote, you died

In town: It seemed to be mad king says for the visually, hearing, and mentally impaired all you had to do was look to the upper right side of your screen to see the meter counting down from what the mad king said. (and type exactly what the meter said too) He doesn’t need to bounce around for the game to be fun and there was no element of surprise as he said mad king says… then paused at least a minute before giving the actual command.

I much preferred the mad king in GW1 still, but that’s just my opinion

Phase 4 - ending Nov. 1 or Nov. 5?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Frost.2908


Actually the black lion items will be available until the 15th of Nov here’s the source and more details

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frost.2908


Finally the wait is over and a date has been set for the release of the GW1 names(11/8/2012)! Of course it happens to be on a week that ill be out of town, but I’m sure I can figure something out…

Here’s the link:

And I do want to thank arena net for upholding their promise.. better late then never right? hah just kidding but really.. thank you.