Showing Posts For Jake.1842:
Based from what you’ve said, and the screenshots. I don’t think you were actually in the queue. You spoke to the Fight Manager which selects your opponent, however to get into the queue you need to talk to the Ring Master as well who will then put you into the queue.
Voting for Kiel just because the people who want Evon to win seem like they are the only ones that would get thoroughly kitten ed off about it? For the past 2 weeks and especially the last week when they showed the first 52-48 split, people voting for Evon have been so mad on the forums getting angry at people. I find it so hilarious that I really want Kiel to win, just so it continues. I don’t think if Evon won, anyone that voted for Kiel would actually care all that much and they’d all just be like, “Oh well, time for the Jubilee”. But if Kiel wins it seems like the forums would be over run with a thousand kittens screaming about the voting being rigged and calling anyone that voted for Kiel a disgrace or something. I personally can’t wait. So how about you?
You don’t need to have done level 1 to be able to do the higher levels. So long as the person starting it has the level. So just look for a group doing a positive number anywhere up to 10 so that you can fight the maw. Anything over 10 and you need agony resistance, but below that you’ll be fine.
This has just happened to me when using the whirlpool skill in combat. First and only time I’ve ever seen it happen. I made a thread about it because I didn’t see this one. I’ll link it here.
Ooh, I didn’t see that when I searched. I’ll post on that thread too. Thanks for that.
EDIT: Changed the title to something that describes it better.
When I used Whirlpool, for some reason, an image of my character stayed behind, frozen in the pose I guess I was when I used it. After whirlpool ended, it was still there. Is disappeared after about 2 minutes. I tried to get someone else to come have a look and see if they could see it too, but it disappeared before they got there.
I understand my description probably wasn’t the best and you’re probably confused as to what I mean, but look at the screen shots and you’ll get what I mean.
Additional information:
*Prior to using Whirlpool I just completed the Krait Blood Witch event.
*I was in the cave where the blood witch spawns, fighting a Veteran Krait and a Young Barracuda when I used the skill.
*I was using the Kiel support button thing at the time.
*Unfortunately I’m not sure what attunement I was using when I used whirlpool.
*I’ve tried to recreate this but it didn’t happen again.
*It didn’t have any impact on the game at all, just thought it was weird that it happened and thought I should let you know.
(edited by Jake.1842)
I’ve done 100% world completion on 2 characters completely solo. Just avoid the tougher group events and it’s pretty simple.
I should be clearer. The point I was trying to ask was if the fact that there is WvW, has an effect on the number of servers, simply to make WvW not so overpopulated because of the player caps on the maps. If there was only PvE, ignoring “player decrease” would they have had any where near the number of servers? Also about PvE being dead. In Sanctum of Rall, I rarely ever see anyone else in a zone, and most times and soloing every event I come across. Unless it’s a meta-event boss.
How many servers do you think there would be?
I could be wrong, but it seems that the reason that there are as many servers as their are is because of World vs World and the player cap per map. If there weren’t enough servers, then every server would continuously have queues to get in and it would be incredibly annoying.
So, if there was no WvW and there was only the PvE/sPvP content, do you think there would be a considerably lower number of servers? It’s no secret that PvE is dead for the most part. If there was half the number of servers, zones could feel more populated and not so dead.
So, how many servers do you think they would need? Remembering that they have the overflow system for when maps do become full.
(And by servers, I do mean worlds, not actual physical servers)
EDIT: I should be clearer. The point I was trying to ask was if the fact that there is WvW, has an effect on the number of servers, simply to make WvW not so overpopulated because of the player caps on the maps. If there was only PvE, ignoring “player decrease” would they have had any where near the number of servers? Also about PvE being dead. In Sanctum of Rall, I rarely ever see anyone else in a zone, and most times and soloing every event I come across. Unless it’s a meta-event boss.
(edited by Jake.1842)
I watched your videos. And you are plain wrong. If you count all the hits it’s 24 for each video. I fail to see where you get 48 from. At times multiple meteors hit the ground, but if you look, the damage is only attributed to one of them. You were assuming that only the final 24 meteors were just for show/ineffective, however, 24 of the 48 ones during the effective time period were also just for show. Watch the video again and you will see.
Most dynamic events don’t lead into a chain. If you succeed in doing the event, it goes away, usually if the event is failed, it will be a different event right on the same area to take back the land or whatever, but that’s not really a chain.
The chains are generally part of the meta events with bosses at the end. Usually there is a number of dynamic events 1 after the other to do the whole chain and fight the boss. I know one of the ones in orr ( Eye of Zhaitan catacombs one) that if you do all the events related to this chain, it’s 14 or 15 events. But then it resets and starts again, so you could be right in saying they don’t really change the world.
There are a few exceptions but not many unfortunately.
The only changes you’ll see are if you fail an event where you are protecting something, and you have to retake it. Which there are a lot of.
So even though the DE’s aren’t quite as dynamic and exciting as they probably should be, just don’t worry about it, and enjoy doing them like you have so far, just don’t expect them to all lead into something. Although, a handy tip could be to wait around for a minute after the event if you see NPC’s talking to eachother, because there will probably be a new event right after.
@Jake: you were always able to salvage jewelry as well. So why not snowflake jewelry? And yes, you always received a rare back that was worth more than the 4 products you put in. There was no loss, especially before the massive exploitational forging began, only profit. Minimum profit of 1g, max profit 180+g per forge.
The thing with the jewelery at Xmas was an actual bug. People weren’t salvaging fully made jewelery, they were salvaging a part of it, which isn’t possible for ANY other piece of jewelery.
To make rare jewelery, you need to first make 3 parts, each which takes an ecto and a jewel or whatever, then you use the 3 to make the final bit of jewelery, so you use 3 ectos to make 1 thing to salvage. But with the snowflake things, you were able to salvage the parts. So instead of risking 3 ectos and getting 1 back and losing money, you were able to salvage the part which only took 1 ecto, giving a greater chance for a positive return.
This however, was doing something that has always been possible. If you only needed 2 mini’s instead of 4 like normal, then sure. But the fact that you needed 4 like it always has been, then there is no reason to blame people for doing it.
I really hope they don’t ban anyone for this. If I wasn’t so poor, I’d have done the exact same thing. How was anyone meant to think this was a bug? You’ve always been able to put 4 rares in and possibly get an exotic back. So why would it change now? They made a new rare mini, and so it’s understandable that it would be able to be placed in the forge. When seeing the price, people took the opportunity to make money. Shouldn’t be punished for it. If there was actually some kind of exploit, like, ALWAYS giving back exotics or something dramatic like that, then sure. But there wasn’t. It’s like saying I should be banned for back when I was able to double my money (not just a couple gold, I mean by a kitten load) by changing carnelian lumps into ruby orbs. Or by putting rare runes into the forge and getting exotics back.
Runescape is the only MMO I have paid and would ever pay a subscription fee for. But only because Runescape since I started playing in 2004, has had updates 2-4 times a month. To me, it’s a good example of how a subscription mmo should work. I have no issue with paying for an MMO, if it’s actually putting out new content all the time.
He said apart of the next build. So it will be at the end of the month on the 28th.
It would be so nice to be able to kick someone out of a golem you put down. There’s little more frustrating than some… kitten… taking golems you’ve built and jumping them off cliffs for the lulz.
I’m pretty sure you can.
Can’t you?
Nope, unfortunately. Golem-napping is one of the very few trolling pastimes still in game.
Maybe it’s server to server, but every golem I have ever put down, I’ve been able to take back from whoever was in it. I’ve done it a kitten load of times. So maybe your server is just broken.
By the time you way point in after seeing swords, they’re already on the inner. Outers are always forfeit now.
This literally just happened to me before patch. I tagged South Gate WK. 30 Seconds later swords went up. 15 seconds later, their scout came to find me. I waved at him, and tagged the gate again. I laughed in map chat. IN THE TIME IT TOOK for this poor guy to run to south gate from north, our commander sup rammed down the north gate and went through to inner. By the time I tagged the gate the second time, they were in the lords room.
Whoever made this change clearly does not play the game.
This post makes no sense. You could already do this exact thing before the update. Have someone attack south gate while the commander sits around the corner hiding. The scout finds you at the south gate tagging the door, while he is distracted by you, the commander moves in and takes down the north gate. The 30 second timer for this has literally nothing to do with what you just described. Unless I completely missed something, in which case, PLEASE point it out.
So apparently “megazergs” can be at your inner/already taken the tower in under 30 seconds. If they have that many people, what are the chances of being able to actually get enough people INTO the keep/tower to fight them off, in less than 30 seconds anyway? Sounds like if they are that strong, they are going to take it down regardless.
If the other server has such a massive zerg running around, why wouldn’t you have people scouting it. Not sitting in towers, but tailing the zerg as it runs around/ watching the map for where it hit last, and sending scouts to towers which are likely to be next?
Not saying the update is awesome or anything, but just something to think about.
Maybe if they made it so that if you had under 5 or 10 people attacking, It would take 30 seconds, but more than that would act as it does now. Would give smaller teams an advantage that larger teams don’t have.
But then zergs could do what they have always done and just have a few people take out the guards and set up 5 rams/golems while the zerg waits.
Or maybe it would encourage servers to break up their members into teams and have them spread across the map in teams of 5 or 10 (depending on the number if they implemented) which is what it seems like people want. But then there would be screaming about how the other server is taking every single last camp/tower in 1 go. And it would be even harder to defend.
So really this update I suppose was pointless, and any variation is bad too. Because whatever you do that can advantage a smaller group attacking a keep or tower a zerg can take advantage of too just by having people sit back and watch a bunch of golems or rams go at the door.
It seems like all they were trying to change though was the door tagging that occurs. Although I don’t see what the big issue is with door tagging. If you can get a bunch of people to run around, tagging keeps and towers and camps, just to mess with the other server, making them spread out to scout out the white swords, I really don’t see the issue. Sure it can be annoying, but it sounds to me like it should be a legit tactic.
But yeah, nothing constructive really in this post. Just a wall of text with a few things to think about.
3 people have already said it, but I figure a fourth couldn’t hurt. I just tried to do the event, I killed his army like it said, then killed him, but his health reset when he got down to 0.
Niodyne, chances are someone else killed the army to get rid of the bar, and they either didn’t fight the boss because it was too hard, died, or did the same thing and saw it was bugged.
Too many people have entered the market, over supply I would say. I used to make a lot of money from making ruby shards, into crystals, into orbs, and they sold really fast, and it was GREAT cash. Then lots of people started doing it, eventually, prices started crashing because too many people were doing it, eventually no one needed orbs anymore, but there were still people making them.
Considering that they were sitting around 38-40s before the update, I’d say they have come down quite a bit. That’s a 25% decrease. It would probably be more, but as Zaxares said, demand has possibly increased, due to the decrease. Give it a bit of time and it will probably continue to go down.
Raise the tax and it just means manipulators will just have to raise the price that little bit more to make just as much money. Meaning in the end the average player still gets kittened over.
They are going to be changing stuff. Just be patient. Play the rest of the game and don’t be in such a rush to get a legendary. Get everything else first, but do it at a steady pace. Play other characters to level 80 and stuff. Eventually you will get there or they will release an update or updates which make acquiring a precursor less RNG/being rich based.
I said this on your other post, but I will post it again here. Having 3 servers seems pointless and limiting considering you can only guest to 2 worlds in a given 24 hour period. Meaning those who wish to play characters across the 3 different level ranges would miss out. Having 2 or even 1 would work a lot better.
Why 3 different servers? Why not stick with just 1 or 2? With 3, it means you wouldn’t be able to play with all these other PVE people in the same day. Sure you could still PVE, but you miss out on playing on the server which is meant to be like the unofficial server. If it were just 2, that’s the max number of guesting worlds so it would work. Having 3 seems pointless and just annoying to me.
Other than that, I have been waiting for someone somewhere to announce an unofficial PVE server where EVERYONE guests to to play.
So he can take a screenshot, put it on the forums and make everyone cry.
Sanctum of Rall in uncontested now.
Right now me and a couple people are trying to do the event. If you’re also wanting to do it but no one on your server is, come guest over to ours. Maybe with a decent number of people we can beat it.
Waywarde waypoint is currently uncontested, but probably not for long so be quick.
Sanctum of Rall, North American server (sorry EU’s)
EDIT: We’re finished now. Also, I don’t know if this was in the wrong place, from what I could tell there isn’t really any forum to post this sort of stuff in, and I really think there should be. Just saying.
(edited by Jake.1842)
If you want to see a dwarf go do arah.
They already said there won’t be any dragons as a result of these updates coming out in February and March. That doesn’t mean they aren’t linked, but it means we won’t see Primordus.
I agree, what is with this kitten about dailies having us play through different parts of the game. I don’t want to kill things! I like to sit in Lion’s Arch all day and play the TP. Why isn’t there a daily for listing 50 items!?
How dare you make a completely optional part of the game require me to do things that I don’t like to do!
Ranged weapons seem to help. His aeo’s have only a certain range. So if you stand far enough back, even if you end up in a circle, 1 dodge is plenty to get out of it. If you’re meleeing him you’re pretty much out of luck.
Unless, and I didn’t check this, if his aeo isn’t actually 360 and only goes in front of him, in which case if you want to melee dodge through him not backwards and you’d be okay. But you’d need to go there to check that.
If I was someone who was needing charged lodestones for my legendary and I had already bought them, just hadn’t used for the gift yet. I would dump them on the TP and wait for the lower price. I’m pretty sure that’s what probably happened. This doesn’t have kitten to do with manipulators.
There is already a thread with this information in it.
sanctum of rall just beat the kitten.
Sanctum of Rall is open for business.
On that point, the Grinning Shield Skin has had around 10-20 avaibable between 80-100g and a couple up to 120g for the past month or so now, but within the last 48 hours someone decided to buy the rest of them, and put them back on the market for 200g+, highest buy offer went from 70g to 140g.
Highest buy offer is back down to 90g and lowest sell is like 150g now, but yeah, people are definitely interested in holiday skins. And as someone who got a skin from the first BLC they opened during the Halloween event, I can say I am quite pleased that other people are working towards making me richer.
To my understanding, it doesn’t matter if the weapon is soulbound, has a different sigil or what have you, as long as it’s got the name is can be used. Not sure about transmuting for different stats though, it may require it to be the starting stats + name.
I have 200 in my bank which I bought for 25s each. It was 250, but I sold 50 to get some quick cash. I’ve no idea where you might farm them though.
I did get a core once from Fractals though. Not sure how common they would be though.
WOO! Finally guesting is here. Something that should have been available on release. I don’t get why people are surprised with paid server transfers, they said that it would cost money to transfer servers, they just didn’t implement that yet because guesting wasn’t implemented yet.
Anyway, I’m gonna assume that there is now going to be some kind of unofficial 24/7 PVE servers made and basically everyone is going to PVE on that server and not there own. Which will ultimately probably end up making every server except a select few be completely dead even more so than what they are now in PVE. I suppose this could be seen as a good and bad thing.
If a dev could respond to their take on that, it would be nice to see.
Yes. Any rares or exotics above level 76 have a chance of getting a precursor. The higher level/rarity of the weapons will also increase the chance of getting one.
If you put 4 of the same weapon in you will that same type back. If you put in 4 random weapons, you can get a random one back.
EDIT: I should also mention that while this can be a viable way to get a precursor, it can still be an incredibly rare chance to get one. Some people have spent hundreds on gold and not received anything back. I personally spent about 60g and got Spark (dagger) (back when it was only like 200g, and I sold it for 130g after the prices plummeted from the karka event, yeah I know, I should have held onto it but kitten happens). But yeah, just know that there is a large risk of losing a lot of money.
(edited by Jake.1842)
You are almost level 80. You have played through a lot of content killing a lot of things. You don’t NEED to make a build that everyone else likes. Keep using the build you’ve used up until this point if you’re comfortable with it. Don’t change just because that’s what everyone else is using. When you hit 80 I would buy gear (yellows because it’s cheaper than exotics and if you do end up changing it around, it would be very costly) with stats that match your build. Maybe do a trait reset with your full 70 trait points to make them go with what you’ve been using currently.
But just stick with your current play style if that’s what you like using. You don’t NEED D/D to play. I love D/D but not because other people were saying it’s the best, but because it’s what I played with and loved from bwe1 to now. Play with what you’re comfortable with and work on improving that build/ getting better with it.
Hey, I just wanted to note a few things you’ve missed/might not have noticed which can help with this.
You state after the 2nd part there is usually a 15-30 minute way before the event starts in the swamp with the anti air cannon, however, I found that it isn’t actually the next part of the chain. There is an event north west of the swamp where there is a crashed helicopter, you’ve probably seen it before.
That event I believe is a part of the chain. Because after doing that event, less than 5 minutes later, the event in the swamp started. Seems like it would definitely be related.
And it makes sense that it takes 15-30 minutes then for the swamp to start, because it depends on whether or not people are doing karma runs and doing that event.
Another thing which isn’t necessary but I think is a good thing to mention, the wayward way point is usually contested due event with a veteran risen. If you kill him, the way point becomes uncontested, and it makes killing the first champion abomination so much easier because you can just way point back instantly. ALSO, it makes it a lot easier to rally people to help out with the event because they can go straight to it without too much running.
Also, just to the west of that event, is a Melandru risen guy who actually gives the champion abomination toughness, and I found after you complete the melandru event, the abomination goes down a lot faster.
So it really is beneficial as a whole to get those 2 events completed before doing the champion abomination. The only bad thing was I found the one contesting the way point re spawns in around 10 minutes, so it’s a really nuisance to keep uncontested.
I know this is an old topic, but I will respond anyway because some one else did only 16 hours ago, and I suppose this might help him out.
I’ve not done the entire event chain, I’ve only done it from the vets onwards but I have read how it apparently starts.
1. In the catacombs there is an event to use pact flame throwers to destroy 10 coffins. (if that event isn’t there, and there aren’t any events to kill veterans, go to step 3)
2. Once that is done, 3 veterans will spawn, and you kill each of them.
3. North east of the catacombs there is a regularly spawning event with a helicopter that has been shot down, and needs repairing.
4. South east of there in a swamp, another event will appear where you must destroyer the risen anti air turret so a helicopter will land. (presumably the one that you just did the repair event for)
5. Then once all of those are done, the escort quest will begin. Here you fight a bunch of risen and a risen abomination. The abomination is unstoppable (knockdowns etc don’t work), and gains stacks of frenzies to move quickly and stuff and can be a kitten to kill. There are 2 events north of this abomination. A Melandru guy, and someone else east of him near the Wayward (I think) way point. The Melandru guy gives the abomination toughness and some other stat (I forget), so it’s good to finish that event. And the other event makes it so the way point is uncontested which makes returning to fight the abomination about a billion times easier because they are literally next to each other.
6. Once you get the catacombs, you then have a new event where you explore the catacombs, which you will end up fighting a champion ooze and another champion abomination.
7. THEN finally you make it the BOSS of the event chain, who is an eye of Zhaitan, kill him (he’s weak as kitten and you get a BIG chest (speculated to drop the Final Rest staff)
8. Escort them out of the catacombs before they collapse. (Involves killing another weak veteran)
With all the events if you include the Melandru and the one to make the way point uncontested, there are 10 dynamic events you can do throughout the chain. (could be more but that’s all that I have seen)
I think the 3-4 hour thing is just because people don’t realise that you are supposed to do the helicopter events and it’s just by chance someone does them like 3 hours later and it starts.
When I did the event, I killed the last veteran, did the the helicopter event, and within 5 minutes the swamp helicopter event started, so it’s not as long as what people think.
I know this is probably horribly worded, and without links or images confusing as hell, but hopefully it’s helped a little.
Here is a link to another thread about the same thing but with images and stuff, except it doesn’t mention the crashed helicopter event. I could have just linked it before I started typing this, but it slipped my mind.
Also, if you use shadow refuge, and run out of the circle before the circle disappears you get the debuff as well.
I did world completion on my theif entirely using dagger/dagger pretty much. Full carrion gear for CD/Power/Vit, so high health, then pretty much have traits to give me as much initiative as possible, have signet of malice as my heal. Then get a whole heap of monsters all attacking me at once, then spam death blossom! steal for more initiative, then more death blossom. Also, caltrops. Pretty much non stop healing, and a crap load of damage from the bleeds. And super enjoyable.
Been considering making my character a girl just so I look good in some armour.
Clearly I play elementalist wrong then. I’ve been using dagger/dagger on my ele since bwe 1 (next to no pvp, pretty much all pve). I’ve never once felt overpowered or too tanky or any of that other bull kitten. That’s probably because I don’t use them cantrip things which make it easy to run away from fights.
Where is the fun in a fight if all you do is go in, hit a couple things, then run away when you’re losing. If you’re bored, change your build to something more challenging where you don’t just run away with RTL or Mist Form. Don’t be such a kitten and maybe you’ll enjoy yourself more.
Doing 100% world completion I had over 1k deaths. It was fun as hell, I just ran in, killed kitten, died a lot, but I still killed kitten. And had a kitten load of fun while doing it.
I’ve got a level 80 thief with world completion as well, and I must say my build on that was way more overpowered for pve than what I used on my ele. Which was a similar, run in and kill kitten, don’t back down like a kitten build. Based around dagger dagger spam 3 (I like aoe’s and it’s like the only 1).
Point is, if you’re bored because your perfect build is perfect and awesome and good, how about changing it to give yourself more of a challenge. There are 5 trait lines, a kitten tonne of skills, and like 5 different weapon combinations. Find a build which is as strong as the build you use now would be if it were nerfed. That way you can enjoy yourself and not be bored.