Heya, I submitted ticket #1344497 7 days ago. It’s about an account issue I have, I understand that you guys are busy but I’d like a response as soon as possible.
Going to the Eye of the North is broken. Using the HoM Portal Stone DC’s you with this error message: http://gyazo.com/47594ed4e338c194acc568dbbf292a99
I would like to put forward a third theory, admittedly pretty tenuous, but I feel no more so than those already being discussed- what if the previous dragon rise lasted 7,000 years or more? We’ve seen that Zhaitan was spreading pretty slowly, and I believe it’s also been confirmed that two centuries into this dragonrise magic is still at a higher level than it was fifty years beforehand. What if they take much, much longer than we’ve assumed to deplete the world’s magic? Do we know of anything that might support or torpedo that hypothesis?
Except that Ogden states that ‘It was over ten thousand years ago that the dragons last returned to their slumber.’
(Gates of Maguuma, Prosperity’s Mystery, Scarlet’s Room, The Nature of Dragons by Ogden Stonehealer)
The entire book:
Hey guys!
Some of you might remember me, I’ve been away and it’s been months since I’ve posted. I’ve been thinking however and here is an extraction of one of my thoughs regarding the Eye of the North. It’s in very raw form but I can’t seem to perfect my theories so I’m leaving it here for you, open for debate. Of course, this theory is full of thoughts and without facts, I just wanted to share it.
Extraction on my thoughts on the Eye of the North:
Arriving at the Eye of the North, all six races are lost at who built it. This huge structure, rising up in the skies.
Norn, Charr, Asura, Dwarves and Humans are impressed by the building. Some are intimated by it, everyone is impressed by it.
To me, the Eye of the North is one of the most interesting things in Tyria. Not only an entire expansion is named after it, but it was put there when the developers of the game already had plans for Guild Wars 2. Of course, it is used as the hall of monuments, to collect trophies earned in the first game, but I can’t let go of the idea that there’s something more to it. There just must be.
In the original game, the Eye of the North rises up in the sky, the sky that surrounds it is different from the sky in the rest of the area. It’s dark, like it’s a rift to another realm. To me, this is provoking thoughts. After going through Nightfall content a bit, I came with a raw theory. After the final mission in Nightfall you will end up in the Throne of Secrets. Here, the sky is dark, dark like the sky around the Eye of the North. In the Throne of Secrets you will find a statue of Kormir, ancient and withered looking. To me, this hints that someone in ancient times foretold the coming of a new Goddess. A Goddess of Truth who usurped the God of Secrets. The Five/Six Gods might have known about this as well. After the first exodus, the Five Gods might have known that in time, someone would usurp their sibling and join their ranks. You might have guessed it by now, I’m thinking there is a connection to the Eye of the North and the Gods.
Assuming the Gods left their avatars on the world after the first exodus so they could keep an eye out until Abaddon was usurped and that they were planning to leave as soon as that happened, they could have prepared things to come back one day. Or for us to call them back one day. The Eye of the North has survived for centuries although right now it’s a bit in a broken shape. 200 years back, however, it had a Scrying Pool, it had the dark sky surrounding the top. What if the Eye of the North is a way for us to call upon either the Gods or their knowledge of the future in our most dire moments? What if the dark sky surround the top of the Eye of the North is a way for us to enter the realm they are currently residing in?
Why did they leave in the first place? Perhaps they knew of the Elder Dragons. They might fear them, or they just didn’t want to be there when they woke up to escape a similar fate that the Spirits of the Wild suffered. Maybe they even went away in search of ways of their own to fight them. A journey to gather knowledge and more power. The Eye of the North could be their beacon home to Tyria if their journey would take them far and would get them lost.
That’s it for now. Granted, this is not well written (partly because it’s currently late for me so I’m tired and partly because I’m a bit uncertain on how to explain it well) but it’s something I will rewrite one day, I’d just like to get your thoughts on this for now. Once I get your thoughts I’ll go more fact diving.
I hope to get your input on this,
With kind regards,
@Therapite, CoE and possibly Arah (story mode).
I’m logging in now guys! But I have switched computers and client is updating, shouldn’t take long though.
…Is it possible that Ceara was somehow carrying an Aspect of Lazarus around?
I thank you, for weeks I have been struggling with beings that had the ability to inhabit someones mind, controlling someones mind. I’ve been thinking about almost every creature but I totally forgot that Lazarus had been able to split himself and imbue his aspects into people.
Mursaat have been said to have magic independent of the Gods which made me think that since it’s now known that magic didn’t came from the Gods, the magic the Mursaat possess is from another world.
Also, they are able to slip beneath the skin of the world if Lazarus is hiding there now, and Omadd’s machine sent Scarlet there, she might have encountered Lazarus.
Yap I’ll be there! I’ll be home somewhere btween 11am – 1pm server time, can’t say for sure yet.
Would you team up with ants?
Sad thing is, I probably would. It would finally get them out of my cabinets once and for all, and I could sic them on my enemies. If all it would take is a sacrificial bag of sugar for them to be my allies, so be it!
I doubt they would be lively conversational partners though.
Hahaha, good point!
Also, Konig, I know that you’re fixed on Jormag next but wouldn’t Mordremoth make more sense tactic wise? Him not being a threat yet should be an easy kill. (Story wise going after Mordremoth would be less exciting then but tactic wise it would make more sense). Although one could argue that letting the other Dragons live longer would make them more powerful and dangerous. Hmh.
Hmh can you mail our group in-game tonight Eluveitie? I will not be able to come online and they don’t respond here, sadly.
Would you team up with ants?
I can’t make it tomorrow, something personal came in between… is it okay with you guys if we reschedule the run to sunday?
No problem! And no apologies needed!
Hey guys,
At the end of January I bought a new phone, my old phone was broken.
Now, for logging on to the forums I need my authenticator, problem is: I can’t seem to find a way to link my new phone to my account (since you need to unlink it first, which I can’t since my phone is broken) Do I need to make a ticket or have you guys any shortcuts on how-to?
Do you really want a laptop though? Because you can get so much more in a desktop for that money. If you don’t know how to build one yourself you can even let it be build by a shop.
I would redirect you to the Suggestions forum, but that has been taken down.
I think it’s best if you should re-post this on https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2.
It’s nothing new though, many people want some form of a in-game library which is enjoying to interact with.
Again I say, look at Queen Jennah’s character, she’s not one to suppres/fear her enemies. That’s just not who she is. If you’d take her profession and character in to account, controlling would be more likely as opposed to destroying.
Oh well as long as you’ll be there for those first three bosses we’ll be fine. I’ve managed to solo Arah after the first three bosses once because my entire party DC’d/needed to leave for dinner or whatever. This was however a month after launch so I don’t know if the bosses have been buffed/nerfed since then. :P
And server time we normally start at 11 AM? I can start at 10 at best but I think we’ll have plenty of time then.
You’re a bit blindsighted on wanting the Queen to be a Machiavellian when A; Machiavellians aren’t perfect and B; Machiavellians don’t fit certain personalities.
Also, what Konig said. Politics are a bit more complicated then
-Queen: ‘Oy you, get this done’
-Anise: ‘Ok’
There are a lot of things to keep in mind when giving orders.
Yeah, devs have said to leave plenty of hooks for future devs to develop further on, that’s why it’s so hard to predict which way they’re going.
Also, the White Mantle and Bandit emblems look fairly similar. And considering the high bandit density in Brisban, I can definitely see the connection there.
Just so you know, In one of the human Personal Story lines you'll find that (at least some) bandits are being guided by the White Mantle. To quote the wiki: 'In modern times, they are behind many of the bandit attacks in attempts to bring down Queen Jennah and the Krytan government. Most are unaware that they are still operating, considering them a myth told on Mad King's Day.'
Yeah and another problem is that some answers require a (detailed) lengthy post, this however can be solved with spoiler /spoiler I’d say.
Hmh, let’s first try and get mod-approval for stickies, then we can really work on lore FAQ, etiquette topic and a theory compilation
Well, yes, the wiki should be the standard for people to look to if they want information on lore, instead they look on the lore forums and ask their questions here. That’s fine, I mean they either get their answer or are redirected to the wiki by us, but we might as well have a stickied topic then. Like a lore FAQ.
I’d suggest a stickied post which includes known facts to easily refer to. This would get many theories having incorrect assumptions out of the way (or at least, that would be the goal of said post).
Thanks Eluveitie!
Now, for coming saturday, the plan is doing both CoE and Arah, if I recall correctly at least Arah is a dungeon that takes a long time to do and CoE too possibly. Does everybody have enough time to run both? If not, are there possibilities to start an hour earlier? Thoughts?
But… but… I want the Fall of Abaddon fractal
Nah just kidding, agreed, voting on story arcs will only divide the community
Requesting one more volunteer for CoF on NA server now. Thanks in advance!
PM Merllys in-game for a party invite.
Hehe. Yeah, too bad… /boycots Evon
^Things that I have tried to explain here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/lore/lore/Theorycrafting-On-sylvari-corruption/first#post3727322
Ah no that’d be true. 1 gem for every 1000 heads is more reasonable.
Hehe, woudn’t that be something,
‘Sorry guys Trading Post and Gem Store are down due to the assault on Lion’s Arch. Check back with us in a few weeks. Get 100 gems for every head you take of Scarlet’s minions.’
^Answered by Narcemus (@DarcShriek)
To add upon that: Sylvari racial skills are plant manipulation if I recall correctly.
To cut your theory off, secondary corruption does not kill an individual. When a charr gets corrupted by let’s say Jormag, he can still be corrupted by Kralkatorrik and followed by perhaps Zhaitan. This is shown in the Crucible of Eternity dungeon. Sylvari die before they get (fully?) corrupted. That’s a difference with other races.
Also, on another note, I’m not 100% sure of this but I believe that the Nightmare exists within the Dream. I therefore believe it to be plausible to be corrupted by the Nightmare, you also have to experience the Dream.
(edited by Jelle.4623)
I will read everything tomorrow after I have had some sleep but I’ll say this first:
Scarlet and the Soundless are not alike. Scarlet got cut off from the Dream, the Soundless use continuous meditation to disconnect themselves from the Dream. The difference here being that the Soundless are not really cut off, the Pale Tree can still contact them but usually choses not to (because she 1; respects their choice and 2; it requires more effort to contact a Soundless)
Scarlet however was truly cut off.
To add upon that, Elder Dragons know everything that their minions do, on the surface this may seem similar to the Dream but Sylvari don’t know everything that other Sylvari know. For example, if that would be the case then Caithe’s dark secret wouldn’t be such a secret.
<disclaimer: my ‘statement’ regarding twitter accounts being real was copied from reddit>
I just followed the tweets for entertainment.
Also: I believe there are people who get to test content before it comes out, may very well be these people who leak those pictures. Also, not all pictures are real, I suspect some of them to be photoshopped.
I’d say that the thorns are just general Sylvari plant manipulation.
Yap, we still need 2 guys around 11 AM server time, NA servers, CoF and HotW story mode. (Sorry I haven’t uploaded last week’s videos yet, had a busy week! Will try and do that tomorrow!)
Scarlet redirected the (or at least one) ley line to Mordremoth, he won’t have to go to Lion’s Arch because all that magic is already flowing towards him. He’s got breakfast on bed, the dragon chooses his girls smart.
Well, Jora says:
“You mean Olaf and Sif? They are highly regarded among the Norn for their prowess, and favored by the bear spirit. Bear has granted them the power to take her favored form, the better to hunt and survive here! Someday, I shall regain that favor as well.”
This leads me to believe that Jora got defiled by Drakkar’s touch and by being defiled, lost Bear’s favor. To regain that favor she was required to slay Svanir and was allowed the help of humans.
Also: defiled is… like disgraced, dishonored.
Because Svanir embraced the corruption and Jora withstood it. Svanir became ‘blessed’, Jora got ‘cursed’.
Correction: it seems that in GW1 the ability to transform was a favor of bear, Jora was defiled and lost that favor.
(edited by Jelle.4623)
To add upon that, story mode CoF and HotW.
If I recall last saturday correctly both Maethor and Therapite are unavailable this weekend.
Are there two volunteers to substitute?
On those still wondering about Abaddon, it is possible but highly unlikely. Arenanet said that they were done with him, he already played his big part in GW1.
When typing my response I thought you meant the original Lion’s Arch. I think the GW2 version of LA can be compared a bit to the USA, the USA was once for many people a place to start all over again. A country of chances, to live ‘the American Dream’. I think this goes for humans (and other races) in GW2 with LA. Humans from all over Tyria (world) settled in LA to be free from Kryta and build a new life.
As some of you may know: https://twitter.com/ScarletBriar/, this is a twitter account moderated by a dev. She was following a bunch of people before but now only this one: https://twitter.com/Mordremoth. Enjoy in advance!
2. Where does Lion’s Arch fit into all this (before the destruction)? Do the human ‘Archers’ have a distinct culture of their own, or do they count themselves as vaguely Krytan? If they do count themselves as Archers first, what does that mean? What is the Lion’s Arch national identity – what are its fundamental moral values, cultural heroes, etc? I would guess that they would revolve around openness, urbanized ‘street smarts’, multiculturalism, and general individualistic attitude – but how is that different from the main Krytan culture? Are Ascalonians, Elonians, or Canthans viewed differently in Lion’s Arch versus Divinity’s Reach, and if so how?
Perhaps most importantly – before the Fall of Lion’s Arch, was there a distinct ‘national’ versus ‘cultural’ identity in Lion’s Arch? Or was it more city-economy based identity? Basically, is there the concept of Lion’s Arch as a state/nation with associated sovereignty? Or do the populace of the city still simply view themselves as a city looking out for its trade opportunities in the world?
Post-Fall, how does this all play out? My leading theory is that based on the lack of assistance from other groups and national bodies during the invasion, the national identity of Lion’s Arch will cohere and crystallize – if it hadn’t already. This event would be the equivalent of 9/11… IF that event destroyed all of New York. Will Archers become a more cohesive body/culture through this shared cultural experience?
I’ll answer one thing real qucik because I’m short on time at the moment:
Lion’s Arch was the capital of Kryta in Guild Wars 1, Divinity’s Reach didn’t exist back then. So ’Archer’s’ are not vaguely Krytan, they are the Krytans. If you mean the second time Lion’s Arch was destroyed (which is right now) then I’d say it depends where the human in question origanated from; being it offspring from pirates, Krytans, Elonians or Canthans.