Far Shiverpeaks
Would be great if we could choose the instabilities and stack them up. More instabilities + higher level fractal = more rewards. It seems to regimented.
Ok forum warriors, time to calm down.
Remind yourselves that this is a BETA post. We will be having more of these. There is no point in buffing and changing EVERYTHING only to find you over cooked it. Getting the basics right first is obviously the dev’s priority. The traits are probably being looked at but won’t be available for the next upcoming event.
If you have read the feedback given, it seems the mechanics of these new changes are pretty complex. Give them time and keep giving them feedback like they have asked.
The dev’s have shown that they care and listen. Assume they are doing the same until proven otherwise.
I’m slightly concerns at the levels groups of players are managing to stack the quickness boon too. Whilst I know it’s a boon mesmers are meant to be good at (with others included), getting over a minute shouldn’t be possible. It creates spikes that are impossible to deal with in large groups unless you have a class that can mitigate huge damage and stun break out to the same time with a large amount of stability.
Whilst I’m not up to date on all the changes happening, it seems that this needs to be looked at in how much this can be stacked. Its a great boon, but maybe needs to be limited.
You start at 100 energy. 50 for each legend.
Don’t be condescending. You know what he means. 100% in the legend I think is not needed, however OOC draining is needed rather than a complete reset to 50%
Yes but find yourself low on energy and your gone. There is far too much reliance on Shiro to escape.
We are not thinking wrong, unless you are also wrong.
We are aware that Revenant is only a backliner atm, but that doesn’t mean it needs to stat this way. Classes should have the chance to run different roles. That’s GW2 philosophy.No you’re wrong. Most classes in game only fit one role. They may have specs for many but because of distinct metas, they usually play one. Necros/eles, have their own role in wvw, guards/wars do, thieves/mes/rangers do. Rev may have a place for frontline at some point, who knows, but it seems to be an exceptionally goood backliner for now and i don’t see why to ask for more .
Apologies, but you are the one who is “wrong”.
Necro now has melee option and is really strong at it.
Guardian how are ranged abilities with the bow.
Mesmer has some really good wells meaning in can tango with the blobs close range for some nice effects.
HoT is changing this archaic views that one class has one role. Revenant with its legends should be a shining example of this changing philosophy were seeing. However, it just has no synergy at the moment.
Jalis is god awful and clunky.
Shiro is looking good.
Malix is getting there.
Ventari needs a serious amount of work.
Energy and how the costs are allocated need reworking.
Traits need some serious synergy, they have zero.
The only reason Revenant is a good backlogging is bemuses, right now, thats all it can really do in WvW (in its current state). It sucks for most things.
If you think 4-5k is decent, try reaper in the middle of a blob with AA spam. Thats damage for you.
Whilst this is Beta for a reason, I was expecting more than just a mediocre backliner with zero other options.
PS. If your roaming, i highly recommend going full dire with mace/axe. Much fun.
You should probably read the blog post that introduced energy and legendswap.
Plus we have already discussed it and did the math. Legendswap is always a better idea then waiting for energy. You’re not supposed to camp a single legend as if it was your only set of utility.
didn’t say you had to camp it. I said it shouldn’t be mandatory for energy.
but it shouldn’t be. You shouldn’t HAVE to legend swap, it should be a choice thats based on what happening in front of you. Not because of lack of energy.
AA should generate energy.
Energy costs need to be adjusted.
Please dear lord, don’t reset the energy back to 50 when OOC.
As a side, traits needs to be addressed and could potential have some sort of energy generation in them when in a specific legend?
I’d also love to see some sort of lingering effect when swapping from one legend to another. EG, switching from malix to another would reduce condition durations applied to on you for 3 seconds.
But hey, thats another post! Energy generation is needed from different sources to develop deeper gameplay in the class.
I have to say my first time using the Rev has been highly frustrating and lacklustre. I found it very difficult to get any sort of momentum or survivability in a WvW fight with any of the legends. Only success I had was with shiro and trying to spike. Note: I ran with guild mates who covered very well and we know how we play together.
This is strictly from a WvW with both large and small scale fights in mind.
Janis stability on 7 is useless in most situations as its a slow moving skill and people run out before its finished the cast. The stability doesn’t last long enough to pre use either. No swiftness on anything that rev has hurts a lot and there is no 25% speed boost either. We have no way of getting away OOC or IC or any way of generating speed without targeting something.
I haven’t managed a good run with demon yet.
Ventari is summed up nicely in the following thread. Tablet is far too clumsy a mechanic with the tablet having to be relocated. Nice for PvE I can imagine but useless for near enough everything else.
whilst I will fully accept its a totally new experience and play style to get use to, I’m struggling to get synergy from weapons and specs along with legends. Shiro feels by far the most solid of the specs with a clear goal in mind with ventari a close 2nd. However jails feels pretty dam useless in most things.
Totally agree. Just spent an hour trying to get good healing out of it. 9/10 times i missed the mark. Moving the tablet is just to difficult in battle. If there is no way of getting it to follow us (needs to not be ground targeted but have the command to come to you instead, or it follows you but is an upkeep skill) then it will be useless for large and smallish scale combat due to other things happening.
Nice idea in theory, but very, very lacklustre in practice.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: KarlusDavius.1024
Please, please please!!!
Do a deluxe boxed version that gives us the Pin you gave out at PAX. I literally love it and would love to get one!! Otherwise i might end up grabbing the logo and sending it off to have a custom one made.
Unless of course you plan to sell them along with the tops!
Fantastic post. Couple of things.
+1 to the old login screen. it gave me goosebumps, unlike the current news feed rubbish they have which i don’t look at because i want to get into the game so bad!
give us the OPTION! to have it.
Ok, that I can understand. However, what if it was implemented as a night/day system with no timer? So it just happens naturally? That way you wouldn’t really notice the technology much and can just absorb the environment.
It has it’s draw backs. Not being able to scale conditions beyond 25. Distant handled by client rather than server making hacks possible. It looks good yes, but the game is actually crazy CPU reliant. If you don’t have intel, you will struggle.
Oh man these sound amazing! World boses with actual effects are a brilliant idea. Night time wvw would be epic with torches.
Any others?
I have to say, I love the sandstorm in dry top. Having the whole place change is really refreshing. With this new technology being so good, what other uses would you twist it for?
Example being, I’d love to see it used and expanded all over the map to change day to night. Changing the mobs spawned and offering new NPC’s and opening to explore.
What would you use it for?
Sweet! So if we loose adrenaline when we miss, in the interest of fairness, thieves should loose stealth if they miss or get blocked, right? Right!?
Still a very solid build. Probably won’t change anything except staff sigils.
Sorry, but I’d rather have my cities hustling and bustling rather than dead. It has no effect on server identity anyway, I don’t know half the guilds anyway
I run Beserker armour, divinity runes with full cavalier trinkets. Beast damage and good survivability .
+1 can’t agree more. Hopefully they will swap out the old towers with the new style EOTM towers where oil is actually useful
Rather spend badges than gold tbh. And it all depends on the amount. First tier could be 10 badges, second tier 25, final tier 50.
By the time your hitting third tier, your defence should be solid. You would earn back those 35 badges very quickly in a night. From one tower in EOTM. Badges rather than gold any day.
Power is key for big groups
Make upgrades cost badges. Means people upgrading need to switch when out of badges.
Here’s what I run. Very successful, deals huge damage and is very survivable when in plague. You need a good guild group to make this build come alive.
I’m from FSP and I’ve been trying to get a glimpse of them however tbey don’t even show up on OUR radar. They are invisible to us also. We’re trying our hardest to report them but it seems they have figured out god mode after all.
Apologies as we are all for fair competition, however it seems they have knowledge of an exploit nobody else does.
I’ll just use my psychic powers to get the data from the patch that hasn’t been released yet…
I got nothing.
Maybe do what everyone else is doing and wait.
Does hacking still exist?
Then seasons are always a bad idea as they will never be fair.
Already do. If they are they I don’t use them. I build arrow carts then push out to take the rams down. Not really hard unless you use to sitting on a treb.
However people do use them on FSP. If it’s there it can be used, however that doesn’t mean it’s not a broken mechanic. If it was something arena net wanted and liked, they wouldn’t have changed catapults (who do far less damage to arms when they could hit.)
Ive given plenty of reasons against the mechanic. I’ve also said that if arena bet hadn’t made oil so kitten easy to destroy the problem wouldn’t exist. Fixing the mechanic is a good thing. However they do need to change a hell of a lot of other things in order to adjust the balance. I’d much prefer to use oil than a treb, those things do insane damage to groups who don’t kill them
“I have a counter argument, but I won’t tell you it because I don’t want to”
Winning hearts and minds 101…
Twisting words since 1754BC…
I sincerely hope arena net take damage away. It amazes me the comments here that say it’s the only viable defence. I would throw down a counter to your counter but I feel it will fall on deaf, lazy ears.
That’s the POINT! Nothing should be impossible! It should be tough but never impossible. That Is why DAMAGE behind the door to objects the other side I feel is wrong and broken. However, nobody has picked up on the fact that I feel poison cows draining supply is fine.
One person should SLOW an assault down, not totally stop it in its tracks. Hence why supply drain is a good idea. Yes they get, let’s say, bay outer door down! however if you time a cow at the gate (which takes no skill at all), when the whole opposing group is building a ram, your draining a huge amount of supply. In addition, placing a supply trap just behind the gate when they breech can slow a group down and take out all siege options. That’s clever play and good tactics and play.
Sitting on a treb destroying anything behind a gate with no counter play is boring and takes no skill. Spam spam spam until there down, rinse and repeat.
Now, if they take the damage away, as they should, I’m happy for the secondary effect of a knock back to still apply. Again, it slows an attack down, doesn’t stop it, just slows until a few more people show up and you can put more pressure.
That said, I’d prefer them to replace all the keeps with EOTM style towers that protect oil more, which would solve the problem everyone has in the first place that Oil is too easy to destroy. Meaning limited options for defensive play anyway!
If your server is outmanned, chances are they will just stack up and PvD anyway. Slow, but still effective when having huge numbers.
(edited by KarlusDavius.1024)
I did like the suggestion if maybe marking a target and then being able to port to that target. However I do feel like the projectile isn’t working and isn’t reliable. Heck, maybe even turn it into a pull?
I use a 0/0/25/30/15 for fast hands. Minor trait in defence is worth it
Seems you just don’t know how to secure keeps without a broken mechanic helping you out. If you want those rams down, you push the force back and go kill them yourselves.
I don’t get why people kitten and moan about karma trains and what not. Seriously, reducing to insults is pathetic. Get over yourselves. It’s. Broken mechanic and will spice WvW up Ina. Fantastic manner with the new season. You might actually have to fight instead of stopping in your tower hitting 2 every few seconds.
You might want to flip your argument around and ask a treb can completely destroy a small forces chances of taking a keep because one person can easily destroy all rams or siege and supply in your small team at a gate. It actually hinders small groups far more than zergs.
Then reduce the range and increase the cool down. It needs to be reliable to help us keep that pressure when in close combat. Maybe the range of thief shortbow #5?
Apologies but your wrong. Two superior ac’s in good positions can take out any rams at any door. If your that into strategy and “forward” thinking, then place supply traps at key points to deny the opportunities to even place rams. Don’t be lazy and sit on a treb that nobody can destroy.
There is no such thing as creative treb placement. It’s lazy game play. It’s not needed and has zero counter to it. If a server has more numbers than you and you don’t have good siege placement in a way of traps and arrow carts, you deserve the loose the tower.
Arrow carts are the siege for anti zergs. You focus fire two superior ac’s on the same place, for around 30 seconds, you will force numbers away.
It’s a Broken mechanic. It’s an OBVIOUS broken mechanic. That’s the reason they changed catapults. No counter play. If you find sitting on a treb and hitting a gate fun, then good for you. That’s totally boring to me and has no logistical thinking required.
However, like I’ve already stated, poison through a door I’m perfectly happy with. Damage is unacceptable.
Finally! It’s about time.
People need to learn to siege towers better. It’s a Broken mechanic. Always has been and I’ll be crazy happy if this change happens. Don’t get me wrong, I’m HAPPY for poison to still apply, that’s clever, but just damaging through a gate is a bad thing.
Learn how to place arrow carts, supply traps and how to destroy rams the proper ways rather than a cheese, non counter play mechanic. Stop them building rams in the first place and your life will be far easier.
Side note: saying your a wvw veteran doesn’t make your post have more weight.
Having really sunk my teeth into necromancer recently, the one skill I can honestly say I’ve had a dismal success rate is with Dark Path (Death Shroud #2).
The projectile is frustrating slow and easy to dodge, which got me thinking.
Would turning it into a medium range ground targetable teleport be something which would fit into the ideology of necromancer? Maybe via a trait or just as a base change?
Apologies but I disagree with most of that flissy says. Shout builds are ok for commanders if your looking for a starter build to practice with. They are not redundant or awful at all.
Personally I run a 10/0/30/0/30 build with s~sh/hammer. PVT (soldiers) armor with berserker trinkets and melandru runes. I do hefty damage and can absorb a lot of damage AT&T be same time. I run healing signet, balanced, endure and berserkers stance.
I can’t give you a build link as I’m on my iPad however can probably pop back tomorrow. Just remember your are only as good as the people around you. Your build could and should play off the others around you. Party composition is important now due to buff sharing, so if your dying or struggling, don’t assume it’s your build that’s an issue!
Well I did put [WvW] in the title ????.
So in terms of the other section of my question, what kind of armour and runes should I be using?
That was the goal yes. However there has been a post saying all other stats on celestial will be buffed to compensate the ferocity changes.
So I’ve recently taken to necromancer like the plague (ha! PUN!), however I’m totally new to gearing priorities and runes.
I’m playing the 30/10/0/0/30 build that’s popular. I have soldiers main armour with scholar runes for now as a general go to. I was thinking about celestial trinkets to be an all rounder in terms of damage and surviving.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Sorry to break it to you, but in a WvW shout builds it is. Unless of course, your on about PvE or sPvP? If so, might want to narrow the scope of your really useless comment.
Ignore everyone above you.
You will need berserker trinkets, if you get ascended then you want the berserker trinket with vitality on. You want a 0/10/30/0/30 build and use axe/shield with hammer for control or great sword depending on group comp.
You will want to use precision pots that give precision based on toughness and vitality. You want food that gives 66% chance on critical hit to get health and +70 precision.
You will be tanky whilst still giving out very good damage. I take endure pain, berserker stance and balanced stance with signet of rage.
I usually take melandru runes but that’s up to you. If your coming up against conditions most of the time, swap you food to lemongrass and make sure you have dogged march.
If you don’t have a build for PVT, don’t bother posting saying something totally opposite to what the OP is asking.
Thanks for the feedback. I hadn’t thought if using the armor as a base so I’ll take that into consideration.
I feel that since necro can use pretty much all stats in various builds, then celestial is a good choice as it gives a huge array of options. The build I use is already fantastic for support and damage, but I’d like to push it to the next level with those extra stats.
The critical damage part doesn’t concern me, as everything will be getting a nerf anyhow. However according to that post, they might buff all other stats on celestial gear, meaning I get extra in other places.
I play WvW in most aspects, solo running, upgrading, guild groups and zergs. I also PvE a fair amount on oatch days
My question is this.
I have a lot of laurels and ascended mats to burn. I was considering a full celestial build to take advantage of the upcoming healing power additions to traits and wells and that celestial will be buffed to accommodate the nerf critical damage is receiving . It should do very good, consistent damage while set offering all round support with protection, blind, chill and the like.
Overall quick glance stats are attached. How well would this build do is all situations? I play with very organised small groups.
(edited by KarlusDavius.1024)
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