Showing Posts For Kurogami.9210:

Forums Filled With Complaining

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Let’s be honest: ANet included raids because players asked for them. They made HoT harder because players asked for challenging content. They added masteries and hero points because players complained that there wasn’t much left to do once you reach a certain point in the game. Of course ANet made mistakes in the way they implemented these things, but you can’t deny that GW2 becoming more and more like most other 08/15 MMOs is because many players want GW2 to be like other MMOs. This is what happens when developers listen too much to their players.

Hard content confirmed !

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


There are people out there who will complain and shout for nerfs and ‘rebalancing’ as soon as they have to put effort into killing a foe. I would welcome challenging content, but I somehow have doubts that this content will stay that way.

Will HoT Be released incomplete?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


please kind sirs, i have nothing but love for all of you <3 stand for what is right, for the greater good. let us find somewhere that everyone can be happy, bickering about such minute details is what is causing this mess to begin with, like the front page ad about a stress test that people who paid for beta testing rights can’t attend. Surely you have some compassion for those people who supported everyone, even defended you, only to feel shut out and disregarded.

just like you have stated yourself, “But words can very often completely change the definition of the moral” – yes, “Announcing the First World vs. World Borderlands Stress Test” just like these words change the moral of “Access to All Beta Weekend Events” yes, it’s a detail, a small devil of a detail at that. All I’m asking is that you consider the people affected by this. Is that really so wrong ? must you constantly go at them ? can’t we all just get along ?

You’re not entitled to anything not advertised and you don’t deserve to be in a stress test PERIOD. Now, without knowing the number of people included, maybe it’s only a couple of hundred, how can you insist, how can ANYONE, insist that they be included. If 10,000 people all insist the be included and there’s room for 500 then what do you do?

This is so self-serving it’s not funny. Actually I think what you’re saying is more harmful to the community. It’s unreasonable, and it’s irresponsible.

wow, that’s toxic. fyi, i haven’t pre purchased, this has nothing to do with how I felt entitled….. lol I am simply pointing out reasons they can be upset and trying to help identify the problem to maybe give you a better chance at peace. But from the tone of your posts, that seems to be the last thing on your mind.

Honestly I’m dead tired about the attitude of the so-called veteran players. This is beyond the pall already. People are claiming entitlement to things they really aren’t entitled to anymore. And it’s rampant. It’s not one thing, or two things. Anything Anet does now, any move, some veteran somewhere is going to say it’s for new players it’s for this player, it’s for that player. It doesn’t matter if it’s reasonable. It doesn’t matter that the constant cacophony of this entitlement is screwing the forums completely. On reddit, most of those posts get downvoted pretty fast.

Here it just lingers like a bad smell.

So answer these questions.

1. How many people does Anet need for their stress test.
2. How many veteran players are there total and what makes a veteran player?
3. What percentage of veteran players will have to be excluded no matter what because a stress test is NOT a beta test, it’s a very specific type of test, with specific requirements.
4. By what logic is Anet required you use prepurchasers to fill a void that is probably massively limited?
5. What makes you think that if a tiny percentage of perpurchasers got in, the other 90 plus percent that couldn’t wouldn’t be annoyed and come here screaming about how they are veteran players and should get in.

This is a stress test, not a beta test. It’s four hours long. The server will be taxed and during that time, Anet will make live adjustments to it, to see how it handles different settings, until they decide what works best. That’s all a stress test is for. That’s what Anet is doing.

A stress test for WvW shouldn’t require more people than you can store on a map at the same time. Currently that limit is 80 characters per side.

So if Anet needs 240 people, how many veteran players are going to be left out, no matter what Anet does?

This veteran player entitlement (and I don’t like to use the word, but I’ll sure use it here), has reached far beyond any reasonable level. It’s become a public nuisance on the forums.

I don’t have any authority of the forums, but I can sure express my displeasure at something like this.

Please take all my upvotes.

World vs. World Borderlands Stress Test [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


True, although I wasn’t trying to argue. I simply didn’t want my post to be interpreted the wrong way.

World vs. World Borderlands Stress Test [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


If they really wanted to test it they would replace eotm with new map for 24h.

And how many players would actually report bugs and glitches instead of just having fun on the new map?
How many players would be honest enough not to use possible exploits that haven’t been detected yet?

Giving all p(l)ayers access to the map might actually do more harm than good.

And how many players reporter bugs during a “closed beta”? How many off selected players will actually report bugs when they are picked off from a guy that streams for profits?

What exploits, what harm? Eotm doesnt count to wvw score, how it can harm anything? I see youre 100% pve guy if you dont even know basic informations about wvw.. and more people means higher chances to identify such exploits you talking about so that we wont see them on release.

Logic is stronk on these forums.

Just like more players means a higher chance of there being bad apples among them…
And why do you assume I was referring to exploits that influence the WvW score?
I was thinking about bugs that could cause champions to die instantly, or respawn instantly, infinite WXP farming or NPCs buying items for more than they should: bugs that would allow those who use them to enrich themselves.

World vs. World Borderlands Stress Test [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


If they really wanted to test it they would replace eotm with new map for 24h.

And how many players would actually report bugs and glitches instead of just having fun on the new map?
How many players would be honest enough not to use possible exploits that haven’t been detected yet?

Giving all p(l)ayers access to the map might actually do more harm than good.

So what would happen if ANet had a Patreon?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Well, I know that people can support ANet by buying Gems, that’s why this isn’t a
‘ANet should do this…’ kind of thread, but a ‘What would happen if…’ thread.

I know that there is hardly any point in discussing these kinds of questions because there are too many things that would affect the results….so, nevermind.

So what would happen if ANet had a Patreon?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


I’m not saying that it is necessarily a problem, But if they had more money they could theoretically hire more staff, which might might lead to faster completion of content, possibly better quality because they have the manpower to test their stuff before release, etc.

After all, one of the main problems many players address is the small amount of content they get until HoT gets released, and many bugs that seemingly never get resolved. But that’s just my guess.

So what would happen if ANet had a Patreon?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Just as the title says:

There are occasionally suggestions by players that GW2 would do better if it was subscription-based and alot of players are rightfully against this. (Because in the end it would cause more harm than do good.)

But what if the players were given the choice to voluntarily support ANet and GW2 with a small monthly donation?


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


If people had to pay a monthly subscription for GW2 ANet would lose more money because of players leaving the game or not buying it than they would earn through the subs.

Specializations disaster.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Funny thing is we knew we were gonna get most of these things 4 months ago… and didn’t see nearly enough outrage back then.

On the contrary. I was almost certain long time ago this trait system is just gonna be precoded builds. When you want to go dps, condi or tank/support you don’t really have much choices. Whole trait lines are focused on certain things. No more build diversity. You do not create builds now, you load predefined specs and you play around them. This means you won’t be creating builds around content to look for most optimal/easiest/in_the_middle way to complete the content. You are going to preload your trait line, choose 3 of nine least useless traits and go to succeed.

No more unique builds. With so much streamlining there are no more builds, there are only templates. And we were asking for templates, weren’t we? Sigh…

I am disappointed but I got over it long time ago. I just don’t care. There is enough people enjoying colorful trait lines that anet don’t have to care about income. This is how our civilisation is progressing – pretty pictures > usefulness.

And how exactly was the previous trait system any different?

If you wanted dps, you had no choice but to use the trait-lines that offered these +300 power or precision.

If you wanted to be tanky, you couldn’t afford not to take the ones that added +300 vitality or toughness.

The fact that stats were linked to the respective trait lines was a factor that severely limited the build diversity and it needed to be gone.

About Lock On

in Engineer

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


I wasn’t completely sure about the description:

“Striking a foe in stealth analizes them.”

Does that mean ‘striking a foe while oneself is stealthed’ or ‘striking a stealthed foe’?

So does does that make this a trait that combats stealth thieves?

Excess Hero Points?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Wait for GW2:HoT.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


I don’t feel misled, i payed for the Physical C.E at launch and have gotten my moneys worth.

Having a tapeworm also doesn’t hurt.

What one has to do with the other?

GW2 pre-purchase affair apart: you may not feel misled, but the facts will state otherwise.

Which facts?

Soulbound to another character: Deleted toons

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Seriously? I thought another character is simply unable to equip it. But to be unable to even take it out…

Yeah, then I would suggest to contact support. Seems to be the only way then.

Soulbound to another character: Deleted toons

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


There used to be an NPC in Lion’s Arch near in the old auction house where you could trade your soulbound pick for an accountbound version. I’m not sure if he’s still there, but it’s worth a try.

So what IS the value of HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


So what if it turns out that the expansion actually is worth the 50$?

Given how quite a lot of players, me included, will have to pay at least $60 for the expansion, which is how much GW2 launched at, I know already the expansion won’t contain as much content as the base game itself.

Hardly any games for the same price have the same amount of content as GW2. It’s mostly MMOs which offer the highest content/price ratio, but if the amount of content was everything that mattered, why would anyone still buy single-player games that can be completed within 10-30 hours with no replay value?

I think its not the amount of content that’s important, but the amount of fun you can have with the content that is given to you.

If you spend 5 hours having fun on a party and pay 20$ for it, does that mean that having fun in HoT for 100 hours equals 400$ of value?

If you spent the same amount of time in HoT as you did in another game you bought for 10$, does that make HoT’s value 10$ as well?

To be honest, I forgot where I was going with my questions, but I guess it’s a fact that the value for HoT is subjective and different for every person.

So what IS the value of HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Yes, but ‘creating content’ is exactly one of the problems here. We know for a fact that HoT will receive constant updates and new content, which basically means that the amount of content we get for these 50$ will slowly but constantly rise. And if the size of HoT increases, so will its value.
But when will players be able to say that they are happy with the amount of content they got?

That only makes an early purchase at full price less attractive. Wait for a discount and get more available content. More for less.

Yes, so why do people purchase a game at release when we know for a fact that EVERY game, single-player or MMO, will get cheaper as time goes by?

So what IS the value of HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


So what if it turns out that the expansion actually is worth the 50$?

I highly doubt it. Unless they decide to postpone the release date further to add more or include some wording in the terms of sale which binds them to create x amount of content for it in x timeframe.

Yes, but ‘creating content’ is exactly one of the problems here. We know for a fact that HoT will receive constant updates and new content, which basically means that the amount of content we get for these 50$ will slowly but constantly rise. And if the size of HoT increases, so will its value.
But when will players be able to say that they are happy with the amount of content they got?

So what IS the value of HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


So what if it turns out that the expansion actually is worth the 50$?

This is not about the money!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Since some people might not have noticed, here is my opinion why you are not treated unfairly.

Everyone, and I repeat, EVERYONE, who buys HoT gets both, the expansion and the coregame. There is nothing that says that veterans don’t get the free coregame.
You can create a new account with the coregame and the expansion just like every new player. So no difference there. However, I do understand that this would technically make HoT an expanded standalone game and not just an expansion.

Now, there is one difference between new players and veterans: veterans have the option to merge their already existing account into HoT, basically allowing you to skip everything you would have to redo in the coregame if you started a new account.
And your current account already has so many things that new players will never be able to experience like the living story and other events that were time-gated.

I do understand why veterans feel treated unfairly, but so many of them simply ignore the benefits they already have compared to what a new player will never experience.

In regards to harassment of Anet employees...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


…..Bullying can be justified….

…No, just no…

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


The core game cost 50$ at release and since then countless things like wardrobe, fractals HotM, Living Story, Guild missions, etc. have been added.

They added enough content to fill a whole expansion without anyone needing to pay extra…unless they missed episodes of the LS.

So…why exactly are people complaining about the price for an expansion they barely know anything about while completely ignoring the probable addition of new content after HoT’s release?

Turret nerf thoughts and criticism.

in Engineer

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Nerfing the turrets because they might be too strong in PvP :


Nerfing them so much that they become completely unusable in every other setting so that every build that uses them becomes deficient at best:

Not OK

How is that even debatable?

Some Clarifications About New Daily

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Achievement Points-
Now you only need to do 3, any 3 dailies to get a flat 10ap

I’m not clear on if that’s any three from one category, or any three taken from all of them? Can I get it with two PvE and one PvP?

That’s my big question at the moment, because I forgot to try it to check, and did the three easy PvE ones right away.

There are 4 dailies For Pve, WvW, PvP you can do any of them for the 10 ap, if you want you can do every daily for extra chest rewards, you can do any combo of achieves. I will add this to my original post.

Thank you. Now, I just need to see a better sample of what kinds of tasks we’ll get for our dailies, and then I’ll be able to decide if I really like this or not. So far, I’m liking it.

If I remember correctly, today’s dailies are:

-Use the Mystic Forge one time
-Do 4 events in Queensdale
-Harvest 4 plants in Maguma
-Defeat the Great Jungle Worm

-Play 1 match as a thief
-Play 1 match as an Engi
-Conquer one Point
-Defend one Point

-Conquer a fortress
-Conquer a camp
-Conquer one of these areas defended by one guard
-Conquer one ruin

Any three of these count towards the 10AP daily.

Traphole in Drydock Scratch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Within the Drydock Scratch Jumping Puzzle, right behind the second milestone, there is a spot with a hard to see pit. If you fall in, you won’t get out unless you use a waypoint.
I thought you might want to take a look at it.


Dungeons : solo mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Solo-paths would actually be quite nice for people who don’t have the time or patience to look for a good group, although I would suggest to reduce the rewards so that groups stay a worthwhile alternative.

After all, what is the point of dungeons intertwining with the story if there are hardly any groups that would take you with them if you aren’t lvl 80 with at least exotic gear? Solo paths would make them more accessible for people who usually don’t do dungeon runs.

Less Misandry in LS

in Living World

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


You can’t argue objectively with subjective points of view.

(edited by Kurogami.9210)

Champion Mordrem Troll Iron

in Living World

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


With enough bad luck the same can probably happen with gold and silver.

Yes, jumping into Gold’s and Silver’s lair, just to find myself right in front of them when the were doing their shout… Couldn’t react fast enough to leave the hole in time.

Good times.

List of Common Controversial Forum Topics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


As far as I understand it this is a list of the most common pros and cons that are brought up by many different players, and not just the OP.
Just because the OP made them look somewhat unbalanced doesn’t mean that the listed arguments are wrong.

Even though I don’t agree with some points I still think that it’s a good list and I respect the amount of effort put into it.

No add. glove chest when playing with an alt?

in Living World

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Hmm, I can’t really say much about that issue since it doesn’t bother me at all. I got my first gloves after the story, I bought the second with crests I saved from the previous part and the third one I got from digging up bandit chests.
Not to forget the fact that you can also get them as a reward during the breach and from the pvp reward track.

I do understand that some people can’t/don’t want to spend too much time on getting the gloves, but really, if they kept it so that alts can earn the gloves too, everyone would have all three of them within 2 hours. And 2 hours of doing the story, compared to collecting 2k crests or doing the reward track, does seem a little bit too fast and easy.

(edited by Kurogami.9210)

Labyrinth inspired by Pacman?

in Living World

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


The thing is, how do you think Mordremoth is spreading his vines through Tyria? We know that all the vines are part of his body, after all. So does every vine lead directly to him, or does Mordy send larger vines into major regions which then form something like cluster roots from which the smaller vines originate?
If we look at the labyrinth as just that, it would make sense for so many vines to be in one place. The fact that A-Net made this cluster explorable just adds some more gameplay elements.
That’s why I personally think that labyrinth actually fits into the setting. The only thing that bothers me a bit is that we never got a lore-related reason to collect these nightmare fragments.

Um...this maze though?

in Living World

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


“We found that doing the maze one time might be too confusing for new players, so for the achievements and Lumi Gloves, you’ll do it 6 times in a row.”

…That…didn’t make any sense…

Labyrinth inspired by Pacman?

in Living World

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Well, the title says it all. Us the players (pacman) running through a labyrinth collecting nightmare fragments(points) while being chased by deadly Mordrem(ghosts)…I was never a Pacman-fan, but so far I love this addition to the Silverwastes.

Any progress on letting us replay Season 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Well, I don’t think that all of Season 1 needs to be replayable. One of the more important things would be the events when our characters met Rox, Braham, Marjory etc.
I could imagine that new players want to know how we became the leader of this merry band of misfits and only being able to find out about this by reading through the living story recap seems a little bit dissatisfying.

Suspension for griefing Maize Balm Farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


And for what purpose did he kill them?

Suspension for griefing Maize Balm Farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Umm, don’t read too much into this. I agree that the maize balm situation is somewhat weird…but who knows how this will develop after Halloween is over.

Besides, ambient critters serve no purpose and farming them like this doesn’t hinder anyone from completing their quests like it did in Queensdale and Frostgorge Sound.

And in the situation mentioned on reddit the guy that was disturbing their farm was intentionally stopping them from farming critters. So yeah, he was griefing and A-Net dealt with him accordingly

Ascended Back, Nope nope nope

in Living World

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


I bet a lot less players would complain if A-Net made Mawdrey legendary instead of ascended… despite having the same stats, etc. Because then the effort they make to get it seems reasonable. <_<’

Something to brighten your day. :)

in Engineer

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


I always enjoyed raining down grenades on enemy zergs in WVW and with this patch I’ll be able to cause even more damage. I’m actually quite pleased.

Too bad they nerved the poison grenades though. Well, you win some you lose some.

AP chests pre 15th vs post 15th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


The PvP skins you own are going to be put in your wardrobe?

If I rember correctly, then yes, your PVP skins will be useable in PVE.

World completion 99/100%

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Check everything once again.
I suspect you might have done this already, but if you go to the worldmap and hover your cursor over each maps name it will show you your progress on said map.
Maybe this will make it easier to find the places where you are missing something.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Well I was curious and put the text into a translator.

Lb3ten, and understand. That Annihb,ator golem is out there.B can’t bH bargainHd with. It can’t be reasonHd with. It doesn’t fHel pb4y, or remorse, or fear. And b4 absolutHly will not stop, ever, until Sarah andGwen arH dHad.

Guide: How to beat Toypocalypse very easily.

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Another nice trick is to fill the mini-labyrinth with several catapults and then block the two entries with ice walls. Due to their reach they can attack a large area and devastate enemy groups that spawn within their reach.

Exotic Discovery's Reset

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Hmm, maybe I am overlooking something, but I don’t really see where the problem is.

As a matter of fact, rediscovering exotic recipes makes reaching craftinglevel 500 cheaper.

Each time a new recipe is discovered, the player gets a 100-150% CXP boost, which means that one new discovery nets you the CXP for 2-2,5 normal craftings.

So, let’s say you are trying to get to 500 (and if you really are a completionist, you probably will ) rediscovering a recipe gives you the same CXP progress as if you were crafting 2-2,5 weapons that you have already discovered.

These are savings that pretty much compensate the loss of materials and gold you made.

(edited by Kurogami.9210)

Suicide noobs in Aspect Arena

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


So boycott it. Force ArenaNet to waste their money on content that no one completes and ArenaNet will think much longer and harder before dropping mediocre content patches on the playerbase.

I only hope that one day, ArenaNet will spend thousands upon thousands of dollars and many man hours to create a dungeon/minigame/instance that only a handful of players complete. I would like to see the look on the developers faces as their poor content begins to eat into their profit margin.

Pffft…really? Seriously? I mean, ok if that’s your opinion. But please tell me how a poorly made of impossibly hard game or dungeon would be anything more than a waste of time for them. Or are you saying that A-Net is earning money with players that participate in their minigames and dungeons?

But back on topic. I agree that players that jump down edges aren’t really fair but there might be a reason it. I can’t say if it was my imagination or not, but I once saw a player from my team with a crystal jump over the edge and then respawn in our base…with the crystal still in his hand. It has never happened to me though.

And about the cc skills…I mean how else would you be able to stop players from taking the crystal home or protect your team member from the opponents?

(edited by Kurogami.9210)

So....who's ahead?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


As above. There is absolutely no way we know how many votes each candidate will get, so Anet can decide either way and never be caught

So…what difference would it make if they showed us the progress of the elections?

IF A-Net really wanted to influence the votes noone would be able to tell at all if the shown votes were made by players or not.

I just came online to ask this same question… why can’t we know who is winning so we make an “extra effort” to get our candidate back on the winning side (if they are losing that is)?

If you really want your candidate to win, why not make that “extra effort” from the very beginning?

hunger not ending after surviving

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Wrong. You win by being the last one alive. You can win without killing even one player.

Anyway, Quarktastic is right that the goal isn’t to survive until the timer hits zero.

(edited by Kurogami.9210)

IMO the recent minigames are bad

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


Well, the OP wrote IMO in the thread’s title.

Anyway, until now I absolutely love southsun survival. I haven’t tried the aspect arena yet, but that will follow later.

But I agree on the subject of ghost players being too powerful. In the later game when there are around 4 players left, one is bound to have at least 3 ghosts stalking one. And then getting revenge points everytime one collects supplies…using traps everywhere. Ghosts apparently kill more players than the players themselves.
I once killed 3 players with a Karka at the same time…bad me

I wouldn’t mind if the devs increased the revenge points required for activating the ghost skills.

Southsun survival karka are a pain

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Kurogami.9210


The wild Karka are no problem. They are easy to see and there is enough space between them to easily avoid their attention.

The only problem are the Karka that are spawned by dead players since they could appear in the most inconvenient moments…or they could save your life if they are spawned at your enemies’ position.

Results of vote are not visible during campaign [Merged]

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Kurogami.9210



There are reason why elections are usually anonymous.
And there are pretty much no elections where one could see the results before the end.