“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
That game hasn’t had challenging content in like two expansions now. If you found it challenging, awesome. I can’t agree.
As for the level 80 areas being over turned, I disagree also. I don’t think you said that, but someone else did. I thought they were really fun. As I said my favorite encounters so far were the Temple Events. I enjoyed the hell out of those.
I would bet though that most, if not all, of the people saying “oh the content is so easy” can’t show one screenshot of them completing say Balthazar.
I really won’t argue for or against <that game> in here, I just don’t think this is the right venue or would it add any value to GW2 or this thread. I will say though that I did find a good number of raid events in that game challenging (mind you, our guild never viewed tutorials and always attempted the events fresh); as well, in many cases there were events that weren’t really challenging per se, but were just plain ol’ fun to do (a complete break from normal gameplay mechanics).
I would LOVE to see Balthazar go down. Unfortunately, I have yet to see it attempted by anyone in my world (I’ve never seen it uncontested, either). And I’m hoping it is as challenging as you say it is (Temple of Lyssa had some challenge to it though, but was easily accomplished by throwing more bodies at it). Yet still, it would be one of very very few encounters I found challenging or fun.
Mind you, I’m not arguing GW2’s fun factor. It was certainly fun the first time around, and I’d guess I can say I got my 60 bucks worth if I classified the game as a single player RPG w/ a multiplayer element.
Obtaining legendarys for example is not fun, it is a grind that requires you to do repetitive behaviors on different parts of the game that more than likely over half of em you do not enjoy doing. I expected legendarys to be like everquests Epics. For those not familiar they were INCREDIBLY difficult to obtain weapons that required doing a long (usually well written) quest that forced you to do things all around the world. Some were easy some required going into a very dangerous territory and spawning an event that would need the aid of others. It was a long journey (in eq1 original epics it could take you months to a year to complete) but it was fun and exciting along the way.
THIS is what I thought GW2 was going to bring back. THIS is what I got incredibly hyped up for after each new Dev post emerged over the last 2 years.
I’ve lost count how many times I’ve advocated this exact philosophy after having found out what endgame was truly like here.
Besides, on my elementalist I still have plenty of challenge, especially solo or trying to compete with an army of rangers and warriors for loot drops.
I just go to the lesser populated zones and try to solo everything…the champions can be a real challenge by yourself.
Not to sound abrasive, but I really didn’t buy an MMO to go play by myself =/
@Lance Coolee.
Sorry I meant to put I agree I was backing you. this game really lacks any good fun mechanics. It needed Boss rooms with locking door. LARGE boss rooms with environmental as well as a good large boss with good mechanics to work around.
I know you were, I was just furthering my opinion on the topic
The game was designed to cater to everyone. Ramping up the difficulty would cause a mass exodus of players that like to sit back and enjoy the game.
Theres also a reason why MMO’s that have steep difficulty are very low populated.
Not sure I can agree w/ this statement.
<That game which shall not be named> had plenty of incredibly challenging content and they still managed to break what is it now, 15 MILLION subscribers (I still can’t get over that number).Theory crafting means there are mechanics you need to think about and do something to best those mechanics. Thats not needed in GW2 because there litterally are no mechanics other than I’m a boss i have lots of Hp hit hard and may do aoe or summon adds
Which is exactly what I’m advocating to change =/
Don’t get me wrong, I love being able to just run into an encounter and sometimes just mindlessly faceroll it just for fun; I just would like more than HP and hard-hitting boss attacks to be the only critical component in challenging players.
The challenge in GW2 PVE is how a player manages 10+ skills and use them in sequence. I think the issue people are having with this type of skill play style is that a) it’s spammy, b) core builds execution is very boring, I mean even though it’s fun theory craft/play around with stats, ultimately when it comes down to performing your builds it feels too easy for most players (the challenge is high within the preparation, but low within the execution). That’s why players think PVE is too easy, because the “physical combat” has LOW depth (HIGH depth = being able to succeed and fail based on execution performance, not builds).
EDIT: What I mean by my last comment is that a combat with good depth is a well rounded combat, not just one that’s about putting theory-crafting and builds waayyyy in front of actually how the player executes on the battlefield).
@FluffyDoe, although I totally agree with this, there still needs to be more depth in PvE gameplay than just the player improving his own playstyle. It’s kinda moot to continue to improve if the content can just as easily be facerolled through.
I loved being able to sit and theorycraft for a bit (mind you, I’m in no way a qualified expert at it), put those theories to the test on test dummies, then take what I’ve learned out into a real challenging encounter and watch the results. It was incredibly fulfilling to watch myself continuously improve my playstyle, but the caveat is that I had the challenging content that validated my efforts!
Currently, I’ve kinda lost all desire to do this (in a PvE setting) because the content just doesn’t warrant it.
One token to rule them all.
Any character to find them.
One vendor to bring them all,
And in the forge bind them.The main problem we see with a universal token system, is that players will find the easiest dungeons they can do within the DR system’s influence range, and just do them over and over.
It would be like if people could use all their CoF tokens from the speed/exploit clears, and buy up Arah Dragon armor. Were that the case, the armor itself would have no real value behind it. When you look at a player and you see a full suit of dragon armor, you know that they did a certain thing to get that armor. With a universal token system, you lose that sense of knowledge of what another player has gone through to get what they have.
Point taken, but still; there has to be a better way than to just say “go grind dungeon X until you’ve accumulated enough tokens”. Even with the different dungeon paths, it still restricts a player to only certain content to accomplish their goal.
What would be so wrong w/ consolidating on using karma as the currency of choice and only making the certain dungeon vendors available upon completion of some pre-requisite (like completing all paths of said dungeon maybe?).
That may be true in quantity but its pretty clear to me that the focus of GW2 ..especially profession design and mechanics is PvP not PvE. …maybe the name Guild WARS might actually be a clue. =P
1. It’s already been stated by the devs that the game title has no correlation to the direction and intent of the game. I can’t find the post but effectively they’ve simply stated that it’s called Guild Wars 2 because it’s merely the successor to Guild Wars (1).
2. While I don’t think anyone can argue which direction the designers intend to focus on more – PvP or PvE, I can certainly argue that it has been stated repeatedly in development literature there is an equal amounts of attention on both.
I never said or implied guild wars 2 is solo centric becaue for dungeons clearly it isn’t. I am saying that, I don’t need player A to only be tank or healer or DPS. Everybody has a chance to play ALL roles. In a trinity game, if my tanks sucks I am screwed until we kick the tank and get a new one, if my healer is bad well same deal. In guild wars 2, if we are dying because we cant stun or blind or whatever the mob, chances are one of my skills will have one of those control.
Guild wars 2 allow for more on the fly adjustments, it actually requires you to put in more thought than any holy trinity game. Guild wars 2 makes each player active participates, while in a holy trinity I don’t worry about anything outside my scope. So if im a dps in a trinity the only thing i really do is blindly spam my preset rotation, same with healing etc. In guild wars 2, I have to at least make more of an effort to do more than one task.
Also the last quote was just my bias against healers. I hate healers, most of them tend to suck anyways.
I’d like to hear one of your examples of a GW2 encounter that requires more thought than one in a “holy trinity” game. Bear in mind, I’m not advocating this game be like WoW – so let’s not start that flame war – yet I have played both games and can certainly attest (with examples if need be) that there is a greater level of challenge in WoW content than in GW2 content, even if the button rotations were known before hand.
Regardless of which “trinity” system exists, teamwork is teamwork. WoW had less “flexibility” for error when it came to the key roles (tanks / healers) and its impact on the rest of the team; Although GW2 had a greater room for individual error, it still doesn’t justify one-shot mechanics and incredible amounts of boss HP.
Just to add a HOLY trinity does not make a game difficult. It just makes you dependent on other players. In most cases when you die, well when I died it was more because someone did not do their job properly and that just frustrated me, it did not make it harder.
The holy trinity is just adds an artificial difficulty to any game. It’s like having a test designed for with a calculator in mind and making people take the test without a calculator, The test really isn’t hard you just did not give them the tools needed to solve the problems as intended.
I think you’re inaccurately attributing GW2’s new “trinity” as being solo-centric- which it is not. Regardless if you die in a dungeon encounter with a Tank/Heal/DPS trinity or a Support/Control/DPS trinity, the responsibility still lies with you and the team. Last I checked, dungeon content is not solo-able, so you are certainly still “dependent on other players”
I don’t think the issue is a matter of how often I’ve died. I play an ele, and personally I didn’t really feel underpowered while leveling. I die more from jumping puzzles than I do enemies.
Also, regarding class nerfing / boosting – I believe those only apply artificial difficulty (see my earlier post on page 1 of this thread).
For most of the DEs, the only real critical factor in success / failure is how many warm bodies are participating.
Raids really get a bad rap because of how lacking they are in other games. There are so many implementations of raids that make them terribly restrictive and unable to cater to the “less than perfect” gamer.
That doesn’t mean that they can’t be something better, though. I’m still waiting on the game that promotes raids without the strict “body count”. I would love to see instanced encounters scale based on how many players are participating.
I’ve run sooooo many WoW pugs through every raid instance up to Cata quite successfully. At the time I had pretty good routines; I taught the encounters well enough before hand and promoted a very friendly and engaging atmosphere. Sure, we’ve wiped a lot, but we progressed (in almost new PuG groups every week), and had a lot of fun doing it. One of my biggest pet peeves though, was either that I felt I always had to fill every spot, had to have a particular group composition in order to combat the encounters or had to leave someone out because there wasn’t enough room. We couldn’t just run w/ who we had and let the encounter scale accordingly.
Have you offered feedback or suggestions to ANet, or are you just here to trash a game that you no longer are playing? Which, makes no sense to me whatsoever.
Just one thread among the many I’ve participated in offering up suggestions.
If PvE is so easy for you, why not make it more challenging for yourself? Don’t follow the zerg of players, try doing things on your own. Try duoing a champion with someone. Take on more mobs at once.
More artificial difficulty… This still does not appeal to any strategy, the same mechanics exist if there is one player or 30.
However, these threads appear all the time, there’s been countless threads about game difficulty, often having polar opposite opinions in them. My point was that it’s just swings and roundabouts. So if there’s a bunch of each, then the game is probably pretty well balanced…?
From all the posts I’ve read, the majority of them have been complaining about the encounters that were artificially difficult. Ie, either mobs have been spawning too quickly or that there are too many of them, or that the bosses either 1shot players or have a ridiculous amount of HP. These are the kinds of challenges that I am opposed to, they don’t appeal to any real strategy in most cases, rather just chaotic gameplay. You really don’t hear anything in the way of DEs being too difficult to complete.
It’s almost as if people were saying this nearly a month ago. At the time, those that said ANYTHING remotely negative about this game were told to go back to WoW. Most of us did.
I knew it was only a matter of time before people starting hitting 80, getting exotics and realizing they were done.
Like GW2’s bigger supporters will tell you, as they have told me weeks back " PvP is the endgame." And by Anet’s new post today, it seems thats really all they are focused on.
I’ve been one of those who’ve been knocking on these pipes since beta.
I also hear all the time those who continue to push PvP as being GW2’s exclusive endgame, and the only thing I can respond to that with is “Well then how come there’s so much PvE lore, if they were only going to ditch it at 80?”
Try playing an elementalist.
There’s a fine line between challenging and frustrating, the elementalist took one good look at that line and took a flying leap over it, landing at a run on the other side. I have a level 60 ele that I’ve pretty much given up on in favor of leveling an alt.
Lol. Actually, my main is Ele. It’s the class I played the most and it played a factor in this conclusion.
Also, regarding some of the other replies in this thread – Artificially creating difficulty is not what I had in mind when it comes to adding challenge. It’s a complete cop-out when the game imposes this “illusion” of difficulty by either:
1. Increasing mob spawn rates
2. Increasing number of mobs within a given viscinity
3. Increasing boss / mob HP
4. Increasing boss / mob DMG output
5. Reducing a player’s effectiveness against bosses / mobs
What I do consider adds elements of skill / challenge
1. Using environmental obstacles / tools to overcome bosses / mobs
2. Adding encounter mechanics that require accurate timing
3. Remove the ability to use waypoints immediately after death during an encounter (perhaps put a timer on when you can use it), to prevent spawn-zerging
4. Granular encounter mechanics that require 2 or more people to coordinate
The more I play, the more I begin to find that I need to amend my thoughts on GW2 PvE.
IMO, the real issue PvE gameplay faces is quality rather than quantity.
Exclude any of the “solo” activities (Crafting, SPs, JPs, map completion, gear grinds), one might say there is still enough content to visit – DEs, hearts, dungeons, etc; the real issue is how much of the PvE group play really requires any skill?
With the exception of only a few dungeon bosses I’ve come across, most of the PvE gameplay seems to be just a mindless zerg and doesn’t really appeal to the strategic gamer in me. Granted there’s the occasional “don’t stand in fire”, and a sprinkling of telegraphed attacks to dodge; yet aside from that, there really doesn’t feel to be much in the way of successfully completing the event, nor are there any real consequences of winning / losing the battles.
Albeit all the bugs that I’m sure ANet is aware of / working on, IMO they really need to revisit a large number of the PvE mechanics. As well, if they truly want to follow the philosophy that “everything is endgame” (although I have other issues w/ that statement), then they’d really need to challenge the audience more through the leveling experience.
Hey, you may want to remove that screenshot, photoshop out all the char names and their chat and then repost; otherwise, this thread may get locked and you’ll get infracted.
Here’s an example:
Better now?
First three /map messages: “LFG Arah” – each 1 minute apart
Fourth /map message: “LFG Arah” – suppressed
Fifth /map message: “Looking for group, Arah” – suppressed
There’s enough budget for forum mods, no? =/
I like it!
+1 from me
Does anyone know what this item means?
Armor that is currently equipped can no longer be transmuted.
(edited by Lance Coolee.9480)
And just like that, DR completely lost it’s affect on the botters and can now only serve to impact the rest of the playerbase.
Complete your personal story
Unlock all available skills for your profession / race
Raise your crafting disciplines to skill level 400
Earn enough karma/gold/badges/tokens to purchase an exotic armor/weapon set
Play through all dungeons in story/explorable mode
Explore all areas in the game (100% World Completion)
Create a new character to experience a different profession / race
Participate in structured PvP
Participate in World versus World
Find and complete all 31 jumping puzzles*Collect a set of armor from each dungeon in the game
*Craft a LegendaryCondensed into a sensible list without the absurd duplication/fluff items. It’s still reasonable for a launch MMO, although some of that content (story, dungeons) needs a lot of work, and some of it…like world completion…is a flat out headache with the game as buggy as it is.
(*) for stuff that presently requires a punitive grind.
Someone else “condensed” that as well in another thread; yet you’re still pretty much left with very little to do aside from PvP and W3. Everything else is either completable in a few days or just a boring grind. Now I’m not arguing with anyone here; I have my personal opinions of the game (that they certainly do need to rethink how they’ll cater to level 80 players). I just wished they would’ve taken a bit more time to polish this game off before release so I wouldn’t have had such a sour first impression.
Complete your personal story
Unlock all available skills for your profession / race
Raise your crafting disciplines to skill level 400
Explore all areas in the game (100% World Completion)
Find and complete all 31 jumping puzzles
Not done, but has a relatively brief period of gameplay.
Earn enough karma/gold/badges/tokens to purchase an exotic armor/weapon set
*Collect a set of armor from each dungeon in the game
*Craft a Legendary
No thanks, I’d rather play than grind for stuff.
Play through all dungeons in story/explorable mode
I’ll wait until they are less buggy.
Create a new character to experience a different profession / race
Participate in structured PvP
Participate in World versus World
This is pretty much it for continuous gameplay.
Well, you could:
Complete your personal story
Defeat Zhaitan
Unlock all available skills for your profession / race
Raise your crafting disciplines to skill level 400
Earn enough gold to purchase a racial armor set
Earn enough karma to purchase an exotic armor set
Play through all dungeons in story mode
Complete all dungeons in explorable mode
Complete all 33 possible explorable mode dungeon paths
Earn enough dungeon tokens to purchase a set of armor
Collect a set of armor from each dungeon in the game
Start a petition to make the Undead Orrian Chicken a new necro minion
Earn enough karma to purchase a racial weapon
Craft an exotic weapon for your character
Craft an exotic armor set for your character
Purchase a Dragon’s Deep weapon
Earn all possible PvE titles
Experiment with new builds for your profession
Discover all possible recipes for your crafting disciplines
Master all crafting disciplines
Experiment with the Mystic Forge
Create a Mystic weapon in the Mystic Forge
Craft a legendary weapon in the Mystic Forge
Explore all areas in the game
Find and use a vial of black dye
Find a vial of black dye and give it to a friend
Create or purchase a full set of 20 slot bags
Give Logan a wedgie
Participate in the Norn Keg Brawl
Unlock all Keg Brawl achievements
Create a new character to experience a different profession / race
Participate in structured PvP
Raise your sPvP rank
Achieve the rank of Ascendant in sPvP
Complete your favorite sPvP cosmetic armor set
Collect new cosmetic weapon skins for sPvP
Unlock all possible cosmetic weapon and armor skins in sPvP
Earn all sPvP titles
Find and complete all 31 jumping puzzles
Complete the current Monthly achievements
Help your guild earn influence to unlock additional perks
Outrun a centaur
Charm all possible pets as a Ranger
Create an all-ranger guild called Team Rocket, lose constantly in sPvP
Collect all 101 types of cooking materials
Fill every collection slot in the bank with at least one item
Participate in World versus World
Help your world win in WvW
Defeat enough enemy players in WvW to complete the medal
Complete the awesome Yakslapper achievement in WvW
Complete all WvW achievements
Build and use all siege weapon types in WvW
Earn all possible WvW Titles
Play the organ in Caledon forest, and party with the Quaggan
Earn enough gold to purchase a Commander Tome
Visit the monument to Killeen and pay your respects
Defeat the Shatterer
Defeat the Claw of Jormag
Defeat Tequatl the Sunless
Add new friends to your friend’s list
Organize an in-game event for your guild
Complete every map in the game
Participate in meta events
Discover and participate in new dynamic events
Collect stacks of butter and butter prank your friends
Learn the ins and outs of the Trading Post
Get rich selling Globs of Ectoplasm
Buy a Box o’ Fun and throw a party in Lion’s Arch
Complete an armor set for your character’s Order
Read all of the books in Divinity’s Reach
Read the story of how Ebonhawke was founded
Complete all possible weapon achievements for your character
Defeat the Champion of Grenth and purchase the exotic armor set
Write about your level 80 experience, have it published on GW2Hub
Purchase a set of armor from the guild armorsmith
Purchase a set of weapons from the guild weaponsmith
Complete all Slayer achievements
Complete the Lifetime Survivor achievement
Go skydiving in Arah after defeating Zhaitan
I really hated this post. Even when I first read it, I felt it was full of garbage fluff to give the appearance of entertainment value.
You can also just about cut that entire list in half because a majority of the line items are repeats of one another…
Complete your personal story
Defeat Zhaitan
Earn enough gold to purchase a racial armor set
Earn enough karma to purchase an exotic armor set
Play through all dungeons in story mode
Complete all dungeons in explorable mode
Complete all 33 possible explorable mode dungeon paths
Participate in structured PvP
Raise your sPvP rank
Achieve the rank of Ascendant in sPvP
… and on and on, while another bucket of line items are just worthless filler.
Give Logan a wedgie
Outrun a centaur
Add new friends to your friend’s list
Create an all-ranger guild called Team Rocket, lose constantly in sPvP
Start a petition to make the Undead Orrian Chicken a new necro minion
Visit the monument to Killeen and pay your respects
Might want to watch out, I had this exact topic closed and infracted on the other day.
I remember running into a moderator closed post once about this.
Mod simply said that “petitions” are not permissible on the forums. =/
Not sure about polls, but they do run the risk of following suit if they’re formed like a petition
It’s a bit early to judge the game’s community, I think. It will takes several months for that to truly establikittenelf.
Sorry forum gods, I know this is off topic.
I totally lol’d at “establikittenelf”. Hadda take a second look, when I read it in my head it sounded like “I stab a kitten elf”.
Not to argue against your point, but think of combating bots like combating computer viruses. Sure, you can develop, test and deploy your “bot-buster” feature, but these botters will never stop looking for creative ways to exploit the system.
Those bots behind the keyboard do this for a living. No bots = no food on the table. They take this “job” very seriously.
So what does it mean? It means that you’ve effectively now cornered yourself into only being able to resolve the botting issue through some development release cycle; and when your botters can compose creative solutions faster than your development cycle can fix them, you can see where this is a huge issue.
This needs abrupt human intervention, IMO. It’s the only way to get to the source of it quickly and reliably. It’s the only way to really send a message that this game will not tolerate a hostile environment.
We’re so quick to invest in forum mods, why can’t we likewise invest in game GMs?
This sucks. I’m really sorry that happened.
I’ve experienced it a few times myself; I always rez other players, even have gone out of my way and combated a few mobs to do it.
It’s incredible how hostile some MMO players have gotten, which is why it’s so gravely important to support and provoke positive play and interaction through the game environment.
Not to beat dead horses, but I’m sure any psych major would easily place some attribution for the hostile players on the bugged SPs / DEs, bots, etc, while the rest are quite probably overflow from other MMOs.
Hmm, interesting.. when I get home, I’ll check’em out ~
On a more personal note.. “Software Architect”?
#PM me if you don’t wanna post your reply here.
Yes, MS stack right now with a strong history and focus on web architecture / web development; lately though, a buddy of mine has me toying w/ Ruby, so the next side project I pick up may very well be RoR.
@Sin, Bluebird, et al.
I dunno, it seemed like a reasonable request. We have a well policed forum, but I didn’t buy the game for the forums. Why am I not allowed to ask for a well policed game?
Except it wasn’t a “bot thread”; It was a request to produce in-game GMs that can do anything, ranging from combatting bots, policing game chat, and fixing bugged DEs / SPs.
It wasn’t like they didn’t invest the money and resources for forum mods, why not do the same in-game?
Still not sure why this topic was locked or why I was infracted for it:
A consolidation of the suggestions I’ve made to date:
How about on the spot banning GM’s? An ingame ticket for botters would be enough to handle this. With the help of the society its really possible to keep botters/farmers to a minimum.
US – 11 GM’s
EU – 11 GM’s
French – 2 GM’s
German – 3 GM’s
Spanish – 1 GM (with English or any european country as 2nd option to help on spare time)In total 28 GM’s for banning them on sight. Just to keep spots open for real players. Whether if its for WvW or just to get in your own server instead of overflow etc.
One last idea. EU GM’s would also be responsible of US servers. So that the US servers wont be full of botters at night. And vice versa.Lets say couple of EU GM’s start early in the morning around 6 AM GMT +1. At that same time US GM’s are finished working and EU is taking over.
Darnit i really would like a job like this.
Any feedback on this guys?
Personally, I would prefer to see some of the forum mods moved over to be in-game GM’s. Right now it seems we have a much more policed forum than in game.
Holy cow, yea, can we get that looked at by the content writers?
Yes, there are speed / teleport hacks in the game. If you see them, report them.
Edit: All you can do is suspect hacking; it’s ok to report and let the devs sort it out afterward.
I hear a ton of argument (@Red Falcon, @deriver, @Nyaochan) against a player suggesting an issue w/ the game, but not one argument as to why DR needs to stay.
Seriously, if you want to defend DR so much, do so with valid points.
And if you know “Game Design 101” so well, then you’d likely also know “User Experience 101” well enough to know that you don’t impose a negative impact on one system to accommodate another unless there is clearly no other alternative and that you are guaranteed a better result than otherwise.
Last I checked, bots are in full swing, growing in numbers. So who did the DR really have an affect on?
Quit blaming Anet for your L2P isses OP, and learn to reduce your threat.
Going far away, dodging and cripple/immob are great ways to have the AI stop targeting you and greatly decrease your overall threat.
Thinking you may not be fully informed. Scroll up one post.
Edit: some people may not be so great at explaining their observations or scenarios, but that doesn’t always mean the problems are any less qualified or valid.
I’ve seen this happen to me on Dungeons (necro)
Think maybe I’m seeing a trend with these aggro issues.. what class, OP? When I play my necro, it happens to me, too. I run around, but can’t get far enough away to lose aggro, unless I leave the area entirely. Seems highly unlikely that necros are outdamaging everyone. I wonder if conditions cause more aggro?
I’ve actually ran into a dungeons scenario where I (staff ele) dropped a slow on a group of mobs. We had a tagged target and everyone was appropriately DPS’ing the tagged target.
The untagged targets started attacking random players (guessing splash damage was the cause), but the tagged target kept me as his focus.
So I completely disengaged that target; I had landed maybe 2 (fire spec) spells. For the duration of that mob’s life (it was an explorable dungeon so he was a champion), he did not take his focus off me, regardless of the fact that the other players were wailing on him and I was just running around attempting to control the other mobs (I started wailing on them to try and pull them off the other players so I can control them while they focused on the tagged target).
Those other mobs hadn’t budged, regardless of what spells I threw at them or what amount of insults I planted about their momma’s. The one mob on me hadn’t budged either regardless of how much the other players were beating on him.
Now I have yet to figure out predictably what warrants a mob’s attention, but I can certainly attest that this felt like an extremely broken mechanic.
ok cool, lol
it was from a previous thread that looked to have gotten deleted; it regarded umm, well “nekkid” characters in the world =/
It did show a rather “risque” attachment though, right?
I know it’s late for me, but my eyes aren’t that far gone.
? Attachment GoneWild?
A long post missing any relevance whatsoever, instead having to rely on “hurr durr y u still here?”
I get it. You have nothing worthwhile to say. That’s fine. Stop subjecting me to that please.
Nobody is “subjecting” you to anything. If you don’t like it, you can leave.
See what I did there?
^ Myself and 8 players also stopped playing (one hadn’t even hit 80 – had many troubles finding other players in mid-level zones to play with)
I stopped playing cuz I want to have a fresh experience after they fix all the issues; I’d really rather not play the game in its current state.
A snapshot that is guaranteed to lean heavily in favor of the point ur trying to prove.
Oh no, God forbid a viewpoint other than yours be proven right.
I never made any claim, I know better than to assume conclusions based on invalid facts
Ok, so LA (likely the most populated zone in Tyria) experienced overlow and you immediately draw the conclusion that the population was healthy? Really?
1. LA is probably the most susceptable to experience overlow
2. LA has almost zero gameplay (except for crafting and a few jumping puzzles). It’s where players go to hang out, not to play the game.
It’s like saying the game is healthy because it has a very lively forum population.
Irrelevant facts are irrelevant.
A snapshot of an in game map does not constitute valid evidence. It holds just as much factual weight as the xfire posts ur so quick to discredit.
A snapshot of a game that shows a mechanic in-place that only occurs when the population of a map is over what would normally be expected doesn’t hold any factual weight. Right.
A snapshot that is guaranteed to lean heavily in favor of the point ur trying to prove. LA will almost always be highly populated.
Show me an Orr overflow or even a starting zone overflow; even then it’s questionable until you can explain what the numerical significance of an overflow server is.
Again, those “facts” are about as useless as every other point you’ve made.
Don’t get all hissy just because I keep bringing evidence to the table to support my claim whereas you have literally nothing other than speculation.
A snapshot of an in game map does not constitute valid evidence. It holds just as much factual weight as the xfire posts ur so quick to discredit.
Can anyone post a critique or suggestion without a pile of fanboys spouting their garbage “go back to wow, you inane mathlete.”
I too would like more information for some of these unknown stats. It’s terribly difficult to make an informed decision on certain gameplay choices without having to resort to outside sources.
Besides, it’s not like every other priority skill doesn’t express exactly what it does.
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