Showing Posts For LostMK.4089:

When does it start today? What time?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: LostMK.4089


there is no official stated time?

When does it start today? What time?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: LostMK.4089


What is the exact time the new event achievements will be doable?

Does anyone know?

Opening 1000 Dragon Coffers

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: LostMK.4089


what the kittening hell is nosh?

Which achievements count towards wings?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: LostMK.4089


they really still can’t get their events to work? T_T

Binding 'dodge-jump' on programmable mouse?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: LostMK.4089


Is there file that stores keybinds? so I can just edit the two commands to use the same key? this would avoid using third-party programs so that we don’t violate TOS

LFG Fractals

in Guilds

Posted by: LostMK.4089




4 Endless Toy Tonics = Endless Golem Tonic

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LostMK.4089


anet reply?


4 Endless Toy Tonics = Endless Golem Tonic

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LostMK.4089


This can’t be right, this recipe should be a 100% chance for Endless Toymaker Tonic not just one of the 5 (Endless Golem Tonic)

Please fix this ArenaNet before other people waste their tonics

Endless Wintersday Tonics Thread

in Wintersday

Posted by: LostMK.4089


4 endless single tonics into forge = endless golem

WHAT THE HELL ARENANET this cant be right

we should put 4 things that can only be obtained once and get ENDLESS TOYMAKERS not GOLEM

Endless Wintersday Tonics Thread

in Wintersday

Posted by: LostMK.4089


Uh oh! What could it be!? Dun dun dun…

One more tonic to go!

!!!!! toymakers

LFG Fractals

in Guilds

Posted by: LostMK.4089


Looking for an active(20-30+prime)/high pop(200ish total) guild on an active(overflow access)/high pop server that focuses mainly on PvE content(fractals/ascended gear grind) and that also looks forward to the monthly events (Wintersday and whatever is to come next)

such a guild does not exist though probably, if your guild is into the fractals, getting ascended gear, and doing everything there is to do come Wintersday please post here or mail/msg me

(edited by LostMK.4089)

Ranger Movement Speed

in Ranger

Posted by: LostMK.4089


Agreed. Signet of the hunt needs to and will go to 25%.

how uncharacteristic of an anet dev to be so definitive with their words

we will hold you to it

Lost Shores event disconnect solution? [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostMK.4089


ok so anet is giving people who got dced free precursors and 20 slot bags – forget about everyone else?

Fun Fractals plagued by awful design

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LostMK.4089


watch the op/tc get infracted for trying to talk about fractals

Why don´t you open a test server?

in Suggestions

Posted by: LostMK.4089


They have a test server, for those that were in the alpha test prior to launch and proved to be good testers.

Monthly Reset = Upset

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostMK.4089


I completed my monthly in November and was given no reward. I was dead at the time so no chest pop-up appeared (normally near the minimap, which is hidden while dead)

refund trickery

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostMK.4089


just wait till they also remove the key from your account, as if the refund went through – no money and no game, thats how anet works

So I completed the November monthly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostMK.4089


can you read? I said I had it completed, and was never given a chest pop-up

So I completed the November monthly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostMK.4089


This happened while I was dead, and no chest reward showed up (normally over mini-map which is hidden while dead) – am I out of luck?

Did this happen to anyone else? Should I contact support?

Birds+ Lick Wounds Bugged?

in Ranger

Posted by: LostMK.4089


it is not a bug, just a stealth nerf

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LostMK.4089


vertical fov… for a "wide"screen

thanks anet >_>

Congratulations to the Thief and Ranger

in Halloween Event

Posted by: LostMK.4089


its literally a kitteny plastic spider, that does not even change the projectiles…

Killstreak Boosters: Not Compatible for Mad King Chests?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: LostMK.4089


glory booster too

Mad King Chests: Recipe does not work with Killstreak Boosters

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LostMK.4089



Can we open Black Lion Chests for Halloween now

in Halloween Event

Posted by: LostMK.4089


5pm PST
8pm EST

Possible Lightning Hammer Recipe?

in Crafting

Posted by: LostMK.4089


90% chance its the hammer

250 lode would be insanely pricey for a one handed weapon

Please remove 40 silver "re-train" fee for 400 lvl crafter

in Crafting

Posted by: LostMK.4089


I don’t get why people insist on keeping the 40 silver charges.

They loved being abused and misused

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: LostMK.4089



1 Eldritch Scroll + 1 Gift of Ice + 100 Mystic Coins + 250 Ancient Short-Bow Stave


Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: LostMK.4089


Frost bow would use gift of ice+250 bow parts…if you really want that bow, go and get gift of ice first :P

I guess it would actually HAVE to be this, since there is a short and long version

how else could you differentiate if not use staves?

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: LostMK.4089


Anyone here trying to make the Frost Bow?

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: LostMK.4089


so you can get the elementalist greatsword, but not the axe? or the bow?

I really hope there is a way to make the Frost Bow the ele summons

Suggestion: Sell Karma and Skill Points in the GEM Shop

in Suggestions

Posted by: LostMK.4089


title says it all

URGENT: Abuse of reporting system = instaban anyone you want

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LostMK.4089


If this is true it needs to be addressed absolutely immediately, this would allow any group of players to simply mass-report any person they wish using the “gold seller” reason and trigger an auto/instant ban on that players account.

(I will probably get banned using this method for making this thread, because people love to abuse things like this)

Potion of Ascalonian Mages - Transformation lost on down, death, and zoning.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LostMK.4089


This is a great potion/transform, but it would be even better if we actually got to use it for the full 30m duration as stated in the tooltip. Being killed, changing your map/zone, and sometimes when just being downed and revived the player loses the buff and returns to normal. Is this working as intended? or can we get a quick fix on this in time for Halloween!? ;P



in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LostMK.4089


So far for path 1 and path 2 today the NPCs have gotten to certain points in the path and refused to initiate the next event

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: LostMK.4089


6 pages and no official response

Undeniable proof that this was a stealth nerf, and they will NOT undo it

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: LostMK.4089


Is anet so wracked with guilt they can’t even dignify our concerns with a response? Not surprising since they have no qualms with severely stealth nerfing a class to being unplayable.

They did dignify our concerns with a response. Jon Peters said he was looking into it. The sense of entitlement from some members of this community is kittening ridiculous. Mistakes happen, and they sometimes take more than an hour to fix.

ANet have absolutely no incentive to stealth nerf, they don’t have some irrational hatred for certain classes they themselves created, and there’s no conspiracy to wreck your personal hopes and dreams. A mistake was likely made, and a dev has acknowledged that they’ll look into it. Just relax and let them do their jobs.

“sense of entitlement”

proof that your entire post is just one big troll

please leave, thank you

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: LostMK.4089


I guess you people are new to the idea of a “stealth nerf”

ArenaNet despises the ranger class, playstyle, and the people who play MMO’s on those classes/playstyles

Time to start leveling your warrior or elementalist alt (soon to be main, till they get nerfed too! XFD troll’d by the mighty anet)

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: LostMK.4089


Is anet so wracked with guilt they can’t even dignify our concerns with a response? Not surprising since they have no qualms with severely stealth nerfing a class to being unplayable.

Pets randomly won't attack?

in Ranger

Posted by: LostMK.4089


they also dont want to revive you when you use the lick wounds command

thanks arena net for the extra bit of nerf on top of a 30% damage reduction for the shortbow

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: LostMK.4089


Two things. I hate it when people call this class a ranged class. First of all a ranger is not someone who’s primary purpose is to shoot a bow or a gun. That would be a archer or a marksman.

A ranger is a person who passes over or through (an area or region) in all directions, as in exploring or searching.

Now while I HATE to agree with Durzlla, because he’s just annoying, he’s right in this case. The change was not that significant. It’s barely if at all noticible. Someone ran numbers in another thread and showed that the decrease in attack speed was exactly what they said it would be.

However, there is a concensus that QZ is either indeed bugged with shortbow as the attack speed is MUCH slower then before or quickness as a buff got seriously nerfed in this patch. This could be across the board though and other classes just haven’t noticed it yet since we’re the once who definitely would.

nice try with the attack speed bs

its not about the change in speed, its about what the slight change in speed causes: a huge decrease in damage output – nearly 30% depending on your build

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: LostMK.4089


Sweet, so the warrior is a better ranged class than a “rang-er” awesome.

100% true thanks to anet

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: LostMK.4089


Durzlla, please stop kissing anet kitten /p>

This was just another slap in the face to people who want to play the ranger class, one of many nerfs/stealth nerfs that are intended to reduce the amount of people playing the ranger class.

ArenaNet literally wants people to just play elementalist and warrior

They really do not care about the players, and they will not undo this devastating change to the ranger class.

Gift new weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: LostMK.4089


so they just confirmed a hidden sub-legendary type of weapon? “Jormag’s Breath” is actually something we can get?

Improving transmogrification by using collections

in Suggestions

Posted by: LostMK.4089


Then anet would not make as much from selling bank tabs

How GW2 IS becoming a "Grind" -MY thoughts.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostMK.4089


and now people can’t even complete CM, HoW, or CoF Explore mode runs at all

good job Trion Riot ArenaNet