Showing Posts For LughLongArm.5460:

Power Soulbeast Grandmaster in raids

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I’m not lecturing anyone(why getting so defensive) and I cant go golem cus SB is not out yet, and that’s why I do need to theory crafting and that’s exactly what you do when you talk about SB position in raids before we really tried to raid with SB, so just relax m8.

So do you think Soulbeast will magically make a 14k dps weapon (because we have no pet anymore) goes to 36k dps?
That’s the real question.

You give up your pet, you giveup either Marksmanship/ Skirmishing or BM, losing alot of dps from get go.

You got some other dps traits to compensate with your original dps lost.

You got a Maul 50% damage bonus, but you still have to wait 3.5 cd per cast.

You got some bonus stat from merging.

You got a F4 called Wordly impact.

You got sick-em, which lasts for 8 sec with 32 sec cd, meaning the 40% dps increase is actually 10% in the long-run.

With all this being considered, do you think our 14k dps GS is going to reach 34k dps?

My answer is clearly a big no. I’d be happy if it reaches 20k dps at least, but that’s still nowhere near the raid dps requirement. (minimum 32k dps)

What I said is that I’m not sure if you got your numbers(14k+3k -dps) before or after the big AUG balance patch. If it was before, the patch itself added power ranger a lot of dps boost which scales amazingly with the SB traits and skills(beast skills and weapon skills). Damage modifiers scales exponentially with high ferocity bonus, and we got extra 530 ferocity+10% crit chance+200 power + extra 22% dmg boost from SB traits. With the boost Given by maul, Sicem, SB(F1-F3) etc… I think we can more than double our power build dps compared to pre AUG power builds.

I do think some of the SB traits/skills could use a boost. Twice as Vicious is weak, the master traits are weak, the GM traits could sue some improvements, but the potential for dps power build is there.

It also opens up room for druid build going NM/BM/DRUID with spirits, and SB going MM/Skrimish/Soulbeast with Spotter.

Power Soulbeast Grandmaster in raids

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I’m not lecturing anyone(why getting so defensive) and I cant go golem cus SB is not out yet, and that’s why I do need to theory crafting and that’s exactly what you do when you talk about SB position in raids before we really tried to raid with SB, so just relax m8.

[Video] Going Wild - Power Melee SoulBeast #2

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


So nice to get a new vid from you, @DarkFlopy, I’m hoping for more

Power Soulbeast Grandmaster in raids

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Just don’t.

Ranger weapon power coefficient is way too low compare to other power class.

Our highest dps rotation of sword+axe is about 24k dps, which pet is contribute 3k dps within that 24k, meaning our power build dps is around 21k alone. (Because you’re losing pet in beastmode!)

On top of that, greatsword dps is as low as 17k with pet, and 14k without pet (beastmode has no pet), less than half of what Guardian’s greatsword can do.

Soulbeast is not going to magically double your dps even with Maul bug, and Sick-em only have 1/4 of the uptime compare to its CD.

Guardian can easily hit 34k dps with their greatsword power build rotation.
Soulbeast has to deduct 3k dps from your pet and gain some minor dps increase.
Soulbeast is not going to magically turn Ranger’s 14k greatsword into 34k that’s for sure.

Not sure when did you get the 14k results, but with last balance patch we get 180 ferocity from SOTW, 250 ferocity from vicious quarry(10% crit chance), 200 power100 ferocity from Ferocious. The ferocity bonus alone is ~ 30% extra damage on crits(getting close to 100% in pve raids) which we didn’t have before and will scale with all the new extra dmg bonuses . Now add SB minors(ya, they should buff Twice as Vicious)SB GM(Oppressive Superiority, also could be buffed)SB beast skills+Sicem and maul while in SB. Ya, your 2H dps should be more than doubled, compared to pre AUG patch, DPS checks.

(edited by LughLongArm.5460)

Core Ranger vs specialization

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I suggested almost 2 years ago that the “mechanic buffer” trait line should be considered as an “elite” trait line. Saying that, now days core ranger build is the ultimate pet damage dealing build, MM/WS/BM is compatible with druids for offensive builds.

[PvP] Builds for season 8

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Season 8 you will see tons of core rangers going LB/GS- MM/WS/BM, It’s very effective and it’s superior to the druid builds in terms offensive roles.

Having the WS/BM synergy and going full Survival definitely helps if the Season turns out to be Condi heavy. With MM you also get to have insane boon uptime and maybe Remorseless if you can handle that.

We know Power Ranger does have its niche in wide open maps and can do their thing if there are squishies for them to Rapid Fire into, but the question is how does it hold up against the usual fare, because projectile hate is still rampant.

It’s not only the WS/BM synergy(which is superb), Soften the fall with the improved muddy terrain, CB+ZS+Toxins+Remorseless and your pet is a killing machine.

Something like that:

[PvP] Builds for season 8

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Season 8 you will see tons of core rangers going LB/GS- MM/WS/BM, It’s very effective and it’s superior to the druid builds in terms offensive roles.

Vanilla Ranger build, too much cleanse

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Core ranger doesn’t come close to druid in terms of condi clear BUT since the last balance patch, core ranger can build for very good utility and damage and I’m not sure anymore that druid is superior to some core ranger builds.

For example -MM/WS/BM is a very offensive build but not YOLO at all, its got tons of utility and survivability options.

It’s fine, warrior is also very deadly with core traits and so are other classes.

Sic'em: changing it right (and S&R)

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


The damage increase from Sic’em is one of the best things about Soulbeast, why would you want to remove it? Theres already enough condi utilities, this is our only power one. I agree about making it work like the Warrior shout though.

Because Rangers are so used to having terrible damage for so long, that when it reaches "Almost competent’ levels, they get scared of it.

16k+ mauls are stupid. Sic Em is getting nerfed 100%. I’d prefer if the damage bonus was lower in exchange for more utility.

I think it’s quite generous that the Soulbeast in beastmode counts as an animal in the first place, and benefits from the BM tree.

Sic’em is not the reason for big mauls, It’s the AoO bug, which supposed to be applied to the next attack(will get fixed for sure). Without this bug, Sic’em is a great power boosting tool for sure, but I’m not convinced is should get a nerf. I don’t think it’s "generous " we can benefit from our “shouts” and traits in beastmode, I think this is the obvious thing, just look how bad is SoR with soulbeast because it’s broken in beastmode(and I hope it will get fixed).

It depends , what should guard do in beast mode , should heal as one apply twice and sync twice since it affects your pet as well , should rampage as one affect you twice since you’re melded with your pet? Should you guard yourself, since your pet guards with “Guard!”?

Shouts simply don’t make sense right now with Beastmode for more than half of them, it’s easy to point out the op one that gives a 40% dmg bonus and say “this! this one belongs to be applied with ranger in beast mode!” without looking at the role Shouts played way before Beastmode was even implemented and how they all work in BM.

I have a feeling they will nerf the affect given to us by half for weapon skills and utilities, so the ranger receives 20% of that damage and a 40% dmg increase on BM abilities. So your actual weapon abilities are halved from sicem but your worldly impact would have 40% for example.

WHAO works in beast mode and do exactly as you described. And ya, guard should work as well and every other skill or trait that effects pet.

What if

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I like it as it is, BUT most of the the beastmode F1 skills(and some of the F2 skills) ATM are just filler skills that do almost nothing and waste of casting time, they must to some twiking, especially to moas/cats/drakes.

Sic'em: changing it right (and S&R)

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


The damage increase from Sic’em is one of the best things about Soulbeast, why would you want to remove it? Theres already enough condi utilities, this is our only power one. I agree about making it work like the Warrior shout though.

Because Rangers are so used to having terrible damage for so long, that when it reaches "Almost competent’ levels, they get scared of it.

16k+ mauls are stupid. Sic Em is getting nerfed 100%. I’d prefer if the damage bonus was lower in exchange for more utility.

I think it’s quite generous that the Soulbeast in beastmode counts as an animal in the first place, and benefits from the BM tree.

Sic’em is not the reason for big mauls, It’s the AoO bug, which supposed to be applied to the next attack(will get fixed for sure). Without this bug, Sic’em is a great power boosting tool for sure, but I’m not convinced is should get a nerf. I don’t think it’s "generous " we can benefit from our “shouts” and traits in beastmode, I think this is the obvious thing, just look how bad is SoR with soulbeast because it’s broken in beastmode(and I hope it will get fixed).

Soulbeast - Review /slash/ Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I’d like to see;

  • Beastmode CD reduced to 1s.
  • Unstoppable Union gets an ICD (Fresh reinforcement should be a minor trait).
  • Entering Beastmode counts as weapon swap.
  • Exiting Beastmode counts as pet swap.
  • Exiting Beastmode copies your boons to your pet.

Why Entering Beastmode counts as weapon swap if we don’t actually swap weapons, and we can just swap weapons to get the related traits while in Beastmode ?

why Exiting Beastmode should counts as pet swap if you can just use a pet swap while out of beastmode to get related traits(it will even be logical rotation move). Wouldnt you prefer to get pet swap related traits while in beastmode and for the effects to be applied to the soulbeast?

Because entering beastmode already counts as a weaponswap, like forms. Makes it work nice with the on-swap sigils. You would also get weapon swap procs while in beastmode on the CDs when you swap actual weapons.

Exiting beastmode should count as a pet swap since the pet is being created, just like entering combat with a stowed pet.

And yes, I would prefer to be able to get pet swap traits to trigger while in beastmode and be able to swap pets, I just can’t see it happening.

I think the weapon swap thing is a bug. Forms are considered a weapon swap because they actually change your weapon skills. It’s not the situation the beast mode. I will trade-off this perk any day for swap pet traits to trigger while entering beast mode.
Regarding swap pets coming out of beast form, If I remember correctly, the stew pet thing messes up your CD on F4. I want the the entering beastmode effect to trigger pet swap without effecting the F4 CD, Same way, your new F2 wont trigger the CD on pet F2 skills.

Soulbeast - Review /slash/ Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I’d like to see;

  • Beastmode CD reduced to 1s.
  • Unstoppable Union gets an ICD (Fresh reinforcement should be a minor trait).
  • Entering Beastmode counts as weapon swap.
  • Exiting Beastmode counts as pet swap.
  • Exiting Beastmode copies your boons to your pet.

Why Entering Beastmode counts as weapon swap if we don’t actually swap weapons, and we can just swap weapons to get the related traits while in Beastmode ?

why Exiting Beastmode should counts as pet swap if you can just use a pet swap while out of beastmode to get related traits(it will even be logical rotation move). Wouldnt you prefer to get pet swap related traits while in beastmode and for the effects to be applied to the soulbeast?

Revisiting: Glyph of Unity

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Very nice Idea. I really hoped for some glyphs attention in recent balance patch I praying for almost 2 years now for no cast time on plyphs. they could also make some of the plyphs in CA form to give barrier or something(same with CA 1). I’m afraid glyphs are never going to the “never re-visit basement”,together with spirits and traps.

Soulbeast - Review /slash/ Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Yeah I’m actually fine with not being able to swap pets while in BM, its not meant to be camped

Though as others pointed out, entering BM would be interesting if considered a petswap, and maybe some effects on leaving beastmode from the soulbeast adept traits

I feel that the most awkward part is to leave beastmode, swap pet and wait another 9 sec to re-enter, when you want to use a utility skill from the beast mode kit.
I suggested it also in another thread:

They should get rid of the entering beast mode ICD. The traits related to entering beast mode(like Unstoppable Union) should get the ICD. They may consider making entering beast mode to be considered as a pet swap instead of a weapon swap which doesn’t make scene anyway. The parts of “pet swap” traits that effect pets, should effect the soulbeast while in beastmode, don’t forget that all the “swap pet traits” got an ICD so they can’t be abused.


I think the perfect balance would be

  • Removing beastmode CD
  • Add ICDs to enter-beastmode traits
  • but Keep pet swaps on actual pet swaps

With no CD on beastmode, petswapping would flow really well, and entering and exiting beastmode smoothly would add a lot to fluidity of combat.

I do see myself strategically melding and unmelding, rotating between beastmode F skills and pet F skill or pet skills and timing swaps for effects

Ya, I see your point. I added the “making entering beast mode to be considered as a pet swap” because I feel like we are missing a lot of potential cool interaction between beastmode and swap pet traits.

Soulbeast Demo Weekend Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


They may consider making entering beast mode to be considered as a pet swap […]

This is a bad idea to me. As i see things, pets are our main mechanic and pet swap our first side mechanic with core ranger. With CA as a Druid we have access to a second side mechanic that doesn’t compete with the first one, that’s why playing Ranger and Druid is pretty much the same thing.

The issue with Soulbeast is that we have access to a second side mechanic (enter/exit beastmode) that compete with the first side mechanic (pet swap). If we could swap beastmode or if we had pet swap effects on entering besatmode the two side mechanics would compete each other even more.

We need to be able to enter/exist beastmode the way it is right now, we also need to be able to swap PET while in beastmode (exit beastmode and swap pet in the same time) and we need a reduced CD on beastmode. It’s the only way to make the two side mechanincs work together.

CA and BM can’t be compared, CA cant be camped and is very limited in terms of functionality. I don’t understand how My suggestion makes the mechanic compete? If anything It’s much more aligned and consistent to the beast mode core concept and mechanics. The thumb rule is that every trait or skill that effects pet should be applied to the soul beast while in beast mode. Making entering beast mode considered pet swap, could activate related traits(while off cooldown), the effect makes the related traits go to ICD, but not the the actual pet swap command(F4)- The same way beastmode abilities(F1-F3) dont effect the pet F2 ability ICD but will make related traits(like Beastly Warden) to get the ICD. What do they care to let me go in and out of beastmode freely, if I cant abuse related traits? It will give us much more control and Interesting play style.

Soulbeast - Review /slash/ Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Yeah I’m actually fine with not being able to swap pets while in BM, its not meant to be camped

Though as others pointed out, entering BM would be interesting if considered a petswap, and maybe some effects on leaving beastmode from the soulbeast adept traits

I feel that the most awkward part is to leave beastmode, swap pet and wait another 9 sec to re-enter, when you want to use a utility skill from the beast mode kit.
I suggested it also in another thread:

They should get rid of the entering beast mode ICD. The traits related to entering beast mode(like Unstoppable Union) should get the ICD. They may consider making entering beast mode to be considered as a pet swap instead of a weapon swap which doesn’t make scene anyway. The parts of “pet swap” traits that effect pets, should effect the soulbeast while in beastmode, don’t forget that all the “swap pet traits” got an ICD so they can’t be abused.

Soulbeast Demo Weekend Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


The solution is easy. They should get rid of the entering beast mode ICD. The traits related to entering beast mode(like Unstoppable Union) should get the ICD.
They may consider making entering beast mode to be considered as a pet swap instead of a weapon swap which doesn’t make scene anyway. The parts of “pet swap” traits that effect pets, should effect the soulbeast while in beastmode.

What pet do you guys use for stab?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Only with soubeast, you will have to wait until POF release.

Soulbeast - Review /slash/ Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Swaping pet in BM is a bad idea. Making entering BM considered a pet swap is enough.

SOULBEAST IN WVW (its cool) +vid

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I really wish people would understand the way Maul is operating right now isn’t healthy gameplay and obviously will get nerfed.

Does that mean I support other classes being able to do the same thing? Absolutely not.

This is not what I wanted for ranger and I know alot of people like it this way but I don’t personally.

I want a high skill ceiling class not a gimmick full of bugs that allow the ranger to over-perform temporarily only to get a bad rep then be nerfed into the ground again most of which OVER NERF the ranger allowing it under-perform in generally every area.

This is almost what happened with Druid, luckily , Druid ended up making it out alive because CA is a good concept overall and they didn’t want to bust druid for PvE raiding but most importantly druid has really good trait synergy.

Druid allows you to go into marks/skirmishing without taking AS MUCH as a hit in survivability as if you were to pair it with soulbeast and allows you to have the group support while also being able to go into more defensive wide specs.

Soulbeast doesn’t do any of this. It attempts to mask that lack of trait synergy by trying to introduce melded utility with your pet, most of which underperform and forces you into an even narrow path not only in trait setups but pet archetype choices. I guess the pet choices though are nothing new for us as HoT pets have been the truly only consistent thing since it came out with Bristleback, Smokescale and Electric Wyvern’s CC capability.

There is a lot of polishing to be done with Soulbeast before it can even compete with Core / Druid specs… I’m all for introducing a new playstyle in that they’re all different so you have an option, but right now aside from WvW roaming and doing un-ranked just to mess around – Soulbeast has no place just from what they gave us this past weekend.

It should not get nerfed, it should get fiixed. The maul consuming it’s own AoO is a bug, it should be applied to the next attack. This way is both balanced and beneficial.

Sic'em: changing it right (and S&R)

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I thought this combo was fine. At first I was I amazed at the big spike dmg but in reality you lose 1-2 utility slots to pull off the big dmg and you basically only get one chance at it per fight due to cooldowns. Most people are going to evade the Maul due to the high visibility of the skill. Outside of Maul, the ranger really doesnt have any big spike ability so its not spammable imo. I’m sure the combo will get nerfed but hopefully not so much that the skills are no longer useful.

The only thing about that combo that should be nerfed is the maul+AOP, the AOP should be applied for your next hit. Fixed. Sic’em should stay the same.

Sic'em: changing it right (and S&R)

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I’m still not convinced it should be changed. SB is lacking survivability wise, condi defence is extremely poor. Going the full damage route will just be another glassy build most classes can create. 15k crits on light armor is a new thing for us, but it’s not something out of the ordinary. Now, try to land a good maul on a phantasm or a scourge.

SOULBEAST IN WVW (its cool) +vid

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I think SB is a cool design and got tons of potential, I really hope beast skills will get polished.

SoulBeast Smoke Assault bugged?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Yes, at the moment this skill version in beastmode is not an evade.

Soulbeast Demo Weekend Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


SB mechanic makes the biggest mechanical sacrifice among the specializations, for probably the lowest rewards. At the moment we lose our pet dmg and utility, our F2 pet skill, big chunk of our traits(also limiting our build diversity) and even some our skill(some of the shouts, SoR etc..). For such an investment I would expect a huge boost in power and utility, but of the most part SB doesn’t deliver. Why most of the SB F1 skills do less DMG than even a single dagger auto attack? those skills are not a filler, they supposed to be my reward... Many of the SB new skills are clunky and not working as intended(bird leap range, smokeassault evade and many more), range in very small and almost no cleave, F3 skills got ridiculous cast time and flashy animation for a mediocre effect. It was my hope that SB will be chance to re-visit old pets and fix/ re-balance some of their skills, but moas are more useless than ever(now they also useless in BM), cats got the worst SB skills, but we have 7 of them... My biggest fear that the SB ambition will be it’s fall down, so many skills to twik, balance and do regular maintenance on.

As mentioned, the SB functionality with existing traits and skills is inconsistent and buggy, every trait and skill we have(pet swap traits included) should have a purpose while in SB.

Please A.met, don’t give us half baked specialization that will never get fixed.

Many talked about stances and dagger and the SB traits being weak, they all need some love and twiking but it mostly numbers changes which are simple to modify.

Soulbeast Demo Weekend Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Will it be during this weekend?

Bug: Lesser Call of the Wild, Clarion Bond

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Well, my blast finisher from this trait works.

Tried it repeatedly in the PvP lobby, nothing.

I guess you were trying to blast the smoke field created by smokescale…


SB/D/D Duelist Theorycrafting

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


In my opinion, the shortbow doesnt excel in 1v1’s, as the flanking option is virtually non-existent in 1v1’s.

You flank all the time in 1v1. SB weakness is the projectile defense spam.

SB/D/D Duelist Theorycrafting

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Like you, I always liked SB and it was my primary weapon pre-Hot.
I thinking to make a build with WS over NM, but It is yet to be seen how traits like refined toxins and poison master will work in beastmode. The dagger trait and WK also an option. Tons of testing to do.

Soulbeast Dagger vs Sword Damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Judging from the numbers I saw on the video- with berserker amulet, sword chain will do about 25% more “pure” dmg compared to dagger chain. But there are many other variables that will come into play.

The sword got build in cripple that synergises with the “predator’s onslaught” trait. We also don’t know yet how the might gain will work while in beastmode, it might apply on yourself.

The dagger can make use of maximum offensive stats(gear,might,traits) to apply both pure and condi dmg. The dagger got build-in quickness(sword needs to be traited for that) and 2 extra offensive skills(the sword extra 2 skills are more defensive). The dagger got a very good synergie with the"Predator’s Cunning" trait which will also raise DPS for both power and condi builds but the Dagger trait will only buff condi/ hybrid builds and will be harder to get on pure offensive builds(you will have to go WS).

So, you can make arguments for both, and that’s exactly what a good design is all about.

Primal Cry and Spiritual Reprieve are Weak

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


@shadowpass In some of your skill breakdowns you ignore the fact that those are AOE skills with nice radius range and not a single target effects like(rev rune, SB bleed etc) or a narrow angle effect with small range cleave(maul). I will agree that among the 5 options, at first glance, “Primal Cry” seems to be the weakest, doesn’t mean it’s weak, the other 4 could be proven OP, we still don’t know.

But let me make the case regarding “Spiritual Reprieve” – This skill got huge radius of 600. The Supportive buff that comes with the kit will buff the heal in 25% so it’s over 5k heal. The 3 sec resistance can be further buffed with the new Soulbeast skills and traits. “Essence of Speed” will buff it for extra 2 sec while on quickness(we have a lot of it), Moa stance will buff it with extra 66%. So, with the right build, over 5k heal and 8sec resistance for 5 targets in 600 raduis, This is a very powerful Supportive skill.

I didn’t even got into the extra potential with other core ranger traits(NM) and gear scaling(could be very high, we will see).

Boon or Bust!

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


For once, you can still use a boon stacking build like you used to. Boon duration sigils and runes are way over tuned and have not been touched. The nerf on food- just change to boon stacking utility buff. The 5% nerf on NM is negligible.

Second, don’t get to attached to boons builds, after POF release, boon builds will have tons of counters.

Ranger and the AMMO system

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


But, how ammo mechanic will work with quick draw?

Add 1 ammo when not full?
Trigger on first non ammo skill? It is already triggering on weapon only skills.

Ammo charges have CDs, so it would probably just work as is…

The CD starts after you use all the ammo charges not on first charge. Quickdraw activates on the first weapon skill activation.

Uh, no, it starts as soon as you’ve used a single ammo charge.

If that’s the case, It’s amazing.

I can assure you it is, one of my friends has been playing a spirit weapon guardian since the patch, and another is playing an Axe/Axe warrior with physical skills.

Thanx for info, I also confirmed it myself. Dagger 3 with quickdraw is basically 4 leaps, perhaps healing spring will make a comeback.

Improvements on soulbeast-beastskill

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


We don’t know how some of the skills dmg will scale with gear. I’m sure moas and cats will have something to offer.

Soul beast merge skills and Effects from test

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


@Wondrouswall.7169 & @Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I understand now, thanks.

Soul beast merge skills and Effects from test

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Looks very interesting:

The current tooltips are based on pet stats I think(at least the bleed dmg on some of the skills), some of the base attacks tooltips looks very weak. ATM, cats and moas got nothing to offer. I think they will do some twiking to numbers.

Another thing I don’t get, the stun break skill(for the stout pets) got a casting time, how can stun break ability have casting time?

Ranger and the AMMO system

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


But, how ammo mechanic will work with quick draw?

Add 1 ammo when not full?
Trigger on first non ammo skill? It is already triggering on weapon only skills.

Ammo charges have CDs, so it would probably just work as is…

The CD starts after you use all the ammo charges not on first charge. Quickdraw activates on the first weapon skill activation.

Uh, no, it starts as soon as you’ve used a single ammo charge.

If that’s the case, It’s amazing.

GFtE was not nerfed? I think...

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Ya, I thought it was clear they changed F2 abilities to beast abilities because they had the soulbeast in mind, same reason they removed the passive stats buffs. It’s a cute addition but not a game changer as most of the F2 traits got ICD on them anyway, so i cant spam F1 to F3 in beast mode for a triple effect.

At least now you’ll be able to activate it on yourself whenever you want to though.


Ranger and the AMMO system

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


But, how ammo mechanic will work with quick draw?

Add 1 ammo when not full?
Trigger on first non ammo skill? It is already triggering on weapon only skills.

Ammo charges have CDs, so it would probably just work as is…

The CD starts after you use all the ammo charges not on first charge. Quickdraw activates on the first weapon skill activation.

GFtE was not nerfed? I think...

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Ya, I thought it was clear they changed F2 abilities to beast abilities because they had the soulbeast in mind, same reason they removed the passive stats buffs. It’s a cute addition but not a game changer as most of the F2 traits got ICD on them anyway, so i cant spam F1 to F3 in beast mode for a triple effect.

Ranger and the AMMO system

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I also thought we will get some ammo mechanic on our core weapons. And I think we still may. It’s very strange because I’m almost sure the WP said that some of the classes core skills will get the barrier mechanic which was not introduced this patch. I think there will be additional changes including more ammo mechanic and barrier mechanic on some core skills.

SB 3 also good candidate.

But, how ammo mechanic will work with quick draw?

Why were pet stats nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


The healing power for pet on natural healing was useless like 90% of the time.
The new expertise training is actually a better trait now.
Go to the eyes(ppl use this trait?)
Core ranger was actually buffed in most areas.

what do you think of the balance patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


The changes opened up Interesting changes. Pve dps got big boost. LB builds got unblockable option. It’s obvious some of the changes had soul beast in mind. All our F2 traits tool tips were changed to “beast skills”.

Very disappointment that no changes were being made to spirits/traps/glyphs.
Not sure about the staff 3 change.
Very surprised MM trait line got reworked without changing “steady focus”.

Yet another Ranger nerf - SOW

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


LB rangers got a huge buff in the form of 6 sec unblockable.
Rangers stability options are bad as we don’t have refreshing stability skills. The boon rip will be horrible on POF, so I would never take 60 sec CD stability option with casting time. For soulbeast Dolyak is much better stability source, for druids is CA 5.

BUG: Unresponsive Pets & Skill No. 3 [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I have it as well. Big game breaking bug.

blast finisher on staff 3 not working

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


At least now if you use ancestral Grace on water field or light field with the CB trait, you will get double blast. It also clears condis from pets.

Ranger bugs list post 8/8 patch

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Had to do some testing on the conversion of Expertise Training and Instinctive Reaction. The conversion for the Pet actually does scale with the Pet’s stats, but there are a couple of bugs I found.

  • Expertise Training and Instinctive Reaction conversion for the PET ONLY is: (Pet’s Vitality x 7%) – 10. I don’t know why it automatically deducts 10 points away, but it does, and shouldn’t.
  • Expertise Training and Instinctive Reaction conversion is NOT affected by the attribute increase from slotting the Beastmastery traitline. Just as a reminder, Expertise Training converts Vitality while Instinctive Reaction converts Power: both of which are increased by +150 when Beastmastery is taken.

Player stat conversions are fine, though.

Add this to the list – Instinctive Reaction doesn’t scale with might, probably other stats modifiers as well.

blast finisher on staff 3 not working

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


It’s not the staff 3 that is broken, it’s the integration with pet fields. The new Ancestral Grace form is counting as a pet swap/stow, so while you activate staff 3, it cancels the field effect you placed to combo with. The same way we were never able combo smoke field with baslt on F4(CB trait). The new implantation could be intentional and it’s a big hit.

Concerns regarding Soulbeast

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460



Another concern I have is while watching the videos, Almost all the Soulbeast meld Skills are on a long cast time. This basically screams “Here interrupt me!!!” on pvp and wvw. SO basically you have to build around again, RaO or that dolyak stance. Again BM will be mandatory?

Mostly the F3 skills as they are strong AOE, but you can combo with quickness. Most of the the F1,F2 I have seen are very fast. Like the dog lepas, the pig leap and maul, the flower condi thingies, etc..