Showing Posts For LughLongArm.5460:

Did our staff autoattack change?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


So, if I evade the beam directly after the “small gap” I will evade all the 3 hits?

New druid need help with Remorseless WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


dont take evasion rune, the bonus (6) will eat the remorseless prock and its a bad rune set.

If you want to take the boon duration approach for quickness stacking go with durability rune. Like @UmbraNoctis.1907, its less optiaml for your build, its more for NM+shouts builds, but can still work.

i dont really want to go boon duration route. is there a better rune i can use?

Go with defender rune, it works great with WS builds, very good synergie with TU. Also, HP is much more valuable now.

more offensive option:

(edited by LughLongArm.5460)

New druid need help with Remorseless WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


dont take evasion rune, the bonus (6) will eat the remorseless prock and its a bad rune set.

If you want to take the boon duration approach for quickness stacking go with durability rune. Like @UmbraNoctis.1907, its less optiaml for your build, its more for NM+shouts builds, but can still work.

Two-handed Training Bugged

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I think it’s tooltip only bug.

Problems with the new CA cooldown

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Hi, @Swagger, I dont know why go so hard on Justine, he’s a legit druid player and his opinion is valid. I think that the main problem with the new CA cd is not even about balance. Giving CA such a long CD makes CF regen almost an “out of palce mechanic” when it was 10 sec i could justify it’s there just to deny an “end scenario” that only very spesific builds can abuse. at 15 sec thouse 2 mechanics just overlap on big array of druid builds. chose the easy way, I also agree with @Justine that the source of druid’s over the top survivebility is not the CA abilities, but rather, the DC and CS traits, thouse 2 are over powerful in the most cheesy way, auto include in all druid builds. IF you ask me, i would remove the stun break from DC and make CS only 2 sec stealth without the super speed. to balance this nerf i would make SOTW instant and stun break(enlargemnt as well), like warrior’s last stand. I would also would make VE trait to make all glyphs instant cast and give the elite glyph stunbreak. Another thing can to play with the CA mechainc is to make CF regen scale with HP and remove the CD alltogather. Even if heavy HP builds with lots of regen ticks will be able to CA alot, the abuse will not be so great due to the "DC and CS " nerf. Druid weakness should be poison and stun lock. this is just a sample of a much bigger scale of changes i think that should be done to all clasess. I think breserker trait SI should be stunbreak only and not condi remove(condis should be warrior weakness).

Druid wvw runes and sigils?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


what build you are using?

Glyph of empowerment

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Direct only(power base dmg).

How does pigeonholing healing = diversity?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


So I roam around on a power druid, but I do rely on stealth into CA healing for my sustain. About how much healing power would I now have to run to be as effective at healing as I was with 0 healing power pre patch? I don’t have the time or patience to #math it out. Right now it does literally near nothing.

~ Kovu

Here, you won’t like the answer though:

Around 450 Hp

SotP change causes skill flow issues

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I’m also salty about this nerf but your arguemnt regarding “skill flow issues”, is very clunky.

Warhorn and Pet F2 skills

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


It works as intended. incentivise us to use tools which are completely out of meta like WH and MM traitlines. Also some synergie with SK(quickdraw) which let you use horn much more rapidly.

Regarding taunt:
Dont forget taunt got nerf to 20 sec CD on last patch, comparing it to the pre-hot taunt is laughable.
used to be 12 sec cd, unblockble and unevadable. only requirements were range and and F2 out of cd.

now, 20 sec CD, unblockble only when used with other skill -requirements are range+ F2 out of cd+COTW/CB out of cd(+F4 out of cd if you use CB). basiclly its unspammble combo, which requiers active play, and thats what should need to support more.

Did the math on the new CA skills

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I kinda knew it all along.

This balance patch will make non healing gear heal significantly less while with healing gear, you still heal less or just about the same.

Win-win situation on Anet’s part of gutting ranger down once more.

going full heal like full magi without food makes you at 1557 HP. With food even more, wouldn’t that make full magi more viable and not less or just about the same?

Unfortunately not….Full healing gear still heals less than before. Even if it was the same, it would be less than before simply because celestial avatar form up-time was nerfed by 50% which would thereby make an additional nerf to average-over-time condi cleanse and stealth as well.

Outside of pve and maybe GVG battles, going to CA every 10 sec is a very rare thing most roamers wont even feel the difference, same for most pvpers.

A much needed nerf/fixes. Finally!

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I also think that even if it doesnt seem like that at first glance, we got buffs which are more significant to the ranger profession as an overall compared to the nerfs we got. If you think about it, the recent nerfs doesnt “destroy” even one of our old builds, they’r all still viable. But the buffs did open up new options for us.

1- the ability to interrupt shielding abilities(COTW/CB+taunt/moa daze) – this is a big buff for MM builds(remorsless), togather with the GS buffs.

2.unblockble pet brusts with COTW+QD. horn was always good with bleed builds, with recent buffs to the skrimish traitline and to the horn, slowly but surly, it’s starting to be a real option.

3.SB got massive buffs for it’s offensive capabilities, but also for it’s utility. SB 3 alone can now give prema swiftness out of combat so SB builds can be much less tait dependet.

4. nerfs to shouts may bring back more WS builds, which are great but were just overshined by shouts.

5.seed of life is the ony heal that actually benefits from the HP scaling compared to last patch, perheps it will push glyphs builds into the meta.

We all been saying imprive core ranger, and we got improvments to core rangers, we asked to open up build derversity, it’s a step in the right direction. breaking up our cookie cutters NM/BM/DRUID , cannot be done only with buffs without creating a power creep, it should be about trade-offs, and that waht the recent patch is offering us.

Cheer up and try it out.

Anet if now the druid heal is 'balanced'

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Just for the record, data mines do support the theory that the druid’s initial desighn was much more ambitious and included 3-4 “attunements like” mods. I think CA is probably one of the attunements, that got massivly overdeveloped. It was the case with several other elite specializations, we know that breserkers were supposed to get “sacrificial like” like skills, and the specialization was about managing your hp, wich is perfect thematically.

Did the math on the new CA skills

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


So basically, druid with meder’s has 90%+ amount of healing as it had pre-patch. Magi will boost you just tiny abit above 100% amount of healing as it had pre-patch.

Ancient Seeds

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Starting to get the feeling that you are a mian necro that really hates to get rooted(works best on necros), therefore spamming this idea of Ancient Seeds getting nerfed out of wishful thinking.
Am I right?

As I comment you before on this subject, the only combo Ancient Seeds is really good ATM is with LB 4 followed by RF, not sure it deserves a nerf.

Rumor for Ranger's next Elite Spec

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


1)Druid spec was about defense, makes sense will get offensive spec this time.
2)druid got staff which is a range weapon, makes sense will get melee weapon this time.
3)Druid got staff which is a 2H weapon(5 skills), makes sense will get main/off-hand weapon this time/
]4)Dual Wielder is one of the ranger’s classic D&D feats( i think..)

I don’t really think they were giving thought to making it reverse from the Druid elite spec, else they wouldn’t be making another offensive thief or warrior elite spec. Still, I think you’re on the money for a few things; notably we’re overdue for some form of augmentation to our offensive abilities, and you’re right that dual wielding is a classic DnD ranger thing (Thanks for that, D’rizzt…).

The trick about weapon selection is that there isn’t actually a ton of things they can go with for the Ranger. I’ve said my piece on firearms in another thread, so I won’t harp on about that here, but they’re available. Other than that, classic skirmishing weapons seem like the best bet. Thing is, we already have all the good skirmishing weapons (save for shield), so simply proliferating one of our existing ones to the main hand makes a lot of sense, and dagger is one of the few off-hands we have that some classes can use in the main hand, meaning they don’t have to install any new tech to give us double warhorns or whatever. I’m sure plenty of people will be happy about that.

I think this spec will feature main hand dagger/off-hand sword with stances as utilities(animal stances), not sure about mechanic, perhaps it will be a special move based on you and your pet preforming together based on pet type.

What do you think?

Stances were one of the biggest Ranger things back in GW1, interestingly enough. Serpent’s quickness, for instance, could be an elite stance that gives us alacrity, and there’s a number of other choices that are all quite good.

As for the pet, I’ve had my suspicions (and hopes) set on something else for a while; rather than having two pets you swap between (which always felt kinda wrong to me), my idea is that there could be a special subset of pet that take up both slots, but are of comparably higher stat values, about 170% or so of a basic pet. These could be juvenile versions of siege devourers, hydras, junundu wurms, drake broodmothers, stoneheads, arrowheads, spider queens, and dire boars. Just swap the F2 to healing and condition cleansing your pet and it works perfectly; the only real difference is that your pet can take part in a pitched melee without risking getting plastered by some warrior breathing on it too hard, it does respectable damage, and if it gets downed you can’t swap it out; gotta wait for your heal to come off cooldown. Most of those critters I mentioned actually live in the Crystal Desert and Elona, meaning if that’s where we’re going this is a good opportunity for them to become available.

As for the stances, I could very easily see said stances applying to the pet as well. that’s assuming, though, that we don’t get something else; Commands. Before anybody gets twisted up about “Commands” being too similar to Shouts, I’ll just point you to Rage skills and physical skills; very very similar concept that the warrior got. The idea behind commands is that they apply some kind of benefit to your pet instead of to you. for instance, Predatory Bond would make a good heal skill; your pet heals you whenever it hits. Bestial Mauling for additional damage and Daze. Brutal Strike, which makes your pet deal more damage – double the bonus damage if the target is below 50% HP. Call of Protection or Otyugh’s Cry to make the pet gain protection and become unblockable for a short while. Scavenger’s Strike, which makes the pet deal more damage for every condition on your target.

As far as the actual skills the dagger mainhand would have, i like to imagine it being a pure condition weapon. Pure condi is something that rangers actually lack somewhat, as far as weapon sets go; the only one we have for that is shortbow. I could see weakness, bleed, and poison all being readily available on a dagger mainhand.

Cool ideas on commands and mechanic, but don’t you think that pet commands and and super pet, will be more suitable for a “beastmaster” spec with 2h hammer or 2h axe(if they ever make one, its very requested by players).

Agree with you about weakness, bleed, and poison all being readily available on a dagger mainhand.

Rumor for Ranger's next Elite Spec

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Based on the Rumored leaks for Expansion 2, Ranger next elite spec will get main hand dagger.

It was my personal belief that next ranger’s elite will be either main-hand dagger or off-hand sword. So i find this leak somewhat trust worthy. What makes me think it will be either main-hand dagger or off-hand sword? Several things.

1)Druid spec was about defense, makes sense will get offensive spec this time.
2)druid got staff which is a range weapon, makes sense will get melee weapon this time.
3)Druid got staff which is a 2H weapon(5 skills), makes sense will get main/off-hand weapon this time/
4)Dual Wielder is one of the ranger’s classic D&D feats( i think..)

I think this spec will feature main hand dagger/off-hand sword with stances as utilities(animal stances), not sure about mechanic, perhaps it will be a special move based on you and your pet preforming together based on pet type.

What do you think?

ranger nerf ?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


The issue with smokescale and bristleback cannot be fixed with skill shaving. Our pet are being divided into groups which indicates their role.
We have squishy dps pets(brids, cats etc)
We have range, “medium armor”, condi pets(spiders, devourers)
We have off-tank/support(utility) pets(pigs/moas)
We have the hybrid, well-rounded pets(wolves/drakes)
We have tank pets(bears)

Based on those divisions, bristleback should have been focused on condi damage burst and not power damage. The smokescale’s smoke assault should have been more about the might stacking and position and much less about the damage.

When you think about it this really emphasizes why bristleback and smokescale, are being superior to other pets, they fall into sever categories while being better from most of the other pets on each category.

They should change/improve the system for types pf pets to be very synergistic(or even locked) under specific trait lines. The way tiger is working out with remorseless i think is a good example of great design. As a squishy dps pet, it meets the chereterstics of our “dps” trait line, it synergies greatly with remorseless build(combo of leap with opening strike for both you and pet), its one of the only time i feel the ranger and pet working together to land a damage combo.

For the upcoming balance patch

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I’d be willing to be that Ancient Seeds is going to get a cooldown nerf.

No reason to give Ancient Seeds additional CD nerf, it already been nerfed to 10s CD. If they they want to nerf Ancient Seeds ancient seeds, they just need to make it that it will not work with knocked back or pulled, they can even call it a “bug fix” as it not included in the tooltip.
Ancient Seeds+LB4 is realy the only super strong application of this trait as we have very few reliable stuns and KD, and with daze you only need to move to evade it’s effect.

Vine Surge needs some buffs.

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I agree. I think the damage numbers for staff are very bizarre indeed. I do so much damage just auto-attacking with staff …. stuff

The damage with the solar beam in zerk is around 400 no crits. It is the lowest damage in game, in perspective the mesmer GS has the same beam properties and does much more damage.

Just just mentioning numbers without context is missleading, comparing to mesmer is irrelevent i don’t know even where to start.

If anything you should compare it to ranger SB, more or less same physical damage, with 1200 range, priece, unreflectable while giving you tons of sustain. I wont even start to talk about the staff kit(staff 3 and 5) and the way staff 1 synergises with the druid mechanic and traits. This is probably the best weapon in the game to abuse might stacking and quickness duration, while kyting around from distance.

Come on, i dont even need to write it, you all know it. Staff is a superb weapon, just watch a random roaming druid video and watch how much time an average druid spend with staff compared to swapping to other weapons. All I saied that if you want to make this already very powerful weapon have better 2 and 4(which it deserves) we should nerf or even better change, the way staff 1 works.

Vine Surge needs some buffs.

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Staff 1 – good damage? Ok…

Yep, excellent damage, considering the speed, the piercing, being unreflectable ragne attack(beam). When you see this weapon being used as the main dmg dealer weapon for most roaming builds, it should light a bulb for you.

Vine Surge needs some buffs.

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I think in many cases with the druid we should start talking “trade offs”. Staff 2 and 4 should get a massive buff/rework, but staff 1 could also use a damage nerf/rework, as it very spammy/easy to use/low risk/ good damage/sustain. Staff is already top pick choise for rangers, making it just stronger is not good for the profession.

(edited by LughLongArm.5460)

Kratoast's Vanilla 1v1 Tournament

in PvP

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


What is a “stacking rune”?

Let's talk - Beastly Warden

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


As far as i’m aware of, this trait is almsot never picked, never been QQ about since the release of HOT.

Should this trait get a tooltip making us aware that its not on CD?

I see it run pretty regularly, in both WvW and PvP. I usually take it myself, but I’ve almost always played my builds as CC pressure since launch. The weird CD is what really annoys me, but like 95% of everything else in this game I just sort of develop an internal timer because the UI is so insane (not even the UI designers fault I think, the game just has too many things that need icons.)

Also there is a player sponsored tourney in the PvP forum right now where this trait is banned (along with pretty much every other viable build from every profession), so I guess some people still get annoyed by it.

Ya, I also saw this tourney . I think its pre-hot builds only, and in pre-hot builds prespective, this trait is very powerful(as you also must use pre hot pets which are inferior to HOT pets and this trat hlep the birds to land hits with LB combos) With HOT builds prespective, with all the CC options, crazy defences options etc.. this trait is Ok but cant considered as a powerfull trait or meta.

I think 15 sec CD was ok, it’s a bench mark easy to follow with the “internal clock” as you mentioned. 20 sec feels abit long and wierd. If tis 20 sec, atleast give it the unblockble. Rangers realy need some unblockbable attacks.

Let's talk - Beastly Warden

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


When this traited was first presented, it was unblockable, unevadedable and on 12 sec CD.
we first lost the the unblockable, unevadedable part(sure it was kinda imba)
After that the also changed CD to 15 sec.

The trait lost popularity with the release of HOT and changes to WHAO.

As far as i’m aware of, this trait is almsot never picked, never been QQ about since the release of HOT.

So why did nerf it? I dont think it can be seen as part of the survivebility shaving that has been done to most professions(like the nerf to “guard”). Any thoughts?

Also, now that this trait is on 20 sec CD? should it be unblockable(not unevadedable )?
Should this trait get a tooltip making us aware that its not on CD?

What do you think?

Quickening Zephyr

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


QZ got 50 sec CD untraited and its a very good skill. I think its even better than entangle.

Druid PvP Problems Season 4

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Things we can and need to do:

1)Post on necro fofum bagging them to come back the lack of necros making warriors and revs roam free.

2)Move alot, we got great mobility, not so much tanking abilities.

3)Try the shoutbow, now that sustain has been droped across the board and they’r less scrappers, shooting with LB/healing rotation, may be he way to go.

Moving a lot is great advice for www combat, but not for spvp.

Moving also doesn’t deal with the broken CC system in pvp combat.

LB is an awful weapon for spvp.

Moving is very good advise always. Druids cant tank for ****

LB is not optimal but its better this season compared to last.

Nerf ele but druid is untouched?

in PvP

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


OP, you explain the reasons yourself.

Ele could tank 3 players while holding base, thats why it got proxy nerfed from the removal of cleric. As for direct nerfs druid got nerfs to its survivebility as the ele got if not more.

Druid cant tank even 2 players while holding a base, to survive it needs to kite around and stealth which will make the druid to lose capping.

This meta is shaping out to be very hard for druids so I dont even see the reason for this post, every match you c like 2-4 REVS , 2-4 WARRIORS, 2-4 DH , maybe 1-2 druids.

@remove dolyak rune, lol.

Only a proxy nerf? Their healing skills also got nerfed.

I saied they also suffered direct nerf togather with druids defensive tools and many other sustain aspets of the other professions, as well.

Nerf ele but druid is untouched?

in PvP

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


OP, you explain the reasons yourself.

Ele could tank 3 players while holding base, thats why it got proxy nerfed from the removal of cleric. As for direct nerfs druid got nerfs to its survivebility as the ele got if not more.

Druid cant tank even 2 players while holding a base, to survive it needs to kite around and stealth which will make the druid to lose capping.

This meta is shaping out to be very hard for druids so I dont even see the reason for this post, every match you c like 2-4 REVS , 2-4 WARRIORS, 2-4 DH , maybe 1-2 druids.

@remove dolyak rune, lol.

Druid PvP Problems Season 4

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Things we can and need to do:

1)Post on necro fofum bagging them to come back the lack of necros making warriors and revs roam free.

2)Move alot, we got great mobility, not so much tanking abilities.

3)Try the shoutbow, now that sustain has been droped across the board and they’r less scrappers, shooting with LB/healing rotation, may be he way to go.

Sigil of Nullification & Stab Stripping

in PvP

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460



in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


1) Change brustish seals to give 3-4 sec of unblockble after activating a signet.

This makes a ton of sense. To play devil’s advocate, activating the signets gives several powerful benefits already. And the counter point to that is you blow your utility and trait on a long recharge if someone even passively blocks, which is becoming increasingly common now that this isn’t 2012. Blocks and reflects saturate the game.

Taking the defender role – Ranger’s signets got very long CD on the powerful signets effects(SOS), and inorder to take brutish seals you need to sacrifice one of our meta traitlines (NM/WS/BM) and to skip momenet of clarity. This can actually bring back signet of the hunt and builds without access to movment speed outside of combat.
It will make SOTW and enlargment decent options(to make it realy viable hey need to make it instant cast and stun break). and ya, SoR need 10 sec reduce CD.


in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


One of our greatest weaknesses. I dont think the solution should be tied to LB, as it already such a powerful weapon. I have sveral ideas.
1) Change brustish seals to give 3-4 sec of unblockble after activating a signet.

2) Give beastly warden unblockble, which will break block alltogather if it lands(they already nefed it to 20 sec CD so i think its fine).

3)Sicke’m will give pet unblockble attacks for the duration, with that, some pet combos can break block altogather.

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Fractals u’ll do fine, but raids are so minmax oriented, I dont think u’ll be to beneficial to the group.

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Try this one, I actually think SB works better in core ranger ono sruid builds.

If you like GS over s/d, you can change to GS trait. If you want HOT pets, dont forget to change expertise training trait and wilting strike trait(they’r bugged with hot pets). If you need more condi removal, change guard to sharpening stone.
This build is strong for side point, pvp map roaming and 1v1. You have prem protection on you, so u’r not as glassy as it seems. Traited spiders after patch are alot of fun, take advantage of SB shooting inside poison field. You’ll have planty of quickness uptime, and lots of might which is great for this kind of an hybrid build.

How is ele in PVP?

in PvP

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Dud, you are not sirous right? “weaknesses of the base ele class”? D/D eles were strogest roamers in the game with top pvp status, staff ele was number one damage in pve.

no hard mitigation ? You mean like obsidain flash/mist form/lightning flash/arcance shield etc…

Lowest hp – easyest stat to minmax

low dmg coefficient – what?

healer ele could tank 3 ppl while cpaaing point on season 3, now it can tank 2 and not 3. Thas the main diffrence between ele is a must have on every team and ele is good edition to a team but not a must have.

Perheps eles may need to get abit of love in the futre, but u’r being over dramatic.

Druid balance when?!?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Dire druid easy kite and kill 3 players in same time. Big problem is pet DMG (ranger pets make same DMG with all armor stats (dire/berserker/cele etc).

Easy fix is reduce pet DMG and reflect on him rangers stats.

Is really funy when bunker druid make with pet 10k burst dmg.

Dire druid? that beast even exist? I think I saw 1-2 condi druids in mounths of roaming. stop spamming BS. No pet can normally 10k burst, perheps with SOTW+Sickem+25 might or attack of opportunity+remprslees+Ssickem or somting. Happends probably once every 10 fights. Power warrior just spit on you and does 10k dmg. Ya, I dont mid ranger/pet be joined in stats and every one of the pet abilities and traits get scaled from the ranger stats/runes/sigils/ traits etc..

And BTW, in WvW, most druids run more offensive gear than most of classes.

need help for 1v1s (vs warriors )

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


*Change SoS to QZ, it will help to boost your dmg. Also, the take refined toxins, keep the poison uptime.

*Made some changes to gear. With this set up you’ll have long protection/might/quickness uptime, which will more than makeup for the missing offensive stats from pack rune/maraduer and the defensive value you got from SoS.

*As second pet take fren hound for the aoe regen.

  • If you hate to move without running speed(i know i do) take natural stride or use horn over dagger(If you do so, take the horn trait).

*Combat tips. Keep distance as much as pssible for the first 20 so sec, during this time just kyte and use staff 1 and smokescalre. The warrior will probably use all his stances including the passive endure pain and 2 rotations of block. Try to keep smokesclare close to you after it using smoke assult. This will denay the warrior easy AH. After the second endure pain go all out with quicness,poison, stability – everything you have. The warrior will probably run away.

*If the warrior is using “rousing resilience”(They change somtime for duling/troll porpuses), jsut dont stum them at all, try even to avoid the pet stun(if its a duel, change to spiders), eventually the poison will eat them down.

*expiriment with spiders and expertise training, in some fights they will prefrom better compared to fren/smoke(without BM you max the utility from pets over damage).

[PVP] Do druids feel they are balanced?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Hi @Lazze, I think all the -replay chains made my core argument to get lost. I never implied that SoS, or active evades are bad or OP. I wished to Emphsise that even with our best tools vs burst attack and focus fire, druid surivebility was inferior to that of a cleric Ele and thats why druid was used to be one of the first priority targets to get focused and also why top tier teams prefered Eles to fill the main healer role in a party. I also saied this may change during the upcoming season due to last balance changes.

I like you also belive that we can shave some of the druids survivablity(I was talking about 2 spesific traits, which I think are backbone of druid’s survivebility) and as a trade-off, get buffs to our offenvie and utility capabilities, and love to our offentive trait lines(MM and SKR).

Pvp Builds that dont use druid?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Try this one:

If you like GS over s/d, you can change to GS trait. If you want HOT pets, dont forget to change expertise training trait and wilting strike trait(they’r bugged with hot pets). If you need more condi removal, change guard to sharpening stone.

This build is strong for side point, pvp map roaming and 1v1. You have prem protection on you, so u’r not as glassy as it seems. Traited spiders after patch are alot of fun, take advantage of SB shooting inside poison field. You’ll have planty of quickness uptime, and lots of might which is great for this kind of an hybrid build.

[PVP] Do druids feel they are balanced?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


@ LughLongArm.5460

Why don’t you check out your own reading skills, druid should not be running into teamfights headfirst to begin with and in general ranked play, a necro/dh/mesmer is always going to be a higher priority that a druid simply because they are easier to burn down. Also I clearly ended my statement with a suggestion that druids get more offensive capabilities. Contrary to popular belief DH WAS played in high tiers, they were just rare because of the aforementioned focus fire.

Unless you can actually contribute why comment?

I was mistaken when I typed long-term. On demand would be a more apt way to describe it. Nonetheless it the the accumulation of the defensive tools what I find overwhelming. Druid are perfectly fine in popularity: case in point today’s qualifiers. “Not very popular” was thieves and DH’s.

This subforum appears to suffer from the same biases that all class forums seem to have. I am glad Anet does not read them for any suggestions. I’ll figure it out on my own, thanks.

Dud, I think have no clue what is the point you want to make. Sigh… some ppl jsut like to argue.

[PVP] Do druids feel they are balanced?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


On last seasons in high leve pvp, druid was known to be the healer that can be focused down and get killed fast, unlike the cleric Ele that was able to survive on point much longer compared to the druid(and i’m talking mender meta druid ithSoS, staff-S/D)
Druid togather with necro, were almost always the first to be targeted and killed, beacuse both classes while sustainble and dangerous, having a very hard time vs CC chains and big chnks of dmage coming in short time. +1 good theif can kill a druid very fast.

It is true that lower level players seem to have a problem dealing with druids, the meta druid build is very forgiving, for mistakes.

Druid surviveblity is coming mstly from 2 traits – Druidic clarity and celectrial shadow,
I would loved if would nerf thouse 2 traits(remove stun break on DC and CS is 2 sec stealth only and on super speed) but bring us back some undesorved nerfs like the moment of clarity nerf, seed of life(VE) nerf, beastly warden(can anyone explain this nerf) and deal with some of problems with have with damage glassy builds(no answer to reflect/blocks, MM and skrimishing need some love, etc…)

I just wanted to point this out…

Skilled Druid player can still be shut down by skilled players on other professions.

You want nerfs to 2 traits that add to survivability, but those do not stop skilled players on other professions from shutting us down.

Druids are still far from meta competitive, they don’t need any nerfs just because the average and lower skilled player have a tougher time with a more experienced player on Druid. Our skills and traits are partly in place because the damage and burst output of ranger and Druid sucks. They are not designed to stand toe to toe, but if you really want to ask for nerfs then you better expect players fighting for some crazy burst skills to hold their own in close quarter melee…

In wvw I get blasted all the time with these major burst numbers and condi floods, so let’s not go the nerf Druid route. Start giving ranger/Druid skills similar to double 10k vaults and super condition builds that eat players alive then we can talk nerfs…

I think we say exacly the same thing, I’m jsut tierd of getiing nerfs in all the wrong places instad of nerfing us exacly where it can make a big difference. I also did say that as a trade-off we need some buffs to our offensive capabilities.

I dont want tradeoffs.

Oh so I can do a “little more dmg” and then get shut down even harder when I need to heal?

We don’t need nerfs.
This last patch was a joke. Do you even pvp?

Ya I pvp, I got 2 legend solo quoe only. And ya, thouse 2 traits are so mandatory that you see them on 100% of the builds ou there, thosue 2 traits are so good that even after the changes I suggested, they’r sill top tier. Open up for new builds and possibilites, new options can open up different roles for druids on pvp. Keeping nerfing us on all the worng places, just push every druid to go for the same super boring build, we all thnk its a boring playstyle, so what are we even talking about?

[PVP] Do druids feel they are balanced?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I personally think you should keep learning from every fight with every profession and improve your skills and builds first.

You should play other professions too, like ranger, so you can understand how they function.

Probably good advice but does not address the question asked.

Because it got access to tons of heals without using the heal skill.. I mean, it isn’t that much too it. The devs almost made it out to sound like that was the only point of the spec. To me it is more ridiculous how forgiving and how much sustain a revenant can have without really speccing into defensive traits, while also bringing an utility weapon like their staff that still hits hard. And if they do spec into something defensive, like retribution, what they get is just an absurd amount of passive stuff that imo is more damaging to the game than most other things.

I may have over-emphasized the heal part but the point is that with the evades, stone signet, long term stability, stealth it becomes a bit much. I agree scrapper and rev are currently carried by passives.

On last seasons in high leve pvp, druid was known to be the healer that can be focused down and get killed fast, unlike the cleric Ele that was able to survive on point much longer compared to the druid(and i’m talking mender meta druid ithSoS, staff-S/D)

This is blatantly false. The first to be focused were necros and DHs. Rangers in all seasons have been fantastic bruisers on side points and that is where they shine. Even mesmer and thief is easier to kill so don’t just make stuff up. Also how is a comparison to ele supposed to be sound logic when they just nerfed ele for the exact reason that they were too bunkery?

Druids are still far from meta competitive, they don’t need any nerfs just because the average and lower skilled player have a tougher time with a more experienced player on Druid.

Is this a joke? Druids have seen play in high tier pvp in all seasons as well as in Pro leagues the past 2 seasons. If you even bothered to read I did mention how some compensation to damage would be ok.

1) Chill

2) I dont know what you played or what division you are one, but on last season, one one played DH, espically not top tier pvpers. Druid were first poirity targets togather with Necros. I have been talking about mender druid, not power LB ranger which is a fun build to play, but wasnt a menta pvp build, spically not among top tier pvpers. evern if Mesmers and thives are seayer to kill,(which they’r not due to better mobility and ability to abuse platforms), they are a pain to kill when a druid backing them up and even worse, using S&R while they’r down.

3)Eles were nefred and cleric was taken away because they more much tanker than a druid and could hold point much better. After recent changes, not sure who will be teams pick for the healer role, druid or ele. The nerf to ele and fix on trooper rune, could have changed the scale to favor druid over ele for the this upcoming season. We’ll see.

4)You obisously was in a rush to comment everyone and even didnt take the porpuse of what I wrote, which was about making a trafe-off for druids between 2 broken traits and the lack of offensive options and capabilities.

[PVP] Do druids feel they are balanced?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


On last seasons in high leve pvp, druid was known to be the healer that can be focused down and get killed fast, unlike the cleric Ele that was able to survive on point much longer compared to the druid(and i’m talking mender meta druid ithSoS, staff-S/D)
Druid togather with necro, were almost always the first to be targeted and killed, beacuse both classes while sustainble and dangerous, having a very hard time vs CC chains and big chnks of dmage coming in short time. +1 good theif can kill a druid very fast.

It is true that lower level players seem to have a problem dealing with druids, the meta druid build is very forgiving, for mistakes.

Druid surviveblity is coming mstly from 2 traits – Druidic clarity and celectrial shadow,
I would loved if would nerf thouse 2 traits(remove stun break on DC and CS is 2 sec stealth only and on super speed) but bring us back some undesorved nerfs like the moment of clarity nerf, seed of life(VE) nerf, beastly warden(can anyone explain this nerf) and deal with some of problems with have with damage glassy builds(no answer to reflect/blocks, MM and skrimishing need some love, etc…)

I just wanted to point this out…

Skilled Druid player can still be shut down by skilled players on other professions.

You want nerfs to 2 traits that add to survivability, but those do not stop skilled players on other professions from shutting us down.

Druids are still far from meta competitive, they don’t need any nerfs just because the average and lower skilled player have a tougher time with a more experienced player on Druid. Our skills and traits are partly in place because the damage and burst output of ranger and Druid sucks. They are not designed to stand toe to toe, but if you really want to ask for nerfs then you better expect players fighting for some crazy burst skills to hold their own in close quarter melee…

In wvw I get blasted all the time with these major burst numbers and condi floods, so let’s not go the nerf Druid route. Start giving ranger/Druid skills similar to double 10k vaults and super condition builds that eat players alive then we can talk nerfs…

I think we say exacly the same thing, I’m jsut tierd of getiing nerfs in all the wrong places instad of nerfing us exacly where it can make a big difference. I also did say that as a trade-off we need some buffs to our offensive capabilities.

[PVP] Do druids feel they are balanced?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


On last seasons in high leve pvp, druid was known to be the healer that can be focused down and get killed fast, unlike the cleric Ele that was able to survive on point much longer compared to the druid(and i’m talking mender meta druid ithSoS, staff-S/D)
Druid togather with necro, were almost always the first to be targeted and killed, beacuse both classes while sustainble and dangerous, having a very hard time vs CC chains and big chnks of dmage coming in short time. +1 good theif can kill a druid very fast.

It is true that lower level players seem to have a problem dealing with druids, the meta druid build is very forgiving, for mistakes.

Druid surviveblity is coming mstly from 2 traits – Druidic clarity and celectrial shadow,
I would loved if would nerf thouse 2 traits(remove stun break on DC and CS is 2 sec stealth only and on super speed) but bring us back some undesorved nerfs like the moment of clarity nerf, seed of life(VE) nerf, beastly warden(can anyone explain this nerf) and deal with some of problems with have with damage glassy builds(no answer to reflect/blocks, MM and skrimishing need some love, etc…)

What if for one match, condis had no damage?

in WvW

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Yo’ll have ton of immortal berserkers using “Rousing Resilience”.

rangers suck in wvw ?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


i wish there werent that many projectile counters, in the new zones to theres these mobs who use a projectile shield

They just need to give brutish seals like 3-4 sec of unblockble attacks after signets activation.

rangers suck in wvw ?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Thanx, if u’r Eu and want to duel, let me know.

rangers suck in wvw ?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


So you use it with bow/gs ? you use 4 shouts and LR?

I think good power rev can also give you some trouble.