… The option that does nothing constructive, however, is to keep shouting the same arguments. A dialogue is a two-way exchange of information. Arenanet has said they heard you, and are working on it. Continuing to yell as though they said nothing will not make the fixes come any faster. You’re just making more work for the mods who spend their days closing botting and DR rant threads.
Listen. Wait. Do something else if you must. But continuing to rant about this accomplishes nothing.
16 years of experience with previous MMO’s and previous MMO developers disagrees with you, tolunart. Specifically, those that rant the loudest and most often, -always- get their way.
With no monthly fees required to play, Arenanet sets themselves apart as a different kind of company with a different kind of game. I sincerly hope that you are wrong.
Say, for example, that 25% of the game population stops playing in protest. A month later, they announce they have fixed the DR problem and the majority of those players come back. What have they lost? They did not lose a single subscription payment.
Even players who refuse to return nevereverever may come back after their butts stop hurting, when new content is released or when they get bored enough to dust off the disk and reinstall.
Its like the thing with a bad resturant….. if 1 person has a bad experience with a resturant, they will go off and tell 10 people its bad. Word of mouth, can really have a large impact. How many players have been kitten off over DR? Even if it was only 10,000, that could imply that 100,000 people got told this game blows due to DR.
Fixing the issue might get some of those people to come back……but then again how many wont? I think most of the issue after the red post is that the DR shouldnt have been put in to start with. It shouldnt take weeks to fix. Its really shady to say this was put in to help deal with bots. We only got one response in 3 weeks. No updates, no nothing. Hell it took 2 weeks of kittening just to get acknowledged. After getting burned, its really hard to trust ANET. Its also very frustrating that they seem to be taking their time with it, like its no big deal.
Because GW2 doesnt have a subscription doesnt make ANET immune from delivering a quality product and trying to provide for their player base. They might have less incentive to do so, but thats a double edged sword. Players will have less incentive to keep playing and to make future purchases.
Nice to see where you are coming from tolunart. Although I think people have a right to be furious about the DR. I think people also have a right to vent their frustration on the forum, as this is after all one of the few outlets people have with ANET. I think people have a right to be pissy over only getting one semi vague response from ANET in 3 weeks. I think people have a right to be upset that some of the things ANET has said is not being shown in their actions.
I dont think people should have the right to tell other people how to play. I dont think people should have the right to tell people that if they dont like it they can leave. I dont think people should jump to ANET’s defense on every little issue, even more so when ANET is clearly in the wrong. I especially dont think people should tell other people that they dont have a right to dissent.
“Yes, the fanboi is strong in you”
This term is used to diminish the importance of someone with a different opinion. It indicates you are unwilling to listen to someone who disagrees with you. As such, there is no point in continuing a one-sided dialog.
Not knocking you Tolunart. Everyone is entitled to think whatever they want. But I am curious though, exactly what is it that you are arguing on here for? This thread is more or less complaining to ANET that they need to open up communication about DR and to remove the DR mechanic. Perhaps I am reading into what you are posting but you come across as defending ANET. Which doesnt seem to make sense to me because the red post indicates that ANET has admitted fault here.
I will be really suprised if ANET takes DR out completely. I predict that they will just keep trimming it back until the amount of people complaining about it drops to a certain level. Which is fine, I dont agree with it, but hey its their name and game. I choose not to play under these conditions and havent for 3 weeks now. Needless to say, I have since added their name to my list next to EA, NCSoft, Gamers First, Bioware and Activision. They wont ever see another purchase from me.
Then what you are saying is that the game should have been a subscription-model game with additional charges to cover the cost of having a full time anti-bot staff. That’s what I wanted to know.
There you go with the assumptions again. Didn’t say a word about subscription or how ANET pays for it. They should have known they would need to deal with bots, and they should have planned those costs into their business model. Its not our fault if they didn’t do that. However as consumers we expect to get what we payed for regardless of their financial woes. Not really our problem to worry with, its theirs. Either they provide the product they advertised, or customers get pissy. Its their name on the line. Wouldn’t be the first dev to crash and burn because of bad design or business practices.
Does anyone here saying “hire more people” actually own a business, or at least work in a management position that involves hiring workers?
Because Bots werent a problem in the MMO industry until GW2 launched right?
Because ANET had absolutely no warning that bots might plague their game before launch right?
Because imposing systems that hurt and diminish their customers enjoyment with a product they paid for is totally justified right?We see your point, but we arent hearing it, and for my part, I dont care to. They screwed up, time to pay the piper.
I’m already aware of your stance on botting, and my post did not concern botting in the industry as a whole. I was curious about whether people who think the answer is “boots on the ground” are aware of the cost and difficulty of getting and maintaining that number of boots.
As such, you’re just using my post as an excuse to post rant against bots #50325. We’ve heard it before.
Then you missed my intent.
What you should have been able to glean from what I said was this,
ANET should have been better prepared and better equiped to deal with the influx of bots. ANET should have already had the support staff and customer service to handle the bots.
Boots on the ground are the only way to effectively handle bots. Automated systems do little but stop the freebee gliders and bots, as well as push the botters into a cat and mouse game of changing up their code every week.
Is that simple enough or shall I break down even further?
Does anyone here saying “hire more people” actually own a business, or at least work in a management position that involves hiring workers?
There’s a lot more to it than grabbing someone off the street and saying “sit here and watch for bots.” Advertising, interviews, hiring, background checks (you don’t give just anyone off the street access to your computer systems and the ability to mess with real paying customers), training, benefits, Social Security payments, taxes and paperwork, employee turnover rates, hiring someone else to replace every employee who quits or gets fired, it costs a lot more than $10/hr to hire a worker, and watching over dozens of servers (I counted 24 American servers, not sure about elsewhere) by manning three shifts a day, seven days a week… you’re talking about hiring a staff of dozens if not hundreds of people.
So, you would pay $50 a month to play a game with a live anti-bot team on staff? More?
Because Bots werent a problem in the MMO industry until GW2 launched right?
Because ANET had absolutely no warning that bots might plague their game before launch right?
Because imposing systems that hurt and diminish their customers enjoyment with a product they paid for is totally justified right?
We see your point, but we arent hearing it, and for my part, I dont care to. They screwed up, time to pay the piper.
I think this thread is missing a few people swearing up and down that ANET put in DRs because ANET didnt want people farming/grinding etc. When I saw that Red post I couldnt help but giggle.
Glad we finally got a reply after 2 weeks. Still not coming back to play until its fully rectified.
Therefore, the DR system is clearly there to protect the game and the experience for players over time. If people understand nothing else about why the system exists, they should at least get that.
If you are constantly running into the DR system, then you should realize that the way you are playing is considered detrimental to the game by ArenaNet. Whether it’s because it negatively impacts the economy, other players, or whatever…you are doing something ArenaNet feels will harm the game. So stop doing it, or move on to a game that condones your chosen play style. The truth is, despite the constant complaining, I think players are having very little trouble playing and acquiring loot in the game. If it’s not fast enough for you, I’m sorry. The game wasn’t made only for you.
Could you please provide your ANET source for these comments? Other wise it is only your opinion and doesnt seem to be backed in fact. I will repost this for your benefit.
Some of these white knights are really “reaching” to defend the DRs.
“This game isnt meant for you/your game play” Are you people getting a pay check from ANET? Are you employed by them? Then stop putting words in their mouths and speaking for them. If you arent employed by ANET then you dont know what the intent is, you cant arguably tell someone “This game isnt meant for you.” Poooolease GTFO with that crap.
Secondly, there are so many flaws in the arguements that players should not be grinding or that it should take X amount of time to collect Y item. To make these arguements while blindly looking at the facts game design is nothing short of pure ignorance.
Karma booster for 1h – Nope, DRs kick in for me within 30min
EXP booster for 1h – Nope, DRs kick in for me within 30min
Kill streak booster – Nope, fanbois say we shouldnt be farmin mobs, oh and DRs
Magic find – Forget it, you will only hit the DR faster, hence a total design waste
Karma gear – approx 252,000karma/379= 665 DEs WITHOUT DRs………
WvWvW weapon – 300+tokens? for one weapon (hint- I made 75 in 18hrs before DR)
Dungeon gear – 700+tokens?
Crafting – 3 fine mats for blue, 8 for green, 15 for rare, 30 for exotic, ……per created item
Legendary anything – over 512g worth of mats + 500 WvW tokens + 500 dungeon tokens + 550,000karma (not counting clovers) + explorer + 2 crafting skills at 400 + base exotic
Those examples alone scream grind/farm. Hell the kill streak booster alone blows 99% of these white knight arguments out of the water. These are facts, now stop with the speculating and the guessing and trying to pass it off as “This is ANETS intent,” “This wasnt meant for gamers like you,” “ANET doesnt want you doing X.”
If you cant cite your source from ANET or provide facts that can be verified, stop, just stop. Go back to enjoying the game you feel so passionate to defend, step outside, go get a drink, and come back with a reasonable and verifiable argument.
Until ANET gives us some transparency on the issue of DRs. None of us really know what the intent is. However, looking at the content and mechanics that is in the game, it is not farfetched or illogical to conclude that implimentation of DRs was a knee jerk reaction to botting and exploiting.
As for the arguments that DRs are meant to curve players repeating DEs/grinding/farming, the facts speak for themselves. GW2 has a lot of grind in it. DRs extend that grind. Manifesto clearly says “We dont want players grinding,” Conclusion = DRs are a broken design.
Quite frankly, you are all looking at DR wrong.
If you are not a bot, and you get punished for doing anything non-exploitive, it means the game designers have failed.
P.S. You can’t defeat bots. Punishing players to do so is insane. Blizzard can’t… but luckily they don’t do insane kitten like the DR system.
^ This
This is what it all boils down to. Well said The Only One.
Some of these white knights are really “reaching” to defend the DRs. (looking at you Gehenna, among others)
“This game isnt meant for you/your game play” Are you people getting a pay check from ANET? Are you employed by them? Then stop putting words in their mouths and speaking for them. If you arent employed by ANET then you dont know what the intent is, you cant arguably tell someone “This game isnt meant for you.” Poooolease GTFO with that crap.
Secondly, there are so many flaws in the arguements that players should not be grinding or that it should take X amount of time to collect Y item. To make these arguements while blindly looking at the facts game design is nothing short of pure ignorance.
Karma booster for 1h – Nope, DRs kick in for me within 30min
EXP booster for 1h – Nope, DRs kick in for me within 30min
Kill streak booster – Nope, fanbois say we shouldnt be farmin mobs, oh and DRs
Magic find – Forget it, you will only hit the DR faster, hence a total design waste
Karma gear – approx 252,000karma/379= 665 DEs WITHOUT DRs………
WvWvW weapon – 300+tokens? for one weapon (hint- I made 75 in 18hrs before DR)
Dungeon gear – 700+tokens?
Crafting – 3 fine mats for blue, 8 for green, 15 for rare, 30 for exotic, ……per created item
Legendary anything – over 512g worth of mats + 500 WvW tokens + 500 dungeon tokens + 550,000karma (not counting clovers) + explorer + 2 crafting skills at 400 + base exotic
Those examples alone scream grind/farm. Hell the kill streak booster alone blows 99% of these white knight arguments out of the water. These are facts, now stop with the speculating and the guessing and trying to pass it off as “This is ANETS intent,” “This wasnt meant for gamers like you,” “ANET doesnt want you doing X.”
If you cant cite your source from ANET or provide facts that can be verified, stop, just stop. Go back to enjoying the game you feel so passionate to defend, step outside, go get a drink, and come back with a reasonable and verifiable argument.
edit* DR is a crap design and needs to go.
Yeah….. GL on getting a response from ANET on this. Only responses you will get will be from players like me who agree with you, or from the white knight zealots who dont think you should be allowed to grind mobs / have to change local every 30 mins.
Plenty of threads already talking about this.
2 weeks after implementation and still not an official word about it. Good chance we still wont hear anything on it. Would appear ANET is either hiding this from the player base or ashamed to deal with it. Perhaps those that are negatively impacted by the DR mechanics should consider organizing outside of the GW2 forums and then head over to the BBB to seek a resolution.
Great, you removed DR! Thanks for listening to the comm—
The amount of cat kissing from this game’s community is really disturbing. A thanks for fixing things that shouldnt be broken to start with…..really? How bout them glaring major issues?
- Is the company aware that DR is malfunctioning to the point that players are reporting reduced rewards before they can finish a single DE chain?
They are no longer malfunctioning, a simple search in the patch notes and in the dungeon forums would tell you this.
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/dungeons/Dungeon-Patch-9-25-UPDATE-9-28/first#post289405“We have identified an issue with the DR system that is causing the bug of rewards being incorrectly diminished. We’re actively working on the situation in anticipation for Monday’s scheduled patch.”
The other answers you are looking for have been posted on these forums about one hundred times. Again, a simple forums search would show you that.
There is no need for yet another post about the DR system. Use one of the threads that have already been made!
And thats just the tip of the iceberg.
I think OP was looking for a dialogue with ANET. The links you have provided either dont answer the questions, or are filled with speculation and hyperbole from players. Good effort though.
I would like to hear answers from ANET about this as well.
They only implemented it a few days ago.
Not being critical, just making sure we keep the facts straight. DR was patched in on 9-18. So its been active for going on 12 days, almost 2 weeks, with no transparency, clarification, explanation, or justification.
Fortunately YOU aren’t the MAJORITY of players out there playing this game.
roflol you came to this determination based on what data? Care to cite a source?
It’s a good system, I like it. Makes getting things take a whole lot longer as it should. One shouldn’t have a full set of anything in a few days or weeks play. Why back in the day when I played Everquest it might take MONTHS to get an optimum drop in it.
MMO’s are meant to be played for years not minutes.
says the lvl 38…..
You wont really see the DR until you hit 80 and are playing in Orr, where there is only 1 mob type.
And yet, Vizier, all you say is a matter of perception.
This lies not only in what Anet does but also in how you perceive fun. What you want seems to fit more in traditional MMOs.
You are right in saying that it’s about time played vs the reward. I call it RPS. You guys are looking for the optimum Reward Per Second. It’s part of the whole set up of traditional MMOs. Min-maxing and all that stuff.
Now, I am not saying that you cannot like that sort of gameplay. What I am saying is that considering the clear indications from Anet that this was not supposed to be a game that revolves around grind, you still came in and managed to create a grind for yourself.
I still think that the DR system was not just implemented to counter botting activities but also to counter you guys who are playing the game in the opposite way it was intended. Also there you may not be happy but it seems to me that you might want to consider the idea that you are perhaps not the target audience for Anet. Sure, you are free to choose to pick up this game and play it, but I have a strong suspicion that Anet didn’t intend endgame to be reduced to grinding the same 3 events.
Not saying there’s no grind in this game and I agree it will take you a bit longer to achieve the same goals. But the point here is, so what? Let it take a bit longer by doing different events in different areas. So you’ll get 250 karma instead of 378. Maybe you’ll take 3 weeks instead of 2 weeks to get your legendary weapon.
If you did get everything quickly, then what would you do once you got it? You will keep doing the same and complain that there’s not enough content. My view is that because of your playstyle and by choosing a game that was even advertised as not being built around grind, you set yourself up for this.
The fact that you can grind, doesn’t mean that that’s what you are supposed to do or that that’s endgame. That is your personal perception and I do not share it. Some will agree with you and others like myself will not. And I will be as bold to say that the game was probably intended more for people like me than you.
Please understand that when you say that DR causes you to grind more is only true because you feel the need to do this grind. Not because you are required to, to compete but because you want this legendary item asap.
Also the idea that it is impossible is an exaggeration. All you need to do is go to other areas and yes it will slow down a bit when you do this because lower level events give less karma.
But there is much more to this game then karma. All karma armour shares the same look. Dungeons are a place where you can get your armour together much faster and by going to other areas for events to alternate, you would perhaps slow down the karma gain by 10-20% at most. That is not impossible and it’s not taking twice as long.It’s just a different way of being efficient if you will and yes in total it will reduce your speed a bit. But if you now simply insist on staying in Orr and freaking out over the DR because you cannot get yourself to look outside the Orr area then really you limit yourself and I come to the same conclusion that your playstyle isn’t what this game is built for.
Let me say it once more, I honestly don’t think that botting is the only reason we have DR. I think it also has to do with Anet’s philosophy behind how and why they built the game as it is. I suspect they were also worried that level 80s just farming karma in Orr would create an unbreakable trend. I think they wanted to protect this game from people like you who were basically changing the point and purpose of endgame back to the stone age of MMOs, which is exactly what they wanted to get away from. So break the habit before the masses become level 80 or the future of GW2 endgame is screwed.
I cannot be certain, but to me, that’s what I think is behind this…not just botting.
Lets just assume that your opinion is the correct one and that everything you have said is exactly spot on.
The situation will boil down to basically 2 resolutions.
1 ) You are correct, ANET leaves the DR in place, a section of players who feel aggrieved by the DR, stop playing and leave the game.
2 ) You are incorrect, ANET decides the DR is a mistake, removes it, a section of players who were aggrieved, no longer are, and continue to play the game.
Which resolution do you think ANET would prefer? I guess time will tell.
Why make a thread about it if you arent worried?
you know ignorance and bliss and all that.
To be honest, I suspect the reasoning of why they are keeping the bots active at the moment is for that specialized team they formed to make the application they are designing. Rather than ban them out right, they are using the bots against the farmers themselves as test-beds for their program. I suspect once the program is done, we’re going to see a firestorm of banning.
Ironically, the gold farmers are helping them design the tools Anet will be using to find them.
Our monitoring of ‘bot’ activity has already resulted in over 1600 account terminations world-wide in the last week alone, and we are actively tracking the most common ‘bots’ in use, so that we can continue to eliminate them from the game. As we continue to gather information on these ‘bots’, we will be increasing the rate of account termination to remove them. Please continue to report players that you suspect of ‘botting’ – your support is much appreciated.
We are actively improving our means of detecting ‘bot’ activity in the game automatically. This includes tools for our customer support team to help them verify ‘botting’ reports and efficiently issue account terminations. Recently we have also hired a team of data specialists who will be helping us create more effective tools for analyzing reports of ‘botting.’
I would call Anet devious indeed in this regard.
Because mass banning bots in waves has worked in the past amiright? 2 days later, after slightly altering the bot script, they are right back at it again. Game after game after game this has been tried and used. Has it solved the problem? No.
Active policing by actual people is the only truly effective tool against botting. But it costs more money.
Devious? I think not. More along the lines of failing to learn from the mistakes of other games.
Maybe its just me but my opinion is that some if not many of those who are complaining that DR is ruining their game. I think they are the botter them self and its effecting their ability to bot.
This made me giggle. But if that is your opinion, have at it bud. Never heard of a case of actual bot operators jumping on a game forum to defend their ability to use bots. I dont think I could possibly comment beyond that without getting an infraction for it.
I stopped playing over a week ago mainly because of the DR. Playing a glass cannon thief, I get slapped with DR within 30mins of logging in regardless of how often I move around. Just not worth playing under these conditions. Will watch the forums off and on for a couple more weeks to see it anything changes. Although I expect it wont.
There are koolaid drinkers in every game. Not saying that people like you and Ronin should give up, but they arent going to acknowledge the problems. Even after the ship has slipped beneath the waves, they will still be praising what a great game it is.
Then they move on to another game and proceed to repeat the same behavior. Such a vicious cycle. What they fail to realize is that by covering up and hiding the flaws, they arent helping to create a better game.
You got to love fan boys who defend horrid game mechanics to the end. Yet they are the first to scream “Please do something to bring the player base back”! Trust me on this once the damage has been done and a player quits 99% of the time they are not coming back!
MMO’s shouldn’t be about 1 play type they are meant to be played by the way a player see’s fit. And to the people saying that only a few people are complaining about DR. That’s because others flat out quit with out saying a word.
Have you looked at the 1 to 70 zones on your server? Mine are pretty barren which means players are not having enough fun to make alts and game sales have slowed!
This ^
Its starting to smell like SWTOR in here. ANET is gonna have to get down off that high horse and get busy working these issues out.
If I want to invest the proper time to farm something, then nothing should extend that time requirement.
It should if it would yield you more reward than actually going out and doing something in different places of the game world instead of sitting in one spot being useless.
Think of that area you’re trying to farm as a giant resource node. It’s gonna dry up. Deal with it, and move on to the next.
Is there an ANET source stating this is the design intent? Other than the manifesto with Johanson saying they dont want grinding.
There are several threads in the crafting forum suggesting that the price to make a legendary is around 512gold +500dungeon tokens +explorer +500,000karma +clovers
He’s prolly just mad he can’t grub anymore, prolly.
But seriously, low-risk/low-effort, high-reward activity like farming should never be rewarded more than playing the game normally, and really, that’s the only kind of stuff the anti-farm code punishes right now. ANet’s the first company to get it right. /applaud
I have seen you make this argument several times now. What is normal game play to you? What if your normal game play and someone else’s normal game play dont match up? Should the other person be limited because it doesnt match your idea of normal game play?
LoL sounds like MMO game play discrimination to me. And no, I dont think ANET has it right. /boooo
The amount of threads of people disatisfied with the DR system and the supportive replies are enough a proof.
A forum community is not representative of the game’s community as a whole. Therefore, the whining threads are proof of nothing other than a select few’s insistence on complaining rampantly.
A select few? lol
Challenging what is felt to be a bad design is now complaining rampantly?
Obviously we are both just two sides of the same coin.
Do a dungeon
Do some heart quests
Do some tpvp
Do some spvp
Do some WvWvW
I think they are just trying to nudge people to go out and actually have fun in the game.Now if your idea of fun IS to go out and farm mods until you are that first person with a legendary etc, then I am very sorry, and it currently does not seem possible for you to have fun with the bot code in place.
Happy friday,
Madame Moorshade Teknomancer.
Do a dungeon – Bugged DRs no thanks
Do some heart quests – 100% Explorer already, no hearts in Orr zones
Do some tpvp – Not interested
Do some spvp – Not interested
Do some WvWvW – 18 hour session for 75badges, thank you DRs, never again.
Fun and enjoyment are subjective, being told what “I” should be doing for fun,….. isnt fun. My DDE, My money, for as long as I am not exploiting or breaking the game, I am NOT going to be told how to play.
42 now
time to find something else to play.
Thank you for the update : )
Much love Tradewind
I could agree with most of what you have said, except this part:
Fact: This might have been partially true, but Anet doesn’t make you grind dungeons. And even now, they’re adding more tokens to dungeon runs to making getting gear easier. At level 80, there is much to do. I play for hours on the weekends and 2-3 during the weekdays since headstart, and I’m not even 80 yet!
You arent 80, but yet profess to know there is much to do at lvl 80.
Fact: There are no heart quests in the Orr zones.
Fact: DEs in the Orr zones are usually either bugged, or always completed which reduces the DEs down to “defend X base (Cursed Shore),” or join the zerg train until DRs kick in (Straits of Devastation / Malchor’s Leap)
Fact: Choices are rather limited at 80 from a progression stand point. You can grind DEs, run dungeons, Pvp, finish out explorer, attempt to grind crafting mats, back track to help friends, or just out right reroll. Other than that there really isnt much to do, and what is available to you doesnt have much longevity.
Good work TemperHoof btw.
In before the fanbois and white knights jump to ANET’s defense and say that you should be relocating around the map every 15 mins. Or just play for fun. Or go pvp. Or go run dungeons with bugged rewards. Or that there are no grinds in GW2. Or just go buy the mats you need off the TP.
Closing – anti farm script and DRs were a bad idea IMO
Where is a single Anet employee saying ‘Yes, we hear you’?
Outrageous all around.
If you look, there’s plenty of threads in the forums where they have stated that they “know of the issue” and tell the players to have patience. =)
Now whether they actually do anything or not is a different matter…
Same song, same dance. For example Gamers First is still playing this same song and dance in All Points Bulletin after 2 years.
Actions speak louder than words.
Oh I’m not disagreeing with you. I think you must’ve misread my post. I’m just pointing out to the previous poster that his assertion that they haven’t acknowledged the problem as being completely wrong. They do acknowledge it. They just haven’t done anything about it.
I can agree with that. Wasnt knocking you, just making it clear ANET needs to get busy with that hammer.
Where is a single Anet employee saying ‘Yes, we hear you’?
Outrageous all around.
If you look, there’s plenty of threads in the forums where they have stated that they “know of the issue” and tell the players to have patience. =)
Now whether they actually do anything or not is a different matter…
Same song, same dance. For example Gamers First is still playing this same song and dance in All Points Bulletin after 2 years.
Actions speak louder than words.
Hi nice to meet u. Im guessing u dont understand what happens when new mmos comes out do u. They have bugs and glitches when they come out and some are bad and some u can avoid but if u encounter them u report them cuz if anet doesnt know it dont get fixed.
This is what you get when an MMO is rushed out the door before it is ready. GW2 wasnt fully tested. Just how many times do you think the bugged skill points and broken dynamic events have been reported……how many are STILL BROKEN? You wouldnt buy a defective toaster for a retail store would you? Why should standards be so low that we buy a “defective” game? Will there be bugs? Yes. To this extent? Unacceptable.
Next the anti farm code is not a bad idea and it makes it so ppl dont farm the same area for the same thing and makes u have to move around meaning stopping some bots.
Bots u will see them in every mmo u play and ive only seen two of them and u say u have seen alot of them well if u do do they do anything to stop u from enjoying the game i mean they cant tag mobs cuz u could kill it aswell with them .
Stopping bots at the expense legitimate players is not acceptable. Anti farm script and DRs need to go, period. Dont know what server you are playing on, but on mine, there are so many bots piling up on the dynamic events that they pretty much insta-kill all the mobs before any legitimate players have a chance to tag them. Thus ruining game play.
Lack of content at lvl 80. what u did speed lvl to 80? If so then u not very smart. New mmos most of the time dont have alot of endgame content when it just releases because they kind of want to lvl maybe two toons but they do have some endgame to do but not alot but this is anets game and its also called guild wars 2 and it is more of a pvp game than a pve game.
I didnt speed to 80. I also have completed explorer on my main and have 2 alts. Straight up, there isnt jack for content at 80. I shouldnt have to wait for an expansion for something to do on my main. For the record……. this isnt more of a pvp game than pve. To say otherwise is idiotic. More than 60% of the current content available is all PVE. This game isnt even HALF pvp.
I dont want to keep goin cuz i could go on and on and on but u have to think not every mmo is perfect and gw2 plan was to be something different and it did cuz honestly i dont like having to find 10 to 25 ppl for a raid i dont like having a spec or build that i have to use for anything in the game and i dont like games where your gear matters more than your skill, really look at wow u could pass all the lvling content and get to the max lvl and be a noob and do better damage than someone that has more skill than u just cuz the noob has better gear than u. You know all the op cookie cutter builds ppl are using now just wait for ppl to get better with the profession they are playing and watch the cookie cutter builds become nothing but noob builds. Im done this is a wall of text and i hate walls of text.
You could keep going on and making yourself look more like ankitten with every word. School is out bud.
Can anyone tell me where we left the coffin? This last nail needs to be put in the lid.
totally exaggerated. for one, if you do a lot of wvw, you get a ton of karma and badges. this isn’t a grind at all, this is playing the game. and if you do a lot of exploration and PVE, you should have plenty of mats to use to make exotics, or to sell to buy exotics by the time you are 80. also, unless you are a condition necromancer, exotic gear is prettykittencheap on the TP.
it is not hard at all to get exotic gear. legendaries are a “grind”, that’s for sure, but they aren’t necessary, at all. hell, even exotics don’t make that much of a difference when you really consider the gains, for most classes. unless you are a condition necro who wants precision, toughness, and condition damage gear, exotic gear is simply easy to get. it’s so easy that all you have to do is Play the Game. see what i did there?
You are talking so far outta yourkitten we should submit your post to Genius for the world’s largest pile of kitten. 18 hours straight, one session of WvWvW, 75 badges……..are you kitten kidding me. But thats not a grind?
Just playing the game nets enough crafting mats to lvl crafting AND make your gear? What game are you playing? Cus I am telling you right now it sure isnt GW2.
If you are going to continue to spout gross exaggerations, spare us and dont bother posting again.
I feel ya Derpinator. There are a ton of issues with GW2 irking the crap outta me. Everything from the anti farm scripts, DRs, broken rewards for dungeons, broken DEs, broken skill points, poorly tested Orr zones, cut and paste design of Orr zones, lack of content at lvl 80, bots galore, invisible armies in WvWvW, on up to the lack of armor designs. GW2 started out really strong and now it seems ANET cant make a good decision if their life depended on it. I havent felt compelled to play much in a week now, just been lurking the forums hoping for a hint that things might turn around….. was hoping I could stick with this game for a while but every day it looks more and more like I should start reading up on what games are releasing soon. Maybe another developer will get it right.
Ignorance seems to be flourishing on both sides of this issue.
At this point, considering all the arguing and threads debating this issue since the 18th, its safe to say ANET really needs to come up with a better design / solution to the farming scripts and DRs. Surely there is a better solution than being bull headed, as both sides are demonstrating. Adjusting the drop rates instead of simply using the scripts, providing additional activities / objectives / mob types / events, could all be looked at.
Simply throwing in DRs and anti farm scripts are not the best response for solving these issues. It sends a negative message to the player that their activity is somehow wrong. Negative re-enforcement to curve a behavior is often not the best solution, particularly when money / product / service, is involved. Positive re-enforcement through a variety of options would do much to alleviate these problems.
So they put it in a week ago and now they’re trying to fix it and make it less restrictive and you folk are still complaining?
Its not fixed, thats the point, thus the complaining will continue and rightfully so.
Marketing strategies usually have a set target audience. When someone who isn’t part of the target audience buys the product, it is pretty pointless to complain that it is not what they wanted.
ROFLOL, not to be overly sarcastic, but if you watch the GW2 dev and promo vids, as well as the review hype, you would think they were selling front row seats to the second coming or something. The target audience is so broad with so many promises and design philosophies, it could have been directed at just about anyone.
This is only an issue for people who care about illusionary progression (gear treadmill) and uses MMOs as a “job”.
I’ll go ahead and say that there are much better MMOs for enslaving people into caves with an illusionary carrot to chase while milking money out of them, GW2 is not oriented to these people.
Just like GW1 the PvE is based on getting cool skins and having fun; it’s been a winning formula for GW1 and still is in GW2.
This might surprise you but millions of people played GW1 for 7 years straight without the least shadow of gear treadmill; and those millions are the same that are playing GW2 now, plus other people who were tired of carrot-based MMOs.So ultimately, you either re-learn to play for fun (in Super Mario I didn’t chase +1 jump shoes, I had fun period!) or move to a MMO that locks you into repeating content so you have the illusion that you’re achieving something.
how is the gear treadmill any different from the cosmetic skin treadmill? Refrain from the “its optional” argument if you dont mind.
You can stand out by standing over my corpse every single time to kill me in a pvp encounter due to your superior skill! Oh thats not enough for you? Hmmm we have a problem here.
lol 3 seconds of gratification before I move on to your friend isnt much incentive.
Personally allowing easy(ish) access to full exotics to most players is a perfect system,
Allowing players to heavliy out stat each other would destroy WvW and the way mobs work in zones and discourage skilled players who simply dont have the time,Might not have been your intention, but this sounds like the special Olympics or a peewee baseball game. It screams “lets celebrate mediocrity.” Its a socialist system at best. Lets give everyone a medal for just showing up. There is no opportunity for skilled players to stand out and above those that are not.
It could be argued that cosmetics are that gold medal to strive for, but why not better gear? Why is it ok to grind for cosmetics but not upgrades? From my perspective, people that use this argument are giving a skewed opinion due to their lack of play time to compete with those who do have more play time.
So, designing a GAME, that is a piece of entertainment, so that the people who play it can actually enjoy it is “socialist”? To quote a certain movie – “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it does.”
What’s especially laughable is this idea that grinding is equivalent to an Olympic gold medal. Gold medals go to the best of the best – having one proves that you excel in your chosen field. Grinding proves nothing except that you can devote an excessive amount of time to a video game. You don’t have to be especially smart or talented or skilled to grind, you just need to have no job and no social life. Giving rewards to people based on purely on time spent without any regard to skill or merit… that sounds a lot more like socialism and the Marxist concept of the intrinisic value of labour.
Giving the best gear to drooling mouth-breathers who sit there in their basements, grinding while other players are out at work, so said mouth-breathers can ‘win’ with their overpowered gear and feel good about themselves… now THAT’S ‘celebrating mediocrity’.
Replace grind with something that requires a min skill lvl to pass and now you’ve got yourself a good game. However the current design promotes the grind. 42 dungeon runs for a cosmetic gear set…….fml.
and the reward for that is?,……….
A bit off topic but your argument doesnt hold water with a zerg.