Not sure if you are talking about an actual bug because the aetherblades can stunlock you until you’re dead. Happened to me a few times. It doesn’t always happen because they have to use the correct skill on you at the correct interval.
No, i’m not talking about being stunlocked.
I’m talking about the situation where i don’t have any single CC on me and yet i still can’t move, I can attack and use skills but not move. Problem disappears if i use movement skill such as the leap on warrior sword or Whirlwind on greatsword.
Also i said that this does not apply only to aetherblades, happend to me in few other places aswell.
So far i come to conclusion that this might be related to “Shake it off” Warrior Trait, but then again i heard from other people that this is happening for them too, and they do not play Warrior.
Lately after getting knocked-back or some similar form of Croud Control while moving my character gets stucked – i can’t move forward, backward, to the left or to the right. I just can’t do anything – unless i use movement skill like leap/whirlwind or simply die.
It’s happening a lot during Aetherblade events at the invasions, but it’s not limited to them.
Anyone with same/similar bug ?
Sorry for again bumping this thread, but i think this needs Arenanet opinion here. It’s a wasted opportunity to gain new players.
It took YEARS before Guild Wars 1 had a trial, and I hope it’s years before GW2 does. Unfortunately having free trials gets you a lot of bots in the game and even with preventative measures they still manage to kitten things up, they use program’s that allow them to not play by the rules, how else do your explain their ability to transport magically between resource nodes and enemies.
The game is not expensive and it doesn’t have a subscription fee, they can get a good feel of the game from videos, screenshots and blog posts.
Yes it is expensive, atleast for some countries. I received it as a birthday gift, otherwise i would not pay 150-200PLN for this game at that point of time. Maybe it’s only 60$ for you, but 200PLN in Poland is pretty much.
And no, videos and screenshots ain’t worth anything. You might thing “Oh, this looks nice” but in the end if you try it yourself you might get bored after 1 week. It’s like buying cat in the bag, you can’t be sure enough if the game is for you before you try it, and not everyone had the opportunity to test game during 2 free weekends.
Many other MMOs are using Trial system and it’s working fine, it’s actually standard and should be implemented. I’m quite sure many people are not buying this game due to lack of possibility testing it beforehand. It’s good opportunity for Arenanet to gain new players.
If the trial players would have some restrictions (matter of discussing and figuring out what would fit the best, like for example not being able to play on WvW or something) I am certain it would not create any problem with botters while many players would have the opportunity to test the game and eventually buy it.
Right now I have a break from GW2 cause i simply do not have anyone to play with. But, few friends of mine are considering playing in GW2, BUT as mentioned – they are not going to buyt cat in the bag. Desriptions are subjective, videos are not enough. I myself bought few times a game that looked nice on videos, had good reviews but ended up being terribly boring for me in very short time so i know how it’s like.
(edited by Massacrul.2016)
Arena net ever said anything about trial possibility?
My friends want to start playing, but are hesitating due to the price. Trial would be very helpful in determining either they will like this game enough to buy it or not.
1. Yes, they added laurels for Daily/Monthly PvP
2. IT’S NOT MEANT for both to give laurels. If you completed 1 – the 2nd should give only standard reward.
Daily and monthly laurels can be obtained through either PvP or PvE achievements. You cannot earn additional laurels from doing both, players can simply chose to do one or the other. They will still receive all other normal daily/monthly rewards should they chose to do both PvE and PvP achievements.
So i guess it’s a little glitch and 1 time “feature”. Seems like system did not recognize that you already completed PvE monthly before the patch.
Considering you can buy gems for gold i find this price ok. Nobody forces you to buy gems for real money. And i guess in other games you cant pay for server transfer using ingame currency.
Dunno, did this path like 2-3 times after the patch and its fine for me.
Would be very nice if veterans and champions were not such a worthless pain in the kitten
If you want to use karma bottles, make sure you have lots of them and use karma booster (if you have 1). Finally Good way to use boosters.
At first it was Yay – they made them account wide.
Then i had long break and returned lately, i right-click on tokens and i see “deposit collectible”… easy to guess i was excited about another good change about tokens, but got quickly disappointed.
I’m not sure where exactly should i post this “issue” so i decided to do it here.
Because I’m playing on my Laptop using 1366×768 resolution, i decided to change ingame UI to Small so i would have better view at everything ingame. However, changing it screws my Trading Post so it looks like showed on the attached screen:
Would be nice if ANet could fix that, because 1. this is pretty annoying and 2. playing with bigger UI is kind of problematic sometimes.
I must say, that this is impressing.
Yes, they changed him over last few months nerfing this boss to the ground.
It used to be 10-20 times harder (because he was probably slightly bugged – spawning too many crystals), and now this is so boring that 3 people can do it.
The problem is – this path got nerfed TOO HARD.
Last boss used to be 20 times harder, however tactic remained the same – simply dps the kitten out of him.
I agree with this but NOT YET.
Anet must 1st provide option to transfer guilds without losing influence points. Then some guild from overpopulated servers will move to those less populated, and only after this they should turn on paid transfers and reset rankings.
It’s nothing abnormal, My kill-shot many times do 10k+ dmg if it crits. Highest i did was like 13.5k or sth.
" Every other insane burst damage in the game is melee and tells you even in a big zerg that its dangerous to not dodge it." <<<< this
Also I was killed in a large WvW fight instantly with a 12,333 kill shot today. Yes its fun to fight 15 vs 15 when you can get one shot at anytime without seeing it coming???
Oh, then you probably highly dislike ballistas too, am i right?
If we can buy orichalcum sickle and logging axe…. why can’t we buy orichalcum pick for karma anymore? :/
2x orb at the same territory
Transmutation stones became useless crap. That’s all.
I have it too, and had completed exp achievement yesterday :/
Already reported this to Anet using ingame tool.
It’s not bug
Read patchnotes: You can’t transmute equipped items:
“Armor that is currently equipped can no longer be transmuted.”
End of topic.
P.S. Learn how to use Preview option. This will let you see how item will look on you without equipping it.
(edited by Massacrul.2016)
As i see Anet made this boss easier in this patch. Not sure if it’s now horribly easy or what cause i did not have time to try it yet, but for me it was already pretty easy. The problem with this boss was that his mechanics were badly designed.
Instead of simply nerfing one/few of his mechanics, making it even more easy to just ignore crystals and simply dps him (Cause this is PROBABLY as it is right now) Anet should do as the following:
1. Reduce amount of crystals and slightly increase their spawn time (i mean, little less of them and spawn them more rarely)
2. Increase the amount of hp regen boss would gain from each stack compared to current value.
If done right way, this should make doing 5x dps harder, and made the right tactic finally viable. Teams would have to have atleast 1 or 2 players focusing crystals while other 3 would dps the boss. And as i assume (and as many other people do) this is how kitten fight should look from the beggining.
Not sure if everyone agree with me, but that would make this fight more enjoyable and probably still would slightly decrease overall difficulty of this fight.
What do you guys think?
I wouldn’t be suprised if this would be another bug with Magg route…
It’s probably the most buggy route from all of the dungeons, and especially this part with lava crossing.
Commanders should be voted on by the public.
The servers rematch every week anyway Commanders should be voted on a weekly basis. Have a set limit to how many Commanders there can be and just let the players vote on who they want to lead them and follow.
They should also have leaderboards so you can see who the Heroes are of your World. Also a player progression ranking system.
WvW in its current form is not thought out very much. I mean why would they make Commander status something you can buy in the first place?
Sorry but i disagree. Commanders will be pretty usefull in future PvE events (atleast they are ment to be usefull in PvE too), and not only in WvW so voting is pretty bad idea.
I know they’re supposed to be challenging, but when there is another route that you never fail to do, who wants to give it a try and maybe waste 2 hours to win the other route? We could’ve done Magg route at least 6 times during that.
I agree that’s a thing that Anet should work about. And they said it too – they want to make every dungeon equal (don’t really think it will succeed in 100% but we will see). So maybe different paths will be more similar at difficulty aswell.
I started to see it this way:
They “force” people to do different paths to see if they will manage to discover proper tactics to complete them pretty easy, aswell as gather data on which paths are most difficult for people, and which are easiest. This way they will have data that will help them in overal dungeon balancing.
Heh, just like i would see situation on my server…
Like 15 commanders so far, many of them completely not capable of commanding people, running around with turned on Blue arrow, doing puzzles while we try to defend/attack something and need people. Instead of helping, many of them actually harm servers coordination. And i don’t really see a possibility of changing this, there’s no hope.
Those players are usually bots actually. And yes, i agree that Anet should do something about this. Imho they should remove EVERY event like this, including mosquitos in EBG, answell as Grub and Oakheart.
The amount of people that are crying about CoF 1st route boss is too kitten high. There were like 10 threads, or even more about this so far, and in EVERY one of them people explain how to beat him in pretty easy way.
And besides that: Anet said that dungeons on explorable mode ARE MEANT to be HARD, and ment to REQUIRE TACTICS aswell as good TEAM COMPOSITION. It’s not meant to be doable by every class combination.
This about going through last door and simply destroying crystal, then going back is reported by me to Anet since 25.09.2012… So this is not “new” exploit.
And this was in this game even before 25.09 patch… 25.09 was meant to fix it, but as we all can see – it failed.
I don’t know a thing about “Elementalist exploit” though.
Can we get a system that hold Commanders responsible for there desicions.
in WvW
Posted by: Massacrul.2016
Commander icon can be turned off.. but… only by commander himself.
Anyway, my server (Underworld) have few similar kitteny commanders too, and yeah, 1 doing puzzle while we were defending SM too :/
I mean I noticed Elementalist are so OP for CoF path 2 15 min runs and it seems they haven’t fixed the exploit still, and don’t mind my wording, dyslexic.
Once you grow up and your balls drop your able to read and help people without making kitten harder for them.
And sorry, being dyslexic is just dumb excuse nowadays but w/e.
Anyway, it’s 1st time i see someone calling Elementalist’s op in CoF. The only path that is MAYBE managable to be done in 15 minutes is the 2nd path with Magg, but I’m pretty sure that it takes more time. And maybe he/anyone would explain about what kind of exploit is he talking about?
I completely cant understand what are you talking about sir.
Use autocorrect alteast…
They are working on it -.-
I don’t see a problem here, at all but w/e.
WvW is a part of the world/game, that have impact on PvE, and i see no reason at all to remove it from “PvE” achievements. Oh, and maybe you want to remove it from monthly achievement too? Don’t be ridiculous.
As i said, i did it with 2 RANDOM people and 2 guild mates. Don’t believe me – Your problem.
I’m not elitist, i’m not hardcore player… I’m a casual player that spends most of his time on WvW !
You should foresaw that, and did the WvW explorable part 1st, when there were still 24h matches.
I’m from Underworld so i can tell you some:
1. Don’t suggest about queue times – Anet confirmed that they are bugged. Some people get instantly while others can wait hours. Anyway, Underworld as a High populated server have pretty long queue times for Main Borderland and Eternal Battleground during peak hours.
2. Not sure what you want to know about PvE. From my experience it’s pretty easy to find group for dungeons, and during Dragon Event’s there’s usually dozens of people.
3. Underworld usually does best in the morning + sometimes evening. Last week we won vs RoF and Whiteside (They say that due to night capping but i don’t really care). Now we are facing Gandara and Abaddon’s Mount – we pretty does not exist during night in this battle, so early in the morning we are in pretty bad situation. But during the day. But yesterday during the day we were fighting as equals with both of them.
4. People in /map /team chats speak mostly English. Situations when people are not speaking english are pretty rare, and usually happens when they are recruiting to their guilds.
5. About communication in /team during WvW can be different. There are days when we are pretty organised, people listen and know what to do, but there are days when there’s completely chaos. From what i’ve seen similar situations happen on almost every server. I would say that usually it’s not bad. We have few pretty good commanders that know what they are doing, and still growing WvW alliance (For now 4 pretty big guilds as far as i know) using mumble server for alliance operations which happens pretty much every day.
6. During 24h matches we were not doing too good, mainly because we had no commanders, only few people that tried to lead the server – but when they were offline, situation was usually bad. Our 1st 1week long match was pretty bad too, We got Arborstone (Fr server) and 1 other Fr server which name i can’t remember right now.. and Arborstone pretty much destroyed everything with score 400k:100k:100k… they are now in the top 10 servers. 2nd match was as i said previously with RoF and Whiteside, even if we won RoF was not an easy oponent this time (We never lost to them during 24h matches).
I hope this will help you a little with your decision.
It’s not impossible.. Did it myself with 2 random + 2 mates. It’s hard – i agree, but not impossible. You just need good team composition, the most important thing is to keep him poisoned all the time and AoE stability buff helps a lot then he spawns crystals, that you would not get knocked down.
Path 3 is easier than path 1…
The only hard part are torches to be honest. But still doable with random people that know how to use their brains. For example, i did this with 2 guild mates and 2 randoms, and we were not using voice communication. However this took us like 3 tries, cause some people were killing imps too fast/too slow though.
Oh, thanks.
Did not see that while i was creating thread. My bad.
And thanks for response.
Thread can be locked.
People nowadays are too lazy to search section or even read sticky posts regarding their issue… Even if there are FEW other threads about the same thing at the very 1st page here…
I lost faith in people.
This… is… annoying as hell!
1. They could just make that grubs have 0% for loot.. no need for this annoying message
2. I still don’t get this idea, why are they simply forbidding people to farm anything anywhere… If people want to farm? Why not let them? People farm in every game.. what’s wrong with that? You won’t change players mentalily, you will just lose players this way.
Would be great to know it though… because i did story + all 3 paths and still have only 3/4 in achievement… as i heard because i was downed when 1 of the last bosses died.. and simply cant remember which one :/
Seriously guys? Night capping is the problem.
The solution is easy, you can only queue for WvW for 7 hours between 4-11PM, Eastern Standard Time, since that is the US Government’s Time. That way I, like many others, can play when I get off work and then get to bed at a reasonable time. Sure there’s a few kinks, like the West Coast, but honestly it’s all about the greater good right?
Someone srsly did not understand purpose of this thread at all.
1. Use search function – there were like 50 threads about this so far
2. Read sticky threads above section…
I will answer this way: Restart will be in 5.5h from now on.
It’s 20:27 gmt+2 where i am, and it will be 02:00 when WvW will restart.
In EBG puzzle theres place that connects almost the end of puzzle with the beginning… Mesmer just place portal at the end, jump down, place another portal and teleport every1 to almost the end of the puzzle skipping dark room and “arena” or w/e it can be called.
140 badges having 650 kills? You should consider yourself the happiest man in the world sir…
Perfect setup? You just need poison + dps people, that are the only necessary things about this. I did it yesterday with 2 guild mates and 2 random people – we had no restrictions about class, etc. However we had: warrior (me, dps), guardian (dps + stability), mesmer (support), necro(poison + dps), ranger(poison + dps).
We simply ignored crystals and went full on boss. However some people say that this is doable by normal tactic – some people on crystals, some on boss + 1 must have poison.
Without guy having posion in team don’t even try to go there.
And crystals are fairly easy to dodge + proplem disappears if you have someone with stability buff in party, or have it by yourself.
Just think! and use some basic tactics. It’s not so hard.