Showing Posts For MercyKilling.8519:

Golden bikinis :(...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


ahh, ic ic
i always felt my female armor was too skimpy and non-intimidating
i mean, look at how uninspiring this is.. it looks like she is going to the beach rather than deep into the battlefolds of tyria

You’re rocking the ganja. That in no way, shape or form is what I would deem as “revealing” or “skimpy” or remotely bathing-suit like.

Can GW2 be saved?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


I think you are asking the wrong question.

Instead of asking “CAN it be saved?” perhaps you should ask “SHOULD it be saved?”

Personally, the only saving grace this game has is it was a gift. I didn’t pay for it.

Why the Guild Wars 2 Internet Hate?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


I hate it because NCSoft has its dirty mitts all over this game, and I’m boycotting any game that has the NCSoft tag on it.

Farewell GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


I’m completely flabbergasted this thread made it three days and four pages without getting locked. Most other “goodbye” threads are pounced upon and closed in other forums I frequent.

With that said, I completely agree with the OP insofar as much of the game that I experienced before walking away. Nothing drew me in and made me want to keep playing it to the max levels.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


I initially purchased the game because some of my friends from another NCSoft title came here….and lasted about three months.
Why? Well…it wasn’t fun. It was too grindy. Plus, I still have a ju-on for NCSoft for killing a game I loved.

Since then, I’ve found another RPGMMO that requires a sub that is far superior to this game in every way, and I’m actually enjoying it. I can wander the game’s world and see something to do and go do it. The game play doesn’t seem grindy at all to me.

But, I doubt A-Net cares they’ve lost a customer, as they’ve gotten money from me for purchasing the game initially.

Feedback/Questions: The Megaserver System: World Bosses and Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


Love how these people stole the idea from another game and make it sound like they came up with the idea for it themselves.
Typical NCSoft stratagem.

For the record, ESO had megaserver tech implemented first….and it’s STILL the better game, IMNSHO.

Again, ANet built up too much hype...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


If you guys think ESO is actually going to have a lasting impact, you have not played the beta for it at all.

I have…and I do.

This game lost sight of what’s “fun” and instead replaces it with grindy, repetetive content IMHO.

I actually lost five hours playing the beta of the other game. FIVE HOURS. I haven’t done that since playing one of NCSoft’s other titles that got shut down. And I wasn’t even trying to get into the beta. I was just poking around. I can’t even play this game for five hours straight. It’s just not engaging. It does nothing to draw you in.

GW2 may have started out strong…but it’s been rather lackluster to me lately, and marketing hype is in every game, not just this one.

ANet's silence is why so many people leave.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


I disagree. It’s not because of the silence that people leave…it’s because they discover this is a shallow game with no real story, lackluster character NPC’s, and temporary content rather than real content added to the game. Also, said temporary content is just the same kind of mechanics reskinned and redialogued.

Of course, this is just my take on it.

What species would you truly play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


Q: What species would you truly play?

A: Dunmer, Bosmer, or Redguard.

China GW2 community is in chaos atm.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


It’s a release in China, I couldn’t give a kitten less. I hope Anet and NCSoft make bank,

I don’t. Anet needs to get out from under the MMO killer before making bank and filling someone else’s coffers.
For the record, NCSoft is primarily an eastern market catering company. This does not mean they do not make games for the western market…but their main income comes from the far east. Don’t believe it? Here. See for yourself. Many more locations in the orient than in western locales.

It’s my opinion NCSoft turned its collective back on the western market a few years ago with it’s decision to “realign company focus and publishing support”.

Why must people keep shouting expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


Mainly because someone just coming into the game has missed all the previous temporary content they’ve been shoveling down your throats, and said new person would feel both disillusioned and left out/behind.
Now, if they’d been putting out actual permanent expansions, nobody gets left out/behind, because that content WOULD STILL BE IN THE GAME.

This is why I only lasted about a month, personally. There was so much that I missed out on, and could never experience. This “Scarlet” crapola? I have no idea who she is, other than some “Living Story” bad guy. I don’t even care about what’s going on in Lion’s Arch because I cannot connect to the history of the story.

I am so bored..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


I’m totally in the bored category with you…..

…..and I just started playing months ago. In addition, I don’t even have a max level character. I didn’t even make it to level 30, iirc. I can’t be bothered to log in to check.
I don’t care about PvP in any form and consider it a blight upon MMORPG’s in general.
I can’t get into doing “daily grinds”, nor -any- grind, for that matter. Everyone that RP’s in the game is so wrapped up in their own little cliques and drama that someone new like me isn’t well received at all…..or much interacted with.
LS? To that I say…“Who the heck -is- Scarlet, and why would I care?”
I’ve never done a dungeon, nor do I know if I -can- do dungeons yet. Do I care? Not really, especially if it’s like the rest of the world content.
The game was pretty… still is, but there’s better looking ones coming out soon.
Not to mention, I have this pretty big bias against the publishing company, NCSoft. I’m amazed I spent the money to buy this game…..and probably wouldn’t have…if the sale cost I got it at was more than the $15 I paid for it. I tossed $10 at the store to get some cosmetics….but ultimately it wasn’t enough to keep me interested.

I’d say…if you’re bored, take a break. Go find something else to do and come back later.
This might help….it might not. There’s no guarantees.

I was in a guild and got booted and blocked

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


This is why I never join guilds any more. Far too much drama. Now, I simply make personal guilds and put only my characters in them. Much easier. No reason to worry if someone’s going to make off with the guild reason to worry if the new guy will get along with everyone else…it’s just me.

Come back to GW2. What should i do now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


I can’t say what happens on 4/4/14. Last post I made that mentioned another game got deleted, and I got infracted. Touchy people around here, I guess.

Come back to GW2. What should i do now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


Kill time until 4/4/14?

What brings you down about gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519



Who came up with the idea to parse out anything that might be offensive and replace it with “kitten”? They need to be shot and tied to a bumper and dragged for miles behind a vehicle on a rocky dirt road.

The fact that my favorite MMO in the world(also my first ever) was shut down for this game and B&S.

No expansion this year (with source)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


ESO is far away from being able to compete to GW2. They are doing some things right but so many other things wrong, it is at best on par with gw2, but then there is something called monthly fee that makes it far far under par.

ESO is not even close to GW2. Have you played it? The combat is so bad.

I played two beta weekends and now that the NDA has been lifted I can honestly say….

I had more fun playing over this last beta weekend than I have over the MONTHS that I’ve played this game. Combat was fun to me, and way more action-packed than this game’s combat model.

I, for one, will happily be paying a sub again once this game comes out.

Roll when hit the floor from falling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


Currently, the only two games (one is still in beta, though) that I have seen that feature this are:



Elder Scrolls Online.

Doubtful that it will ever be implemented here, but it’s a nice dream.

What brings you down about gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


The fact that NCSoft is tied in any way, shape or form to this game.

Bring an end to Queensdale champ farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


Really? I’m a new player and I ran the champ train ONCE. Hated it, never went back. Plenty of other stuff to do in the zone, so I did that. Worry less about what others are doing and worry more about what YOU are doing.

Bring an end to Queensdale champ farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


Here’s a question from a new player.
So, champ train. Never knew what it was until I read a thread on it. (Not seeing one ingame.)
Aren’t there champions for EVERY starting zone? Why aren’t people running “champ trains” in those zones too?
For that matter, why are people complaining about how someone else is playing? Me? I detest farming and pvp, so I will never do either activity. EASY. Problem solved.
Has the “champ train” affected my gameplay at all? Pff. No.

People need to worry less about what someone else is doing and worry more about what THEY THEMSELVES are doing.

Can we please stop with this Living Story...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


……………who IS this “Scarlet”?

Edit: …….and why should I care?

Does Instanced PvP create competition?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


I’ll answer the OP with some questions of my own.

Why is competition so important?
Do you really need to thump your chest and be better than someone else at digital combat to feel good about yourself?

Something big is coming in 2014

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


How about a new playable race? Something…….Egyptian themed. Wouldn’t that be nice!

Open pvp!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


Is This Game Actually Fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


Meh. It has its moments.

For me, it’s mostly just a placeholder until 4/4/14 and Elder Scrolls Online comes out.

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


Great ideas in here. Let’s hope they keep coming!

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


Kili Bearheart.

Head(not shown): Phalanx
Pauldrons : Phalanx
Chest : T1 Norn Cultural
Legs : T1 Norn Cultural
Feet : Phalanx
Gloves : Scale gauntlets


QoL Suggestions Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


Oooh, I’m with the perma-stow ranger pets thing. Gods, I wish I could just delete it and play. I hate pet AI. Seems no game ever gets it right, much less halfway decent.

I’d also like to see blacklisting someone block ALL their chat. As it stands, there are several channels they can still get to you at, and even just emote at you and you can read their text. Blacklisting/blocking someone should block them ENTIRELY. You see nothing they type out. At all. Ever.

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


Overall, over the last few months I am not happy with the turn this forum has taken. I feel there is a bit of hyper-moderation and I’ve seen many threads and posts disappear or get infracted that I don’t agree should have been actioned (I’m not talking about my own as there are some I earned). I feel like members here with an opinion or point of view that doesn’t agree with Anet feel like they have to walk on pins and needles now for fear of an infraction.

I’m new here and I also get the feeling that a person can’t really speak what they honestly feel, but have to kowtow and watch their P’s and Q’s overmuch. There’s another forum that’s in much worse condition, IMHO. Try posting anything negative about Neverwinter on their forums and it vanishes, even if worded civilly.

Block Listed ppl on Guild Chat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


Blocking should remove ALL posts from the offending person. Emotes, guild chat, local, map, etc. You should not be able to see ANYTHING from someone you blocked.

Just my $.02

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


…There have been changes?

Game is too easy.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


Oh for crying out loud… The game is probably one of the most difficult MMOs out there.

You should go try The Secret World, then. Makes every game you listed PLUS this one look like it’s meant to be played by four year old down’s syndrome children.

What is the advantage of temporary content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


Wait…..there’s temporary content?

Well hell. Just another thing I’ll never experience. This game is losing appeal quickly, and I just started playing recently.

Why do you not play sPvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


The only thing you REALLY said here is that you have a blind discontent for something that you obviously haven’t tried and are completely clueless about.

This is perhaps the only true thing as it relates to me about your entire diatribe, good sir. I most certainly have not tried PvP IN THIS GAME.

I have, however tried it in many other games, and have come to the solid, time tested conclusion that the only place PvP has is in first-person shooters, real-time strategy games, or in combat sims designed with ONLY PvP in mind. it does not belong in MMORPG’s. The disparity between the two cultures(RPG’ers and PvP’ers) causes too much friction to be of any use to the game’s population as a whole. My evidence for this statement is this very thread, as well as every other PvP thread in every other mmorpg out there. Go visit them, I’ll wait.

…..that’s right. Full of vitriol and bile, every single one. Why would anyone want to be a part of that if they’re not masochistic?

At any rate, I stand by my original, unedited portion of my post.

“I don’t need (or want) to “beat someone up” to have fun or feel good about myself."

However, in any(perhaps all) MMORPG’s out there, the rest of my post is quite valid and has been my experience in every. Single. One. Of. Them.(I’ll admit I’ve not tried it in every single one, but I have sampled a good portion. Enough for me, at any rate.) Find the FoTM build. Grind to it after reaching max level. Enter PvP arena. Get pwnd by someone who’s been playing and knows all the ins and outs. Leave PvP arena/area and never return. Rinse and repeat for the next mmorpg.

For the record, I do play PvP-only games. Current examples being World of Tanks and War Thunder. (Although I got very sick of WoT and uninstalled. Waiting for Ground Forces release on War Thunder)

What happened to the manifesto?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


MMOs don’t “end” in that regards, therefore you need progression instead of “an objective”.

I beg to differ. In ANY mmo out there…you get to max level…get all the top rated gear…you’ve run all the content….isn’t that the end? You’ve explored all the maps. Every quest? Check. I can’t think of a better definition of the word “end”. What are the top people in this game doing? Running the same “endgame” content over and over, right? Doing things they’ve done before, and quite often many times before. If that isn’t grind, treadmill, and reaching “the end”, I don’t know what is.

What really confuses me is why so many people are afraid of it? Why so many people just toss a good game aside and move to the next quick fix?

I /still/ have Warzone 2100 installed on my PC. Ditto Populous: The beginning. Same deal with Beyond Good and Evil. Why? They’re /good games/. I actually /enjoy/ playing them, regardless of whether or not I know every line, every nook and cranny, every little trick. THIS is what makes a good game, not what gaming companies claim nowadays, and certainly not what this game provides. (So far.)

Gw2 says they have 460k Concurrent players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


You know what really amazes me? Neverwinter (done by Craptic, of all game companies) recently hit Steam….and according to the stats sits solidly at around eight thousand players at almost any time of day or night when I check. And that’s only the ones that have the game through Steam. If that garbage game can attract a steady number like that….what are gamers turning into?
That company also boasted about a month or three ago that they had “two million active subscriptions”.

Why do you not play sPvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


Because I don’t have to “beat another player up” to feel like I’m somebody.

Edit: Addition of another perhaps more legitimate reason in some people’s eyes. To wit:

1. Find a build that is currently in the meta (these can be found on every classes sub-forum)
2. Try out the build in a 5v5 hotjoin
3. Make sure to know all of the classes roles, and certain sayings.

This right here. Why should I have to grind up to a FoTM build? Why can’t I just play the way I am and be effective? Because minmaxers, that’s why. Once gear becomes irrelevant, I might think about any kind of PvP. Once I can buy that one copper piece sword from a vendor and go into PvP and be just as effective as everyone else….I might think about it.
In other words, remove all the aspects of PvP that make people spout the “LOL N00B” drivel. Level the playing field so someone that just started the game can be on equal footing as someone that’s played for the entire time the game has been released.

(edited by MercyKilling.8519)

Gw2 says they have 460k Concurrent players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


I’ll say this much…..I remember seeing far more people in Pocket D on any given weeknight than I do whenever I log into this game, much less when I left the D to go run missions. That game was packed, and even moreso when the shutdown announcement came.

The point I’m trying to get across is this game(and by default, ANY game that is associated in any way, shape or form with NCSoft) is not safe from the axe. Don’t get too attached to anything or anyone here.

Gw2 says they have 460k Concurrent players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


460k? That’s about the same number of players that City of Heroes had when it got shut down. Go figure.

Not Getting Our Mails? Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail & more.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


One person reported that marking an email in the spam folder as “Not spam” caused it to disappear and he then was not able to get any of our mails, even in the spam folder. That’s just one incident, and maybe it was unique to that player, but dang!

This issue is not limited to just one person, as I am experiencing this problem as well. Furthermore, I am no longer able to log in to the game. I have sent a ticket in, but not being able to get emails from ArenaNet, I’m not sure what good that ticket will do.

Why do people stop playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


but Carbine, not Anet, are the creators of Wild Star.

People said the same thing about this game when NCSoft shut down a certain other MMO and studio under their wing.

“Give Anet a chance.”
That’s what I’m doing here now.

End of the day, if you go to and scroll down to the bottom of the page, what d’you see?

Yuuuuuuuuup. NCSoft.

I don’t hold out much hope for that game, either. Plus, I don’t like that art style at all. It’s why I never got into WoW or Champions Online.

Personally, I’ll get bored of a game and stop playing. Or, like in the case of The Secret World, hit a brick wall as far as game progression goes and quit. Nothing seems to scratch the itch anymore.

Will People Play Content They Don't Enjoy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


I absolutely will not play content if I do not enjoy it. Any form of PvP is not enjoyable to me, so that part of the game is something I’ll never experience nor complete, even if Anet PAYS me with real money.
I don’t much like grinding, but I’ll do it if I -really- want the “reward”. It’d have to be pretty darn good, though. On the order of bacon wrapped tater tots dipped in cheese good, and it’s subjective to MY interpretation of good.

Authenticator Questions/Concerns [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


I just purchased the game this past Sunday, 10/28/2013. None of the authentication emails have been received, yet I’ve gotten emails from support concerning display name changing. I cannot skip the verification, because the button to do so is greyed out, not to mention for some reason when I actually GET TO that screen, I’m suddenly no longer logged in. Logging in starts the cycle all over again. I can stay logged in until I get to the “bypass button screen” where suddenly I’m no longer logged in.