Showing Posts For Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732:

HoT Ranger Pets

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

I noticed that a Ranger that has NOT spec’d into Druid can use HoT pets. Not really game breaking, but that’s unfair to other classes that they can’t use something from HoT like their weaps.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Cloaking waters in SMC needs to go

in WvW

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Next level tacits… Stealth traps.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Thanks Anet, for allowing server stacking

in WvW

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

In NA prime I always see DB dropping open field seige while next to a tower full of ACs and shield gens. We slowly pull them back away from their safty net and watch them as they get all hyped and push… then get one pushed. And call their raid. Won’t say the guild name but it sure isn’t [DUSK].

FA on the other hand… is a ghost town. Or should I say ghost tower? Even their roamers struggle to roam.

I also have sshots of Anet devs claiming DB keep and spawn camping them with ACs.

Edit: Edit to edit my edit’s edit.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

(edited by Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732)

Your top 5 priorities for WvW-Overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

1. Stability needs to be FIXED or REVERTED back to the old system. So just a balance in skills here. #1 by far.
2. Rewards, sPvP has FAR greater rewards and loot.
3. Maps, maybe a rotation?
4. Server Pop, maybe it’s time for NA/EU to combine servers, so we can play with each other… Like in GW1. (I miss playing with my EU friends from GW1…)
5. Remove the just Airship/Frost gen/Banners. That stuff fits more in PvE then WvW.
*6. Auto-loot. Maybe?
*7. Show the ALL the rings for LB 5 on Guards. Many times I’ve ran into a invisible ring and yelled in VoIP cuz I couldn’t see that crud.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

(edited by Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

I got the Ultimate version. By far out of the 3 worth it. 50$ in gems, char slot, and other goodies. But that being said, they should give one char slot no matter what. The tossing in of the curret version is great for new players so they don’t need to buy the current version and the xpac. But for players that already own the game, not tossing in a char slot makes it seem like a grab for extra money. But then again, I threw 99$ at them.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Share your builds D/P Roaming

in Thief

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

D/P Shadow Arts

D/P Trickery

The major difference between pvp/wvw is disengaging when the battle is lost because you simply won’t be running into even numbers and many times will run into a zerg which means stealth and escape also perplexity dire and other BS condi builds are mostly an impossible battle against condis unless you have full Shadow Arts and skill

Learn to reset and make sure you look behind you and around you at all times for incoming groups and have your escape options planned before engaging

I recommend valk/cav armor with strength/pack/hoelbrek runes + all zerk trinkets and weapons

2/6/6/0/0 or 2/0/6/0/6

This. I really hate perplex condi theives. So much condi carry.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Toypocalypse, please let me join with Party

in Living World

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

If the problem is breaking PvP… Then do it. Far many more PvE then PvP… This is coming from someone who PvP’s… Doing activities with friends makes this game so much more enjoyable.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Why is shadowstep broken?

in Thief

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

I’ve had a weird one as of late. Where shadow step the skill would place me facing backwards after using it. Anyone else have that happen? Pretty annoying.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

SIck of thieves

in Thief

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Hahahah! OP can’t kill a thief, claims they are broken… While playing war. That’s the biggest lol I’ve EVER had. Sounds like this ‘pvper’ was in WvW with that 3 sec of reveal. OP… Sounds like you need to l2p. Broken bahaha. Get killed by the most nerfed class in gw2. Ha! Wants more nerfs, BUHAHAHAHAHA. Ah man best thread ever.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

I absolutely hate the new trait system. It’s probably the worst aspect of any game out right now. You don’t want people grind, but you force people to farm traits… /facepalm

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Rune of the Traveler on D/D

in Thief

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

I run travs on my thief in WvW. The added 25% movement is good, but freeing up a utility slot is priceless. Instead of using something like sig of shadows I run infiltrator sig. As for healing I will always use withdraw. I run pure zerk with D/P with S/D on swap. Gap closer galore. Use them as well on D/D.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Season 2 Reward Tickets

in WvW

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Thank you guys.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Believably Black Human Male?

in Human

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

My guard.

Me and my friend tried a lot of times to make black characters, but its really hard with the options for faces, specially for girls, where you don’t either have good hairs or good faces to make them look like a black person.

So the only option is to make a Black Norn. At least is (always) easy to make any Norn alt.

He looks like the rapper Game.


R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Season 2 Reward Tickets

in WvW

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Will they be stackable with the new tourny? Or should I spend them now?

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

April Fools: Bobble Heads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

One of the long list of reasons why I love Anet! From GW1 to now they’ve had the best April fools day jokes!

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Edge of Extinction and Frozen Soil please!

in WvW

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

edge no, soil yes. i can already see them war banners used for nothing

There’s something g that already does this. It’s called poison. If you are poisoned while in the downed state and someone tries to war banner you, you will remain at the downed state.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Enemys see that your uplevel

in WvW

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

When I see that green up arrow and I’m guarding a tower I’m all like…

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Assisstance with S/D or D/D WvW build

in Thief

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Thanks everyone who contributed to this thread. There is a lot of information here to digest and I have already been testing out the different builds, to see what one is right for me.
Also after running through some build ideas I came up with this.
Does anyone have any critiques or anything advice they might give on this build?

I’d suggest a stun breaker. Can replace the sig for shadow step. That will remove some condies and it’s 2 stun breakers in one. If you do that replace the trait for sigs as well.

My own twist:

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

(edited by Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732)

Warrior Hammer Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Ok … and these “hammer trains” are not accompanied by a billion red circles on the ground? A Hammer train will get absolutely destroyed by AoE’s if there aren’t backliners to provide support..

There are 100 circles on the ground, AoE’s OP.

Warriors pre-buffs most popular class, must be OP. 90% of Necro’s using staff, must be OP. 90% of Eles put at least 20 points into water attunement, must be OP, etc. Just because something is highly used doesn’t mean it is OP is the point I am trying to make. Because there are plenty reasons that something might be overwhelmingly used.

And two other classes cant lock you down? Through immobilize stacking, daze stacking, chill and fear stacking and condition stacking? Being blasted repeatedly by conditions by two Necros is pretty much the same deal. Getting perma dazed/stunned by two thieves, or two mesmers?


R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Really need to fix this… Getting tossed around while stability is active such bull skritt.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Warrior Hammer Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Imo hammer is fine at the moment. As a thief main, I just got really used to the hammer animations and learned to dodge them. They’re really quite animated and easy to dodge. However, generally if you don’t dodge one you die quite quickly, but I use 2 stun breakers just for this scenario. Hammer hurts but it’s really slow; balanced to me. Your best defense against hammer is dodges to be quite honest.

Yup, the animations are pretty obvious. I split time on war and thief. So knowing how the animations work and what to dodge is always key. If one can’t dodge back breaker or earth shaker, you may want to rethink your time on this game. Now if you can’t dodge killshot, it’s time to go back to Hello Kitty Island Adventure Butters.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

(edited by Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732)

Warrior Hammer Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Cause no one has ever been CCed to death by necro, thief, mesmer, engi and probably the other classes as well.

No, no, no and no. The only class wha can stunlock you forever is the hammer warrior.

Hammer stuns are fine as is, without them… There is no reason to even use a hammer on war. A nerf to the damage on the stun is awful too. 2 sec stun nets you roughly 2 AA attacks at that rate with a hammer. And both of the stun/knockdown skills have obvious animations. Learn them, then dodge them. The knock back skill is fine as is.

You’re crying about loosing either damage or CC capabilities will kill the hammer.
Yust look at guardian hammer. Great CC capabilities aswell but rather low damageoutput. Yet there is noone claiming that the hammer is useless.
Face it, you can’t have both. GS, Axe both are great damage weapons. Both just offer soft CC. Mace on the other hand has 3 different forms of CC but low damage. Those weapons are balanced. The hammer is not balanced.

i believe hammer is balance since nerf i’m full zerker build and my hammer deals 2.5k unless you want to nerf it more like 1.5k well i don’t care as long anet will hasten the cast time or we will have like 3s stun on Earthshaker and 3s KD on backbreaker and make staggering blow like whirlwind just for clarification im not a power creep maybe they can put the hammer damage into traits like 95% more damage if you are using a full zerker gear and -95% if not something like that so everybody is happy because it’s really unfair for those spec for damage but when people see them dealing huge numbers they will come here and ask for nerf even the guy who killed them is spec for glass cannon.

Exactly. That nerf was well needed. 50% crit while foe stunned was well needed. But nerfing again because of a hammer train… Is lol.

And to the child saying I was crying. You main a ranger. How about start QQing about about a buff is needed to ranger instead of crying about nerfing every class.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Mesmer Moa vs. Minion Necro a little much

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Moa is ridiculous in any scenario.

And to the “Oh, dodge it” crowd – in the past 3 days I’ve been moa’d 5 or 6 times. Only once was the mesmer actually visible. It should be half the duration and the #5 “flee” ability should be restored to its previous duration.

Moa is under used. Mass invis and TW are more common. Also getting moa’d by a visable mes… Is a l2dodge thing.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Are Warriors Op?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Dear Anet,
Rock is op please nerf it. Paper is ok.
-Love, Scissors.

That sums this all up.

Heres a better analogy.

Warriors are rock

Necro/Thieves/Mesmers/Engies are scissors

Guard/Ranger/Ele are paper

Scissors beat paper, Paper beats rock, Rock beats scissors. Until Rock hits 80 and discover healing signet. Then rock also beats paper, and would beat scissors but he can’t find scissors because scissors are invisible or waypoint. So scissors beats paper and avoids rock…and that is called balance!


You know your trolling when you put mesmer and thief in the scissors category for a warrior.

He needs to just swap all of paper for all of scissors. More fitting.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Warrior Hammer Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Hammer stuns are fine as is, without them… There is no reason to even use a hammer on war. A nerf to the damage on the stun is awful too. 2 sec stun nets you roughly 2 AA attacks at that rate with a hammer. And both of the stun/knockdown skills have obvious animations. Learn them, then dodge them. The knock back skill is fine as is.

Now if this topic was about S/P theives… This would be a whole new can of wurms.
Dat spamable stun/daze/evade doe. I’ve locked down many people with it. And as soon as they popped stability I’d steal it and continue locking them down.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

[Thief] Tow line

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

It is the worst skill in the game hands down. Self daze…

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Mesmer Moa vs. Minion Necro a little much

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

It does have a 1 sec cast time. Dodge the dodge worthy skills.

But if you lose all of your minions and clones/spirits don’t, then yes it needs a fix so that all lose them or all loses none.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Are Warriors Op?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Dear Anet,
Rock is op please nerf it. Paper is ok.
-Love, Scissors.

That sums this all up.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Stealth Spammers

in WvW

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

What’s really annoying is when a theif is inside smc and just cnd’s off a wall, over and over. They shouldn’t be able to do that. That’s just poor design. Now when they are out in the open theives are either easy kills or they just blind you till you either block/dodge a few cnd or they disengage. D/P’s a different story…

CnD on a wall is just the incompetent of Anet to change their codes just because they don’t care about WvW. Don’t blame the class because of it. And yes, D/P is another story.

Not blaming the class one bit. It’s the poor design on the part of Anet (about stealthing off walls that is).

Stealth keeps them alive. Some don’t realize that they have the lest amount of HP pool in the game. Without stealth, they truly are walking loot bags. D/P on the other hand can and is abused. D/D takes more skill then D/P. Miss a few CnD and you my become toast. Where on the other hand, D/P had a more reliable stealth aspect.

I split time between thief and war, when I’m on war I feel like a walking god… Even in full zerk gear.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Stealth Spammers

in WvW

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

What’s really annoying is when a theif is inside smc and just cnd’s off a wall, over and over. They shouldn’t be able to do that. That’s just poor design. Now when they are out in the open theives are either easy kills or they just blind you till you either block/dodge a few cnd or they disengage. D/P’s a different story…

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

This is Gold Wars 2.

No no, it’s Gem War 2.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Ideas on warhorn sigils?

in Warrior

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

forced crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

I’m buying trans crystals now the as ascended armors look like skritt…

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Grenth Helm?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

400 gems is not so bad. Just think cultural armour set is what ? 120 gold? and 120 gold gets you around 1350 gems +- ………….. The Grenth helm is by far cooler than any Cultural armour set.

It’s about 65g atm… Well t3 human light armor that is.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Are there any decent dps non zerker builds?

in Warrior

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

There’s nothing wrong with zerk anything. It’s more of know what/when to dodge thing. (Also it’s what makes glasscannon/zerk fun, IMHO.) Once you master it no other set for PvE is needed. (Unless a condi based profession/build.)

You can survive surprisingly quite well, just take something like Shake it Off for stuns and a condi removal.

The norms for zerk Warriors is 30-25-0-0-15 or 30-10-0-0-30. Armor full Berserkers and trinkets. There’s a bit of a learning curve at 1st that turns some off, but the ones who stick to it swear by it. I love my Warrior, it’s my main.

As for brusier type builds I wouldn’t know any, sorry.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Looking for S/X build Pve

in Thief

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Thank you, will try it out.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Looking for S/X build Pve

in Thief

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

I’ve looked all over and haven’t found any. So is there any good Sword/any offhand builds out there? Would love to start playing my Theif again in PvE. Thanks!

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Show me your charr poses

in Charr

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732



R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

JQ/TC/Maguuma 11/1/13 - Week 3

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Can the Leader or an Officer of [GF] Good Fight(s) (Not sure if it’s Fight or Fights) please pm? I have something I’d like to discuss…

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

(edited by Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732)

I No Longer Care - Do You?

in Living World

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

I have the char name Boring Story for this very reason.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Sick of people switching out at the end

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

why even bother making the character if ur only gonna level it through dungeon exploit at the end.


R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

can i get a refund?

in Warrior

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

can i get a refund for crafting few sets of ascended weapons for my thief…since entire class gonna be obsolete :P

Me too…

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Didn’t know BG held its forum warriors in such high esteem. Getting some lovely hate mail

The best server has to be winning in every aspects, be it WVW, PVE or PVF
Forum warriors are as important as Olympic athletes.

Special Olympic athletes right?

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

I think I almost broke my 1 from all the lag.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Berserker stance

in Warrior

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

I’m waiting on Anet to add a skill that removes stances like in GW1.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Does Warrior need a nerf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Warrior doesn’t need a nerf… It’s just other classes need better/useful buffs.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

10/18: TC/SoS/Mag

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Was good fights this week will be happy to see you guys again in six weeks. I already miss EP. You guys will be missed…

Your signature made me lol.

“EP left TC for SoS? – Me
Yea cuz we hurt their feelings – Map chat”

I think in general though it is more that people are getting tired of queues.

Sigs not a shot at EP by any means it just show how they are/where treated. I’ll miss Odinzu and the famous ‘blank’ deep maneuver. Q_Q

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

10/18: TC/SoS/Mag

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Was good fights this week will be happy to see you guys again in six weeks. I already miss EP. You guys will be missed…

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

(edited by Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732)

Do you want a unique dps build for pve?

in Thief

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

No one is going to beg you for your builds.

If you think you can contribute to the knowledge and betterment of the community please post what you have theorized and assembled.

If you are wanting us to blindly beg and kowtow to you for the chance that you have written something great then don’t bother.

It is YOUR job to make us care about your build. It is YOUR job to make your play impactful. It is not our job to tell you that your work is special.

Pretty much this.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Just Remove Rampage now...

in Warrior

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Prolly the worst ‘Elite’ in the game. They need to rework it. Till then Rage/Banner will be used.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast