Are you sure you cannot play ep 6? Is it available in your hero panel’s story journal to activate? Otherwise you can try teleport to a friend who’s on the map… it won’t work for eps you need to buy, but unlocked eps should work.
I double checked, and you’re right I can activate Ep6.
Is it 200 gems for each Ep or 200 for all of LS3?
This is very sad system for new players. Anet should be ashamed of this obvious milking of players. If you have paid for HoT, it should include the whole storyline up until the next expansion.
Every company should be ashamed of themselves for charging money for products they spent money to produce. They should just chain their employees to their desks and stop paying them.
I mean, you refuse to collect a paycheck for your work right?
The funny thing is that ANet did offer you the chapters free of monetary charge. You turned them down.
LS is part of the expansion which is already paid for. Do you pay for your groceries and then pay for them again?
No I thought not…
No, it is not part of the expansion. Its pretty east to test this. If it has a seperate price tag then it is not part of the expansion.
When I buy ground beef in order to bbq hamburgers, at my local, grocery store I have to pay extra if I want buns, pickles, and so on…even if all of those things go together to make a hamburger.
But, again, ANet offered to give you the LS chapters for free. You refused the offer when it was made. Now, the free offer is over and the price tag is there.
Anet changed the system
Anet has never made that clear and when I played I was someone who was avid on staying up to date. So you can surely empathise and see how annoying that is,
Normally, when Anet offers something for free, it will show a 0 gems. LS2 or 3 never did that, a least they didn’t before my break from the game. Which means that if they do that now it was added after I was away from the game.
In other words the system changed. What used to be free, is now free for a limited time.
Using your metaphor…
To use your metaphor, I ordered a burger, you/Anet gave me a meat pattie, yes, the most expensive and important part of the burger, but….
When I said. “Where is the rest?”
Your response is, “Well, the rest is extra. We only offered complete burgers for a limited time, if you missed it, thats your problem.”
Compare this with any other MMO/burger shop. No one else does it like that. It’s abnormal. So to expect people to say, “Oh thats alright, they gotta make money somehow,” is just being a bit silly and naive.
My conclusion
For me, I completed all the storylines and story modes I could. Story was and is a part of the core game. I completed all the achievements related to story. I don’t agree with this change to how storylines in the game is managed. It is unfair (even if you can’t see reason,) and it doesn’t reward players for logging in, it punishes returning players for coming back. That is a bad business model.
I left because I was sick of consistent bad decisions over the years from the dev’s. I come back, and the first thing I get is, “Now you must pay for the storyline of the game,” and I think, “Nothing has changed..”
(edited by Myst.9182)
Are you sure you cannot play ep 6? Is it available in your hero panel’s story journal to activate? Otherwise you can try teleport to a friend who’s on the map… it won’t work for eps you need to buy, but unlocked eps should work.
I double checked, and you’re right I can activate Ep6.
Is it 200 gems for each Ep or 200 for all of LS3?
This is very sad system for new players. Anet should be ashamed of this obvious milking of players. If you have paid for HoT, it should include the whole storyline up until the next expansion.
Every company should be ashamed of themselves for charging money for products they spent money to produce. They should just chain their employees to their desks and stop paying them.
I mean, you refuse to collect a paycheck for your work right?
The funny thing is that ANet did offer you the chapters free of monetary charge. You turned them down.
LS is part of the expansion which is already paid for. Do you pay for your groceries and then pay for them again?
No I thought not…
Are you sure you cannot play ep 6? Is it available in your hero panel’s story journal to activate? Otherwise you can try teleport to a friend who’s on the map… it won’t work for eps you need to buy, but unlocked eps should work.
I double checked, and you’re right I can activate Ep6.
Is it 200 gems for each Ep or 200 for all of LS3?
This is very sad system for new players. Anet should be ashamed of this obvious milking of players. If you have paid for HoT, it should include the whole storyline up until the next expansion.
I have LS3 episodes 4&5 locked. They require gems to play.
Even stranger I have episode 6 unlocked, but can not play it as I have not completed episodes 4&5.
Whats going on? Is it bugged? Do we have to pay to play LS now?
PS. I’ve just come back after a big break for PoF, and want to catch up on the story.
Nasty bug. Pls fix.
I know, I know. Not another one of these threads! There’s a small difference here, I’m not complaining about playing against DHs or core guardians, or complaining about their traps or any of their mechanics. This is just my experience playing core guardian in sPvP. I decided to go in on a new guardian, without looking at skills or traits beforehand just to see how strong it is. Hell I really don’t even know what the virtues do except periodically apply burning and aegis.
Jesus does this class carry you hard! Like, insanely hard. I’m not even running the DH traitline (honestly have no idea what it gives you). I have played on mesmer a lot, not too much in PvP because I mainly PvE, but I have several hundred hours in the class (for me, that’s quite a bit). I am certainly not the best mesmer, but I do think I’m pretty good at the class, at least decent. In sPvP I would play mesmer and for me its honestly a bit of a crapshoot if I win matchups or not. Usually I can do pretty good solo, win or stalemate most fights, can usually get away if its going poorly. I really just struggle mainly in the teamfight scenarios.
Well, after all of the talk about guardians I decided to just play one in sPvP and see how playing that class really is. With absolutely no experience playing my guardian (he’s level 23 through tomes only), not even knowing what his skills do, I went into games and was able to perform better than I can on my mesmer by using skills as soon as they are off cooldown. Jesus kittening christ, I don’t even have to try and I am winning matchups on this class. Able to stalemate 1v3s for a decent amount of time, winning almost all of my 1v1s, downing and getting stomps in most of my 1v2s, by simply using skills as they are off cooldown. Hell if I cared enough to take 10 minutes and read through all of the traits and skills and come up with my own build instead of using what the PvP panel pre-selected for me I’m sure I could do even better with guardian. Its beyond ridiculous how hard this class carries people.
I seriously perform better on guardian without ever having played it before and using skills that I don’t know what they do as soon as they are off cooldown than I do on my mesmer that I have put hundreds of hours into.
This isn’t balance ANet. No class should be so much easier to play than others. I would be fine with this if other classes were this braindead and could carry as hard as guardians can, but this is beyond kittening ridiculous. Granted this is bronze division, but still its absolutely ridiculous that 1 class has such a low skill floor that you don’t even have to know what the skills are to be effective with it.
ANet, you really need to remove Guardians ability to carry players. Period
man you are talking about fighting nobodys. on my condi ranger even really good guards have trouble dealing with me guys like you i drops in less then 10 sec. try ranked bud see how long you last playing guard by just button smashing
His point is still valid. Playing Guard and button smashing will carry you a long way. Getting good at the class will take you even further. Sure it ends at a point, but its pretty high up there for a low skill cap class.
I feel ya.
I was used to spending $xx per month when playing WoW, when i came to GW2 I wanted to support the game so I put real money into the game.
I stopped at several points, as “punishment” for doing things like unfairly penalising me on the forum and giving me no recourse for a fair “trial.”
But i always started again after a while. But over the last year I have stopped. I just don’t like where anything is going. WvW is a big mess!? I like raiding but dont have time to join a serious guild. So I pvp, and every season since “pro leagues” has been worse and worse, imo.
I just don’t see how the dev’s don’t see it. Its a frustrating and wearing game. I honestly log on now and all I do is fractals, and suffer through some pvp.
The game at the begining had the right idea but implemented it poorly. 4 years on and its just random idea after random idea thrown at the community, I don’t even know what the vision for the game is anymore.
No money from me either, unless significant changes are made.
I think I am there : (
I am starting to get 4+ MVPs personally per match. I just don’t know how they can justify this…
So I was at 1700 getting about 18pt per win.
Then get a 7 lose, losing streak and drop to 1500.
Then i win a match and get 12pts for the win!?
I am so sick of the MMR system in this game. It sucked in Season 1 and still sucks.
Its so soul destroying I don’t want to play anymore. Being penalised for things I can’t control. You can’t tell me the people I am playing with are at my skill level. :S
I guess i should just go full trap meta guard since 60% of my opponents are. But if I am going to get 10-12 per win, why bother? The MMR god has spoken and I won’t be able to go any higher unless I play what? 500 games including loses, and that assumes I will get decent partners, most of whom have gone past past me now.
A system that decides your level, then shoe-horn’s you into it, isn’t a good system. And “its a carry meta” is bad game design, and explains why so many bad players can DH trap guard their way up.
The MMR just takes the fun out of PvPing.
(edited by Myst.9182)
I agree for the most part. I don’t agree with the ‘git gud, an’ carry’ argument. Its a team game, your team should be supporting you. Your responsibility should not be to carry bad players up or stay down with them.
Skill rating does not reflect skill, it reflects where the system is trying to force you to go base on where it thinks you should be.
The game is paper, scissors and rock at times and quite random at others. There are a lot of parts you can’t control and so luck plays a large part in the game. Having said that, there are can control, so when your team doesn’t perform its very very frustrating and you pay for it.
I like that they aren’t over bearing and more subtle. But they should recognisable at a glance rather than taking a double look to figure out which rank.
If I am online I would help. I enjoy Arah.
Actually I would argue that Evasion, mobility and distance are the chief forms of defensiveness for thieves atm. Stealth just makes that easier.
I haven’t seen Stealth Traps being abused, in fact I think they are rarely used, might be wrong but I don’t think they are a big deal.
Part of game strategy is rotating your people so that the odds are in your favour. Eg You want your DH to be be where their thief is. Increasing the number of players doesn’t really change anything except that any class can be countered by numbers.
But different maps and objectives with more players would be very nice.
Technically its not a 1-shot. Its a combo burst, that takes a fair bit of practice to get down cleanly. But outside of that burst, it’s not that strong, and becomes predictable the more you play against it.
If someone is doing the burst perfectly every single time then they maybe using a macro system. You can report them for botting, and if Anet can see that the key stroke timings are exactly the same they will have grounds to temp ban the account. But how seriously Anet care about this, I don’t know.
Its impossible in this system to judge a single players performance. The guy that gets 225pts probably got those points because the guy on his team that got 120pts was doing his job effectively.
This is the flaw in the GW2 system, your MMR isn’t accurate unless you are in a 5’s team, constantly. You cannot truly get an individuals true skill level, because of the team play in this game and the “paper, rock, scissors” style to the builds system.
However, more information is good for those that can read it without a bias. For example, it would be nice to see power damage done split over NPCs and PCs. Because, who cares about how much cleave damage you do on a MM necro, you care about how much damage you do to the player.
What would be good is the ability to share your stats with people in your team or party.
At last! This gets what this game should feel like!!
I love this! This should be what dungeons should be!
I would love large explorable dungeons with bosses like this.
Completed it today, can’t wait to go into challenge mode with a good group!
I also like figuring out how to beat the bosses without somebody already releasing a meta guide on how to do it.
More things like this, please.
PS I personally wish raids were 5man.
Aurene getting stuck on generators… game stopping bugs always happen… why? 4 years and this stuff still happens!? Honestly, not joking, this happens all the time with new content Anet releases with GW2. Really does destroy immersiveness and generally replaces excitement with annoyance and frustration
Tooltip on generators says “Almost nothing can destroy them.” Completely useless info. People should be able to solve all problems with in-game evidence. Reliance on people having to google things to get through content is poor game design.
Would love to see the rest of the story… still waiting on Aurene.
PS. Nice that Aurene kinda grows, but with no sense of time passing, its a bit weird.
MathInRangeFirstLast(pos.y, -SIZE_LIMIT, SIZE_LIMIT)
I get this error. Don’t know if its linked to Score Tab, but happened to me 3 times during ranked match, since the 20th Sept patch.
Playing on Mac Client
Yes this seems to be a flaw in the design, with no way of getting a Gift of Hero’s.
Mistforged are my fav weapon set, was very excited when they made it a reward track… but then they didn’t.
Is this an oversight or can you get a Gift of Hero’s without tickets?
I have not been happy with Anet’s MMR system, from the start. It certainly seems to favour some players over others and it’s not their skill level that determines that.
But that’s not what I am here to talk about.
You see I find myself battling with myself when I PvP during seasons. At certain points in every season I find myself in a place where the MMR is trying to force loses on me, as it’s designed to do. But if I continue to win I get placed on teams with worse and worse players.
Just got out of a match with a player that “akitten” 2mins after the match started on Temple, the best map for a come back… urgh, I can’t get started on my war stories…
Anyway, every season has it’s losing streaks with some of mine being up to 15-30 loses strong. Soul-crushingly demoralising with about 60%+of those loses down to bad luck or simply avoidable loses.
By bad luck I mean, things that are outside your control because it’s random or in someone else’s control.
Lets be real, sometimes you just lose. Sometimes you lose matches you should win. It’s the nature of a game/sport. But for a system that tries to force a 50% win rate it seems to fail a lot when it comes to “giving” wins back. I don’t get win streaks that match my losing streaks.
I have had to accept that during seasons I cannot play the builds that I find fun to play, I have to play builds that I can carry on. I have to assume that my team mates are terrible and think about what I can do to help the team overall. Even if I am the only one on my team thinking that way.
I have to discipline myself with the amount of games I play because those losing streaks are so frustrating! So I cap myself at three loses to minimise the damage of these bad nights.
The problem is that I ACTUALLY want to play! I enjoy pvp (on some level) but I have to choose, suffer the ridiculous losing streaks of past seasons or stop playing.
I find myself wanting to play GW2 but logging out and doing something else because its just too painful having pips melt away because… other people… other people and their bad attitudes. : (
I was excited when I heard that GW2 was introducing divisions because I thought I would be paired and grouped with people at my skill level. I would be too good to be with noobs but too bad to be with the serious contenders. But it doesn’t feel like that at all. Instead, I seem to go from being utterly destroyed to destroying and back again, topped with a couple of massive losing streaks just to make sure I can’t get away from those people who hold me down. Looking at you Mr.AFKer
I feel like I have built myself into a mental trap that I have not experienced in any other PvP setting that I have played in. I want to play… but I can’t… cos’… other people… on my team… seem to…. want to…. nose-dive my teams best chances of winning.!? : (
I think Anet has too much interest in PvP. They have pushed esports to the point, that I think, they have crippled the rest of the game.
The MMR system in this game only works, in reality, for teams and top tier teams at that. This is at the loss of enjoyment for the bulk of the pvp player base, in order to keep top tier players in the game.
The only map that should be removed is Foefire – it is the oldest and by far the worst map in the game. The layout, the counter-play, it all boils down to who wins the intial mid fight and controls graveyard.
It does provide counter -play to stealth burst builds, who can potentially global you, if you didn’t have a similar trait.
Maybe an increase on the ICD would be fair?
I have always hoped PvE would be so hard that support classes were viable. or at least hybrid support/dps classes. We still have basically a zerker meta, but its better than before.
For example, no one takes healing power, even when they trait for dps/support, well outside of raids that is. But even in raids, you have 10 ppl and only one hybrid dps/tank and one hybrid dps/healer.
I want PvE to feel like PvP (chaotic and unpredictable) but support/tank roles to be noticeable to where they feel valuable and fun to play. DPS gets nice big crits and a noticeable effect on the battle. Support roles need to be emphasised more through the UI and through in-game effects.
In other games for instance, at the end of dungeons, players would get medals for things like:
Most damage done
Biggest Crit
Most damage taken
Most healing done
Some system like that showing what support players have done might help too.
Thousands of your customers (the ones who trusted you and bought your product: “GW2-Mac client”) are starting to be very upset with your all over the world.
You sold us a deficient product and you seem to ignore our complains.
This is something that Law takes very seriously in many countries around the world.
I specifically logged on to complain about this.
3 years and mac Client is still in beta.
When will this be optimised for Mac? 3 f-ing years and still nothing?
Let me elaborate:
On the Boot Camp side of my Mac I can play on a smooth 60fps.
On the Mac side I play with with lower graphics settings and only get 30fps, while it spikes from 20 to 60fps and back at times of intensity.
The Mac version needs optimisation, and 3 years on, this should have been done already… Can we believe anything Anet says? They change their minds more than my wife changes clothes!
You get better wings. You can imagine people wanting to be like you, when they see them and stroke your frail ego.
I think there is a problem when ppl make Condi builds with a Cele Amulet rather than a Condi Prime Stat amulet. That suggests that something might be a bit off.
This is what I want from an MMR system:
I want to play with and against players who are at my skill level.
I want to play PuGs vs Pugs or Teams vs Teams, no mixing.
What I don’t want:
I dont want a forced 50% win/loss ratio.
Anet is big on RNG. RNG dictates that even when most will be negatively affected by a bad system, some will have the opposite experience.
Grats on a lucky roll! Only 130 games to Ruby, as solo, well done. You should buy a lotto ticket.
PvP is purely 5v5 teams now, it is incredibly painful solo queing. Anyone who is solo queing and thinks the system is fine is either incredibly lucky, or just is so uncompetitive they really dont mind losing.
This whole meta AND the kittening stupid pip system has sent pvp backwards in light years. I enjoyed pvp far more b4 HoT. The whole this is a serious;y unfunny kittening joke. I am being so tame right now about how I feel about this stupid system
Anet why dont you understand what we want!?
Story of my life.
This is a terrible sytem because it only works if u are in a team of 5.
Ranked should only be for full 5 teams, and there should be other ways of getting the rewards when u whole team isnt on.
Solo queing just kittening wrecks your MMR and paralyses you because you cant move ahead. Its RNG as to whose on your team and its RNG as to whether you go up a teir. You can win 10/20 games and never leave ur tier. Or get lucky and go up 2 tiers depending on how it pans out. (On lower divisions anyway.)
This is a soul destroying system, because it just doesnt matter how well you played personally. (And I’m not talking about personal score here either.) 1 bad team mate can easliy lose you a game u should win.
Thanks for the work around
I have waited 3 years for a working mac client that doesnt constantly crash for no reason.
Please fix.
DPS Meters WILL produce elitism and reduce viable builds, just the research done by done some guilds alone has had a massively negative effect on the community, producing narrow-minded approaches to the game, rather than a culture of exciting explorative fun. If we go down that road then Anet might as well just pick our traits for us, since all we would want is the min/max for each class.
DPS meters made WoW a static game. People would reject you because your class would pull as little as 2% less damage than another class, so they wouldn’t take you.
However, a personal DPS meter would be good. Then u could see if you are improving or not. You could also test and try out builds and gear. Or perhaps a Raid DPS meter would be nice. After a boss (or wipe) the average DPS for the entire raid might help some raid groups zero in on what’s going wrong for them?
The problem is that most people cannot read a DPS properly, as well as, factors such utility, healing, support, control simply don’t get valued as highly as they should because people just look at the DPS meter.
Its funny how I haven’t found anyone who likes it or cares for it, but put it on the forums and suddenly there is a loud minority for something useless.
I don’t mind if people like it, but the fact that it clashes with some of my personal appearance choices, then limits the skins and colours I choose. I don’t like that. If Anet never put it in, no one would care.
The more I think about it, an opacity slider would be the ideal solution! I happen to think the herald decal is too intense and can be toned down quite a bit too.
But completely removed is fine by me. I’d rather have full choice of my characters appearance rather then something forced onto me that serves no practical purpose. I hope Anet considers giving us the choice.
Urgh, the unsightly hand glow. Can we dim it right down? Or have a toggle to toggle it off?
It is unnecessary, since your utility and UI change colour based on the theme of your current legend.
The main reason why I dont like it is because to clashes with colour palettes I choose to dress my gear with. It severely limits dye choices, particularly Shiro’s Green.
Anyone else agree? Let’s remove the useless things.
Its the 23rd in Australia… hurry up…
So disappointed with Anets attitude towards small group instanced adventures.
I don’t want Fractals (mini-dungeons) and Raids (dungeons where you are forced to find more players than you want to take) to be the sole focus!
So much can be done with dungeons that can make them fun and different every single time you play. Anet misses out on attracting the average MMO player because they refuse to do 5man content properly.
Explorable Dungeons
Explorable Dungeons should be 5 man raid quality instances where your team can travel where ever they like in an instanced area to do things.
Think Blackrock from World of Warcraft. That was a massive area that had about 12 different bosses, and tonnes of different ways and shortcuts to reach ceratain areas and bosses. There should be a billion in-game reasons that lead you back to dungeons all the time, each encouraging you to play the dungeon in a different way.
Now that Anet is learning to make real boss fights that require co-ordination, this should naturally flow down to other areas of the game AND ITS NOT!
I dont want to ZERG grind living story (BORING! STOP WITH BORING BLOBBY GRINDS!) I don’t want to have to organise raids and search for people to join my raid just to play the game! It can be really hard work organising people and raids! Especially for those of us who are introverts and dont want to spend hours gear checking and trait checking random people!
I just want to play
I just want to play with my friends in an area that uninterupted by others, requires some skill to complete, allows us to explore and make choices, see the consequencs of our choices as well as reward us for the time and effort we spend there. That is what dungeons are supposed to be.
Fractals are mini dungeons, thats nice BUT does not cater to those of us still waiting for that immeresive experience that Anet promised at the begining of the game. Agony resistance is a STUPID mechanic too but thats another post…
Dungeons should be the prime middle ground for PvE
Dungeons should be the bread and butter of any MMO. Not piddly fractals… and certainly not map-blobby quest chains!
Seriously what is happening with the leadership in this company!? It’s like they don’t even know the market and don’t care about making a good game. I often stop myself buying gems for this game because I just don’t see the quality in the game, that should be there by now.
Dont bail out Anet! Spend the money, make the game better, stop looking for such cheap shortcuts. (Dropping Dungeons is a very cheap shortcut) Give me real reason to support you!
- Fractals are mini dungeons. (Nice but not deep enough)
- Raids take too much effort to organise.
- New maps are blobbly quest chains – who cares…
- Dungeons should be explorable areas that are challenging, repeatable, explorable, small group friendly, rewarding, dynamic and impactful on your character’s specific journey.
- Dungeons should be the bread and butter of the PvE game content.
Burning does seem over-tuned. Nerfing it wouldnt be a bad thing.
Good question.
A: Absolutely terrible.
sPvP is basically a team game. Maps are designed so u can not be everywhere. You have to rely on your team mates to help you win.
I am so frustrated at the moment because if I dont join a full group of freinds we get a random number of people who do not seem to be in our league at all. To be fair, I am not a high ranked player, but I would consider my self an intermediate player.
These PuG players who dont know the basics of thier class, the map or have a basic level of situational awareness make the game incredibly frustrating. Add to that, players who do know better, “give up.” They AFK, or ignore tactics just to look for fights. Some even simply exit the game entirely!
Anet gives time at the begining of each map for a team to talk strats, reveal roles to each other etc… and SOOO many people refuse to communicate. So many don’t even bother to hit the ready button, they just let it time out for no reason at all.
I would say that the match-making system is non-existant. A myth, a lie… a dream for those of us who aren’t the best, but aren’t the worst.
Looking for some advice for gear in wvw for my thief.
I play D/P + SB Marauder in sPvP. I have full zerk gear for running dungeons.
In WvW, I feel a little squishy in full zerk. What’s a good gear stat combination that gives me the survivability I need but doesn’t really give up much of the damage?
Yes, this explains a lot of my experiences with this move. I’ve learnt to get it off I need to be facing straight on to get it off and even then with movement and latancy it doesn’t always connect.
If they fixed this, it would make a massive difference to the amount of burst I would put out in pvp. I hope they look into this.
The client:
This was the worst thing about the beta test, took forever to download.
The game was slow and laggy for a long time, I assume because it kept loading at a rate that was too high.
Do you really need such a massive client?!
A number of friends gave up on it because of the client.
Map Feedback:
As an Australian there wasn’t many people on during our prime time. We were the biggest group with 10-20ish.
There wasn’t much fighting, so it was pretty boring.
Map looks great.
Map might be too big, resulting in an empty and lonely feeling on the map.
Most of my guildies complaints were about the fact that they couldnt find stuff, such as camps, and couldn’t tell if something was meant to be above or below them.
I like that it is big and explorable.
Seems like it will be a paradise for small organised gankers, with so many traps, bottle necks and verticallity. (this could be considered a pro and a con)
Travel time is long, to get anywhere, even when u know where you are going.
Feels like there needs to be a WP deeper in the map for the attacking sides to claim.
Terrain certainly seems to favour certain classes, especially those that can teleport, or snipe from long range.
I like that the keep and tower bosses put up a fight, I would argue they need to be harder for bigger fights. Though most ppl, it would seem to disagree with me, but think it would be a big mistake to make them any easier than they already are. But then we rarely had to fight them with another zerg around.
Because it is much harder to take bases, there might be a break down of moral when you fight for hours to take fire keep, then log on later and find that it just got taken back.
Anyone else having a really slow download?
in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test
Posted by: Myst.9182
Yes the update fixed the download speeds for me. ty.
Yes it was interesting that as soon as it was released GW2 sharply started changin direction.
One of the things that ‘wowed’ me was the awesome art work and style given to the game. It really is gorgeous…
Then Adventure Box came out… which was really popular… but just completely out of touch with the rest of the game.
Soon WvW was full of 8 bit explosion stomps…
Sadly Anet has shown no sign at all of maintaining thier original mannifesto… they always look for the easiest way to generate excitement then use it to cash-in.
Which to be fair, it is a business, and its here to make money… but I still wish that they were more concerned with making a great game over a ‘people pleasing – give the next gimmick’ type game.
There are 2 solutions.
1 Get a third friend for running dungeons.
2 Dont start content if you dont have the time to finish it.
I dont see Anet being able to do much. It doesnt matter what system they design, trolls will abuse it. You just got unlucky with some inexperienced and insensitive players.
I agree.
I see a place for outfits, as some looks would just not be possible if they had to splice up the model. However, all Anet releases now is Outfits.
The look of your character is a big part of end-game enjoyment for GW2.
I love working out my own look with the gear available, but I would also like some new stock every now and then.
Unfortuantely, Anet seem to follow a pattern of doing ‘what is easiest’ rather than ‘what is best for the game’
I dont see why we cant have both.
PS. I also hated the ‘gloves for 200 gems’ idea.
Please give us full sets that also give us the option to customise at our own discretion. PLEASE!!