Showing Posts For Nabuko Darayon.9645:

Suggestion: KARKA mount

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Based on:

They did have spider mount, but it’s canceled because of arachnophobia concerns

(I don’t get it though, we already have all this gigantic-eerie-looking-spider monster almost everywhere we go… but yeah, I’ll take hopping bunny rather than jumping spider as a mount.)

That’s why I’m posting this. Since Karka aren’t spiders but still have similar walking model as spiders and only 4 legs we could use that spider technology for karka skin

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Suggestion: KARKA mount

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

I just had an epiphany! Since ANet already has the Spider model under the table, with some adjustment they could actually release a more cooler mount instead: The Karka!

I mean how kitten would that be! To get to ride that Karka creature!

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Option for Backpacks to use Glider's dyes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Can we get an option or make it a feature where if we dye our glider, the same backpack gets that color as well.
I’m really having an issue with the Shining Blade Backpack since it doesn’t fit any of my characters (color-wise) but it’s a very cool back backpack.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

[Suggestion] Joker's Hat skin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Is there any chance we can get this lovely skin in the gemstore. We already have nice armor parts to go with it


~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Bloodstone Visage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Fix, please. This is just weird.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Any chance to revert Heat Sync?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

I know that quickness provided a huge issue regarding this and that Boon Share mesmers do a much betetr job right now, but could we at least get other boons back to this skill?

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

SO what was the issue with Lava Font?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Just weird that after 3 years all of the sudden this skill is unbalanced because people found creative ways to use it.

Also the 33% recharge nerf affects a lot non-HoT eles. Tempest shouldn’t be The specialization, but another option.

I still like Arcane trait but with Tempest being so useful it’s non-existant really.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Can we use Scribe to decour our Homes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

I would really like to be able to decour our homes. I mean I’m not a dedicated guild decourer so I’m missing out on those parts, but for the rest of us I think we’d be happy with an option to:

1. Decour our homes
2. Transfer items from guild hall to home
3. Share the decour items between the 5 race’s homes, but allow us to save different settings within each.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~


in Revenant

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

If you post this in the PvP/General Discussion section, people will tell you that hammer is fine and is the best ranged weapon in the game.

I’m actually thinking the only reason it’s not getting fixed it’s because it’s not-pvp related. Untill a bumpy map gets released…. like the Stronghold stairs!

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~


in Revenant

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

I mean the “fixes” you guys did were ok and all but you miss the whole point of fixing it because this hammer is unusable.

Can’t use Coalescence of Ruin on any bumpy roads because it just STOPS.

Can’t use Phase Smash on targets that are above or bellow my ground level. It does JACK.

#fixitplease #fixthehammer #hammerfix #canttouchthis #nohammertime #mchammersad

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

[Request]Make Exp Modes account-bound

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Wouldn’t an easier solution just be to remove the story mode requirement as a pre to doing explorable. I’m not sure people really care about the linearity of progression here and those who do will do it in order without being forced to anyway.

That works as well.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

[Request]Make Exp Modes account-bound

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

We’re at the age of dusk where it’s hard to find any decent groups for dungs but also with the new revenants many of us altoholics suffer from storiophobia and we’re not able to enter the Explorable Modes.

Doing Story mode should be tied to your account rather then the character especially if you did like a dozen story modes before.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

[Request]Make Exp Modes account-bound

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

We’re at the age of dusk where it’s hard to find any decent groups for dungs but also with the new revenants many of us altoholics suffer from storiophobia and we’re not able to enter the Explorable Modes.

Doing Story mode should be tied to your account rather then the character especially if you did like a dozen story modes before.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

[Request] Jugger's effect on backpieces

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Hey guys,
since a lot of improvements are coming this year I would like to kindly ask ANet Team to update the Juggernaut’s effect so it affects the backpieces as well.
Thanks and I hope this gets implemented.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Skills only work DOWNHILLS

in Revenant

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Also down skills have a lot of problems. At all hammer skill 2 and 3 as well as mace 2 and axe 5 have a lot of problems with unsteady terrain. This should really get fixed asap

Yeah especially hammer 3rd is terrible downhill

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Skills only work DOWNHILLS

in Revenant

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

I’ve tested uphill and downhill and the results aren’t consistent so I’m not 100% sure that elevation is what’s triggering this. It seems like Searing Fissure is about 80% success and 20% failure. But what’s interesting is that even if it fails and does no damage or burning, the combo field is still usable.

Anyone else seeing the intermittent failure in skills like Searing Fissure and if so, know what the trigger is for sure?

I assume Searing flames is like 2nd skill on hammer because I have a lot of issue with it. And 3rd Hammer.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Skills only work DOWNHILLS

in Revenant

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Half of my skills don’t work uphills. Can we please get a fix to this?

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Facets upkeep NOT working in Central Tyria

in Revenant

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

As the title says it keeps removing my upkeep even when my energy bar is maintaining 50%

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

You can only complete HoT maps once?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

I just completed Verdant Brink with my 2nd character and was unpleasantly surprised that I didn’t get a single item. It’s not just that I didn’t get a Gift, I also didn’t get that specific Elite Specialization item for collection when you complete a map with the specific profession.

Is this ia bug or are we only allowed to make 4 ES weapons?

EDIT: yes it seems to be bugged for characters who already had 100% map completion

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

(edited by Nabuko Darayon.9645)

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Autoloot is causing me crashes every time! I couldn’t get a single mob kill at the Volcano near the Destroyer (Mount Mealstrom). I apologise in advance for the text messages, I figured it was autoloot too late.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Friendly advice to fellow Tempy bruhs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Be prepared for the worst. In this case, that we don’t get any changes at launch.

But don’t stress because I’m sure they will do Balance patches once they figure out what to do with Tempests.

Kind of how they have done a great job at making all kinds of ele traits and utilities viable after 3 years, leading to such build diversity!

What was that? You are telling me that eles have been pigeon-holed into the same build since launch (except when they nerfed that build and failed for over a year to make anything else even semi-viable, only to reinstate that build b/c they were at a loss on how to fix the class)? No it can’t be, Arenanet knows EXACTLY what they are doing with the class. Look at such recent changes that completely fixed such glaring issues, like adding 1 extra stack of vuln to shatterstone. With one simple stroke they took a skill that was completely useless and made it…still completely useless. And by golly, look at all those GREAT traits within every line, that see SO MUCH USE! They haven’t had to fix tempest because they are just SO ADEPT at not designing elementalist aspects that are complete dog-crap.

Honestly, don’t hold your breath. Just move onto another class (basically every other specialization brings very compelling value-proposition) that Anet has most of a grasp on how to develop for. They are completely lost when it comes to ele, and because tempest is built on that foundation, my prediction is that they will continue to bung it up.

Just because you roll the meta zerker build that’s been forced upon us doesn’t mean everyone else sees Eles like that.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Friendly advice to fellow Tempy bruhs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

We can only hope… May the changes be forever in our favor! (^____^)

I’m excited too for Nov. 20th

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Friendly advice to fellow Tempy bruhs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Be prepared for the worst. In this case, that we don’t get any changes at launch.

But don’t stress because I’m sure they will do Balance patches once they figure out what to do with Tempests.

Just be prepared and I wouldn’t start spamming boards with sad QQ boards about it but wait until we get an official response what are they planning to do with us. And if official response is in the lines that they’re OK with the Tempest then start whining.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Post-BWE3 Tempest Changes?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

I think a portion of the Ele community already decided to move to Rev when HoT starts :P. It has everything.

Portion of all classes community are going to move to rev becuse its an crazy op class atm. That and a lot of the ele community is from the old banwagen group back when d/d ele was unkillable lol.

I will lvl up reve sure, but I’m Ele in my heart.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Post-BWE3 Tempest Changes?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

I want to cry about my tempest now and party kitten Oct 23rd…

Pleasee don’t make us cry on 23rd……. :’(

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

[Bug] Backpieces stay during Glidding.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

So last beta I had this weird situation where my Black Wings stayed on during Glidding so basically I had double wings clipping through each other. Not sure this should work since some of those Backpieces are really big.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Is Tempest missing it's tempest?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Where’s all the chaos that tempest brings? Push launch knowckbacks storms chaos?

It’s just not chaotic enough!

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Is removed?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Thanks I guess I will try later.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Is removed?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645


Nope, mail still failed to deliver.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Is removed?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

And if so is there any other place I should send in reports?

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Suggestion: Add race change to Makeover Kit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Anet have never even suggested they were thinking of such a thing. They never commented in any if the previous discussions on the subject.

General player opinion is that such a functionality would conflict with the personal story and race keyed discussions, and it is very unlikely that Anet would go to all that trouble, especially considering how few astual money spending customers there would be for it.

Many things weren’t commented and they ended up changing it. I’d hate to be the one who’s always contacting them for different refunds.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Suggestion: Add race change to Makeover Kit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

I’d really like to know if ANet is planning to put this item on so I don’t waste anymore different Kits and char slots for new race of the same profession.

Any news if it will come with HoT? So I can wait on them… I don’t want another Finisher scenario happening.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Tempest grew on me

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nah bwe2 I face tanked and destroyed everything on my tempest but people called me a troll and said tempest is garbage go away

It was garbage in bwe2. You’re a troll.

Wasn’t really a garbage it’s a strong word… but Eles were “misunderstood” back then

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Tempest grew on me

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

I wouldn’t believe I would say this but it actually grew on me… true… having 50 different auras stacked on yeah can be weird and the fact that Scepter doesn’t have an aura, again weird… but it grew on me.

I play specter/warhorn and I can actually see this play out in WvW scenarions and in PvE as well. Still haven’t tested it in Pvp but by some comments down it seems pvp is doing good as well.

My only annoyance right now is that Scepter doesn’t have an Aura on it’s own, and the new Dragon Tooth…. I keep missing it because I’m use to IT being targeted at the enemy

EDIT: Also that WIldfire has the initial thing slow so I can’t stack might like with fire ring, but that’s a matter of learning to cast wildfire first then the blasts.

EDIT: Maybe because they nerfed the mobs in BWE3 so it feels right

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

(edited by Nabuko Darayon.9645)

Shouts and Ele Survivability

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Exactly Neko. 20% CD on tempestious aria and flash freeze + shock/aftershok instant and woot shout builds kick in. At least something tempest is worth for :-).

And how will those kick in? Since I have cripple/immo/chill on my weapon regularly?

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Fire Shield of Focus doesn't work with PA

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Tested this as well and it is working like it should. Keep in mind that the fire shield effect is sometimes not displayed on other players when there is a high player count. It will still appear in the bufflist though and work as intended.

Hmm I definitely used my focus on Dredge FoTm with 5 other people and I didn’t see them share that shield… And we were in combat… I dunno something wierd is happening there because I also tried it a few times and it wasn’t working. (I even check team mates buffs and I didn’t see any change, no fire aura)

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Shouts and Ele Survivability

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Can we discuss this for a second. I would really like to find a way for shouts to get into Ele builds but I have a hard time finding them do so because still don’t synergy as well as Cantrips do (remember cantrips get better with trait involving). And water provides all sorts of protection where Cantrips just shine.

Now as for Shouts… What Ele can use them? Eye of the Storm is the only “worthy” one that can get into a mix with Cantrip build. But what about the others?

I guess… our main sort of defense is poping Overcharge for the protection (but that has nothing to do with Shouts). So it’s overchage for protection and Shouts for weakness…

Now what about Stealthy users, do they get weakness if I pop a shout even if I don’t have them targeted? So can it kinda serve as a SOS call when you’re about to get stealthy spiked down?

EDIT: My fear is that with Shouts nothing is gonna change. That many will be left behind like some Conjures/Glyphs that people never use and only rely on that single one. While the other 2 Utility spots are occupied by Cantrips.
And no, this doesn’t mean ANet I want you to nerf Cantrips but kinda give us more options regarding surviving encounters.

EDIT 2: And if survivability gets migrated to Weapons, then we would require damage worthy Utility (but tbh weapons are always gonna be the choice for damage)

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

(edited by Nabuko Darayon.9645)

Fire Shield of Focus doesn't work with PA

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

So the Skill 5 in Fire on Focus doesn’t work with Powerful Auras…

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

To support Auramancery Tempest...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Wouldn’t we need some relocation of the aura traits? Because we got one i fire, air (with aura trait), water and earth (with aura trait)….
And if we use Tempest we’re basically stuck on 2 out of 4 options.

I guess it’s eather go damagy aura with fire/air/tempest or go suppory with water earth? I dunno the aura traits are kinda all over the place.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Over nerf on Ice Bow?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

As an Ele I approve the Ice Bow nerf. If it was me I’d completely remove Conjures and replace them with Wards or something

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Druid renders Tempest useless for healing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

In what content over the last 3 years have you ever been called on to do nothing but heal? Elementalist has always been, and has always excelled as a class that can shift roles on the fly mid-combat. A heal-speced Druid heals… and if they use their on the fly role swap… they STILL HEAL.

If you can’t figure out how to bring more to a situation with 4 attunements and 20 weapon skills Elementalist probably isn’t the class for you in the first place. But if you can weave the elements and damage, CC, withstand, and heal as needed the prospect of being a mono-healer ought to look pretty kitten dull even with the shiny new FX. (and you can do it all without the stupid pet AI….)

TBH Druids will end up going Celestial.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

BWE 3 Tempest Specialization Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

No Magnetic Aura?

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

BWE 3 Tempest Specialization Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nice changes Karl! Keep them coming!

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

(edited by Nabuko Darayon.9645)

[BW2] Feedback Thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

My 2cents on Tempest.
I think it’s missing AoE Stability and AoE Quickness on the Shout system. We already have access to plenty of chill and I think “Flash-Freeze!” should be reworked into the AoE Stability Shout, and Rebound to be the Quickness one.
Mid-rangers need stability and I think this can fix it.

I think Water skill in warhorn need a condi cleanse, can see it happen in Skill 5.

Wildfire and Lightning Orb should be a lot faster, especially the Orb. Something like 80% of the Guardian LB skill 3.

I felt like I was missing something from the trait like but I can’t remember it… Maybe the Grandmaster minor trait should offer Protection and Stability (like Armor of Earth does) so that Overcharge can work like the new Defiance bar… so players get the feel like something important is coming .

Oh yeah I think the a trait that I was missing is to reduce CD on Warhorn skills. Rotations are faster then the recharge which doesn’t happen with other Ele OH.

Will add more stuff if I recall what might be missing.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

(edited by Nabuko Darayon.9645)

What if Overloads were Zergsmashers...?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

The overcharge feature only helps in pve and some pvp. Ele’s cant stand in a mob in a wvw fight period. Their value is as a ranged support in healing and damage. Adding more boons auras etc does not help for what the Ele is being used for in the game. I played in wvw with the tempest and it was a" so what". If I used the water overcharge I died. If I used the earth overcharge I died etc. Running around as a solo roam in verdant was cool but did nothing for my wvw play. The rebound in a 10 second fight of two mobs and standing in 5-10 necro wells, the rebound was almost laughable. Waste of time to press the button. My guess is that the ele developer was not a wvw player, only answer it could be.

Which Ele can stand against a scaled champ and wait for the Overcharge to appear? I have problems channeling Meteor Shower at range…. and this will just be 1shotKO Teken style!

So I’d say Tempest only have a use in PvP scene in extremely organized teams that stacks boons like crazy and stuff…. I mean cmon 2 secound boon increase?

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

[BW2] Feedback Thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

I think Warhorn skill 5 in Fire needs to speed up a bit. Same goes for Lightning Orb. Even Crippled outrun them

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

[Polite Request] Dyeable Wizard's Hat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645


I would love to have this hat on several characters, but the forced grey-purple (shylac, I think?) kinda kills it for me.

I found Hush works the best, but limits my options in other colors

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

[Polite Request] Dyeable Wizard's Hat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Gandalf would want it. Seriously.


~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Tempest missing Slow and Quickness?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

I think thoughts are for other classes to give it to tempest or even ele may be putting too much on one class.

But isn’t ANet’s moto for every class to be able to do everything eventually. That’s why they’re introducing new weapons and I just don’t see what other weapon/utility would be able to grant these two boons (as it fits Shouting and Wind Blowing much more)

I just think the ideal of quickness is a “time” base magic where ele or tempest is more of elemental magic i am not sure if it works for this class to have time base spells. Slow i think is time base condition too.

I don’t see Guardians or Warriors being time magicians yet still one of those have quickness as a trait. But for me Tempest represent a master of storm and winds yet somehow none of it’s Lore was completed.

I do think Tempests need a lot of work tbh

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Tempest missing Slow and Quickness?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

I think thoughts are for other classes to give it to tempest or even ele may be putting too much on one class.

But isn’t ANet’s moto for every class to be able to do everything eventually. That’s why they’re introducing new weapons and I just don’t see what other weapon/utility would be able to grant these two boons (as it fits Shouting and Wind Blowing much more)

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~