Id be happy for any dh non bow build idea as id like to try things out. Mostly interested in pve though
In those 15mins? What a hassle…for map currency fron dragonstand or?
Any update on this?
Shield with DH is really really good! but could be better i would not mind :P
In what capacity? What build r u using? Was thinking of trying a scepter shielld trapps build for dh but original guardian still seems better…
Scepter torch is still better but scepter shield works on a control burn build (or sword torch) and mace shield has very good synergies on a tanky healer build
Grenades for damage, ft for tankiness and lazy comfiness
Im wondering about undead runes vs krait though, especially with the short cooldown elite… and i personally might use ft instead od slick shows
Doesnt work well animationwise as ur often shooting into the ground…might want to adjust height or animation etc…
Use a very similar build bit with dagger for the added utility….works really well…
the best condi build i found looks something like that – i can stack up to 30 bleeds on an enemy so everything dies really fast…still youre quite resilient… you can also swapp staff with shortbow if you want
I really like it – was looking for a poison rune for some time for a fun thematic poison ranger build… i do like that lvl 6 gives you the duration bonus for 60 seconds… but +50 seems very low of a bonus…? if i look at pack runes and the such with their bonuses…i think it should be +100…no?
(edited by Nemesis.6938)
Marauder and crusadet u can buy from normal crafting merchant
Im interested in wanderer and trailblazer
No one cares if you buy it dont waste threads with such topics
I dunno i think people r exaggerating…im mot a very good player, i press the wrong buttons often in stess situations, im not good at pvp, im extremly casual and i dont run optimised builds but what i think is “cool”…after 4 days im at mastery 15 and have unlocked elites for all my 5 chars – i did never rhink it was waaaaaaay to hard….i managed it with all my classes a d mostly solo….many hp i could even solo that need mpre people…i think the truth is that a lot of people just need to get ridd of their zerker gear…
i do hope the underused weapons like shortbow, rifle and pistlols do get some more love with the nex elite spec’s…
pretty much. althought if its 30 runes it would be 3%
well but youre not guaranteed to get a superior rune right? i think i remember that at least at one point it was a chance of 20% to get a superior rune. I quickly checked and there seem to be around 80 runes, so your chances to get the right rune if this is true are around 0.25%…. so you need to do this 2400 times on average to get a full set
well…not sure i like that perspective lol
i am not sure how the mystic forge way works – i have to put 4 of the same major runes into the mystic forge until from what 30 different runes i randomly get an aristocrat rune with a chance of like 1% and then i have to do thi 6 times so probably 500-1000 times?
or how does that work exactly?
I thought crusader and marauder were at every armor vendor.
maybe im blind but i found minstrel and saw viper at a vender, but havent seen crusader…
Could we now potentially implement another way to earn the dungeon-only runes such as nightmare or aristocrat runes or make them a lot cheaper to get? with hot hitting as well as the dungeon nerf im having a hard time finding people to do dungeons now…
isnt the fire condition based damage? then toughness wouldnt help…
but with nomads or even cleric and the such you can be very very tough to kill as a guardian…. also looking forward to try crusader gear on the guardian – i think that could work very well
i looked for them as well and couldnt find them so far…maybe the weapons are only being sold after a certain event cleared or so
Where can i find these? Which map/merchant? Havent seen them so far…?
Well the zealotsfire throw is kinda the point no? Id probably go for the immobilize… i think a scepter shield build could work fine maybe
Any good pve builds? Builds without bow especially? Has anyone tried scepter shueld for example which sounds like it could work well? Or the combo of symbols and traps?
I’ve heard that Marauder gear can be obtained in HoT, and it’s a selectable option for the elite specialization weapon, but I can’t find recipes for Marauder armor. Is it obtainable, and if so, how?
Just talk to the master crafters at the crafting stations!
They sell the recipes for the inscriptions/insignias for karma, just like the other vanilla recipes.
Crusader stats are also available.
where did you find the crusader merchant?
Does anyone like the Nuhoch Proving hp in VB?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nemesis.6938
yeah, its a bit weird… no problem having a higher tier mastery in a first zone so that “you have to come back to get the hp” – but then make it interesting with a big boss fight or something like that…this is just boring…and with the new iteration coming pretty pointless i’d assume
[PvE] What profession can spec Condi for PvE?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nemesis.6938
i personally think guardian works very well with condis
i get the whole “outfits are less complicated to do” argument- but honestly, most people dont seem to buy them anyway, so do rather 1 armor instead of 5 outfits… if not possible then start adding single armor pieces…
i liked it…something else, like a combo between a fat hedgehog and a ugly turtle
i found its easiest to stay close to here and use some aoe to kill her minions before they reach her… i had much more issues / longer with the eijr fight
There's no way to get mastery points anymore?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nemesis.6938
it really depends on your class – as a tanky built engineer i could take on every champ so far with one other guy – a lot of them alone, even if it took at loooooong time to get them down… as a guardian with lots of heal too – but as dps focused class you will go down easily… if you are an all out dps zerker – think about more defenseive traits, skills, gear etc.
today, i had to do several hero points multiple times cause i never got the point after defeating the boss – the event also didnt end after the boss died but until the event run out… some points i could finish after several repetitions and logging in and out others i couldnt – a lot of people seemed to have the same issue – so the update seems to have broken something….
Please increase contrast of map marker icons.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nemesis.6938
they are sometimes a bit hard to see thats true, especially on dense layered maps
i kinda have the problem that the shredder gyro never seems to be able to apply burning bolts in a fire field – is that bugged or not supposed to work?
i mostly run with the boring old knights-flamethrower-elixir-might build…. but it works well and you hardly ever die…but your damage isnt huge…
now due to the might stacking i ran for now the same build – but could exchange the elixirs for some gyro (the bulwark for example) which makes me even more defensive :-)
hmm im undecided if i find the scrapper rune THAT useful compared to others…
im using the plain old knights-flamethrower build…and it worked fine…damage is on the lower side but you never die….
…plated weapons – thought i can buy them in dragons stand, but i cant find them…
It’s not cause they sell less, quite the opposite really. They sell more.
Problem? More work.
So instead, they make outfits cause it is less work, for pretty much the same profit. The easy way out basically.
Armor skins take way more time to make cause they have to fit all those pieces to each race and make sure they don’t clip/match up with other armors as well. While an outfit is one single piece that they don’t have to worry about it clipping or matching with other armor pieces.
So less work, for same profit. Instead of quality stuff, they’d rather just do easy stuff.
i see that point but i think
not every armor has to fit with every other armor piece perfectly
bring out more individual armor pieces such as lawless for example which will be less clipping problems/easier to fit and 6×1 means probably also more profit than 1×6
rather less armors but armors instead of dozens of outfits
i guess the only thing people can do is speak with their wallets and not buy them
(edited by Nemesis.6938)
It seems – looking at hot with 2 new armors – anet is really focusing on releasing outfits rather than armors…
I think this is super annoying – i can understand them trying to make money and i dont have an issue with releasing cosmetics in the gem store – but PLEASE make more modular armor sets and less of these stupid outfits.
Outfits take imo any fun or individuality out of armors and that is certainly not what gw2 is about. I cant understand why they simply bring the same stuff out as armors instead of outfits?
Are they afreaid they will sell less? Cause I very much doubt thats true – at least i personally will never buy an outfit for this exact reason: I cant alter it in any way and make it my own so i have zero interestg even if they are looking good (what they are mostly not)…
so please anet – more armors – paid or unpaid – and less outfits
doing the existing hero points in core is fine, it just feels really overvheliming and frustrating only getting 1 point on your way to 200
Just finished the story... (spoilers ahead)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nemesis.6938
how many chapters are there?
yea i also would like to know 2 things without spoilers
which masteries should i aim for and how many chapters are there?
i thought you can get hero points now in wvw
dont worry, next expansion is 2 years down the line…and the new elites will cost 1000 hero points…so start collecting ^^
i might do that as well….eotm might be boring but it also has some kind of meditating capabilities lol since you can do other stuff while doing it…and you gain wvw ranks and badges as well…. i think its of course worth it to get the masteries and stuff with your main, but after that meh
hmmm its kinda a tendency for a net now to lock more and more stuff behind artificial grinding/gates that started with silverwastes…. not saying it is necessarily bad, just an observation
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nemesis.6938
maybe it would be an idea that if you unlock ONE elite spec fully that you get some kind of account wide buff that increases hero point gain by xx% (i’d say 50) so that you can unlock further ones faster?
I wish a dev would come out to clear this up. So many questions.
Are ALL the armour sets in the wardrobe? Are some hidden?
Are more armour sets coming in future updates for HoT? Raid rewards possibly?They said two new sets at launch.
Bladed and leyline seem to be those sets.
That_Shaman did data mine a set back in the beginning of the year that had a basic and upgraded form and I now fear that was the legendary armor.
Which is incredibly sad because the medium armor was amazing and both leyline and bladed medium are awful.
nothing new that medium armor has the worst skins…you can really see that they are out of ideas of what to do altough i’d have a lot of ideas that are still missing
well i like open world group content, i think its the most fun multiplayer content to be honest.
I also think its great tough if you can do stuff by yourself if necessary…. Cause im just wondering – now with all these people everywhere, things work fine – what will happen once the zerg moved on and you have to do this stuff with few people? ouch