There is lot of talking about DPS here… And I thought that new spec will be our support spec…
I wouldn’t expect high damage on weapon. Probably AA will be something where last attack in chain: provide party buff, or provide enemy debuff (preferably unique one), or have blast finisher.
I am more interested in specialisation mechanic. As now if ANET remove toolbelt skills then it makes rest of our skills quite weaker.
Also about shouts… I just wondering how would they fit into “tool belt” category… “voice in the box”, that’s stupid… but looking at what terrible job ANET did with thief “physical skills” thematic (“I R physical” – pulls shield out of nowhere; “I R physical” – throws daggers) , I wouldn’t say that I am surprised.
PLEASE NO!!!!!!!!!!
Because I don’t want yet another PET specialisation… … …
I think the great fault of Anet with new specialisations was that they invented new skills types, and not provided skills with already existing types inside class specific trees. While with some classes it works (Shouts, traps, and glyphs are ok), but with other (Rage – because we don’t know what call more physical skills, Thief physical – really so much physical is throwing impairing daggers (are you a wimp), or taking this shield out of your behind, Gyros – just… terrible…)
I would love for engi geting new kit, along with gadget, turret, elixir. As much as other classes getting new stuff for their base skills).
I think dagger would thematically suit for poisoner/medic specialisation… but… it would probably mean YET ANOTHER condi weapon (and I am sick of these)… Almost as much as kits (ok like the idea of it being like weapon swap for something unusual, but hate that simply no kit can stand on its own, as weapon, and everything is balanced around having kits, and how they make many other skills obsolete).
Interesting idea was staff for some kind of eternal alchemist/artificer. I could see it having it’s own attunments changed whenever you use tool belt skill, that modify (not completely change) some of weapon / utility / even kit skills.
Mace is also no bad weapon idea, but after hammer I would prefer something different.
Also there is problem with 1 handed weapons… they have to use some counterpart, and for engi it is:
For every offhand weapon you have only main hand pistol (‘meh’ on itself condi weapon)
For main hand weapons you have pistol (solid burning burst… so yet another condi), or shield (that I never seen anyone use it since big skill tree rebalance, and CDs are pretty heavy for what they offer).
And if you say “then why not 2 single handed weapons”:
- Imagine other classes uproar (how could someone get 2 weapons)
- it is simply like getting 2h weapon (because they probably will work better together than with already existing weapons).
Honestly I think that launching expansion with single specialisation was very bad idea. Since it shoehorned every class to single role (with some exceptions).
I wouldn’t mind dagger for engi, but I won’t expect it as condi weapon (last few times they buffed condi output of base engi). Currently engi need something for team (something good, because if it is weak, it will end like Glint).
Also quite unexplored are class unique debuffs (I won’t use word “conditions”), so maybe (acid burns, armour shattering, blood thinning poisoning)…
For these saying not to allocate resources into engi kit skins… You know that they won’t allocate it in improving class… Because it it (mostly) GRAPHIC department, for that money you get YET another black lion weapon set (not like you will use most of these weapons, you will stick to your blunderbuss and rice cooker).
Also it would be great for Anet to allow engineer to have panel to customize kit skins (and I really don’t like kits). It would require more work from programmer side, but it still should be different team than balancing team. And to be frank team that adds new content probably working on expansion by now (I won’t expect to get new map in next, probably last chapter of LS, on other side I hope they won’t add another map).
It would also would open door to have other classes customizable effects (warrior banners – maybe you would like more tribal theme, or holographic etc.) and you know what… compared to other “stuff” it could be monetized.
“Purity of purpose” → Engi is DPS with field blasting as their utility (PvE dps spec), Scrapper is Bruiser (badly scaling out of offensive stats, sturdy and kittable).
I am not PvP player, so I am only a bit underwhelmed by changes (but I didn’t expect anything “gamebraking”). It could get worse. We could get hit with necro nerf stick.
Ok lets begin with
Healing insurance: When you use healing kit skills you spawn 1 random healing/buffing item on ground around you.
Healing done is increased by 1% per boon on you.
Reason: Making healing kit healing capabilities ‘stand on it’s own’. As it stands now you take it mostly for boost to elixir shell (that shouldn’t be the case)
Healing kit
1 (general changes) – Sprays should have base arc of effect 90-120 degrees. Probably should require to lower visual effect of spray.
(variant 1: 2 step AA)- First one apply poison, Second one provide solid healing to allies. And there should be dropped these awfully scaling additional healing for buffs.
(variant 2: 2 step AA Condi Clear)- as variant 2, at last proc of healing part also clear 1 condition of the allies.
Reason: Lack ability of topping allies without target is kind of balancing factor.
2 – Bubble Elixir – throw bottle that creates bubbles in target area, that heals up to 3 allies. Bubbles last for 5 seconds. Last proc heal for lot more (similar to 100 blades). Acts as water field.
Reason: If Healing kit have to be serious contender for main healing tool there is need for remote healing skill. The way it is scaled promotes staying inside, and it is balancing factor.
Caution: This skill should have very bad base healing, but exceptionally good scaling (even like 2.5-3 healing power as sum of all ticks) to avoid situation that kit overshine other means of healing.
3 – Metabolic Accelerant – Point your hand in to air and spray red mist that apply swiftness and regeneration to nearby allies. Also reduces duration of every condition by 2 seconds.
Reason: A bit more support with little regeneration.
4 – bandage package – drops package that can be used up to 5 times. It heals and apply regen. It works similar to current drop packages, but have bigger radius. If you want to get more healing (if package wasn’t used) you have to leave area, and reenter it again (acts as 1 “big” bandage)
Reason: Additional range healing tool.
Caution: Enginner can use it one (even if he reenter area he won’t get additional healing)
5- Miracle elixir – Sprays potion that increase duration of boons of nearby allies by 2 seconds, and increase duration of enemies conditions by 1 second.
Reason: Something different.
I found that big problem happens with current events now days…
I have some time so I thought I will get some achievements (even this one that is repeatable – with bandit bosses).
People generally ceased to do it… they moved on.
These events are hard to solo.
Yesterday I had bandit that pretty much 1 hit KOed me – next one to Claypool.
Today I had Temvay the Aroggant (should be called the Annoying) -> super easy but, never stays in melee (as his “primary” attack is long dash), also if you try to range him then he also have projectile reflection just to annoy you more… I could solo it but it would literary take me 0,5h if not more.
Next executioner. He don’t bring any reward past first kill, so people who did it will simply flee, because he is no longer worth time spent to kill him. Killed him 2-3 times, and I no longer have any desire to fight him.
I just ask if we could have rebalance of these fights so group of 3 people (of appropriate level – So I don’t speak of people of lv 80 with best ascended equipment) could clear these encounters in respectable time.
People reported that other achievements (gathering ley energy by priority/consortium/inquest) are also badly scaling.
I guess at this point you could return to only spawning single energy orbs so only 1 person can pick it up.
Also tried to finish my Shatterer achievements, but currently if I don’t find community run, then it is impossible to break his bar (especially it is harder because there are people without HoT that cannot glide, and by this contribute to breaking bar).
Could we have achievement that don’t count on random people to get, like dealing dmg to Shatterer break bar.
I think if we had this one specific group buff / target debuff we would immediately be a solid pick. But those are just dreams …
Well class specific debuffs are still option to explore in GW2, so it is possible that Engi will get these in next spec. Especially since we cry for some team wide support (the problem with vulnerability is that it is very common, and with 10 people group you really don’t need special person to stack vunerability… also I hate nades), that we don’t get any I have high hope for next spec.
I will give similar explanation as why Scrapper was nerfed, and Engi didn’t got anything expect minimal boost to condi dmg.
BECAUSE they probably working on next specialisation. There was stated that Anet work on next expansion, so they work on next specialisation.
And my guts say it won’t be purely offensive. Temprest supposed to be suppport oriented spec, but in final iteration Anet heavly increased dmg on overloads, and when they will want to give dmg option then they will probably nerf Temprest damage (and hope that they increase some PvE utility). I would suspect that next one will be bruiser for mainly PvP (probably with sword as main weapon, because sword mages are “kewl”).
ALSO… well I always found that 33% CD reduction was quite overboard, where “normal” weapons were only reduced by 20%.
Honestly when I saw changes last patch then something struck me.
Engineer bruiser build got nerfed, while condi dps got minimally buffed, yet still no buffs for overall team utility…
I think Engineer next specialisation will be support focused. Otherwise why work on whole “lets keep base engi dmg competitive”. We know that Anet working on next expansion so they work on another spec. I would imagine such spec, as “Drug Dealer” (buffs, debuffs – still there is lack in GW2 for class specific debuffs, heal).
As for other stuff… net to go to work so will read leater ;-p
And yet I don’t see reason why there can’t be boon sharing (except “I R ENGI I R SELF FISH”). It would be nice addition that surely would improve team viability of Engineer.
Also saw it… Before HoT if nothing drooped from 49-50 I could considerate it bad luck for team. Now it is preety normal that nothing drop…
So much any rewards… Even last time I opened encryption I got behind on money…
Oh there is one hard fractal… it is Cliffside after they “repaired” it (i would said kittened it), and made with some instabilieties almost impossible to finish – with random condition on mobs attack it usually mean 1 bad fear and it mean wipe, as warrior I don’t have enough stun breaks / condition cleanse to survive how fast you have to do it.
It made me Rage Quit (so I lost all my will to play GW2 today). I did it with exploding instability, and I didn’t felt accomplish (as it is also very BSy one).
I won’t do any cliffside above 50 ever agiain (great job Anet) it is not worth time/health to do so.
Before changes sometimes we (I and guildies) had problems with vulcanic fractal boss, but I never felt it is as cheap, as new CF.
Most bosses are dmg sponges. Death to berseker meta you wish. I see swapping for CF that one seal for something more tanky (for 1 person). The way the bosses are they reward glass cannon builds by being one huge pinatas.
Rewards… Lackluster! For 3 fractals 50+ 1 gold, and the thing that I love → wheel of fortune. At least for now I never felt that I lost something by buying keys. There are no gold from dungeons here. On side note there is no gold in dungeons anymore, or in new maps (yes the materials are quite expensive (for now)). In other word there really is no way to earn respectable amount of “liquid gold” (And I don’t see Raids to be reliable source – especially since they are going to aim for pro-s). Also Anet added new gold sink ascended salvage (after salvaging 18 rings I didn’t got single black matter or how it is called). Yep for now we won’t see how it affect market, but I would love to see It after amount of gold in some pockets dwindle.
well their speed is solid, but I found that Stealth one tends to zig-zag a lot, that makes him unable to keep up…
I just think Hero challenges are CHEAP way to prevent people to jumping straight to specialisation. Especially since 99,9% of people are not able to solo most of champions, and these in HoT are especially kittene point on VB (very hard to reach → only when you want to do that specific HP) spawns lot of veteran frogs and champion frog. It wasn’t easy when we were doing it with 5 people (as boss was able to 1-2 shoot most of the crew).
The best way would be chapter (not much 1 or 2 quests) of PERSONAL story that is personal (depends on your class). Lets be honest after you get to LA in story then it is not personal story, but more like general story. First when they announced specialisations I thought you will have to do some quest to get it… but unfortunately no…
The problem with “Over time” is that it probably mean next expansion… It can be a bit too long for my taste.
Especially since I think engineers got short end of the stick if you are PvE → not like you will have enough hero points to unlock second one in HoT, and I myself only unlock it for achievements.
I have a clear idea what would I want, but I also know that it would be disappointment for many other players.
Honestly I don’t write much, as most was said.
- Hammer had too long aftercasts for my taste (while I loved most of it skills – even #3)
- Gyros are worse than I thought they will be. Even bulwark had very limited use, and still was too squishy (not to mention that reflect was way to short).
- Traits are good (gm minor is kind of waste if it not affect dazes).
- function Gyro is quite function-less
General feel was, that this specialisation is very self sufficient, and quite bruiser-y. But the biggest downside is that it don’t offers much to the group that other classes cannot do better (vunerability – base grenadier doing it similary well, and reaper in shroud will do it better, super speed – is meh).
It is not that specialisation is bad (I don’t see it in PvE/Raiding meta)… But it don’t offers anything that I want to build my enginner for.
It simply don’t fit my character fantasy. And what probably the biggest fail of this specialisation, is that I probably won’t be spending any skill points on it. Skill points are limited resource, and specialisation is very expensive to spend my skill points I only can hope that for next specialisation we won’t have to wait until next expansion.
I am with PopeUrban on whole meta stuff.
And if you want to PUG raids then good luck for you (you will really need it). I am looking for raids like something more like Triple Trouble. Not hard by itself, but requiring knowledge of your role, and communication…
Also… On your position zerker levers, I wouldn’t be so scared. The way how whole game is designed. It promotes damage heavy builds. So even with changes I don’t think there will be reqirement like more than 1 healer (or even healer dps → zealot equipped) and tank (maybe even some sort of off-tank), and maybe something additional one person who invested in survival gear.
- lot of staff skills and traits are around healing (it looks like you really gonna be able to stack healing means).
- druid get his own shroud (F5)
- if you don’t like healing there are going to be some really nice pets (smoke scales → prety nasty if you were in verdant brink (shadowsteep / dodge in smoke fields / smoke fiels to blind), wyverns, bristle back (probably first solid ranged companion).
I think that untraited grenades AA should be weaker than untraited hammer AA. The weapons for engineers are joke already and nowhere near comparable to even untraited kits (if you don’t run at least one dmg oriented kit your dmg is virtually non existent).
Now lets go back to the topic.
Irenio what I am wonder what niche medic gyro suposed to fill. If you answer this question yourself then it would be easier to balance it. Maybe make it stronger Heal over time, but only apply 1 target at the time, maybe heal should gradually increase as long it is alive.
Could at least Bulwark Gyro have some additional dmg resistance against AoE that he is not primary target of (all area targeted skills and cleaves – unless gyro is only thing that got hurt by that dmg).
Function Gyro is really underwhelming in PvE, and there were some nice ideas like:
- long range resources gathering
- picking up bundles and giving them to you (conjured weapons, random items laying around, cliffside fractal hammer)
- opening chests
- using leavers, and other interactive objects
- even as remote controller to siege weapons (well WvW would appreciated it more)
I only see it viable against big and immobile enemies (world bosses), and maybe against some stacks, where you can place it inside enemy, but that tactic is cheese and I think it shouldn’t be promoted (especially by game devs).
I don’t see it having much (if any) use in WvW, or PvP.
Don’t overestimate the power of blast finishers. If it is so powerful we should see more lighting hammers.
In earlier conceptions when scrapper was forge it supposed to be blast on last attack in chain. Lets be honest what would that made engineers? Poor man warrior without banners if only you can keep fire fields 100% of time. It could make probably return of
cleric/brawler/engineer that blast water fields as long as he has something to auto-attack.
Also giving blast finishers on bomb 1 would be way more broken than giving it on last attack in hammer 1 (it would provide around 2 times as much finishers, without needing a target to use it).
You want it to be changed or you predict it to be changed?
To be honest removing such receipe would make serious s_storm, and no amount of good feeling would be able to cover it.
Lets be honest the TRASH stat sets like Magi will still exist.
And there is enough ascended equipment for salvage. Especially if you run FoTM (most of my guild have way too much rings; and some have some armor parts that they simply have too much compared to other parts).
You can do your triple leap finisher and apply lot of weakness.
Or you could leap in a lightning field with the Expert Exermination and daze your oppnonent, give him 27 seconds of weakness and 15 stacks of vulnerability for 9 seconds and dazing him for 1,5 sec or so…
I am not saying it is best use → I would say you would be better with mortar kit.
Also it opens possibility to not take Expert Examination, or apply lot of weakness for monsters that you cannot daze, or don’t want to daze (generally bosses) → but still it is only “minor” application, that you probably find lot of better utility skills that will fit that space on your skill slot (for example unless you are super into condi burning you won’t be using toolbelt skills on rocket boots).
You can do your triple leap finisher and apply lot of weakness.
Lets be honest, some of other specialisations have also quite bad utilities. It is hard to make always 5 skills and not double some stuff, or some stuff being underwhelming.
The problem that I see with gyros is that they look like moving turrets. Anet promised something truly special, but all I see are turrets that live up to 15 seconds (compared to few minutes of their stationary counterpart).
Also lets be honest here. There shouldn’t be any skill type that promotes slotting every utility slot with such type of skill (like kits are now in PvE).
Lets begin with change of that TERRIBLE CD that starts after death thingy. CD on gyros should start on casting (if it lives long enough then better for you, because it will have less down time).
healing Gyro – is simply bad, but with healing turret there is really not many things that are good.
bulwark gyro – nothing new (phantasmal defender 2.0), but thematically nice. Probably the one that I would be most interested in using. Of course it could use much more passive defence → especially against AoE skills that he was not target (circle casting skills, cleave attack that it is not primary target).
Blast gyro – another terrible one. battering ram 2.0. I would say scrap it completely and think something new. And even if. Why this one don’t have AoE explosion and is not BLAST finisher like I don’t know “IT NAME SUGGEST”.
Shredder gyro – could probably stack nice stacks of burning/vunerability/leching when you place it on (Very) long lasting field. But lets be clear it would still be using cheese tactics (when you place it inside big, preferably motionless boss).
Purge gyro – the amount of conditions it cures is nice, but really it should be doing it at distance (at least 500), otherwise it will die too fast.
Stealth gyro – accualy I am not interested in changing it much. It was clearly desingned to WvW, as kind of side diversion. For sure it should keep up with you (even if you jump down the cliff etc). It could also hide a bit more people. For sure I see it having it own niche in WvW.
Did you heard about game killing floor 2. There is hammer with shotgun on the end (I can see “ammunition”).
Also ammuniton dont even have to be bullets. It can be some kind of energy pack :-p
I think Scrapper is in an AMAZING place considering it hasnt had a BWE. once we get our hands on it with some feedback…woooooo
Looking at that how often, devs looking at engineer feedback, and how long it takes them to fix things then I wouldn’t be so hyped about it.
Keep in mind that scrapper will be available only during 1 beta weekend (unless they will do 4th BW), and will be sharing it time with Druid (this same team is working on both specialisations, or at least is coordinated by this same guy).
Haha, I can’t believe people are disappointed with this. Considering Engi is already an extremely versatile and strong class, getting a few more fun toys to play with seems like something to be happy about to me.
The Hammer looked really cool, stealth gyro was cool, and I like the stacking toughness+superspeed regen traits. The other gyro’s are not that great, sure but as someone else in this thread said, YOU DONT HAVE TO RUN THEM.
Unfortunately they took my toys away, and none of new one is shiny enough (not to mention they are so similar to each other). So I am disappointed, and the longer it goes the harder it will be to change it.
Well “try” is a keyword. I myself don’t know much about WvW (especially that more structured one).
Ugh… When I watched PoI i felt something repulsive (I think it is how false/artificial it seems). Also saying that elite will be useful in skipping… I had quite nasty comment about it.
Generally I feel “Meh” about it, and If it is good idea to drop explosive line for this one. It for sure is not that I was waiting for.
I think Anet try to insert scraper into WvW meta, as tanky Frontliner.
Why PvE people are not liking this specialisation? Well because it have written PvP all over it. When I read about it I thought tanky WvW frontline.
- Multiple field activating leap finisher (not like there will be many fields in small parties → I found out that even during world bosses there is severe lack of fire fields → if I blast And there is no field with so many players there is really something wrong)
- Bot that stealth but is itself visible. The key component of “skipping” is not to be detected. If enemies detect bot then it is not use. But in WvW it is harder to see 1 small flying bot than 5-10 people hiding under it. Well I won’t mind having mortar in this place (I still prefer to carry long range weapon with me).
- long range ressing/finishing. Finishing is completely pointless (even in previous Betas there were no enemies that you need to finish – so new content don’t have it (YET)). Resing I would still call minor benefit (it not like it is very hard to res people in most places). It would be really nice If you could open chest, gather nodes, PICKUP ITEMS (conjured weapons, hammer in cliffside fractal, etc.)
It is still not That I wish it to be, But I am mildly interested. I won’t call final verdict before I test it. Previous trait changes were very disappointing for me.
ehm… When I read it only one lightbulb that shines it is: WvW frontline.
Skins for Kits! people would buy them!
Unlucky 25% without even single electro dye. For more salt to the wound The dyes I got were worth like 1,5g total (not to mention the only rare one was UGLY).
I have not tested it, but devs stated that regen don’t activate it (but they didn’t say anything about regenerator backpack, soothing mist or guardian regen that probably DO activate it).
Still it is probably one of the worst trait available (well the whole line is kidna bad for healing purposes)
As I always say. I could have traded Elixir-Infused Bombs, and speed bonus for new traits (as they were presented at the beginning). Yes there could be broken combos when you count usual healing turret healing combo, BUT new invention line is laughable for healing (in ICDs, and power). So now I want my healing bombs back.
And I need remind that in first aid kit only F1 is counted as healing skill. Equipping kit is not using heal skill.
Well… I would like “old” events to be back, because I play since November last year (and didn’t even completed Halloween ones).
Now I look that some had some very interesting rewards, and not exactly only for looks (I am interested mostly in recipes for runes, sigils and even Zealot stats otherwise unobtainable unless some overpriced available on TP).
Ok most was being said.
Ventari legend is only about healing. It could use other defensive stuff.
Also doubling time on elite shards (and maybe trait ones) would be nice, also faster cast (because even after cast people still need to pick up shards).
Too much micro managment with healing, and relocating. I found that in more mobile fights I am better to stay with Shiro for healing (…over healing spec… … …).
Shiro is nice one, but for more zerg fights I found it to be more useful to be stun bot (it made me sad when I read that Impact sigils don’t work with it). Super speed was great, especially since Revenant lacks of movement speed.
Jalis because hammer were disabled when near cliffs/walls, then only road was nice… so I didn’t stay much with it.
Hammer was very nice weapon (way better than enginer’s mortar). While a bit slow. I really liked self combo of wall of mist + auto attack (I found base healing a bit low). Wall of mist could be 1s longer. Also skill 2 should be possible to cancel in mid animation.
Staff I also spent lot of time using it. And I quite liked it. Skill 2 need to be changed or at least added 0.25 s daze/stun/interupt for first attack, and 2s knockdown on second attack. For now it is I am looking for big attack and MAYBE I will be able to finish casting before it go off, and MAYBE weakness will work, and MAYBE enemy won’t kill me (too much maybes). Skill 3 could be 1s longer block. Skill 4 have to big energy cost. Skill 5 can be a bit too much niche.
As most stated all “throught the mist” attacks (sword 3, hammer 2, staff 5) are quite deceptive. They look like you should be evading while doing them, but unfortunately you are fully targetable, and receive full dmg. This is more painful because you cannot cancel these attacks. While adding evasion cold be a bit OP (still smokescales have evasion), then at least add a bit dmg resistance/invisibility while casting.
The problem is… there are no tanks and healers, because they not only make dungeon runs much more slower, but also they don’t make them easier, as usually longer fights mean that all active defences will deplete and cause DPS do disengage, and there are still attacks that even full tank cannot just stand and take. And still if you want to heal your paper DPS then you will be able to heal like 1 hit (maybe 2) with all your big CDs.
While I don’t think that longer fights mean harder content (it means usually more boring content as longer fight is more hp), but still they mean more chance to fail to dodge, and higher chance that enemies can use “wipe-ing” attack (colosus rumbulus).
And about all these trinity haters. Anet never said they don’t want Tanks and healers, but they don’t want to keep people in these single role/minds.
Unfortunately… the design don’t let tanks / healers compete with DPS in sense of viability.
I would love to have hybrid stats (ok i sacrifice dmg to help healing), but there are not even GOOD hybrid stats available. Ok there is zealot, but now it is almost impossible to get it (as all recipes were event only), not to mention there are no ascended accesories for it.
MDF is in my opinion weaker than ele water minor trait. It work similarly to outgoing healing effectiveness, but with ICD, and that is messed by any spontaneous small healings.
And about “Passive healing” elementalist have his water blast → deal less dmg, but heal more than EIB, and guardian have healing on symbols (and with mace they can have simply 100% up regen + symbol healing + healing from last hit in aa chain).
I think the only place to take offhand axe is Vulcanic fractal – to quickly lower enemy shield stacks.
Also you can use it at begining of fight to quickly build adrenaline.
Still prefer bow. Bow seems bad secondary weapon, but it allows you to kite and regen health, while damaging. Useful in bad PUGs.
Some time ago I made topic with sugestion of lowering bases and increasing scaling of blast finishers on water fields → most notably supportive healing mechanic that now can be easily done by any build without any healing power without much outgoing healing loss (lets say, there were mixed responses).
Probably the most interesting changes regardless healing power and other defensive stats was:
- connecting healing power with boon duration → to make this more supportive and useful stat.
- connecting toughness/vitality with stamina regeneration → to connect them to more active form of supports.
Curently the only effective use for defensive stats are: nomad “you mad” PvP bunker/res/supp, and even then they usually require some additional means of protection (stealth / protection).
They are annoying (even sometimes impossible) to deal with, so people can think that defensive stats are powerful. (Still it is funny what would condi build do with this – especially if it can inflict poison well enough).
Still no bombs AoE increase. Currently they have less radius than ranger torch 5, and lets be frank it is not exactly the most complex change…
In trailer we saw that drones fly around engi.
So I would say they will be one of following:
- Self buffs (evey X s attack nearby foe) / Self buff toggles.
- resources used by utilities in similar way that revenant do.
Of course it it anet and it could be something completely different…
@Chorazin – I am quite sure that after final version most people swapped their cleric gear for something other (I went celestial → a bit mixed coz I didn’t got enough mats for full). Not only we lost lot of healing, but also lot of power (to power converting skills → I think I lost like 200-300 power even with 30% stats buff). And of course new conditions, that make toughness quite bad stat.
Complex and diverse builds? I would say most complex rotations. Engies are jacks of all trades, but master of none, and still it usually require heavy trait/utility switching (to fill specific niche) and by this your damage will go way down.
Yes other classes also depend heavily on their none class mechanic. But only engineer is doing it to deal respectable – to high dmg (depending on number kits equipped). There is no resonable build that don’t runs any kit.
Sometimes I think that 10s global CD on every kit would be healthy. It could possibly in PvE make stuff viable other than 3 utility – kits only. Of course as long as they make using main weapons (for more than 2 seconds) viable.