I believe (no, I know) the majority of players who are able to join the test will consider this a nice “bonus,” an opportunity to spend a bit of extra time in the game and will not feel entitled to getting additional or extra free items.
Works for me! Need that mount fix……(such addictions we have @.o )…
Will we be getting access to Path of Fire demo again during this stress test or will it be closed? Stress Test
I miss my “Skales” he needs to be taken out and ridden every now and again!
LOLZ, while I have this issue also I figure it to be natural since minions are undead reclaimed souls. Makes sense they would get consumed/disappear/go back to owner they don’t want to die! Just my take but its a fun one maybe its intentional?
Will there be an Amazon PoF Sound Track for purchase also?
Might we also get LWS3 Sound Tracks from Amazon?
We love the work the audio team has done in the past.
While we (imo) do not necessarily need a hype train, some hype is good! I have been eagerly checking the posts waiting for this! So THANK YOU for some hype/heads-up/future content
As a Quality of Life suggestion I would like a Key Ring and Scroll Cabinet added to the Inventory Panel.
As a Quality of Life suggestion I would like to see more free space from my purchased shared inventory slots. I purchased the maximum shared inventory slots allowed for an account and had been very happy to place boosters, nourishment’s, Royal Terrace Pass, Captain’s Airship Pass, some ascended weapons, conduit, Salvage-o-matics (Silver and copper fed). As I frequently swap between 9 main characters, and really I visit all my altachars (59/69) each day for one reason or another. I have been coursed into choosing to either playing one main character ( major sad face ) or dumping map keys and portal scrolls into my shared inventory spaces. Having a love for each of my 9 main characters and doing as many map dailys as I can map keys and portal scrolls are taking half the space I paid for. This is not a happy “convenience” solution and no I was not forced to put them there or even buy them. One of the things that made guild wars so fun to play was the conveniences it uses in taking many of the repetitive time consuming tasks and turning them into a unique way to rapidly handle loot/item management. Guild Wars 2 and it’s predecessor have been the only video games we play since 2005. I don’t really see that changing anytime soon either. But it would be nice to have just another feature (if possible) of an already splendid form of convenience playing. That is to add a Key Ring and Scroll Cabinet to the Inventory Panel.
In order to accomplish this I am suggesting the addition of a key and scroll cabinet to the bottom of the Inventory panel. The two new icons would operate similar to the Wallet but would store two commonly used items (especially from us altaholic players), map or other game keys and Portal Scrolls (permanent, 2 week, and map specific).
The Key Ring would contain a listing of and store all in game keys and the quantities we have of each. The keys would still be obtained as they are now. We would be able to store the same amount of keys as Material Storage up to the limits of what ever we have upgraded our Material Storage to (Storage Expander purchase lead ins?). If one key required another to create as with the Aetherkey Piece or Essence of Nightmares you would open your inventor click the Key Ring button taking the player to the Key Ring and then double click an Aetherkey Piece or Essence of Nightmares (assuming they had collected enough to create the end result key) and it would add one of the completed keys into the inventory of the Key Ring. The rest of the keys would of course be consumed as they are used in game now. If the Key Ring space for a particular key was empty you could give an error message saying something like “You have misplaced your keys” or the standard “You do not have xyz key in your Key Ring”.
The Scroll Cabinet button would open the Scroll Cabinet Panel and list each of the unlocked or locked scrolls available for purchase from the gem store. As a player purchases a scroll it unlocks the use of it in the Scroll Cabinet. When one wants to use a portal scroll they open inventor (step taken now anyway) click the Scroll Cabinet button then click or double click the scroll they want to use and they would be taken. 2 Week Scrolls would also be listed there and work similar to PvP Custom Arena time tokens. The more 2 Week scrolls of the same type purchased the more time they have to use them. I time left display could be added to let them know when they needed to buy more.
I would certainly purchase more permanent Passes to have my Scroll Cabinet unlocked ( ) and this might lead to more gem purchases if this was added as a “Wardrobe Unlock” or “Cabinet Unlock”. Similar to bag slots, storage space, or crafting licenses from the gem store. I would certainly pay 1k gems to unlock a Key Ring and Scroll Cabinet on my account. Since it will be like getting 9 free Shared inventory slots, for me at least. Attached are some images I worked on as a rough design idea. I’m no artist and not very good with kitten so forgive the crudeness of the screen cap edits please
Thanks for your time!
P.S. Just thought of this as another possibility, Lockpicks! Add a Mystic forge recipie that lets us craft1-3 lockpicks using four of any other keys. If 4 Black Lion Keys are used then 5-10 Lockpicks are dropped. Lockpicks like in GW1 can be used for any “chest”.
(edited by Seth Moonshadow.2710)
Thank’s for the Tweet! at least we know its getting looked at now
Hi Kevin can we get you to tell the other dev’s we have some connectivity issues going on also?
many of us can’t play right now!! because we just keep getting disconnected
Nope! running a repair did nothing! ANet help us get back to playing!!!
I’m not sure reinstalling is such a great “fix” but let us know how the next 30m goes cuz i’ve spent the last hour on the forums when I could have had it reinstalled. I’ll try running a repair first though.
groups to run together instead of stringing out and wiping for 20 minutes trying to skip 2 minutes of fighting trash. That kills dungeon fun way more than the long time commitment and lousy loot.
can’t agree enough!! It’s all about the gw1 Vanquishing
Here is the other error I am getting. This is a guild wars issue as all other internet based use works fine as do other mmo’s looks like I will need to play them for a while? ANet help us I don’t want to play my other games!!
Agreed, this is happening on login, map loads, character swaps & WPing. Happening very often at least 1/3 of the times I do any of the above. After getting the connection error 3 or 4 times it kicks me out to he login screen and removes user name & password as if I were just loading up guild wars. Also kicks wife &/or kids out when one of us logs in. it happens more the more players we have on
one word: RAID’s
“Raids are our answer to what skilled PvE players have to look forward to at endgame—the ultimate test to overcome and defeat.” ~Raids
There is no other reason for an Authorization Server to be down?
Exactly, not like windows updates ever fragged a server either right!?
yupperz home instance for DR has the attached error when loading into home instance.
Thank You for a wonderful game thus far!!
I would like to see the following changes:
- Dye Back items & weapons that were not gem store items.
- Have either a key ring for map keys or add them to wallet (its nice the keys stack but not that there are so many to take 7 inventory slots!?)
- Guild mail/messaging
- Craft ascended back items (not mystic forge, I want to use my inscriptions
- Scribe crafting materials (all of them) added to material storage
- Shared “toy box” with 20 slots for all our tonics, broomsticks, bobble-heads, kites..etc…etc (could be a gem store item
It’d be nice if PageUp and PageDown buttons helped scroll the list.
Or perhaps redesign the character select screen entirely, and model it after a MOBA layout. (Can we fit the 60+ character slots in that space? Hm.)
We don’t need the character so prominently displayed, and to be honest, anything bigger than an Asura ends up partially cut off anyway.So, I drew up (literally) a proposal. Sadly, in MS Pain(t), because I’m not near my editing tools and wouldn’t be good enough for a full-color mock-up anyway. Forgive the lack of pixels, but as a bonus, enjoy added sort features and an on-screen daily notice!
^ What he said x10!!
Please bring back the Candy Corn Gobbler…Candy Corn Gobbler…Candy Corn Gobbler!
:D Thank You!
How is Mass broadcast this hidden? Literally within 5m of getting the DC messages the post came out about what was happening. The main pages is about what is coming or new not Windows Happenings!
P.S. Thanks for the Tweets!!! Big help Rubi, Steve and the others thumbs up
Welp! Time for a history lesson…* loads Guild Wars 1, logs in and plays *
THANK you for the update! It should help clear things up a bit ;D
First of all I love guild wars (1,2 & HoT) so don’t take this a just another crying post because it’s not. There is a lot of great art, code, content and work in general that has made this, in my opinion, the best mmorpg.
That being said for the first time since BWE1 and August 25th 2012 I was board with attempting to achieve / participate in content. Specifically the Bloodstone-Crazed Creatures. It lacks timer information or a means of knowing when to be at a location. There is a lot of confusion in the map chat (yes, I know it’s map chat…still) and standing in one location waiting to get your target just is not fun! I could be doing something else in the game and enjoying guild wars except I would miss out on a Bloodstone-Crazed Creature and I have already waited 1 hour!
Please Please Please, at the very least add the Bloodstone creatures to the same rotation as the anomaly and at least let players chose which one they want to go to!
Thank You!
Loyal Guild Wars 2 Fan
Hope for future hard level content...
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Seth Moonshadow.2710
IIRC Wooden Potatoes put out a video showing that Tyria 3D found a Guild Wars 2 wire frame map of FoW including each of the areas. Will it be a reality? Who knows, but Anet tends to support popular player requests and FoW/UW have been requested a lot. So we can only hope and wait to see
I had a similar problem in the last update. I copied the .tmp file and then renamed it to Guild Wars 2.exe. That has been a semi-repeatable fix for Windows 10+64bit gw2.exe issues. Running repair has helped also. Another possible fix (thought long depending on your speed) is to reinstall. I would do that once everything else has failed to fix it.
Just my 2c
not sure if this is in the same category so I made a separate post.
Admins feel free to merge Grief Counseling
While I have completed this achievement my wife has not be able to have the achievement rewarded to her progress. She has completed the event “Escort Alari Doubleblade on her quest for vengeance” and the preceding events in their entirety. When Alrai reached the talking phase my wife spammed the /yes command before during and after and twice during the large paragraph (at the point I was rewarded). She was still not rewarded with a completion for Grief Counseling. The other player in the party did receive theirs.
We play on the same subnet and I am not sure if that is making a difference? This is the 4th time attempting this achievement.
It also assumes Lord Mordemoth is dead, which is silly since you can’t kill a god. He will return and lead the Sylvari to glorious victory over the tyranny of the pact.
Lord Mordemoth? You mean Elder Dragon mordremoth? Elder Dragons / Dragons are not Gods, they are deities creatures. And we did kill him just as we did Zhaitan, just as we will at least attempt for the remaining 4. That weed has been pulled
It kinda does make sense, if in the story line we follow Braham in cleansing his homelands? After all we did avenge his mother, why not continue on to his next greatest challenge? While I agree we will be going to the desert soon or later (WAY too many clues not to) what ever comes from the egg needs time for growth be it good or bad.
All the remaining elder dragons we know of are awake, mordy told the story of the Sylvari. In the norn story line we are told jormag forced them south. Dragons (the main antagonists of guild wars 2) are not in the human and charr story lines as directly.
In any case, an elder dragon an expansion sounds good to me!
IIRC from Guild Wars we had a couple missions played right on top of a fabled elder dragon (Jormag) buried under the ice. While in Guild Wars 2 this area appeaser to be the Far Shiverpeaks. Those that took notice saw Scarlet’s Energy Probes were placed in that area. Drakkar Lake: “Frozen within the lake itself is a large creature. It is a champion of Jormag, one of the Elder Dragons to be featured in Guild Wars 2.”
Rock vs water, well in that video it was a rather large explosion reaching into the air given the pact gunship depicted. The dragon buried under Drakkar Lake is surrounded by Rocks, trees, ice & snow. While the face can be seen the wings extend below the icey surface into the rocky mountains.
Can’t wait!!!
I think that was technically Jormag’s champion or something (as you mentioned)- not Jormag his / herself. Also I’d be surprised and disappointed if we didn’t go to the desert next / continue with the glint egg story
I deleted that post.
GW2GURU “The dragon burried beneath the ice of Drakkar Lake is actually not Jormag. He’s to Jormag what the Shatterer is to Kralkatorrik, something akin to lieutenant.” ~ Stéphane Lo Presti
My guess is that would be Claw of Jormag whom we know in Frostgorge.
I believe we are seeing Jormag arise from the Far Shiverpeaks!? Probly not happy eaither. Can’t Wait!!
Glider Suggestions? Share Them Here!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Seth Moonshadow.2710
Holographic & Holographic Shattered Dragon Wing + Tempered Spinal Blade Gliders to go with our back item skins please!! Also agree with Lucadiro on the carpet and also add the riding broom as a gliding option
Thank you very much!
(edited by Seth Moonshadow.2710)
I would love to have an “Enchanted Black Lion Key” as a gem store item!! It operates the same way the Enchanted Boost do only you can store all the map related keys especially:
Zephyrite Lockpick
Bandit Skeleton Key
Key of Greater Nightmares
Pact Crowbar
Exalted Key
Vial of Chak Acid
and others items listed on the Key Page. As more map related “chests” become available in the future those keys would have a home in the Enchanted Black Lion Key. As we earn crowbars or other keys we can drag them to the Enchanted Black Lion Key and it will stack them with any existing keys up to 250 for each item in the Enchanted Black Lion Key. The Enchanted Black Lion Key would work with and can be placed in a shared inventory slot so we could have one Keyring to rule them all!
While I like the Enchanted Black Lion Key idea best, if that is not an option could we at least get them in the account wallet?
Thanks for clearing that up for some reason what you said it makes sense now. I should get more sleep
Not sure if this is a bug or not? I tried Googling for it and did not get anything. If this has been reported please direct me to the post / move this post to it’s location.
Anyway, I am working on the Uzolan’s Mechanical Orchestra (achievement). I have been following the wiki write up for it and I’m getting stuck on imbuing the horn. See screen below. I have tried both Spirit-Powered Horn and Alchemic-Powered Horn but I get the standard “You’ve gained all you can” message. Does this have to be done with an alt that has not completed those Hero Points?
I have run the repair on both exe versions, still disconnects. I tried using the gw2.tmp file and it worked for about 1 minute before disconnects started up again. unable to play / stay in game
Please Help!!! Want to play!!
Repairing client may possibly help if it is a issue with the transition to the 64 bit client, the patch said something about the 64 bit client.
The patch said “The 64-bit client is no longer in beta. The 32-bit client will now automatically switch to the 64-bit client if the conditions appear favorable”
you can set it to 32bit if you need that by adding -32 to the exe
No, patching is not done and you will get more updates.
correct, many of us are having this issues and some of us cannot even stay ingame more than a few seconds
This is not just PvP or WvW issue, this is happening to PvE, WvW and PvP. Plain and simple it is a disconnect issue on Anet’s side. We are on BG and we cannot even stay in any PvE maps for seconds before getting disconnected.
We are not able to play at all!!!
May 17 update causes disconnects.
Unable to gain access to log in server and then dropped. This is with both 64 & 32 bit versions on Windows 10. We (multiples of us playing from same network) are brought to the character select screen and cannot double click to re-login or select another character. This happens even if only one client is connecting at a time. Loading characters into PvE.
(edited by Seth Moonshadow.2710)
While I am very grateful for the Q2 Spring update and its changes I think I would prefer to have more mastery points awarded from achievements (Living World Season 3) or from map locations and not tied so stringently to Adventures. I do like the adventures and I play them for the fun of them alone. However sitting at the max distance from my provider the lagony/lag/latency I get will never allow me to achieve a gold reward for adventures. I had hoped that my recently upgraded systems would have made Adventure Gold Rewards more achievable. Sadly while I can play just about everything else at max settings (I even tried lowering my settings) I have been unable to achieve gold rewards as I was in Beta, on the same adventures. If you play Adventures for the fun and not the competition or the rewards they are fun, unique, and very creative part of the game to enjoy.
That being said I don’t think I have gotten more than 2 Gold Adventures and that would have been because the cyber deities and The Six were looking after me. I was able to add up 1m wasted of a 2.35m adventure waiting for the poles to register for me instead of some one else on Sanctum Scramble. I figured it was due to it being a daily and went back later to try it again, I was able to get farther 8/11. Though that was still only for Bronze rewards. There is absolutely no way I will ever get a gold. I found I was loosing on an average minimum kitten per run waiting or going back to poles.
Please bring more mastery points to us with the Q3 (Winter?) update for Living World Achievements It would also be nice to have more added to maps, maybe tucked away in the far corners, for us explorers / PvErs. Consider adding them to event achievement line? Reward 5 or 10 for completing every event on the map in both day and night cycles twice? Or as an Itzel, Nuhoch, Exalted supporter by completing 100 events that help those races (like Ordnance Corps Auxiliary )?
P.S. We still love/like/enjoy the adventures for the “Adventure” of it, not the competition ;D Let competition be where it is most appreciated.
Hoping to finish my Mastery’s in Q3
I have filed a support ticket also. Was wondering if any one else is having this problem. On all four of our Vista system we get the attached error message. Our Windows 10 System works fine with out a problem. Yes I have uninstalled and reinstalled. I have attempted a repair (same error message).
Are there changes to the system reqs? A heads up would have been nice if so.
Thanks for more shared bag slots and the free one + booster
How about GW1 miniatures, I’m thinking the Gwen Dolls as it happens, but any is fine.
I’m also thinking that maybe their would be a little discount for people who have one bound in GW1 perhaps? That might get people logging into GW1 as well.
I second that!
Please bring back the Candy Corn Gobbler to the gem store this Halloween!
This is not for a Gem store item. This is acctualy a suggestion for those who purchased the Deluxe / Ultimate Edition and were provided “Mordremoth’s Bane Guild Hall Decoration”. Though It could also be a gem store item for those who have the Deluxe or Ultimate account allowing them to unlock other “Mordremoth’s Bane Guild Hall Decoration” and multiples of them.
Add the unlocked item as a re-purchasable item from the guild hall vendor! Increase the price to say 1 gold for each decoration added. The decoration that will be added will only be the decoration that account unlocked with the guild decoration vendor.
I bought the Ultimate Edition and used my “Mordremoth’s Bane Guild Hall Decoration” to add the Severed Wyvern’s Head. That adds 1 Wyvern head to the guild decortaions supply. It now becomes available to me for 1(2,3,4, or 5) gold for an additional Wyvern head. I can then buy 10 Wyvern heads from the guild decoration vendor for 10 gold.
Example 2
Keep the in line with existing Trophy decorations. If an account has unlocked “Mordremoth’s Bane Guild Hall Decoration” from purchase or as a Gem store item they now have a chance to earn the same unlocked decoration as a Trophy. The trophy is used just like existing trophies and are “Trade in at the guild decoration trader to earn a decoration”, maybe increase the drop rate since it was a paid unlock.
Legendary Wyvern Patriarch = Drops Legendary Wyvern Patriarch Trophy
Octovine = Drops Deluxe Vine Wall Trophy
Securing Verdant Brink (Tier 4) = Deluxe Charr Copter Trophy
As a Gem store item they will unlock one of the other two decorations on that account or convert the unlocked item into a reusable decoration. So if an account (Deluxe / Ultimate) buys all three Gem store “Mordremoth’s Bane Guild Hall Decoration” Unlocks All three decorations become available to that account through the guild decoration vendor with the ability to buy more than one from the guild decoration vendor.
Help small guilds build Vinwall Mazes or spell their names too
(edited by Seth Moonshadow.2710)
Thank you for “rethinking / adjusting” the scribing costs.
I like Link Hughes idea about scribing materials being given as a reward to guild members for playing together. As many small guilds have at least 2 members who party together maybe slivers or other scribing items (various levels of scribing kits and tool kits), can be given as drops if 2 or more guild members are in the same party and complete events (not just guild missions). Or have those items drop only for characters who currently have scribe as an active craft profession.
I would also like to see Scribing being brought more inline with the rest of the crafting. While other crafts have very few recipes that do this other than backpack items. The Scribe is forced to craft EVERYTHING tiered as other crafts backpack crafting. That should not be so and contributes to mass consumption of lower materials only to craft 1 higher level item. That just seems wrong in my opinion. It makes sense with a bronze, silver, gold level as with world boss statues. It does not with everything else.
Just some ideas to help the creative chisles and quills think things over
True, Sneek. However, I often see copper fail more when there are more ranged than melee and the melee player (it literally was one warrior) is pulling husk out of range. Some, not all range then re position and the battle drags out to a loss.
Basically we should all work together and with what is working, if ranged out number melee by decent number then melee shouldn’t pull target out of ranged. After all melee hates when the target is pushed or pulled away from them If there are more melee than ranged just zip it and get in there with what ever hand to hand swap you have and contribute.
Agreed! Khisanth, attention helps. Kinda what I am speaking to above ^
Gliding in Tyria
New Shatterer
Squad UI improvements ~ especialy LT feature
World Boss Decorations
Show all usable object option
Could use some awesomeness
Commander LFG ability
Balance killing favorite builds
Can’t wait for
Scribe rework
Living World Season 3
5 more Shared inventory slots (10 Total)
The price is acceptable because while it may cost you up front for the shared slots. You save in many ways. Would you rather buy multiple 800 Gem salvage-o-matics or Airship/Terrace Passes for 1000 Gems? Or maybe you want to spend 3000 Gems multiple times for each character to have perma farming gear? Those 5 shared slots can save you and all your characters from never having to buy harvesting equipment or salvaging gear again. They lessen the cost of trips to a bank (true, guild halls do that too) to swap that gear out. If you use alt characters it is in my opinion a must have.
However, to each their own.
I just hope we see the ability to have 5 more shared slots, I would even go for a full 20 shared slot pack but that would be a bit exsessive! 10 Shared slots is perfect
Though the 20 would be sweet for sharing a set of legendary weapons and armor and some boosters, maybe some Transmogrification Tonics? Sorry, getting on a dreaming rant now…don’t mind me ;D
Still shows it is NO Myth! It can and does happen and contributes to copper failing.
On the other hand, I and others have helped the weekday crowd to be more successful at SW all good