Showing Posts For Shadowfist.2708:

Still no achievement for Twilight/Sunrise?

in Crafting

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


That’s bizarre then. I signed in last night and it was missing. I even unequipped/reequipped twilight and logged out to see if I needed to equip it again. I guess I’ll put a ticket in.

Still no achievement for Twilight/Sunrise?

in Crafting

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Hi there. I just got back from a ~4 month break from this game only to immediately notice upon signing in that there was still no award for my twilight on my character select screen.

I remember 6 months ago being told that a fix for my twilight’s no character screen legendary medal was to be coming shortly, but here we are, still waiting. I browsed back quite a few pages on the crafting forums and don’t see any mention of it.

Does anyone recollect what the last statement made about this issue was? No need to go digging for a link, just seeing if anyone remembers off the top of their head since I know there’s quite a few people irked about how long this has been going on for (since release).

Is ranger a viable class?

in Ranger

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


I’ll prolly get hounded since this is the ranger forum and all but to answer the OP: No, they’re not.

People will defend their preferred class ‘till their dying breath but as of right now, Ranger’s aren’t very good for end game. Sorry. Even the best played rangers tend to fall somewhere around the average player of other classes. It’s not the player’s fault – it’s just the class ATM.

Kicked out of my own team then

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


That’s hilarious, considering that almost everyones first run on 10 involves no AR and usually a few more after that. Plus the fact that they were stupid enough to kick the group leader.. that’s pretty comical as well.

What do you want from my ranger??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Some total nonsense in this thread about rangers. Rangers are not that bad, infact I as a ranger have never BEEN kicked from a party becuase of my class. Infact I get INVITES to join parties where peple have played with me before and know that I play well as one.

Yeah… pretty sure that if rangers were as awesome as people such as yourself keep spouting, there wouldn’t be these threads talking about why a very large majority of players hate having them in their groups. Even in groups that are successful with a ranger, it likely would have been done a lot faster with a different class.

Sorry but it is what it is. Rangers need fixing.

Many rangers that I know have rerolled because they are acutely aware of how godawful they are compared to other classes. At some point the blinders have to come off and you have to just accept it for what it is and wait for the (hopefully) incoming buffs.

What do you want from my ranger??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


It’s not your fault Anet made rangers horrible. There’s not much you really can do.

And let’s be very clear on this one – rangers ARE horrible.

You can sit here all day and say that “HURR DERR everyone else is just being jerks rangers are awesome lol” but you’d be wrong. There’s a legitimate reason that people kick rangers and here’s a tip – it’s NOT because they’re awesome. They’re genuinely a terrible class that do everything worse than any other class.

Sure, a HIGHLY skilled ranger player (of which over 90% of you are NOT, even if you think you are) will make a ranger look decent compared to all the average people that play this. However, put him along side a HIGHLY skilled warrior/guardian/anything and he’s not going to look so impressive. That’s the fundamental problem. Even the BEST rangers are not much more than just OK.

That said, when you pull a random in to your group, odds are he’s not one of those highly skilled rangers. It’s a lot easier to just boot and grab the next person.

I’m really getting tired of all the kiddo’s saying rangers are fine and people are jerks. They’re not fine. Just because your guild/friends put up with your class and run things with you doesn’t mean you’re fine – it just means they’re good friends.

Kick options for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Increase to 3 votes.

Nothing comes close to Greatsword for PvE...

in Warrior

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


lmao I almost wish unstickied posts would despawn after X many months.

That said, no need to hate on GS builds. GS work very well in PvE and no one can sanely argue otherwise. There’s a reason it’s popular. If it was bad, it wouldn’t be. /thread

Warrior Rune Suggestion Plz

in Human

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


I personally went with a mix of soldiers/knights for my armor stats, then slotted 6/6 Superior runes of the pack for the high power and precision to balance it out a little. The runes also give a longer duration on swiftness (v. nice for wvw traveling) and pops a nice aoe buff for you and nearby allies occasionally when struck in combat.

Human Female w/ GS

in Human

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


In my opinion, if you’re holding a sword that looks like it can cut through a tiger tank you shouldn’t be able to sheathe it on your back, rather you should just have to carry it over your shoulder.

If you walk w/ the greatsword out as a human male, he does in fact carry it over his shoulder.

I think this game's population became offending

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


What GW2LFG should do is remove the “comments” option and create drop downs that only say which path you’re doing. It’s not a problem on Anet’s end, but a problem with the players, the tools available, and the ignorant few who are ruining it for everyone else.

So what you’re saying is that people who choose to run certain types of groups shouldn’t be allowed to because you don’t approve of the way that they choose to play their game?

My point here is that while you might not like it or while it may in fact be petty, you don’t have the right to dictate how others play the game which is what you’re getting at. Besides, people will find a way around it even if you disable comments. Instead, you’ll just get booted from groups more often right after you join because they don’t like your class instead of them being able to filter what they want before inviting/accepting invites.

I think this game's population became offending

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


When someone wants X class over other classes, it’s just showing you they themselves aren’t very good, and they need be carried. Now a days I steer clear of those groups advertising need war/guard, because it’s basically advertising they suck.

Keep telling yourself that.

It’s not that people can’t do it with a certain group build or that they’re not good themselves. It’s that they’d rather do it FASTER with a better group build.

What exactly is an exploit?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


While I understand your meaning, I’d actually be more inclined to do it with a developer for the ensuing comedy. xD

Yeah, and upon retrospect, whenever I throw on my dev tag for a dungeon, people tend to show me exploits and point them out >.<
However I have been thoroughly amused at times. I tend to hide my dev tags when finding a PUG, and then halfway through the dungeon I will tag up, and watch everyone leave the instance within minutes.

lmao im torn between finding that hilarious or evil

What exactly is an exploit?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


However, there are some “grey area” glitches that makes me wonder if something really is an exploit or just a very strange bug.

When in doubt, send us an email anyways, or post on the forums. We’ll inspect it and judge it, and then decide to do something about it.

But generally when it comes to exploits, use your best judgement. One of the things my momma taught me, is that “If you wouldn’t say it around your Grandma, you shouldn’t say it in general.” which I suppose can be translated into “If you wouldn’t do it with a developer in your party, then it’s probably an exploit and you shouldn’t do it.”

While I understand your meaning, I’d actually be more inclined to do it with a developer for the ensuing comedy. xD

What's the point of Fractal of the Mist now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Anet.. are you SURE you didn’t screw with the loot?

Feb 1st - SBI/CD/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


People need to post the score more often, it’s hard keeping tabs at work w/o them!

(Please and thank you?)

Why aren't cheaters being banned?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Skipping parts of content does not always mean “cheating”. Using mechanics to your advantage does not necessarily mean cheating either.

For example: Is it cheating to stand on top of the boss in the cliffside fractal, stunning him when someone uses the hammer on the seal? Before, he would some times drop the hammer repeatedly, and often the “stun” that hits all the players would affect him to a point where he would just sort of stand there not attacking.

Well, they’ve changed this fractal and he no longer drops the hammer repeatedly, so this was obviously a bug and not intended. However, group members standing on top of him will still stun him when they’re stunned after hitting the seal. So you tell me: Is this an intended mechanic of the fight to stun the boss and mitigate damage? Or is this an exploit?

My point is, there’s no dev post on it, so there’s no clarification as to whether or not this is intended. Some people might say “Well thats a bug the boss isnt attacking” while others may state “it’s not a bug, the mechanic is designed to stun anyone near the players, so stacking on him is a viable strategy – otherwise they would make him immune to that stun attack”.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


The very reason people want them is because they are not everywhere. You have many cool skins in the game, some arguably way more cool than legendaries, and yet you don’t see people clamoring about those. Why? Because anyone can get them with relative ease and there isn’t much of a prestige factor tied to them.

Make legendaries common and nobody will care. Make them common and actually wearing one will become cheesy and unwanted even. It’s like a Super syndrome… everyone wants to be Super – but when everyone’s Super, no one is.

This. This. This.

There is no more clearer of a way to explain that. No terms more simple.

Dungeons and Monthly Awards.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Ok with all this said. If a guy wanted to attempt the monthly, what dungeon would you recommend as easiest or least frustrating?

Cof Path 1

CoF 1 for Exploreable

but I still have to say the easiest is CM Story.

Got kicked 2nd time today in fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


I have joined 30 PUG’s this month and never once been kicked. It’s just you.

Ehh I was kicked by an [SG] guild once so they could fill their buddies in for Maw but that’s the only time I ever have been. However, judging by this guys comments on the forum I tend to agree with you and the previous poster that he may have a little bit more to do with his kick than he’s letting on.

Just pointing out though that there definitely are some terribad guilds doing this.

Solo Dungeon option - end forced grouping

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Now players kicking others for no reasons, should be banned. But if you are an awfully rude player that has been complaining for 80% of the run, you will end up getting kicked.

I dunno. I’ve been in groups where one person was preventing the other 4 from being able to progress. They were nice but it was clear that no progression or final loot would be in the future if they weren’t replaced. This was explained to the person and they were asked to leave. When they did not, they were kicked and replaced by the group.

There are many reasons besides being rude to kick someone. You might not like it but they’re valid reasons all the same. Raising the number of people required to kick from 2 to 3 would make more sense. However, your definition of “kicking for no reason” may very well include items that other people find to be a valid reason.

CoF Farm - Dps Warriors Only Out of Hand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


I think people are allowed to play how they want and that you don’t have the right to stop them from doing so. Just make your own LFG and take all the people not running in the warrior group.

Solo Dungeon option - end forced grouping

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Please make the story dungeons easier and soloable without nerfing the rewards

So you want all the rewards with none of the effort? You are everything wrong with gaming today and I would politely ask you to go play something more your speed, like Farmville or Angry Birds.

Well if you are of the opinion that all games should be made so they are “insane hard core challenge level” then I would say the same sentiment is true for you and would politely suggest that you should go play something more your speed like masters at chess , fps or a game with a insane level built into it.

I’m fine with letting you solo them, so long as your rewards are drastically reduced in order to reflect the drastically reduced level of work required.

This is a multiplayer game, yet you come here and complain that it’s not got enough single player action for you. It’s marketed and advertised as an MMO for a reason. Skyrim would probably be more up your alley.

Volcanic fractal burning overtuned now

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


1) Fractals of the Mists don’t count toward your monthly achievement.

How did I get January’s monthly quota then? I did nothing but fractals. I haven’t set foot in one of the old dungeons since the FoTM came out, because most of the old ones are horrible and bug-ridden.

Confirming that Fractals do NOT count towards monthly. Sorry but it doesn’t.

Shaman is one of the hardest bosses, yes, but he’s still easily doable so long as you dodge appropriately.

Again, then, how on earth did I achieve the monthly last month? Is this a Feburary change? Didn’t see it in the patch notes.

I. Never. Set. Foot. In. Anything. Other. Than. A. Fractal. Last. Month.

…And got my monthly.

Just telling you, they don’t count. There isn’t anything else to say. Fact is fact. Nothing to argue.

Volcanic fractal burning overtuned now

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


1) Fractals of the Mists don’t count toward your monthly achievement.

How did I get January’s monthly quota then? I did nothing but fractals. I haven’t set foot in one of the old dungeons since the FoTM came out, because most of the old ones are horrible and bug-ridden.

Confirming that Fractals do NOT count towards monthly. Sorry but it doesn’t.

Shaman is one of the hardest bosses, yes, but he’s still easily doable so long as you dodge appropriately.

Some questions about Fractals of the Mist

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Yeah, you can progress pretty far w/o AR. This would be the skill-based that you’re referring to. Gotta dodge. Even at higher levels, max AR will not save you. You have to Dodge.

Remove Downscaling in Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Yeah I have to agree here. AC is not difficult – there’s something wrong with how you guys are running it. Possibly a combination of poor gear/build/strats working in harmony to squish you.

Another precursor post thingy

in Crafting

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


They are (justifiably) angry at an irritating design choice that rewards luck instead of determination.

I disagree here – if you’re determined enough, you’ll keep forging weapons until you get it. Sure, there’s luck involved. However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t determination.

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Legendary weapons are supposed to take a lot of work and dedication.

Nobody wants it any easier than people strutting around with them now had it when they made theirs…

Are you kidding me? I just finished mine over a week ago. I did it the hard way just like the majority of people on here are doing it now.

The only difference? I didn’t come here and raise a huge stink about it. I shut up, did my daily every day, my monthly every month, saved my money, and flushed hundreds of gold away until I got mine.

Way to try and discredit my opinion simply because I don’t have the mindset that everyone should have a welfare legendary.

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Did you understand the point of my view ?

Yeah I guess. If you don’t want to buy it from those people then don’t. Use the money and gamble it on the forge then.

If it were up to me, precursors would be account bound and not sellable. Make everyone use the forge. That fixes the gold issue. Of course, someone else would complain about that for some other reason. The thing is, precursors will never be cheap. Ever. They’ll always be expensive, and I’m not sure you can really do anything about that.

Pic of Zomoros !

in Crafting

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Oh no. Someone got him wet. Please don’t feed him after midnight.

Another precursor post thingy

in Crafting

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


It just blows my mind that people think everyone should have a legendary.

Don’t get me wrong. I get it to an extent. I was envious of other people I saw with twilight. I didn’t come complain about it though. I just put my nose to the grindstone and went to work on it.

This isn’t a welfare program. Either you work and work and grind excessively long, ridiculous hours to get it or you give up and don’t. They’re not supposed to be, nor should they be, easily handed out. That’s what keeps them rare. That’s what makes them legendary. That’s your reward for being so dedicated.

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


I have all the Gifts ( Gift of Twilight + Gift of Fortune + Gift of Mastery ) in my bank and enough mats too made another set of full gifts but not dusk.

If that means I’m not entitled to get a legendary cuz i’m not lucky enough to get dusk or i’m stupid enough to not use bugs for it… just kitten this game and thx too mmo gods, TES Online is coming… !!

So… you have 3/4 forge pieces needed to craft your legendary and you’re not willing to farm the gold to buy your precursor or gamble with the forge to get one. Sorry but all that tells me is that you’re not willing to go the extra mile to get one of the highest achievements in the game. I’m not trying to bash you but you don’t deserve it if you aren’t willing to bust your balls for it man.

Some people get lucky. Some people don’t. That’s just the way it is.

I wasn’t very lucky. It took me a long time and ridiculous play sessions to get mine. That’s just part of it. If you want a legendary bad enough you’ll get one. If you don’t want it bad enough, you’ll come to the forums and raise a stink because it’s not been handed to you yet.

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Legendary weapons are supposed to be rare.
Legendary weapons are supposed to take a lot of work and dedication.
You are not entitled to a legendary weapon. You may choose to earn it.

People have legendary weapons. It is obviously obtainable. There’s no “fixes” needed.

Too many of you assume that you are entitled to one. You’re not.

Party Size in AC

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


My issue is time. It’s hard for me to do pick up groups because I have two daughters who usually are clamoring for my attention. I am going to pick up GW2 as a gift for my husband so we can play together, so I was just hoping We’d be able to manage dungeons together.

Well, two manning it is something that requires geared/experienced players who understand their builds and what abilities to use for the fights. Starting off like this w/ GW2 is probably not possible. You’ll need to run it to get a bit of your gear and to understand the strategies and what not first. Even then, you have to remember that 2 manning it takes significantly longer. So, if your children are clamoring for your attention, you may not have the time that would be needed.

Just my 2 cents.

Dungeons are rediculous now.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


I think people are forgetting one important thing here… a LOT of players found dungeons to be, more or less, a face roll. Few of them provided real challenges once you had done it a time or two.

I know there’s the opposite end of that spectrum too – people who haven’t done them much or who aren’t geared out yet.

The problem faced by A-net is finding a common ground. They made it a little harder via the WP removal (but in all honesty, I don’t know of other major MMO’s that would let you death-zerg bosses down). However, they made other aspects a little easier as well.

It’s possible that I may have been running too much fractals lately, but I swear the mobs seem to be a lot easier in dungeons like AC than they were before.

please remove the brooms

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


We have short bows that shoot rainbows and unicorns and you’re worried about a broom??!!

I lolled. +1

When will the sunrise be legendary?

in Crafting

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


and deserve the rewards that come with it. Who are you, again, to determine what is and isn’t important?

Isn’t the legendary itself a reward? Why would you even care about this badge you see for like 3 seconds each time you log in?
Of cause you should have it since you crafted a legendary but making a big deal out of it seems a bit pointless.

It’s rather difficult to explain how annoying it is to someone who doesn’t have Twilight/Sunrise and who doesn’t have to deal with not being properly rewarded for your time and actions invested.

Suffice to say it’s something that is owed to the players who crafted these legendary weapons and is long over due for being fixed. This has been reported for a ridiculously long time and Arenanet is dragging their feet. They had time to add an entirely new animation unicorn to the Dreamer (which already fired rainbows just fine, mind you) but didnt have time to fix this? Stupid.

Party Size in AC

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Realistically speaking a solid 3 man group can tear through it faster than an “average” 5 man with ease. You can run it easily with 2 quality players or even solo, but that’s just a huge waste simply because it takes so much longer.

Dungeon finder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


They have to be careful though, otherwise this will just end up like WoW, where people never congregate anywhere and just show up in the LFG tool. Kinda killed the community spirit.

thats not an lfg problem thats an issue with reward for content OUTSIDE of fractal and dungeons…

if there is no content which rewards you what you want outside of dungeons or fractal you will only do these two and just hang out in lion the rest of the time waiting for groups

I’m having a hard time reading what you’re trying to say.

Regardless, it absolutely is a problem with having an LFG tool. It takes away the incentive for people to congregate anywhere in order to group up. Personally, I’d like to see the LFG tool work AT the dungeon, so that people congregate outside of wherever they want to run in order to LFG.

I’m sure people will disagree with that idea but I’m just focusing on keeping the community aspect intact.

Dungeon finder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


They have to be careful though, otherwise this will just end up like WoW, where people never congregate anywhere and just show up in the LFG tool. Kinda killed the community spirit.

Salvaging legendary gifts?

in Crafting

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


I kinda liked the idea of the rainbow effect and while the bow seems a bit “my little pony” -ish….. I would of paired it with my female toon.

Flying unicorns? Naw… I’ll pass.

I feel for thieves right now. Between Dagger, Pistol, and short bow – they have a short bow that shoots rainbow unicorns (seriously?) and a pistol that shoots confetti and daisies (really?). Looks like Dagger it is if you don’t want to look like a flamboyant parader.

When will the sunrise be legendary?

in Crafting

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Wish they’d respond to this – I mean how hard can it be to add a badge to a weapon.


Fixing sunrise isn’t exactly the biggest of their priorities, and as with most bugs, it’s not as easy to fix.

Only a select number of people have sunrise, and even fewer care about the badge, so why take away resources from more important fixes?

Uhm, it affects those of us with Twilight as well. It’s a pretty important fix for us, seeing as we busted our balls to craft our legendary weapons and deserve the rewards that come with it. Who are you, again, to determine what is and isn’t important?

It’s common sense. What’s more important, fixing story line quests or dungeon bugs that hinder progress, or a medal that no one really sees or cares about?

Well I see it and I care about it and I’ve also run in to very few if any dungeon or story line bugs that hinder progress. So to me, I’d say it’s more important to fix the rewards system. Your questions are subjective.

Furthermore, there’s different dev teams. The dev team specific to dungeons/PvE worries about dungeons. Whoever works on achievements needs to work on this.

When will the sunrise be legendary?

in Crafting

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Sunrise does not add to the Legendary counter achievement because it and Twilight combine to form Eternity. Yes they are still legionaries, but the main reason is because both Sunrise and Twilight are still base components of the final legendary which is Eternity.

Will we see the two greatswords count? Possibly, but don’t get your hopes up.

That’s nonsense and pure speculations. This has never been stated by the devs anywhere.

When will the sunrise be legendary?

in Crafting

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Wish they’d respond to this – I mean how hard can it be to add a badge to a weapon.


Fixing sunrise isn’t exactly the biggest of their priorities, and as with most bugs, it’s not as easy to fix.

Only a select number of people have sunrise, and even fewer care about the badge, so why take away resources from more important fixes?

Uhm, it affects those of us with Twilight as well. It’s a pretty important fix for us, seeing as we busted our balls to craft our legendary weapons and deserve the rewards that come with it. Who are you, again, to determine what is and isn’t important?

Thank you Mystic Forge

in Crafting

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


No one likes a bragger.

Sums it up. /thread

Superior Rune of the Pack

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708



15 characters

Legendaries- What remains to be updated

in Crafting

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


People who own Sunrise and Twlight still have not had the simple logging screen medal fix yet.

Why? It would take 5 minutes to code that.

Confirmed… ridiculous. At least it counts towards an achievement.

Which server has lots of ppl in Orr?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


There were hundreds of people in orr last night on CD….

daily events.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


I’m having a hard time taking this seriously. Is this supposed to be like a joke thread?

If you’re serious and you have that hard of a time dodging then you need the practice anyways. Dodging is a key mechanic in this game and stupidly easy to master.