Showing Posts For Shonie.5297:

Just merge the bottom servers

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


I don’t care about balance. WvW will never be balanced. It’s an impossible dream.
What I care about is having a sustainable gamemode as long as possible. That’s something everyone who still plays can agree on. People leave the game every day/week/month.
The goal is to keep it fun/entertaining for as many people as possible for as long as possible. As numbers drop off across all tiers, even t1… It’s important to keep the top tier players happy since that’s where the vast majority reside. If numbers drop off too much in the top tiers, the game becomes unfun for the majority. Then numbers drop off even quicker since the majority will look to other games to fulfill their love for large scale RvR pvp. The top tiers need to be fed with new players more than the bottom tiers do as players leave the game. Eventually there will be nobody left and the gamemode will die. Before that happens, there will be only 3 servers. Before that happens, there will be something in between 3 and 24.
This is inevitable. The faster t1 dies, the faster the game dies.

This is even worse that the other trash you’ve written. The people who need zergs WILL KEEP MOVING TO THE ZERGS! I don’t understand how you do not get this. The people who want to play on the big fight style servers will keep moving to them. They are not stuck down in no mans land. That is not how this works. The ability to transfer is there for a reason. Do it! Stop sitting where you don’t like it.

The top tier doesn’t need more people. They’ve been filled out with plenty of people. Based off of your previous arguments the bottom tier needs more people. Stop feeding the top, feed the bottom.

Do you see how silly your arguments are? They make no sense and are clearly wrong. Just stop. If you’re trolling then well done. If you’re serious I think you need to take a break from gw2 and the forums because your view on how this whole system works is terribly unhealthy.

I do agree that bottom tiers need more people, but that isn’t going to happen.
Nobody is going there. You can’t fill a 4 gallon jug when you only have 2 cups of water no matter how hard you try. Especially when the 4 gallon jug is leaking.
What you can do is take multiple cups of water (multiple servers) and fill that one jug as much as possible until eventually there are no cups left and the jug has leaked dry.

~Tarnished Coast~

Just merge the bottom servers

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


Why are people still arguing over this ? Its pretty aparent that some people think this is a great idea while others think its a terrible idea. Your not going to change the others mind.

Personally I like the server were on, the people are fun the community is great, if they were to merge servers who knows where we would end up. The potential to be paired with a toxic community or a server full of people you can’t stand for whatever reason is completely possible.

In the grand scheme of things it would be healthier for the game to have less servers with higher population but, it would not be healthy for many of the communities that would be destroyed by this process.

I wouldnt want the population/blob fest that is T1, been there done that. Anywhere from T5 – T3 is the sweet spot imo.

You need to stop thinking that everyone not on your server is a complete tool.
There are good and bad on every server.
And this is the internet, most people are out to ruin your experience in any fashion possible. It’s the goal of the newer generation. I’m assuming it’s mostly anger misdirected at the world the previous generation has left them, and I do agree to an extent, the world is a crappy place… but that’s another discussion…

But your point is equivalent to saying, that you have 5 friends and they’re great friends and it’s an impossibility that you can meet 5 more nice people and have 10 friends. The world outside your small group of 5 friends isn’t actually out to destroy you and although new people may be different, limiting yourself to not experiencing new things is not healthy. The status quo never remains so forever. Embrace change and a better way of doing things.

~Tarnished Coast~

Just merge the bottom servers

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297



A large part of my server would probably rage-quit the game.

People who are in bronze have EVERY opportunity to leave, and choose to stay. We like it here. If you don’t like bronze, transfer like everyone else who doesn’t like it. Don’t seek to destroy what we like because you don’t like it.

There’s a lot of things people like that aren’t viable and are therefore discontinued.
I’m sure some people are still upset that Cherry Vanilla Coke was discontinued. Sure, some liked it, but not enough to continue producing it. The same applies to Polaroid cameras, music cassettes, and thousands of other products.
WvW is a product, if not enough people are using it, it will be discontinued.
And you are in the minority of people thinking that having less people in WvW is an enhanced experience.
The majority need to be catered to, and since the majority of people are playing in the top 3 tiers, that is the target group (the argument that Anet doesn’t care at all about WvW is a separate issue). Servers need to be merged to enhance the playability of the game mode across whatever tiers remain and the players that remain. I was in tier 3 a few months ago and it wasn’t really playable outside of NA. Small roaming groups outside of NA prime to cover 4 maps is by nobody’s definition the intent of this game mode.
If it’s that bad in tier 3, I can only imagine how bad tier 8 must be. Especially for people who play outside of NA prime.
WvW is like terminal cancer. It’s all over eventually, it’s just a matter of staying alive as long as possible and enjoying the time you have.
Not merging servers is like drinking gasoline. It isn’t healthy and will probably kill you sooner.

You being ridiculous. The majority are catered to already. The majority are in the top three tiers having fun in the top three tiers. Since when were all of those people magically transported down to the bottom where they cant have fun. Oh, they weren’t? Shocker because that is what it seems like happened based off of all of these silly posts you and a few others have made.

WHY are you all so against us playing where we want to play? You know that we have the option of moving up like you, right? I’ve never been to the top tiers. I don’t care to. The majority of my friends who have been in the top tiers who share MY(again, not yours) style of play didn’t like it and came back down. So what can we decide based off of this evidence? I most likely wont enjoy top tier.

My lack of enjoyment of top tier fighting does not make your enjoyment any less valid. You have fun your way; I will have fun my way. DO NOT tell me how I should enjoy playing this game. We don’t make threads about your choice of game style.

The transfer button is there if you want to bring balance to the tiers and make the bottom more populated. Otherwise stop with this nonsense and lets get back to the game, mmmk?

I don’t care about balance. WvW will never be balanced. It’s an impossible dream.
What I care about is having a sustainable gamemode as long as possible. That’s something everyone who still plays can agree on. People leave the game every day/week/month.
The goal is to keep it fun/entertaining for as many people as possible for as long as possible. As numbers drop off across all tiers, even t1… It’s important to keep the top tier players happy since that’s where the vast majority reside. If numbers drop off too much in the top tiers, the game becomes unfun for the majority. Then numbers drop off even quicker since the majority will look to other games to fulfill their love for large scale RvR pvp. The top tiers need to be fed with new players more than the bottom tiers do as players leave the game. Eventually there will be nobody left and the gamemode will die. Before that happens, there will be only 3 servers. Before that happens, there will be something in between 3 and 24.
This is inevitable. The faster t1 dies, the faster the game dies.

~Tarnished Coast~

Just merge the bottom servers

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297



A large part of my server would probably rage-quit the game.

People who are in bronze have EVERY opportunity to leave, and choose to stay. We like it here. If you don’t like bronze, transfer like everyone else who doesn’t like it. Don’t seek to destroy what we like because you don’t like it.

There’s a lot of things people like that aren’t viable and are therefore discontinued.
I’m sure some people are still upset that Cherry Vanilla Coke was discontinued. Sure, some liked it, but not enough to continue producing it. The same applies to Polaroid cameras, music cassettes, and thousands of other products.
WvW is a product, if not enough people are using it, it will be discontinued.
And you are in the minority of people thinking that having less people in WvW is an enhanced experience.
The majority need to be catered to, and since the majority of people are playing in the top 3 tiers, that is the target group (the argument that Anet doesn’t care at all about WvW is a separate issue). Servers need to be merged to enhance the playability of the game mode across whatever tiers remain and the players that remain. I was in tier 3 a few months ago and it wasn’t really playable outside of NA. Small roaming groups outside of NA prime to cover 4 maps is by nobody’s definition the intent of this game mode.
If it’s that bad in tier 3, I can only imagine how bad tier 8 must be. Especially for people who play outside of NA prime.
WvW is like terminal cancer. It’s all over eventually, it’s just a matter of staying alive as long as possible and enjoying the time you have.
Not merging servers is like drinking gasoline. It isn’t healthy and will probably kill you sooner.

~Tarnished Coast~

Just merge the bottom servers

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


I don’t know why you are so kitten about this. Don’t need for long paragraphs since I didn’t even bother to read half. But whatever, have fun fighting the rare zergs servers can pull down there and npcs. I’ll have more fun fighting actually people whenever I want 2.

Fair enough. Have fun in your giant blobs 1 1 1 1 1ing your way to empyreal fragments.

Fair enough, play the way you think is fun. That’s your right.
Nobody is transferring down to help you, a very small minority think map hopping in groups of 10, for 20 hours a day is a fun way to play the game. When the 5 people left playing on your server finally decide to quit out of sheer boredom or get tired of fighting against servers of 20 people, maybe you’ll finally come to the realization that there’s too many servers to support the game mode.

1 1 1 1 1 is so much more impressive in tier 8 when you’re the only person on a map solo’ing camps. Who are you impressing when there’s nobody around to see it? NPC’s don’t have feelings.

Dude, that’s not what bronze servers are like. Do you realize you’re spouting complete garbage lol? Even ET, the most dead server in NA, can field 40-50 people at times. Darkhaven, for example, almost 24/7 has a 20+ zerg, during sea we have 30+ and a 20+ guild zerg with great frequency… You just don’t know what bronze is like or are lying, idk which. I’ve posted screenshots earlier in this thread about what it’s actually like on my server (darkhaven, which is currently the top t7 server), and I can do so again if needed. But bottom line, this exaggeration needs to stop, only one server in the game is as dead as you describe and only for a portion of the day (oceanic/sea), ET.

You know there’s 4 maps that can hold 80-100 people per server right?
A 20-30 person group running around? Wow, you can almost half-fill 1 out of 4 maps 75% of the day.

You know people can only be in 1 map at a time, right? So if you want fights, you only need 1 map to get them. If 3 maps are empty and 1 map has quite a few, you can go to that one map if you want fights. Very simple.

Using the argument that you can only be in one map at a time is rather futile.
Three and a half empty maps is the opposite of healthy for a large scale pvp gamemode.
And this is as good as it is going to get.
There are more people leaving the game daily than there are new players to the game.
Which option of these 3 do you feel is best…
1) add more servers to dilute the population even more
2) keep it the same and over time almost every server below tier 3 will be nearly empty at all hours outside of NA prime for a few hours.
3) merge servers and keep the game active in at least a few tiers for as long as possible until the populations get to a point where the game mode is no longer sustainable in any tier.
Obviously nobody in their right mind would agree that adding 3 new servers would make sense. 27 NA servers? wtf Anet?!?!?!
So ask yourself why 24 is a good number? 24 is still wayyyyy too many at this point in the game’s life cycle.
I’m curious why you think 24 is a good number, when there’s no way anyone in their right mind would think adding servers would be healthy.

~Tarnished Coast~

Just merge the bottom servers

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


I don’t know why you are so kitten about this. Don’t need for long paragraphs since I didn’t even bother to read half. But whatever, have fun fighting the rare zergs servers can pull down there and npcs. I’ll have more fun fighting actually people whenever I want 2.

Fair enough. Have fun in your giant blobs 1 1 1 1 1ing your way to empyreal fragments.

Fair enough, play the way you think is fun. That’s your right.
Nobody is transferring down to help you, a very small minority think map hopping in groups of 10, for 20 hours a day is a fun way to play the game. When the 5 people left playing on your server finally decide to quit out of sheer boredom or get tired of fighting against servers of 20 people, maybe you’ll finally come to the realization that there’s too many servers to support the game mode.

1 1 1 1 1 is so much more impressive in tier 8 when you’re the only person on a map solo’ing camps. Who are you impressing when there’s nobody around to see it? NPC’s don’t have feelings.

Dude, that’s not what bronze servers are like. Do you realize you’re spouting complete garbage lol? Even ET, the most dead server in NA, can field 40-50 people at times. Darkhaven, for example, almost 24/7 has a 20+ zerg, during sea we have 30+ and a 20+ guild zerg with great frequency… You just don’t know what bronze is like or are lying, idk which. I’ve posted screenshots earlier in this thread about what it’s actually like on my server (darkhaven, which is currently the top t7 server), and I can do so again if needed. But bottom line, this exaggeration needs to stop, only one server in the game is as dead as you describe and only for a portion of the day (oceanic/sea), ET.

You know there’s 4 maps that can hold 80-100 people per server right?
A 20-30 person group running around? Wow, you can almost half-fill 1 out of 4 maps 75% of the day.

~Tarnished Coast~

Just merge the bottom servers

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


You sound bitter about 90% of your server transferring to SoS to actually play the game as intended.
Aye aye captain, have fun sinking with your ship.

~Tarnished Coast~

Just merge the bottom servers

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


I don’t know why you are so kitten about this. Don’t need for long paragraphs since I didn’t even bother to read half. But whatever, have fun fighting the rare zergs servers can pull down there and npcs. I’ll have more fun fighting actually people whenever I want 2.

Fair enough. Have fun in your giant blobs 1 1 1 1 1ing your way to empyreal fragments.

Fair enough, play the way you think is fun. That’s your right.
Nobody is transferring down to help you, a very small minority think map hopping in groups of 10, for 20 hours a day is a fun way to play the game. When the 5 people left playing on your server finally decide to quit out of sheer boredom or get tired of fighting against servers of 20 people, maybe you’ll finally come to the realization that there’s too many servers to support the game mode.

1 1 1 1 1 is so much more impressive in tier 8 when you’re the only person on a map solo’ing camps. Who are you impressing when there’s nobody around to see it? NPC’s don’t have feelings.

~Tarnished Coast~

WvW Tournament Rewards Distribution Delay

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


Over/Under this being fixed by July 1st

~Tarnished Coast~

Just merge the bottom servers

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


There’s the difference between tier 1 and tier whatever EBay is now… you think popping multiple swords is tricky. It’s only tricky against servers that have nobody playing.
It’s weird but, servers that field actual people leave scouts/siege in their towers and communicate with the commanders on the map or on mumble/TS., you know, like WvW is supposed to be. A couple tappers doesn’t fool anyone when there’s people on the map defending and scouting.
Maybe popping a few white swords tricks NPC’s?
Play at your level means fighting against empty maps.

And there’s the scorn and contempt, made much more naked, of people playing in conditions you imagine and then paper over what we’re saying.

You know why white swords work? Because white swords sometimes mean a force of 20 are taking something. I don’t think popping white swords is tricky, I think it puts pressure on people with certain resources to respond in certain ways. And it does.

Tell me again why it’s better to only run cpu-hogging groups to take things, and why that’s so much better?

We actually recently had some of our long-departed people come back to us from… Tarnished Coast. They confirm the 24/7 blobfest that none of us here want. That roaming isn’t a reality, that there’s no room to play your way.

I’m glad that you find your own experience there is satisfying, as is the experience of the people who stay there I suppose. I’ll also assume that you’re not jealous of us who aren’t locked into a single way of playing WvW.

But we so don’t want to be you. Stay where you are and play the game your way. If we get so bored in our empty maps that we wet ourselves when we see a red server tag fleeing in the distance, we’ll transfer. And when you get tired of zerging along and want to make a difference, there’s lower population servers waiting for you.

We saw how you tried to impose your “how it should be played” ideals on Blackgate during the tournament. You’ll forgive us if we don’t want your gentle touch and understanding applied to our non-problem.

Honestly, how long do you think it’ll be before the population withers to the point where WvW isn’t really sustainable in the lower tiers? Do you think it needs to get to that point before changes are made? It’s probably already at that point outside of NA time. Even then, are lower tiers even filling more than 1 map out of 4 during your busiest time of day?
It’s a given that there’s more PvE players in this game than Wvw’ers… yet Anet found it necessary to merge the PvE maps into that mega server thing. Do you honestly think there’s enough Wvw’ers to warrant 24 servers, regardless of how you enjoy playing?

~Tarnished Coast~

Just merge the bottom servers

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


” No offence, but 2-manning a tower/keep is hardly pvp or WvW. It’s PvE. You’re not playing against anyone. By saying you enjoy it, just means you no interest in playing large-scale pvp. So… one guy on the ram, one guy kills guard respawns? Invigorating. ”

You are missing the point. A couple of us can flip half a servers map drawing their main force into their borderland and we can keep them busy for hours while our zerg takes over their corner of EB.

And it’s just as much fun taking a handful of people and defending when they try to do this in our bl. We aren’t spending the day pvd’ing, we are spending hours getting into fantastic small scale skirmishes without the karma train interfering.

I think WvW would be incredibly boring with a zerg on every map. The people that do enjoy that have the option to transfer to T1, there is no reason to impose that garbage on the rest of us.

1. If a couple people can flip half a servers map, there’s clearly not enough people playing on either side. If a couple people are taking half a server’s BL, they clearly have absolutely nobody on the map, nobody scouting, nobody sentried, nobody manning siege, nobody defending at all. You call that WvW?
2. If said ‘couple people’ can then draw the opponent’s main force onto the map and defend recently flipped paper towers/keeps against opponent’s big force for hours as you say, then you’re clearly just not being truthful. It takes approximately 5 minutes to take the entire south part of a paper borderlands with a medium sized force.
3. You think WvW would be boring with Zerg (people) on every map?
So your idea of WvW is avoiding people?
You can make fun of tier 1 all you want I suppose, but at least it’s filled with people playing the game as intended and not pve’ing. It at least involves some strategy, communication, and tactics, and learning to take objectives that are actually defended by something other than npc’s

“… at least it’s filled with people playing the game as intended”

So all GvGing should stop? The arena in OS should be boarded up and any assemblies by the windmill should result in bans?

Oh sorry, I thought we were saying that people not playing the game “as intended” were wrong and should have your own preference foisted upon them.

Certainly I’ve flipped the odd empty tower. The next tower isn’t empty, though. Flipping Hills with one other person? Sure – it works because zerg mentality means it’s easy to have roamers pop swords on all of the towers and keeps at the same time, and have a more sizable force as a decoy (yep, the bigger force is the one you want to have seen).

The enemy zerg roars around looking for someone to fight, and finally finds your bigger force who are actually making a decent attempt at Bay. Meanwhile, amongst all of those swords you had your roamers pop the ones at Hills are real and you’re sieging the walls from odd spots that aren’t commonly looked at.

All the orange swords at Bay mean is that the zerg took the bait, you take their hills because the zerg mentality tends to dull the flexibility of people, and you have six camps, a keep, a couple of towers and are chewing through outer garrison before the zerg realizes there’s a problem and has to figure out what to do.

Remind me again why play at my level is against the game mode, and why yours is The One True Way?

There’s the difference between tier 1 and tier whatever EBay is now… you think popping multiple swords is tricky. It’s only tricky against servers that have nobody playing.
It’s weird but, servers that field actual people leave scouts/siege in their towers and communicate with the commanders on the map or on mumble/TS., you know, like WvW is supposed to be. A couple tappers doesn’t fool anyone when there’s people on the map defending and scouting.
Maybe popping a few white swords tricks NPC’s?
Play at your level means fighting against empty maps.

~Tarnished Coast~

Just merge the bottom servers

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


1. If a couple people can flip half a servers map, there’s clearly not enough people playing on either side. If a couple people are taking half a server’s BL, they clearly have absolutely nobody on the map, nobody scouting, nobody sentried, nobody manning siege, nobody defending at all. You call that WvW?
2. If said ‘couple people’ can then draw the opponent’s main force onto the map and defend recently flipped paper towers/keeps against opponent’s big force for hours as you say, then you’re clearly just not being truthful. It takes approximately 5 minutes to take the entire south part of a paper borderlands with a medium sized force.
3. You think WvW would be boring with Zerg (people) on every map?
So your idea of WvW is avoiding people?
You can make fun of tier 1 all you want I suppose, but at least it’s filled with people playing the game as intended and not pve’ing. It at least involves some strategy, communication, and tactics, and learning to take objectives that are actually defended by something other than npc’s

“THAT BLOB HAS LESS PEOPLE THAN US KILL IT!” is not a tactic, throwing more people and sup rams on a gate is also not a tactic. Now moving your zerg to an enemies borderland and faking an attack on their garri while leaving a small group to take their EBG keep/SM is a tactic. Of course when you already have a zerg attacking their borderland you can’t do that. Therefore less numbers is better for tactics than smaller numbers. See I can give my opinion as fact too.

The problem is, you don’t see that… “Leaving a small group to take their EBG keep/SM” is a problem.
It means that nobody is playing.
What server would allow another server to take their keep in EBG with a small group?
Did they pull their entire force of 10 people across all maps to defend garrison?
That is called failed WvW because there are too many servers/maps for the amount of people that are actually playing.
24 servers worked at launch. Almost 2 years later when there’s only a small fraction of the original playerbase, 24 servers is not needed.
Also, ‘faking an attack on garrison and leaving a handful of people to take EBG keep" isn’t exactly a tactic when there’s opposition playing. Try that against a server that actually fields people and see how it goes.

~Tarnished Coast~

Just merge the bottom servers

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


” No offence, but 2-manning a tower/keep is hardly pvp or WvW. It’s PvE. You’re not playing against anyone. By saying you enjoy it, just means you no interest in playing large-scale pvp. So… one guy on the ram, one guy kills guard respawns? Invigorating. ”

You are missing the point. A couple of us can flip half a servers map drawing their main force into their borderland and we can keep them busy for hours while our zerg takes over their corner of EB.

And it’s just as much fun taking a handful of people and defending when they try to do this in our bl. We aren’t spending the day pvd’ing, we are spending hours getting into fantastic small scale skirmishes without the karma train interfering.

I think WvW would be incredibly boring with a zerg on every map. The people that do enjoy that have the option to transfer to T1, there is no reason to impose that garbage on the rest of us.

1. If a couple people can flip half a servers map, there’s clearly not enough people playing on either side. If a couple people are taking half a server’s BL, they clearly have absolutely nobody on the map, nobody scouting, nobody sentried, nobody manning siege, nobody defending at all. You call that WvW?
2. If said ‘couple people’ can then draw the opponent’s main force onto the map and defend recently flipped paper towers/keeps against opponent’s big force for hours as you say, then you’re clearly just not being truthful. It takes approximately 5 minutes to take the entire south part of a paper borderlands with a medium sized force.
3. You think WvW would be boring with Zerg (people) on every map?
So your idea of WvW is avoiding people?
You can make fun of tier 1 all you want I suppose, but at least it’s filled with people playing the game as intended and not pve’ing. It at least involves some strategy, communication, and tactics, and learning to take objectives that are actually defended by something other than npc’s

~Tarnished Coast~

Just merge the bottom servers

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


Take a look at this, in particular, the Borderland Focus section.

Tier 1:
Tier 4:
Tier 8:

Notice how blackgate’s differs from the lower tiers? See how little % of low tier ppt comes from enemy borderlands, while for BG it’s a substantial? It’s because they don’t have a healthy enough population to have presence on all 4 maps, so people congregate on their home BL and EB. Which means enemy servers are also not invading THEIR bl, which means less wvw action all around. In tier 1, people actually take and hold keeps in enemy BLs, upgrade them to waypoints, and have people map hop to save them.

The fact of the matter is, for your casual or new player, it IS important to have people on all the time in WvW, on multiple maps. Imagine buying GW2 and your first impression of it is the 1 person on the map flipping camps telling you “yeah we can’t play real wvw now because server x has a 15 man australian guild and we don’t.” You’d probably never log in again, you would definitely not pay anet the ridiculous transfer fee to a non dead realm, because you would have no frame of reference for wvw being any actual fun. People log in, see if there are people to play with, and if not, they log out. That’s just how it works. It wasn’t an issue at launch, because there were people on all the realms. It is an issue now.

I actually agreed with you up until your last paragraph. I think you draw an incorrect conclusion. Having players on ALL maps is relatively unimportant, any noob knows if one map is empty to check the others. As you say, people congregate in EB and home bl in lower tiers. This gives generally quite substantial populations in these 2 maps. I don’t think this is any problem whatsoever, and this explains why even lower population servers tend to have a zerg going in at least one map 90% of the day (ET and SF are the only strong, noticeable exceptions to this, who both 99% up and vanish at oceanic/sea generally).

This is a great post by Blix and one that I think gets to the crux of the issue for those that like larger scale fights.

The point is that when the servers in a match are concentrated in BG and their Home BL there are less fights. I think that’s indisputable.

If you take the site he listed (great site btw, thanks) and look at the IoJ/BP/Yaks matchup – they all focus on BG and their home BL. And so when a casual player – or even a regular WvW’er – logs on and sees maps that look like that there’s really only one choice to go for consistent fights – and that’s EB.

And when EB gets queued some either just PvE until EB pops or even log off. I know I’ve done that.

But in the T1 match there’s action on every map. Not just EB. So a player logging in to check out the situation has more choices, more places to find fights.

Further, even if you argue that “well, you’re right, you may be able to get action regardless, but having more options is still better!” I can quickly reply that your option also has an inherent downside. That is, with every single BL having significant forces (ie zergs), there is no room for super small scale ninjaing. If you haven’t experienced the thrill of very, very small scale ninja ops (ie 2 manning a keep/tower) then you’re missing a really fun aspect of WvW. It may not be for you, but a lot of us actually like that.

At best this is a minor point in favor of your side, and it does have its faults as well. I don’t think, however, this is quite as critical an issue as people are making it out to be. I know that any time I log in, I can go to EB (or wherever the main zerg happens to be, because contrary to popular beliefs about t6-8 on the forums, we don’t always stay in EB lol) and I will get large scale fights (40+ generally speaking). IDC if there’s a fight going on in an enemy BL as well, because I’m getting my fights in EB.

No offence, but 2-manning a tower/keep is hardly pvp or WvW.
It’s PvE. You’re not playing against anyone.
By saying you enjoy it, just means you no interest in playing large-scale pvp.
So… one guy on the ram, one guy kills guard respawns? Invigorating.
This isn’t the intent of WvW. Sure there will be down times on a lot of servers where stuff like this is possible. But gameplay like this at all hours outside of NA prime isn’t sustainable long term.
9 to 12 servers would probably be sufficient at this point in the game’s life cycle.
Outside week 1 or 2 of a tournament, there would be no issues with queues having 9 or 12 servers.

~Tarnished Coast~

Just merge the bottom servers

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


Well, someone asked, so…i prefer low tier servers, because:
- there are less queues,
- less blobs,
- less OS trolls,
- more capable duellers,
- individuals tend to be more skilled,
- the whole community is a lot more personal and
- a single person can achieve much more than in higher tiers.

Also, even if i’m in a minority, i like being outmanned. When i see that icon on my lower right bar, i know there are enemies out there and i can have my fun trolling them. I will die at one point, so what? I’m not here to make points or loot, but to have fun, after all and i have my fun fighting against superior numbers seeing how long i can last.

T1 there are no queues outside of reset night for a few hours.
There are not blobs on every map. Some maps, yes. All maps, no.
It gives you the option to play how you want.
Capable duellers and more skilled players in lower tiers? Hardly.
There are more types of each player in higher tiers.
There are more highly skilled players. There are more average players. And there are more bad players.
Saying a single player is more important in lower tiers goes without saying. A single player in lower tiers represents a higher percentage of the total population.
All that said, WvW is intended to be massive server vs server vs server warfare with a lot of people 24 hours a day. Running around in pockets of 3-5 people flipping camps and undefended towers for 20 hours a day in lower tiers isn’t even playing the game. And it’s not like the situation is going to improve without server merges. As much as you say each person is more important in lower tiers, it’s also way more noticeable when a few people leave due to attrition. How long will it be before attrition makes the bottom few tiers even more unplayable than now? I was in tier 3 about 4 months ago and found the game unplayable outside of NA prime, can’t imagine the horror of playing in the bottom few tiers.

~Tarnished Coast~

WvW Tournament Rewards Distribution Delay

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


On Sunday July 13th, when the winner of the 2014 World Cup is decided… I wonder if FIFA will tell the winner “hey you guys can pick up your trophy on Tuesday”

Tuesday comes… “Oh hey sorry guys, we forgot to make sure the trophy arrived so many days after you should have received it, and to be perfectly honest, we don’t even know where it is. We’re kinda busy putting together some other projects at the moment, so if you wouldn’t mind just waiting kind of indefinitely on this… thanks”

World Cup 2018 rolls around…
FIFA guy “hey did we ever give the 2014 winners their trophy?”
Another FIFA guy “I think like some of the players got participation ribbons we had one of our interns make, I don’t think we ever found the World Cup trophy though”
FIFA guy “aren’t we going to need the trophy to crown this year’s winner?”
Other FIFA guy “who cares, we’ll dazzle people with 2022 World Cup advertisements!”
FIFA guy “brilliant! Let’s go to lunch!”

~Tarnished Coast~

WvW Tournament Rewards Distribution Delay

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


Hey guys, go fight for 9 weeks, we’ll call it a tournament.
Anet added an NPC to tell us what server we’re on.
New WvW content, durrrr

~Tarnished Coast~

Suggestions for next season

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


I have a great idea for season 3… scrap it.
Seasons/tournaments only destroy communities.

~Tarnished Coast~

WvW Tournament Rewards Distribution Delay

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


Normal WvW problem.
Lack of care by Anet.
Nothing new.
For those saying it’s ok, it’s not.
People expect a reward for the effort they put in. In game and in life.
I have an understanding at my job that I get paid every second Thursday for the hours I put in every 14 days. I get paid every 2nd Thursday, no exceptions, ever. Not paying me because some other employee has an issue with direct deposit is not my problem.
Not getting my WvW season rewards because other players are having issues getting their chest is not my problem.
It comes down to lack of care and attention to detail in WvW from Anet. It’s been this way since launch, I doubt it will ever change.
On the bright side, apparently there’s a living story 2 coming out? Fml

~Tarnished Coast~

Dear JQ guys

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


My goal for S2 has been accomplished. I managed to stay with this game long enough to make it to the next game releasing. I had fun out in WvW. Season went a little too long. If it had been shorter, I could have spent more time in beta. That would have been amazing!


That’s funny because I feel that BG is the winner. Why?.

Even though the SeaHawks won the Super Bowl, I bet the Broncos felt like the real winners for trying so hard.

~Tarnished Coast~

wvw history has been made

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


The swords on hills and all the enemies at the gate! Not sure how you repelled that attack, but good job!

~Tarnished Coast~

Prior Disciplinary Action Was Taken

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


1) co-ordinated 2v1
2) co-ordinated blackouts
3) co-ordinated guild purchases
4) co-ordinated server stacking

‘The server that shall not be named’ has a problem with only 1 of these 4.
Can anyone guess which?

Also… “co-ordinated 2-1 is bad! organic 2v1 is ok because we have the population and coverage to always come out on top”

hashtag BGT

edit: game clearly broken if “server that shall not be named” does not win.

~Tarnished Coast~

Blackgate getting Double-teamed

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


It’s a 2v1 because it is the only way for JQ and TC to beat BG. Not the soft 2v1 where you have a mutual understanding of when and who to focus on, as with BG + TC and BG + SoS, but a real 2v1 where 2 servers are free to stand next to each other or back up each other’s zerg groups. Despite all the cries of “we only want BG tears” or “BG = stackgate”, it all boils down to the fact that this is the ONLY viable option for JQ or TC to have a chance at 1st place. Also because it’s sweet revenge for being stomped in Season 1.

One thing you’ll never see is a commander from neither TC or JQ claiming that their server can match BG in manpower, coverage, tactics, or discipline/cooperation of individual players.

Eitherway, I’m getting my weapon skin.

Explain to me how anyone got stomped S1 when W1 someone got 2v1 with BG being in the 2 and the only time the 3 T1 servers matched up in one week was W1 and the last week when SoR already fell apart. Never knew stomping T2 servers was an accomplishment to BG. clapclap #bglogic

Because the 3 T1 servers didn’t have to all be in the same match for one server to win over another. W1 BG pulled ahead during the 2v1, a 2v1 that was absolutely necessary for SoR or BG to even have a chance at winning due to the terrible schedule. W2 BG beat SoR and queue implosion. W5 Blackgate beat Jade Quarry and again in W7 alongside the imploded SoR. Blackgate beat both servers fair and square and that is an accomplishment.

Despite having the best coverage in Gold league… BG will finish the season either tied for third with SoS or alone in 4th… that is an accomplishment.

~Tarnished Coast~

Blackgate getting Double-teamed

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


There’s no 2v1. BG needs to learn to ppt.

~Tarnished Coast~

Lets have a REAL wvw tournament 1 vs 1

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


Please devs, completely change WvW in the next 2 weeks to anything where BG can win, to put an end to these threads!

~Tarnished Coast~

Reset Issue

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


TC + JQ + ANet versus BG

~Tarnished Coast~

Stop Organized Groups in EOTM

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


Worst suggestion ever.
It’s amazing to me that someone would go into EOTM and expect to face no opposition. I’m assuming the OP’s goal is to level an alt. seriously, go do it in PvE if you don’t want the threat of dying. I’m assuming since most everything in EOTM is not solo-able… you were also running with a group of people. You’re upset that the group of people you were with got beat by another group of people in a pvp zone? If you’re gonna run with uplevels and random other people with little to no organization… these things are to be expected.
A lot of organized guilds run EOTM once in a while to stock up on badges to buy lots of blueprints since EOTM gives the most badges.
Learn to avoid organized groups in EOTM if that’s the way you’re going to run. Engaging organized pvp guilds is rather silly when running an uplevel in a pug group.

~Tarnished Coast~

Server 2V1

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


So the OP is saying that JQ and BG have been involved in three 2 v 1s, and that TC has been involved in only two.

The obvious suggestion is that TC needs to catch up !!

oh I’m sure we’ll be right back in it deep next week as well. BG still has to take revenge on us too =p

~Tarnished Coast~

Give Bonuses to Gold/Silver League Servers

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


Does a player that puts in 30+ hours per week in Bronze deserve less rewards than a player that puts in 10 hours in Gold? IMO rewards should be based on participation rather than “wins” in a league. The top tier rewards should also be very difficult to earn. I had my Season 2 chest unlocked within 48 hours of the season start. Sort of like monthlies that take all of one solid play session to complete.

I agree the server should get tickets according to their final rank:

Except DB and Mag have a very good chance of getting rolled by HoD. HoD has 24×7 coverage which likely puts it above a couple of the gold servers. On a good day there are queues on all maps albeit short ones. I am not saying it is guaranteed wins but HoD certainly has a shot of finishing above one or more servers in Gold.

HoD is minimum 5th now.
They would beat Mag and DB with their coverage… maybe even SoS.
HoD could be as high as 4th now.
Hitting the top 3 is a different beast entirely

~Tarnished Coast~

WXP not adding up?

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


If it seems slightly off, keep in mind the total is wxp earned, not levels earned.
10 characters at level 5 will not equal 50 wxp levels as many of the first few levels are very fast and easy to get.
10 characters at level 5 is more likely 10-15 wxp levels.

~Tarnished Coast~

Getting the Most rewards Season 2

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


For the max amount of tickets to the league winner… I’d say go to silver league. Henge of Denravi looks unstoppable in silver and should surely get 500 tickets.
Gold won’t be decided for many weeks yet.
Since the amount of tickets you get is based on the server you spend the most time on during the tournament, you’ll probably have to transfer very soon as the tournament is already almost 33% done. Gold league may or may not be decided until as late as week 9.

~Tarnished Coast~


in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


Sorry for tier 2 next week, I apologize in advance IF you are stuck with Blackgate. But do me a favour and push them hard. TY so very much

Whoever finishes second this week will get the t2 matchup next week

~Tarnished Coast~


in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


Well the only silver lining is that BG won’t be the only one to see the back end of a serious 2v1 this season. The tactic is out there now and will be getting used on one of the other 2 at some stage.

If the JQTC alliance holds in perfect balance till the very end, and keeps BG and SOS out of things then they can go at it in the final week match off. It does mean that weeks 7 and 8 require some trust because that is where the backstab may be coming if the team that wins week 7 has the strength to win week 8.

If the perfect balance thing does manage to eventuate I don’t see BG sitting back in week 9 and saying you guys decide between yourselves. I am sure we will pick who we want to anoint and who we want to not see appear on any map.


~Tarnished Coast~

(edited by Shonie.5297)

What Happened To C.Devon?

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


Announce season 2
Wait two weeks for popcorn thread
Tournament bully

~Tarnished Coast~

[Suggestion] Server Merge for low pop servers

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


I really have a hard time believing anything that goes on in lower tiers outside of a few hours during NA prime, is anything but pvdoor.
I would imagine 80% of structures or maybe more, are anything but unupgraded, unsieged and unmanned… just waiting fokittenrson havoc squad to happen along, put down a regular ram and bash away at the paper door until it goes down with nobody around to do anything about it.
And you call this WvW? Is there even anyone to fight with outside of NA prime?
Seriously, those of you in this tier need to enhance your experience.
My suggestion would be to abolish the bottom 6 servers… move their populations to the remaining bottom 3. Then we’re left with 18 servers. Good for two 9-team leagues.
I can’t say I see the fun in upgrading a tower by yourself, running supply by yourself, manning siege you built by yourself waiting hours for ANYONE to wander by… and when someone does, you’re helpless to defend said structure by yourself against even just a handful of people. And if you logout, nobody is around to care or tick your siege until it fades away like nothing ever happened.
I’m maybe biased because I play in t1, but we’ve held our garrison for almost 6 days now against huge forces. Why? Because there’s lots of people on 24/7 to defend it. It’s nice knowing your efforts don’t go to waste the minute you log out. It’s nice knowing you have support from commanders and others on the map when the enemy attacks because there’s always people around 24 hours a day. It’s nice knowing that anything valuable like upgraded towers with siege don’t go to waste because there’s nobody on a map to refresh siege or defend it.

~Tarnished Coast~

(edited by Shonie.5297)

Leagues: a problem

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


I think it’s ridiculous that people still complain about imbalanced matchups…
There’s a 0% chance that any match ever will be balanced.
The best they could ever do would be 1v2v3… 4v5v6… 7v8v9… etc…
We already have that almost every week outside of seasons. Regardless of who you are, it’s nice to play some different servers once in a while, regardless if you win or lose by a lot since there’s really no substantial reward for winning or losing except for some sense of server pride.
If you want balance, transfer to tier 1, the top 3 are all fairly equal most of the time. if not, understand that once in a while you’ll go up against a server that will dominate you.
Determining skill of a server could never be properly measured under any metric.
Every server has their good/bad players, good/bad commanders, good/bad guilds, good/bad time zones.
No server ever has lost or won every week. No player or guild has ever not lost a fight.

For those complaining about the matchups for the season (especially silver league)… what would be better? ANet knew beforehand that everyone and their dog would go to HoD? Assuming they did… and they could handpick the matchups… and if they knew who the best 3 servers were… say HoD, FA, SBI… should Anet make HoD, FA, SBI fight each other 9 weeks in a row? That’s even more kittened.
Just accept that weeks sometimes will involve matchups where you’ll get rolled by servers with higher populations. HoD looks like maybe they’ll have a decent 9 weeks in league… then eventually once leagues end, they’ll get their butts handed to them on some massive epic scale once they fight T2 or T1, although with the way they’re handling FA, they may do ok in tier 2 as long as the population keeps showing up.
Long story short… it is impossible to make all the matchups balanced.
Seriously, who could Eredon Terrace even go up against where it would be fair?
For people playing on lower servers, they obviously like it there and don’t have a problem with it, or they would have transferred.
If you’re near the bottom of your league… take it as an opportunity to enjoy fighting some different servers for once and maybe learn a few things… who really cares if you lose by a lot.
Awesome thing about WvW… two thirds of the servers don’t win every week, so there are always way more losers than winners.

~Tarnished Coast~

Siege Abuse

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


Every game should have in game GMs to deal with this sort of thing.
The one on TC is absolutely ridiculous. He’s been reported hundreds of times and nothing is done.
It’s been going on for weeks, if not months now.

~Tarnished Coast~

question about armor changes on April 15

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shonie.5297


No, the armor t3 cultural on my ranger is only exotic, so it will still be soul bound?
But I’ll be able to use the skin on my thief, I’ll just have to get more exotic medium armor and runes… Ok thanks =)

~Tarnished Coast~

question about armor changes on April 15

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shonie.5297


I have 2 human characters that use medium armor.
A ranger and a thief.
I have human t3 cultural on my ranger and it is currently soul bound.
I’m pretty sure with the change I’ll be able to use that skin on my thief, my question is does the armor itself with the runes I have in it become account bound and able to be used by both characters, or does it remain soul bound on my ranger?

~Tarnished Coast~

Free transfers ruined wvw seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


The ups and downs of servers…
Some get stronger, some get weaker, some stay around the same.
When the third tournament starts… HoD will have imploded, they’ll get weaker, some other server, or a few other servers will gain a lot.
It’s the way it is.
Anet makes money from people constantly transferring around everywhere.
You don’t pay a subscription, so stop whining.

~Tarnished Coast~

Tear down WvW divisions? Why not?

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


You can put makeup on a pig…

~Tarnished Coast~

EU vs US - how do they differ?

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


Make it 4 (VII).

Gratz! Hopefully there will be videos to come

It’s disgusting what groups like GD, RG, Scnd, VII, VotF, BuLL, etc. can do in open-field with 25-30 people against queues. Absolutely terrifying.

Contrast that to NA where T1 guilds roll 50 deep and pop tags.

Exactly. I still do not understand why guilds like SF feel the need to field 50+. Only logical reason I can come up with is that they get wrecked when they have anything less.

You should watch the video of VcY taking on a vizunah blob with just 15 people!

did you say Viz will obliterate any T1 NA server? is it still april fools day or what?
we have been in SFR and faced Vizunah many times even open field and all and i can tell you they they are worthy of T1 but not enought to beat SFR or BG, JQ would be equal, SOR prime days would be equal as well, for TC no they would loose to vizunah due to sheer determination of EU and militia.

Of course now Vizunah won’t win. They aren’t #1 anymore and have lost a lot of players/guilds. You were not in EU during season 1 or before that. At any time they chose they could go on full try hard mode and when they did they queued all four maps 24/7. During season 1, they had a blob on all 4 maps at all times of the day. I know BG achieved the same feat but then take into account that Vizunah had universal ts usage on their server and were the best server at siege warfare and very competent at open field as well. BG would have been obliterated.

They had TS AND they got to use siege?
Ya you’re right… all hope is lost for their adversaries

~Tarnished Coast~

WXP useless

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


Surely you can see the benefits of having guard killer trait, would help you kill champs faster so you could tag more champs.
But… I’m guessing this a troll thread anyways… and not a particularly good one… 1/10

~Tarnished Coast~

Tear down WvW divisions? Why not?

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


You want constructive? Why? This is a terrible idea.
I don’t mean to be rude, but why would anyone want to log in to WvW to be a random red/blue/green person with no guild or server affiliation.
How are you supposed to raid with guild members that log in at various times throughout the day?
This idea is even worse than EOTM. EOTM is completely pointless, but you take it a step further to make WvW a place like EOTM, except without the ability to play with your guild! You just ruined GW2

~Tarnished Coast~

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


Why is HoD wasting golems when they’re up 200k points on a paper keep with no defenders?
Should save them for next week.
Whatevs I guess.

~Tarnished Coast~

(edited by Shonie.5297)

Tear down WvW divisions? Why not?

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


I need an ‘unlike’ box to click

~Tarnished Coast~

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


Number of HoD dying to YB arrow carts may be in the millions.

~Tarnished Coast~

EU vs US - how do they differ?

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


I doubt anyone cares to compare t5 versus t5.
It’s best versus best.
Right now…
Blackgate versus SFR…
I think Blackgate would absolutely destroy SFR.
This is straight PPT…
Who cares about GvG.

~Tarnished Coast~

Defending Against Overwhelming Numbers

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


SM keep was way more epic when The Lord was on the 2nd floor

~Tarnished Coast~

GW2 starts in China on May 15th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shonie.5297


I suppose the Chinese get their own country too…

~Tarnished Coast~