Showing Posts For Shrimpkin.4851:
I’ve tried the story instant 6 or 7 times and every time the game has crashed during the first part of the final fight.
The friends who got me into GW2 don’t play anymore but even when they did we would only group up for boss fights. Aside from some content I solo’d most of the game.
My signature pretty much says it all.
If you need the SAB cat can help on EU/NA servers.Will do some runs on Sat 15/Sun 16th
Thank you very much, I appreciate the offer and the help. You can message me ingame.
I’m on NA. Jumping + speed+ precision are not my strong points and I’m ok with that. I’d like the SAB cat but I don’t need it.
I had a lot of fun getting the cats for my home instance and I’ve collected them all except two. The feline familiar and the SAB cat.
I was hoping that someone who owns the witches outfit would be willing to help me get the feline familiar?
As for the SAB cat, unless someone with infinite patience is willing to drag my sorry butt through two worlds, I’ll do without that one.
Any and all help is appreciated.
Edit: Many thanks to Mini Mousemer for helping me get the feline familiar.
(edited by Shrimpkin.4851)
Female Guardian “Klayre Voyant” and male Revenant “Can Un Fotter”.
This happens when someone is on the character select screen but hasn’t actually logged into the game. Noticed it with one of my friends a while ago and when I asked them about it they said they had loaded up the client to play but then got distracted and forgot it was open.
Profession Skills
Removed fire attunement.
Added dual keyboard support to better support proper elementalist key binding.
Now deals 50% bonus damage to dragons and their minions.
Aegis now ends after 5 attacks instead of 1 attack.
Now gains bonus items when salvaging.
Elixir X now uses a random skill from all skills, including monster skills.
Fixed an exploit that allowed chronomancers to go back in time and kill their opponents in PvP before the match began.
Portal’s recharge has been removed, and the colors of the effects have been changed to blue and orange.
Death shroud can now only be activated from the downed state.
Scepter autoattacks now apply fear.
Coalescence of Ruin: Increased damage, range, number of targets, and area of effect while in WvW.
Added a Kilroy Stonekin legend. All skills cause you to run at the closest enemy and scream “KILROY STONEKIN!”
Stealth no longer ends when you attack.
Steal now transfers ownership of a random weapon from your opponent to you.
Fixed a bug that allowed warriors to get kills in Ranked PvP.
Hundred Blades: This skill’s number of attacks has been increased to 100 to properly match its name.
And yet again my poor Ranger is forgotten.
Then Anet should offer partial refunds to anyone for whom the new legendaries had been a selling point of the expansion. A repurable business doesn’t take everyone’s money and then tell one group of purchasers that a decision has been made to not deliver what they paid for in order to give more to everyone else.
How would they go about this if the expansion was bought for someone else? I received HoT as a gift from a friend who knows how much I enjoy playing GW2. They paid and I got the code, so who would receive the partial refund? (if there is one) My friend? Me? Neither of us? Both?
Not a decision I’d want to make.
Your gaming style is:
Achiever 33%
Explorer 80%
Griefer 20%
Socializer 67%
I was surprised the achiever number was so low, I love getting them for the “YAY! I did it!” feeling and I do as many as I can. Explorer is correct, I love wandering around. The griefer one confuses me; to me, griefing is interfering with someone elses’s enjoyment of a game or har as sing (cleverly avoids censoring) people. I don’t do that. And socializing? Way off, I do chat in game but not very often. My friend list is in the single digits, most of the people on it never play anymore and there’s just me in my guild. I’ve spent most of the 2 1/2 years I’ve been in game doing things on my own, so yeah, not very social.
That would be awkward, I destroyed the two I got.
I’ve seen this happen a lot but only once did someone respond to being called out for not being in a squad. It didn’t get nasty but the potential was there to be sure.
And as other posters have said, it seems to be mostly for commanders to get accurate counts on how many people are in the lane and to explain the mechanics to anyone who may be new. Also, if you happen to disconnect during the fight, your chances of getting back into the same map are better I’ve heard.
I joined squads to learn the fights, now I just do it out of habit. I’d hope though that if I stopped joining them there wouldn’t be a big issue about it.
Your chances of getting back into the same map are the same as being in a party with someone in that map. Once the map is full, it’s full and being in squad won’t help you get in. As for counts, if you have 20 in your squad and 5 aren’t in squad at that lane, then you have 25? As things are, all you need is an estimate. Knowing that there are precisely 28 in your lane isn’t relevant. How do you know 3 people won’t crash in a minute? Or just up and leave? Or jump to another lane? You don’t. And if you know your squad is 40 people and there are 20 around without squads, then you have 2 options that are effective. You can politely ask those not in squad to change lane, and 2nd option is to then ask some of your squad to do so, because not everyone out of the squad will go elsewhere anyways. Perhaps they need an achieve. If I see that many people, unless someone I’m with is there for a specific lane achieve, we’ll be long gone before the commander says anything. But even what I personally saw, people weren’t generally polite when they started.
As for WvW, I wouldn’t join squads there either. If I can’t tell what the commander is doing and guess what they will do next, then I’m failing. When we did things in wvw, IF we ran near a tag, we’d play off of the tag as gank. No reason to join a squad, and we could disappear from the group at any time, which would be very cumbersome to drop and create parties constantly. Really same for pve as well. Besides, I personally despise the squad interface. Party ui gives me more information for those people that matter to me than squad can.
All that is digressing from the point, which is that some people are being rude and trollish basically out of spite that some people don’t want to join a squad with them, and that this behavior appears to be getting more endemic. If it isn’t, great. But if it is, the light should be shined upon the issue before it degrades further, so it can get corrected earlier.
As I said, I heard it can help you get back in the map you were in but I don’t know for sure.
If there are people in the lane not in the squad it doesn’t bother me, I don’t have a commander tag and even if I did it would be the same. I would never tell someone to leave a lane, event, or map for any reason. It’s not my place to tell someone how to play their game or where they can or can’t be. I’m there to have fun and do events, others may be there for other reasons, either way it’s all good.
I use the Bonetti’s Rapier skin on my Revenant’s swords and I think he looks bada@@.
Now if I could only find a longbow skin for my Ranger that isn’t hideous, so far the only one I’ve seen that looks kind of ok is the Chaos skin. The price though, ouch.
I’ve seen this happen a lot but only once did someone respond to being called out for not being in a squad. It didn’t get nasty but the potential was there to be sure.
And as other posters have said, it seems to be mostly for commanders to get accurate counts on how many people are in the lane and to explain the mechanics to anyone who may be new. Also, if you happen to disconnect during the fight, your chances of getting back into the same map are better I’ve heard.
I joined squads to learn the fights, now I just do it out of habit. I’d hope though that if I stopped joining them there wouldn’t be a big issue about it.
XP not carried over to next line in mastery?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shrimpkin.4851
Exp doesn’t go into the next tier but it does go into other unlocked and incomplete mastery lines if you have any left. For example if you fill up Exalted Assistance and leave it there and then continue earning exp, the exp will go into one of the other HoT mastery lines.
As for wasting exp. That is inevitable anyway. Once you max out your masteries it will be the same situation.
It didn’t carry over into the next line though. I spent the past two days playing thinking it would count towards Exalted Purification, not the entire line obviously but at least a percentage of it. Yet it’s sitting at 0%. So it looks like I can max out the exp but if I don’t have the mastery points to get it, then any exp after that won’t carry over into the next mastery in the same line.
Not the next mastery in the same line, but the next unfinished mastery in another line.
For example, If someone has a line on Exalted Lore filled up but doesn’t have the mastery points to accept it, they can switch over to a different mastery line, such as Nuhoch Lore, and start filling the next line up. You can continue to switch like that until you get one line of each mastery set filled with XP. After that you must accept one line with mastery points or lose the the XP gained (and even then you’ll only be able to train the next line of that one mastery set, as the others will still need mastery points in order to go further).
Now I get it. Thank you.
I also get there’s no point in playing until they add ways to get more mastery points, which is a shame because I was enjoying the new maps after getting used to them.
Have you found all the mastery points in all the maps? Aside from the ones marked on the maps themselves there are also various strongboxes to be found all over the maps which give mastery points for finding them. You can find a listing of these in each map’s achievement panel. If you don’t want to find them naturally through exploration you can look them up on the wiki to find out where to go. You get a bunch for doing the various chapters of the HoT Storyline as well.
You can also get Mastery points for doing various achievements in the maps, like doing every Rally point event chain in Verdant Brink.
I have map completion on all 4 of the new maps. All the masteries too I believe. I think there may be two I could still get in VB that aren’t adventures. I was considering going back to the LS to see what else I can get there, but when checking it shows an average of 7-8 achievements that need to be completed to earn 1 mastery point. And I’m pretty sure even then I would be short.
I don’t mind doing the work to get them, but I’m also aware of my limitations. I’m always willing to try (I finally completed the mushroom jump puzzle in TD after 2 hours WOOT), some things though are just beyond my ability. So I will wait until more ways are added and just do other things.
I’d definitely say take a look in the achievements tab to see what’s marked with the Mastery icon because the strongboxes can be super easy to miss. I didn’t even realize they existed until I was doing my second map completion >< Of course if you’ve been scouring through the achievements tab for the zones you’ll probably be set there already.
Yea if you’ve played the story all the way through once you’re left with having to do the story achievements, which can be difficult on their own.
I definitely understand the frustrations with Adventures though. The skill needed for them varies widely though and some aren’t skill so much as memorization.
I have all the strongboxes and some of the hidden achievements. I looked up guides online to get them because those are one of the things I enjoy. The ones in VB I can still get are Ground Pounder and Bronzer (possibly).
With the adventures it’s more frustration with myself. Not that I expect to get silver or gold on a first try, (I spent an hour on Ley-Line run to get silver). I just don’t have the speed or dexterity needed for some of them, and that’s ok. There’s plenty more for me to do.
XP not carried over to next line in mastery?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shrimpkin.4851
Exp doesn’t go into the next tier but it does go into other unlocked and incomplete mastery lines if you have any left. For example if you fill up Exalted Assistance and leave it there and then continue earning exp, the exp will go into one of the other HoT mastery lines.
As for wasting exp. That is inevitable anyway. Once you max out your masteries it will be the same situation.
It didn’t carry over into the next line though. I spent the past two days playing thinking it would count towards Exalted Purification, not the entire line obviously but at least a percentage of it. Yet it’s sitting at 0%. So it looks like I can max out the exp but if I don’t have the mastery points to get it, then any exp after that won’t carry over into the next mastery in the same line.
Not the next mastery in the same line, but the next unfinished mastery in another line.
For example, If someone has a line on Exalted Lore filled up but doesn’t have the mastery points to accept it, they can switch over to a different mastery line, such as Nuhoch Lore, and start filling the next line up. You can continue to switch like that until you get one line of each mastery set filled with XP. After that you must accept one line with mastery points or lose the the XP gained (and even then you’ll only be able to train the next line of that one mastery set, as the others will still need mastery points in order to go further).
Now I get it. Thank you.
I also get there’s no point in playing until they add ways to get more mastery points, which is a shame because I was enjoying the new maps after getting used to them.
Well, idk. There’s always just playing the new maps because you’re enjoying them and if you pick up any Masteries, you do and if you don’t, you don’t.
I’m still playing in the old maps even though I’ve gotten all the old Tyrian Masteries I’m likely to get, which means not all my Tyrian Masteries are finished. Yet that doesn’t stop me from playing on those maps. In addition, sooner or later if someone does get all the Masteries and finish all the lines there won’t be any more to do for Masteries. Does that mean they’ll stop playing the game because there’s nothing fun left to do until the game adds more Mastery lines and points?
This game is more than just picking up Masteries and filling up the bar to start on another line. If that’s all you liked about it, then I can see stopping but otherwise getting Masteries and filling the bar has little impact on enjoying the new area once you get the basic Masteries filled.
There are many aspects of the game I enjoy. I only pve though, I’ve tried pvp, wvw, fractals and dungeons and they were ok but not really that enjoyable for me. I like exploring and and just going around doing things.
I’m not interested in legendary weapons, ascended armor or some of the other things that people really want. I just play to have fun and I do like the achievements because it gives me a sense of accomplishment and pride when I can finish something. Even when it’s something I didn’t think I would be able to do.
I will still play the new maps but in the back of my mind will be the thought that the exp I’m getting will be going towards…nothing.
Yah, well, I play the old maps and since I ran out of all the mastery points I’m likely to get all the XP is going towards….nothing. All the people who have maxed out Masteries, all their XP is going towards….nothing. Your situation is not unique to you and it’s probably a lot more common than you realize.
I’m sure there are many people in the same boat and really it’s not that important, I know this. It’s hard to rationalize how that can irk me yet there are other aspects of the game I know I’ll never complete and they don’t bother me. My brain is weird, I admit it. Eventually it won’t matter to me.
XP not carried over to next line in mastery?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shrimpkin.4851
Exp doesn’t go into the next tier but it does go into other unlocked and incomplete mastery lines if you have any left. For example if you fill up Exalted Assistance and leave it there and then continue earning exp, the exp will go into one of the other HoT mastery lines.
As for wasting exp. That is inevitable anyway. Once you max out your masteries it will be the same situation.
It didn’t carry over into the next line though. I spent the past two days playing thinking it would count towards Exalted Purification, not the entire line obviously but at least a percentage of it. Yet it’s sitting at 0%. So it looks like I can max out the exp but if I don’t have the mastery points to get it, then any exp after that won’t carry over into the next mastery in the same line.
Not the next mastery in the same line, but the next unfinished mastery in another line.
For example, If someone has a line on Exalted Lore filled up but doesn’t have the mastery points to accept it, they can switch over to a different mastery line, such as Nuhoch Lore, and start filling the next line up. You can continue to switch like that until you get one line of each mastery set filled with XP. After that you must accept one line with mastery points or lose the the XP gained (and even then you’ll only be able to train the next line of that one mastery set, as the others will still need mastery points in order to go further).
Now I get it. Thank you.
I also get there’s no point in playing until they add ways to get more mastery points, which is a shame because I was enjoying the new maps after getting used to them.
Have you found all the mastery points in all the maps? Aside from the ones marked on the maps themselves there are also various strongboxes to be found all over the maps which give mastery points for finding them. You can find a listing of these in each map’s achievement panel. If you don’t want to find them naturally through exploration you can look them up on the wiki to find out where to go. You get a bunch for doing the various chapters of the HoT Storyline as well.
You can also get Mastery points for doing various achievements in the maps, like doing every Rally point event chain in Verdant Brink.
I have map completion on all 4 of the new maps. All the masteries too I believe. I think there may be two I could still get in VB that aren’t adventures. I was considering going back to the LS to see what else I can get there, but when checking it shows an average of 7-8 achievements that need to be completed to earn 1 mastery point. And I’m pretty sure even then I would be short.
I don’t mind doing the work to get them, but I’m also aware of my limitations. I’m always willing to try (I finally completed the mushroom jump puzzle in TD after 2 hours WOOT), some things though are just beyond my ability. So I will wait until more ways are added and just do other things.
XP not carried over to next line in mastery?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shrimpkin.4851
Exp doesn’t go into the next tier but it does go into other unlocked and incomplete mastery lines if you have any left. For example if you fill up Exalted Assistance and leave it there and then continue earning exp, the exp will go into one of the other HoT mastery lines.
As for wasting exp. That is inevitable anyway. Once you max out your masteries it will be the same situation.
It didn’t carry over into the next line though. I spent the past two days playing thinking it would count towards Exalted Purification, not the entire line obviously but at least a percentage of it. Yet it’s sitting at 0%. So it looks like I can max out the exp but if I don’t have the mastery points to get it, then any exp after that won’t carry over into the next mastery in the same line.
Not the next mastery in the same line, but the next unfinished mastery in another line.
For example, If someone has a line on Exalted Lore filled up but doesn’t have the mastery points to accept it, they can switch over to a different mastery line, such as Nuhoch Lore, and start filling the next line up. You can continue to switch like that until you get one line of each mastery set filled with XP. After that you must accept one line with mastery points or lose the the XP gained (and even then you’ll only be able to train the next line of that one mastery set, as the others will still need mastery points in order to go further).
Now I get it. Thank you.
I also get there’s no point in playing until they add ways to get more mastery points, which is a shame because I was enjoying the new maps after getting used to them.
Well, idk. There’s always just playing the new maps because you’re enjoying them and if you pick up any Masteries, you do and if you don’t, you don’t.
I’m still playing in the old maps even though I’ve gotten all the old Tyrian Masteries I’m likely to get, which means not all my Tyrian Masteries are finished. Yet that doesn’t stop me from playing on those maps. In addition, sooner or later if someone does get all the Masteries and finish all the lines there won’t be any more to do for Masteries. Does that mean they’ll stop playing the game because there’s nothing fun left to do until the game adds more Mastery lines and points?
This game is more than just picking up Masteries and filling up the bar to start on another line. If that’s all you liked about it, then I can see stopping but otherwise getting Masteries and filling the bar has little impact on enjoying the new area once you get the basic Masteries filled.
There are many aspects of the game I enjoy. I only pve though, I’ve tried pvp, wvw, fractals and dungeons and they were ok but not really that enjoyable for me. I like exploring and and just going around doing things.
I’m not interested in legendary weapons, ascended armor or some of the other things that people really want. I just play to have fun and I do like the achievements because it gives me a sense of accomplishment and pride when I can finish something. Even when it’s something I didn’t think I would be able to do.
I will still play the new maps but in the back of my mind will be the thought that the exp I’m getting will be going towards…nothing.
XP not carried over to next line in mastery?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shrimpkin.4851
Exp doesn’t go into the next tier but it does go into other unlocked and incomplete mastery lines if you have any left. For example if you fill up Exalted Assistance and leave it there and then continue earning exp, the exp will go into one of the other HoT mastery lines.
As for wasting exp. That is inevitable anyway. Once you max out your masteries it will be the same situation.
It didn’t carry over into the next line though. I spent the past two days playing thinking it would count towards Exalted Purification, not the entire line obviously but at least a percentage of it. Yet it’s sitting at 0%. So it looks like I can max out the exp but if I don’t have the mastery points to get it, then any exp after that won’t carry over into the next mastery in the same line.
Not the next mastery in the same line, but the next unfinished mastery in another line.
For example, If someone has a line on Exalted Lore filled up but doesn’t have the mastery points to accept it, they can switch over to a different mastery line, such as Nuhoch Lore, and start filling the next line up. You can continue to switch like that until you get one line of each mastery set filled with XP. After that you must accept one line with mastery points or lose the the XP gained (and even then you’ll only be able to train the next line of that one mastery set, as the others will still need mastery points in order to go further).
Now I get it. Thank you.
I also get there’s no point in playing until they add ways to get more mastery points, which is a shame because I was enjoying the new maps after getting used to them.
XP not carried over to next line in mastery?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shrimpkin.4851
Exp doesn’t go into the next tier but it does go into other unlocked and incomplete mastery lines if you have any left. For example if you fill up Exalted Assistance and leave it there and then continue earning exp, the exp will go into one of the other HoT mastery lines.
As for wasting exp. That is inevitable anyway. Once you max out your masteries it will be the same situation.
It didn’t carry over into the next line though. I spent the past two days playing thinking it would count towards Exalted Purification, not the entire line obviously but at least a percentage of it. Yet it’s sitting at 0%. So it looks like I can max out the exp but if I don’t have the mastery points to get it, then any exp after that won’t carry over into the next mastery in the same line.
XP not carried over to next line in mastery?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shrimpkin.4851
That’s the point. Gaining masteries is supposed to be a combination of breadth of content and depth. Masteries are the force on the breadth, requiring you to do some specific things. XP is the “depth” that simply requires you to do anything, but a lot of it.
The entire system is designed to ensure that people incapablele to earn enough masterry points are incapable of earning all of the masteries. If the only points left that you can get are related to adventures, and you’re incapable of doing them, it is intended that you are also incapable of earning more mastry points.
I wonder if that is how Anet intended it or your opinion? Regardless, a little harsh I feel.
XP not carried over to next line in mastery?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shrimpkin.4851
No, it will only carry into a line you directly select from the menu. The mastery points unlock the one you are on, but also unlock access to levelling the next line of the mastery. Part of the idea is to prevent ppl gaming the system, getting all the xp first and then getting the mastery points after and being less tactical on how you spend your mastery points.
I can see why you might have thought it would carry over, but to me it’s much more logical in the way it currently works.
Ok, I see.
I can understand that reasoning but it kind of leaves me in a difficult spot. I need 13 more mastery points to finish the Exalted line and I can’t see how to get them. I’ve tried all the adventures and can’t get past bronze in all but three of them. Earning the xp and knowing I don’t have the points to get the mastery is frustrating.
XP not carried over to next line in mastery?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shrimpkin.4851
I tried to find if there was a post similar to this one but the forum search failed me, so I apologize if this has been asked somewhere else.
I finished up the Nuhoch mastery line two days ago and switched over to finish the Exalted Assistance line. I filled up the xp bar but was short 2 of the 3 mastery points needed to spend on it. I didn’t worry about this too much as I figured it would just carry over into the next line in the track, Exalted Purification. Just a short while ago I got the last mastery point I needed to get Exalted Assistance. When it switched to Purification I noticed the xp bar didn’t move at all, it’s sitting at 0%.
Did I really just spend the last 2 days doing events etc for absolutely no reason? I have every other HoT mastery completed except this one.
Should it not logically have counted towards the next one in the mastery line?
I like this idea and I’ll try and help out where I can. As for myself I’m trying to get the Sweet Tooth Ach. Currently at 295/2500 so if anyone would like to help send me into a sugar coma I’d appreciate it. Only other thing I can think of is the mini Moose, I’ve got an kitten nal of hockey sticks and a toque but I need something to ride into battle.
Wishing everyone the best of luck in receiving their gifts.
N/A server
*Thank you to my gifter for the candy canes.
(edited by Shrimpkin.4851)
I hold down my right mouse button to move and steer my character. Now whenever I click it my character’s head moves and stares down at the ground. This has messed up everything, especially in a fight because now it goes where the character is looking instead of the direction I chose. If I want to dodge left my character goes right and vice versa.
The only JP I need is the new/old one in LA. That acheivement was complete until Anet changed it. I attempted it once, gave up after 3 hours. I’ll try again someday, when I’m feeling masochistic.
I haven’t done too badly in AB, VB is another story and I haven’t even been in the other two maps. I tend to run around on my own most of the time, not because I’m super awesome at the game (I’m not) but because everyone I used to play with has left. So if you’d be willing to follow along with a Ranger who’s terrible at jumping, gliding, dies on a regular basis and swears like there’s no tomorrow I’d appreciate the help. If only to take care of the kitten pocket raptors that murder me in seconds. I hate those kittening things.
I haven’t played ranger in the expansion, but I suspect having a Wyvern pet would make dealing with pocket raptors or mushrooms much simpler.
Looks like I’m hunting for pets today then. Here’s hoping it helps.
I haven’t done too badly in AB, VB is another story and I haven’t even been in the other two maps. I tend to run around on my own most of the time, not because I’m super awesome at the game (I’m not) but because everyone I used to play with has left. So if you’d be willing to follow along with a Ranger who’s terrible at jumping, gliding, dies on a regular basis and swears like there’s no tomorrow I’d appreciate the help. If only to take care of the kitten pocket raptors that murder me in seconds. I hate those kittening things.
I’m not keen on getting another copy of the core game I can’t use, but I could live with it. The main reason is the cost, I haven’t found it for sale anywhere in Canada and after the exchange rate it would end up costing me $65.75. It’s a shame because I was really looking forward to continuing the Living Story and exploring new places etc.
60+ fps in sparsely populated maps at medium high settings. 15-30 at world bosses depending on size of zerg. Turning off player names usually give me a 5-10 fps boost.
Between 4-7fps for regular game play. I drop down to 1-2fps during fights with big crowds.
How do you manage to do anything with only 4-7 fps? O.o
I can move fine. Things get choppy during big fights and some cut scenes but other than that it’s ok. I do have everything set as low as it can go, so while the game doesn’t look the greatest, I can still play. I’m on an HP laptop same as the OP so upgrades are not an option. One day though, I shall build a real pc.
If your computer runs that poorly, I’m amazed it’s still alive. You uh… might wanna start saving up for something new, buddy.
It runs though. Sure, my game’s not as flashy and doesn’t have all the bells and whistles turned on but I still get a lot of enjoyment out of playing. After all, it’s about the fun, right?
60+ fps in sparsely populated maps at medium high settings. 15-30 at world bosses depending on size of zerg. Turning off player names usually give me a 5-10 fps boost.
Between 4-7fps for regular game play. I drop down to 1-2fps during fights with big crowds.
How do you manage to do anything with only 4-7 fps? O.o
I can move fine. Things get choppy during big fights and some cut scenes but other than that it’s ok. I do have everything set as low as it can go, so while the game doesn’t look the greatest, I can still play. I’m on an HP laptop same as the OP so upgrades are not an option. One day though, I shall build a real pc.
Between 4-7fps for regular game play. I drop down to 1-2fps during fights with big crowds.
Thanks Red Queen. Recipes cause me the most headaches in this game, your tip will help a lot.
I’m drowning in Bloodstone dust so I decided to craft Mawdrey to get rid of it. Did my first ever Fractal run today (my pug was great and didn’t seem to mind my terrible performance, thanks btw). I got one pristine fractal relic and 5 +1 agony infusions from the run. I know I need 4 more relics but it’s the agony infusions that are confusing me.
The recipe on the wiki lists it as +5 agony infusion (1) and +1 agony infusions (16)
Is it telling me I can use one or the other or does it mean I need 16 to make 1? Or is it something else I haven’t thought of?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I’m flashing back to the dreaded “Tell me about yourself” question from job interviews.
turning 47 this Friday
I collect sand from beaches when I go on vacation
love books and movies (I’ll read and watch the same ones over and over)
I’ve had this nickname since the early 90s thanks to Tecmo Superbowl, and I’m still giving serious consideration to suing Futurama for stealing it.
I have 3 cats (the crazy cat lady barrier is 5, so I’m safe)
I’m a hardcore introvert, which goes well with my social anxiety
GW2 is my first MMO, my friends got me into it but they don’t play anymore
I speak sarcasm as a second language and my sense of humour is dark and twisted
I have all sounds in GW2 turned off because I listen to music while playing, I also die a lot because of that
I’m terrible at these things
I was leveling my Mesmer last night and went to get a skill challenge…when I got there a couple of people were killing candy corn elementals around it. I shot a few then ran up and got the skill challenge…then I looked at chat.
guy: are you farming?
me: no
guy: then leave
me: I came here to get the skill challenge, relaxIf people want to farm to get ToT bags, I have no problem with that but telling me I’m not allowed to be somewhere because they are is not going to go over well. I was tempted to stay and kill the spawns but I just went off and continued my leveling. Farm all you want but don’t be a richard about it, especially in open world.
Careful, Anet might ban you for disrupting their farm.
As of now, they have no policy. It’s just a few guys screwing with the playerbase for lols.
I have no problem with them farming, my problem was being told to leave the area without him even knowing why I was there. You’re farming by a skill challenge, and one that is hidden away until you get to it, people are going to show up there to commune…
I was leveling my Mesmer last night and went to get a skill challenge…when I got there a couple of people were killing candy corn elementals around it. I shot a few then ran up and got the skill challenge…then I looked at chat.
guy: are you farming?
me: no
guy: then leave
me: I came here to get the skill challenge, relax
If people want to farm to get ToT bags, I have no problem with that but telling me I’m not allowed to be somewhere because they are is not going to go over well. I was tempted to stay and kill the spawns but I just went off and continued my leveling. Farm all you want but don’t be a richard about it, especially in open world.
Gaile Gray.6029:
Hey there,
Here are a few tidbits from the team:
You may be surprised to know this (I know I was) but very few people bought gems at smaller denominations than the first one offered in the new system. That’s not to say they never did, nor that there wouldn’t be the desire to do so. But overall, the current options were selected based on player purchases in the past.
I always bought gems in small denominations and only what I needed…not anymore though, after this change. As the saying goes; “the needs of the many…”
Gaile Gray.6029:
And yet in the history of this forum there has never been a post saying “the gem exchange interface is confusing me as a new player” or anything similar.
Really? You’re 100% certain there’s never been such a post? Good for you, then!
You’re the Communications Team Lead and this is how you address your customer/player base? That kind of sarcasm and snark does not reflect well on you or your company and is totally uncalled for. You owe fellyn.5083 an apology.
Considering this change has upset so many people (myself included) perhaps it would be wise to refrain from using any sort of emotes in your replies. It may not seem like it to everyone but in my case when I read your posts the addition of
etc. comes across as condescending and makes it appear that you’re humouring people and not taking their concerns seriously. And that may very well be the case I fear.
August 23-25, 2013 was a free weekend. That’s how I got hooked.
Flaming arrows. I can dream.
How the heck am I supposed to get enough Dragonite Ore to get a Vision Crystal for the Spinal Blades backpiece when no one is doing world bosses cause they’re just doing LA? And before you tell me, “LA gives you Dragonite Ore” yeah, not much anymore cause all people do is farm Heirlooms, which doesn’t get us to 1,200…… So do I have to wait till Season 1 of the Living World is over to get the Dragonite cause people keep farming for that ugly halo?
If it wasn’t account bound, I’d send you so much bloodstone dust, dragonite ore and empyreal fragments that you’d hate me. I’m trying for the ascended backpiece, but other than that I don’t craft so it just sits there…mocking me.
Shark – Bruce
Reef Drake – Drake O Malfoy
Whiptail Devourer – Devo
I’m pretty sure it was one of the dailies yesterday (Dec. 11th). Which is why I chose something else to complete mine.
I’m new to MMOs and GW2 (only been playing for a little over 2 months) and I was never big into video games to begin with. I chose to be a Ranger, because after reading what all the classes do, it was the one that really appealed to me. I love this game. I’ve had a fantastic time learning as I go, exploring, and I’ve been lucky enough to make some friends who know the game and have helped me out with armor, builds, trait suggestions, you name it.
Whenever I was asked what I wanted from a build, my answer was always the same; “I want to survive the fight”. I thought I was downed or died too often, whether it was WvW or PvE. I got better armor, weapons, sigils, the whole nine yards and I was still dying. I was dodging to the best of my abilities, moving in circles, back and forth, and I was still dying. Keep in mind that until I started playing GW2, WASD were just letters on the keyboard to me. I have improved greatly, but I will never be on par with a lot of the players in this game.
I got tired of being killed, hunted down and jumped by groups in WvW. I now play PvE exclusively. I still feel I die too much, but at least I no longer have to suffer being laughed at or my corpse danced on in victory. (not everyone did this, but it was embarrasing for me to watch)
Like I said, new to all this and when one of my friends explained to me what the regen reduction would do in terms of survivability (for myself) my first thought was “I’m dead in the water”.
I can deal with my pet (weird as it is at times), the weapons I can deal with too as I wasn’t around when the other changes to them took place. I play B/B only after having tried other combinations. I can even deal with being slightly “squishy” in terms of armor. (love my pimp coat and hat)
But having my ability to get out of the line of fire cut in half? Come December 10th, I’ll be spending most of my time wandering around solo and avoiding group events. And ultimately having much less fun. I want to be able to help others in a fight, not become another corpse on the battlefield.
(edited by Shrimpkin.4851)