Showing Posts For Solitaire.3680:
So tired of "Fast as the Wind" constant spam
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Solitaire.3680
Oh please give us an option to turn that off, or maybe just do the verbal dialog once every 10th time or something. I love the ingame sounds and don’t want to turn it all off but when your profession relies a lot on casting swiftness for mobility it drives me insane
Verdant Brink: Pact airship wreckage hero challenge not working.
I have to commune with this challenge but it says I already have it, but I don’t according to the map I still need to get it.
Im totally in love with player housing. It’s probably the main thing that kept me playing eq2 for so long and the fact they constantly added new furniture. I get it’s a niche market but so is WvW and other aspects that are in the game now and I think there would be a big enough player base that wants it to make it profitable. This game is alllll about looking awesome and why not in addition to that have a sweet place to live to match your character? Adding housing would make this the perfect game for me since it gives the less competitive people something to do when we’re getting bored of PVE and want to get creative
I agree 100% OP
Since they are making the Arah step solo it makes sense to do the others aswell.
I don’t group. Rarely anyways.. and I prefer it that way because I like playing at a slow pace and talking to NPC’s and taking afk’s whenever I want. I like that you can go out in the world and be able to just play with anyone without grouping and doing raid like encounters. For this reason I don’t do the story modes when they pop up in my journal but that would bring so much to the game for me. To me they should be solo because you’re the hero of this story and if I am with other people who are also the hero’s then doesn’t that break the immersion aspect of it? I’d love to have strong NPC allies to help me along but the personal story has always been about the player character but those big chunks of story are missing if you don’t want to group for it. It’s a shame really! I do hope they change it.. it would make a lot of sense if they did. Plus it would help out the people who just want to complete it to get to the explorables.. then they dont have to watch the dialog if they don’t want to.
I don’t see why they can’t offer a short term recovery offered lets say if you want your character back within a week or 2.. Yes you have to type in the name but does anyone have kids? They get mad, they do stupid things.. my daughter has deleted important characters in other games (yes she can read and write names) since she wanted a free slot and I wasn’t around and luckily they returned my character. I fail to see how offering a short term recovery would be such a bad thing
Oh man I remember making my first norn and trying to decide which spirit to follow based on those armor sets.. I was torn between raven and snow leopard. Im still a bit sour that we didnt get to wear them!
Honestly I like the individual peices better but there are limitations to them too.. for one thing you can only wear the light medium or heavy ones for your class. And I think we are far passed armor being realistic in this game to keep limiting appearance gear to armor class. Each peice also costs a transmute stone. Those can really add up if you love playing with fashion and change your look a lot.
I do like outfits but yes they end up looking like everyone else besides being able to dye it differently. I think there are enough of them now to have a lot of variety though and plus you can just slap them on any character leveling up and not worry about paying to transmute.
I think if they did more armor sets I would like it so any armor paid for with gems should be free to transmute like the weapons you get out of the achievement sets. We already pay enough for those things. Also just nix the armor class and make it all can wear them. After all who cares at this point? We have warriors and guardians running around in countess Anise outfit so I think we are past realism
A lot of those look like ones that are in the game now don’t they? Like the studded and the heavy scale. The marauder one I believe you can only get the tunic..
I would KILL a bandit for that tribal set. I remember seeinbg that long before gw2 was released and having my eye on it and now I can’t get it
I’d get it if it wasn’t for the complete lack of front torso covering for males.
Showing off some abs is one thing, completely leaving out a panel of material just looks kitten y.
Female characters, as usual, get the best deal
I’m just… god I hope this is sarcasm.
looks at the boobwindows, exposed belly’s and legs for a lot of female armor
Right.Either way I don’t have much to say on the armor/outfit thing. Not my taste though I like that it’s more equal for female and male characters in showing skin.
Nah, the Male armor like Gladiator show more skin. I don’t mind showing skin on the males if it’s cool. It’s not about this self-righteous whining about “equality”, it’s about what looks good. Conan the barbarian looks awesome & he wears less than any woman in GW. Boob windows look good. That’s why lots of outfits have cleavage for women & for the guys they just remove the entire top. looks better. This guy just looks like an idiot.
It’s a matter of opinion.. the new outfit suits more of a light armor class and the gladiator/conan look is better for heavy sets. I think the new outfits would look awesome on a mesmer male for example. But gladiators (if they could wear it) would look wrong
I love love love the new outfit!
BUT not on my norn (skirt is wayy to poofy on her lean hips)
I am glad they finally gave us a revealing male outfit. Of all the boobs/midrifs spilling out of female outfits in the game and there are people that complain that guys show off their gut for one outfit? Good for Anet finally. I’d like to see more of that.
I love this outfit BUT after I tried it on my norn female I am again dissapointed what they do to skirts on norn females=( It’s wayy too poofy and doesn’t sit on her hips properly at all. It sits very nice on human females and sylvari but I go look at my norn and YIKES. She doesn’t even have big hips.. in fact I think her hip to waist ratio is even less than most humans. I wouldnt play a light armor class female norn just because of this skirt problem but I wish they would fit the outfits better on them =(
I’d love a new race, but it’s not just a skin.. each of the races we have now has their own identity/back stories/ heroes/ enemies etc… so making a new one I can imagine takes a LOT of time and dedication especially trying to give them their own personal story that is unique to them. But It would be pretty hard to fit them in the personal story considering that destiny’s edge each had one of the races but what about a new one? Who would their mentor be and what part would he/she play in the story? Also in terms of the personal story do they REALLY want to go back in time and do a whole new Zhaitan storyline again? I suppose they would have to because it’s referred to a lot in the living story but still.. it’s old news now in Tyria.
Would they get a new starter area? I feel they should. It would be a shame just to drop them off into Caledon forest for example. I’d like it done right and feel really unique and make me want to roll a brand new character to experience it all even if I don’t like the race I would probably still play it if there was new lore and new and exciting things.
I think there will be eventually.. but consider how long it finally took to get the first expansion and new class. It may take that long to get a new race also. I do think now they know they need expansions for the game and will do a big one with a new race eventually. Personally I’d love to see the Skritt. I will cringe if it’s Kodan. I play females and they look exactly like the males and not even remotely interesting to me. Just giant bulky bears and no variety. We already have 2 oversize races, we need another small one! I’d be okay with the Tengu though that seems the most likely and they could do a lot with their character creation as long as the females aren’t only brown and drab=) They may need to break lore a bit so I can make a colorful female!
Cultural armor is Rare and isn’t really used for stats. If anything, changing it into a bunch of skins with no stats would make life easier, so you could apply it to exotics.
Actually I use the cultural armor for leveling my alts, so that at least at level 35, 60 and 80 I don’t have to worry about my equipment too much (granted I don’t buy duplicates but I also only have 1 character for each armor type per race).
I like to use them leveling too, at least the 35 and 60 ones, the 80 ones I usually get exotic by then because they are super expensive and it’s something I have to save up for..
but I level pretty slow so having rare armor at those levels AND it looks good makes leveling up a lot nicer, which is why I suggested altering stats. I usually use it a couple levels anyway but it kinda screws up my damage.
Turning them into skins would be ok.. but it doesn’t really improve the situation unless they made it cost zero transmute charges. I don’t see them doing that though because that means less gems spent on charges. At least wearing the armor is temporary and you can still transmute it later when you outgrow it
How about also cultural armor?
If you spend that much money on it, it would be awesome to alter the stats so you don’t need to use transmute charges to use it if you don’t use condition damage for example. We know the technology is there now because of the personal story rewards… is this possible also?
awesome, was just about to post 29 is good too now
I made a post recently how xp in the 20’s just for playing through maps seemed quite slow.. and how I only got 3/4 of a level by doing half a map.
Well today I logged in and noticed the POI’s and waypoints in Lions arch and also the area’s I was yesterday are giving some more XP so it seems like it may be back to normal? I haven’t tested the 29 bug since I am only 28 but I will find out soon, so here’s hoping!
One thing I will never understand EVER is why people feel so stressed, angered and aggressive towards anyone tagging up…don’t get me wrong, I tag up only when I must and extremely rarely, but personally, I don’t really see a problem if there are even 200000 tags around me. -except in WvW-
Thus, I can’t help but think that the hate comes from jealousy.
Jealousy? Most people who played this game any decent amount of time could probably have afforded the 100 gold to buy it before the patch, as most of them did. I could have bought it but I am no leader and won’t ever wear it and I’m a very casual player. Kudos to you for not wearing yours unless your commanding though!
I don’t see a ton of rage over it in general.. just the request to be able to turn them off or turn off individuals tags that aren’t leading anything. Its a good system to have commanders but also Anet is putting too much faith in players to use it properly and clearly many they aren’t using it as it’s intended. This isn’t like a flashy legendary that you spend thousands of gold/ and or hours/ or both getting that should be flashy. It’s a bold colorful non-asthetically pleasing graphic that you can see everywhere on your map and on your screen anytime you’re around a lot of people, it takes a lot away from the art of the game.
That’s fine if it doesnt bother you personally, but you can’t just dismiss the reasons why it bothers other people and try to argue that everyone should be able to run around with commander tags. Defeats the purpose of it doesnt it if everyone did that? There’s reasons why most don’t.. and the ones who do let me turn them off.
Honestly, It’s possible this isn’t the game for you then. It seems that you come from a typical MMO and still want that play style, which is totally fine I think they really have their charm!
There’s a lot of complaining on the forums these days about the latest update features but one of the strong suits I believe for the game in general has been the level 1-80 experience especially on a first character it’s amazing, but since the game is 2 years old many have gone through it many times and want new things to do.
-Character voice acting isn’t bad IMO, most of them aren’t name brand actors keep in mind since if they did the budget wouldn’t have allowed for so many voices in the game. It doesn’t distract from the gameplay for me when a voice actor sounds bad I usually laugh a bit and move on. But I much prefer voices to having to read every thing.
- holy trinity – this is a tricky one because it does feel like there isn’t any roles and in PvE everyone uses the same stats and it’s just DPS DPS DPS.. I would love if there was more room for healer builds/ tanky builds/ etc.. in PVE specifically. I don’t know how you would change that since there isn’t taunting what good would a tank do? Controversial subject for sure.
When you say Story do you mean hearts? Because the cow feeding ones are hearts. And yes there are many mundane hearts that have you do trivial tasks but also many of the same ones allow you to kill local threats to advance them so you don’t always need to (most not all..) But hearts arent really the games strong suit.. I believe Dynamic events should have been the focus and not hearts. But it looks like the higher level zones like Orr and dry top are just doing events.
Also they changed the personal story so you do it every 10 levels now (sorry you already said that in your post), which makes it less disjointed. And some people don’t like this change but I think your complaint of it was VERY typical at the launch of the game.
For combat being boring – well nowadays with level unlocks you DO have to wait until higher levels to unlock your skills and traits to really try out traits. This I believe is a flawed system because people can no longer slow down and enjoy the game since they need to level quickly to get their possible builds. I liked it better when I didn’t have to chase after my class abilities by leveling. On my first character I didn’t even know I was leveling because I was having fun playing. But again now you have to level up to really get into your class now and try different builds, so combat would feel more exciting after that. But again if you want to do the best builds for PVE then there aren’t as many options, that’s typical of any game though there are always meta builds.
In regards to your side note.. I do agree that I don’t personally need a popup telling me I leveled/got stats/ especially now that stat increases are only every few levels so you’re now underpowered before that.. I prefer leveling to happen on the side, but I get why some people what immediate rewards for everything they do even if all they did was level. I do like getting a peice of armor/jewelry/ etc.. or something I can use though it does seem they are dropping more in the actual game. I would like to see heart vendors selling more useful things instead of just getting stuff in the popup window. Let me get it inside the game! The tip in the reward section is very confusing and needs to be clear that it’s a tip not an unlock/reward.. like unlocking vista’s for example.
Anyway, all that aside the fact that you can’t even bring yourself to play is a red flag because I think the newbie experience has been it’s strong suit, all the mysteries and little details of the game kept me all the way to 80 on my first character and I didn’t even notice I was leveling most of the time. Man if I could get that back!
Fascinating that I didn’t see it anywhere even tho you say you posted it to the official forums because I can tell you that if it were here in general you would have definitely NOT received the 1% demands that you have listed there. Absolutely not.
You see most of the people posting here are casuals in the official forums whereas most of the people on reddit are the 1% who demand raiding, making everything harder, and dungeons constantly. So it’s blatantly obvious that these results are skewed. Not to mention that one of the key reasons why Arenanet is moving away from the 1% is due to their losing vast numbers of casuals. When you lose the majority it’s time to move away from the tiny demographic you’ve been trying to appease for 2 years.
So I simply don’t believe that these are results from this forum because I see the posts in general all the time and most of the people who are left here are tired of the problems that come with dungeons, tired of fractals, want new content but generally want it to be open world in the form of new zones, and want the old stuff to be fixed before moving onto the new content.
Im sorry .. what? Where do you get these numbers that reddit is all for hardcore people and casuals hang out on the forums? I check both and am very casual and happen to prefer reddit because GOOD threads and valuble info is much more visible on a day to day basis as well as positive things the community are doing like videos about the game. Many of which are very positive. Reddit is not some elitist forum.. it’s pretty casual in itself if you spent time there you would realize it’s not that different from the forums except that you wouldn’t see as many of the name-calling cry baby posts on there because those ones get downvoted pretty quick
(edited by Solitaire.3680)
Yikes, you really should be rewarded if you’re lower then a mob and are successful at killing it with better xp. I’ve noticed also killing mobs is quite a bit lower xp which is a shame because sometimes it’s more fun to do that with some potions on then grind out hearts with every single character
There should be a question like
“I like some parts of the leveling system but most of it needs improvement”
And you don’t need 2 questions for dislike, “don’t like” and “hate” are close enough they don’t need separate questions.
A lot of people are saying at 29 xp is broken but I’ve noticed at 25 it’s very slow also, killing mobs only give 12 xp and I am not sure what it was before but isn’t that quite a bit lower then normal? Does anyone have a chart or info of what normal xp per level like waypoints, POI’s, because I’ve done about half the map and haven’t got a complete level yet
My husband also cannot complete this
One of the reasons I made a norn and spent time deciding on which spirit to pick was those armors and thinking I would be able to purchase one later.. was pretty dissapointed and thought a perk of picking your spirit would be one of the armors but I wonder if they didn’t add it because other races didn’t get anything similar for their race? People say all the time Sylvari should get more leaf armor for example
I feel like I am being singled out, she runs up to me sometimes without any dialog and just follows me around for a while, then something triggers her and I get the dialog. Sometimes I make a game out of it and see if I can outrun her before she gives me the dialog .. it’s not a game breaking thing and kinda makes me feel wanted but I am considering hanging out in divinity’s reach because she’s a little needy!
I don’t think medium armor is poorly designed (except maybe the studded leather looks like something from 1999) but it does lack variety as several sets look very similar. But where medium has too many long coats, Light has too many skirts. It’s like the opposite. Also a lot of the lower level heavy armor I’ve noticed as I am leveling up all has the short skirt over the pants and there isn’t much variety. Maybe for future armor sets they can focus on reversing that a little bit like adding more regular short tops for medium armor (similar to the krytan set but not just in the gem store), and adding more variety of pants for light armor.
I made a sylvari necro and it took me a while to choose it because I thought she only would look good in plant armor but I gotta say I was really wrong.. I have enjoyed her looks of wearing most of the light armor in the game even the vigil armor i wore for a while because I think as Sylvari they are curious and want to learn and fit in the world so wearing many armor types is perfect for them not just the plant armor. They can fit in practically anywhere and are shown to be quite diverse.
If anything I think Norn women have a harder time pulling off most light armor because they are quite thick and muscular and don’t look great in the frillier dainty stuff. Though to each their own! I don’t find them remotely as deformed humans either, I love their swaying figures and idle animations much more than humans who yawn and look bored kicking rocks and stick their chest out half the time.
My sylvari is going to keep rocking all the varieties of wardrobe tyria has to offer!
So you are angry because people are playing with their new shinies on the day it came out?
How about you just chill the hell out and give it a day or two so people can have their fun with the harmless little icon over their heads that they earned.
And yes, they earned it… By getting the gold and the badges to buy it.
They have been using them in towns, and in area’s that dont need commanding even with just the blue ones.. to a lesser extent but this isn’t going to calm down in a couple days especially now with pertttty colors.. And it’s not harmless, it’s bright and cartoony and is an eye sore for the game asthetics in general to see these all over the map/mini-map and when you’re trying to enjoy the graphics you get those triangles everywhere.
Also what is a 100 gold and a few badges of honor? Most people bought them before they raised it to 300 and that’s fine, keep it off until you want to command. No one’s impressed that you spent some gold that’s easy to get nowadays, they will be impressed when you’re someone worth following.. and I had enough badges of honor by just getting achievement chests and not even stepping into WvW.
The one positive thing is more loot appropriate to your class when your starting out..but Im straining to find anything else about it that I like
human females with purple tags — everywhere! please let me turn them off or I am moving out of Divinity’s reach indefinitely
All joking aside I am sure it’s a novelty thing and things will settle down but I do think disabling them is the only solution right now because more and more people seem to be wearing them for decoration whereas before I would use them as a beacon to world events and such
yeah I wouldn’t recommend it right now, it felt like an adventure before, you found/looted your weapons and unlocked the skills that related to those weapons, it was fun and exciting to get a new weapon and didn’t take much time to unlock it either. It was an organic way of learning skills by USING that weapon. Now with little arrows telling me where to go I feel like my sense of exploration is gone a little.. and besides wasn’t that what scouts were for? Maybe the game they set out to make has changed into a game that will appeal the highest amount of people with the lowest amount of patience. Everything doesn’t need to have rewards attached especially leveling… I feel like leveling is something that happens in the background if your game is FUN and engaging, you level as your doing the things you want to do and enjoying it. Has the philosophy of playing for fun been replaced by playing for rewards only? I get that rewards are needed.. and there are plenty already. Updating heart vendors, personal story rewards, or adding more coin rewards in hearts and dynamic events are all good ideas.. but I really don’t need or want to be clicking on my right hand corner of my screen to get rid of the icons anymore then I already do with events and hearts. I want to PLAY the game and enjoy what there is. You want to make things better well add more events and more lore in the game, and more reason to go back and see these places again, more unique items (even new skins that you can get in the game!), but more spam on the screen and less reason to explore on your own is not the way to go about it.. I don’t want to play the map I want to explore the world and I think new players would want the same feeling we got at launch
Sooo, how heroic do the hero’s of Shaemoor feel this time around?
All their testers were over the age 40
really? So it’s an age thing? Keep in mind most MMO players over 40 came from those “walking uphill both ways in the snow” times of games like everquest which was much harder and grindier then any mmo’s that are released nowadays, with zero tutorials or anything telling you how to play or what to do next.. and only the community to rely on and outside sources. I would hazard to guess there are more new generation players that want things spoon fed rather then the old schoolers.. and I know plenty of over 40 players who have only gotten better at games and don’t mind the work to figure stuff out.
The first thing I did was my usual, get the harvesting stuff, salvaging stuff, some weapons, and off I go with the usual map completion stuff.. And as I am leveling I notice it’s easier and faster which is okay I suppose since most people probably want to get through the newbie area’s quick. Then I notice at 7 I unlock points of interests.. hold on a second I have already been getting those, what does that mean that I have to go back and get them again? (this is what a new player may think..) but I already got them so what exactly does this unlock do exactly? Not a whole’s just a tip I guess disguised as an award?
Same goes for vista’s at level 10, I already had been collecting them but unlocked them at level 10? I already could use the black lion trader before I “unlocked” it also..
This system is very confusing especially if you had already been harvesting and doing things before they were unlocked.
The worst part is when I went to get the first skill point in Wayfarer foothills it wasn’t on my map but the lady was still there, so I hail her and nothing happens.. ok well that kinda sucks she’s still there and the right level but I can’t attack her I guess because I haven’t “unlocked” my 13th level point. So at this point I realize I will have to back track into the newbie zone to get that point but since it wasn’t showing up on my map it would be darn hard for anyone to find later. But it gets better.. Someone else attacks her and I tag her and I can get the skill point anyway, I just can’t activate it myself…
This system just seems really strange and the way it’s worded as “Unlock” means that you shouldnt be able to do them before those levels. Which by the way I don’t agree with please don’t change it so you can’t do it! Just take away the “fake” award for leveling that’s really just a tool tip in disguise
I just don’t think this new system will be any easier for new players, and possibly more confusing
PLEASE let us do this.. one of the first things I saw when I zoned into Divinity’s reach was about 8 different human females with purple commander tags.
Commanders, everywhere!
I can’t ask enough for first person camera.. it doesn’t have to be fully fleshed out for combat like camera shake and seeing your weapons (or having your character flip upside down of you dodge roll yikes!) but of course that would be nice if it’s an option. Screenshots are one thing and I hope just hiding your character for a screenshot isn’t the limit for this because I want to be able to run around this GORGEOUS world, and see things with my own (Characters) eyes.
edit: I also want to emphasize that like other MMO’s that have first person camera I will not be using it for combat and I know most players won’t either. You could even have a tooltip pop up when you enable first person that warns you against using it for combat if you’re worried about totally new people accidentally doing it. And also have a check box in options that you need to check in order to be able to scroll into first person with the mouse wheel and leave it defaulted to 3rd person. I think most people are smart enough to use it wisely!
(edited by Solitaire.3680)
I agree, I was super excited after coming back to the game since about a month after launch that there are new zones to explore, and dismayed to find that jumping constantly is required to traverse it.. yes most of the jumps aren’t too difficult but its just annoying and some of them can be frustrating if you aren’t good at general jumping like me. I struggle with vista’s even though I don’t mind them since they are easy enough after a few tries if I fail. but having the aspects being timed for 15 seconds instead of being able to take my time slowly which is how I manage to make other jumps in the game, also just to be able to get from point A to point B in the zone and if you don’t make it you end up in the ravine with mobs swarming you. I don’t want to take jumping away from anyone else and think it should be there because I see how people love it but I really hope it stops being a requirement to travel, other then extra loot/achievements..(like the original jumping puzzles in the game) or maybe have an option to go slower and take our time and have more area’s we can just run through and the jumpers can take the quick short cut routes through the zone if they like.
I always mine when I am being attacked and don’t get anything ruined unless I use the wrong tools
They have said somewhere that they plan to add this, no idea how long it will take though I would really love to know what things look like before I shell out gold for them though..
I wouldn’t mind seeing the addition of a hoofed pet like a Ram, Stag, Dolyak etc.. or even some non-combat pets that are fully supportive but don’t actually attack
I’m talking about the one on the webpage as well as character creation.. I believe they are slightly different but the idea is that Rangers are only ranged classes (which they are not as they use melee equally as well as bows) and are not unparalleled in the use of a bow as warriors and thieves use bow’s just as well. The only difference is rangers can use both.. does that make them unparalleled? no.. the wording makes it seem like if you want to be a master of bows and have your pet be the distraction then make a ranger. It sounds like you will be standing back and shooting with a tank pet. People will find coming into the class that they might end up in melee range with a very squishy pet they don’t want taking damage. I just think a description highlighting the variety of play style with the nature theme would be more suiting for the class rather than making it seem like they are THE choice as an archer class.
I am just glad I could save my silver on that since it’s really just for appearance, but I agree I do like the norn racial armors in general but not the medium masks, ugh! What i would KILL for an animal head as my head slot like the spirit shamans wear. I seriously assumed that we would get those..
I was tempted to play an Asura ranger because as a norn my pets look quite teenie especially wolves=D I also would like to see them start really small based on the level of the ranger, even smaller then they are now, then grow up quite a bit bigger (but not too big to be annoying)
If this is true it’s upsetting I would have hoped they would improve the longbow main attack a bit so that it would be a more viable weapon.. and also the greatsword. The Axe is meh but I keep it around because It’s ok against multiple mobs and also I can use my warhorn.
But why do we compare to other classes bows considering we wont ever be able to do as much damage as another class because our pet does a significant portion of our damage? or is it really that unbalanced even without considering the pet? I am genuinely curious because I have only ever played/ wanted to play my ranger.
I’ve found that at higher levels they mostly ignore the pets and go after you anyway so I usually stick with the more DPSy style pets like Lynx or sometimes birds, jaguar also is nice. On huge boss fights I go with ranged like spiders. Even if you use bows they tend to ignore the bear anyway and come right after you so you end up kiting it around regardless of the big meat shield standing there .. the bear is useful for leveling up or some hard personal story quests and also condition removal on the brown bear is nice.
I have never been rezzed either but have not died in the majority of them or if I did the NPC’s usually are dead first but I am pleased to know that they (are supposed to) have my back
lol I never really thought about it but it has a lot of truth to it.. there really isn’t much downtime especially in Orr. Everytime I go there I know I will be “runninng running runnning!” There’s no safe place, no path to go or patch of water where you can stop and enjoy the scenery or take screenshots, I can’t type to anyone, I have to log-out if I want to use the bathroom or I will come back dead because my outpost will be taken over. I really wanted to enjoy that place and take some screenies =(
Lornar’s pass was particularly beautiful for me, especially around the durmand priory.
But one little area I just love for no particular reason is Fort Ranick in Timberline falls, and the river around it. Seems to peaceful and lovely just want to have a picnic there! Didn’t enjoy the heart quest but at least it was a nice area to be in.
The Kodan ships in frostgorge sound are pretty darn impressive too.
The area around Fort Trinity before you actually get to Orr (ugh!) I thought it felt like a warzone and like I was heading off into a huge battle. Love all the big machinery and siege weaponry
I think it would be cool if the encounters got more and more challenging each time you succeed in defending an area. Eventually there would be veterans then champions and bosses come and try to take it out and you the player would experience higher lvl challenges each time and it would be bound to fail eventually.