Showing Posts For Spicyhash.7605:

Best DPS for glass staff ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


build is purely for min/maxing so dont really care about survivability

assume my build is staff with zerker everything and scholar runes. i use this set for another char so changing the runes isn’t an option right now.

anyway, my current sigils are accuracy (7% crit chance) and perception for more crit chance. i also use signet of fire for another 15% crit chance. currently with 25 stacks of perception im sitting at 80% crit chance which i feel is a waste. current power is 3072.

question is – bloodlust sigil or cruelty? cruelty would add 16% crit damage , and i’m not sure how that stacks up against 250 power from bloodlust. thoughts?


Can no longer connect using -clientport 80

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


Fixed it.

The problem was that Comcast was trying to send me one of their popup injections telling me I have almost hit my usage cap for the month, so the client was failing to connect using port 80 since it doesn’t use SSL (obviously), which is why port 443 worked.

Restarting my modem fixed the issue.


Can no longer connect using -clientport 80

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


Comcast is my ISP.
I have been using -clientport 80 for the past couple of months now with no issues (even played earlier today) and when trying to log in just now I get this error:

Build: 70513

Error Code: 42:0:9001:4402

Changing it to use -clientport 443 fixes it, but I don’t know why port 80 stopped working. I checked and there is nothing currently using port 80.

I also added firewall rules for gw2 to allow all incoming and outgoing connections.

I checked that I can have things listen on port 80 and connect to them externally, so comcast isn’t blocking it.


(edited by Spicyhash.7605)

Tarnished Coast Question - WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


tc gets teamed by mag/bg every time they get this matchup. blackgate is the ultimate cuck server and constantly spawn camps tc so mag can run around and do as they please. i have alts on both mag and bg and the amount of auto-fellatio that goes on in map chat when this happens is hilarious


Berserkers Lightward Battlestaff

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


sad. i want this really rare and cool looking weapon but want it to be easy to obtain! everyone is so entitled and self-centered these days.


unable to access API

in API Development

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


I have a few scripts i run on my home computer that run just fine. they’re written in php and i have the SSL_VERIFYPEER option set to false for the curl instance.

i copied this code directly on to my server that i use for a bunch of other stuff using curl without any issues.

when i send a test request to the API, it takes the full 30 seconds and then just times out returning no data. pinging it is more of the same – none succeed at all and they all time out.

Here is a traceroute from my server -

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  <redacted> (<redacted>)  0.040 ms  0.018 ms  0.019 ms
 2 (  0.259 ms  0.252 ms  0.212 ms
 3 (  0.232 ms  0.244 ms  0.211 ms
 4 (  60.324 ms  60.309 ms  60.295 ms
 5 (  62.532 ms (  65.146 ms (  67.743 ms
 6  * * *
 7  * * *
 8  * * *
 9  * * *
10  * * *
11  * * *
12  * * *
13  * * *
14  * * *
15  * * *
16  * * *
17  * * *
18  * * *
19  * * *
20  * * *
21  * * *
22  * * *
23  * * *
24  * * *
25  * * *
26  * * *
27  * * *
28  * * *
29  * * *
30  * * *

here’s traceroute from my home computer

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1     1 ms     1 ms    <1 ms  <redacted> []
  2    12 ms    11 ms    11 ms
  3    11 ms    11 ms    11 ms  xe-0-1-3-sur03.<redacted> [162.151.*.*]
  4    19 ms    12 ms    11 ms  ae-2-sur04.<redacted> [68.87.*.*]
  5    25 ms    20 ms    11 ms  ae-52-ar01.<redacted> [68.87.*.*]
  6    10 ms    25 ms    11 ms  ae-2.bar2.<redacted> [4.68.*.*]
  7     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  8    52 ms    54 ms    55 ms
  9    54 ms    55 ms    57 ms []
 10    98 ms    56 ms    54 ms []
 11    57 ms    67 ms    55 ms []
 12    56 ms    54 ms    55 ms []

Trace complete.

i put in a ticket with my server host but thought i’d ask here anyway.

i can give server IP to anet employee if it is required


Servers that are abysmally bad at WwW

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


i don’t think any servers are bad at wvw. i have thousands of hours inside wvw and i’ve played on a handful of servers and every single one of them has the mentality that the servers they play against in any matchup are bad/keep huggers/siege humpers etc. i honestly think this is due partly to the fact that there’s no cross server communication in wvw and the enemy players just become <Server Name> Gold Soldier.

the truth is that every server is playing wvw in the exact same way. we all have pugs/pugmanders, we all have roamers, and we all have guild groups. we all have blobs and casual players that stay in keeps and fire acs at passing guild groups.

instead we should focus on which server has the most cancerous, elitist guild groups that try and lure pugs out of EB so they can do ‘muh zerg bust’ when in reality rolling 40-50 deep against an unorganized pug zerg on another server is just an effortless bag farm – the thing guild groups actually seem to be after. the second any kind of challenge arises, they just switch maps to find another easy, unorganized bag farm. if that doesn’t work they’re guaranteed to go troll on gw2wvw because they are le epic uncaring stoic internet hero.

inb4 trite ‘lel u mad bro’, packet-of-salt.jpg replies


Serious question: Why have a target limit?

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


the whole point of there being an aoe cap is because having to calculate boon/condition duration and damage for a higher number of players would bog down the server. this has been discussed pretty much since the game came out and anet hasn’t show any interest in changing it


Mastery points and story achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


So there are a sizable amount of mastery points tied to story achievements and now that S1 and S2 are long over, pretty much nobody is doing these anymore, so we just can’t get them unless you have guildies that are willing to help.

Is it likely that there will be even more mastery points added to S3? Can we get 166 mastery without doing the story ones?


Time to remove cloaking waters from SMC

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


Pls lads. It’s a joke. Maguuma been using this crap all kitten day in this tier and with a buff like that, it’s only possible to take SMC when nobody is online, and given their current alliance that never happens.


The new auto loot doesen't work in WvW. [Merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


funny, i was so hyped for this mastery and when HoT came out. grinded to unlock it and went to wvw and big surprise its not available in wvw. this is the sole reason i’m no longer buy gems and instead spending money on other games. thanks anet.


Thank you, ANet!

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


I’ve also saved a lot of money on gems that I’m no longer buying – it’s great! I log in for the daily login reward, look at the prices of some items I’m hoarding, and then log out! I used to play GW2 on the weekend for 10+ hours, and so far I’ve played 5 minutes!

What’s also sad is that I don’t even know what to do on the weekend anymore. I used to play GW2. Now I just sleep.


(edited by Spicyhash.7605)

How many quit playing WvW since new maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


unfortunately, i’ve stopped playing altogether. i still log in for daily login reward, look at guild chat for a sec, then close the game.

wvw was really all i played for besides some binge pve farming. my guild Vox Invictus on CD has all but stopped wvwing – when we were almost an exclusively wvw guild before. It’s total crap. I don’t enjoy the new maps at all, I don’t really enjoy revenant after fighting glint/shiro cheese the few times I did go into wvw.

even if they do something to fix it i likely won’t come back to play full time. the thought of how much of a crappy grind legendary stuff will be is too off-putting. also how raids are capped with (what sounds like will be) crappy rewards, i’ve just lost all motivation to play. RIP.


Stonemist lord has too much health.

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


Easily the worst game design decision I’ve made in HoT. Spent at least 10 mins with a kitten man group on burn after breakbar went down and after wiping the enemy server twice we’re still burning and they have enough time to return while we are still burning the lord. it’s so ridiculous.


Like or Dislike new WvW Bordelands

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


looks cool, but ultimately a miss. i want to say i’ve spent at least 2-3k hours in wvw and played almost every day after work however since the update came out i havent really touched it. i’m pretty sure HoT killed it.


Autoloot Mastery lets the client CRASH

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


can confirm, crashing


Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


advanced logistics crashes my client any time it activates. even disabling it causes this crash to happen.


Druid and Revenant Feedback for pvp

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


revenant needs a huge nerf, specifically shiro/glint combination. shiros roll needs a longer cooldown or a cooldown in general, like 5-10 seconds or something. they have already added cooldowns to initiative-style skills so it doesn’t matter to add more at this point.


The elite specs are comically overpowered.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


Revenant has way too much mobility

Please excuse me while i rofl.

You might want to try the permaswiftness if you don’t understand how to give Rev mobility. In the time it took you to make this post, you could have learned about the class!

can’t believe the idiot you replied to. zerg just chased a rev from southwest outer SM all the way to quentin and he was ahead of us almost the entire time. constant ‘roll for initiative’ in shiro followed by the glint heal that converts damage to healing over and over and over again.


The elite specs are comically overpowered.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


If everybody is overpowered then nobody is overpowered. What a silly argument.

If not everyone is playing the elite specs then not everyone is overpowered. Where’s your rebuttal now?


The elite specs are comically overpowered.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


thanks for the great replies guys. it’s so refreshing to have people actually agree and not make low effort ‘L2P’ posts


Pack roamers chasing Solo roamers [Solved]

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


Protip: log out if you’re solo roaming and get swarmed by thirsty nerds. It’s much quicker to log out and back into WvW if you have an ssd than it is to wait for them to stomp you.


Conditions and stealth, it's ruining the game

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


Conditions should either reveal or not tick at all while in stealth.


The elite specs are comically overpowered.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


Since when does ANet balance things by making them more powerful? I thought their philosophy was the complete opposite of power creep?

Mesmer is incredibly cheese right now, exacerbated by chronomancer
Scrapper is OP with perma stab/stuns/might
Revenant has way too much mobility, too much sustain, and entirely too much DPS.
Reaper death’s charge is overpowered and I play a necro. The exploding chill trait combined with chill of death does way too much damage. It’s a joke.

Stop buffing stuff and start nerfing stuff. This has nothing to do with ‘L2P’ and i know bad players abusing the current mechanics will say so, so just thought I’d get that out there.


Getting terrible lag/ping spikes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


I’m connecting to the server at well, it’s what I get assigned. When I play and press the autoattack, it takes 1-2 full seconds for the button press to register. I look in resource monitor and each time I hit the attack button the ping spikes to 800ms+. Here is a ping output:

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=702ms TTL=120
Reply from bytes=32 time=178ms TTL=120
Reply from bytes=32 time=785ms TTL=120
Reply from bytes=32 time=112ms TTL=120
Reply from bytes=32 time=73ms TTL=120
Reply from bytes=32 time=74ms TTL=120
Reply from bytes=32 time=139ms TTL=120
Reply from bytes=32 time=95ms TTL=120
Reply from bytes=32 time=2097ms TTL=120
Reply from bytes=32 time=117ms TTL=120
Reply from bytes=32 time=126ms TTL=120
Reply from bytes=32 time=128ms TTL=120
Reply from bytes=32 time=70ms TTL=120

I really don’t know what the issue is. This happens in all other games I play. I have no problem standing still and watching the action but the second I start sending input commands I lag like crazy. Any ideas?


Why can't we have direct cash->item sales?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


that opens up a very smelly legal can of worms, which I’d imagine most MMO’s in the world would want to avoid.

Can you imagine the sheer drama that would explode if a hacked account racked up someone’s credit card bill by a few thousand?

you can save your credit card info when purchasing gems already anyway. and paypal has conversion between curencies so that isn’t an issue.


Why can't we have direct cash->item sales?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


For example: Those who purchase gems with cash are still spending $10 to buy a 20%(or w/e the % is) discounted finisher. Say a finisher costs 450 gems. Why can I not just pay $5.62 for this finisher and be done with it? The only other alternatives are that I convert gold to gems (not likely) or that I don’t make a purchase at all (the case 99% of the time). It’s ridiculous that I need to convert 17-20 gold to buy trans charges OR spend $10 gems to make a purchase that is essentially $1.87 worth of goods. I would even be fine with rounding it to the nearest dollar as a convenience charge – whatever.

This doesn’t have to be the case for items that are exactly 800 gems or in multiples of 800 as it is actually more convenient to just buy the equivalent gem packs and be done with it.


Sigil of air/fire nerf?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


No. If you keep nerfing things it will get to a point where you are better off just taking sigil of accuracy or force.


About that blix exploit....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


Blix farm showed us that there is a big ammount of ppl that wants Fg farm back.

No, it shows us that loot in this game is a joke and acquiring a decent amount of gold isn’t possible without doing things like brainless map trains, blix exploit, and other event-fail exploits. People are always going to find a new way to repeatedly farm something until this ridiculous loot RNG is fixed


Burst nerf

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


Burst isn’t the problem IMO, the insane amount of crit chance is. In most other games, RuneScape is one that comes to mind, the highest crit chance you could get before a recent update was something like 8 or 10%. Maybe not the exact number, but it wasn’t ridiculously high like GW2 where people range from 50-100% crit chance.

I would love to see the overall crit chance nerfed into the ground. Being able to hit 8-10k or even higher in a single shot is ridiculous and should not even be possible. I have seen eviscerate hit for 3-4k in a non-crit and that seems high enough honestly. Instead of nerfing crit damage, they should have nerfed crit chance. If you lower the amount of crits being done, being able to have 100+% crit damage (before ferocity) is not even that bad.


Design a trait/utility/elite

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


Adept Thief Trait: Ezio Macaroni
Character wears Assassin’s Creed style hood

Grandmaster Engineer Trait: Prybar 5 to 3
After using magnet, use Pry Bar regardless of opponent actually being pulled

Adept Warrior Trait: Scaredy Cat
When you are about to die, automatically use greatsword skills Rush followed by Whirlwind

Adept Ranger Trait: Contingency
Use point black shot automatically regardless of the situation

Adept Elementalist Trait: Double-edged Sword
Mist form lasts twice as long, but cannot enter doors while in mist form

Grandmaster Guardian Trait: Spinal Tap
Wave of Wrath now does double damage


(edited by Spicyhash.7605)

New boon!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


How about a boon where if you have the reverse of a corrupted boon, you can’t receive that condition? i.e. if you have aegis, no burning, if you have fury, no blind, etc.


Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


it makes my heart so sad when you see someone one on one say leaving a camp and they see you….. and RUN

as the first person in this thread said.. not everyone is running some cheesy glass/condition spec. maybe they were with a guild group and needed supply. organized play calls for more than just running full zerker everything and a person in soldiers gear doesn’t stand a chance vs someone who is speccd to roam.


Sick of condi builds when roaming

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


The only thing wrong with conditions is that they don’t stop ticking when you block/are invulnerable. This is what makes it seem like you get steamrolled by condi builds. The only mitigation is high health and cleanses. You can’t really dodge conditions like you can dodge a 10k backstab.


Rangers.. bleeding

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


Crossfire is probably one of the best designed skills in the game because you can actively counter-play the condition application through positioning. It’s nowhere near as ridiculous as other condi auto-attack skills like Blood/Rendering/Putrid Curse.

And I thought people whining about backstab was bad (the same thing applies), but now people are complaining about the effectiveness of condi shortbow rangers?…

That said, I will give the OP that rangers are BORING. They play overly-passively and its ranged flavors are far too dependent on their auto-attacks than actually using their skills.

Only difference with backstab is you can’t see your oponent, making proper positioning much harder.

that and its not truly ’back’stab. it’s back and sides. it’s like a 180 angle hit box instead of just 45 degree or something.


Dagger / Dagger build ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


i play a power necro and i would never use dagger offhand. ever. i use warhorn and focus for offhand with dagger mainhand on both sets. warhorn4 is invaluable in 1vx fights when you have someone downed and then their team mates try to rez them. good ol’ interrupt is usually enough time to either stomp or dps them down.


thief dealing with lich

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


People actually use lich form? The only time I’ve ever used lich form is tower flipping or camp flipping.

p/d condispam thief is one of, if not the most cheesiest build in the game.


how can i beat a thief?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


As a power necro, I have no issues with fighting thieves.

For condi spamming thieves: simply don’t move for the duration of torment. I know this is counter-intuitive but that is where a ton of their damage comes from. their pistol bleeds from the stealth pistol attack can’t really stack past 10 unless they somehow have 100% condi duration so that is not that bad. You might also equip a plague signet to transfer it back to them, or well of power.

For d/d backstab thieves: The only thing you need to do here is fight back. There is absolutely no way you can beat a thief if you are using axe. It is a terrible weapon. My weaponset is dagger/warhorn + dagger/focus and I have never had any issues killing thieves.


Mesmer using a skill called "Hunter's Call"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


Never figured out what the hunter’s call ability was, but the major source of bleeding was using pistol 4 and having the bleed on crit with debilitating dissipation and him destroying clones on dodge with sigil of energy. was also using seed turrets for more bleeding.


Mesmer using a skill called "Hunter's Call"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


Could be runes of the flock.

were they norn?

no, sylvari.


Mesmer using a skill called "Hunter's Call"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


So I just got rolled by a mesmer who was killing a yak. Before I engaged, I noticed the yak had a 15 stack of bleed on it and no other conditions besides maybe cripple. I engage, and I have a constant 10 stack of bleeds on me and I keep getting spammed with a skill called “Hunter’s Call”. There were no other people in the area. Any idea what this is? Runes of the Flock?


[All] Tonix Exploit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


So after a bit of fighting WvW today my group came across some players that were abusing tonics to gain weapon procs w/no sacrifice. The way this works is that entering a tonic counts as a weapon swap and leaving the tonic (skill 6) counts as a healing skill. Thieves use this with balthazar runes and it is completely broken. Something like this shouldn’t even be possible.


Leaving for Wildstar? (not a QQ thread)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


It is a decent game, but there is too much to be desired for me to leave GW2 for it.

For starters, the tutorial is just bad. It took me three characters to make it through because I couldn’t find a character running animation that didn’t drive me crazy. The quests are meaningless and I’m not aware of the actual story. It seems there are so many quests/events that even at level 11 I became overwhelmed and simply called it quits. There’s also the fact that gear is largely crafted (not sure if this is bad) and you don’t unlock crafting until level 10. I had a level 4 weapon since level 4 until I could make something better.

I traveled to the main Exile hub Thayd to use the trading post (wtf, really) and found out there were really no items lower than level 15. The fact that I can’t use trading posts anywhere but main cities bothers me as traveling is so slow w/o mounts. Definitely miss the WP system in GW2.

Overall the game is really not that bad but the hype definitely isn’t warranted. The game is a huge grind, quests are meaningless, the UI is incredibly cluttered and I just feel frustrated playing it. It is hard to imagine paying $15 a month for this game with the additional $60 box price. I don’t even have a problem paying that subscription fee but the game has to be worth it, and, honestly, Wildstar isn’t.


MOTIVATION - Necromancers don't suck. You do.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605



Get rid of ferocity and precision

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


If you think about it, crit damage is not the problem, crit CHANCE is. Take WoW for example: An average crit chance is is like 6-10% or something, but the basic damage is higher. They should nerf the amount of crit chance it’s possible to get (increase required precision per 1% crit chance), and buff the damage coefficients of attacks. That way, it will no longer to be possible to get 70-100% crit chance and have nearly all of your attacks be critical hits. Then they can make the on-crit sigils be 100% and remove all internal cooldowns since crits won’t be happening every two or less seconds.


How fast can you flip a camp with your necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


Clearing all mobs takes me < 15 seconds and I can begin capping before swords pop.

As a power necro:
Switch utilities to well of corrupt, well of darkness, and well of suffering. Lure mobs to a single point and drop darkness well to avoid being stunned/interrupted and then the other two. Pop into ds and use ds4 and by then only the lord remains at around half health. You can do the same well strategy and instead of ds use lich form and just spam auto attacks. everything melts.


[PvX] Infilrators skills break immobilize?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


nobody in this thread seems to realize that no amount of crying they do will stop ANet from nerfing this over the top class. immobilize is called immobilize for a reason, you shouldn’t be able to move. how is this a thief QQ thread at all? no other classes besides mesmer can move while they are immobilized, it doesn’t make sense.


[PvX] Thieves need a nerf

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


ever since this patch came out i have been playing two characters: my necro and my ele. necro is just your average bursty power nec but the real fun is on my ele. i have full clerics gear with magi trinkets for the vitality and i use two staves: one with sigil of life + sigil of water, adn the other with sigil of renewal + sigil of water. my soothing mist heals for 200 a tick and my regen heals for >400 a tick with just over 2k healing power. i’m using runes of water so i aoe heal when using a healing skill, aoe heal on weapon swap, heal on swapping to water, heal on dodge, staff 3 and staff 5, staff auto atk aoe heals for 1k per attack, aquatic benevolence, etc. it’s just great. can still drop meteor aoe if necessary to get kills but overall it is fun to play in groups. i would love a dedicated healer class but at the same time i would hate to not be able to do any damage.


[PvX] Infilrators skills break immobilize?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


It seems ridiculous to me that thieves have so many skills that aren’t stun breakers but still ‘break’ immobilize. Even if it doesn’t actually remove the effect it still gets them out of harms way. I don’t get it. You immobilize a thief to actually be able to hurt them and then unload your burst or whatever, but all they have to do is use infiltrators strike on something to get away, or infiltrator’s signet, infiltrator’s arrow, shadowstep etc. Some of these are stun breakers but immobilize isn’t a stun and these skills shouldn’t be allow you to teleport if you are immobilize. What is even the point? Thieves can’t be effected by chill or immobilize – it just seems ridiculous.


Remove unbeatable 1v1 bunks, reduce condi dmg

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


If you want power, you sacrifice survivability.
If you want condi or bunker, you can basically have both of them at the same time. This is not at all balanced.

you can’t make a direct contrast in your first point and then add some word like ‘virtually’ or ‘basically’ to the second. condi players by default use rabid or dire and those that use dire at tanky in general but not necessarily bunker. you can’t be bunker by being tanky alone, you need heals/regen/etc – something more than just toughness and vitality.

that aside, you make points, but you are talking to a brick wall. i believe these changes are set in stone and will eventually be the downfall of this game.

Actually on topic:

Condition clears are a placebo that do not actually do anything but prolong the inevitable. As long as conditions can be applied via AA (necro scepter) they will always be spammable and condi will always be king. I would be fine with increasing the physical damage of condition applying skills while reducing condition damage across the board. That way, if ur using dire you’re kitten compared to a condi build using full carrion or something that actually has power. Either way, if they nerf one thing something else will become the new meta and ppl will cry about that and the cycle continues. This game is, by design, made to be min/maxed and have nothing but cheese builds running around, and nothing will change that.

Conditions should not even exist as a viable build. They should be few and far between. They should be supplemental to physical damage and not viable on their own. i.e. a power-based warrior using impale should (and it does) add some DoT damage to their target in addition to physical damage.. but it shouldn’t be possible to have a build that is solely dedicated to using these DoT skills.


(edited by Spicyhash.7605)