Showing Posts For Squeal.7142:

Ascended and legendary items

in Crafting

Posted by: Squeal.7142


What I’m more curious is

1. Will ascended items be Soulbound on Acquire(must do dungeon) or Soulbound on Use (can get it from TP).

2. Is new monster condition: Agony, will be exclusive to the dungeon or will they be implemented on other world boss too.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

Isle of Janthir V Crystal Desert V Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

Isles of Janthir - Exploiters

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


I just joined IoJ, 1 or 2 week ago. I was at CD borderland when this happened, I was already playing for several hours, You guys really fight tooth and nail, and it’s impressive. Each time we use balista to stop the treb from garrison, in 5-10 minutes, you guys build it up again. And each time we take over spiritholme, your zerg come to save it. You guys was really tenacious.

Well, anyway after several hour, someone yell at team chat that we are at inner garrison, and we have golem. I was suprised and impressed, such Spec Op tactic, timed so that the white sword was not noticed. So I came running to water gate, and I find my commander In front of the gate yelling, they “Fixed The Water Gate behind You !!”. When I check the gate though, it’s in full health. Garrison is under heavy siege, They have 0 supplies, If that gate is broken and repaired, It shouldn’t have 100% health. and now from your screenshot i see the golem was being build in front of innergate.

I’m new guy in the server, I have to say, even when we are ranked #2 in SBI/IoJ/BG, IoJ is a great server, people trolling in Team chat are simply burned for like 1-2 round and then blocked. No distracting teamchat that continued for 10-15 minutes. when we were outmanned last week, there’s no morale break, people keep trying. The majority of the server are polite, mature and very friendly.

I’m sorry to hear that there is exploitation included in our side, IMO we don’t need/want these kind of stuff. I have been in the other receiving end of this thing often enough. Having orb hack while 3 maps have outmanned buffs, Leopard that jump all over the map flipping camp solo, etc.

I’m not IoJ old crew, I’m newcomer. But I come here because I experienced the other side of this behavior and it’s heavy on morale. I’m not officer in my guild, so I cant talk for my guild. However for me personally, i wont join anymore watergate assault unless I;m sure it’s legitimate.

Good fight for CD, sorry for the imbalance in number, even more sorry to hear exploitation involved. Keep fighting.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

(edited by Squeal.7142)

Basic Rules of WvW Match.

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


1. If your server is winning, that mean you win by pure tactic, organization and genius commanders, number of players is not a factor in WvW.
2. If your server is losing, that mean your server is severely outnumbered. If you have enough people following you, the server can easily wipe their server, your opponents are just mindless zerg lead by drooling commanders.
3. If your server is in 2nd rank, that mean your server is being ganked. the first and third rank are forming deep collaboration so your server cant be first rank, I heard friend of my friend of my friend saw some people from first rank server dropping an omega golem blueprint near the third rank server spawn point so they can build one.
4. All commander get the book from scratching their mom/aunt credit cards. You shouldn’t listen to any of them. The story of tens of guildie pooling money for a leader they think worthy of following are myth, nothing more. Your opinion worth more value and absolutely the only thing that can lead your server to glory.
5. Always write your opinion in team chat. If the commander suck, announce it. If the guy next to you wear neat looking armor, tell the team.
6. You are magnificent and uber-powerful.Joining a guild is useless. Teamwork are for loser. You can single handedly kill any yak that cross your path.
7. TS3, Mumble, Vent are simply software that people used to hack your account, and listen to intimate conversation. Don’t ever use them. Typing in team chat are far superior, and with your leadership, your server can reach Tier 1 without the help of those unnecessary and highly dangerouus software. If it’s not macrosoft or it’s not a game, it’s not worth installing.
8. Your siege engine are placed more strategically than anyone sieges, who care if the siege engine next to you is 90% completion. It’s put in the wrong place, you have to put your own siege engine and use your 10 supplies for it. People will build it, and it will turn the tide.
9. Always use Omega golem. All other siege engine are inferior. Reinforced gate ? Golem can break it. No reinforced ? Golem can break it too. Golem can also be used in subduing skritts and centaurs. The quaggans absolutely loove Omega Golems. Golems are amazing.
10. If you dont have golem, Treb is amazing too. If you see common garden variety unevolved players milling around in front of a gate trying to break it with 2 rams, help them by dropping a trebuchet or three thebuchets in front of the gate. The more the faster.
11. The Giant Grub in EB drop Legendary weapon. If it’s ganked by more than 50 people, it have 10% chance of dropping Dusk, 20% chance of dropping Dawn, and 70% chance of dropping Scam. What’s Scam ? It’s a 3-hand Precursor Giantsword, that can be used to craft the legendary 3-hand Giantsword, The Bullpoo.

Feel free to add more tips for newcomers and professional WvW.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


Well, I just recently moved to IoJ, like several days ago. And I have to say, I like this server. The 10/12 match starts is kinda rocky, I was at Crystal Desert Battleground, there are several commanders and it seems each have different target/methods. It’s not that the method used are not effective, it’s just that there’s only so much resource/supplies.

After several hours, one commander seems have general players approval, and the gameplay become much more fun. I am still trying to note, which commander fit my playstyle in this new server, and I have to say accompanying commander Grimaldi of Blood Pact (BP) is quite fun. Thanks for the run.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


Basically, merge all the tiny dead servers into one server.

So sorry, I just wish to comment on this one sentence. I have read more than one suggestion regarding server merging. I just wish to add some insight regarding this. Due to the nature of the WvWvW, the number of server must be multiplication of three, otherwise there will be server that can’t join a WvWvW. So the logical merge is not merging tiny server into one server. It’s to remove one bracket. So in US, there are 21 servers. Merge rank 19 into 18, Rank 20 into 17, rank 21 into 16.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

Tower Structural Upgrade vs Defensive Sieges

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


I agree with what you are saying. There is nothing worse then walking into a tower with 0 supply and 0 siege and the walls only halfway upgraded. The thing is though that the supply in the tower are dependent on the yakks, there is no other way. These should be used for upgrades or last minute defending and repairing.

Walls/gate should be the first things upgraded because the amount of supply in the walls is limited and it’s the only method of upgrading it. With siege weapons, you can have people supply run between camps to build them, you don’t need to use the tower supply for that. Siege weapons should be built and ready in place before the enemy comes. And by running between supply camps after to build the siege after you take the tower, there is more than enough time to do this.

Thanks for the response, Cirrus.

IMO though, the rule that supplies in tower are used for upgrades or last minute defending and repairing, tend to be translated as upgrade as soon as possible. Which I think is unwise. The situation where walking into a tower with 0 supply and 0 siege and the walls only halfway upgraded can be reduced by let say..
1. Only start upgrade when supply is half filled or 70% filled.
2. Only start upgrade when there is guaranteed yak supply, the camp that supply the tower is in our hand, got double supply upgrade and there’s small risk of it falling to enemy hand.

Of course each tower have their own characteristic. Using supply for siege when camp is next door, like some towers in Eternal Battleground is wasteful. Homebase Borderland however, have supply camp with significant distance with tower, and these camp are more difficult to defend. So yak are far easier to intercept by enemy force and camp are more easily flipped. I doubt the wisdom of immediate upgrading on these condition.

Also, there are some tower where putting balista/catapult in key position at that tower mean the tower can only fall by far higher force or a treb.

And sometime, I encountered several situation where I put a siege on the tower, build it with 10 supplies then run to camp to get supplies, only to find that the camp i was heading already flipped, and the enemy heading to besieged the tower.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

(edited by Squeal.7142)

Tower Structural Upgrade vs Defensive Sieges

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


First, English is not my native language, so my apology if there’s mistake on my writing.

I wish to open a discussion regarding the importance of upgrade compared to putting defensive siege engine. Lets consider the cost of tower structural upgrade.

Reinforce Wall 10 Silver 200 Supplies
Reinforce Door 15 Silver 400 Supplies
Fortify Wall 37,5 Silver 800 Supplies

Pot of Oil 5 Silver 100 Supplies
Cannon 10 Silver 200 Supplies
Mortar 15 Silver 400 Supplies

While the cost of defensive sieges engine,

Arrow Cart 6 Silver 30 Supplies
Balista 10 Silver 30 Supplies
Catapult 12 Silver 50 Supplies

I have notice certain habit, where players immediately put reinforce wall/Pot of Oil upgrade as soon as the tower taken, while saying “don;t take supplies from tower”. I’m not convinced that this is the best course of action. I experienced several time where I manage to enter a besieged tower, only to find no supply, no siege and a unfinished reinforce wall/door upgrade.

Example, Reinforce Wall, at 10 Silver, it roughly cost the same as 2 carts or 1 catapult. Reinforce wall help when enemy attack the wall using trebuchet or catapult, but most attacks usually come in form of ram against tower gate. Two arrow carts or a catapult behind gate would have helped more against ram compared to a reinforce wall, and it will cost far less in term of supplies. Or 1 pot of oil vs 1 cart behind gate.

There are situation when structural upgrade are critical, but I believe it shouldn’t be the 1st thing done after taking a tower. Putting a minimum sieges engine should be a priority, and IMO, if necessarry tower supplies should be used to build the defensive siege.

A tower with full structural upgrade would cost 2100 supplies (only structural, no personnel) this will be equal in supply to 70 balistas, or roughly 40 catapults. 5 men behind 5 catapult in an unupgraded tower, would probably make the tower far more difficult to take than 5 men inside fully upgraded tower without siege engine.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


Thanks, Libalaw.

Your post is a good closing. I think this probably gonna be my last post in Anvil Rock thread.

For the rest of the ex-ANV that staying at Anvil rock, I wish you luck. For those that came together with us, please lets move forward, and don’t look back. I suggest to avoid opening Anvil Rock thread, and If curiousity won out, I suggest avoid writing in it.

We have found more recruits and more friends, our guild has started to gain name, in a few days we will get a 2nd commander book, More importantly we are in the world where our action have chance of affecting the result of the match. Let the old home go, we choose a decision, and for me personally, I think it’s the right one.

As a note : We have fun, this is a great game, and because it’s a great game you can be trapped. Don’t get drown in this immersive world, swim. Play the game, have some fun. Don’t make it trap you into the doing something that drain your emotion day after day, You have enough of that in your real life. But I admit that people are different, so for those that stay at Anvil rock, and manage to have some fun, I said congratulation and more power for you.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


@Godfather, good luck for you and your guild. Yea, SOS and ANV worked quite well, To be honest, I do feel guilty leaving your guild in such circumstance, but most of us have enough. I sincerey hope your guild can achieve the plan.

@Kardiamond, no you don’t sound rude. Well what I written was simply to give different point of view. You see what ANV done in outsider point of view, I’m trying to provide what I see as member of ANV. It’s not my intention to sound prideful, I’m sorry if it come through that way.

Regarding commander book, yeah I think it will be better design if it’s bought by certain token that must came from different individual or something. No I don’t ask people to fall in their feet because of commander book, and I think you know it too.

About communication, Our guild have tried to invite people to teamspeak, we even have channels available for different guilds. This is one of the major important thing that need to be improved in AR, the way Godfather talk about channel, I guess SOS already have plan regarding this problem. Good luck on this too.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


I don’t hold any rank on ANV, so any of my response is personal response and shouldn’t be considered official guild response.

I understand you are feeling that leaving the server might seems like giving up, and for me I say that’s not a bad description. I gave up expecting people doing smarter thing in AR. For me the straw that broke the camel back, is the last orb defense in Bay. In case you weren’t there, let me tell you what happen from my side of the story.

At match starts several guilds have a meeting, on what each guild should do, and what to be expected on the match. ANV was to go to the map of the upper server, and try to hold the advance. At that time it wasn’t clear wether it will be Darkhaven or Sorrow Furnace.

It ended up we face DH and FC, so ANV as a guild started in DH. We handled the map cautiously, we hold the corner, fortify it and make sure it’s ready to receive orb. This took several long hours, making sure the Bay is Fully upgraded. We fortified the camps, and put a team to man it. We escort and speed Yak, and Make some fast reaction team. And more importantly, we wait, we wait until Ferguson move, of Darkhaven bored of defending the north camp, we wait for chance. And we got it, we managed to get the orb, and put it on Bay.

I’m not sure on how much other spent, I myself put 1 catapult on each gate, at least 6 catas, I cant remember how many balistas and arrow carts. Not to belittle other contribution on the map, but the entire ty of the operation is mostly done by our guild, it was choreographed beautifully. Everyone know what need to be done, and it’s done efficiently.

Nom was asked to stay at ARB, so we don’t lose too much point, we are being realistic at the moment, we can’t hold all maps, we simply didn’t have enough man. The target is making sure not one server hold 3 orbs, that we at least held 1 orb and hold North ARB.

What happened ? Our commander was being ridiculed in ARB, people doing whatever they want and backtalking, believing they know more. Most of the players in AR WvW can’t see beyond karma farming and XP, and even smaller proportion of players saw the WvW as whole 4 maps, instead they focused on the map they were on. Until to the point, that we simply ask Nom to join us. We paid for the commander book, you guys doesn’t deserve our commander and our friend’s lead.

In Bay, at some point we have lack of players, so I go from map to map, asking for people to come to DHB, and yeah I received some of the negative response too, “I prefer to defend my home base” thingy.

In the end though, it come to nothing. As a picture, when the enemy zerg came, I handled the mortars killing 3 sieges they built, I assume that someone will make sure no one build ram, by manning the cata behind the gate. The mortar eventually destroyed, but when I go to the gate, to my suprise (I shouldn’t be suprised), there are 2 enemy rams, the gate fall below 50% and the cata is unmanned, when I man it, it was too late. The several hours spent to fortify the bay, is wasted. People prefer to stand on wall looking at the enemy and hitting them with ranged damage, instead of manning a siege behind gate, despite how important that is. At that point I realized, ANV can’t hold the server without being ragged, we will end up getting pushed to the limit and might even end up splitting as a guild.

So, In the end, I have to think, If I’m given a choice between My Guild and My Server, which will I choose. I love Anvil rock as a server, I spend lots of time and resource on it, In the end though, too many people complaint about lack of organization, but refusing to be lead, believing they know better. Too many players never leave the stage of “don’t takes supplies from keep/tower”, you are expected to gain experience and knew when to use the supplies for upgrade, and when to use it to build siege engine. Too many people prefer to flip and keep flipping camp, instead sitting behind siege engine in key points. In the end I love My Guild more than Anvil Rock server.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142



Sorry, but yeah that our morale kinda drop and we face an overwhelming odd is what taken by the hack from AR. That someone slap NS in the issue, each time dominance or winning mentioned, is what taken by the hacker from NS.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


My apologize for NSP for providing less entertaining match. I’m from ANV and I agree with the opinion that any further discussion about orb hack is like beating a dead cow. Pretty much pointless, would have been more useful using it as treb ammo.

That aside, I’m sorry too, that it’s the hack is also a known fact, and the effect on this match is significant. Not only on the instance it self, but to the morale of our players and I’m hope you guys notice that there have been no serious operation toward any of the orb by AR for the last few days ? because most seasoned players refuse to do it and find hours they spent are meaningless even if they succeed. This really cut lots of options that we have.

And I’m sorry too, if you feel annoyed that we don;t acknowledge your winning as fair and square. shrug, one man action do tarnish the whole group.

For good and ill, I do hope you guys move to next bracket, on next match.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

(edited by Squeal.7142)

(TFO) The Fallen Order of Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


Thanks for the post, Shug.

Yea, I also read lots of negative comments about “TFO zerging” previously. IMO the zerg provide benefit not only to the people zerging but also to the map as a whole. Some people comment negatively on these zerging and flipping camp rapidly, but I notice that without these act, we usually ended up outnumbered.

At the moment, most of the players in Anvil are below 80 thus they want exp. Of the 80’s most haven’t got full Exo gears, thus they want karma. The zerg (or XP train), provide them with both. Without it they usually end up jumping to other map, or do dungeon.

At some point, eventually, people will find that karma is pretty much simply stacking up when you got full exo gears, and 1 skill point per lvling up is not much compared to exploring. At that point, seeing the map painted in your color become more important than simply karma or exp. And then, people will be more willing to defend for hours in certain sites.

So, nothing wrong with zerging for karma and exp. leaving two 80’s at each tower armed with cart will probably make the reflipping far more difficult, though. But yeah, people that’s willing to stand in defense while their other comrades zerging are quite rare, right now.

Beside, the daily matches create somekind of quirk in each guild. TFO for the ability to zerg across EB selecting tower and sieging and flipping it real fast. SOS for it’s ability in fortifying and defending a site. ANV, for its focus in ARB. IMO, we (ANV) spent too much of our time focusing at ARB in beginning matches and too few times in EB, so it gonna take time to learn the field of EB that we are focusing on this match.

Regarding the Castle Mist attack, I can’t say much. I entered the game when the event progress near the end. Organizing an operation with another guild will be more complex than an operation handled by 1 guild. I’m sure it will become smoother as long as we keep trying. Personally, I find working side by side with TFO is far less tiring and more fun than side by side with “the guild that ’s carrying the server”.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

(edited by Squeal.7142)

Anvil Rock WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


I’m from ANV, I have to say TFO really make impressive presence in EB, proving that they are as capable in defending as in zerging. They didn;t skimp on the siege engines or the will, I see some manning siege engine and defending a tower for hours, or run supply countless time. The result, impressive battle and several hours of time well spent. Kudos and thanks to the members of TFO.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

(edited by Squeal.7142)

Orbs need to be disabled until they are secured by Arenanet.

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


I propose reduce the orb influence while the problem still unsolved. 1% HP, +10 All stat won’t be much different and probably easier to implement than removing the orb or locking WvW entirely.

WvWvW is agreat feature within a great game. I haven’t encounter more satisfying game for the last 7 years, GW2 is really beautiful. You can sense that it’s created by people that really love its work. From the vistas you encounter in exploration, the uniqueness of each class, the richness of the quest and even the small detail, they all scream, a masterpiece that cost love, time and mindpower to craft. Therefor it’s so sad that the gameplay experience is ruined by several irresponsible individuals.

While we the players, are angry and dissapointed, the game developers are probably feel it even more. I believe that A-Net is acting to make patch that can counter this problem permanently, but it will be really helpful for us players if there’s an immediate and temporary solution, or if there’s official statement regarding this problem.

Thank you very much, for the chance to enjoying the adventure in the world of Tyria. Really hope you love improving this game as much as creating it.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

Really NSP again with them hacks

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


because this is the 2nd time happening with us. 1st time is

No screenshot there, but it happen, you can ask people that play at that time, or you can simply read their response. Honestly, we still hold respect on FINE and TBH forn their answer. The rest of “show your prove”,“you can’t win anyway” or “everyone does it” comment, simply make your server look even less honorable.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

Northern Shiverpeaks has hacked the Orb twice tonight. Same as last week.

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


@windmoor, check

sigh, that someone hack the orb is no longer a question. You can say whatever you want, but so many complaint about NS. No smoke Without fire.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

Northern Shiverpeaks has hacked the Orb twice tonight. Same as last week.

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


there are 2 different servers with shiverpeak name. This is Northern Shiverpeak. BTW, we dont need 2 thread about 1 incident. Storm, please check other thread 1st.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

Really NSP again with them hacks

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


Okay, to help everyone reading this thread understand more clearly the situation. I am from Anvil Rock, Our server haven’t done real good on WvW, naah lets be clear, our server losing badly on last 2 matches. But we are improving, there are more talk between guild leader, we try to bring more people to Team Speak, etc.

Our Previous Match are Northern Shiverpeak,VS Anvil Rock VS Ferguson Crossing. We get 2nd place, but actually NS totally dominate. However, that match is seriously a bad memory for us, not because we lose, because some guy Hack Orb from us, from a hill that we defend for several long hours. This is the thread…

At this match, Northern Shiverpeak VS Anvil Rock VS Borlis Peak, and someone hack an orb from us AGAIN, a different match, one same enemy. So I hope you guys can understand our anger and dissapointment.

While some people, ask not to blame entire server for the action of one or two people, I have to say, the action do tarnish the reputation of the entire server.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

GF NSP, Too bad someone had to orb hack

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


I was honestly wondering how we had all 3 orbs all of a sudden. I was leading the group that pushed against the west wall and then got pushed out at the 2nd level. We had some fun fights against you guys, but I pulled my group out to run dungeons, you simply had too many defending the keep. We were going to come on around this time to take it from you

I’m not sure who conducted the hack, but if I ever find out who did the hacking I will call them out. We don’t want that behavior here, we don’t need it and NSP has been quite classy so far. I don’t want to see the server degrade to the status of some of the others.

On a side note, keep your heads up. AR keeps giving us good fights on peak hours, its making for a lot of fun. Although I would hope someone makes a suggestion to TFO on how to improve their play. They simply circle zerg every night, and lose their points withing 2 mins of capping them. I’ll admit its frustrating, but the reason its bad for your server is they are taking 15-20 guys and capping things for karma and gold. Points are accumulated every 15 mins so the server isn’t making any progress in the WvW score by capping something only to lose it right away.

Seriously though, some fun fights. Get ready for more later tonight (Tuesday) Its a campaign night for [TBH] we’ll have 50 or so on one of the maps divided up to fight you. I can’t wait

Ow, you’re from [TBH] ? Yea that west wall breach, is a master piece. Really impressive, we only managed to save the keep that time because enough of us managed to get to the inner keep. And you guys really wreck most of our siege in northern wall. We would have problem if there were zerg attack immediately after that.

Well, to be fair about TFO, they do have peculiar campaining style, but some of the sieges in that keep are donation from TFO. Most of us in this thread is from [ANV], btw.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

GF NSP, Too bad someone had to orb hack

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


Actually, considering there’s log on how much damage we hit a monster. There might be log on who put the orb in WvW at certain time. Whoever did that hack, made a really bad mistake.

And yea, agree with stormcycle we don’t ask for any compensation. We just ask A-net to investigate and review the match. If the culprit got banned, It’s enough for me.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

Northern Shiverpeaks WvW players are just awesome.

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


Yes, I said “every server has hackers” because they do. While spawn camping Anvil Rock earlier, there was a bot constantly coming out of base and trying to farm the Skelk near there. Did I go on the forums and insult every Anvil Rock player because they, gasp, have a hacker on their server? No.

Pardon, but from your comment you seem to feel that I insult every Northern Shiverpeak players ? Which part is that ? Where I said I lost respect to Northern Shiverpeak server ? I assure you, respect must be earned, and if you believe that the fact I no longer respect your server is an insult for the entire player, thanks. I never expect my opinion to be so highly regarded.

I don’t condone hacking myself, but complaining on the forums about it is just dumb.

In this, we have to disagree, and considering the number of complaint regarding hack in the forum, Oh my, beware you’re surrounded by tons of dumb people, save yourself..

There will be hackers, and you’re better off reporting them instead of making your server look terrible by complaining with multiple threads (and bumping old ones like this).

Umm, nope. Again I have to disagree. I don’t think I make my server look terrible. I assure you this thread is related, and considering the last post before I posted is.. let see, 4 days ago. Ah well, I guess old are relative. Oh my, you must be so young to believe 4 days are old.

I’d understand if the Orb of Power was so game changing that you guys were going to win, but…

Hmm, again we have to disagree on the important of orb of power. Regardless the whole point of the report is not about winning or losing. It’s about fairplay, My apology if you didn’t receive that message within our “multiple” post.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

Northern Shiverpeaks WvW players are just awesome.

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


I am a player from Anvil Rock, at the moment our server is matched up in WvWvW against Nothern Shiverpeak and Ferguson Crossing. Northern Shiverpeak are quite good, it is as if they have fast reaction guild that move from map to map when there’s crisis. I admire that ability.

However, I have to say that admiration is tarnished. You guys might want to read this thread..

This is no player vs player cheating, this is orb hack. A boon that affect all 4 maps of WvWvW. While this might be act the act of a single player, and that Shiverpeak have the capability to gain the orb even without hack. The feeling of respect that I got toward Northern Shiverpeak no longer exist.

Enjoy the 3 orbs boon.

There are hackers on all servers. Being butthurt over losing an orb that you were going to lose anyway (we’ve held all three every day that I’ve been on) and acting like all of NSP is full of hackers is just asinine.

like I said, I didn’t denied the ability of NS, to take the orb without hacker. Although as a side note WE STILL hold the Hill even now in NS-borderland, which mean without the hacker you only got 2 orbs right now. Enjoy the 3 orbs.. :p

Sigh, so sad.. that a server with such capability, reading about possibility of hacker in their midst, come with “Every server have hacker” comment instead some condemnation toward whoever that hacker is. Ah well, really hope A-Net investigate this incident.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

Northern Shiverpeaks WvW players are just awesome.

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


I am a player from Anvil Rock, at the moment our server is matched up in WvWvW against Nothern Shiverpeak and Ferguson Crossing. Northern Shiverpeak are quite good, it is as if they have fast reaction guild that move from map to map when there’s crisis. I admire that ability.

However, I have to say that admiration is tarnished. You guys might want to read this thread..

This is no player vs player cheating, this is orb hack. A boon that affect all 4 maps of WvWvW. While this might be act the act of a single player, and that Shiverpeak have the capability to gain the orb even without hack. The feeling of respect that I got toward Northern Shiverpeak no longer exist.

Enjoy the 3 orbs boon.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

GF NSP, Too bad someone had to orb hack

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


While I hesistant to say this is positively a hack, I was in the map and it’s quite fishy. Waypoint is alive (not contested), All gate is unbroken, and suddenly the orb is reset. When i check the map, it move real fast toward enemy garrison. Other people reading this post might think that this is a loser complaining. I assure you, it’s not.

To GW2 GM, please check the record on this happening, we are quite confused about this.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,